Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Feb 12, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 49

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author. This story contains female to male, female to female, male to male and several combinations of each both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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NOTE – When the twins "talk" it is really AJ interpreting what they are saying, they are not quite old enough to have conversations, but parents typically know what they want/need.

Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 49

After dinner everyone headed out, the out of towners were going to stay with locals and give AJ, Scott, Conor, Caleb, Sydney & Harper time to spend together as a family; Charlene said they would be back as much as AJ would let them and would make sure the papers were made available.

They went to the media room and put on little mermaid; the boys laid down the floor with the girls between them. AJ told the boys to keep an eye on the girls and if they needed anything to come find daddy and papa. AJ and Scott went to their room to put the cribs together and they were already put together with sheets and blankets in them – all washed and ready for the girls. The note read – Scott/AJ – we are so very happy for you both. With four under 18 months, we knew you could get overwhelmed quickly so we got the cribs together, bedding washed along with all the clothes you bought – they are folded and on a shelf in your closet. Bottles are made in the refrigerator and the warmers are on the counter in your bathroom. Enjoy tonight and we will be back tomorrow to visit. With all our love ~ Cheryl, Max, Stephanie, Jim, Melissa, Grant, JT, Mo, Teddy, Becca, Gina & Kevin. P.S. – Scotty you do deserve this, so don't over think this one it was meant to be.

AJ and Scott went back to watch the movie with the boys but when they got back to the media room all 4 kids were asleep. AJ disappeared for a few minutes, came back with blankets for the kids and adults. They got the kids under blankets and then AJ proceeded to undress his man, who protested the kids could wake up at any time. AJ laughed and said "they are out and if they wake up their young and will get over it. Mr. Reed I'm going to make love with you now get naked". Both men were stripped in about 30 seconds, AJ put a blanket on the overstuffed sofa, lubed his cock and Scott's hole and entered him. He pulled the other blanket over them and proceeded to bring his lover to multiple orgasms over the next hour. They fell asleep with AJ spooned in behind Scott. The girls woke up roughly 4 hours later wanted to be changed and fed. AJ was immediately up and had the girls in his arms heading for the master. He laid them on the floor, grabbed two bottles and stuck them in the warmers returned to the girls and had them changed and in PJs by the time the bottles were warm. He got them propped up and fed on the bed with him; he had perfected this with Caleb and Conor. Scott came into the bedroom just as AJ had just put Harper in her crib, Sydney had already been burped and put down. Scott told AJ he should have woken him, he kissed his cheek saying "you were so beautiful lying there with your lovely bum on display he could disturb. AJ kissed Scott and asked him to help get Caleb and Conor to bed which he agreed to with a kiss on the cheek and a tug on his big bouncing cock.

AJ and Scott were awake again at 7 AM the next morning feeding the girls. They kissed each other as they fed Sydney and Harper in bed; AJ was still hanging out in the nude; Scott was in a pair of tight black trunks that didn't leave anything to the imagination. The finished feeding the girls, burped them and put them back in their cribs. AJ spooned up against Scott for a few minutes when they heard the alarm signal and a code punched into the keypad. AJ did not move and in very short order JR, Miranda, Charlene, Elliott, JJ and Evelyn peaked in their bedroom door; AJ rolled over and said – hey folks. They all stepped away from the door and said they would be making coffee; Scott punched AJ in the shoulder and was a bit red. AJ kissed him hard and rolled over on top of him – JR cleared his throat and peaked in again asking if the boys wanted breakfast. AJ looked over his shoulder and said JR, I'm going to sort out your son, blow a huge load and like up the liquid protein. I think were good on food, how bout you? JR turned red and walked away.

Scott was now chuckling at his exhibitionist husband – AJ told him "This is our house babe; I'm not going to tip toe around here because our parents come over without calling and interrupt our morning; where I was going to screw all your baby batter out of those lovely eggs you have. Scott asked if they could do that later, shower now and go see the parents as it has been tense lately. AJ reluctantly gave up and said I'm so freaking looking forward to getting back to North Carolina so I can walk around nude, suck your dick when I want, fuck your arse when it is needed, have you see to my backside and general get off with my hot, hunky husband.

They showered and made sure they both deposited a protein load down the other's gullet. When they emerged from the bathroom the girls were gone and there had been now crying as they left the door ajar. AJ was a little hot under the t-shirt as he checked on Caleb and Conor who were both still sacked out in their room. Scott had headed to the kitchen finding the girls asleep in Evelyn and JR's arms; Scott groaned "oh hell, this is starting off to be a messed-up morning, he asked the parents what were you thinking coming into our room after finding my husband naked and starting to sort me out?" Before they could answer AJ entered the kitchen eyes on fire – he lit into them "what the hell were you all thinking? You show up with no phone call, no knock on the door to the house and just barge into our bedroom without a cough, a voice or anything. I'm not ashamed of my body or what Scott and I get up to in OUR bedroom, but Scott is a bit more reserved. I know I made him feel more self-conscious, but for God's sake WHY? To be clear, do not EVER expect any privacy in your homes and private bedrooms. You have given me carte blanche to barge into your room where you may/may not be sorting each other out and if I hear ONE complaint from anyone I will be taking photos and posting them online, stop do not interrupt; you entered our home with no notice, you barged into our room more than once when we were sorting each other out and then you came in a final time and took our sleeping girls out of our room; NEVER AGAIN – AM I COMPLETLEY CLEAR?" JJ started in with his lawyerly commentary and AJ stopped him short – the question only required a YES or a NO, no excuses, no explanation – you all were WRONG, period end of discussion. ARE WE ON THE SAME PAGE, YES or NO – JR started to say something that wasn't yes or no and Scott cut him off; he looked at AJ and asked, "isn't today, naked day in the Reed-O'Brien household?" "Why yes, it is". Both boys stripped there and then and went about their morning with the parents trying to answer the question – yes, we get it and we're sorry. Hoping they would get dressed.

The doorbell rang and AJ sauntered to the door and opened it. Stephanie and Jim shook their head and yelled to the kids to wait for just a moment as Uncle AJ needed to get some clothes on. AJ just stood back and said, "come on in" and turned back to the kitchen. Scott had gotten AJ a cup of coffee, he handed it to him, kissing him hard on the mouth. Jim asked the all-important question – "parental units what did you do to bring this naked fest about?" Protests of self-defense from the parents and groans from AJ and Scott. Scott interrupted the whole mess – the parents showed up this morning, came in through the garage, shut off the security system and came into our room just as AJ (doorbell, AJ stepped to the door) and I were starting to sort each other out, they backed out asking if we wanted coffee, then my dad popped his head back in again asking about breakfast, (remaining siblings/spouses stepped into kitchen) AJ told him he was working toward a protein shake, we got up and showered with the bathroom door open to hear the kids and when we came out in jeans and t-shirts and AJ attempted to ask the parental units to not ever do that again and admit that it was not really the right thing to do and so I asked about naked day at the Reed-O'Brien house, here we are." JR chuckled and said "we agreed and they are still nude". AJ called bullshit – "the only reason you acquiesced is because we were taking our clothes off. By the way, siblings and spouses thank you for ringing the doorbell."

AJ and Scott dressed slowly looking directly at their parents and individually calling them out on the BS. AJ finished with "we love you all, but for fucking hell sake in the future give us a heads up or at a bare minimum stay the hell out of our room after you have seen sausage and eggs swinging around in our bedroom. The rest of the siblings/spouses agreed that was a reasonable request. AJ muttered to himself "fucking drama, oh NC I miss you"

AJ turned to the front door and let the remainder of the kids in – apologized for the delay but needed to deal with the grandparents.

He then went to check on the boys and they were awake, he got them bathed and in pullups and sweats. They wanted pancakes, chocolate chips and peanut butter. Conor asked if there were bananas and their dad was not sure but would check. AJ picked them up, kissed them and headed to make pancakes. He worked with Scott to get the breakfast on the table for Conor and Caleb. AJ pulled two bottles out of the fridge and put them in the warmer as he was making the pancakes. When the boys had their food, he handed bottles to Mimi and pawpaw for the girls.

AJ excused himself and pulled Stephanie and Cheryl out to the pool house; "am I being ridiculous to think we should have some privacy and warning when people come into our space?" Cheryl couldn't help herself she was laughing so hard at this point – AJ & Step looked at her like she was a lunatic. She finally calmed down enough to talk – "come on you two hot heads this situation is hilarious, your Irish tempers flare fast and hot. AJ yours dissipates quickly, Steph you chew on it like it's a bone. The parents are excited about Sydney & Harper, they gave you the evening by yourself and I know that was hard on all of them. Then the morning comes and AJ these 6 people love you and Scott so much that they wanted to share in your happiness. Think about what they saw when they walked into your bedroom – a full on gorgeous, naked man with a huge boner kissing another hot guy and then when JR comes back in he sees this hot guy's firm, taut and plump ass thrusting into his son. They were embarrassed seeing their babies full grown and hot at it. Kinda makes me horny thinking about it." Steph was now laughing hysterically and AJ was flustered. Steph finally added "then your naked ass comes to the door swinging that club as you walk, baby brother we are your flesh and blood, are on the upper end of the looks and fitness department. That said I don't really think you get how truly spectacular you are in the looks and physicality department and Scott is hot too. The parents likely were making excuses about their behavior because they didn't want to address the purely physical reaction to extremely hot men naked in front of them. Take the high road here, you have made your point, let them off the hook."

AJ was laughing now picturing he and Scott walking in on Caleb or Conor going at it in bed with someone. He hugged and kissed both of his sisters and headed for the house, running right into Scott. Cheryl and Steph kissed Scott's cheeks on the way past and pinched his ass as well, they giggled to each other about how truly fine it is and agreeing they needed to get Max and Jim to talk to the boys about ass exercises. AJ yelled after them `perves'.

AJ hugged Scott close and – "babe they set me straight on the parents and what they thought the problem was – embarrassment at seeing us naked and me hard and likely a little excited by our hotness. Not sure about that last part, but I'm going to relax and take the high road – they get we need some privacy and they need to respect the boundaries." Scott was a little sullen – "I see that, but why can't they ever be honest about any of this – I'm getting more worked up about this as the morning goes on." "Wanna fuck Scott?" Scott pushed AJ into the pool house and locked the door behind him and made sure the curtains were shut tight. They got naked very fast and proceeded to have the best 69 session they had ever had; they came hard, fast and huge load thanks to their increasing oral talents and fingers massaging prostate's. They tucked in and made sure they both were tidied up before they headed into the house.

Chandler and Amanda were putting puzzles together with Conor and Caleb. Harper and Sydney were being passed around the adults so they could all get to know them. AJ and Scott went for more coffee and looked out over their family laughing and talking in the family room. They realized then and there that they were indeed blessed and happy. Evelyn hugged her boys and apologized for their lack of restraint, speaking to AJ "baby you have one hot ass man, love him well." She kissed them both and squeezed both their bums. AJ took Scott's hand, chuckled and said I love you to his mom. He leaned into Scott and said – "we need to try and relax and enjoy this wonderful life we have. I love you to the moon and back".

The rest of their visit was getting to know Sydney and Harper. The family was in and out the entire week and the drama was cast aside for the love of the family. Scott went to check in with the airline and they said that their reservation had been cancelled by Mr. Aaron O'Brien, he thanked them and yelled for AJ – how do you propose we make it back to North Carolina for classes if you cancelled our flights. AJ told Scott to relax and that they were covered as he had been working with a business manager and bought 3 jets to conduct private flights in the US and abroad – when possible, they would also carry parcels for private companies. Scott looked at him like he had lost his mind but AJ just hugged him and snickered – give your sugar baby a kiss daddy. Scott asked AJ what the hell he was thinking we can't afford 3 private jets, as the words were rolling out of his mouth, he realized who he was married to and realized he needed to go along for the ride. AJ was like a kid in a candy store talking about getting his pilots license so he could take turns with the pilots in the front.

AJ was going on an on about how the initial set up of the trust ensured that Sydney and Harper were both taken care of financially as soon as the adoption papers were finalized – AJ had put a stop gap in place until those were done to ensure they received their inheritance if something happened to AJ before the adoption was finalized. AJ reminded Scott he was a multi billionaire and that had increased since the settlement because he was pretty damn good with investments; in the short time he had that money he had increased the value 10% and was on track for a 33% increase by the 1 year anniversary – so he made sure Scott stopped worrying but if he wanted to get involved in the management of the money he was more than welcome to get involved. Scott just mumbled something unintelligible and AJ hugged him saying it's ok, are you good? The plane is waiting for us and leavers in few hours. Scott took a breath and asked AJ who else knows about all this; AJ shook his head and said right now, no one in the family just our current attorneys. I want to talk about that on the trip home – I would like to change that – I would like to see Cheryl, Melissa, Jim and you have your own firm and manage our legal business and then have JT, Teddy & Max manage our investments at my oversight under our family trust. I have a bunch fo documents to read through and we can chat.

We need to make sure the few things we are taking are ready and the kids are good to go. The limo was cancelled at the parents' request, they will drive with us and bring the Tahoe back. I bought a Suburban in North Carolina as the Rover and Truck only seat 5 and we now have 6, it will be at the airport when we arrive with all the needed car seats. I bought your favorite color, does that make it better my love?

When they made it out to the rest of the family, Scott was looking very sullen. JR quietly asked his son what the problem was and he told his dad I'm not good enough for AJ, he has so much and I have nothing. Evelyn overheard him say this and pulled the two into the office. Evelyn hugged Scott and said to him I have know idea what you are going through, AJ has a ton of money and that can be overwhelming. Remember he got that because his wife died I know he has done well with it since but he lost a great deal to get there. He loves you totally not because of your wealth but because you are a great person so relax, love him and enjoy his love for you and the kids. Scott hugged mama and thanked her for her kind words.

They all piled into cars and headed for Boeing field. When they arrived the parents were confused, why are we here instead of SeaTac. AJ said he had booked a private flight given 4 kids and only 2 adults traveling, Scott rolled his eyes but not where anyone but AJ could see him. They boarded, buckled in and were quickly off to Durham.

Next: Chapter 50

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