Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 24, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 32

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 32

AJ laughed, sorry I thought Steve was telling you that the only way I would fuck him is if Scott and Brett were ok and involved; sorry Steve did I read that wrong, you don't want me to fuck you? Brett provided a caveat, we're in as long as you do us both. Steve pushed a bit – are you really open to sex with us; AJ chuckled, boys now that I have embraced the homo there are 4 hot ass men, I want to tag team with Scott and fuck until we can't fuck anymore – you are two of them. AJ whispered in Steve's ear – you should put some clothes on you are dripping Steve juice every where and you are the only one still naked. Steve asked – so you're not going to do me right here, right now; AJ snickered, down boy you are a randy one aren't you. Steve looked into AJ's eyes and told him that he had lusted after AJ since they were pledges 3 years ago and now that my hot ass wet dream is telling me he wants to fuck me until he is so tired, he can't fuck any more I want to get this party started.

AJ shook his head and turned to the other's that were in the kitchen and family room, blocking their view of Steve as he dressed. He asked JJ to mute the music – I talked to the airline about 30 minutes ago and it looks like the airport is closed for at least 36 hours. Flights are backed up and we have been re-booked for Sunday morning, the same time but they were not confident on that flight leaving as scheduled so we'll see how it goes. Additionally – I called a friend of the family at the King County police department and found that the advisory in place right now is to shelter in place for the next 36 hours. We should have enough leftovers, but we don't have a lot of supplies to cook new things with as we were supposed to leave today and we had been using everything up given our migration to the east coast for 3 years. We have power and back up generators that run on natural gas, enough wood to heat the house using the wood stoves.

I would prefer that we get the guest house and the pool house buttoned up and you four guys stay in the house. There is a pull out that 2 of you can share – Chase yelled not it followed by Steve. Scott laughed – you guys are such kids, that pull out is very comfortable. Brent said – so then you are giving up your place in AJ's bed? Scott retorted I didn't say that but come on the bed is not that bad. Steve piped up, so Brent you and Brett get the pull out, I sleep with Chase in the bed; Brent shook his head and said in your dreams. Chase did contribute – he did call dibs before you did my love. Scott started – Caleb and Conor could and AJ cut him off immediately unless you are going to say that Caleb and Conor could share their bed with Brent, I suggest you stop talking I will not have you kicking me all night and having two tornados sleeping on me. I guess the other option would be to have you sleep with Caleb and Conor and Brent and Brett could sleep with me. Brent and Brett said in unison – I'm down with that option. Scott shot daggers at AJ who just winked at him and blew a kiss; that only elicited a flying bird in his direction. AJ gave his most angelic face, placed both hands together then placed them on his right cheek tilting his head in that direction. His mama came in from the living room where she and the other parents were sitting; she smacked AJ in the shoulder and said I'm not sure what you are up to buster but that little look stopped working when you were 6. AJ turned to mama and gave his angelic look stating it was working mama, Scott was feeling the power of my angelic self – all the guys laughed as a nerf football hit AJ in the head. In all seriousness mama will you watch the boys so we can clean up the pool guest houses and make sure the heat is on enough to keep pipes from freezing? Evelyn shook her head yes and said of course my angel, kissed him on the cheek and whispered do you think that helped? Scott was standing right behind him and he said absolutely not – he's currently on my shit list. Evelyn gave Scott the mama stare and he said – I'm sorry mama he's on my naughty list right now. Scott kissed her on the cheek and headed outside. Mama looked at AJ and said he's a keeper so get off that list.

AJ and the rest of the guys headed out as well; it was really coming down and cold outside. Steve and Brett were holding hands and not paying attention – they both stepped right into the pool and went under immediately. AJ was closest to them and grabbed both guys by the collars of their shirts dragging them out into the snow. He helped them into the pool house, stripped them down and put them in the shower to warm up. AJ grabbed their clothes and threw them in the washer to spin out some of the water, they threw them in the dryer. He found some swimsuits and t-shirts in the dryer and threw those to Steve and Brett who were standing there nude, but warm and dry. Steve turned and wiggled his ass at AJ – you could warm me up some more; AJ slapped his ass hard and handed him a suit and t-shirt stating with some force – I've told you that Scott has to be involved and that can't be from another building. The two guys dressed and the three of them cleaned up the pool house and set the thermostat to 60 degrees and opened the sink cabinets to make sure they were warm. Brett looked at the floor and said I know I dried that part of the floor already, why is it wet again; Steve looked around and said well that's probably because AJ is dripping water everywhere. He must have gotten wetter than we thought when helping us out of the pool. Steve found some more clothes and threw them at AJ and said – hey stud you need to change your dripping everywhere. AJ looked at his clothes and quickly changed to the trunks / t-shirt and put his tennis shoes back on as they were mostly dry. They threw AJ's clothes in the dryer with Steve and Brett's and ran for the house – avoiding the pool. Chase, Brent and Scott were heading in as well – when they were all inside Brent asked the others why the heck do you have swim trunks on? Brett looked a little embarrassed and said – well Steve and I, uhhm; Steve interrupted – we fell in the pool and AJ fished us out. Scott and Chase looked at each other laughed their asses off, to the point of tears; Brent eventually joined in. The parents came into the kitchen the boys in tow – what's going on? AJ explained that Brett and Steve fell in the pool and that he fished them out and evidently the three hyenas over there find that funny, which honestly is a touch disappointing – they could have frozen to death and these three would just have left them to die. Steve laughed at that and said AJ – I appreciate you trying to make us look less, frankly stupid for not remembering the pool was there but for goodness sake we were in it yesterday. That said –laughing like a bunch of hyenas at your friends' expense will not be forgotten and when said friends do something less than normal there will be a price to pay.

Evelyn looked at Steve and asked when he got so `proper' goodness versus fuck? Steve chuckled, shook his head and said when that big, muscular, killing machine over there gave me the stink eye because there are two parrots running around here. Charlene said there aren't any birds in the house just as Caleb dropped his apple and yelled fuwck. Elliott said `Caleb', who looked up at him and said pawpaw, AJ intervened with `parrot'. AJ took a deep breath and said to those assembled – I know I have a mouth on me, but I try really, really hard not to use that type of language in front of the boys – I'm not saying I have not slipped up, but this week has been really bad with everyone here so I'm asking everyone to not emphasize those words around the two parrots, please. Dad – I would suggest that whatever is on the tip of your tongue stay there and not be vocalized – I'm guessing you may need to sleep with one eye open and your hands in your shorts if you don't. The house phone rang and saved the day – Eva was on the phone asking if they could come spend a few days with AJ and Scott as they had a tree fall against the house – it did not penetrate the house, but the weight was leaning into their bedrooms and they were not comfortable with staying there. AJ said – certainly come on over, if you have food could you throw that in the car as we are mostly down to leftovers as we were supposed to leave today. Eva said absolutely as we went to the grocery store yesterday and have a full freezer, we will bring a few things over; AJ said will you bring everything, there are 13 people here and with your four it will be 17. If you need our help Scott and I will come right over, ok we'll be there in 10 minutes.

I need to change, Scott will you help me go and get food and supplies from Eva and Mat's? They had a tree fall into their house, no penetration but they are concerned about safety. Chase and Brett were laughing, AJ cuffed them in the head as he walked by and said my god men you both just turned 21 – grow up. JR looked at Brent and shrugged like what's up – Brent said our youngsters found the word penetration to be humorous, Evelyn cuffed them both again and said – boys please make sure there is plenty of firewood in the family and living rooms so we can keep the fires going. Chase looked at Brett like what did we do but said yes mama we'll take care of that. Both boys hopped down and said as they were leaving – what a bunch of grumpy old people.

As AJ and Scott put on some warmer clothes, Scott shoved AJ's shoulder and said – Ass. AJ looked over his shoulder at his bubble butt and said – yeah, it's pretty nice, you always said you liked holding on to it when I fuck you because you love how the hard muscles feel in your hand. Scott chuckled and said no `you're an ass', not `I like your ass'. AJ stopped dressing and looked Scott in the eye and with a straight face asked – ok so why am I an ass? Scott responded – you are always poking at me, making jokes at my expense and in general making fun of me. AJ could tell Scott was winding him up but trying to be all serious, the signs were all there so he though two can play at this game. AJ turned away from Scott and started fake crying and choking out – hopefully I will say this right and you will get what I'm saying, but if you don't please keep talking to me because I never want you to feel that I am making fun of you – Scott put his arm around AJ and pulled him against him he was only in his trunk briefs and his ass felt great against Scott's mound. Scott slid his hand down into AJ's underwear grasping his stiff cock and started jacking it slowly while he whispered in his hear – I'm sorry for overreacting, there have just been a lot of people here. AJ sniffled and Scott nibbled on AJ's ear – whispering it's ok.

AJ went on – I poke at you, I make jokes with you, I try to create humor with you so that we are always laughing and having fun – if I have ever made you feel like I was making fun OF you, then I am so sorry – he sniffled and choked up. Scott hugged him tighter and stroked him harder. AJ started again I love our banter, I feel like you give as good as you get and the looks you give me are so adorable I get hard just looking at you. AJ groaned as Scott was getting him close. Scott reached up with his left hand and pinched and pulled at AJ's nipple, fuck if he keeps this up he is going to blow soon. Fuck Scott, I'm close, I know uggghhh, fuuuckkk, you so well that ohhhh godddd fuuuck her it cums. AJ unloaded in his trunks and on Scott's hand. As AJ came down from his orgasm, he finished I know you so well, you fucker, you are full of shit and you were winding me up. Your tell was completely visible, you almost had me but it was there plain as day and thank god it was or I would have felt like shit.

By the way that shit was fucking awesome – I love it when you make me cum. Scott squeeze AJ's balls hard and said `I hate you, ass' pulled his hand out of his underwear and licked the cum from his hand, turned and left the closet. AJ called out – you don't hate me, you love me and you know it. Shut it you horny little shit, move it Mr.

Next: Chapter 33

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