Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 18, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 29

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 29

AJ piped up – Elliott, you must love that mouth it looks like it could suck the chrome off a bumper. AJ ducked and ran as Charlene swung at him – she called after him you are a cheeky bugger.

Elliott yelled we do alright my boy, we do alright. He hugged his wife and got a squeal from Conor – hurt pawpaw. Elliott kissed Conor's forehead and apologized. Caleb heard his brother and came running – Conor, Conor, he told Caleb pawpaw hut my weg. Caleb poked pawpaw said be nice Conor he was bweede. Conor started squirming to get down, pawpaw put him down, he hugged Caleb who helped him to the family room. Caleb announced Conor was fixed, but need be caaeful. Given most of the family did not understand the twins – AJ told everyone Conor was fixed up by a plastic surgeon so his scarring should be minimal, but he needed to take it easy. Charlene added, there was some additional drama that AJ took care of; She did not elaborate other than to say I would not want him angry with me, he is a force of nature. Cheryl piped in and said just like his sweet little mama.

Charlene continued as she could not resist winding Scott up; Scott tried to send everyone back to the hospital by running off the road. AJ was quick to defend him – that was because Gran and Nanny started asking Scott if he had a big member and Eva told them to stop and then Nanny piped in with, she knew that I had a large member and asked Scott if he was handling it alright. Pops, your mom is a deviant; Eva said that AJ did not get all his attributes from Evelyn there was definitely Lindal running through that boy as he asked her who was taking care of her `D' cup titties. JJ shook his head and said – son you should not talk to your grandmother that way; AJ rebutted that trollop started talking about my dick and I'm supposed to let that go? As you all are so fond of pointing out, I'm the child in this family so you reap what you sow and you all are nasty ass perverts, so that's what you get from the child. Scott jumped in and said in AJ's defense Gran and Nanny went on to say that Gran hand handled those titties just fine and that Mr. O'Hanlon and his blue pills had a problem keeping up with the ole gals. AJ muttered as he left the room – no wonder I'm so messed up, my family tree is filled with sex fiends. JonJon, Teddy's oldest at 5 asked what's a sex fiend; Scott did not miss a beat and said its older people that talk about things like boyfriends and girlfriends all the time and make other people crazy. JonJon said – ok like mom and dad who have been talking nonstop the last two days about AJ and how cuuuuttte he is. AJ had just re-entered the room with a glass of red wine – he shook his head as he looked from Teddy to Becca to Scott to JT to Mo and downed the entire glass of red wine, spun on his heels and poured another.

The next thing he heard was AJ please come in here. He walked into the family room and his dad said – so what do you have to say about that. AJ shook his head and said – that's so fucking typical in this family, something goes wrong and its obviously AJ's fault, could be that maybe Teddy and Becca should have made sure their big guy was actually asleep when they were talking about how cuuuutte AJ is; nope couldn't be that it has to be that good for nothing little cheeky bugger, well. Before he could finish that sentence Becca spoke up and said – AJ you are absolutely right this one is on us, but JonJon you are right AJ is pretty cute and all the younger girls, women and some of the men present all said – yeah he is more than kinda cute. Scott stood at this point and said – I'm going to say this again lookey, but no touchey; there were several who cleared their throats and chuckled on that one. Scott concluded that AJ was right and the lot of you are all sex fiends and left to get his own glass of wine. Amanda spoke up in Scott and AJ's defense – I do think our parents, aunts and uncles do pick on both AJ and Scott and I think it is because they are younger, fitter and much better looking. No offense dad. Max said none taken your uncles are pretty hot.

AJ shook his head; I'm going to amend the afore mentioned statement – demented shallow sex fiends. Conor / Caleb are you two ready for bed it's getting late. Caleb helped Conor over to his daddy so he could carry him to bed. Caleb asked we sweep wit you? Yes, you can, but don't hog the covers tonight. Caleb said no hog we sweep. Scott said to Caleb, you are right daddy's just grumpy; AJ retorted that is not what you said when they dragged you out of bed this morning – those two are like sleeping in a tornado. The boys all said good night and I'm sure you all can figure out where to sleep; AJ added – Miranda you are welcome to stay. There is the pullout JR is on currently and there is the bed down the hall that should be empty – I would say you can take one and JR the other, but given you all have already had sex just pick one, AJ ducked the pillow that was thrown at his head, night dad love you too.

Caleb danced around saying bath, bath, bath and Conor joined in... Scott went to draw the bath and AJ had to be the party pooper – he picked Conor up, sat him on the counter, got down and looked him in the eyes and said – big guy the doctor said no baths for a week your ouchy needs to heal. Caleb said Conor going to be tinky; Conor started to cry no tinky. AJ hugged him tight and said Caleb get in the tub and Scott will help you and Conor daddy will give you a special bath in the sink; tomorrow Scott and daddy will switch kiddos. Both boys were happy; AJ grabbed another towel and put it on the counter, he stood Conor up on the counter and took his clothes off, sat him on the potty so he could pee, then sat him on the towel with his feet in the sink of warm water. AJ laughed when Caleb peed in the tub, Scott scowled, emptied the tub and put water in again. AJ bathed Conor with a washcloth and was very careful to stay away from his cut. The boys were finished and in their PJs. Conor got his antibiotic and a little pain medication; the boys crawled into the middle of the bed. AJ said I think it would be better for daddy or Scott to sleep between you boys. Both boys shook their heads; AJ told Caleb you need to be careful and not kick Conor's leg he said ok daddy.

The lights were turned out and AJ was out as soon as his head hit the pillow; Scott chuckled to himself – that man can sleep anywhere, anytime. A short time later Conor squealed and AJ was awake with the light on before Scott moved and he was still awake. AJ asked Conor what happened and he pointed at Scott, he did. Caleb laughed when he saw his daddy's face. Ok, Caleb / Conor switch places and Conor will sleep next to daddy tonight. Caleb said – not his turn; AJ said it's either that or daddy sleeps between you two – which was the option for the boys chose. Conor was laying on his daddy's right side, Caleb on the left and Scott on the other side of Caleb. Within seconds AJ was out, within minutes Conor and Caleb were snuggled face down on top of their daddy and Scott was tucked under Caleb's right side next to AJs left side. They stayed like that all night other than Scott kneeing AJ in the thigh several times during the night; AJ slept like crap and knew he would be grouchy without a nap.

AJ was awake at 6 and he took Conor with him to the kitchen; this morning was coffee for AJ, Evelyn, JJ, JR & Miranda and cinnamon toast and milk for Conor. Caleb came into the kitchen at about 6:30 and said Scott was squishing him – he had cinnamon toast and milk too. Scott came in at 7 saying the boys were up early; AJ, Caleb and Conor all just looked at Scott with a `really' look. Scott asked what? Miranda was quick to answer that one – your family thinks you are a bed hog and are not easy to sleep with. Scott was not having any of this, he pushed back at which point AJ pulled his sweats down revealing the bruises up and down his thigh where Scott had kneed and kicked him throughout the night. I love you, but last night you were in rare form. Scott stuck out his lip, gave puppy dog eyes and said – sorry.

AJ looked at the boys and said – diaper and naps with daddy? Caleb and Conor squealed and yelled uppy... Scott pouted – well I never; AJ rebutted you have and you did – give me a couple of hours and I'll take a shower with you and give you a happy ending – deal? JonJon asked Teddy, what's a happy ending? AJ smiled broadly and ran with the boys to his bedroom.

Teddy grabbed Scott in a head lock – talk about sex crazed fiends, that man of yours is going to be the death of me with JonJon. JonJon asked what's a sex crazed fiend – Teddy started, but Becca stopped him that is on you; I need to get you a muzzle. Scott just keep the things that happened this weekend in mind and JonJon's questions as Caleb and Conor get older, you have to remember they hear and repeat everything.

Scott asked Evelyn – do you think AJ is going to be pissed at me when he gets up, maybe I should go talk to him? Evelyn looked at him like he had three heads – what they heck are you talking about? Well did you see the bruises I put on his leg and I obviously kept him up all night. JJ jumped in – my dear boy; had you kicked Caleb or Conor last night you would have been bounced from the bed then and there; you kicked their dad and he is a big boy that loves you. I'll bet that when he gets up, he will find you and drag you into the shower where he will do you until you can't stand and then we'll celebrate the boy's first birthday. Let him sleep and we'll all be good, if you go in there now and try to talk to him, we'll all pay dearly; so I'm begging you help get the party organized and let AJ sleep.

Around 9, AJ and the boys came into the kitchen for the second time. AJ had the kids dressed and ready to go for the morning. AJ grabbed a cup of coffee and asked his mom where Scott was – Evelyn smiled and said I think he is hiding in the pool house. AJ frowned and asked who is hiding from – Evelyn pointed at her youngest; AJ said me, what they hell for? Gina chimed in, can I tell him, can I tell him – it's so cute – Evelyn nodded. Well baby boy – Scott thinks you are pissed at him for keeping you up last night. AJ chuckled and said – ok I guess I get that; I was my typical grumpy ass this morning and he hasn't had to deal with that yet. So, one more question – who wound him up to think I would be pissed so that he is actually hiding in the pool house? Gina was grinning ear to ear and asked AJ – who do you think would do something like that – JT and Teddy. Gina placed her finger on her nose, ok sissy I need your help. I need you to text Scott that I'm coming out there and everything is a DEFINITELY alright, but I'm not happy with JT and Teddy and I am going to have a little payback and he needs to go along with whatever I do or say. Evelyn interjected – can't any of my kids ever just do the right thing; Gina said – they poked the bear when he woke from hibernation. Where are all the kids? Gina said – JonJon is the only kid outside and I think he is in the pool house. AJ gave his best puppy dog look to his mom and asked if she would go get JonJon and bring him in the house. Evelyn said not on your life. Gina popped up out of her chair and headed for the pool house – those two lunk heads have this coming. A couple of minutes later Gina was bringing JonJon in the house to watch a movie with the Mimi.

AJ headed outside – yelling for Scott. Where the hell are you? Why are you hiding you little shit, I can't believe you did that to my kids. They needed their sleep and you kept them up all night, what do you have to say for yourself? Where the hell are you? The family glanced at the pool house and AJ honed in on it – Max tried to intervene as he saw the steam coming out of his ears. AJ growled at him – he threw the door open and JT and Teddy jumped up to get between AJ and Scott. Scott was playing the part beautifully. Scott – what they hell is wrong with you, you said you just needed sleep. AJ – the boys complained about you hitting and kicking them last night. They were a mess and I didn't get any sleep. Why are you hiding behind JT and Teddy? Scott – I'm not hiding behind anyone, Scott moved at AJ and AJ moved at Scott, with JT and Teddy trying desperately to keep the two of them apart.

AJ then turned-on JT and Teddy – what the hell are you two doing? Why are you even involved in this? Scott jumped in – you both were saying I should be gone when he woke up, I guess you were right; if this is how it's going to be I'm outta here, fuck this. AJ – go ahead I don't need another child to raise, get the fuck out. Scott stormed out and into the house. AJ then turned-on JT and Teddy – what was the shit you were telling Scott? He should be gone when I woke up, he should hide? Why the hell were you sticking your noses into this? JT and Teddy were backing out of the pool house and AJ kept advancing – yelling at them as they went. They got to the edge of the pool and AJ lunged at them and they backed themselves into the pool. Scott had come back out of the house and was by AJs side when the two surfaced. AJ looked at JT and Teddy – he said flatly and firmly if either of you do something like that again it will not be fun and games, I will simply flatten the both of you. Am I crystal clear in that? I can't hear you – JT and Teddy both said yes. Now what do you think you should do – JT and Teddy looked at Scott and said – we are both sorry for winding you up, that was neither fair nor nice.

AJ looked around the pool at the gathered family members – who among you tried to set the record straight? Gina raised her hand – just one? Wow – I have more vendettas to put into action – AJ took Scott's hand and kissed it and led him into the house and straight to their bedroom. Once through the door AJ locked it picked Scott up and carried him to the shower where he proceeded to make him cum 4 times in the span of an hour. Scott was proud of himself – he made AJ explode 3 times in that hour as well.

At 10:30 AJ and Scott emerged from the bedroom looking fuck happy. As they stepped onto the patio the siblings and spouses scrambled together and Cheryl & Melissa stepped forward to represent the group. Melissa started with – AJ/Scott collectively your siblings / spouses acknowledge and accept their poor behavior and realize that since you both are the youngest children you have always been the focus of sibling teasing and now it is amped up because you have both families participating. Cheryl started to talk – AJ stopped her. He whispered something into Scott's ear, who smiled and nodded – Ok we have been talking at length; JT, Teddy, Max and Kevin all called bullshit. The smile on AJs face faded immediately and there was a collective step back from those 4. As I was saying we were talking at length (glaring at the four) and we would like you all to leave now, you don't respect us and you continue to treat us like small children. We decided that unless and until you grow up, we want nothing to do with you. The men turned and went to open the patio door – it was locked. JJ, Evelyn & JR were standing there shaking their heads at AJ and Scott. AJ flipped them the bird.

When they turned around to face their siblings, they both had huge smiles on their faces and said – gotcha assholes. Their siblings looked at each other and said fuck it and charged Scott and AJ – they figured as a group they had a chance of getting them both in the pool, which they did but the only ones not in the pool after it was all done was Gina and Becca and that is because they stayed out of it due to pregnancy. Melissa and Cheryl started in again – collectively you all are a bunch of tools. AJ and Scott you are the worst. AJ whistled loudly and looked at the two lawyers and said firmly you are out of order and full of shit. Let's recap this –

·         I had a shitty night of sleep

·         Scott felt bad

·         JT and Teddy convinced him I was going to be pissed and he should run and hide

·         Melissa, Grant, Teddy, Becca, Cheryl, Max, JT, Mo & Kevin all contributed to this ruse OR abstained from setting the record straight

·         Sissy tells me what is going on

·         I get JonJon out of there to avoid any adult situations from spilling over to the kids

·         I get my fiancé in on my plan

·         I execute my plan to make all you heathens believe I am pissed

·         JT and Teddy the ring leaders wind up in the pool

·         I take Scott and we fuck our brains out

·         We come out and you make a lame attempt at an apology

·         Our parents intervene on your collective behalf

·         You gang rush us and throw us in the pool

·         We fight back and take you all with us – 8 vs 2

·         The adult lawyers the make unfounded allegations that 6 of the 9 involved in the initial crime and the 2 victims are tools and the 2 victims are the worst

·         Not only are you out of order and full of shit, but you are also victim shaming

Evelyn, JJ and JR were standing with Gina and Becca at this point. JJ stated emphatically I would like to rule for Melissa and Cheryl because I don't like the payback game, hearing the facts of the case I have to say our older children should be turned over a knee and spanked – AJ / Scott you are not being nominated. We love all of you, but the games and antics are over for this get together.

JT / Teddy – JR and I would like to see you in the pool house. JT and Teddy looked at each other and mouthed, we're fucked.

The rest of you, get dried off, get your shit together so the kids can enjoy Conor and Caleb's birthday party without furth adult incident. I do think the kids said it best yesterday – act your age not your shoe size.

JT, Teddy, JJ and JR entered the pool house. JR went into cop mode, sit down now. Not there you are both wet, there are chairs over there. Use the brains god gave you both. JJ and JR sat down opposite them. JR looked at the two of them, shook his head and asked what the hell were you thinking? Those boys are in a new relationship, seem to be on good footing, so why would you wind Scott up to the point he is hiding in the pool house to avoid a confrontation with AJ? Would either of you like to have Becca or Mo so afraid of you they are hiding to avoid you? Teddy you turn 30 in 2 weeks, Scott is 5 years younger than you are and AJ is 9 years younger I would think you would behave a bit more mature than what you are showing today. JJ took over – JT you turned 30 less than a month ago so you should be an adult by now. You both have kids – JT 3 and Teddy your 3rd should be here in a few months yet I have seen your kids acting better this weekend than the two of you. What do you have to say for yourselves?

JT and Teddy looked at each other and JT started – you are right about winding Scott up that was a step too far. To give you both context – we Teddy, Becca, Mo and I all knew each other at school and hung out together. We reconnected this weekend and were reliving a bit of our college years, right or wrong. During all of this the four of us connected with AJ and Scott and brought them into our group and really saw them in a whole new light so Teddy and I talked at length yesterday and during the conversation we both realized it was really great having our brothers actively in our lives. Scott and Teddy were definitely closer than AJ and I were, but not like either of us really wanted. This time together cemented for us that we want them to be our best friends.

Teddy picked up – dads I know it doesn't seem like it, but we love those guys so much that it hurts not being in the same room with them. It was definitely not that way up until Christmas day. We were brothers and were friendly but now we are brothers and best friends; I don't know how else to explain it. That said we did realize as the girls were putting the `defense' together that we had fucked up, but these were only our little brothers until two days ago and we did feel like we could admit that they mean more to us now than that to our wives and siblings before talking to them, apologizing and making sure they know how we really feel. Does that make any sense to you at all?

JR and JJ looked at each other, looked at their boys and both grinned ear to ear, looked to heaven and exclaimed thank GOD our idiots have grown up. Now you need to fix this shit.

Next: Chapter 30

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