Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Feb 9, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 48

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author. This story contains female to male, female to female, male to male and several combinations of each both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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NOTE – When the twins "talk" it is really AJ interpreting what they are saying, they are not quite old enough to have conversations, but parents typically know what they want/need.

Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 48

While this was going on Stephanie and Becca had slipped into the house and let the caterers set up lunch. Once everyone had signed, lunch was announced and a relaxed family gathering was had. A great deal of love was visible along with much needed healing.

During lunch AJ pulled Charlene aside to ask some questions – who her doctor was, what type of breast cancer, prognosis, treatment plan to date, next steps, etc. He asked her if she would be comfortable with him having all of her medical records to which she said I will have the doctor's office send them over on Monday morning. AJ thanked her and made sure she knew he was there for her and would be doing everything in his power to find a solution – he was going to do what he could to keep her around for her grandkids. They hugged and she apologized again, true to AJ's nature he said water under the bridge we are good – just don't let it happen again.

When AJ went to find Scott, he was by himself in their bedroom, looking white as a ghost. AJ pulled him into his body and Scott began to weep uncontrollably. AJ just held his man and swayed with him like he did the boys when they were babies; it had the same calming effect on Scott as it did Conor and Caleb. AJ pulled Scott down onto the bed next to him and finally was able to get out of him what the problem was – Child Protective Services had called Scott stating that Maureen had given birth to paternal twin girls 3 days ago and had signed away her parental rights and they needed to know if he wanted the girls as their father or if he wanted to put them up for adoption. AJ yelled; this is fucking awesome babe where do we pick them up? I'll get mom and dad to watch the boys for a day or two if we have to head to Pullman or Spokane. I will call the lawyers and get them on the custody paperwork so we have them cared for just like Caleb and Conor.

Scott was in shock and AJ had to deal with that first. "Ok Babe, what do you need from me? You need to talk to me as I don't know what is happening with you right now." Scott just sat there so AJ pushed him back on the bed, pulled his zipper down, tugging his pants and underwear off. He rolled Scott up and attacked his hole and he groaned loudly, AJ got him off quickly by sucking that magnificent cock while attacking his prostate with his fingers. AJ swallowed his man juice pulled him into a deep kiss and a prolonged kiss.

Scott groaned out "that was fucking awesome." AJ pulled up Scott's trunks and pants tucking his man parts in and zipped/buttoned him up. Ok so "babe are you on board with my plan? When can we pick them up and did, they say they needed blood test to prove they were related?"

AJ could not get a response so he slapped him across the face and Scott finally responded, "that was fucknig rude". AJ laughed and said you ignoring me and not answering my questions was a grand display of how to treat people good to know. "Where do we pick them up?" Scott found his voice - they are here in King County and we can pick them up this afternoon, yes we should get the lawyers involved as I want you listed as a parent just like I am with Caleb and Conor. I want to name the girls – Sydney Rose Reed O'Brien and Harper Marie Reed O'Brien, Syd's and my moms names mixed together are you ok with that?" AJ had tears running down his face – he was on board.

When he kissed Scott, he gave him a confused look and asked – "why do you taste like my cum?" AJ fell on the bed laughing his ass off. "Wow, that blow job was the memorable huh? fuck I better work on my skills." Scott looked totally confused. AJ explained that he had blown him when he just stood there in shock. They discussed the plan – they would excuse themselves for a bit and slip out, pick the girls up and bring them home and introduce them to their family.

On the way to pick up their girls – AJ called his personal attorney who would meet them at CPS to make sure that things went smoothly and would have the papers to sign for AJ's adoption of the girls by the time they were home. He would use the papers from Caleb and Conor's adoption and swap AJ and Scott's names in the documents. The guys stopped and grabbed two infant seats, went to CPS and were home about 6 hours later. When they returned the yelled for Conor and Caleb, who came running and asked daddy and papa where they had been and then they asked why babies. They set the carriers down and introduced Caleb & Conor to their baby sisters Sydney and Harper to each other. There was a ton of chatter from the family and AJ asked them to hold on for a minute they needed to make sure that everyone was introduced. Give us 5 minutes and we will be out and bring everyone up to speed.

Ten minutes later the six-member family came out on to the patio, the heaters had been turned on to keep the chill away. Scott had asked AJ to be the spokes hottie – AJ had groaned at Scott with that label, but he would do what his man needed from him. AJ started in – "apologies for taking a little longer to get out here" – groans and grumblings to get on with it were heard, Evelyn and JR had picked up the girls. "ok, ok chill the heck out and please keep the kibitzing, questions, comments, etc. until the end. Scott received a call from CPS just before our early lunch letting him know that his daughters were at CPS. Maureen evidently had gotten pregnant last summer and delivered the girls 3 days ago, yes, I know that was Syd's birthday (which caught Scott completely off guard and you could read it on his face). She didn't want the gay boy's kids but given her religious upbringing could not abort them and gave up her paternal rights. We met with CPS and our lawyer, Scott signed the paperwork with the state and then we signed the paperwork for me to adopt the girls. They are fraternal twins but the only way we can tell them apart right now is the color of their clothes – Sydney Rose Reed O'Brien has on the peach-colored clothes and is currently in Mimi's arms and Harper Marie Reed O'Brien is in yellow with JR. Blood was drawn from Scott to validate that he is their biological father by our lawyer, but from the State's perspective the girls are Scott's as he was on the birth certificate. Regardless of the outcome of the blood tests the girls will be part of our family but if you look at them, I believe they are Scott's girls."

Charlene and Elliott were in tears and hugging Scott thanking him for keeping Syd's memory alive. Evelyn place Sydney into Charlene's arms. AJ and Scott picked up the boys and had a group hug. The boys were over the moon having baby sisters at least for now. The whole family was in a bit of shock but were excited that there were new little ones in the family.

Family Member




Lindal Josephine `Nanny' O'Brien



Jonathan's mother, matriarch of the O'Brien clan

Jonathan `JJ' O'Brien



AJ's dad

Evelyn O'Brien



AJ's mom and her birthday is the day after Christmas

Cheryl Marshall



Jonathan and Evelyn's oldest daughter

Maxwell Marshall



Cheryl's husband

Amanda Marshall



Cheryl and Max's oldest daughter

Danielle Marshall



Cheryl and Max's middle child daughter

Maxwell Jonathan `MJ' Marshall



Cheryl and Max's youngest son

Stephanie Reed



Jonathan and Evelyn's second child

James Reed



Stephanie's husband and who is a nephew of JR.

Chandler Reed



Stephanie and Jim's oldest daughter

James Jonathan `Jimmy' Reed



Stephanie and Jim's middle son

Timothy Reed



Stephanie and Jim's youngest son

Jonathan Tyler `JT' O'Brien



Jonathan and Evelyn's third child and first son

Maureen `Mo' O'Brien



JT's wife

Tyler Jonathan `TJ' O'Brien



JT and Mo's oldest son

Elizabeth O'Brien



JT and Mo's middle daughter

Talia Marie O'Brien



JT and Mo's youngest daughter

Gina O'Brien



Jonathan and Evelyn's fourth child

Kevin Daly



Gina's fiancé

Kevin Jonathan `KJ' Daly



Gina and Kevin's first son

Aaron Jonathan `AJ' Reed O'Brien



Jonathan and Evelyn's baby committed to Scott

Scott Jonathan Reed O'Brien



JR's youngest. basic stud and committed to AJ

Conor Jameson Reed O'Brien



AJ and Syd's oldest

Caleb Jeffrey Reed O'Brien



AJ and Syd's Youngest

Sydney Rose Reed O'Brien



Scott's oldest daughter

Harper Marie Reed O'Brien



Scott's youngest daughter

Marie O'Reilly



Grand dame of the O'Reilly family. Husband and middle son died in a plane crash 5 years after Eva was born.

Elliot O'Reilly



Sydney's dad & AJs 2nd dad, they live about 15 minutes from AJ

Charlene O'Reilly



Sydney's mom & AJs 2nd mom.

Sydney Marie O'Brien



deceased only daughter of Elliot and Charlene

Eva Marie O'Reilly



Marie's youngest18 years younger than Elliot, lives about 5 minutes from AJ

Carrie Reagan



Eva's oldest daughter

Maddie Reagan



Eva's youngest daughter

Jonathan `JR' Reed



Scott's dad and head of the Reed family

Harper Rose Reed



deceased Rs wife and mother of his kids

Miranda Theresa Sullivan



JRs girlfriend

Melissa Smythe



Jonathan's oldest

Grant Smythe



Melissa's husband

Caitlyn Smythe



Melissa and Grant's oldest

Stephen Smythe



Melissa and Grant's youngest

Theodore `Teddy' Jonathan Reed



Jonathan's oldest son, middle child

Rebecca `Becca' Reed



Teddy's wife

Jonathan `JonJon' James Reed



Teddy and Rebecca's oldest

Theodore Jonathan `TJ' Reed



Teddy and Rebecca's middle child

Eva Rebecca Reed



Teddy and Rebecca's unborn child, due in February.

AJ asked for help in unloading he Tahoe. Teddy, Becca, JT and Mo helped him with all th things they had purchased at Target on the way back to the house. Cribs, stroller, clothes, diapers, formula, bottles and everything else you needed for a new born baby. When they were in the garage the 4 cornered AJ and asked him what he was thinking. Please be completely honest and direct as this is crazy. AJ stopped what he was doing and turned to the4 of them and stated very directly "we are over the moon, a bit overwhelmed, a bit scared a bit `what the fuck' but really I wanted to have Scott's babies and was looking into surrogacy as I can't get pregnant. He loves Caleb and Conor but they don't have his DNA and I want that for us, not just him but us. Those little girls look an awfully lot like Scott and that dark hair is so beautiful, just like their daddy. They are only 17 months younger than the boys but we can't just pass because its scary or too close they are a part of him and are beautiful." They all hugged AJ as they let him know they were much better now that he acknowledges the awesomeness as well as the WTF aspects of the situation. They loaded up and went to the AJ and Scott's bedroom to unload the essentials.

Eva ordered pizza, wings and other delivery food for dinner. When AJ came in loaded with stuff, she came over to help. She hugged him, told him congratulations and let him know that if either of them needed anything she was there and so were the girls. Four kiddos under 18 months, wow was the consistent feedback but everyone was truly happy for the guys.

Chase, Brent, Brett & Steve were playing with the girls when AJ had come back onto the patio. Scott was sitting nearby with the boys on his lap with pride, apprehension and a bit of Oh Shit visible on his face. When he saw AJ step out on to the patio his heart fluttered, fuck that man did things to him he had never experienced before and this was from just watching him glide into view. He was thinking I'm so hooked on this man; he kissed the boys and whispered papa needs to kiss daddy. The boys giggled, hopped down and went to kiss their sisters. Scott rose and walked directly to AJ ignoring everyone that was trying to congratulate him – he pulled him close and kissed him deeply and passionately. Chase yelled out "get a room" to which AJ flipped him the bird but did not break his lip lock with his guy. He was not going to turn down a mashing session with his man that the other instigated, no freaking way. Scott pulled back just enough to whisper to AJ – "you are going to make long passionate love with me tonight – I need you inside me, I need to feel like we are joined together. I just hope I can wait until tonight – I love you to the moon and back."

When they broke apart all eyes were on them, Chandler exclaimed "that was freaking hot, you two are a horny teenagers wet dream boy or girl". Stephanie wrapped her hand around her daughter's mouth looking completely embarrassed, Jim laughed at his wife saying "dear I think that kiss provided sexual fantasies for everyone here. Your daughter just had the hutzpah to say what everyone was thinking." The gathered crowd all agreed that a cold shower would be a good thing right about now. AJ grabbed Scott's ass and said – "floor show twice daily for the next week, tips are welcome." Scott turned and bowed. AJ liked this version of Scott; he truly was a hot ass man that made him hard all of the time. Chase yelled out "AJ there are children, put the weapon away" another bird and AJ took his daughter out of his friend's hands and told him to go make his own. Chase's face screwed, he shuddered and said to AJ "not everyone likes it both ways I don't think I could actually do that." AJ told him not to knock it until he tried it.

After dinner everyone headed out, the out of towners were going to stay with locals and give AJ, Scott, Conor, Caleb, Sydney & Harper time to spend together as a family; Charlene said they would be back as much as AJ would let them and would make sure the papers were made available.

Next: Chapter 49

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