Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

By Peyton Jones

Published on Oct 3, 2020


Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Chapter Five

By Chrissy and Peyton

Tina went home and tried to think of who Carly could be seeing but since she knew no one at Carly's college she was at a loss. She sat and cried some more thinking she had lost Carly forever. As she sat there, she thought of the times she had had with Carly and what she really had meant to her. She thought of Jo and their relationship and what she meant to her also. She tried to compare the two and really there was no comparing the two as they were like apples and oranges. Tina between the crying and thinking felt her eyes get heavy and soon she was asleep.

Tina didn't see Carly over the next couple of weeks because the Sheriff had Carly working on the budget so they didn't get an opportunity to talk but she did go over to Jo's and spend a few nights. She feel guilty staying over there and more guilty having sex with Jo as was the usual if she spent the night. Jo on the other hand had noticed a change in Tina.

"Something you want to talk about? That was about as far away as you been especially when I'm eating you out. Made me feel like I was there to service you like a machine would," Jo said always having a way with words.

"No, not really. I guess I was just not in the mood," Tina replied.

Jo lay there about two minutes before she rolled over almost on top of Tina. "Listen, we've known each other far too long to fall for that shit. What is it?"

"You don't want to know. Just let it be," Tina said.

"Do you want to talk about it or do you want to lay here and stew about it?"

Jo knew Tina too well and she wrapped her arms around her letting Tina burying her head into Jo's shoulder and begin to cry. "I fucked up big time Jo. Carly's seeing someone else," she cried.

"Well what did you think she was going to do with you spending the night over here so much?" I'm surprised she didn't kick your ass out sooner. How much more are you going to put that poor girl through?"

"Wait, you are on her side?" You're the one who wants me over here fucking your cunt all the time?" Tina said sounding indignant.

"That's because it's available and free and you are so easy to convince to jump in bed with me," Jo told Tina. "No one made you stay the night. No one took your panties off and forced you between my legs. You are an adult and make your own decisions. I can't help it if you chose the wrong cunt to lie between. That was your choice. I've told you for years I'm not settling down and if it is free pussy it's for me and I'll take it whenever it's offered."

"Fuck you Jo," Tina said back to Jo not believing her friend could be so cold and indifferent.

"How bad is it?" Jo finally asked sounding sympathetic after lying there for a while.

"I love her. She told me she is seeing someone else and that hurt like hell. Then she told me what we had was gone. She even said Ruth told her to give me another chance but she wants it all saying I can't give it to her."

"Why can't you give it all to her? What is it she wants you can't give?" Jo questioned.

"That's what I'm not sure of. She has my love already."

Does she know that?" Jo asked.

"I don't know. I've tried to tell her."

"Have you shown it to her? I mean really shown her how much you love her?" Jo kept asking?

"I guess I could show her more," Tina said almost as if she was unsure.

"Back when she got mad at you after that phone message she overheard, what was it she said to you? Didn't she say something about she forgave you but she didn't trust you. Trust was earned and you hadn't earned it yet. Where do you go every time you are not comfortable with your life with her and you have to work for it? You end up here, and to be more specific in my bed making love to me. How much trust have you instilled in that girl?" Jo grilled Tina.

"None I guess. As far as she knows I'm either here fucking you or at my place fucking her. She probably doesn't think she can trust me at all."

"And no wonder. Here's a girl who has lost both her mom and her closest friend to horrible endings and the one person she latches on to cheats on her every chance she gets. She is looking for something to believe in and trust and you are what she gets," Jo told her in no uncertain terms with a lot of sarcasm.

"Hey, you're making it sound like I'm a piece of shit."

"Right now to that girl, that is what you are. You have destroyed all she ever wanted to believe in, love, trust and someone to cuddle up to and be there when she is frightened or needing someone to just be there and hold her," Jo explained to Tina. "Tina, I love you to death but given the chance I could do better and give more loving to Carly right now."

"What do you think I should do?"

"Well first you can stop sharing my bed with me when she is not in yours. You can start showing Carly how much she means to you and not just when she is around but when she is away at school. Go see her on the weekends and let her know she is special and show her how special she is and believe me she is. I can't handle more than one serious relationship at a time plus a few one nighters but other than you I would be all over Carly myself. So if you are going to mess this up let me know so I can get my chance with her."

"I don't know how I put up with you. You fuck my brains out and at the same time push me away from you into the arms of someone else," Tina laughed.

"It's because I love you Tina. I want the best for you and I know I'm not the best. I don't mind fucking you but I'm not the best for you and I believe Carly is."

They cuddled up arm in arm together, Jo kissing Tina on the cheek before lying down and telling her goodnight which Tina returned.

The next morning Tina was in the office with a much better frame of mind. Ron noticed right away. "What's up with you grunt?" he asked Tina.

"Nothing, just feel better, I guess," she replied.

Later that morning both Ron and Tina were out on a case when Ron asked Tina, "How goes it with Carly?"

"Ron, you know I don't like discussing my personal life out here," Tina responded.

"If there is anything I can do for you, just holler. You know how I feel about both of you," he said.

"We are about the same as before. It is strained but I'm working on it," Tina then told him.

"If it is any help she is miserable and feels like she has caused some of the mess you two are in."

"How could she have caused any of this?" Tina asked then she thought about what Carly said about seeing someone and her also giving the cold shoulder to her about getting hurt. She must not have taken Carly serious enough or thought enough of her feelings which is what Jo had been telling her. She must have driven Carly into who ever this other person was. She also didn't do enough to ease Carly's feelings about her getting hurt passing it off as nothing,

Tina went home after work avoiding going over to Jo's so she could think. She could come up with a multitude of ways she messed up. She tried to justify or reason why she did what she did. With Jo she had companionship and a comradery of law enforcement along with going through the academy together. She also down deep loved her and knew she was loved although was it true love that came first before all else. With Jo she lacked commitment and the feeling of longevity in a relationship. With Carly she had companionship, friendship, she had fun being around her and love, oh how she loved that girl. When she was around her she laughed, she cried, she looked at her with her short petite stature and she could get lost in those eyes. Her touch gave her goose bumps whenever she touched her yet she never felt so wonderful when they cuddled. With Carly though, the girl had a way of how should we say driving her insane with her stubbornness and determination. If Carly set her mind to it, you might as well stand back, because she was going to do it no matter what. But that is what she loved about her. With Jo she felt comfortable and she knew how to read her and what to expect plus Jo had the devil may care attitude. Nothing seemed to bother her. If they were together great, if they weren't it was also great. With Carly she sometimes had a hard time reading her and definitely she could expect the unexpected. Bottom line is she could make no more assumptions about Carly. She needed to pay more attention to Carly's feelings or risk losing her forever.

The first chance she got she asked Carly to go on a date with her. It was a Saturday afternoon and a warm pleasant day so Tina asked Carly out to go to the festival they had gone to the year before. That first time didn't turn out so well because Carly had misinterpreted going out with Tina. Carly had assumed Tina was asking her on a date. In the end it turned out wonderful as they shared their first kiss together which Tina remembered to this day.

"Carly, if you have Saturday free would you like to go out? The festival is back in town and I thought we could go again this time on an official date?"

"I would like that very much," Carly replied. "Around noon if I remember correctly?"

"Yes, that would be fine," Tina said.

At noon Tina arrived at the door for Carly. "Well hello, Tina. What a nice surprise to see you," Ruth said to her.

"Nice to see you again Ruth. I hope everything is going well with you and Frank?"

"It is now. Come in, please." She paused to let Tina in then called out upstairs, "Carly, someone is here to see you."

Carly made her way down the stairs kissing her Grandma on the cheek. "I don't know when I will be home, Grandma" Carly said indicating to Tina the possibility of tonight turning out to be promising .

They left to go to the festival arriving forty minutes later. They walked much like they did before to see the sights before they decided on what they had interest in. Of course they stopped to take in the food vendors. Carly got a pretzel with mustard and Tina got deep fried oreo which they shared. As of this point the conversation was cordial with neither saying or doing anything to make waves. As Carly was eating her pretzel she offered a bite to Tina. When Tina took a bite, she got mustard on her lip. "Here let me get that for you," Carly said and leaned over to wipe it with her finger. She looked at Tina as her finger grazed over her lip and their eyes met. Her finger stopped and Tina starred at Carly holding her finger against her lip. Carly realizing where her finger was resting finished cleaning Tina's lip and acted like nothing had happened.

Tina knew Carly was having feelings and trying not to show them. She intended to play it cool and not do anything to mess tonight up. She wanted everything to go good wanting to get on the good side of Carly again. What Carly said to her grandma and Carly hesitating with her lip were all good signs with Tina.

They left the food venders and walked some more deciding on what they wanted to see. Sometime during the day/early evening they ended up touching hands and by the time they left they were walking hand in hand back to the car.

Tina walked Carly to the door of her grandparent's home and before they got to the door Tina pulled Carly in for a kiss. They kissed and hugged each other for several minutes before Tina finally told Carly goodnight and she left with Carly watching at the front door until Tina drove off.

The next week at work Tina felt ecstatic how the weekend had gone. She couldn't keep her eyes off of Carly. Every time she saw her she was busy working on the budget for the Sheriff. Carly had her legs crossed and was swinging her crossed upper leg. Her blouse was a pull over scooped neck blouse that just barely came down to her waist and if she moved just right it rose up and you could see her waist. Tina could imagine pulling it up exposing Carly's puffy nipples and could imagine her taking her panties off of her. It was driving Tina crazy and making her wild with desire for Carly.

Ron was able to bring her out of her daydream when he asked her a question about a case they were working on together.

The following weekend Tina was able to get Carly to go out with her again this time to a movie and dinner. Tina avoided Lorenzo's as she remembered the last time they were there they had no alone time and alone time is what Tina wanted to show Carly her love. After dinner they went to a movie and Tina took Carly's hand in hers after they sat. Carly smiled at Tina as she took her hand.

It was the third date and the next to last before school started up that anything happened. The two had been to dinner at Lorenzo's and both Lauren and Mildred had sat with them when they got a break from the dinner crowd. Tina didn't mind tonight as Carly was in a good mood and their relationship had been on the mend. Having Lauren and Mildred spend some time at their table was welcomed and they had a good time.

Once they left and they were driving back to Carly's did Carly break the ice. "Are you ever going to put the moves on me again?"

"I wasn't sure that you wanted me to. I thought you were seeing someone else and I didn't want to get in the way seeing as how you'll be back at school in a week," Tina timidly replied.

"Don't you go over to Jo's and fuck then come to me the next day?" How is that any different than fucking me and then I go home? I have needs too and would like a good fuck once in a while," Carly said not looking for a fight but looking to make a point.

"Carly, that is not fair."

"Sure it is. You go over to Jo's place not for the company but to get fucked. Why can't you do the same to me?"

"I didn't want this to be a fight. I just wanted to take you out and show you how much you mean to me. I was trying to start over and take it slow so I don't mess anything up this time. You have me so confused now I don't know what you want," Tina said almost crying.

"Then show me Tina. Forget taking it slow. That was over the first date. I want you to make love to me. Show me you love me like you used to show me. We are beyond starting over. I want to feel your tongue down my throat, your fingers inside of me. I want to cum humping your leg and then feel you lick me until I cum again and then a third and a fourth time. Then when neither of us can take any more we cuddle up with me in your arms."

Then Carly looked out the window and sounding exasperated, "You do that and keep it up when I'm away at college for the year and you will earn my love and trust back. Otherwise we might as well go to your house and fuck and you can invite Jo over and we will have a threesome. Then next week when I go back to school you can go back to fucking Jo and I can go back to fucking Adelle." The name Adelle was the first Carly had said a name and now Tina felt like it was true. Carly had someone else and Tina was going to have to fight for Carly's affections or lose her forever.

"Damn it Tina! It's you I want. You are what I have always wanted. If you can't love me completely and devote yourself to me then tell me. I don't want this dating shit. You can't win my love piece meal like you were doing. I'm not in high school anymore!" Carly blurted out taking Tina by surprise. Now in addition to Tina crying Carly was too out of exacerbation.

Tina didn't know what to do. She started to go to Carly's house but then turned to go to her house. She wasn't sure this was the right move or what Carly really wanted but it was the direction she was headed. What started out as a dinner date at Lorenzo's had turned into a tense ultimatum from Carly. Even if she wanted to there was no way she could make love to her now. She was too upset and too nervous to make love now.

Once they were at Tina's, Carly eased the situation when she walked in and went straight for the bedroom. She put her arms around Tina and kissed her gently on the lips. "Let's take all our clothes off and let me cuddle up into your arms for tonight. I want to feel the comfort of my lover's arms again," Carly whispered into Tina's ear.

Tina and Carly disrobed moving together so Tina could wrap her arms around Carly and they could cuddle up together. Tina could smell Carly's hair and she gave small kisses to Carly's shoulder as she lay there taking in Carly's fragrance from her shampoo. In a matter of minutes with Carly 's fingers intertwined with her arm and hand wrapped around Carly's waist they both were asleep with smiles on their face.

In a week Carly was packing up to head back to college for her senior year. Tina while happy was also sad and confused. She apparently had her Carly back though she wasn't sure from the week before. She tried to go slow and show Carly how much she meant to her but Carly pretty much told her she was going too slow so now she didn't know how fast or slow to go. All she knew is she loved Carly and no matter what that is what she would do, is love Carly. Then it hit her. That's exactly what she would do, love Carly unconditionally. That is what both Jo and Carly were saying all along. She needed to show her love, not do what Carly or Jo expected her to do.

Tina drove over to Carly's to see her off and back to college. Mildred and Carly's cars were packed with Mildred following Carly who was towing the rent a trailer to get there. Tina hugged Mildred, wished her luck for the semester and told her to take care of Carly for her. Then Tina hugged Carly and told her to get settled in and let her know what weekend was good and she would come up and see her. Carly was happy to hear that and told Tina she didn't need an invitation, any weekend was good for her just come up but call first to make sure wasn't coming home.

Ruth stood next to Tina as Carly and Mildred drove away. "Good to see you two getting along," Ruth said.

"Good to be welcomed back," Tina said.

"Just between you and me I was just about to tell her enough. Forgive her or lose her forever," Ruth said.

"Well it's nice to see I have you on my side," Tina added.

"You don't. You are just as much the problem as Carly is with your sleeping here and there. I was just tired of hearing about it and Carly crying at night because you were off with Jo," Ruth said and turned her back to Tina to walk in the house.

Tina stood there for a minute realizing what Ruth had said. All those nights Carly had known where Tina was and was crying out for her. Now she felt really bad how much she had hurt Carly. She promised herself to stay out of Jo's bed no matter how lonely or horny she got.

The following weekend Tina contacted Carly to see if it was a good weekend for her to come see her. Carly asked if Tina could wait until the following weekend to come up as they were still organizing their apartment and could use the time. Tina agreed and they made plans for Tina to come up bringing some extra food from Lorenzo.

It was like old times when Tina got there as Carly jumped into Tina's arms and gave her a big kiss welcoming her. They put the food sent by Lorenzo away and showed the two-bedroom apartment to Tina. Instead of going out that night they made dinner and sat around talking with Tina and Carly sitting by each other and Carly's hands on Tina the entire time. Even though it was a two- bedroom apartment Tina felt uncomfortable making love to Carly with Mildred in the bedroom next door so they refrained that night and just cuddled. The next day Mildred introduced Jay to Tina. Jay was Mildred's boyfriend and had been for over a year.

The four of them partied around that afternoon and that night went to a bar that catered to lesbians and other college students. They danced with each other keeping Jay busy on the dance floor. Even Mildred and Carly danced together while Jay was busy dancing with Tina.

The four of them had just sat down when a song that Jay and Mildred wanted to dance to started to play and they got back up to dance. Carly reached over and took Tina's hand, "I'm so glad you were able to make it up here this weekend."

"I am too. This has been fun and being around the younger crowd has been good for me."

"Just wait until we get back to the apartment. I'll show you how good us younger people can be," Carly said.

"I don't know Carly. I'm not that comfortable with Mildred in the apartment and especially because I know Lorenzo."

Carly leaned over running her fingers up Tina's leg and squeezing right as she got to the juncture of her leg, "Mildred won't be there. She will be at Jay's tonight so it will be just you and me and I expect a thorough workout," Carly said smiling at Tina.

They danced some more with everyone getting a part of the action before they decided to call it a night. Since Jay had driven he drove Carly and Tina back to the apartment and dropped them off before Mildred and Jay left to go to his place.

As soon as Tina and Carly were alone they couldn't wait to undress each other. By the time they reached the bedroom they were both down to their panties with Carly wearing her crop top tank and Tina wearing her bra. They kissed passionately and made their way to the bed and managed to make it on the bed although they were half on half off it.

Carly was kissing Tina passionately kissing her down from her lips to her neck to her upper chest. Tina moaned and pushed her chest out for Carly's taking which Carly gladly took sucking on each of her nipples after she lowered Tina's bra cups. Carly continued to let her hand move down across her abdomen to cup Tina's mound as she kissed the upper swell of her breasts and nipples. Tina moaned and called Carly's name out as soon as her fingers found the moist lips between Tina's legs. Carly pushed the material of Tina's panties in getting it wet at the same time making Tina feel how wet she was from the silky feel of her panties. Carly's fingers pushed the material aside of Tina's panties allowing Carly to freely feel Tina's bare skin and now wet and swollen pussy lips. She easily found Tina's little bud and ran her fingers back and forth over it causing Tina to moan even more and her pelvic area to move back and forth to match Carly's fingers. Carly intent was to make Tina cum first and fast to take the edge off of her. She rubbed her fingers back and forth across Tina's clit while she sucked on Tina's nipples. It didn't take Tina long before her first of many orgasms she would have that night would peak and Tina shrilled when it did.

"Holy fuck," Tina panted. "I didn't know I could cum that fast or that hard," she told Carly as she was winding down.

Then before she could relax Carly was between her legs and she could feel the first lick of Carly's tongue. She stated to tell her no but as soon as Carly's tongue took the first lick she moaned, "Oh god, oh, oh, yessss," as she pushed her pussy out lifting her hips up so Carly had nothing in her way. She continued to lift her pelvis up and down moaning giving Carly all the encouragement she needed and then some.

This time it took Tina almost ten minutes before she could feel the pangs of her second orgasm rising. When it hit, much like the first, it came unexpectedly and Tina's whole body felt it. Tina collapsed on the bed panting heavily a small line of sweat showing on her brow and upper chest. She pulled Carly up to her kissing her and whispering to her, "thank you."

"For what?" Carly asked.

"For everything. I needed that to know how you felt deep down. I love you Carly."

Carly didn't say a response which at the time Tina didn't pick up on but she hugged Tina telling her "you're welcome."

They lay there for a while as Tina caught her breath. The whole time Carly was caressing Tina's breast and nipples with her one finger tip. This kept Tina just turned on enough and she moved Carly up and on her body. Carly figured out what Tina was doing and before she got completely on Tina, she removed her panties leaving her wearing only her crop top. She moved up sitting on Tina's upper chest just enough so Tina could lick her pussy. Tina took both of her hands and from behind she held both of Carly's butt cheeks up to her chin and began to feast on Carly's wet and waiting pussy. Tina kept her eyes on Carly's face alternating between it and her chest. Carly watching Tina take licks from her pussy noticed Tina's eyes and pulled her top up and off exposing her puffy nipples to Tina. Carly knew Tina liked her nipples and she held them out for Tina to see and play with.

Tina knew what she wanted though and she concentrated on Carly's pussy knowing where to lick and where to bite to bring the ultimate pleasure to Carly.

She concentrated on Carly's pussy for ten minutes until she had Carly worked up to where she was grinding her pussy against Tina's tongue and mouth. Carly exploded in her orgasm as she grabbed Tina's face and pulled her up holding her tight against her pussy. "Fuck me! Oh god I'm cumming," Carly called out. Tina didn't stop however as she wanted to keep this night going. She kept eating Carly out as Carly kept up her moaning and grinding on Tina. In a short time she had Carly peaking on a second orgasm, Tina's chin getting quite a workout as Carly was putting quite a bit of pressure on Tina's chin with her pussy lips. Carly called out again and this time collapsed on Tina slumping over and across Tina's chest. Tina reached up and teased Carly's nipples now that both of them had stopped moving and Carly's puffy nipples were almost face level.

After both of them had caught their breath from the aftermath of their orgasms passing they lay there arm in arm kissing each other and starring at each other. Carly had been running her fingers over Tina's lips and as she did she followed her finger down over Tina's breast to her stomach and to her mound. From there she moved her fingers to Tina's pussy lips and gently across them caressing them making no obvious sign of doing any more. When she did Tina gasped feeling Carly' s fingers easily slide into her. Tina pulled Carly to her and did the same also making Carly gasped.

"I love the feel of your fingers inside of me. Yes right there. Push them in and out a little," Tina moaned.

"Put yours in me the same way," Carly whispered to Tina. "Yes, awwggg, just like that," Carly moaned back.

"Don't stop, a little faster" Tina moaned.

"Ahhhh, yes put another in," Carly moaned.

They both moved their hips back and forth getting the full experience not taking their eyes off of each other as they slowly brought each other to another orgasm.

"I'm going to cum, don't stop," Tina moaned.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Carly moaned back still both of them looking into the eyes of the other except now instead of fixating their eyes on each other, they each had a gaze that told the other their orgasms were about to peak. Then Tina exploded in hers tensing and grabbing Carly which only caused Carly's to let loose they as they both grabbed the other while their heads came together and their lips melted into one.

"Oh god Carly, that was unbelievable," Tina finally said.

"I don't know about you but I'm about wore out," Carly said both of them panting and sweat dripping off of them.

They got up to get something to drink hoping Mildred didn't walk in at that time. They picked up the clothes they left strewn when they came in went back to bed. Carly waited for Tina to get into the bed then she curled up next to her taking Tina's arm wrapping around her and settled in for the night. Before Carly fell asleep, Tina smiled knowing Carly was in her spot safe and sound in her arms.

Tina was unable to come up the next weekend or the next so Carly went out with Mildred and Jay the first weekend but the second it was just Carly and Mildred so they went to a psych symposium the college was putting on. Then they treated their selves to a dinner and a movie in the university theatre.

This gave them an opportunity to discuss their business they were planning to form upon graduation. They each had a little money saved as Carly had a small amount from the life insurance from her mother plus she had some from the last two summers at the Sheriff's office. Mildred had some saved from working for her dad plus he told her as a graduation present he would give more. Between the two they could set up a small office and pay the rent and utilities for several months. With both focusing on different concentrations, that would allow them a broader base to pull from. The Sheriff had already told Carly once she was licensed and authorized with the state they would contract with them giving the two girls instant income. Neither could wait to graduate and have the opportunity to be out on their own.

The following weekend Tina was able to make it to see Carly. Mildred made it to the apartment before Carly who had a late lab she had to go to. They were sitting in the kitchen at the small two person kitchen set when Carly came in. Seeing Tina she dropped her backpack and jumped into her arms wrapping them around Tina.

"Wow! I wish I could get a welcome from Jay like that," Mildred said.

"Sorry," Carly said then changed her mind surprising both Mildred and Tina and took the two feet towards Mildred and did the same to her wrapping her arm around Mildred and giving her a big hug and a passionate kiss.

After the kiss ended Carly asked, "There, satisfied?"

Mildred thought for a second then said, "Don't think you are getting any sex from me later because of that welcome." There was a hesitation then everybody laughed. Mildred waited another moment then said, "damn girl, you're going to turn me into a lesbian before this semester is up. You better keep a watch on this one, Tina. The girl knows how to kiss."

Mildred kept rubbing her lips as they all laughed. "What's on the agenda tonight? Jay doesn't get off work until sometime between eleven and midnight so you're stuck with me until then. And don't say sex because it ain't going to happen. I was just kidding."

They decided to take Mildred out dancing so they took her to a local club. While they received some stares being a local college hangout it was minimal and they were not bothered except for the few guys who were looking for a pickup. As they were getting close to time to meet with Jay some guy who had too many drinks slammed into Carly knocking her to the floor.

Tina thinking the guy did this on purpose took him down using a combination of her military and police training. The bouncer got there before Tina did serious damage to the guy. They were going to throw all of them out for fighting until they saw Tina was a detective and Carly had an identification badge from the Sheriff's office though both were for another county.

As they were leaving Mildred remarked, "Remind me to always have you two around in case we get hassled. Between Tina's hand to hand combat skills and Carly' identification it's like the golden ticket to get in places."

"That's why we don't go to many straight bars and have to put up with the drunks and assholes," Carly added. "You were on that guy in a nanosecond Tina. Didn't know you could move that fast?"

"I thought he had hurt you," Tina said.

"So you were doing it to protect me?" Carly timidly asked.

"Yes," Tina shyly replied.

"Awwh, my hero and protector," Carly said and squeezed Tina's hand.

"Nice to know you have someone looking out for you Carly," Mildred said.

"Yes it is and someone I can depend on too," Carly said looking at Tina smiling with a gleam in her eye.

"What do you say we head over to the dance club we went to last time?" Mildred asked.

"You know that was a predominantly lesbian bar, don't you? "And we will have to watch for Jay to get him in too? " Carly added.

"Yes, I know, he won't mind," Mildred responded. "He enjoyed having all the attention last time, plus he'll appreciate Tina keeping him out of a fight tonight.

"Something tells me Mildred is enjoying the lesbian lifestyle, Tina. Between not having to defend Mildred's honor and getting to dance with and hit on from all the pretty gals in here I believe she is enjoying coming here."

"I believe you are right Carly. Now if we can convince her how good the sex is we may convert her yet," Tina injected.

"Back off you two. While I may enjoy dancing with you guys and not having to worry about getting hit on by boys, when it comes to going home, it's a dick I want when I get in my bed," Mildred laughed.

"You know Mildred, they make artificial dicks of different lengths and widths that work just as well. We could have you over and show you sometime," Carly said.

"TMI, TMI, I'm fine the way I am, thank you" Mildred and all of them laughed. It wasn't long and Jay arrived. Of course Mildred had to tell him about Tina having to put a guy on the ground for knocking Carly over. They danced the rest of the night with Mildred going home with Jay to give Tina and Carly the privacy they wanted and needed.

It was over a month before Tina was back as she had to work. During this time she had been helping Jo out with developing the firearms and self defense training for multiple counties and it was taking up a lot of time. While she knew Carly would be suspicious of any time she spent with Jo she was doing her best to let Carly know what she was doing and how much she missed being there with her. For her part Carly wasn't giving Tina the cold shoulder when Tina would mention Jo and paid attention to what she was saying about the training and how it was going. That gave Tina some satisfaction that Carly wasn't worrying too much and she was accepting her time with Jo.

The holidays were approaching and Tina knew Carly would be staying with Ruth and Frank. Carly hadn't mentioned anything about her coming over so not wanting to assume Tina made no plans. Carly came home on Tuesday with Mildred when classes let out. Mildred drove so Carly was able to call her that afternoon. She invited Tina over on Wednesday night after Tina got off work which took Tina by surprise since she knew Carly would be home on Tuesday. She wasn't sure if she was getting the cold shoulder again or why but she agreed to come over Wednesday. Wednesday came and Tina wondered what she had done to have not been invited over sooner.

When Tina arrived she was welcomed like nothing was wrong so she didn't act like anything was wrong. Carly was busy helping Ruth prepare everything because Thanksgiving was at their place this year as Loretta and John were out of town. Tina was in the kitchen helping out when Carly said to Tina, "Come with me. I want to show you something." They went up stairs to Carly's room and she pulled out a small box with a big bow on it. "Here, open it," Carly told her.

Tina opened the box and inside was a beautiful diamond engagement ring. "Isn't it beautiful?" Carly said as she stood next to Tina.

"Very, but...." Tina stumbled as she looked at it somewhat confused.

"It's for Mildred. Jay asked me to go shopping with him yesterday to help him pick it out for her. He plans on giving it to her this weekend. I knew you had to work and wasn't sure if you wanted to spend all afternoon shopping for rings so I agreed to go with him. She is going to love it."

"It's beautiful Carly. You two did good. She will love it." Tina then smiled as she knew she hadn't received the cold shoulder earlier. She leaned over and kissed Carly before they went back downstairs thinking someday soon she would look into getting one for Carly. It was time and she felt the moment was right to propose to Carly.

Carly began her final semester of school though she had already decided she was going to get her Masters. She decided she would do that part-time on-line after she was home and had work lined up for her. Mildred had decided to do the same that way they both weren't in school at the same time and earning income.

Things were status quo with her and Tina and Tina and Jo. They each had been careful not to rock the boat and everyone seemed happy. Tina continued to come and visit Carly spending the occasional weekend with her. But getting up there was putting a stress on her as it wasn't always easy to get away.

Tina had stayed home to help Jo with the training as she was almost at the opening of her business. Her forced retirement having gone into effect she could devote all her time to her new business. Of all weekends this was the weekend Carly picked to come home. She wanted to surprise Tina and went to her place to surprise her. Not seeing her there she waited until late before she got suspicious and drove over to Jo's to see if she was there. Seeing her car there Carly didn't go to the door but instead waited down the street to see if and when Tina came out.

It got late as Carly waited and around eleven at night she saw all the lights go out. Carly's heart broke. She had thought Tina had remained true to her yet here she was and with the lights out at Jo's. What else could they be doing but having sex. Carly couldn't believe it. She wanted to go to the door and pound on it until they came out and she could confront both of them, tell them what low life's they were then turn around and leave. She was too upset however to get out of her car.

No words could come to her mind. Instead she drove the almost four hours back to school where she found Mildred and Jay asleep in bed. She woke them up crying and explaining to them what happened. Jay comforted Carly as much as he could before he left leaving Mildred alone with Carly.

Mildred got into Carly's bed with her holding her like Tina did and caressing her head until she was able to fall asleep. Mildred spent the next day with Carly not leaving her side trying to figure out what Carly should do. She decided telling Carly if Tina and Jo were this intent on sleeping together then they were not worthy of Carly's love. She went as far to tell her she loved Carly as much as she did her sister Lauren, maybe more and Tina was a fool for throwing Carly's love away. By the end of the weekend Carly while not close to one hundred percent was feeling much better.

Her mind was made up and she had had the last of Tina and Jo. Over the next two weeks she deleted any calls that Tina made to her number. Tina not knowing what was happening, kept trying to get in touch with Carly. Exasperated she finally called Mildred.

"Hey Mildred, it's Tina. Listen, I've been trying to get in touch with Carly for a couple of weeks now and she doesn't return my calls," she innocently told Mildred.

"You're lucky she hasn't blocked you. You ought to be gutted and quartered for what you did to that girl. Shame on you! She has been nothing but true and faithful to you and this is how you treat her. I shouldn't be talking to you either and probably won't after this, but my Italian blood can't let it go without telling you what I think of you," she fired at Tina.

Tina was stunned. She had no idea what Mildred was taking about. "Whoa, wait just a second Mildred. I apologize if I have said or done something to upset you or Carly, but I don't know what you are talking about."

''Like hell you don't, and I don't know why I spent the better part of a weekend trying to comfort a grieving girlfriend who just had their heart ripped out because you can't seem to avoid going to bed with Jo, but I did."

"Look I really don't know what you are talking about. Jo and I haven't had sex in several months."

"Oh so you deny spending the night with her a couple of weekends ago?" Mildred asked sounding irritated.

"Yes I do, not that it is any of your business. That is between Carly and me," Tina said now irritated back.

"She may have been your girlfriend and lover but she is my best friend and if I didn't have Jay she would be what I would want in a girlfriend. She is everything to me and to see her hurt like this tears my heart out."

"Okay I still have no idea what you are talking about. Can we call a truce and go back to what I did and when to get in so much trouble with you and Carly?"

"You slept with Jo!" Mildred said exasperated.

"I've slept with her many times. It is no secret. But I haven't in several months. Not since things have been good with Carly."

"What about a couple of weeks ago?"

"Ron and I were out of town getting picking up a prisoner a couple of weeks ago."

"Say that again."

"Ron and I were out of town picking up a prisoner a couple of weeks ago."

"Why was your car over a Jo's?"

"I left it there. Wait, how did you know my car was at Jo's? Are you spying on me?" Tina said questioning Mildred showing her displeasure.

"Well damn. Listen Tina, I can't say any more without betraying the trust and privacy of my best friend but I think there is a big misunderstanding that has gotten out of hand. You see, a week and a half ago Carly came home to surprise you. She waited at your house and not seeing you come home drove over to Jo's. She saw your car parked outside and waited for you to come out. But when she saw the lights go out she assumed you and Jo were sleeping together. She was devastated. You don't know how much that girl adores you. She tells you she is working on trusting you again but in reality her whole life if focused around you. But you can't tell her I said that."

"I was over at Jo's and Carly knows I was. We had been were working on the final plans for Jo's new job and when we were done I was to go home. Ron called late that day and we had to drive to the other side of the state to pick up a prisoner on one of our old cases. Jo's home was on the way, so Ron came by to pick me up. We were back by late the next day. I didn't sleep over there and Jo and I haven't been together in a sexual way for several months."

"Well shit, we've got a problem then and you're in the fucking middle of it. Carly thinks you slept with Jo and she is mad as hell. Just when she was beginning to trust you this comes up."

"I'll take care of it but I may need your help if she won't talk to me," Tina said and it was obvious her mind was thinking.

"She's my best friend, Tina. I would do anything for her," Mildred said.

"Thank you Mildred. She is lucky to have a friend like you. Are both of you going to be home next Saturday morning about nine in the morning?"

"I believe so, why?"

"I'm coming up there. If she isn't up by then cook her breakfast to keep her there. Make some excuse that you want to try a new recipe out to keep her there if she tries to leave."

"You don't want me to say anything to her ahead of time to let her know you want to come to talk to her?"

"No, I would rather she still be in bed asleep. That would be a bigger surprise but as long as she is there it doesn't matter. I think it's better if she doesn't know anything about me coming there."

"Okay, well she will probably still be asleep. Either way I will be up to make sure she doesn't get out without me seeing her."

"Thank you Mildred. I owe you big time. See you Saturday morning."

Saturday morning arrived and none too soon for Mildred. She had to endure another two nights of seeing Carly cry over Tina and it was breaking her heart not to be saying anything. In fact she slept with Carly both nights to comfort her but also to be there Saturday morning when Carly got up. She got up first leaving Carly in bed, making the excuse she was going to the bathroom. She also said she was going to set the coffee pot to start making coffee which she knew they were going to need a lot of it. She had fiddled around long enough without making it too obvious when she heard a soft knock on the door.

Opening the door, Mildred had to laugh seeing Tina standing there with an old box of cereal and a quart of milk.

"Don't ask, inside joke," Tina said. "Is she up?" Tina whispered.

"No," Mildred whispered back and motioned Tina in. She then took Tina into the kitchen where Tina poured cereal into three bowls setting the milk aside and then went into Carly's bedroom alone leaving Mildred in the kitchen.

"Good morning baby, your cereal is ready," Tina whispered into Carly's ear.

It took a second for Carly to recognize Tina's voice but she shot up in bed hearing her, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Serving you breakfast with an explanation. I'll be in the kitchen when you are ready," Tina said and turned to walk out.

A few minutes later Carly walked out still in her sleep shirt. Both Mildred and Tina could tell Carly was mad. As soon as she saw the cereal she had to smile though she tried to conceal it.

"Are you going to explain why you drove all the way here only to turn around and go back to the hole you crawled out of?" Carly asked.

"Sit and eat your cereal before it gets soggy. You too Mildred," Tina said and pointed both to the bowls on the table.

Carly looked at the bowls and then to Mildred who was standing there in her nightshirt and said, "You'd best sit and eat because it's the last time you'll eat a meal as my friend."

"What did I do? All I did was answer the door," Mildred responded with a half smirk on her face.

The three of them sat and ate the cereal before Tina reached over to Carly and spoke, "Each time I think I have earned your trust, I let my guard down and it comes back to bite me. Carly, I didn't sleep with Jo nor did I even spend the night with her. The night you saw my car over there, I left it there because Ron and I had gone to pick up a prisoner in Livingston and he picked me up. We drove over there, spent the night, then drove back the next day. Jo and I were working on her job when Ron called. It was on the way so I left it there."

"Carly, I swear to you Jo and I didn't sleep together. She would like to but she says you mean too much to her to break that trust and so do I. I don't know what I have to do to get back in your good gracious but whatever it is I'll do it. Just don't shut me out again. I was sick when Mildred told me what you thought I had done. If we could have talked I would have explained to you what happened. It was a last minute deal that I couldn't get out of."

Tina continued as Carly still hadn't said anything but looking into space and occasionally at Mildred.

"You may be asking why Mildred is here listening to this, I wanted her here. I wanted her to hear my commitment to you and I wanted you to know if it wasn't for Mildred I still wouldn't know. When you wouldn't answer my calls I called her to find out why. She tore me a new one and after calming the Italian in her down, we figured out where the misunderstanding was. She is a good friend and a loyal one too. Baby, I would never do anything to break your trust. I hope you'll forgive me for not communicating better to you, but since we weren't seeing each other that weekend, I didn't think to call."

Carly sat there for a minute staring off out the kitchen window before she looked first to Mildred then to Tina. "I'm sorry too that I didn't question you more to know what was happening." Carly then got up with tears in her eyes and sat in Tina's lap sideways kissing her.

"Okay if that is out of the way, can someone explain to me what the cereal was about? That was some nasty shit. Do they even make that anymore?" Mildred asked making a gag face.

Tina and Carly laughed. "The first time I spent the night at Tina's she didn't have anything for breakfast, and not much else in her cupboards for that fact, except this old box of cereal. I had to go grocery shopping before the next time we went ate a meal there. In fact I had to do the same for Jo. It seems those in law enforcement either are too good to go shopping or don't know how."

"Maybe we are too busy protecting you or going to visit their girlfriends to spend time in the grocery store," Tina said and pinched Carly's waist.

Tina and Carly between the laughs started kissing. It was beginning to get passionate when Carly said to Mildred," You might want to leave the room if you don't want to see nudity and makeup sex."

"I haven't had my coffee and real breakfast yet, I'm good," Mildred pleaded.

"Suit yourself," Carly giggled.

Carly turned back to Tina and kissed her taking her hand and putting it between her legs.

"Okay, I'm out of here!" Mildred exclaimed and stood up to leave.

Tina and Carly laughed and stopped fooling around. Carly got off of Tina and went over to the coffee pot pouring them all a cup of coffee. They then sat down and talked while drinking their coffee. After several minutes Carly spoke up, "Let's get dressed and go out for some real breakfast." All had to agree to that idea.

Times were better for Tina and Carly. While Tina felt Carly still didn't completely trust and love her she was content to work on it and prove to Carly she could be trusted.

"How long are you going to treat her this way?" Mildred asked Carly one night a few weeks later.

"Umm, probably until graduation night. That way I will know her real feelings with temptation in front of her each day with me not being around," Carly told Mildred.

"Are you sure that is wise? That's two months away. You're not worried you will lose her because she gives up on you?" Mildred questioned.

"At this point there is nothing she can do to disappoint me or change my mind. Only she doesn't know that. I would forgive her no matter what."

"You love her that much?" Mildred asked.

"Yes, I do. But you know I love you too, Just not in the same way," Carly said smiling and leaning over to hug Mildred.

"And I love you too, Carly. You don't know how much," Mildred softly said giving Carly a big hug back.

Graduation day was here and Mildred was helping Carly get ready. "I don't know what I will do without you next year?" Mildred said while doing Carly's makeup for her.

"It's only nine months then you will be joining me at work. Did you hear from the girl you asked to be your roommate for that time?" Carly asked.

"Yeah, she is really sweet but she is not you."

"When it's time to get dressed and do your makeup I will come back up and do it for you. I will be with you until it's your time to walk," Carly told Mildred both looking at each other with love in their eyes.

"If you're not I expect to see you and hear you call out when I'm announced," Mildred said.

"I will be the loudest person in the auditorium. Well me and Lauren. With her voice I don't think I could out yell her," Carly said and laughed.

"Probably not. Well it's time you get your butt over there. Carly you're the most beautiful graduate to walk. I am so very proud of you and I know your mother and Jackie are too," Mildred said as she wiped her eyes and hugged Carly again.

Mildred drove her over to the auditorium where Carly's grandparents were waiting in their seats next to Tina, Loretta and John. They saved a seat for Mildred who joined them after dropping Carly off at the designated drop off point.

The graduation ceremony was beautiful with Carly being recognized as graduating with highest honors. After the ceremony and the progression Carly found everyone at the designated meeting site. Everyone was so happy for Carly and they all congratulated her especially for graduating with highest honors. As Loretta was giving Carly her hug and congratulation Carly began to cry.

"Do you think Jackie is proud of me, Loretta? I promised her I would graduate but I didn't go into law enforcement or find my mother's murderer and I said I would," Carly sobbed.

"Oh honey, she is very proud of you as we all are. You may not have made it into law enforcement or found her mother's murderer, but it wasn't for lack of trying. I'm sure she and your mother are standing next to each other beaming with excitement over what you have accomplished," Loretta said hugging Carly.

Her grandmother also hugged her saying the same thing trying to console Carly. As they walked out Tina held Carly's hand in hers and Mildred had her arm around her. They went out to eat at a local restaurant then they all left except Mildred who had one more class next week then she would be home for the summer.

After the graduation party her grandparents threw for her, Tina drove her back to her house, "I'm so very proud of you Carly. You are the first person I know with a college degree."

"Yeah well if I don't get a job utilizing it, it will be all for nothing."

"Don't worry. You'll find something. For now let's go in and celebrate. I have a present waiting for you inside. "

Inside Tina took Carly into her bedroom walking up to her and wrapping her arms around her kissing her passionately on the lips. Tina remembering Carly was wearing a dress, brought her hands up from behind lifting the back side of Carly's dress up exposing Carly's panties to the touch of Tina's hands

"You know how much I love touching your ass and your panties?" Tina softly said to Carly.

"No, but you can keep doing it if you want because I like you doing it. So what is my present?"

Tina walked over to her dresser and pulled out a eight inch strap-on and began to undress. Carly just stood there looking at the size of it. "If you don't want me to fuck you with your dress on I suggest you take it off," she said to Carly bringing her hand up to Carly's chin and running her fingers over it.

Carly quickly unzipped her dress and let if fall to the floor leaving her in her bra and panties. By then Tina had her clothes off and was attaching the strap-on. "You don't think it is too big for me, do you?" Carly asked.

"We'll make it fit. It was the smallest they had," She said as she moved over next to Carly kissing her on the lips. It's the size smaller than Jo and I....", then Tina stopped realizing what she was saying.

"No it's okay. I want you to fuck me as if I was Jo. Talk to me like you would talk to her and make love to me like you do to her."

Tina leaned into Carly kissing her tentatively at first then more passionate when she realized this was what Carly wanted. She placed Carly on the bed at first on her back and moved over top of her spreading her legs out and placing the strap-on between her legs. She touched Carly's pussy to see how wet before then putting some lube on her fake cock before she tried to insert the dildo. Once she could feel the moisture and how wet Carly was she made the first motion to push in causing Carly to moan and wince some from the size of it.

"Go slow and easy at first until I know how it fits," Carly moaned to Tina. "It feels so big but god does it feel good."

Tina pushed a little more causing Carly to moan and wince both from the pain but also from the pleasure. Then she pushed it farther inside making Carly's eyes light up wide and her moans to increase. "Oh god, Tina, oh, oh god," she said panting and breathing hard. She worked the strap-on in and out of Carly until she felt her explode in an intense orgasm.

Carly had seconds to recover when Tina turned her over on her stomach and brought her ass cheeks back to her. Now she had Carly up on her knees but her face was lying down on the pillow. She held Carly's hips up and positioned the strap-on getting on her knees entering her from the back. As soon as Tina entered her vagina Carly moaned out, "oh fuck, it's so big. Oh god oh, oh," yet she moved back into each thrust by Tina. Carly moved in sync with each of Tina's thrust moaning each time. Tina could tell Carly was getting close by the change in her moans. She pushed a few more times when Carly loudly called out, "ahwwwggg!" collapsing completely on the pillow.

Tina removed the strap-on and moved up next to her rubbing her back and hair. Carly after catching her breath, put her arm around Tina then kissed her passionately. They lay there arm in arm until they both fell asleep.

Back at home Carly didn't have much time to rest. She had put out feelers to all the local Sheriff and police departments and she had some interviews lined up for contracting with them as their consultants and therapist. She spent the next few weeks being interviewed by the departments explaining the services she could offer to them and more in a year once Mildred graduated. It took some doing but with Carly having worked with Clark County on several cases, was able to secure a contract with them not to exceed one year. It was a start and one that Carly intended to take advantage of.

It was an idea from Jo that also helped Carly out and got the ball rolling on the other counties. Jo mentioned to her that Carly could teach a class at her school that she now was running on the art of psychological profiling. She mentioned that all departments used some sort of profiling and that if she could teach a class on it that all could use, it could be integrated with the officers training.

Carly was on her way. With the classes she taught and her work directly with the departments she was on her way to full time employment plus she made a base for when Mildred graduated for her to branch out.

The Sheriff plus some of the detectives wanted to do something for Carly mainly as a thank you for her help but also as congratulations for graduating from college. They decided to take her out for lunch to celebrate.

End of chapter five

To Be Continued......

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