Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 24, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 30

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 30

JR and JJ looked at each other, looked at their boys and both grinned ear to ear, looked to heaven and exclaimed thank GOD our idiots have grown up. Now you need to fix this shit.

There was a knock on the pool house door. AJ and Scott were standing at the door when JJ opened the door – wow perfect timing. The two, what do you call them? Lunk heads. The two lunk heads want to talk to you.

JR and JJ left and headed to the house as they closed the door, JJ said you have 10 minutes as Caleb and Conor have waited long enough for their time in the sun. The door closed.

AJ started – guys and JT interrupted. Ok here is how this is going to go, AJ stop. For once in your life please just sit down, shut up and listen. AJ looked at Scott and they both nodded and sat down. Teddy quipped isn't that cute. JT ripped him before either AJ or Scott could say anything – you need to stop the petty bullshit, we agreed earlier that we were going to stop. Teddy said your right, AJ / Scott I'm sorry. AJ and Scott looked at each other and shifted a little uncomfortable.

JT continued – ok so Teddy and I talked for an hour or so last night and then with Becca and Mo after that conversation for another hour or so about our relationship with you two – past, present and future. Past – AJ you and I really didn't have one – you are 9 years younger than me and we just never have been that close. Teddy said – Scott you and I have been a bit closer lately but really you were in grade school and jr. high when I was in high school and you were in college after I graduated. Our relationship over the last 2 days has changed a lot as you both know. We have seen other sides to you both that we never saw before. JT was able to point out things about our relationship, just like I was able to point out things about his relationship with AJ. Suffice it to say we realized that even without the sex we want you two in our lives in more than the occasional family function. This is going to sound so very grade school, but we are totally serious we want you two to be our best friends as well as brothers. If we occasionally have sex, we are up for that too, but that's an added bonus not a requirement. JT continued – we have finally grown up and realized you are cooler than we gave you credit for being. Bottom line is we love you as brothers but want to be able to share our lives as brothers & best friends. We, AJ interrupted – shut up already for fucks sake. You two sound like two old women that want to have bridge partners that finger them during the game.

Teddy caught on first – ok Scott, I completely get it now. At first, I thought fuck yeah – he is hotter than any man I have ever seen, then I saw his dick and thought – man that thing must tickle your tonsils but now I really understand. JT looked at Teddy and said – what the hell are you jawing about? Teddy looked at JT and said if you would shut it I was getting there. Scott interrupted – JT let me spell it out for you as it appears you are not the sharpest tool in the shed – your brother is everything that Teddy said, but what drew me to him is his raw, unabated honesty. You never have to question where you stand with him and I somehow let you convince me today that I should listen to you vs. the one person that has never lied to me and doesn't find the need to lie. JT said – bullshit he lied to us today. Teddy cut in, JT you're right but looking back it was written all over his face that he was bullshitting us the whole time.

AJ got up and walked over to his brother, hugged him and patted his head. So, cutting through the BS – I'm in, Scott? Yup I'm in. Ok we're in. Now JT as your brother and best friend – you need to take fish oil to help with your mental capacity and stop thinking I always have an angle. What Scott and Teddy understand about me is that what you see is what you get, no more no less. I don't do it and don't tolerate it and if you knew me better you would have known I was pissed and punishing you for fucking with Scott; just like I would assume you would do to protect Mo.

It's been 10 minutes and I `m not going to miss our boys 1st birthday party. AJ grabbed Scott's hand and headed to the house. JT and Teddy were still damp but deferred a change of clothes to not suffer JR and JJs wrath. As they headed for the house – Teddy asked JT are we sure about this? They are really better men than we are. JT said, yes I'm sure as I hope they will rub off on us as I'm tired of being an asshole, I love to have fun but the last couple of days and getting back together with you and Becca I have realized I'm not the person I wanted to be when I graduated college. Teddy grabbed his friend in a hug and said I agree wholeheartedly. My only problem is every time I am in visual proximity of your brother, I have a hard on – I was not lying earlier when I said he is the sexist man I have ever seen. JT laughed and said – your brother is not hard on the eyes either.

They entered as the birthday cake was sat on the table – one for Conor and one for Caleb. As the group gathered to sing happy birthday Caleb started squirming to get out of his chair. AJ was a little confused until he followed the little guys eyes – he ran right into Chase, Brett, Brent and Steve. Once the song was done, he popped Caleb and Conor out of their chairs – the boys ran over and hugged their friends – the four men had been there since they were born and stepped in when Syd died. Caleb and Conor truly loved these guys. Chase squeezed Conor to tight and he yelled ouchy – Chase didn't know what he did to cause the obvious pain for the little guy, but Conor was pulling on his hand that was holding his right thigh – AJ gently removed Conor from Chase, checked his leg and told the guys that Conor had gotten hurt, had 20 stiches in his thigh (there were a lot of little stiches put in by a plastic surgeon). Conor and Caleb started dancing around for cake – they were put back in the chairs and they dug into the cake.

After presents were opened the families packed up and headed out. At the end of the day, it was just AJ, Scott, Conor, Caleb, Evelyn, JJ, JR, Chase, Brent, Brett & Steve. Everyone else had headed out. Eva & family and Charlene & Elliot would be over in tomorrow to see the boys off to NC. The guys from WSU were spending the night so they could have some time with AJ, Scott and the two boys – they were really going to miss them. Evelyn told AJ she would get the boys to bed – it would be the last time for her do to that until she and JJ could make the trip. AJ and the guys headed out to the patio to catch up – it had only been a few days, but it seemed much longer. AJ turned on the heaters and they all sat down with wine or beer and caught up about their holidays. They guys would all be heading back to WSU on Sunday – Brett and Chase would be attending summer school again, but would be done with their degree a year early based on attending 3 summer schools which made Brent and Steve happy because they were graduating in May. Brent would be starting a marketing job with Starbucks in June and Steve was starting with Microsoft in June as well – they were all hoping to that AJ & Scott would be ok with them all coming to North Carolina between the end of Spring term & summer school / new jobs starting in June. AJ and Scott said it would be great to see them all in May. Brent grabbed AJ's hand – what the hell; why didn't you say anything? AJ stammered and finally got out – I figured you all had figured this out before I did and it is just right so I guess I have taken this step for granted. Yes – I asked Scott to marry me Christmas morning – he took 6 or 7 minutes to answer. Brent interrupted – Scott what the hell was the issue. AJ stepped in – relax it wasn't that he had doubts he was just mad because the young stud asked before the old man could figure things out. Scott defended his honor – that's not exactly correct, I was annoyed as this little shit is always running around doing things without thinking them through and I had planned a great post wedding proposal and he just through a poem in a box and expected me to fall on my back with my legs in the air.

Chase shook his head – lets unpack all of this he said, he said crap; who got married – Gina, ok that makes sense. Now to our bigs proposal – he wrote a poem? AJ piped up – yes it was really well planned out – I wrapped 5 boxes – 1 representing me, 1 representing Scott, 1 for Conor, 1 for Caleb and the last one for our lives together. In the last box was a poem asking Scott to be my husband. Brett looked at Scott and said you kinda glossed over the romanticism of what AJ put together; Scott was choked up as he didn't understand the meaning behind it, he just thought AJ was being funny making him work for the present. AJ said – ok, ok, ok; I'm fucking with all of you; I think there may have been 6 boxes and Scott's right I thought it would be funny to watch him open really nicely wrapped presents just to find a piece of paper. That said the key was when he had finished reading the poem – the boys and I were each on 1 knee holding a ring box waiting for an answer. The thing was Scott took forever and the boys wanted to unwrap the rest of their presents. Scott punched AJ in the arm and said you are an Ass, the other guys all agreed with the assessment but did say that it was kinda cool to have the poem and then AJ and the boys each on a knee waiting for your answer. Steve asked why did it take you so long to answer?

AJ chuckled and said – yeah Scott why did it take so long? Scott flipped AJ the bird and admitted that yes indeed he was annoyed with the little fucker. I so just wanted to yell yes and hug him, but I was annoyed that he had asked first and then the little shit had picked the exact same ring that I did. Now my plans were fucked up – I saw Evelyn and JJ out of the corner of my eye flinch when I read the poem. Brent asked why they would flinch and Scott said – because I asked them before hand if they were ok with me asking AJ to marry me and they were both thrilled – even though it was fast and not what they expected for AJ they were thrilled as they knew how happy we made each other. Gina was excited that I was going to propose after her ceremony and gave her full blessing too. So in my defense I was frustrated, excited, annoyed, thrilled, wanting to drop kick him, kiss him, fuck him say yes and say no (which would then screw up my proposal anyway) so I finally figured out that I was going to ask him as I expected to, so I finally just said yes. AJ cleared his throat – you wanted to fuck me? The guys piled on – so that was a thought that ran through your head as you were thinking about your answer. Scott shook his head – ok so you caught that huh; yeah right before I said yes the thought that ran through my head was – could I distract him by fucking him right there in front of the tree, but then the boys were opening presents and that would not have gone over well. AJ I'm surprised you didn't notice when I finally said yes and we hugged I was hard as granite and probably leaking. AJ quipped – your always hard when you are looking at me – I just assumed that was your perpetual horniness and overactive sex drive in play. Scott retorted – well fuck you very much too. Brett asked, ok so now you are wearing your engagement ring – how did you ask AJ to marry you.

As soon as AJ was done thanking everyone for being here for Gina and Kevin – I asked for everyone's indulgence and said that I'm sure everyone knows that AJ asked me to marry him and I said yes, I wanted to ask AJ a question; I then went through my list of great things about AJ and said I really would like you to be my husband – got down on one knee and opened the box. AJ immediately noticed the ring was the same one he had selected – he even checked my hand to make sure I was not re-gifting already. AJ looked down and said I did not; Chase said busted you really did, that is hilarious. They all said congratulations.

The banter continued for a while until Brent asked is there anymore wine in that bottle, AJ said no, but there is more in the fridge in the pool house. Brent got up and got the wine, he pulled the cork and dropped the cork screw on the ground next to Chase's chair (AJ grabbed Scott's hand and squeezed it and winked at Scott) he bent down and retrieved a box from his pocket and put his hand on Chase's knee – Chase, love of my life, the reason I rise every morning, the man that completes me like no other, would you do me the greatest honor of being my husband for now and eternity? Chase looked at Brent and said you're a fucker, I'm not going to beat around the bush here – yes, I'll marry you, but damn you I was going to ask you the same damn question. He pulled out his box and presented Brent with a ring, will you marry me? Brent said absolutely, but you need to stop swearing at me. I put myself out there in front of our friends and you get all pissy just like Scott did because I asked first – what's up with that? Chase said – I know how Scott feels; you have this big moment planned with the person you love and then poof your plans are blown up. I get it, the person I care about blew them up and it doesn't make sense unless you are the one that was beaten to the punch. Scott piped up – I didn't get `pissy' you ingrate, I was well, ok fuck all of you I was pissy. Steve and Brett hit there knees simultaneously and asked the other to marry them – they both said yes in unison. They both said that was the best – no one needs to be pissy. Scott and Chase, both said you all can go to hell.

AJ asked the guys why they proposed tonight. Brent said – for me it was because I wanted you to be part of it and I knew you were leaving tomorrow. Chase, Brett & Steve agreed that is why they had planned on doing it tonight as well. Chase continued – AJ you have been a HUGE part of our lives for the last 3 years and watching what you went through with Syd and then finding Scott inspired me to not wait until tomorrow. We only have today and no guarantees for tomorrow; I waited 2 years to ask my love to marry me and you follow your heart and let it lead you without regret and I want to make sure I say what I feel when I feel it so I don't ever have to question – do those people in my life that mean the most know that and with tonight those 5 people know that I love them and want them to be part of my today and as many tomorrow's as God grants me. The other three agreed with the sentiment.

AJ related the conversation that he and Scott had with his dad about the legalities of same sex marriage and the additional paperwork – wills, living trusts, power of attorney and the like that need to accompany a ceremony. After the situation with Conor at the hospital it drove home the point that we need to get those things done so that Scott can make decisions for me if needed and me for him. Legally if something happened to Scott before they signed their papers earlier today – JR would have made all the medical decisions if Scott were injured. If AJ had been hurt – Evelyn, JJ, Charlene and Elliot would have had the first decision making capabilities when it came to Caleb and Conor. We agreed that we believe our parents would do what's right, there would be no guarantee with all the added pieces of the puzzle, which thankfully there are a few attorneys in the family and a judge so it was taken care of quickly.

The guys stayed up talking until 1 AM. AJ and Scott needed to be up at 6 AM to make their 9:30 AM flight. They all headed to bed – Chase, Brent, Brett & Steve stayed in the guest house as Caleb and Conor were back in their room thankfully. AJ and Scott were exhausted, they crawled into bed naked and AJ cuddled up behind Scott and was out before Scott finished saying goodnight. Scott kissed AJ's hand and said I love my Tasmanian Devil. Scott went to sleep a few minutes later, safe in the knowledge that his man was tucked in close behind him.

Next: Chapter 31

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