Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 25, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 36

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 36

The 4 guys hugged AJ – Scott piped up you all are suckers; he may have been thinking that at some point in the last 2 weeks, but he was using it to hide the fact that his cock is wedged in my ass and he really wants to pull my sweats down and fuck me silly. AJ shook his head and said – way to ruin a moment dear and he drove his hips forward and squeezed Scott's nipples eliciting a growl. The guys chuckled – Brett said – I'm disappointed that you both won't fuck us silly, but I like seeing you boys like this and AJ if you want to shaft him now we'll help keep an eye out. AJ slid his hand down Scott's ample ass and got his hand slapped – ain't happening buster. AJ pouted and stepped beside his man – Chase groaned and the other guys stared at AJ's midsection where the top 4 inches of his cock was standing above his sweatpants and coated in shiny pre-cum. AJ pulled his sweatshirt down to cover himself and all the guys said – you don't need to do that on our account and Chase looked at Scott begging for him to change his mind. That brief looks did this and he pushed his pants down and pulled out a hard straight 7 ½ inch cock and Brent quipped you think you are the only one and all the guys exposed themselves and were indeed all hard as rocks. Scott chuckled and showed his as well but stuck to the lookey no touchey viewpoint, so AJ pulled up his shirt and the front of his sweats down – Miranda gasped and said the winner is AJ, Scott and Steve a distant second but who wouldn't be. AJ looked at Brett and said some fucking lookout you are.

The boys put there cocks back in the confines of their pants – Miranda chortled you don't need to do that on my account they are all lovely and look like they would provide for some hours of amusement. She left with the coffee pot and said someone would be back shortly so more could be made – might want to keep those put away or get a better lookout.

The rest of the day progressed without public cock incidents; there were plenty of 2 on 2 cock sightings. All of the guys were horny as hell. All that male musk and hard bodied flesh on display would make any hot blood gay boy hard. Scott and AJ headed to the basement to work out and were most of the way through their weightlifting when the other guys found them – they were annoyed that they had not been told the weight room was this well stocked. It might have helped with some of the boners over the last few days. AJ stood up and said I really doubt it as he looked at his crotch; I've been down here in very close proximity to this stud and his stink turns me on soooo much. Brent looked at AJ and said you are nasty; AJ chuckled and said I believe you are lying to yourself and that I can get you hard in an instant without touching your nipples, cock, balls or ass and in fact I will only touch your head/hair as long as you comply with my directions. Scott told Brent not to take the bait – AJ isn't one to mess about with dares – Brent looked sure of himself and said I'll take that bet as long as when you lose I get to suck your cock until you dump a load in my mouth. AJ added the condition that when he won Brent would have to continue to let AJ use him but only control by his hands on his head – everyone would understand once they shook on it, which they immediately did. AJ winked at Scott, told Brent to lower his shorts so everyone would see when he won, he then lowered his sweaty shorts below his balls, grabbed Brent by the head and forced him to his knees, pulling his face into his crotch he stated – you have to breath deeply and keep your tongue in your mouth. AJ had Brent's face right in his crotch his nose being tickled by his pubes, AJ said inhale through your nose now. He tried to hold his breath, but ultimately inhaled and before he was completely through his intake his cock was ROCK hard.

Chase looked at Brent chuckled – you dirty little bugger, you always tell me I need to shower after a workout before you want to do anything and now you are on your knees smelling some guy's crotch hard as a rock just from his smell. Brent had to admit he lost and that he was turned on by the stink; AJ gave an evil little laugh, told Brett to lock the door and everyone was to get naked. Brent protested that wasn't the bet and AJ reminded him the only limit was that AJ could only control him with his hands on his head there was never any condition on who would participate. AJ leaned in and kissed Brent on the mouth and whispered in his ear – you know you are loving this; your cock is betraying your buttoned up appearance. Brent looked down and his cock was leaking like a sieve – he had juice practically running down his cock, over his balls and onto the floor. He realized that AJ's smell was doing this to him, fuck this was going to change everything.

AJ guided Brent around the group of guys' crotches, asses, pits and feet. Brent was a bit glassy eyed and asked if he could get himself off, AJ looked to Chase to answer that question to which the reply was the only way that was going to happen is if Brent cleaned his pits, crotch and ass with his tongue before he could actually shoot a load. Brent took him down in a wrestling move and went to town on his man – he was so hot and bothered that when he finished up with a good ass cleaning, rimming and tongue fucking – he drove his hard cock balls deep in Chase's tunnel and pounded him a handful of times and deposited a load deep inside. Chase evidently enjoyed the buggering as he shot a load on the mats covering the floor – cleaning supplies were handed to the pair and a round of damn I never would have thought our buttoned-up couple could get that down and dirty – way to go. AJ hugged Brent telling him he was sorry that he had exposed his nasty side, but he loved seeing his long-time friend more relaxed and the person he saw when he was not worried about his image. Brent hugged him back and thanked AJ for showing him it is ok to be your true self in front of your close friends and maybe that would change with those that aren't as close. Chase elbowed AJ out of the way telling him to back off this little firecracker was all his – kissing Brent he said fuck dude that was awesome especially the way you OWNED my ass, you have never done that before and I want you to do it a lot more.

With the power on, a tree removal service at Eva's with her insurance adjuster; Eva, Mat, Maddie, Carrie, Charlene, Elliott, Miranda & Amber would be heading home in the next hour. Evelyn, JJ, JR and the guys would be staying until Sunday to see AJ, Scott, Conor and Caleb off to the airport. With lunch complete, kitchen cleaned and most of Miranda's food loaded up, JR & Steve took Miranda and Amber back to her house. AJ made popcorn to watch a movie with the boys – they were excited and bouncing around – Conor ran into the sofa and started crying because he hit his leg. AJ told him that is why everyone has been fussing at him today – he has a big owey and needs to slow down for a few more days. He crawled up in AJ's lap, Caleb crawled onto the couch, kissed his brother's head saying take it easy.

Sunday morning came sooner than Evelyn and Charlene would have liked – they were not looking forward to having their boy and his sons that far away for that length of time, but it was what it was AJ's future as a doctor. AJ had insisted that a service take them to the airport so that the goodbyes would be said at home. Many tears, laughs, well wishes and see ya soons were shared and the time came for AJ, Scott, Conor and Caleb to head off for the next 3 years of their adventure called life. AJ had the locks updated to include a combination on the back door and garage door so that the family could use the house if needed. JR would likely be over to see Miranda and it would give JJ and Evelyn a place to stay when visiting friends and family in the area.

AJ sat with Conor and Scott sat with Caleb during take off and the first half of the flight. Halfway to NC Conor and Caleb changed seats; Scott was nervous with Conor due to his injury but AJ insisted he would be fine and needed to get comfortable with an injured/sick child. When they landed in NC they grabbed their carry-ons and headed for their next 3 years; they had shipped what they needed and it would arrive tomorrow and the carry-ons had what they needed until they could get to a store and stock the new house. They cleared security and there were two attractive 40 something men holding signs – O'Brien / Reed, which had to be the sales managers with their vehicles. Brad and Joe (Range Rover / Ram Truck) greeted them warmly and welcomed AJ, Scott, Conor and Caleb to NC; they turned toward baggage claim and AJ stopped them – we don't have any other luggage. Brad asked with a crooked grin – aren't you staying for 3 years? Scott chuckled – yes and this one insisted on shipping the few things we needed from home and will buy the rest as we will still have the house in Kirkland, WA. Joe waded in, it seems that most folks don't argue with AJ as he seems to be a force of nature – if you don't mind me asking, if you do tell me to mind my own business, how old are you AJ? AJ replied I don't mind you asking; where are we parked? Brad chuckled and said all right – I like this guy; Joe if you missed it he told you to F yourself without being rude like you for asking his age which is irrelevant. AJ, we are out through these doors and in the parking area. My wife wants to invite you, Scott, Conor and Caleb to a small get together we are having on Saturday – yes Joe, his wife and 2 kids will be there but don't let that dissuade you from coming. The invitation is on the console of your Range Rover – if there are special dietary needs my wife wants one of you to call her and she will make sure that it is taken care of.

AJ thanked Brad and apologized to Joe with – I am a bit sensitive about the age thing as most adults 25 and older tend to discount me because I am just 21 recent widower, with twin 1 year old boys, my demeanor/personality belies that age. Brad / Joe – the look on your face says it all; Scott and I are a couple, we are still getting our heads around thinking we are completely hetero until May of this year when we found we were attracted to another dude and subsequent gay sex. Brad – I believe we will be at the get together but need to make sure we are settled. Brad asked are you always this direct? Before AJ could answer, Scott piped up – yes he is and sometimes it catches me off guard and I am head over heels in love with him, I can't imagine being someone he just meets that is not used to his `style'. Brad interjected – I love him, shit I said that out loud; what I meant to say out loud was I love the directness as it is genuine and not meanspirited, my friend here – Joe interrupted, I'm an adult and can speak for myself – I appreciate the candor and I did not mean any offense about your age; my intent was to commend you for knowing who you are and tell you I head up my backside until I was 30. Age does not determine the man, character does.

Let's head this way and get you settled into the vehicles – our wives did go shopping for your boys. There are two items in the Rover that they will use, but really are for you and then there is a gift for each of the boys to enjoy. Joe & Brad grabbed the car seats, AJ & Scott grabbed the carry ons and carried the boys to the waiting vehicles. The sales managers divided and went through their delivery check lists and made sure that the main drivers were comfortable wit their vehicle. When completed, the boys were buckled into the new car seats in the Rover and the ones that they brought were buckled into the back seat of the truck. Scott & AJ hugged both Brady & Joe, Scott said that they would be there on Saturday to meet some locals – AJ interjected if we are settled and Scott said no, we WILL be there. AJ kissed Scott on the cheek and said `yes dear', winked and Brad & Joe and the guys headed out for their home for the next 3 years. AJ told Scott to follow him, Scott shook his head stating he had the address too, AJ insisted that he follow. Scott thought here we go – control freak alert. AJ shook his head stating I know what you're thinking and you're wrong – I'm not a control freak, collectively we need you to follow this one time please. They headed out – Scott had put the address in his GPS and when AJ did not go the way the GPS was stating to go, he called AJ. Before he could say anything – AJ said to Scott, shut off the GPS and follow me; if you are a good boy I might give you a blowie when we get home – AJ heard as he was hanging up – Aye Aye Captain.

Next: Chapter 37

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