Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Nov 13, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 8

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 8

There was a flurry of activity as everyone got ready to go. Eva, Mat, Carrie and Maddie were ready to go first. Hugs, kisses, thank-yous and honestly a few tears as they pulled away from the curb. AJ had Caleb and Conor in his arms and hugged them tight – he was becoming a bit overwhelmed now that Eva was gone. His mind was churning about the upcoming discussion with his family, he knew he had to have the conversation but was feeling anxious. What if they didn't support him, was he ready to lose that support system?

Jonathan saw a change in AJ's face and knew that he needed Scott's support, so he stepped forward and asked AJ if he could take the boys and help finish getting them ready to go. AJ handed the boys to Jonathan and he headed into the house. Scott watched the exchange and realized there was something on AJ's mind, he could see it etched on the gorgeous stud's face. He put his arm around his shoulder and led him toward the house – they did not notice the two sedans turn on to the street. Scott closed the door behind them and pulled AJ into a supportive hug, and asked if there was anything he could do? AJ said – you are doing it by being here with me.

The two well built studs headed for the boys' room to help Jonathan get everything ready to head out. Part way up the stairs, there was a loud knock on the door and AJ headed downstairs, but asked Scott to make sure there were enough diapers and a change of clothes for the boys as they always wound up getting dirty at Gran and Gamps house. Scott said he would take care of it and told AJ to send the guys away – he had assumed it was Chase, Brett, Brent and Steve.

As AJ approached the door he could see his parents through the window – and absolute `oh shit' moment. He opened the door and said loudly – `hey mom and dad what are you doing here – I had no idea you were coming?' AJ went to close the door behind them and caught movement out of the corner of his eye – one of his sisters and her fiancé were coming up the steps along with Syd's mom and dad. AJ thought – `fuck this is not at all what I need right now, I wanted to wade into this pool not jump into the deep end and it would really be helpful to still have Eva here.' He tried to put a smile on that gorgeous face. He greeted his sister Gina and her fiancé Kevin with as warm a greeting as he could muster as he hugged his sister. They passed by with warm greetings, Elliott and Charlene – Syd's parents approached with packages in hand – gifts for the boys AJ assumed, warmly greeting their son-in-law with big hugs all around. AJ stood back to close the door and saw Eva running up the sidewalk and could see Mat down the street working on getting the girls out of the car. AJ said `thank the lord'. Elliot turned and asked what AJ had said, AJ ignored the question and said `Eva is here, so the gang is all accounted for...'

AJ threw his arms around Eva and whispered – `thank you, thank you, thank you this is way more than I need right now. It was going to be a simple introduction to my mom and dad not the whole fucking family.' Eva whispered – `get your dick out of your ass and own this. You know what you want if they don't like it fuck them. This is your life; you need to live it with your boys and Scott. Nut the fuck up and stop wallowing.' AJ straightened up and said – I got this.

AJ faced the gathered individuals, steeled himself and asked everyone to take a seat. AJ walked over to the stairs and yelled up, `Jonathan, Scott give me a couple of minutes and I will ask you to come down.' AJ turned his parents, sister & fiancé and Syd's parents and jumped in – `I'm not sure why you all are here', his dad started to interrupt, `dad stop, I don't care why you are here because I love you all. That said I was heading to see to just now to talk to you about something.' AJ took a deep breath and launched into it with as much gusto as he had before the death of his wife Syd.

`Ok, here goes. You all know that I have been lost for months. I have been going through the motions since the 30th of April when Syd died. I focused on making sure the boys were ok and had everything they needed. I ignored my sanity for a time, but eventually got my shit together – back to the gym, hired help for the boys so I could study and have a bit of a life, started hanging out with friends again and in general being ok with being a human, a single dad and someone who might be able to love again.' AJ held up his had as Elliot was going to say something. `I need to get through this and I need you all to listen and hear me. Nothing is wrong from my perspective, but please don't interrupt. There has been someone who I have been getting close to for the last few months, it caught me off guard and has had me off balance since August. This past weekend Eva and the girls came over to see me and make sure I was getting on. Friday night I talked with Syd and she sent me a Cardinal to tell me she was behind me. Charlene, Gina don't roll your eyes; I know our loved ones will help us even after they leave this world – whether you do or not is your belief, but I KNOW Syd has kicked me in the ass since that night to get my shit together and get back to the old me, well mostly.'

AJ held his left hand up, continuing `I removed my wedding ring and will be putting it together with Syd's and one of our wedding photos to always hang in my home. Now comes the other shoe, the `someone' I have fallen in love with and believe I want to spend the rest of my life with is currently a Pullman police office, is damn fine looking' Eva snickered a bit and said `I'll second that'. AJ continued – `His name is Scott Jonathan Reed', does anyone have any questions, before I ask he and his father down to meet you?'

Gina said – `so let me get this straight, you are now a faggot and are doing the nasty with a dude?' Carrie – stepped forward `Aunt Gina, that is rude and disgusting. Uncle Scott is WONDERFUL and Uncle AJ is', Gina cut in `little girl don't presume to', Eva started `Gina watch yourself' and Kevin bellowed `ENOUGH'. He stood and walked to AJ, he hugged him tightly and stated – `the only thing I care about is that you are back and if this guy treats you right I have your back. Gina you need to get over yourself – you take my dick up your ass, you stick your finger in my ass when you blow me, you suck my cock after it's been in your pussy, I eat you out after I cum in your pussy, so what exactly could AJ get up to that you and I don't do with each other – you have tasted pussy juice, you've had your finger in an ass, you've had a dick up your ass, so please tell me where you get off with the `faggot' comment?'

Gina visibility flinched and the `rents' all blanched at the raunchy sex talk. Kevin continued – `Elliott, Charlene, Jonathan & Evelyn; I apologize for being so direct but let's be honest here – everything I said is FUN, SEXY, EXCITING and adds a great dimension to your relationship. If you haven't tried, it give it a whirl. So AJ where is this `stud' of yours as I have your back, turning to the rest of those gathered – and if you don't then I would suggest leaving now as this was not easy for AJ – he was the straightest guy I knew and this guy has to be something special for AJ to fall for him, anyone?'

AJs dad `Jonathan' (damn this was going to be a problem with all the Jonathan's in the family; Jonathan O'Brien, Jonathan Reed, Scott Jonathan Reed and Aaron Jonathan O'Brien) spoke up – `I don't know how I feel about this, I don't understand and I am confused how my son went from a married heterosexual to a single gay guy, but I do know that I love him and am not going to walk away because I don't understand, so where is this `Scott' guy?'

AJ walked to the stairs – and yelled up `Scott, Jonathan will you bring the boys down with you?'. Jonathan came down first with Conor, followed by Scott with Caleb. AJ grabbed Scott's hand and brought him forward – `Scott this is a large portion of my family – my mom and dad Jonathan & Evelyn, my sister Gina and her fiancé Kevin, my other mom and dad Elliot and Charlene, everyone this is Scott Reed and his father Jonathan Reed.' Everyone stood, Kevin hugged Scott and said loudly enough for everyone to hear – `don't hurt him or I will kick your ass, but beyond that WELCOME to the family', AJs mom and dad stepped forward, tentatively hugged Scott and stated `we are struggling with this a bit, but if you are important to AJ, then you are important to us.' Gina was next and she hugged AJ tightly, was crying and stated – `little brother, I'm sorry you caught me off guard and I was worried about you doing a 180 from who you were. I will always be here for you. Scott welcome to the family. Jonathan, it is nice to meet you.' Elliot stepped forward, hugged AJ and Scott together and strangled out `I believe you when you said Syd sent the cardinal to you. She encouraged me to come here this weekend, it was clear to me she wanted us to be part of this and know I am here for both of you as you get your legs under you.' Charlene stood off to the side, tears in her eyes. She stepped forward grabbing for Caleb stating – `give me my grandson Conor and Aaron, I absolutely do not understand you.'

AJ snapped – `Charlene, I loved your daughter, I love both you and Elliott, but you need to step off and tread lightly as CALEB is my son and you can't even tell them apart. I know this has been a shock to you, it was a shock to both of us. Scott was engaged to be married this past August but called off the wedding because he had feelings for me and I was happily married until Syd died. Neither of us have had feelings for men in the past and neither of us are attracted to any other man. That said, we have had an emotional bond before there was anything physical. I hope in time you will come around – Syd has made herself known in this; me, Elliot and Carrie have all had interactions with her. Without the cardinal, a sense of peace and what felt like a kiss on my cheek I would NEVER have removed my ring. Sydney was my soul mate, she was the person I pledged my life to, she was the one that gave me two pieces of her; Caleb and Conor, she was supposed to be with me until I DIED, not the other way around. I can only tell you that how I feel about Scott is as close to the way I felt about Sydney – I know we won't have kids that are part me and part him, but I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that he completes me again and I will walk through fire for this MAN. Please try to understand that I will never forget Sydney and Scott understands and supports that. Please, please give this a chance to work.'

AJ whispered to Scott – `please let me have Caleb as I hope this will bridge the gap with Charlene.' Scott released Caleb and kissed AJ on the cheek and AJ kissed Scott's cheek as he turned to Charlene. `I hope you will try and keep an open mind and remain part of our lives. Do you want to hold Caleb?' With that AJ placed Caleb into Charlene hands. Charlene stated – `Aaron, I love you like you are my son and I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. Honestly, I don't know how I feel, my daughter is dead and I am struggling to deal with that still. I can't promise you I will ever understand everything you said today, but I WILL respect your decisions, support you and do everything I can to help.' AJ had tears streaming down his face, hugged Charlene and told her – I love you unconditionally and thank you for trying.'

`Scott hugged AJ and whispered – `thank you my love.' Jonathan Reed – piped up with `Jonathan, Evelyn, Elliott, and Charlene I have to be honest this has all caught my off guard as well. I never expected my son to fall in love with another man, but I have spent the last few days with these men and I have to say they appear to be as much in love with each other as I was with my dearly departed wife. I will say that your introduction to Scott was a little more G rated than mine was. I walked in on the two of them naked in Scott's bed, which was a bit of a shock to say the least, but I do believe they are good for each other and only time will tell. That said with two of us having Jonathan as a first name it may be good to have a nick name or something to distinguish each other.'

Both dads stated at the same time `Cap'. Quizzical looks were exchanged and it was clear that more thought would need to be done. AJ did step in at this point – `dads you both are Captains – one of the police force and one for the fire department and before you get into that battle, DON'T. Which of you is older?' Quizzical looks were exchanged and in unison – `October 19, 1942'. AJ piped in `well that won't work either as my thought was dad 1 and dad 2 like Dr. Suess' thing one and thing two. You two figure it out and let the rest of us know.'

My mom pulled me and Scott aside and hugged me tightly whispering – `I hope you will be ok, just know I love you AJ, Scott I'm sure I will love you in short order as my son seems back to his old self. Here are the keys to the car, will you both grab the coolers of food out of trunk so we can set up for lunch?' AJ and Scott headed outside, hand in hand hoping that things would stay the course.

Next: Chapter 9

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