Finding Love in Strange Places

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 10, 2019



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Finding Love in Strange Places

My dad died when I was fourteen. He was involved in a horrendous front end collision. Some jerk, who was celebrating his birthday, got pie-eyed drunk and entered the freeway in the wrong direction. He and Dad were killed instantly.

My mom was inconsolable. For over a year she cried her heart out every moment that she could. She only managed to function at work and tending to my needs. Actually, at fourteen, I didn't need much tending to. My mom is a lawyer, and she wasn't home much. When I came home from school, our housekeeper had prepared a delicious dinner for both of us. Mom would often come home so late that she had to dump the dinner. Sometimes I was sound asleep before she came home.

Then, when I was nearly seventeen and a junior in high school, things changed drastically. I had no idea that my mother needed so much sex. I never thought about women craving sex at all. I thought it was a man thing. She began to bring men home and they would disappear into her bedroom. The men were all hunky, macho, alpha males. I was so jealous of my mother that I would lock myself in my bedroom and whack off.

One time I heard a noise in the kitchen, so I peeked out. Her trick du jour was there, naked as a newborn. He was getting a drink of water. His body was magnificent. His muscles had muscles, and his erect cock was at least a good, fat, eight inches. I thought I would faint, and I retreated quickly to my bedroom.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm gay.

By the time I was preparing to leave for college, I could swear that Mom had serviced at least two or three hundred lovers. She came home one beautiful spring day with some guy. He wasn't bad looking, but he was far from the hunks she usually brought home. He was no taller than 5'9", and he was a wee bit overweight. Nonetheless, I was as much attracted to him as the others. After all, he had a penis. I guess it's a hormone thing, a raging hormone thing. I was still a virgin, who desired to get laid in the worst way. Any penis would do.

"Tyler," Mom said tersely, and very business-like, "I want you to meet Colin Fox, one of my clients. We're going to get married next week, the day after your high school graduation. The ceremony will take place at the courthouse, and immediately after the vows, we're going on a short honeymoon. Colin will be moving in with us when we return."

She made the announcement in a monotone voice, as if she were reading a judge's decision in a courtroom. There was no happiness in her voice. In fact, there was no emotion in her voice. She sounded like a robot in a hypnotic state. I wondered if this wasn't going to be a wedding of convenience. If it was, I couldn't figure out what my mother had to gain.

I was flabbergasted. All I could think of was that I could not survive living with another male in the house. I was glad I was going off to college in the fall. To make matters worse, Colin gave me a big hug. He pulled me to him so strongly our packages rubbed together.

When he finally released me, he said, "Tyler I have no family at all. I'd be honored if you would be my best man."

What could I say? "Of course, I will. The honor is mine," I said, stuttering like a shy kid.

So Mom got married, and Colin moved in. Like I told you, my mother put in a lot of hours at the office, but Colin worked nine to five. As a result we were often alone in the house together. My hormones were raging overtime, and I counted the days until I'd be off to The University of Oregon.

I often had the foolish thought that Colin was trying to seduce me. As soon as he got home he stripped to his boxers, made a scotch and soda for himself, sat on an easy chair, and read his newspaper. The fly on his boxers would occasionally gap, and I caught a slight glimpse of black pubic hair. I never could see more than that. When Mom called to say that she was on the way home, Colin would put on a pair of trousers and a sport shirt; no socks or shoes. He greeted her that way, partly dressed.

I truly believed that the idea that my stepfather was trying to seduce me was generated in my wild and overactive imagination. I was wrong. He was trying to seduce me, as I came to find out, and why not? I was full grown at 6'2". I worked out a lot, mainly to relieve my sexual tension, and I had a body most men would die for. I had no reason to believe that Colin had ever seen me naked, but who knows? He might have spied on me. If he did see me, he knew I had a fat, four inch, uncut, flaccid cock. If he happened to see me with a boner, then he knew I was a grower. I reached seven and a half inches and my rod got even fatter.

Two weeks before I was due to leave for college, my mom had to go on a business trip to Chicago. She was leaving on a Sunday evening and would not be back until Thursday afternoon. I panicked. I'd be alone with Colin all that time. I was afraid of my own feelings about him, and I tried to convince myself that his attempt to seduce me was all a result of my sexual fantasies, and had no factual basis.

It was summer and I had a part time job at Burger King, which would end the following weekend. The Sunday my mother left, I didn't come home until 9 PM. I found Colin waiting for me. He was fully, but casually, dressed.

"Wash up and put on something sexy," he said to me. "Your mom and I didn't celebrate your eighteenth birthday properly. I'm taking you for a boys' night out."

The night life in San Francisco stretches out until the wee hours of the morning, but still I wondered where he could possibly take me so late. I changed into a pair of shorts, a tee shirt, and flip flops. When Colin saw me, he said, "Perfect."

"Where are you taking me that I'm perfectly dressed?" I asked.

"It's a surprise. You'll see." He drove us to The Castro and now my hormones were attacking my cock in triple time. I could only wonder if tonight was the night I would lose my virginity, and lose it to my stepfather, no less. I had obsessed so long about making love with him that I couldn't believe it might happen. I decided to stop wishing for the impossible and just enjoy the adventure.

It was late on a work night, and Colin had no trouble finding street parking. He took my hand and led me into a bar called, `The Devil's Hangout.'

Stupidly, I blurted out, "Colin, this is a gay bar."

He laughed, put his arm around my shoulder, and kissed me on my mouth. I felt his tongue prying open my lips. His kiss was passionate, but somehow it made me shiver.

"Of course it is. I know that you're gay. Do you want to be a virgin forever? I thought we might both get some action here tonight."

I was so stunned that I didn't think straight. Without conscious thought I blurted out, "Sure, I want to lose my virginity, but I want you to take it."

After I revealed my truth, I wanted to die, but Colin engulfed me in his arms. "I know," he said, "and I will, but let's have a little fun first. I'll buy you a drink? What would you like?"

I had never tried hard liquor before, but I had sipped some beer, and I asked for a Bud Lite. It was the first beer that came to mind. Colin returned with two bottles of beer. He handed me one, and bent down to kiss me again. This time I was prepared. I wanted it and welcomed it. We kissed with plenty of tongue, and this time I shivered even more. I couldn't figure out why I would feel so cold, but I didn't dwell on it. I was going to get laid tonight, and maybe every night until my mom came home. My heart pumped too fast just thinking about it.

I hadn't realized what a sex magnate Colin was. I never considered him to be particularly good looking, and certainly he was no hunk. Notwithstanding what I believed, handsome young men kept approaching him wanting to buy him a drink. He smiled sweetly at them, and said, "Thanks, but I'm booked for the night with this gorgeous twink."

To a man they all responded, "Lucky him." How come none of them said, "Lucky you?" My ego was deflated.

When we consumed three bottles of beer, Colin asked, "Are you ready to kiss your virginity goodbye?" I smiled at him and nodded. When he smiled back at me he seemed so much more handsome to me, and infinitely better built; hunky, in fact. I told myself that I had drunk too much beer and I was hallucinating. I don't remember any of the drive home. I dozed the whole time. When we got home, I felt really logy from the short and fitful nap.

"Take a shower," Colin said. "Pay attention to your ass and under your foreskin. I have designs on those parts. Then jump into your bed and wait for me. I'll shower in the master bath."

"Aren't we going to shower together?" I asked.

"Sure, but not tonight. It's late and I want to get right to it. I need to break you in properly. We can shower together after we finish making love or in the morning."

I was not about to argue and I ran into my bedroom. I showered quickly, and dried myself even quicker. When I lay down on my bed, my naked body was still slightly damp. I didn't much care. The moment I hit the bed, an urge to sleep overwhelmed me, and I dozed off. I had the most delicious, wishful dream. It started with reality.

I was lying naked in bed. A very handsome stranger, whom I did not recognize, took my hand and led me out my bedroom door. When I went through the door, I was nowhere near home. I was in some sort of cave. It was very hot, but I was compelled to keep following the stranger. Eventually, we entered a chamber which was dimly lit. The floor was covered with soft pillows. The stranger laid me down on the pillows and began to make love to me. He sucked me and fucked me, but always stopped before I could cum.

"Have you learned how to make love to a man?" he asked.

"Yes," I answered, "but I need to cum. I need desperately to cum."

"You will, my love," the man said, "but first you must do everything to me that I have done to you."

I fucked him, and he told me that it was okay for me to cum inside him. When I did, it took me forever to catch my breath, but he asked me to suck his cock and bring him to a climax inside my mouth. I did, but he disappointed me. He came so fast that I had little time to enjoy it. Nevertheless I swallowed all that he had to offer.

We lay side by side fondling each other, and the man asked me if I would like to spend eternity with him in this very place. Without hesitating I said, "Yes. I want to make love with you forever."

The dream ended, and I awoke. I was naked, and alone in bed. Bright sunshine was lighting my bedroom. I heard Colin in the kitchen. Still naked I went in to see what he was doing. I had every intention of berating him for not waking me up. I also wanted to beg him to have sex with me this morning.

He was as naked as I was, and he was brewing coffee. At last, I got to see his package. He was uncut, about six inches long and fatter than any cock I had ever seen in my purloined male pornography. I imagined it grew to at least nine inches when he was aroused, and I vowed to make sure I would see that also.

Colin turned to greet me. He was smiling at me, and his smile made me feel faint. He looked very different somehow. I could tell it was Colin, but he looked more like his younger brother.

He had grown in stature, and matched my height. His body was solid and muscular. His face was very youthful. He didn't look any older than I. He told me not to be afraid, and he ran to me and embraced me. Our naked bodies dry humped each other. He was holding me tightly. The whole kitchen was spinning around me. If he had let go, I might have fallen to the floor. I was confused, addled, and disoriented, at the change I was witnessing. I started to faint, but Colin held me up. He began to kiss me with an open mouth, and my body began to burn. At the same time, I was shivering with cold and fear.

"Did you have fun last night?" he asked me. "You're a fantastic lover. It was a pleasure to be your teacher."

"Did we have sex last night?" I stupidly asked, because I truly didn't remember it.

"Of course we did. If you don't remember, I must be a lousy lover."

I started to cry. "What's wrong?" Colin asked.

"I must have had too much to drink. I don't remember anything about last night except a weird dream I had. Please Colin let's make love again this morning."

"Sorry Tyler, I'm running late, and I have to get to work. You do too. We'll make love again tonight. Now go get dressed, while I finish preparing breakfast."

Somehow I was frightened to death. I had learned to love Colin, but the changes in him that I was witnessing, were scaring me. I ran to my bathroom, where I did my morning things. Then I got dressed and returned to the kitchen. Colin was fully clothed, and I had to hold on to a kitchen chair. He looked exactly as he had the day my mother brought him home. The young man I had seen minutes before I got dressed, no longer existed. Colin left for work right after breakfast. He kissed me goodbye, and I shivered more than the other times.

I didn't have to be at my part-time job until 2 PM, so I had plenty of time to think. If I saw Colin differently at various times, maybe other people did too. My mother, who had brought home the most beautiful hunks in San Francisco, married Colin, who was nothing special. What did she see in him? The gay men in the bar fawned all over him, and not me. Did they see him differently also? I grew even more frightened. Who was Colin Fox? He was not anyone I knew. In spite of all that, I wanted to make love with him exactly as I had with the man in my dream.

That night Colin did not disappoint me, but unlike the night before, I was aware of everything that was happening to me. Uncanny as it may seem, my stepfather was young and handsome again. I was finally having sex, or making love, whichever, and I sighed endlessly with the pleasure I was experiencing, and with the realization that I was no longer a virgin.

Whatever Colin did to me, I did to him. Our love led me through anal and oral sex. When he came up my ass, my whole body burned. I felt like I might erupt into flames. I found the agony and the ecstasy to be overwhelmingly erotic. We rimmed each other, and Colin promised to give me a golden shower when we were done, and were bathing together. We fucked each other under our armpits, and between our legs. There was nothing we didn't try.

The real wonder of my sexual awakening was how many times I came. I repeatedly had orgasms, which grew stronger every time. The amount of cum I released became more abundant with each orgasm. If I came ten times, then Colin came at least twenty times. I was too lost in bliss to realize how unnatural that was. We must have been bewitched.

Finally we were sated. Colin wrapped himself around me and we dry humped each other. I didn't know much at that moment, but for sure, I knew I was no longer on the earth.

"I love you," he finally said. "I have loved you since you were four years old."

"How can that be?" I asked. "We didn't meet until I was seventeen"

"One afternoon I was in your mother's office. We were conferring about business matters. We didn't realize how late it was, and that her office had closed for the day. Your father came into her office with his four year old little boy. You and he had come to take your mother to dinner. It was her birthday. He invited me to join you, and I declined."

"But how could you fall in love with a four year old boy?" I asked. "You're not a pedophile."

"I didn't," he said smiling at me. "I fell in love with your soul, which is several millennia old. I knew then and there that I wanted to spend the rest of eternity with you, but I had to wait until you were a full grown man, capable of making your own decisions. Making love to you tonight was the culmination of all my dreams."

"But how could you know that I'd be gay?" I asked.

"I made sure of it," he said. "I also made sure that you would remain a virgin for me."

Now my blood ran cold, colder than ever before. I was scared to death.

We lay side by side fondling each other, and Colin asked me if I would like to spend eternity with him in his real home. He described it, and it was exactly as it had been in my dream. I now wondered if it was a dream. Without hesitating I answered as I had the first time, "Yes, I want to make love with you forever."

Colin actually started to cry, but he produced no tears. Suddenly, he sat up in bed, and said sternly, "Look at me carefully. I want you to see the real me, and I'll give you one more chance to say no to me.

"I won't change my mind," I said, "no matter what."

"Look at me," he repeated, and his eyes pierced my very soul.

His eyes were all I could see, and as I stared at them they turned into a fiery red furnace. They seemed to be ablaze. Before I could get over that shock, his eyes shrunk into slits. Then his skin began to darken, but he didn't get as dark as an African. His color was a beautiful mocha. His ears grew and they became pointed like Mr. Spock of Star Trek. His light brown hair turned jet black, and two tiny horns protruded from both sides.

Finally he stood up. What I saw should have sent me reeling, but by this time nothing shocked me. I remember thinking that I must be dreaming again. Colin was huge. He nearly reached the ceiling. His body was much hairier than it had been moments ago, and instead of feet, he had cloven hooves. His cock was not cut and it was huge. He knew how frightened I was so he took my hand and smiled at me.

He started to speak, and a stream of fire flew out of his mouth. I screamed and cringed.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked me in the quietest, sweetest tone I had ever heard. I believe he was trying to allay my fears.

"Yes, I think so," I muttered.

"My real name is Lucifer. Please call me Lucky. I'm so lucky to have found you."

Once again he kissed me, and I felt like my body was freezing over, and burning up at the same time.

"I have one more thing to tell you," he said, "and then I'll ask you again if you want to spend eternity with me. I won't force you, and you are old enough to make your own decisions. That having been said, I pray that you will say yes."

I mumbled something inanely. I don't remember what I told him. I was too frightened to say more.

"Contrary to common belief, I am not evil," he began. "I am not a fallen angel at all. Although I don't do evil, nor do I promote evil, I have been appointed to punish evil doers. Please know that I will never harm you, even if on some occasion we might anger each other. Now, one last time, do you want to spend eternity with me?"

"Tell me first, what you expect of me."

"You needn't worry," Colin (Lucky) said. There is so much evil in the world, you can be my assistant, and help me round up evil souls."

"I know you tried to revolt me by showing me the way you really look, but you can't possibly succeed. I love you too much. I say, yes, a thousand times, yes. I want to spend eternity with you. No matter how you look, you're beautiful to me."

Colin hugged me tighter, and I had to beg him not to crush me. This time my body heated up and I thought I was burning up again. I kept going from freezing to death, to burning up.

"Are you ready to go with me, right now?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I shall rename you, Salvation, because you saved my lonely soul," he said smiling at me.

"But, what shall we do about my mother?" I asked in concern.

"Your mother will not miss you. She now believes that you died in the car accident that killed your father, and she has already forgotten that we were ever married. All evidence of your existence has already disappeared. As far as she is concerned, I'm her nerdy client. Trust me; she will marry a hunk in the near future."

"Then let's go home," Colin said. "I can't wait to lie down with you on your comfortable pillows." I was apprehensive and shaking with fear. I didn't care that I was beauty and he was the beast. I loved the beast and I didn't care what he looked like. I took Lucky's hand, and I entered into eternity.

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