Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Mar 31, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 52

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author. This story contains female to male, female to female, male to male and several combinations of each both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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NOTE – When the babies "talk" it is AJ/Scott interpreting what they are saying, they are not quite old enough to have conversations, but parents typically know what they want/need.

Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 51

All I ask is you love me, help me and talk to me and I promise I will continue to screw up but my heart is YOURS until YOU choose to let it go. I think I'm done and I pray to God that I made it clear I love you to the moon and back."

AJ had tears in his eyes, he was trying to keep the panic and hurt from the hospital at bay that was triggered when Scott said he thought of leaving. In his heart, he knew Scott was his forever love – "always and forever. Not yet, I need to say something and I need you to hear me – my heart cracked when you said you thought of leaving, let me finish, please. We have all these preconceptions of a man's role in a relationship and we are feeling our way through this, if I ever move too fast for you – talk to me. Ask me to slow down, express your concern. I chose to be a surgeon because I am able to assess, determine the course and move to the end state quickly. I do that in my life and I know it drives others crazy. You chose to be a lawyer because you like to study, evaluate and be 100% certain.

Scott, please let me finish – when you said you thought of leaving my mind went into `AJ mode'. I started building a wall around the hurt and started putting my list of things that I had to do together, hire a nanny, change our wills, the trust, the medical directives, figure out visitation, let our families know all the while my heart was on the verge of shattering. Yes, I heard you that you are always going, to be honest, and tell me everything – I agree but we have to remember who the other person is and the baggage they bring to this relationship and be careful when we tread into areas that we know will trigger the other – for me losing Syd and you, rape and being talked down to because I'm young. You – moving too quickly, questioning sexuality, fear of failure and past relationship mistakes.

I need you to think about this next question and answer me in the morning, not now will you do that for me?"

Scott – "I want to say yes but I know the question and I know I can't wait until tomorrow to answer it. I made a mistake in how I initially presented my trepidation; that said I am not going ANYWHERE unless you ask me to leave that is the ONLY way you will get rid of me. I would walk away from ANYTHING in my life but you, Conor, Caleb, Harper or Sydney, PERIOD! So, I won't wait until the morning to answer that question – it will not change. I know you are younger than me but I'll be honest you are more mature than I am. You are who I strive to be as a human being so hang in there with me while I grow as a husband and father, I will make mistakes, I will infuriate you, I will annoy the shit out of you but I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU."

AJ – "I already got that. That was not the question, the question was related to something you said in Washington – do I really have a fat ass?"

Scott – "again not waiting until the morning – yes and no; fat as in not muscled no but fat as in those thick muscled slabs of meat yes. My hands wrap around those twin globes and pull you into me, they fill up my hands and make me oh so horny as they flex when you drive your cock into my ass. I watch your ass when you walk and I get a hard-on every fucking time. I wish you could see it flex and move as you walk, it's like two exquisite mounds of muscle meant to satisfy my need to be fucked HARD."

As Scott was talking, he had undressed, his cock dripping with anticipation he had lubed his ass, pulled AJ's hard cock out of his shorts and was sliding lube up and down that pole. As he finished with the prep, he slammed his ass down that fuck stick HARD, he had bottomed out on that wonderful piece of flesh that always brought him to orgasm. He was determined to make AJ cum before him tonight so he began a slow assault on that turgid member. Very slowly sliding up and down, squeezing his anal muscles with every movement, varying his angles, tweaking AJ's nipples and inserting two fingers into AJ's ass to massage his prostate in time with his thrusts. He never once lost eye contact with his lover, husband and best friend.

AJ started to thrust and Scott drove his hips down and squeezed AJ's balls, giving the younger stud a stern look and a shake of his head. Scott nodded his head toward AJ's arms and then his head. AJ complied by folding his hands behind his head, he surrendered completely to Scott who began the slow assault again and for the next hour edged his partner 5 times, on the 6th he shoved a third finger into his lover's canal and thoroughly massaged the hardening button and rode him as his life depended on getting the cum out of those gorgeous balls. AJ's head flew back as his balls unloaded what felt like a gallon of cum into his man. He was in bliss. Before he could finish cumming there was a cry from the girls room and he tried to get up. Scott bent, kissed him and told him he had it.

AJ listened to Scott on the monitor as he forgot to turn it off. "Harper, your Papa kinda screwed the pooch today. We are all so lucky to have your Daddy in our lives, without him we would all be fucked. There, there little one. Man, oh man, how did such a big stinky mess come out of such a gorgeous little girl. Papa will get you all cleaned up and by that time your bottle should be ready to go. Don't take this the wrong way my love but you freaking stink."

AJ was grinning ear to ear listening to Scott. While he was cussing and calling his daughter a stinky little thing, he kept his voice in a sing-song manner to keep her calm. It was making AJ fall more in love with him listening to his studly man cooing and swearing at this daughter. I think I will go in and blow him while he feeds her.

Scott had gotten Harper cleaned up, re-dressed, gotten her bottle out of the warmer and put one in for Sydney as he was sure she would wake up shortly. He was walking around the room swaying as he fed his daughter. He came to a stop between the two cribs feeding Harper and watching Sydney when he felt a warm wet mouth wrap around his cock. He almost went down it felt so good. He tried to back away but there was a slight bite and two fingers shoved in his ass hooking into his prostate. He looked down past Harper into those hypnotic blue eyes of AJ's and let out a sigh of satisfaction and love. Fuck he is good at that; focus dude you are here to feed your daughter. Shit that feels so fucking good.

Harper was finished and almost asleep, he placed her on his shoulder and started rubbing her back to get her to burp. After the burp, he tried in vain to move and put her in the crib. AJ was working his oral magic while never looking away. Scott was bowled over – AJ looked hot all the time but this was such a fucking turn on – that incredible face buried in his groin sucking on HIS cock. He had to always remind himself that AJ had actually picked him too, it always blew him away. AJ had increased his oral and anal assault; Scott had been so absorbed in thinking about how lucky he was that his orgasm snuck up on him. He bit down on his lip as he shot volley after volley of cum into AJ's greedy mouth. Fuck that was awesome, he needed AJ to stop as his cock was sensitive and he needed to put Harper down. AJ continued sucking and probing his ass never letting his cock get soft, he was so close to a second orgasm and when it rolled through, he was afraid he would drop to the floor but AJ's strong arms held him steady.

AJ swallowed the load and let his cock pop from his mouth. "If it weren't for Harper and safety, I would continue to suck you until you ran dry."

Scott laid Harper in her crib and pulled AJ to his feet. "Fuck, how did I get so lucky? You are everything to me and I absolutely love you. We can try the running dry at a different time."

Sydney stirred and AJ let go of Scott so he could attend to her. He did stand right behind him and ran his cock up and down Scott's crack. Scott started pushing his hips back into AJ making his cock fully hard in no time. Scott moved to the warmed-up bottle and placed it in Sydney's mouth. AJ had followed him and when he stopped, he did so with a widened stance, Scott hoped AJ would slide into him and fuck him while he fed their daughter. Which thank the gods he did.

AJ slowly slid into his trimmed cock hairs and wrapped his arms around his man. They swayed and walked around the room, AJ poking Scott's backside and Scott feeding their daughter. As Scott laid Sydney in her bed, AJ's hand firmly grasped his dripping cock and began to jack him. Scott growled out "FUUUCCCKKKK." Without missing a beat AJ picked up the pace and walked Scott back to their room fucking and jacking him as they went. He walked them into the shower and they climaxed together. Scott turned on the shower and they cleaned each other from head to toe and shared more than one intimate kiss. After they were dried off, they went to bed naked. Scott the big spoon tonight whispered into AJ's ear – "how did I get so fucking lucky." AJ pulled Scott more tightly into him and was asleep.

Scott chuckled to himself – this man was incredible and when he was content, he could fall asleep when his head hit the pillow. Scott kissed his neck again and whispered to his sleeping beauty – "thank you for choosing me."

Morning came at 5 AM – the girls morning feeding time. AJ had slipped from their bed and had both girls changed, fed, burped and was cuddled up behind Scott for another couple of hours of sleep. When Conor and Caleb came bounding in at 7:30 chanting – pancakes, pancakes, pancakes AJ ground his hard cock into Scott's ass waking him up with a start. Scott was confused – "Boys, you need a change first and baby when did you switch places?"

The boys the wet wipes and underwear for their daddy and papa to change them. They were pulling down their PJ bottoms and removing their pull-ups. AJ was horny so he pushed his cock into Scott's crack again, eliciting a moan from them both and a quick smack to the head from Scott. "Dude, you need to put that away, the boys need us."

AJ pouted – "so I took care of the 5 AM with the girls and slipped in behind you, I guess I should have slipped into you then and I would have gotten my morning fix." AJ was holding Scott against him and was flexing his dick against Scott's pucker.

Scott moved slightly away and AJ's cock head pressed through his ring and about three inches of his cock. Scott moaned loudly, which covered up AJ's "fuck yeah". AJ was truly randy as he tried to push his cock further into his lover's tunnel but Scott was intent on getting the boys dressed. AJ grabbed Scott's waist and pulled him into his lap as he sat them up driving his entire cock into Scott. Scott's ass flexed around AJ's meat making them both moan.

Conor – "Papa help me, pwease." Scott attempted unsuccessfully to get off of AJ's cock. All he did was slide up about five inches at which point AJ pulled him back.

AJ whispered in Scott's ear – "see just like that, you are getting it, they won't ever know."

Scott turned to AJ – "you truly are a shite." He pulled Conor to him and wiped him down with a wet wipe. When he went to put on another pull up Conor handed him his Superman underwear. Scott asked him – "Con are you sure you want to wear these? You will have to pay attention to when your body tells you to pee or poop."

Conor – "Isa big boy." Scott pulled the underwear up swatted his rear playfully and told him he needed to pay close attention. He wiped Caleb down and pulled his Superman underwear up.

Caleb – "Like my daddy, supaman." Scott chuckled as he squeezed AJ's rigid pole – "Yes, the man of steel. Why don't you boys go play in your room and I will go make you pancakes."

Conor and Caleb both screamed – "no, no Papa, Daddy do pancakes, you burn." AJ poked Scott in the ribs, kissed his shoulder and peaked around Scott and told the boys to go play in their room and he would get their pancakes made but he and Papa needed to talk about something in private. The boys scrambled off the bed and headed to their room as AJ flexed his cock in Scott's ass causing the dark-haired stud to growl in sexual heat. AJ smacked Scott's butt and told him he needed to move so he could go make breakfast. Scott squeezed AJ's cock with his ass, eliciting a strangled moan from him and told him he had started something he needed to finish.

Scott started lifting his as up and slamming it down into AJ's crotch while he pulled on his cock. He was on a mission to drain his balls. Scott was so close and AJ was just behind him. When Scott came, he settled for a moment on AJ's cock buried deep in his ass. AJ tried in vain to get satisfaction but in the position, he was in he had no leverage. Scott came down from his orgasm and popped off AJ's cock and was scrambling out of bed when he was tackled from behind.

AJ growled into his hear – "I know I was a shit to start this and then want to stop and feed the boys but you are not going to leave me with blue balls my love. Do you want to use your hand, your mouth or your ass to finish me off?"

Scott flipped him over on his back, leaned in kissed him hard and deep. He whispered into AJ's ear – "You didn't really do much to help me get off, I did all the work, so use this." He had placed AJ's hand on his cock and crawled out of bed leaving his lover stunned at the turn of events. AJ had not gotten off solo for years, never since he and Scott got together, never after he and Syd got together. When he was a teen, he beat off by himself all the time but now – no way it was so much more fun to do it with someone else so he got up, got a quick cold shower and dressed.

When he walked into the kitchen Scott was pouring himself a cup of coffee. Scott turned to greet his man with a smile and a wink – "you look, stressed baby, what's wrong?" AJ just flipped him the bird and got the pancake ingredients and started whipping up a batch. When he stepped up to the stove, Scott stepped behind him and pulled his shorts down and made him step out of them. AJ complained, but complied – "If I burn my dick, you are cut off."

Scott kneeled behind AJ and pulled his cheeks apart – "if you're dumb enough to let my cock get burned then you are an idiot." AJ shook his head and laughed – "you keep referring to the cock that is attached to my body as your cock. I never see you holding it when it needs to pee, I rarely see you there when it needs tucking into a pair of pants and I'm completely baffled by the fact it spends... <Scott slid his tongue over AJ's pucker eliciting a deep moan> more time in your mouth than mine. FUUUUCCCCCKKKKK"

AJ spread his legs wide giving Scott better access to his hole and Scott went to town. He absolutely loved AJ's ass, the shape, the feel, the taste, the way AJ responded when he tongued or fingered him and on the rare occasion that he topped AJ he loved the AJ's tunnel grabbed and pulled at his cock. AJ grabbed his cock and began to stroke himself and received a slap on the wrist and a firm tug on his balls. The pain was intense but his cock spit out a large amount of pre-cum but he left it alone. Scott had removed his shorts and feasting on AJ's ass, he had grabbed some coconut oil from the cupboard and began to finger AJ as he sucked, kissed and tongued his lover. He began to lube his cock with generous amounts of oil.

AJ groaned out – "you're going to fuck me, aren't you?" Scott mumbled around AJ's hole – "No."

AJ begged – "Please, I need you to try." Scott replied – "baby I would never FUCK you, but I am going to make love to this precious piece of you and make sure you cum hard. If you cum on a pancake, that one will be yours." AJ chuckled and pushed his ass out; he was so fucking horny he would get through the fucking to have his man get him off.

Scott painstakingly slowly entered AJ's velvet ass. AJ was not a fan of being a bottom but did it whenever Scott asked without complaint. This time was better he was actually in heat and needed Scott in him but he was teasing him now and AJ knew it, so he pulled his hips forward and stood up, yelling for the boys – two could play that game. AJ turned away from the stove toward the island hitting Scott with his very wet, very sticky cock. AJ placed the plate of pancakes on the counter grabbed his shorts and gave his man a peck on the cheek.

AJ pulled his shorts up placing his cock pointing up and held in place by the elastic band of the shorts, pulled his loose top over it and finished the boys' plates. Conor and Caleb came running into the kitchen with their Daddy telling them to walk not run.

Caleb screeched – "Papa you nekked."

AJ chuckled and said to the boys – "Papa got batter on his shorts; he needs to clean up." AJ plopped the boys in their seats and strapped them in and put their plates in front of them. Conor started chanting – "nanas, nanas, nanas..." AJ produced the requested fruit with the admonishment to keep them on his plate only. Conor picked one up and started to throw it at his brother, AJ caught his hand and told him if he did not keep them on his plate or in his mouth/tummy there would be no more nanas ever. Conor pouted but ate his breakfast.

Scott had risen from the floor just as the girls were screaming. He was pouting that he got shut down so hard by AJ, who was not helping at all as he called sweetly over his shoulder – "dear, the girls' bottles are warmed up there on the counter, will you be a love and get them changed and fed?" Scott smacked AJ's ass as he walked by – "that will be mine today." AJ spun grabbing his hand and pulling him in – "Babe, I've never denied you access but you will only get all up in there after I finish what we started upstairs. You blue balled me, now you know how it feels. Love you, darling." AJ squeezed Scott's cock hard enough to make him flinch with a little bit of pain and a little bit of pleasure.

Scott grumbled – "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He grabbed the bottles and made his way upstairs but stopped short when he heard Caleb say – "Papa seems grumpy." Scott called out, "Papa's not grumpy, just a little blue buddy." AJ laughed at him – "Caleb, you are right Papa is grumpy that he didn't get his way this morning. Just like Con and his nanas."

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