Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

By Peyton Jones

Published on Sep 12, 2020


Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Chapter Two

By Chrissy and Peyton

When Tina returned to work on Monday she was called into the Sheriff's office. "Tina, who's the girl that's been hanging out around here the last few weeks?" the Sheriff asked her.

"Carly Bivens sir, she's a student at Clark Community and was in the criminology class I lectured. She is researching her mom's case. It was an unsolved murder several years back. Is there a problem sir?" Tina asked.

"No, I've seen her in here over the last few weeks and was wondering. Is she any good?"

"Good at what, sir?" Tina asked somewhat confused.

"Researching?" the Sheriff replied

"I would say she is. She is very thorough and detailed but then again it's her mom's case so she has reason to be thorough," Tina told him.

"I've been given a little extra money for clerical support and in the interest of time I was wondering if she would be interested in doing research for the other detectives too. I would allow her to work first with you to complete what she is working with you then as time permits she can work with the other detectives on their cases. Do you think she would be interested?"

"I don't know sir. You could ask her and see. I know she doesn't have a job right now. She was interviewing with that Best Detective group and as usual I think they were more interested in her sex appeal than her ability to work. She hasn't heard back from them so my guess is she's available. I know she will be going off to State University if the fall," Tina explained trying to stay neutral but hoping deep down the Sheriff was willing to hire Carly so she could see more of her.

"I trust your opinion. Call her in and let's see," the Sheriff told Tina.

Tina went out and brought Carly into the Sheriff's office. The Sheriff asked to talk to Carly alone so Tina went out to her desk. "Son of a bitch, the Sheriff is going to offer Carly a temp clerical job," she told Ron when she walked out.

"And you are for or against that idea?" Ron responded.

"I don't know," Tina said.

"Careful grunt, I think she's growing on you," Ron kidded Tina.

Then Carly came out from the Sheriff's office all smiles and told them, "I just got hired to work here!"

"Congratulations," Ron said and stood up to shake Carly's hand.

Tina also congratulated Carly and then herded her into the interrogation room to take up working on what they still had left to do on her mom's case. She didn't want to make it appear it was more of a big deal than it was but down deep Tina was ecstatic Carly was going to be around more so she could get to know her.

Tina had Carly call the leasing company and find if they had recent addresses for the occupants of the quad where Carly and her mom had lived. While it might be a long stretch she suggested getting the names of the tenets in the other quads on either side of Carly in case this was a case of mistaken identity since all the quads looked alike. Carly had mentioned about why her mom who lived in the middle of the complex was the target making it difficult to enter and exit. Tina's idea was either Candy was targeted for whatever reason or it was a case of mistaken identity. It seemed to her no one would only break in to the middle building when the out buildings had better exits than this one.

Over the next few weeks, they contacted those they could find that Candy had worked with. If they resided out of town they called them on the phone. If they were local they visited them. They received the information from the leasing office and found out most of the neighbors were elderly as the place had originally been built as an elderly community. When Candy had rented it had been opened up to low income mostly single moms and Candy was one of the first to live there. So the mistaken identity thought was unlikely unless sexual assault was the motive and that didn't appear to be the case because there was no evidence that Candy had been sexually assaulted. They were in the process of interviewing people for Candy's work when they interviewed a lady who was a cashier at the same time Candy was. She was local so Tina and Carly went to see her.

"Mrs. Johnson, I'm Detective Alford with the Clark County Sheriff's Office. We talked on the phone yesterday?"

"Yes Detective, come on in," Liz Johnson told Carly and Tina.

"We have some questions for you about the death of Candy Bivens. I know it been a long time since this happened but sometimes we are able to jog peoples memory and we are able to reconstruct and solve cases," Tina explained to her.

"Yes, yes, of course. Such a tragedy it was. Candy was such a beautiful young girl, so full of spirit and joy. She was always happy and full of life. She was probably my best friend at the store. How can I help?" Liz Johnson asked.

"Well ma'am we've gone over your statement and wondered if there was anything you can remember from back then that is not included in your statement, such as anyone causing a scene or make threatening remarks to Candy? Did she mention anyone outside of work who she was having problems with?" Tina asked.

"You know Candy and I were close to the same age and both had little girls the same age. We used to talk all the time about being mothers. Back then when it happened, I was scared to death I would be next and I think it was two years before I could come and go without being afraid. I finally quit that job and began working as a secretary because I couldn't face being in there. My mind wasn't right and every time I would go in there I would see Candy. It took me a couple of years to not see her whenever I'd go in just to grocery shop. Since then I always wondered because two days before Candy had a customer who she couldn't stop talking about."

"Did this customer cause a scene?" Tina asked.

"No, it's not what they did but what they didn't do. Candy said the customer had a young girl with him and while they had grocery items they had a whole lot of feminine products and makeup, much more than this girl could ever use. Candy said when she questioned, the man said he had four daughters and he was only buying what they gave him a list to get. Candy said the girl moved somewhat behind the man and slightly shook her head. Then Candy thought she mouthed "help me" before the man made her move up next to him. Candy talked about it and said she was going to report it but I don't know if she ever did because after that was when she was killed.

"Anything else? Do you know if he paid with a credit card or cash?" Tina pursued.

"No, I don't remember. You know I wonder what ever happened to that daughter of hers. She adored her and was so proud to be a mother. That girl was everything to her. I'm trying to remember her name," Liz said.

"Carly," Carly said with her lips trembling.

"Yes Carly that was her name. Poor girl, having your mother taken away like that at such a young age. Do you know what happened to her?"

Tina looked at Carly and nodded her head letting Carly know it would be okay to identify herself. "I'm Carly, ma'am. Candy was my mom," Carly said her voice trembling.

"Oh my lord, Carly. I'm so sorry. Now that I see you, you do look like Candy only your hair is not as long or blond as hers was," Rachel said and held out her arms for Carly.

They stood there holding each other both shedding tears for awhile before they separated. "I sure hope you are able to catch whoever did this. Candy would be so proud of you working on this. Oh, I almost forgot. Candy, the day it happened, said the night before she saw the same man at her school. She said they walked past each other in the hall and the guy stopped and watched her leave. She thought he recognized her but was having a hard time placing her which is why he might have stared so much."

"What do you think?" Carly asked after they left Lizl's place.

"I think identifying this mystery guy would be like finding a needle in a haystack. His story of four daughters could be plausible. If they were all teens then all of them on their periods would explain the volume of hygiene products. Buying in bulk for that many plus his wife wouldn't be out of the ordinary. Make-up too. They each have their own and don't want to share. I can see that. I can also seeing him wondering where he recognized your mom being at school she is not in her work uniform and probably looked somewhat different. The question is, why is a married man with four daughters, staring at a young girl like your mom?" Tina said.

They drove in silence for a while before Tina pulled over, "Carly this is why when we have a case where we are kin to or close to the victims, we don't work the case. It will eat at you and you will doubt yourself plus every night you will go home and cry. Are you sure you want to go on? I can see how it is affecting you and you are much too sweet to spend all this time crying and feeling down. You should be out dating guys and enjoying your college days. Soon these days will be over and then it's finding a job and spending your time working?"

"Yes, I want to continue. I made a promise to two people to search until there was no reason to go on and I intend to keep that promise. Thank you, Tina. You have been very patient and accommodating and I couldn't ask for a better person than you to be with. If you do not want to continue, I'll find a way to go on by myself. I've come this close to not keep going no matter how much it bothers me," Carly said.

They still had some more contacts to make before they were done with the coworkers. Next would be the students and staff at school plus the acquaintances. Instead of sending her home to regroup since she was now employed Tina had Carly work with some of the other Detectives for the next few days to get her mind off of her mom. She could see how emotional this was getting for Carly and she liked her too much to allow her to get so involved in this case.

Over the next few weeks they finished making contact with the rest of the coworkers and all of the acquaintances. Tina and Carly were down to the people at school as the last hope for coming up with something to assist in the solving of Carly's mom murder. All had either graduated or no longer attended school there. Even the professors Candy had only one was still present. And of course none of them had any recollection of Candy or this mystery man. A few remembered Candy from class but vaguely as she was just a part-time student there because of work, raising Carly and with the cost of attending.

They only good of this was Carly had secured a job assisting at the station running down people for the detectives and the deputies, and reviewing case files to see if there were any unanswered details or loose ends in the case. Carly had been ecstatic over the job as it provided her with income, would be good on her resume and kept her close to Tina who she had come to admire and though she didn't want to admit it she had feelings for.

Over the next few weeks Tina and Carly contacted any and all students they had been able to find that attended school when Candy had attended and knew her either personally or had been in any of her classes that semester of before. No one was able to give them any additional information related to her death. Basically they had run into a dead end.

"What do we do now?" Carly asked Tina after they had interviewed the last person on their list.

"Carly, when we first started this I cautioned you this could be the result. We tried and you did a great job. I'm sorry we did our best but there just isn't anything else to look at to justify any more time. I know that isn't what you wanted to hear but it wasn't for a lack of trying. We actually spent more time and effort on this case than I have ever spent on an old case," Tina explained but she could see Carly was really down and next to tears.

"I owe you a lot and the Sheriff too for letting me work here. It just sucks big time. I thought for sure I would be able to find something that would lead or put us closer to her killer. But I have the work with the Sheriff's office and that will be a bright spot on my resume for when I graduate," Carly said and that's when the tears started falling down her cheeks.

Tina's heart couldn't take anymore as she had over time started to have feelings for Carly and had tried her best to suppress them but even this was too much for here to handle. She pulled Carly to her hugging her and trying to console her. "I know sweetie, I know. I wish more than ever we had been able to find something too."

Ron who was at his desk, also had come to like Carly being around so he spoke up, "Carly did the Sheriff say your job was contingent on you being here for your mom's case?"

"I don't believe so, why?" Carly asked in between sobs.

"I thought I heard you say you wanted to become a police officer to solve your mother's case or if not help prevent others from losing their parents? You still have the job and once you finish school it will help you on the fast track for a position as an officer. In the meantime you still will be around all of us and be able to help us solve crimes. Then you would be accomplishing that aspect because every crime we solve we potentially help someone keep their parent," he finished saying.

"He's right Carly. We may not have solved that crime but you have a job that pays well for a person still in school. We will still get to work together and frankly I have gotten used to you being around here," Tina added.

"You're both right. It was a long shot after so many years and to think I could come in here with no experience and solve a decade old crime after experienced detectives couldn't. That was wishful thinking. I guess I should go talk to the Sheriff and make sure I can still work here," Carly replied.

After Carly left Ron and Tina, Tina looked at Ron, "Thank you, inside that grizzly facade you portray there is a big heart in there."

"Your welcome, grunt," Ron said and smiled. "But I didn't do it for her, I did it for you."

"Me? Why did you do it for me?" Tina asked.

"To give you more time to decide and make your move," Ron said looking down at the papers in front of him.

"Don't go there, Ron. I don't need that. First, you don't know she's gay and second, you don't know she would be interested nor if I am; and third, I've got Jo," Tina replied with an attitude.

"You obviously aren't paying attention. First; if she isn't gay, why does she have a rainbow pin on her backpack; second I know you are interested and by how much she watches you, she's definitely interested in you; and three, you can pretend you have something with Jo, but neither of you have an emotional attachment to each other. The only thing you two have in common is being cops and having sex when one or the other gets too horny."

Tina picked up a notepad and jokingly threw it at Ron. "I hadn't noticed the pride pin before," Tina quietly said ignoring the other comments made by Ron. She then looked over at Carly's backpack and sure enough there was a quarter sized pride pin on Carly's backpack on one of the shoulder straps.

Carly came back from the Sheriff's office gleaming, "He says I can work as long as they have the budget but no more than forty hours a week. And when I go back to school, I can work part time if I want when I'm home for breaks."

"That's great Carly," Ron told her.

"Yeah, great news," Tina added but now she had more thoughts rolling through her mind about Carly. Was she really gay and if she was, did she have an interest in her. Should she pursue her interest in Carly? What about her and Jo? What would Jo do if she started dating Carly? Would she be upset or was all she had been saying about no commitment and free to date anyone they wanted true? She now was more confused that she was before.

Later that afternoon as they were getting ready to leave Tina pulled Carly aside. Out of the clear and to her surprise she asked Carly, "Carly, I was wondering if you didn't have any plans for this weekend if you would go with me to a festival on Saturday and then maybe some place to eat afterwards? Sort of a congratulations for the job thing and maybe as a way of saying I'm sorry we couldn't solve your mother's case," Tina throwing that last bit in to make it sound as if it wasn't a date.

"Tina, you don't have to. I knew we were up against big odds trying to solve my mother's case. And no offense, but the last thing I want is for you doing this out of pity for me," Carly tried to say.

"I insist, and it is not out of pity. I really want to thank you," Tina added stopping short of saying it was a date and that she was asking Carly out for real.

Carly hesitated one, because she was shy but two, she had some feelings for Tina and being in a non-work situation those feelings might become more evident. Carly knew she couldn't get close to Tina as she felt she was jinxed and everyone she got close to dies and she was afraid of it happening again so she couldn't take that chance. Plus there were her feelings for Jackie that she couldn't put past her. She was afraid if she went out with Tina she would feel as she was cheating on Jackie despite her promise to Jackie.

"Please, it will be a lot of fun," Tina added. Tina's persistence helped to sway Carly. Her feelings for Tina were stronger than she realized and they overrode her feelings for Jackie.

"Okay, I think it will be fun and do me some good to get out. What time?" Carly asked finally relenting.

"I'll pick you up at your place at noon and we'll go from there. It will give me a chance to meet your grandparents and tell them how well they have raised you," Tina stated.

"Don't you dare embarrass me in front of them!" Carly replied way too fast.

"Oh, I detect some hidden secret in there you don't want me to know about?" Tina kidded Carly.

"You do anything to embarrass me, it will be the last time we see each other," Carly warned Tina.

"Don't worry Carly, I won't say anything to embarrass you," Tina laughed though she purposefully left out asking not telling.

Right at noon on Saturday there was a knock on the door of Carly's grandparents.

"You must be Detective Alford?" Frank Bivens, Carly's grandfather said after opening the door. Frank Bivens was a tall man towering over both Tina and Carly.

"Yes sir, I am one of the same. And you must be Carly's grandfather?" Tina answered back.

"Frank Bivens, why don't you come in Detective?" Frank said and opened the door for Tina.

"Please call me Tina, Mr. Bivens," Tina said and walked into the house.

"Tina, Carly is just finishing up getting ready. Before she gets here, I want to thank you for taking all the time with Carly and looking into Candy's case file. Carly has been hell bent on looking into her mother's passing since her early teens. Her grandmother and I have tried to tell her sometimes these things are best if they go unsolved and there isn't anything you can do about it, but since Jackie's passing, she has made it her passion to do this," Frank said.

"Carly is an exceptional person and she made a determined plea for us to reopen the case. While she did a phenomenal job of researching and assisting, we just ran out of leads. I was glad to have her work with us this summer," Tina explained making note to find out who Jackie was since she had not heard that name before.

"Her grandmother and I want to thank for you being the one to work with her. She really admires you and she recognizes that you went the extra mile for her. We are glad it was you and not someone who would have brushed her off as some young girl with a vendetta. For all that girl has been through losing first her mom, then her best friend she doesn't deserve any more heartbreak in her life," Frank told Tina.

About this time Tina's grandmother came out from the kitchen to introduce herself. "Hi, you must be Tina? I'm Ruth Bivens, Carly's grandmother."

"Nice to meet you. Mr. Bivens and I were just discussing what a wonderful job you two have done raising Carly. She is a very special person," Tina replied.

"We've done our best though at times it seems the world is against that girl," Ruth responded showing the concern in her voice for Carly.

"Mr. Bivens mentioned Carly lost her best friend too. I knew of her mother but didn't know of the friend," Tina inquired now concerned.

"Yes, she won't talk of it but her best friend died of cancer when they were fifteen. We had made such headway up till then and when Jackie passed it set Carly back years in her recovery. She still doesn't get close to anyone as she feels she if she does she will lose them too. But you seem to be getting through to her as she talks about you more than anyone else since Jackie," Ruth told Tina.

It was at that time Carly came jogging down the stairs so the discussion about her was diverted. "Do you have money?" Ruth asked her.

"Yes Grandma. I got paid yesterday so I have plenty of money," Carly answered.

"She won't need any. Today is all my treat to Carly for all she has done for us at the station," Tina added. "Carly, if you are ready? Mr. and Mrs. Bivens it was a real pleasure meeting both of you and I hope we can see each other again sometime."

"It was nice meeting you too, Tina. You two enjoy yourselves," Ruth said as she held the door open until Carly and Tina were out the door and halfway down the sidewalk.

"She seems very nice," Ruth said to Frank after she closed the door.

"Yes she does. And a good influence on Carly too," Frank replied.

Carly and Tina reached her car and began to drive away.

"Your grandparents are very nice," Tina said to Carly.

"Yes they are. What did they say to you?" Carly said waiting for the embarrassment she was going to feel over something they said to Tina.

"Nothing, they were just thanking me for looking into your mother's case, that's all."

"Nothing else?"

Tina feeling caught, she didn't want to lie to Carly but she didn't know if Carly was fishing or if she overheard what obviously her grandparents had said. "No, they were just concerned how you would react from all that you have been through."

Carly looked at Tina to see if she could read whether or not she was telling the truth. Not seeing anything to tell her otherwise she accepted Tina's response. "So tell me more about where we are going? I've never been to this festival before."

"Oh you are going to like it. They have lots of rides, though mostly they are for the younger kids; they have food of every kind if you don't mind eating everything you are not suppose to eat; they have exhibits on farm life and some on displays of antique cars and tractors. And they also have a midway with arcades and games of chance. It's a lot of fun and the weather is supposed to be great especially after the sun goes down," Tina told Carly being glad she wasn't on the hot seat anymore.

"It sounds like fun. Is it one cost to get in or do you pay for everything separate?" Carly asked.

"That is the best part. As members of law enforcement we get in free. Some of the rides are extra and of course the food is but everything else is free. You did bring your identification from work with you, didn't you?" Tina asked.

"Yes it should be in my backpack," Carly replied.

"Good because I forgot to mention it to you before we left," Tina laughed a little.

They arrived at the festival and Tina showed her badge to get into the parking area then they proceeded to the gates and showed their identification getting them in. At first they walked around to get a sense of where everything was and then they grabbed some food while they made a plan of what they wanted to see and do. Both of them were almost identical on what they wanted to see and do, so they planned out the direction they wanted to start and headed in.

After three hours they were almost finished with walking around and ready to go into some of the exhibits and shows. They were enjoying the day and each other's company especially Tina. During the day she had several times reached out her hand to Carly to lead Carly to another area or through a crowd not thinking of how Carly was reacting to it. Carly liked Tina's hand in hers. It had been several years since she had she had held Jackie's hand and the feeling she got, even for the little time Tina held hers, brought back those memories and she realized how much she missed those times.

"Tina, Tina!" they heard in the crowd.

Tina stopped and looked around to see if she was the person who was being called. Then the person came up behind her in uniform. "Oh, Susan. I didn't see you there. What are you doing here in uniform?"

"Stark County didn't have enough uniform officers to cover all the shifts over the weekend so they asked my department to cover the overload. It's good overtime and so far has been pretty quiet except the occasional drunk or pick pocket. Jo's over at the substation with desk duty if you haven't already seen her. Whose you friend?" she asked inquisitively looking at Carly.

"Carly, this is Sue Wright from Sebring County Sheriff's Office. Sue this is Carly Bivens. Carly's been a summer researcher for us. I'm out treating her to the festival as a reward for all the hard work she has put in over the summer for us," Tina explained.

"Nice to meet you, Carly. Clark County must have a bigger budget than us to get a summer researcher? Don't let this one push you around, Carly," Sue said pointing at Tina. "She has a way of getting you to do things you will regret later. Just ask her girlfriend Jo," Sue said and winked at Carly.

Hearing that, Tina could have smacked Sue up the side of the head. The last thing she wanted Carly to know was she had a girlfriend who was, unbeknown to her, also here at the festival. Carly also hearing that was somewhat taken back since she was beginning to feel something she hadn't felt in years towards Tina and hearing Tina had a girlfriend was the last thing Carly wanted to hear.

"Well I've got to head over to the tractor display. Apparently some kids are trying to climb on the tractors. It was good seeing you Tina and nice meeting you Carly," Sue said and turned around to walk off.

"Whose Jo?" Carly immediately asked after Sue had left.

Tina, under her breath, muttered, "damn it to hell Sue," as she didn't want to have to explain Jo to Carly. But now the cat was out of the bag, and since Carly and she were just friends, it really shouldn't matter. But for some reason to Tina it did. She was having Carly here and holding her hand occasionally beginning to realize how strong her feelings were for Carly. "She is a deputy in Sebring County. She and I go out sometimes. It's nothing serious. Just the two of us keeping each other company. Does it bother you that I date women?"

"No, not at all. I'm just surprised that you asked me out if you already have a girlfriend. What would she think if she sees us?" Carly said now worried as she was beginning to see this as an actual date. She was concerned Tina was cheating on her girlfriend and Carly didn't want to come between them but more importantly she felt hurt, as maybe she was just a toy to Tina. As strong as her feelings were for Tina, she wasn't into dating women who cheated on their girlfriends.

Tina took Carly's hand and pulled her over to the side and out of the traffic flow. She didn't let go of it when she got them over to the side. "Carly, Jo and I are friends along with Sue. We went through training together and as women we all bonded and have stayed in touch. Well Jo and I are more than friends because well we have had to endure some of the same biases on the job. But while people label us as girlfriends, we are not connected to each other in that same sense. It's in reference of how much time we spend with each other. Jo sees other people and I do too so you are not coming between us if that is your concern. Now that I know she is here, I'll take you over and introduce you to her. As far as you and me, I didn't know you were into girls. Just yesterday, Ron pointed out the pride pin on your backpack that I hadn't noticed before so that was the first time I considered you being gay as an option Now that I know it opens up more of an opportunity for us ."

"Does that mean this wasn't intended to be a date?" Carly said sounding hurt.

Tina was in dangerous territory now as she had come to realize she did have feelings for Carly, but she was trying to suppress them. She also didn't want Carly disappointed because she had commitment issues and she didn't want Carly to get hurt. Jo didn't want a permanent relationship, so they were the perfect match because neither was going to get hurt. "Carly, did you think I had asked you out on a date?"

Carly looked at Tina with hurt in her eyes but she also looked at her with admiration and feeling. "Yes," she quietly replied.

"Oh," Tina said and by the way she said it, Carly could tell Tina hadn't meant it to be the case.

Carly didn't wait for any more of an answer instead she turned and began to walk away. "Damn you Sue," Tina muttered to herself. "Carly wait!" Tina said and ran to stop Carly. She turned her around seeing tears in her eyes. Now all eyes were on them and Tina was aware of it. She pulled Carly into her not caring that everyone could see and held her tight before she gently kissed Carly on the lips. She held her for a minute then when she could feel Carly relax she moved back from her. "Carly, I know this is backasswards but would you like to go out with me both as a celebration but also as a first date?"

The phrase first date rung prominent in Carly's mind and she smiled at Tina and nodded. Tina smiled too as it felt good to actually have someone to be able to ask out on a date.

"You know all this time we have worked on your mother's case, I didn't know you were gay. When I asked you to go out with me today while something in the back of my mind was asking as a date, I was really asking you out to put your mother's case behind you even though I suspected from the pin that you were gay. I'm much happier now knowing we are on a date."

"I am too but I can't come between you and Jo. I don't want you cheating and I don't date other women's girlfriends," Carly stated.

"Don't worry about Jo. Like I said we are really just friends who go out sometimes so we have someone to keep us company and not have to go out alone," Tina replied.

She took Carly's hand in hers and they started walking. In time as they were walking they came to the sheriff substation set up along the festival grounds. Tina felt Carly's hand get a little moist and she knew she had to tread carefully as she could see Jo in the distant talking with another deputy.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to Jo," Tina said to Carly as she released her hand and placed it on Carly's upper back.

Seeing Tina approaching, Jo came out from behind the table to greet Tina. "Hey sweetie," she said as she gave Tina a kiss on the cheek. "What brings you out to the fair? I didn't know you went for all the fried food, greasy sausage and onions and sugary stuff?"

"I was getting a little tired of salads and healthy foods so I thought I'd see what they eat in Hawkins County," Tina laughed back. "Jo, I'd like you to meet Carly Bivens, the summer researcher we hired."

"Nice to meet you, Carly. I would tell you how big a mistake you made working for Clark County but at least you picked the best detective to work with," Jo said with a laugh.

"It's been a great experience so far," Carly replied. She could see why Tina was attracted to Jo as she was about the same height, but had beautiful features and even with her hair pulled up in a bun, she was very attractive.

"Say Tina, I got my new bedroom furniture. When you come over next weekend you can check it out," Jo said and gave Tina a look.

That was the last thing Tina wanted Carly to hear. Though they weren't holding hands anymore since they had approached Jo, Tina could sense Carly reacting to everything Jo said and every movement Jo made. She couldn't get Carly away from Jo fast enough so she could see any backlash she was going to have from Carly. They left Jo and continued to walk.

"Do you mind if we leave and you take me home?" Carly said after walking a few minutes.

"If you are sure that is what you want, of course," Tina replied. She knew she had blown it with Carly. She was sorry though she wasn't sure how to change anything. She had a good relationship with Jo and she wasn't interested in a commitment, yet something about Carly kept eating at her. Something that made her want to hold Carly and kiss her.

They made their way to the parking lot and Tina's car. As they drove out of the parking lot Tina asked, "Would you like to go get something real to eat to soak up the grease from all we ate there?"

"If you want," Carly replied though there was not much enthusiasm in her response. Carly thought she didn't want her date with Tina to end, however she couldn't be with a woman who cheated and had a girlfriend.

Tina took Carly to a quaint little Italian restaurant she knew and they knew her. Once she was inside, they were seated right away as the people inside recognized her. "How are you tonight Detective?" the waitress said.

"I'm doing fine, Lauren. How are you doing? And remember it's Tina," Tina responded.

"I'm doing great. It's been rather slow tonight but we are still busy enough and it's steady. The usual for you?" Lauren asked Tina.

"Yes, please. Carly, I usually get the baked ziti but everything they have is excellent," Tina said.

"I'll have the lasagna," Carly told Lauren.

"Good choice, that's my favorite," Lauren said, "And to drink?"

"Ice tea would be fine," Carly told her.

Tina could tell Carly was not pleased with her but she knew in time she would get over it. The summer was close to being over then Carly would be gone to school and she probably wouldn't see her again. "You know I found this place by walking into a robbery and assault," she started to tell Carly.

Carly looked at Tina for the first time since they had left the festival giving her an inquisitive look of interest as to what she was saying.

"I was on uniform patrol; it was approaching dinner time so I thought while it was quiet and not busy, I would stop in and see about something to take out. I no sooner opened the front door and I saw this guy beating on Lorenzo, the owner. I drew down on him and he gave up without a struggle. Lorenzo was so pleased that I walked in when I did as it probably saved his life. He insisted I come back in and eat on his dime. Of course regulations wouldn't allow me to accept that so I tipped the waitresses, which both are his daughters, Lauren and Mildred, the price of the meal plus the tip. We now play this game of him comping the meal and me leaving a big tip to offset it. But he always gives me bigger portions and I end up taking more home than I eat here," Tina explained to Carly.

Carly smiled at Tina knowing it was Tina's big heart that keeps her coming back in after that.

"Dad wants you to try this new appetizer he is considering adding to the menu," Lauren told them coming back up to the table and placing it down in front of them. "And he says you have to drink a glass of wine with it to cleanse your palate," she added as she placed two glasses of red wine on the table.

"Thank you Lorenzo," Tina called out knowing Lorenzo was around the corner and could hear.

"Prego signora," they heard coming from the back.

During dinner Tina seemed to get Carly to warm back up to her a little. She still wasn't her usual self and Tina didn't know how to deal with it. She considered talking with Carly's grandma, ignoring it, or confronting Carly about what she was feeling. She walked Carly to the front door of her grandma's house telling her she had a great time with her today despite her sensing Carly was not happy with her. She hoped they would still be able to go out and get along until Carly left for school in a few weeks.

Carly looked at Tina and Tina could see both sadness and desire. She couldn't let this situation go without an attempt to make things right. Tina stepped closer to Carly taking her hands in hers bringing them up to her chest. She held them there looking at Carly then leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. When she broke the kiss, which lasted only seconds Carly was standing there, her eyes closed and Tina could feel Carly's body shaking through her hands. She waited until Carly opened her eyes then seeing the sparkle in them, she leaned back in and kissed Carly, this time with a little more passion and making it a longer kiss. She could have sworn she heard Carly moan but she wasn't sure if it was Carly or her. She broke the kiss and when Carly opened her eyes she smiled at Carly and softly said, "Goodnight."

Carly smiled and opening the door walked in. After she closed the door, she stood there touching her lips with her fingers and thinking she hadn't felt this way since Jackie, and it made her whole body tingle with the pleasure that she got out of it.

Tina, at the same time, walked back to her car smiling. Kissing Carly gave her a sense of euphoria. She couldn't figure it out but something about this girl gave her feelings like she had not felt before. Suddenly she felt really horny. She pulled out her cell phone and called Jo.

"When do you get off?" she asked Jo once she answered.

I'm on my way home now, why? Jo replied.

"I'm on my way over," Tina said. She hung up and made haste over to Jo's house.

She walked into Jo's finding her coming out of her bedroom having just changed out of her uniform and putting on a sleep shirt and letting her hair down. She walked up to Jo and her one hand went right for her breast and the other around her neck bringing Jo in for a passionate kiss.

Jo reciprocated the passion and moaned at the touch of Tina's hand on her breast. She immediately began to undress Tina as they stood in the hallway kissing.

Once they were mostly undressed Jo led Tina back to the bedroom. "What has you so horny?"

"You always have this effect on me and ever since I saw you this afternoon I couldn't wait until tomorrow." Tina said mainly as an excuse though avoiding Jo's question. She maneuvered Jo over to the bed and pushed her down on it. She grabbed Jo's legs spreading them out seeing no panties and a wet open pussy underneath her sleep shirt. Tina pushed Jo's legs up so Jo had her feet flat on the bed, knees bent up and out. Tina immediately went down between Jo's legs kissing her inner thighs avoiding her mons until last.

Jo moaned and pulled her sleep shirt up and off of her leaving her naked. Tina using her fingers, opened Jo's pussy lips and kissed two or three times until she got to her clit then she nuzzled it with her teeth and tongue making sure it escaped from of its hood.

"Damn Tina, whatever has you turned on I want more of it. You're going to have me cumming in seconds if you keep this up, oh fuck," Jo moaned.

Tina continued her quest licking and kissing all around and in Jo's pussy. Soon Jo's hips were moving up and down forcing her pussy into Tina's mouth. Tina locked onto Jo's clit and sucked on it while she inserted two fingers into Jo's pussy moving them around and in and out. Jo by this time was breathing hard and nearing a climax. She grabbed Tina's head and held it to her pussy. Her own head fell back on the bed and she squealed out she was coming.

Tina could feel Jo's juices as she came and she tried to lap every bit of it up. She loved the taste of Jo and she loved it when she came. Tina kept licking and sucking in all the juices she could from Jo until Jo pushed her head up off her pussy.

"Fuck babe, you were on a mission. Get the rest of your clothes off and get up here so I can taste you," Jo told Tina.

Tina hastily removed her remaining clothes and got on the bed straddling Jo. They kissed and moaned into each other's mouths as their hands and arms moved up and down the other. Jo kept trying to get Tina to move higher, finally placing her hands under Tina's armpit and moving her up that way. Once she got her pussy over top of her mouth, she licked and sucked on Tina eliciting more moans from her.

Tina at first leaned forward holding Jo's head up to her pussy while she balanced herself with her other hand on the headboard. Then she leaned back placing her hand over Jo's pussy trying to finger her. But Jo was too good at eating Tina, and soon she was just resting her hand there while she moved her hips back and forth over Jo' wonderful tongue. She could feel her own orgasm rising and her hips moved faster against Jo's tongue.

"Yes, eat me Jo. I'm going to cum. Yes, Yes! Oh fuck!" she cried out as her orgasm overtook her and her body began to jerk uncontrollably. After what seemed like an eternity Tina began to relax and she moved back up so she could see Jo beneath her. She rolled off leaning down and kissed Jo passionately. "Damn that was good."

"I'll say. If sex is always going to be this intense you can come over anytime. Oh and by the way, hi to you too since you haven't said a word until we were having sex," Jo added and laughed.

"Sorry, you looked too good coming out of the bedroom and I didn't want to ruin the moment by exchanging greetings," Tina laughed.

Tina and Jo lay in bed for a few more minutes until their desire for each other got the best of them and their fingers found their way to each other's pussy and they proceeded to finger and rub each other until they came again. After this round they settled in Jo spooning Tina until they fell asleep.

The next morning, they got up showered, kissing and making sure the others pussy was very clean as they came at least once. They then got out and put on some clothes, which Tina already had extra clothes at Jo's for this reason. It was mid afternoon and they were sitting at the kitchen table drinking a beer when Jo brought up Carly.

"So this new girl? She wouldn't be the reason you were so horny last night was she?" Jo asked.

"Carly? No, she worked on trying to solve her mother's murder from ten years ago. In the process the Sheriff hired her as a researcher for all of us. She goes back to school in a couple of weeks. I was just trying to cheer her up as last week we ran out of leads on her mother's case and I wanted to thank her for helping out this summer," Tina tried to explain.

"Are you sure? You don't even have me convinced with that line. You didn't get a little too attached to her while she was working with you?" Jo asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," Tina said but from the tone Jo could sense there was more beneath the surface.

"You know babe, as much as I love you and would like our arrangement to keep going especially if you are like you were last night, if you found someone to commit to, I would be ecstatic for you. You deserve someone to come home to every night and make love to. Since Nancy left, that's not for me and never will be, so if you find that special person, I couldn't be happier for you," Jo explained to Tina.

"I like your new bedroom suite. It looks great in your room and the bed was really comfortable," Tina said ignoring Jo.

Jo reached over the table taking Tina's hand. "Don't run away from your feelings, Tina. I know you better. I'll always be here for you as a friend, a lover and as a shoulder to cry on. If you have feelings for this girl let them play out. True love seldom comes and I would hate to see you let it slip past because you think I will give into commitment. That isn't for me. If I had to live with someone, even you for any period of time I would take my service revolver and shoot one or both of us. I enjoy my alone time too much to give it up for anyone. You are the closest I have come to anyone since Nancy, and I love you with all my heart, but even with you are around every day I would go absolutely bat crazy," Jo told Tina as she squeezed her hand.

"I'm happy with how things are right now," Tina replied.

"If you say so," Jo said and rose up to pull some things out of the refrigerator for dinner. How about kielbasa and yellow rice for dinner? And I can add a salad?"

"Sounds good," Tina said and came up behind Jo putting her arms around her and kissing her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too, babe," Jo responded and smiled at Tina.

The next two weeks went by fast though Carly and Tina didn't spend much time together. Carly mostly worked in the office reviewing and making calls for the deputies and other detectives while Tina was out with Ron running down leads on other cases they were working on. It was Carly's last day as she was going to take a week off before she would be leaving this time to attend the university and Carly was excited. Tina, Ron, and a few of the other detectives took Carly out to lunch to thank her for the work she had done.

Carly walked back to her desk after lunch. She now had to review one last case for one of the detectives before she was going to leave.

"Are you going to miss us?" Tina asked coming over to Carly's desk.

"Actually yes. I wish I had already graduated and could stay here full time," Carly replied.

"Believe me we do too especially me," Tina said but rather softly.

Carly looked at Tina out of the top corner of her eye as she wasn't sure she believed her.

"Would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?" Tina then asked not sounding as sure as she usually sounded when talking.

Carly wasn't comfortable with Tina asking her out knowing Tina was seeing Jo. She didn't want to get between them but more importantly since Tina kissed her the last time, she was realizing more and more how much she liked Tina. The last thing she needed was to fall for her and then have Tina break her heart. "I'm not sure that is a good thing to do Tina," Carly said.

"I know last time didn't go as well as it should but I would like a chance to make it up to you. And besides after this weekend you are going to be gone for several months at college and it'll be our last time together. I would like to get to know you on a personal note a little more," Tina told Carly.

As much as Carly didn't want to go out knowing Tina had a girlfriend, she wanted to go out with her. She knew she had feelings for Tina and there was nothing she could do about them, "Yes, I will go out," Carly finally said but Tina could tell from the way Carly said it she was more or less giving in so Tina wouldn't bother her anymore.

I'll pick you up at six and we'll go out to eat first then we can go to a movie," Tina told Carly then walked back to her desk.

"Did she say yes?" Ron asked after Tina came back to her desk.

"What are you listening in on my conversations now?" Tina questioned Ron and obviously was not happy with him.

"Well did she?" Ron persisted.

"Yes, she did if you must know. Do you want to know what time I'm picking her up and where we are going too?"

"No, I'll get those details Monday after you two go out," Ron said smugly as he smiled at Tina.

Saturday came and Tina was right on time being a few minutes early to pick Carly up. Carly hadn't discussed Tina's relationship with Jo to her grandparents, so they were unaware of any issues that had come up between Carly and Tina.

"Hi Tina, Come on in. I think Carly is about ready to go," Frank said as he opened the door after Tina knocked.

"Hi Mr. Bivens, how are you doing tonight?" Tina replied.

"I'm fine. Everything going smooth in the law enforcement business?"

"Yes sir, as smooth as it can. No major crimes lately which is good. I meant to tell you last time I was here you really have a well landscaped yard."

"Well thank you. Ruth and I spend a lot of time tending it. At our age we can't do heavy work but we know how to pull weeds and fertilize," Frank said and laughed.

"He's being too modest, Tina. He and Grandma spend about two hours a day working outside. I think they enjoy it and it keeps them occupied," Carly boasted as she came down the stairs and hugged her grandpa.

"Well it shows. I wish mine looked half as good as yours did. I don't seem to find the time so I have to hire a neighborhood boy to mow and trim," Tina commented.

"At least you put the effort into it. I don't like seeing places get overrun with grass and weeds," Frank said. "You two have a good time. It was nice seeing you again Tina. Come back when you aren't going out so we can talk some more," Frank smiled at Tina.

"I'll do that Mr. Bivens. Maybe I'll come back while Carly's away at school and you can fill me in on what she was like raising her," Tina said and winked at Frank.

"Alright time to go," Carly said and pushed Tina towards the door causing Tina and Frank to laugh.

Once they were in the car and had started down the road Carly turned to Tina, "Don't you even think of coming over here while I'm gone!"

"Why, they are so nice and I'm sure they would love to talk about you?" Tina said leading Carly on.

"Exactly, they would talk about me. So don't even come close to this house," Carly sounding like she was worried to which Tina just laughed.

"Are you up for seafood tonight or do you want steak?" Tina said changing the subject.

"Both sound good but seafood is a little lighter on the stomach. So let's go get seafood."

During dinner Tina and Carly seemed to get along fine. The topic of Jo never came up but Jackie did.

"Living with your grandparents you must have attended Riverdale High School? Were you in any clubs or on any teams there?" Tina inquired.

"I was never into sports and because of my size there wasn't much for me to do We didn't have gymnastics and I wasn't popular so cheer was out too. We had a forensic club but it was pretty lame so I dropped out of it," Carly told Tina.

"What about girlfriends? How long have you known you were gay?

"I've known since about eleven or so. Probably sooner but I was too young to know what sexuality was about to be able to recognize it."

"Wow Carly, that is young to even think about it. You must have had someone special to experience it with?" Tina questioned.

"That was hindsight. I really didn't know until around twelve or thirteen but in hindsight it was earlier than that. We just didn't know what those feelings were about."

"Was that Jackie?"

"How do you know about Jackie? I've never mentioned her to you, have I?" Carly asked emphatically.

"No, your grandparents mentioned her and I'm sorry about her," Tina said and reached over to take Carly's hand and give it a squeeze.

Carly put her fork down and lowered her head as it was obvious talking about her was still painful.

"Carly, I won't bring her up again but it would help if you to talk about her to someone who will understand loving and losing someone who is gay. Unlike straight therapist being and understanding gay relationships does help. I would be happy to give you the name of a lady who understands what it is like to lose someone who is like you," Tina said trying to be sympathetic to Carly's situation.

Tina changed the subject and eventually got Carly out of her funk. They then went to the movie theatre and watched a comedy which they both liked. They came out of the theatre walking to Tina's car when Tina put her arm around Carly's shoulder. Carly took Tina's hand in hers hanging on to her shoulder and looked over at Tina. Carly at this moment didn't care about Tina's relationship with Jo. At the moment she wanted Tina as it had been too many years since she had been with someone and her heart was aching not to mention the throbbing she was feeling down there.

Tina feeling Carly take her hand in hers and looking at Carly's eyes knew if she didn't try she would regret it for a long time. At the door of her car she turned Carly towards her and placing her hands on Carly's shoulders she leaned down and kissed Carly's lips. Tina felt Carly's hands go to her waist and squeeze a little bit as they kissed. Tina pulled Carly in and she heard Carly moan as their kiss intensified.

They held the kiss which seemed like several minutes but only was a minute or less. Tina eased her head back looking at Carly. "I don't want to stop Carly and I can't take you back to your grandparents place."

"We could go to your place?" Carly shyly stated in an almost whisper.

"I would like that," Tina whispered back.

Tina opened the car door and Carly got in. They drove to Tina's house mostly in silence but Carly took Tina's hand and held it in both of her hands while they drove. They arrived at Tina's place and once inside they began to hug and kiss each. Tina and Carly both put down their purses and Tina took Carly's hand leading her into her bedroom. They kissed with passion their tongues intertwining their hands roaming and squeezing each other's back.

Tina began to unbutton her blouse when Carly stopped her to unbutton it herself. Their lips met again as Carly unbuttoned Tina's blouse and brought her hands up to just under Tina's bra. Carly's hands slowly rose up until they both covered Tina's bra over her breasts. Carly gave Tina a slight squeeze of each breast causing Tina to moan in Carly's mouth. Carly released her hands from Tina's breast causing Tina to moan but then she felt Carly's hand on her back unclasping the bra.

"Oh Carly, I so want this but if you feel you need to stop it is okay," Tina began to tell Carly.

"Do I give any indication I want to stop?"Carly responded. Then she moved her mouth to Tina's ear whispering in it, "I want you. Every bit of you, and I need you to take me until you are completely finished with whatever you wanted to do to me."

That was all Tina needed to hear as she squeezed Carly tight and kissed her with passion. She then turned Carly around so she had her back to the bed and moved her until she fell back first on to the bed. Tina unfastened Carly's pants and pulled them down leaving her in her panties. Carly was already removing her pullover blouse revealing her A size breasts to Tina. She quickly removed her bra exposing her puffy but small breasts and nipples. Tina moved up and kissed Carly then moved down to kiss each nipple before taking them in her hands and rubbing her thumbs over the puffy nipples causing Carly to moan loudly.

Tina then sucked each of them into her mouth twirling her tongue around before she pulled on each nipple with her mouth and lips making them each pop as they came out of her mouth. Tina keeping her hands on Carly's breasts kissed her way down her stomach. As she got to her belly button she placed her tongue inside licking around. She then moved on down until she got to Carly's panties. She kissed over top of them until she was at the gusset then she inhaled and licked Carly over the top of her panties through her ever moistening slit. Tina released Carly's breasts and brought both of her hands down to the waistline of Carly's panties hooking them with her fingers and pulling them down. She noticed the now very wet gusset both from her tongue and from the moisture Carly was producing. Carly was now lying on Tina's bed absolutely naked. She had never seen a sight as pretty as Carly and to have her lie naked on her bed was almost too much for Tina. She took her hands and moved Carly's legs out to allow her to lie in between her legs.

Tina used her right hand in particular her middle finger of her right hand to rub up and down the slit of Carly while she gave little butterfly kisses to her clit and very wet lips. Carly was in heaven. She moaned her head watching what Tina was doing and falling back on the bed her eyes closing in ecstasy.

"Oh god Tina, yes,oh," her moaning serving to encourage Tina on.

Tina was in no hurry to make Carly cum. Instead she wanted it to drag out as long as she could because she was enjoying having Carly here and pleasing her. She leaned down and instead of giving Carly another kiss to her clit she licked her from the bottom of her slit to her clit then sucked Carly's clit into her mouth before releasing it. Forgetting that Carly had not been with someone in several years she wasn't expecting Carly to have a mini orgasm from her tongue that soon. But she felt Carly jerk and her body stiffen then Carly's body release small amount of fluids. She realized she was torturing Carly so she changed her tactic and began to lick Carly with more emphasis. This time when she felt Carly's orgasm rise she stuck two of her fingers inside of her and she sucked her clit into her mouth playing with her nub with her tongue. This caused Carly to scream out as she came.

"Oh fuck, Oh god! Yes, yes! Awwwhhh!" her body convulsing as she came.

Tina continued to lick and finger Carly as she rode through two back to back orgasms. When she saw Carly in tears she eased back and let her body relax. Tina took off her bra and then her pants and panties then moved up to cradle Carly in her arms as Carly calmed from her two intense orgasms.

Carly opened her eyes and seeing Tina holding her kissed Tina and put her arms around Tina's neck. "Thank you," Carly said to Tina then she buried her head into Tina's neck and Tina could feel tears coming from Carly's eyes. She had tears rise up too but didn't say anything knowing what Carly had been through and how difficult it had been to allow herself to have these feelings again.

The two of them lay there just holding each other for what seemed like fifteen minutes until Tina felt light kisses on her neck and shoulders. "Carly, you don't have to. I'm fine holding you," Tina said.

Carly reached up with her one hand pressing her fingers to Tina's lips who kissed them. Tina felt Carly's other hand between them and move over to her breast. Tina rolled over on her back knowing where Carly wanted to go with her hands.

Tina didn't have to wait as Carly moved when Tina rolled and Carly kissed one breast before sucking the nipple into her mouth. Her other hand moved and cupped the other of Tina's breasts playing with her nipple.

As Carly moved down she kept playing with Tina's breasts and nipples with her fingers. Carly maneuvered between Tina's legs, bringing her hands down so she could run her hand over Tina's pussy lips up over onto her mons then back down again. Tina loved when someone was gentle and rubbed her like Carly was doing so she was in heaven. Carly kissed Tina once on her clit then she stiffened her tongue to run it through her slit. She licked and licked running her fingers around the skin outside of Tina's labia causing Tina to arch her hips up. Carly kept this up for several minutes enjoying the taste of Tina. She was in no hurry to make her cum. Tina on the other hand was so turned on by what Carly was doing she needed to cum and cum bad.

"You're torturing me Carly. Please don't make me wait anymore. I need to cum baby, then you can play with me," she begged Carly.

Carly didn't immediately respond as she thought Tina had a wonderful taste to her like no other. Even though she had only tasted one other if she didn't count herself, never the less Tina tasted exquisite, and Carly couldn't get enough of her so she drew it out a little longer until Tina begged her to make her cum.

"Please, oh god, please Carly," she begged.

Carly hearing the desperation in Tina's voice realized she needed to let Tina cum before she could savor Tina some more. She placed her tongue flat on Tina's perineum slowly bringing it up through her slit then used the tip of her tongue to tease Tina in the middle of her slit before sucking her clit into her mouth using her fingers to slip inside of her.

This proved to be too much to Tina as she gasped, stiffened and then felt her body explode in a massive orgasm. She was somewhere in heaven but not sure exactly where exploding from within when she thought she heard her phone ring. But she was too far gone to respond as her orgasm continued to take her to new levels. The phone startled Carly as she continued to lick the juices Tina was releasing from her orgasm.

'Hi ya babe," the voice mail said. "I went out tonight and drank myself fucking crazy but boy did I score with some tight cunt. Speaking of tight cunts, did you ever score with that college researcher you all hired? Give me a call tomorrow and we'll compare notes."

Carly didn't have to wait for an answer to know who it was. She recognized Jo's voice from the festival. She stood up right away stunned. Tina was still in the after wash of her climax and not totally able to comprehend what had been said.

Carly flew off of the bed tears already coming to her eyes. "Is that all I meant to you?" she screamed at Tina. "I'm just some note in your twos book so you can compare notes about later? You bitch! I don't want to ever see you again!" Carly screamed and was as mad as could be. She had her clothes picked up and was putting on her slacks before Tina was able to realize what was going on.

"Carly wait! It's not what it appears. Please, let me explain," Tina begged but she was still in bed naked and Carly was already dressed and walking out the bedroom.

"You bitch! There is no explanation! I hope you two are satisfied. You got what you wanted at my expense!" Carly said then walked out of the bedroom.

Tina bolted from the bed naked out to the living room to see Carly pulling out her phone calling for a cab. "Carly, please let me explain. Don't go, please," she pleaded but it was too late as Carly walked out of her house and without clothes on Tina couldn't follow. Tina ran back into her bedroom trying to put something on to wear. She pulled her slacks on without panties and in her closet she grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over her head. She found her slippers and put them on then ran out the front door.

She couldn't see Carly anywhere being dark so she called after her but not getting a response. She walked a half a block in one direction to the end of the block but couldn't see Carly. She turned to go to the other end when she saw Carly standing at the other end of the street. She began to run as well as she could in her slippers when she saw a cab come up and Carly get inside then drive off.

"No, wait! Carly please wait," she cried out but the last few words never came completely out of her mouth. Tina walked slowly back to her house crying as she walked. "What the hell was that all about?" she muttered to herself.

When Tina walked back in she went into the kitchen to fix a drink she desperately needed to calm herself down. It was then she saw she had a message and she was hoping it was from Carly so she listened to it. Hearing it was from Jo and what she said Tina picked up the phone and threw it across the kitchen breaking it in pieces and damaging the door frame it hit.

"Fucking damn it to hell!" she screamed after she listened to the message Jo had left. "Why the fuck did you call tonight Jo. Shit, shit, shit! You knew I had feelings for her!" Tina cried and she leaned back against the wall in the kitchen before sliding down sitting on the floor crying.

End of Chapter Two

To Be Continued......

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