Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Mar 19, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 50

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author. This story contains female to male, female to female, male to male and several combinations of each both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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NOTE – When the babies "talk" it is AJ/Scott interpreting what they are saying, they are not quite old enough to have conversations, but parents typically know what they want/need.

 Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 50

They all piled into cars and headed for Boeing field. When they arrived the parents were confused, why are we here instead of SeaTac? AJ said he had booked a private flight given 4 kids and only 2 adults traveling, Scott rolled his eyes but not where anyone but AJ could see him. They boarded, buckled in and were quickly off to Durham.

Scott was deep in thought with his eyes closed leaning into his seat. AJ was watching the boys as the ground continued to fall away as the plane rose. AJ turned his gaze to his `Sam'; it was hard to believe that just over a year ago he was happily married to the woman he thought he would spend the rest of his life with. They had made it through the unexpected identical twin birth, her cancer scare, egg harvesting, sperm collection for fertilization & freezing of the eggs only to be undone by a random act of stupidity.

Now he was here with the person, a fucking hot dude, that his deceased wife had guided him to winging their way to the school she had chosen for them both to attend. The man was his husband and they had four kiddos – if anyone had told him this was going to be his future, he would have told them they were idiots. AJ was brought back to reality with Harper and Sydney crying from the change in pressure. He unbuckled as Scott did the same to get the girls on a binky to suck away the building pressure.

They reminded the boys to keep swallowing hard or yawning if their ears started to hurt. The boys had grabbed their coloring books and were coloring away ignoring their daddy and papa who had the girls settled down. AJ and Scott looked each other in the eye and both mouthed `I love you'. They continued to stare at each other until the girls were asleep again and they put them back in their seats. When they looked over the boys were fast asleep as well. They checked to make sure they were buckled in and slipped off to the bedroom for a little mile-high club action. AJ asked Scott to top him; Scott was willing but knew he had to get his lover VERY loose and take his time given AJ's rape at 13. They were both naked, kissing, grinding and groaning. As Scott's lube-covered fingers headed to AJ's bud he confirmed the younger man was ready and able to go, which received a tight-lipped nod.

Scott winked as he took his lubed hand and stroked his lover's prodigious cock instead as he eye-fucked AJ. AJ began shaking his head but Scott was on his way to impaling himself on the cock he had grown to crave. As Scott sank on AJ's rod the younger man protested but Scott waved him off.

Scott – "I know having me inside you is something you are willing to do but I also know you must be in the right mood and that is not now. I LOVE having you deep inside me and we must be quick so shut up and make love to me."

They got down to business with Scott riding AJ for a few minutes before AJ flipped Scott onto his back and began the orgasm climb for both. Given the chance of interruption AJ's goal was for them to climax at the same time. He rode Scott's prostate and felt the subtle changes in the man he loved as he approached orgasm. He continued his sensual assault – his cock pistoned in and out of Scott's velvet tunnel as his hands trailed up his lover's sides and his mouth left marks all over the other marking his territory. He knew he had to be careful and not have them visible – if they were AJ was dead meat as they both started back to school before they would clear up.

There was a knock on the door as they both climaxed. Both were very verbal and loud – telling each other that was fucking awesome. Scott yelled out "breed my ass" and AJ groaned out "Gawd I love that ass". As they came down a bit AJ croaked out – "Joey/Eric, give us a minute if you can, if not what do you need?" Eric replied – "we are coming into some bad weather and Joey wanted me to make sure you knew. He thought it would be best to have you with the boys when we hit it." Right then they hit a huge bump of turbulence.

AJ jumped up and headed for the boys forgetting that he still had his mostly erect cock buried in Scott. His sudden withdrawal caused Scott to lose his breath and chuckle as his husband scrambled naked for their boys. AJ ran into Eric as he flung the door open causing both to go down in a heap on the floor. Eric quipped – "While this is not a horrible position to be in with your boss, I would like dinner before you slide that slab of meat into me."

Scott was now laughing hysterically; AJ and Eric were chuckling as well. Another amount of turbulence tossed the men in the air a bit, which drove AJ's semi-hard wet cock into Eric again causing a gasp and moan to escape his lips. When AJ was finally able to get to his feet and move around and see the boys they were both still fast asleep. The girls were sleeping and sucking on their binkies.

AJ turned back to Eric, his cock swung and hit the other man in the mouth, the head slid over his tongue as Eric was about to say something. Scott had gotten his trunk underwear on and quipped – "whoa, gentlemen – AJ you are a married man. Eric, mouth off my husband's cock."

Eric stuttered, stammered and scampered off to the cockpit. AJ looked and Scott with his crooked little grin – "So I'm the one that is too direct and snarky with his comments? You embarrassed the shit out of him." Scott chuckled and retorted – "I did no such thing, that man was hard as a rock and I'm sure he enjoyed the taste of your cock and my ass. I didn't' mean anything mean by it but it was comical watching you crash into him, get thrown on him and then to have you turn and slap him with that huge piece of meat was freaking funny as hell."

At that moment Joey walked out of the cabin to see what had gotten his partner all worked up. When he was just behind AJ, he cleared his throat causing AJ to spin to the voice which caused his cock to slap into Joey's hip leaving a bit of cock/ass juice on it. Scott fell on the bed laughing hysterically. AJ threw his hands up in the air and said – "Fine this whole situation is fucking hilarious."

Joey was chuckling – "I see why Eric was flustered and so obviously hard. AJ you are hotter than either of us realized and that swing meat is a sight to behold. I'll head back to the cockpit to make sure he is good. Scott – I now know why you are always so fucking happy. You hit the jackpot with this one."

AJ just shook his head and went to the bedroom and jumped on Scott pinning him to the bed with his cock resting on his chin. Scott winked at him and bit down playfully on the head of his cock. AJ leaned back and squeezed his nuts. Scott swallowed half of his husband's cock and was quickly bring it to full erection. AJ flipped onto his side and was pawing to Scott's cock free. In no time they were in a wicked 69. Both were completely oblivious to the fact they left the door open. Just as they had reached the point of no return, Joey cleared his throat again. Both men looked up at him as they unloaded their loads into the mouths of the other. Joey shook his head and told them there was coffee made and some food in the ovens – "not that you will need it after what appeared to be a large protein shake." Joey turned and headed to the cockpit.

AJ pulled off Scott's cock to give a smart reply but was hit with a couple of shots of cum to the face and he quickly put his mouth over the geyser. When he was sure Scott was done, he licked him clean and then scooped the cum off of his face into his mouth. He flipped around and made out with Scott who finished cleaning AJ's face with his tongue.

As they finished dressing the kids were waking up. AJ slipped into the bathroom to wash his face before helping with the kids. Scott and AJ got the boys lunch (noodles, bread and a sippy of milk) and bottles for the girls. The boys were at the table and the girls were being held with bottles when the cockpit door opened and Eric came into view.

AJ gave a sly grin – "thanks for cleaning my cock head, next time though it would be nice if you spent a little more time." The door to the cockpit closed as a red-faced Eric disappeared from view.

Scott – "you are such an ass."

AJ got up and burped Harper on the way to the cockpit. He opened the door and stepped inside. Eric would not look at him and Joey was doing his best not to laugh. Harper let out a big burp and Joey lost it – laughing so hard he was crying. AJ was now on the verge of laughter but he held it until Eric broke laughing heartily at the situation.

When the three calmed down AJ spoke – "Eric I'm sorry for poking fun, sometimes I just can't help myself. It's worse when it is an awkward naked situation and having my cock slide through your mouth qualifies for an awkward naked moment. Then having Joey tell me you were hard as a rock when you went back to the cockpit..." Eric hit Joey in the shoulder – "ass, why did you tell him that." Joey – "Owwww, because it was true and nothing to be embarrassed about. I was semi-hard after you told me what happened and then when Mr. big dick hit me with his dick I was rock hard too."

AJ – "I am not sure how you both missed the fact that I was hard too. In fact, hard enough that I jumped Scott again and that's when Joey walked in on our second orgasm. With four kids under 18 months, we have to sex it up whenever we can find adult time, so I'm sorry to have embarrassed anyone but not sorry that I was naked, hard and caught in a sexual situation with my husband.

Eric – "Neither of us was embarrassed. It took every ounce of self-control not to grab your cock and blow you right then and there. Your cum and Scott's ass tasted pretty damn good." AJ blushed bright with that comment. And high fives were shared between Eric and Joey. Joey leaned over and kissed his lover – "Nice retort. We are going to get you to relax about naked men soon I think."

Eric – "I don't mind naked men but your boss' cock in your mouth is a bit over the top."

AJ – "Only if you didn't like it." We good then?"

Eric – "Well I think to be good I would need to taste it again. ."

AJ went pale. Joey laughed – "he's joking, right?"

Eric winked at Joey – "Maybe / maybe not, it was really tasty."

Joey – "You are becoming a pain in my ass."

Eric – "That will be when we get home."

Groans were heard from both Joey and AJ. AJ stood and went back to the cabin. He laid Harper in her seat, buckling her in again. AJ sat next to Scott on the sofa and laid his head on his shoulder. Scott took his hand into his and traced his palm lines – "all good in the cock?"

AJ – "dork"

Scott – "your dork"

AJ – "without a doubt and yes everything is good. Eric liked what he got a taste of and wanted more."

Scott – "Nope, you are all mine."

AJ – "I am kidding. He was embarrassed and the air is clear."

Scott – "You are such a liar; I saw his hard-on as well as yours. So don't try and tell me you both were not turned on with the brief encounter. Joey was turned on when you slapped him with your erection. You were leaking like a faucet when you jumped me on the bed. Hold on, I'm ok with you getting turned on by others as long as I'm the one you take to bed."

AJ – "Deal. You too."

Scott – "More than fine with me."

Eric came out of the cabin with an obvious wet spot near his knee. He approached Scott and AJ, quietly telling them that he was there to help them get the kids strapped in for a landing. AJ could not resist – "So is that you or Joey on your knee?"

Scott elbowed him in the ribs – "You don't have to answer that question, Eric."

Eric just smiled, ran his finger through the wet spot, brought it to his lips, sucked on his finger seductively and said "Hmmm, it appears to be me. Do you need help?" Scott and AJ both laughed aloud and reached out for a high five from Eric. AJ – "Nice. Whenever the two of us fly will you and Joey be our pilots? You've seen me naked, hard and tasted us..." AJ wiggled his eyebrows.

Eric had relaxed a ton and chuckled – "I think I can speak for Joey. We would be up for that, you two are both laid back, obviously well put together and easy on the eyes. So as long as you don't mind a little ogling, we will do our best to always be your flyboys."

Eric moved back to the cockpit and the guys double-checked the kiddos. The girls were still asleep and binkies in place. The boys were asleep as well but AJ moved them to spots next to him and Scott on the couch to make sure they didn't freak out when they landed. Before he sat in his seat he leaned in and kissed Scott, whispering in his ear – "I love you to the moon and back." Scott whispered back – "Always and forever my love."

Joey and Eric brought the plane down smooth as silk and pulled up to the private charter's hanger. Once parked they emerged from the cockpit to assist AJ and Scott. AJ noticed a spot on Joey's shirt and asked nonchalantly – "Joey, is that you or Eric on your shirt?" Joey looked like a deer in the headlights.

Eric ran his finger through the spot and confirmed – "AJ that is definitely me."

AJ and Eric high-fived and AJ chided Joey – "You wasted perfectly good cum, what are we going to do with you?"

Eric laughed at his partner – "I guess I'm going to have to spend more time with my cock in his mouth."

Scott joined in – "or you could get him a bib so anything he misses he can easily lick up."

Joey – "you all can go to you know where. I was truly unaware it was gang up on Joey day."

Eric quipped – "if that were the case you would be bent over the sofa, stuffed at both ends, my dear."

Joey just stood there staring at Eric – "you look like my fiancé, but you sure have gotten way more comfortable in front of the bosses."

Eric – "after tasting AJ, it was either get on board or hide, AJ convinced me it was better to roll with it than worry about it." Another round of high fives. "By the way love, we have been officially requested to become Scott and AJ's flyboys. I said we would do it under one condition – they agreed to let us ogle them, you good with that?"

Joey – "dang, seriously what did you do with my fiancé AJ?"

AJ – "convinced him confidence is sexy as hell. Enjoy the bolder, finer love of your life. Thank you for getting us here safely. Would you both like to join us for dinner tomorrow night? We are having a few folks over and would love to have you over?"

Joey – "I'm not sure..."

Eric – "What my lovely fiancé was going to say – is we would love to but what can we bring and don't say nothing. If that's the answer we will bring over sex games and condoms."

Scott laughed loudly – "given we have four kiddos, let's leave those at home and just bring a bottle of red and a bottle of white. We are having food that will go with either. If you prefer beer, then bring some of that instead."

Joey – "You have my number so just text me the address and we'll see you around 6:30 tomorrow night?"

AJ – "Make it 5:00 and you're on."

Eric – "Let's get you to your cars and we'll see you tomorrow night."

Scott – "bring kid-friendly swimsuits as the pool will be open."

Eric – "Hey, it wasn't us 69'ing with the door open my friend that was the two of you. I think we were much more kid-appropriate than the two dads."

AJ – "Touché."

Eric helped Scott and AJ to their new Suburban that Brad & Lisa had dropped off for them earlier and left the keys with the host. Brad & Lisa had turned out to be great friends (with benefits at least that was the plan for Saturday night). Lisa had purchased 4 new car seats and installed them in the Suburban. The boys were pitching a fit that they were stuck in the way back but AJ pointed out that it would be harder for Daddy or Papa to reach them if they needed to be disciplined. They crawled into their seats and waited for Papa to buckle them in. AJ was had Harper and Syd snapped into their seats before Scott emerged from the way back.

AJ thanked Eric for the assist giving him a big hug. AJ called over his shoulder to Scott that the keys were on the driver's seat as he headed to grab the Rover. Scott watched him walk away, he was frustrated and turned on watching AJ walk away. He was hoping to have AJ drive the kids and let him take the Rover but fuck that man got his motor going with his casual demeanor and that fucking ass swaying in the wind. Shit, now I have a hard-on.

Eric tapped him on the shoulder – "He is fine, isn't he?" Eric pulled Scott into a hug and chuckled – "You have a boner, don't you?"

Scott tapped Eric's cock – "pot/kettle thing going on here? We'll see you tomorrow and yes that man is fucking FINE."

Scott jumped in the Suburban and headed for home. The vehicle handled well and smelled good but so did the Rover. He had no more than cleared the airport and Harper and Sydney started screaming. He tried to ignore it but Conor and Caleb started in with Papa they are too loud. He continued to drive and the volume from the back two seats kept going up. It was 30 minutes of torture and Scott was frazzled when he got home and AJ was not there. He called his cell – "Babe where are you?"

AJ – "Are you ok, you sound stressed."

Next: Chapter 51

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