Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Jan 21, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 45

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 45

AJ and Steph emerged from the pool house arm in arm. Gina called out "AMEN no blood; can we get this party started?"

The O'Brien siblings rushed AJ and Stephanie, followed shortly by their spouses. Jim hugged his wife and then AJ, "thank God you two got straight it was killing the kids not having Uncles AJ and Scott around. Happy belated birthday's and glad you two are hitched – and hopefully we will get our act together and make it legal soon."

AJ asked where Scott was – Scott was jumping up and down behind the throng of the O'Brien clan, he dropped to his hands and knees and crawled into his lover. AJ quipped; "dude we can do that latter now get off your knees." Before he stood, he bit AJs cock hard enough to make the owner of it groan in a bit of pain. AJ said that hurt and now it won't work ever again, his pouty little face made Scott laugh loudly. Scott pulled him in for a kiss and slid his hand down the front of AJs pants and massaged his lover to a stiff salami. Scott slid both of his arms around AJ hugging him tightly whispered in his ear – "it works and we'll make sure that it still fires later my love."

The Reed kids joined in the fray and the song `Unchained Melody' started playing again. The kids, their spouses and their kids all hugged in tight around AJ and Scott dancing their first dance together as husbands as a family. AJ yelled, "where's Nanny?" Melissa yelled "I'll find her." She ran inside to grab Nanny. The mass of people parted to allow Nanny to make her way to AJ and as she passed the family closed in around them again. AJ hugged his grandmother tightly and told her he loved her and thanked her for her support. The song played on.

The next song greeting the throng of excited folks was `all you need is love', next `love will keep us together', then `don't stop believin'. When AJ heard the intro, he jumped up on the DJ stand and grabbed the mike. He belted the song out over Journey singing in the background, changing the words she too he and Detroit to E-Burg. Nanny and Scott were standing next to each other; Nanny leaned in and said I'm so glad he is singing again, he stopped when he was about 13 and he seems more relaxed and comfortable with himself. It's too bad that the morons over there continue to muck about with his feelings.

Melissa and Cheryl who had become great friends since Christmas – screamed out "more" when the song ended.

JR made his way to Scott while AJ continued to sing and tried to strike up a conversation – "oh man, do his talents ever end?" Scott looked at his dad with sadness in his eyes – "just don't do this tonight, I don't want to fight with you right now and if you keep talking you are going to ruin this night so please go back to your crew and let us have the night." Scott strode toward the raised platform to be a groupie for his man.

JR started forward too but Nanny grabbed his arm pulling him to her. She said in a direct motherly tone – "my dear you and my JJ are so much alike; you love your kids dearly but can't figure out when to stand back and let them be. This is one of those times; those two are trying to make this a great night even with the betrayal they feel from you and the others (nodding to JJ, Evelyn and crew). Right or wrong, space is needed and if you or they push this you all will lose them forever – my grandson has the biggest heart and from what I have seen of Scott he does as well, which means they need our help to protect them by being honest no matter how much it hurts US." JR nodded and thanked Lindal `Nanny' for her words of encouragement and advice.

Caleb and Conor had come outside and were trying to get to their Daddy but there were to many bodies in the way. There was a blood curdling scream heard from near the patio door – AJ flew off the platform he knew that scream anywhere. He did his best not to run into people on his way to rescue his son from whatever caused that scream. When he got to them, Conor and Caleb were hugging each other tight and crying. AJ scooped them both up hugging them tightly to him, whispering "I got you both, I got you both. What's wrong champs?" Caleb yelled – "To many people in way."

AJ laughed and hugged them tight. "Do you want to hang with Daddy?" "Yes, and Pappa." "Done my little men." AJ turned to find Scott who was standing right behind him; Scott whispered in AJ's ear – "your hot, smart, hard body, sexy as hell, a great dad, evidently a rock star and fucking superman what the hell can't you do?" AJ kissed him and said "make love with you right here right now, but later tonight it's going to be epic. Let's go dance with our boys." Caleb and Conor yelled, "dance, dance, dance yeahhhhhh..."

It was not lost on AJ that the grandparents and Eva were lurking just behind the first row of people to make sure that the boys were ok but AJ was not going to let anyone ruin THEIR night, they could all fuck right off. Scott, AJ, Caleb and Conor danced to where the dance floor had been put in. The DJ turned the music back up and said – "AJ whenever you want to sing again, please my man come on up you kicked ass." AJ yelled – "thanks man, I need to dance with my family for a while."

Scott slid his arms under AJs so they were both caring the boys' weight and staring directly at each other. The boys alternating kissing them and saying I love you when they moved from one man to the other. The four of them tuned the rest of the noise out and enjoyed 15 or so minutes of holding each other and dancing & swaying together in the middle of the floor. Caleb was the first one to crash on to Daddy's shoulder, followed closely by Conor. AJ and Scott continued to dance for another few songs and made sure the boys were asleep.

They wove their way through those gathered to get them to bed. It was really nice to not have to pack any clothes as they all had stuff here. The guys agreed to put Conor and Caleb down in their room as it was farther from the noise. They set a motion alarm that hit their cell phones so they would know if there was movement in the room. They took a few minutes to kiss and grope each other; AJ looked at Scott and asked him – "am I being too harsh with the parents?"

Scott didn't immediately reply as he really wanted to say this correctly – "baby if it were just this instance, I might agree that you are over the top but given this and all of the other things that you have been through in the last year let alone going back to your Pops I was shocked you did not burn it to the ground. I was expecting a nuclear ass chewing and when it didn't come, I honestly was more pissed at them than I started the day at. So, at the end of the day, you took a much higher road than I thought you were going to and have done your best to have fun and to bring others down. The inventory of your sexy ass I gave you earlier wasn't in the right order so here it is in the right order – great dad, biggest heart ever, sexy as hell, smart, rock star, superman, hard body & hot. I did forget one – best husband a formerly straight guy could have, I love you to the moon and back my sexy dad."

AJ kissed Scott passionately – you are such a goof ball; you are my goof ball and you are stuck with me forever – fuck I love you so much it hurts to not be near you – and your odor is so fucking intoxicating is making me hard as steel."

The guys walked back to the party with their arms around each other resting in the back pocket of the others pants occasionally squeezing a tight bun. When they walked out on to the patio – Evelyn, Charlene, Gran, Eva, JJ, JR, Elliott and Mat were standing there waiting. Evelyn looked at the others gathered and said on behalf of the others – "we are going to be heading out to relieve some of the tension here at the party. That said we will be back over tomorrow at 11 AM as we all need to get back to a good place. Enjoy the night and know we love you and are so very proud of the man you have become." Evelyn leaned into kiss AJ's cheek and he did not pull back which was something, Scott could feel the tension in his body each time someone hugged or kissed him goodbye. He did not move away or speak, just a nod nothing more.

When they had all left AJ ran for the bushes and threw up; Gina ran to him and asked, "who's ass do I need to kick?" – the music stopped. He laughed and said "no ones, the tension of that interaction just got to me and my stomach said enough."

Given the situation AJ stood up and grabbed the mike from the DJ to say a few words. "Today has been an interesting one – highs and lows and they just caught up with me, I'm not going to get into it all as tonight is about having some fun and being exceptionally happy. I need a hotdog with mustard and onions and a glass of water and then I would like to sing some more if you'll indulge me." A cheer went up from the crowd.

Steph had a hotdog as requested and Cheryl had the water. "AJ – we'll be here tomorrow if you will let us, we think that this is something that needs us to be united as a WHOLE family and get some things set in stone where there are no more lies, half-truths or omissions." AJ hugged his sisters and told them they were all welcome to stay the night and participate in the conversation; Steph made certain to ensure that AJ understood she met the ENTIRE family – Nanny and Gran all the way down to Eva the youngest of our kids.

"We have to have transparency and an understanding of our collective parents that this shit won't fly – if you are going through something WE ALL are." AJ was trying to hold back his tears, but they started to run freely down his face. He took a deep breath and said "thank God someone finally gets me – fuck I'm 22 and that weight being lifted feels so FUCKING AWESOME. I love you both soooo fucking much." Steph said "look around my brother" – behind her and Cheryl were – JT, Gina, Melissa, Teddy, James, Max, Mo, Kevin, Grant, Becca, Amanda, Danielle, MJ, Chandler, Jimmy, Tim, TJ, Lizzie, Talia, KJ, Caitlyn, Stephen, JonJon, TJ and Eva (some of the little ones were asleep both AJ and Scott's siblings were there to support their kid brothers).

AJ had collected himself, mostly and said to his family. "We have gone through a lot in the last few years. I know I am seen as the spoiled little brother that gets everything he wants. It is probably truer than I want to admit, but not as true as my family would think. All I have ever asked for is honesty from people in my life and I struggle to have lies in my life" – groans around the group were heard –

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I am opinionated, but I hope I make up for being a pain in your ass by being someone you can count on and as Scott told me earlier, a great dad, smart, honest some times to a fault, which I think means being honest without using honesty as a weapon, Scott do I have that right?" "Yeah, baby you do" – group AWWW –

AJ continued – "and all-around good guy to have in your corner. I love you all and if we do this as a group tomorrow, we need to be honest, but be kind and Gina no kicking anyone's ass ok?" "Kill joy baby boy."

Scott whined – "why can she call you baby boy referring to your age and get away with it?"

Gina laughed "because I'll kick his ass baby boy."

Scott leered and growled "you are a year older than me."

"Scotty – `baby boy' is something I have called AJ since he came home from the hospital and your with him so suck it up you regressed 4 years..."

Chase, Brett, Brent and Steve walked through the door at that moment – Chase called out "what did we miss since we had to run right after the ceremony?" Everyone groaned and AJ said – "nothing my friends, nothing. More dancing?"

The DJ said "as long as you get your ass up here and sing."

AJ pulled Scott with him and Scott refused to sing – AJ started chanting "Scott, Scott, Scott." Teddy yelled "don't sing, don't sing, don't sing." Scott yelled at his brother "go do yourself big brother"

Becca yelled "that is not what you said or did in March."

AJ said – "Becca you are cut off and AJ started singing Sweet Caroline (changed to Sweet Scott of Mine)" acapella to keep the kids from hearing sexcapades from Becca, Teddy, Scott and AJ. Everyone was having a great time and AJ had removed his shirt as he was sweating from all the dancing and singing. As he continued to jump around on stage, the more he sweat and the more his pants slid down until they were just hanging off his well defined bubble butt – he was wearing low rise trunks and the linen pants had joined those briefs showing his taught 8 pack, cum gutters and the Tasmanian Devil and She Devil tango tattoo that was blazoned across his pubic area and lower abs. His siblings and friends from school had seen it and knew it well –

Gina screamed – "what did you do?" She had had a few drinks and was staring intently at AJ's tattoo. Chase and Brent were standing next to Gina and turned to stare at AJ's tattoo – AJ stopped the music and said "y'all are making me self-conscious" – everyone laughed loudly Gina yelled, "you self-conscious, BULLSHIT."

AJ asked – "What are y'all staring at?" Chase yelled – "you added a sheepdog to your dance scene, now there is Taz, She Devil and Sam; that's fucking awesome. Taz – AJ, She Devil – Syd & Sam – Scott." Chase wiped his eyes, "fuck you made me cry – Syd brought you together and she'll be with you both forever."

Chase grabbed the waist band of AJ's pants and start pulling down – AJ grabbed them before anyone buy Chase could see his dick. Chase said "you even added him to your cock with the other two – your insane man." AJ looked to Brent for help, who grabbed Chase and said "down boy, down."

Gina was now grabbing at AJ's pants – "what do you mean you have a tattoo on your dick, when did that happen, how the fuck didn't I know this baby boy."

AJ looked at Kevin and got him to corral Gina. "Ok adults – those of you drinking please keep in mind that there are kids here." AJ put his shirt back on while this was going on; there were Grant and Max yelled – "leave it off it's great eye candy." AJ just shook his head and threw his shirt at his brother in laws. JT yelled "toss me your pants" – AJ shook his head and said to him – "you're a nasty bugger."

AJ turned to the DJ and handed him the mike – he was going to dance with his husband for the rest of the night. The DJ asked him if his family was always commenting on his body –

AJ said "yeah really someone is always commenting, I chalk it up to the fact that they are all old and out of shape."

The DJ chuckled and said "none of them look out of shape to me." – AJ winked and said "agreed, but they always compared themselves to me and I work hard to look like this." The DJ said "that's insane as you are ridiculously cut and 10 years younger if I'm guessing right so I get the comments from the fit fuckers down there. Have fun and if you want to sing anymore, just let me know."

AJ turned and jumped into Scott's arms. Scott whined – "you lard ass how much have you packed on lately."

AJ said "ouch – that was mean, I'm up 5 pounds and still at 4.5% body fat you fucker."

"Well, I found 2.5 pounds right here" as he squeezed AJ's glutes, he teased "I'm only going to be able to get the head of cock in that hole of yours if thing keeps getting thicker."

"I'm sure I'm still flexible enough to let you get more in than that but keep calling me fat, you won't be getting any anyway." AJ was unbuttoning Scott's shirt as he was wrapped around his man and as he stood up, he pushed it over his shoulders and threw it to Max and Grant – "now you have the matched set of masculinity, old men." Max flipped AJ the bird and said – "maybe the matched set of puberty" – Grant grinned and laughed.

AJ danced to Max, Grant, Melissa and Cheryl with Scott in tow – when he arrived, he ground his cock into Max's ass and ran his hands around his waist pinching the little bit of skin/fat that was there. AJ said, "at least puberty doesn't result in this roll and kissed him on the cheek."

Max grabbed AJ's hands and wrapped them around his body, shoving his ass back into AJ's crotch turning and whispering to his brother-in-law "it doesn't have that kind of cushion either."

AJ kissed his cheek again and said, "touché Maxie, touché." AJ danced around and grabbed Cheryl dancing her away from her husband yelling "I need to rescue you from the old and battered ogre." Max ran up behind him and grabbed AJ and his wife and the three of them danced around the dance floor. AJ kissed his sister's cheek and said to the honesty thing – "I love you both more than words can express and am glad you made it here tonight." Scott came up behind Cheryl and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek, the foursome danced around the floor for the rest of the song. The hugged and kissed each other when they finished. The next generation were bonding and having a great time being silly, sexual and just flirting it felt great to be together.

AJ and Scott danced with all of their siblings and their spouses – it was a great time. Grant seemed to enjoy having AJ pressed up against his backside and complained when he rolled around and came up behind Melissa who said, "is that a summer sausage in your pants or are you just happy to see me." Scott said, "dear sister AJ has an 8" flaccid cock when completely hard its 12" so what are you feeling back there?"

Melissa laughed and said "bullshit, I don't believe it."

Scott looked her in the eye and asked her "when have I ever lied to you? Why do you think I'm now bowlegged?"

Melissa turned bright red – "I assumed everyone had been exaggerating – oh my I would say it's flaccid then."

Scott turned to Grant – "sorry bud your wife now has larger expectations."

Grant said, "it's not all about size it's what you do with it."

"Agreed dear brother and fortunately for me he is a master of making his partners cum at least 3 times to his one – Scott yelled out – I HIT THE JACKPOT and I used to like only girls and now I like big cocks and I cannot lie."

Next: Chapter 46

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