Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

By Peyton Jones

Published on Oct 17, 2020


Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Chapter Seven

By Chrissy and Peyton

Later that year they were holding an awards banquet for the Sheriff's Department. Carly and Tina were in attendance. In fact, Tina was receiving the award for officer of the year along with Ron for their work on the sex trafficking case. Since Carly wasn't an officer, she was not eligible for the award. Little did Carly know but to her surprise after Carly had been seated up front with Tina, the Sheriff had invited and snuck in through the side door, Carly's grandma, grandpa, Loretta and Julie. It had been several months since the shooting and while Carly was mostly healed she still walked with a limp.

"Tonight is a special night that we honor the brave and courageous men and women in uniform. Before I make the presentations, I would like to ask Carly Bivens to come up to the front please," the Sheriff said. A few deputies assisted Carly up the steps as those still posed her a problem. "As you know Carly has become an invaluable asset to our department since coming to us a few years ago. She has helped or aided in solving many big cases and assisted in working with others to get them to cooperate with us. But that isn't why she is up here. It seems Carly doesn't qualify for the physical standards it requires to become a deputy which is why she changed her major to help in a way that she could without becoming a certified deputy. Little did we know that decision would put her in harm's way and almost cost her, her life."

"Therefore on behalf of the powers vested in me by the county and state, I deputize you Carly Bivens as a deputy of Clark County with all the powers, responsibility and honors it brings. Congratulations Deputy Bivens."

Carly was ecstatic as this fulfilled her dream and pledge she had made to Jackie although it was after the fact.

After everyone had finished clapping and quieted down the Sheriff continued. "It doesn't happen often but there are sometimes situations where to honor one person doesn't fit the situation. This is one of those situations. Tonight we honor three people for their outstanding efforts in breaking up a nationwide sex trafficking ring and saving six girls from an unspeakable life. We are honored to have one those girls with us tonight to help make this presentation. Would Julie Anderson come up here?"

Both Carly and Tina turned around as they weren't aware of Julie being there. They then saw John and Loretta sitting next to Ruth and Frank Bivens. Julie proceeded to the stage followed by Loretta as her translator.

The sheriff continued after Julie walked onto the stage. "This year the Officer of the Year award goes to not one but three outstanding officers. Would Detective Ron Chastain, Detective Tina Alford, and Deputy Carly Bivens come forward?"

"On the fourth of June this year without regard for her life Deputy Bivens placed her life in danger to protect and save Detective Alford's life by attacking a suspect twice her size in the sex trafficking ring. As a consequence Officer Bivens, sustained an injury requiring surgery and months of rehabilitation. Detective Alford received a concussion but recovered enough to mortally wound the suspect and in return saving the life of Deputy Bivens, who while wounded and severely overpowered continued to fight until the suspect was mortally wounded. Detective Chastain at a separate location was able to arrest and capture the remaining suspects while saving the lives of the five underage juveniles. For their action on that day it is my honor to present all three of them as officers of the year of the Clark County Sheriff's Office." The sheriff then had Julie place the ribbon and medal on each the recipients shaking their hands followed by giving each a hug and a signing a thank you to each.

After the ceremony the Sheriff talked to both Tina and Ron as he was aware of Ron's retirement and Tina leaving. "I'm going to miss both of you when you are gone. Ron, you're my best detective. I'm going to be envious of you on a beach somewhere in Florida drinking beers and getting a tan. And you Tina, my second-best detective, I'm going to hear about you giving my deputies a hard time at training but I know they'll be getting training from the best. I wish you both the best of luck and it was an honor and privilege to serve with you.

The investigation showed the sex trafficking ring had been operating for years out of Texas and had untold girls pass through it. Those that got too old would be converted to prostitution or they were assumed to have been sold to someone or worse killed. The ring leader was in fact the person who killed Candy Bivens. She had identified him at the grocery store and at college. When he made a move on her she rejected him which is why he killed her. After that incidence they had left town for thirteen years only recently coming back. They had recovered a necklace belonging to Candy Bivens and matched the one that belonged to Carly that made the connection between the group and the murder.

As they left the ceremony Carly and Julie stood with the Bivens and Steele's talking Carly with her arm over Julie's shoulder and Julie with her arm around Carly. The Bivens were having a small party in honor of the recipients at Ruth and Frank's house along with Loretta, John and Julie, Ron, and Jo.

During the party Carly began to reflect on her life and how it had developed over the years to get to this point. Tina had warned her of this when she first met Carly. She told her that there would be a let-down of emotions after the case was over and she would have to do some serious soul searching to find out what really mattered and what was important in her life. She left the room by herself to reflect when her Grandma found her in the back room sobbing.

"Carly, honey what wrong?"

"Nothing Grandma. I just think the emotions of today have gotten to me. Do you think mom and Jackie are proud of me?" she said.

"I know what you are feeling child. You know it is alright to think of both of them at a time like this. It doesn't make you any less strong for feeling like you are doing. They are both very proud of everything you have done," Ruth explained to her.

"Why then do I feel so undeserving?"

"Because you never stopped loving both of them and everything you have done up until now has been for them. You solved the murder of your mom and you lived up to your promise to Jackie. I would say you have done well for yourself. And you have found love again in Tina like you promised Jackie." Ruth stopped for a minute to comfort Carly.

"Look at all you have to be thankful for. In addition to what you accomplished for Candy and Jackie you have Tina who adores you, you have Mildred who has become your best friend and that's not to mention one young Julie next door who thinks the world of you," Ruth explained. "I think you have a lot to be thankful for. I think now it's time you did something for yourself."

"You know what, I do feel thankful and I should let all them know. Thank you Grandma for showing me how selfish I was being," and with that she took Ruth's hand and walked out to the living room where everyone had gathered.

"Everyone I have an announcement to make," Carly began. "After sixteen years I have honored my promise to my mom to solve her murder. After seven years I have honored my promise to my forever girlfriend and love to Jackie to solve the same murder. Jackie also told me she would be watching from heaven with my mom when I celebrated finding the bastard so I assume both mom and Jackie are watching now." Carly put her hand on her heart and looked up. She then continued, "At the same time I promised Jackie not to waste the love I have because as she told me I had so much love to give. I've found that I do have a lot to give." Carly then walked over to Tina as she was saying this and took her hands in hers. "Tina, I have you to thank for all of this. Without your love and support I wouldn't have made it through all of this."

"That was sweet of you to say that," Tina told Carly later.

"I was going to ask you to marry me but I chickened out. If I did would you have said yes?" Carly asked Tina and looked her in the face.

"I don't know. We haven't talked of marriage. I'm not sure I'm ready for marriage," Tina told Carly which was a shock to Carly.

"That's what I figured," Carly said and walked off.

Two months later Loretta and John announced that Julie's adoption papers had come through. Of course the Bivens were there as godparents along with Tina and Carly. Julie had found a home filled with love and just next door, she found one that loved and cared for her just as much as her home.

That night after the adoption ceremony Tina and Carly were talking, "I take it you have no intention to marry me?" Carly asked Tina.

"I thought we already talked about this?"

"No you avoided the talk, do you not love me?" Carly quizzed Tina putting her on the spot.

"Yes baby, I do with all my heart."

"Does Jo have something to do with you not wanting to get married?"

"No, why would you say something like that?"

"Then why don't you want to marry me?"

"I'm not ready to get married," Tina stated.

"Tina, we've been together off and on for over three years. I love you and getting married is only one of two things missing in our relationship the other being a child. Give me one good reason we should not get married?"

"I'm not ready to get married," Tina said raising her voice.

Carly knew she had hit a sore spot with Tina when she raised her voice as she never raised it. She chose not to pursue it anymore at least that night but she had her suspicions why Tina didn't want to get married. "That's the same thing you said the night of the celebration," Carly said as she turned her back to Tina.

Another month later and while it seemed as if Tina and Carly had put the marriage issue behind them, Carly had not and she kept it in her mind that Tina didn't want to marry her. She was also very wary of what Tina and Jo did when they traveled out of town for work.

Jo interrupted Carly's train of thought on Tina not wanting to get married as Jo was talking to both Tina and Carly but mainly Carly. "So when do I get to meet this psycho Mildred I've been hearing about for how many months now?"

Carly laughed and told Jo, "She's not a psycho. She's majoring in psych the same as me. Do you think I'm a psycho?"

"You're living with Tina aren't you?"

"Yes." Carly answered and laughed.

"I rest my case," Jo answered and smiled moving away from Tina's arm as Tina teasingly swung it at Jo. "Seriously, when will I get to meet her and find out how she is going to upset our little dynamics we have going here?"

"She graduates in a week and the week after she will be here so you will meet her then," Carly told her. "She is straight so go easy on her. She will still fit in with the rest of us. Just give her time to adjust. She will be new, fresh out of college so she will be inexperienced," Carly explained. "At work, Jo, not sex, but again she will be the only straight one of the group so go easy on her."

Carly and Tina decided they needed to get away for a long weekend. With the pressures at work and the strains on their relationship especially concerning the marriage issue they needed the time to themselves to recharge. After the long weekend Jo was full of excitement, "Do I have something to tell you two," Jo said upon their return.

"What is it now? We just got back from a long wonderful weekend and as Carly calls it, it is so we can recover from us being too sore between our legs," Tina laughingly said then exasperated added, "We weren't away long that long. You couldn't have had enough time to mess things up Jo!"

"No, nothing like that and that`s too much information on how you spent your weekend, Carly. What was that you were saying about Mildred, go easy on her; she is the straight one of the group? That girl is gorgeous and smart as a hoot. I think I have a date with her next weekend," she said surprising both Tina and especially Carly.

"Wait, what did you say? You have a date with her? She's straight! Are we talking about Mildred Ricci?" Carly exclaimed.

"Yep, that is what I thought. So I've been good, at least for me, but she is the one who came on to me and asked me out."

"Are you sure she asked you out?" Tina asked.

"Yep, as sure as I'm standing here. We were talking about the classes and what needed to be done before they started up. I made a comment about what she was wearing telling her she was much too pretty and dressing too formal for around here. If she wore that to her classes she should expect everyone to hit on her knowing they were all a bunch of young male deputies. She then thanked me and said I was pretty too. A few minutes later she was asking me to go get a drink after work and talk about her roll in all of this."

"Holy shit!" Tina said startled.

"Well I'll be damned. I knew after being around me and all her off-handed comments about going to lesbian bars was leading up to something. I bet it was breaking up with Jay that put her over the edge," Carly pondered.

"Why would breaking up with him put her over the edge?" Tina asked.

"Because she intercepted his secret girlfriend's pictures of her pussy and boobs and Mildred seemed enthralled with them," Carly explained.

"Jo, she's inexperienced and naïve so go careful please. You don't want a conflict to start our business relationship off or worse a hostile work environment not to mention she is my friend and I don't want her hurt either," Carly added.

"Don't worry. Having just met her, I really like her and knowing her background nothing will happen." Jo hesitated then added, "Unless she starts it." Then she laughed.

"Jo!" Tina added.

"Well now that we are back, we should all get together and have a business meeting to discuss where we are, where we want to be and how to get there. Does Tuesday afternoon and night work for everybody? We can get take-out so we don't have to break for dinner. Carly can you clear it with Mildred? That is unless her new girlfriend wants to contact her," Tina said and both Tina and Carly laughed but Jo gave them a sour look.

Carly cleared the business meeting with Mildred but she kept to herself what Jo had told her and Tina. She wanted to see for herself before she passed any judgments on whether Mildred was experimenting with her sexuality or the asking of Jo out was either a mistake or an innocent miscommunication.

Tuesday they met at the facility in one of the classrooms. As they talked, both Tina and Carly kept an eye on Mildred to see if they could see any signs to lead them to the same conclusions that Jo had reached.

Nothing was noticed or said but both Tina and Carly noticed after the meeting as they were going home Mildred and Jo were laughing and talking as they went to their cars.

The next day after lunch Mildred cornered Carly, "Okay, I know you're dying to ask and I'm dying to tell you. But I also have lot to ask you too?"

"What? I don't have any idea what you're talking about? Carly said trying to act innocently.

"You're trying to see if it's true. Have I switched sides?" Mildred said.

"Come with me and let's talk," Carly said grabbing Mildred by the arm. They walked away from the other two and stood by the gun range where they would have more privacy.

"In answer to your question, I don't' know. Carly, I'm scared, I'm anxious, I'm excited and I don't know what I'm doing."

"Okay this is going to take some time. Don't say anything to the others and go get in your car. Carly went back into the office where the others were and told them Mildred and she were going out to discuss the profiling class and probably wouldn't be back for the rest of the day. She told Tina, Mildred would drive her home and she would meet her there. Then she walked out of the office without any more of an explanation and got in Mildred's car.

"Drive to mine and Tina's place," she told Mildred.

They talked work until they arrived at Carly's before they started discussing Mildred's issues. "Mildred first let me say, if you are looking for a one-time experience to discover your true feelings, I'm not sure Jo is the right person. She is a little advanced for you so be careful and she is also a business partner. Besides I never knew you had these tendencies?"

"I think I have always had them but suppressed them because they weren't what was socially and morally acceptable. I originally had feelings for you and still do and wanted you to be my first but you being with Tina changed all of that. I even had a plan for when you two broke up to put the moves on you and put an end to Tina but I couldn't come to do it. You meant too much to me as a friend."

"I never knew. I always had these feelings for you too but was afraid to act on them when we were in college. You were with Jay and my relationship with Tina was on again off again. You were my best friend and I didn't want to do anything to mess that up so I suppressed them. That may change soon but we are talking about you now not me.

"Then I met Jo and my whole world has changed. I've gotten bolder and more confident and I out of the clear asked her out. Did I say I asked her out? Me asking a girl out," Mildred said and giggled. "I don't know what I'm doing. I should cancel on her. I'm not ready to date a girl."

"Whoa, slow down Mildred. You are going to hyperventilate. Let's take this one step at a time. You are not going to cancel on her but you really are in a mess. You have asked your business partner out. What happens if it doesn't turn out alright? Now you have an awkward relationship every time you come in to work."

"Shit, I didn't think of that." What do I do?" Mildred asked covering her face.

"Well first are you ready for a lesbian relationship? I mean a real lesbian relationship?" Carly asked.

"I thought I was but now I'm not so sure. I don't even know what to do. Do I hold her hand? What if she tries to kiss me? Or tries to make out with me? Oh god, I'm screwed, aren't I?" Mildred asked and started shaking.

"No, you are not screwed but we have a lot to discuss and for you to straighten out before this weekend." She took Mildred by the hand and led her over to the sofa. She turned her so Mildred was facing her and kissed Mildred on the lips parting her lips with her tongue, what Carly thought were beautiful virgin lips. As Carly kissed Mildred passionately she brought her hands up and cupped both of Mildred's breasts. After a second Mildred both moaned and began to kiss Carly back with the same passion as Carly was showing her.

Carly broke apart from Mildred who was gasping for air and seeing only lust in Mildred's eyes and not fright or reservation. "Okay so you are ready for a lesbian relationship! I was just checking to be sure because when you go out with Jo, if you don't set the ground rules you can expect that," Carly said and had to take a breath too as Mildred overwhelmed Carly with not only how into the kiss Mildred was but how good she was too.

"Can we do that again to be sure? Wow!" Mildred asked.

"Maybe another time. I belong to Tina now and she would have to agree to let me," Carly laughed but down deep she really wanted know what it would be like to be with Mildred.

"Okay so you don't have any reservations about kissing a girl or her feeling you up. What about your dad and family? What are they going to say and how are they going to react when you show up with a girlfriend? You know peer pressure can be unbelievable and family can be very persuasive especially when you go up against the family norms?" Carly asked.

"For years my sister and I have had these discussions. She knows I have these feelings but she has no idea I am acting on them. While she doesn't share the same views on sexuality, she loves me because I am her sister and she will support me because I'm me. My dad, I'm not so sure of. He is pretty traditional and he wants many grandkids. If he sees my sister support me, he should come around eventually," Mildred told Carly.

"Well there are ways around giving birth. Tina and I have discussed kids. Now that she is off the department it, is a possibility. We haven't decided on them yet. That is part of our problem."

"Are you ready to handle the looks and condemnation that you will get?" Carly then asked.

"You know me, Carly. Condemnation never bothered me. I have thick skin and a fast wit that can match anybody so I would say yes, I am ready. Plus if it happens to be Jo, with her being a retired cop, I don't think looks will bother me.

"Now with Jo, to be honest just be yourself. You have already made an impression which is hard to do. Jo is not easily impressed or smitten and you have accomplished both. Don't try to impress her. She will see right through it and the opposite will occur. Like I said just be yourself as if you were talking to me or Tina. If I were you, I would keep the conversation light and more business- like. Don't get into anything too personal. Ask her mostly questions about the business, your role, what she would like to see happen with your side of it. Beyond that I would be careful. Jo can be somewhat of a player. Don't get me wrong about her. I love her to death as a person, but she has a history of taking advantage sexually to satisfy her needs and then looking elsewhere thus my issues with her and Tina. Tina has always had a soft spot when it comes to Jo and it's easy for her to land in Jo's bed."

"Now you are scaring me about her," Mildred said.

"No, no I don't mean it that way. From what Tina has told me Jo was in a very serious relationship before she met Tina. Apparently she was taken advantage of and ended up getting very hurt from it. She vowed to never let it happened again. Tina is the closest Jo has let anyone since then. She is mostly is of the type to fuck them and leave them now. So just be warned."

They continued to talk until Tina came home and so Mildred left. They promised the next day to talk some more and talk about Carly's issue she had wanted to talk about.

"Did you two have a nice discussion?" Tina asked.

"Oh hell yes, now I need you to take me to bed and fuck me," Carly said.

"Just what kind of discussion did you have?" Tina said as she was led by the Carly's hand into the bedroom.

"Let's just say mine and your mind are going to be filled with images for several days, making sex that much better though I'm not sure how it could get any better. Now my pussy is throbbing and dripping wet so let's get busy," Carly said and began shedding her clothes.

Carly had her clothes off and was helping Tina strip out of hers when she seductively said to Tina, "What would you think if I told you Mildred wants me to be her first and she has masturbated over her and me being together?"

"Oh fuck, keep talking. I'm already getting wet thinking of seeing you two together," Tina moaned.

"And I kissed her passionately to see if she was serious, which by the way she was and felt her up too? After I kissed her, she wanted to do more and if I had let her, we would've made love right here."

Tina moaned and pushed Carly down on the bed spreading her legs licking her and moaning each time Carly mentioned something about Mildred.

"Her lips and tongue were to die for and god what nice boobs she has. So full and firm," Carly continued with Tina moaning each time.

"Did you really kiss her and feel her up? Tina asked.

"Oh hell yes, but don't worry. It was really a test to see how she would react if Jo kissed her and she was so receptive, I had to stop after a minute. But the kiss was magical. She is a really good kisser. If I wasn't with you she and I would be laying in this bed right now not you and I. If she ever does kiss Jo, sparklers will be going off all over town."

They continued to make love paying attention to each other not Mildred. "God you are worked up. Your pussy is dripping it is so wet," Tina softly said.

"And you aren't helping it," Carly said partially sitting so she could watch Tina. "I love your tongue in me. Oh yes, oh god," Carly said as she grabbed the back of Tina's head and held it to her pussy throwing her head back at the same time. "Fuck me baby, you know I'm yours. Oh god, awwwggg, that feels so good, oh god," Carly called out all the while moving her pussy back and forth across Tina's tongue.

"Use your fingers too, oh god. Yes, like that, oh god, awwwgg," Tina was tongue fucking her and listening to the squishing sounds of Carly's pussy with her fingers moving in an out when Carly suddenly fell flat on the bed and grabbed the sheets as her orgasm overtook her. She spasmed lifting her pelvic area up then down each time a spasm would shoot through her. Finally her body relaxed and she calmed down but her chest rose and fell as she tried to breathe.

Tina moved up next to her allowing her to get her breath back caressing her hair and face. "We may have to fantasize about Mildred more often if you are going to react that way," Tina softly said into Carly's ear.

"I will fantasize about her anytime you want," Carly whispered to Tina then leaned over to her kissing her passionately.

They kissed and cuddled up together until hunger got to them then they got up and made dinner, showered watched a little television together then went back to bed.

After the weekend neither Tina nor Carly mentioned the date that Mildred and Jo had gone on. And for that fact Mildred and Carly never found the time to talk. Neither did Mildred and Jo mention to Tina or Carly, so they were left in the dark. It was killing Tina and Carly to know what happened on the date but the fact nothing was said, led them to believe it either didn't go well or it left Mildred and Jo wanting to put it behind them and write it off. Tina and Carly decided to not bring it up unless it was mentioned to them. Over the next few weeks they tried to detect some clue as to what happened, even dropping hints as to what happened, but none were detectable and their hints went unanswered.

Almost a month later Tina got the first clue when Jo mentioned eating at Lorenzo's and Lorenzo asked Jo where Tina had been as he hadn't seen Tina in a while.

Tina immediately asked Jo why she chose Lorenzo's and all she said was because of Mildred . "Do you think they are dating?" Tina asked Carly that night.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Mildred has been closed lipped after that weekend so I'm in the dark as much as you are. She was so worked up going into the date, I figured it didn't go well or she would have drowned me with questions afterwards."

"Or she decided being with girls wasn't the right choice for her. Maybe it was peer pressure or family that made her decide which way to go?" Tina questioned.

"I don't know. She seemed to think her family was okay with her dating girls. Even her sister knew she had an interest in girls. She told Mildred she would be supportive of her and always be her sister," Carly explained. "Anyway I'm not going to worry about it as between work and Julie I have enough to worry about."

"What's up with Julie?" Tina asked.

"She's having trouble at school. Someone found out about her situation and some of the kids are making fun of her and calling her names like slut and whore. I didn't mention it to you because your signing needs a lot more work and you wouldn't be able to keep up her when she gets excited and signs fast. Though come to think of it, you might be of help. You could keep her calm by letting her know to slow down because you aren't fast enough to keep up with her."

"Julie has become like a little sister to me. I'm trying to learn and keep up but this is new to me," Tina said. "I still want to help in any way I can."

"Can you go over tomorrow after work?" Carly asked.

"Just tell me when and I can be available. I don't think I have any classes late tomorrow so I should be available, either way Julie's well being is more important than classes. If I need to Jo can cover for me."

The next day Tina and Carly told Mildred and Jo they would be leaving early because of Julie. They drove over to Loretta's to find out what the problem was before going to Julie's school. Once they arrived, they were met with hugs and tears from Julie. They first met with the administration before they determined a course of action. It seemed that someone in administration was careless and left opened a file on Julie that had mentioned her background and she had been required to have sex against her will. After that, the student who saw the file had told so and so who told so and so and now her whole class knew. For most it was more sorrow and pity than gossip but to a few it was a way to say something negative about someone they were jealous about. Once the school put out a letter explaining that actions of a few could cause those few to be suspended, Julie had asked to address her class. Tina and Carly agreed and that maybe it was best if the air was cleared so rumors were not flying back and forth.

Julie asked if Tina and Carly would attend the session when Julie's class was being told. Instead of the school administration handling this with all present and addressing only the rumors, Julie asked to handle it. She surprised all by telling everyone exactly what happened even introducing Tina and Carly. Julie explained who they were and that Carly had been shot apprehending the perpetrator and Tina had been hurt suffering a concussion while saving Carly's life by killing him. After that Julie was more of a celebrity than the names she had endured. Julie couldn't have handled it any better and because of that Tina and Carly rewarded her with going out to eat at her favorite Italian restaurant, Lorenzo's.

Tina and Carly were very impressed with the way Julie handled the problem which is why they treated her to going out to eat. In addition to her favorite aunts taking her out to eat, Lorenzo won the honors for the night as he treated Julie to an ice cream sundry.

It was the other bit of information they gathered unrelated to Julie while they were at the restaurant and it came from Lorenzo himself which was worth the trip in its self when he told Tina, "I haven't seen you in here in a while. We've seen Mildred and Jo a couple of times."

Both Tina and Carly were speechless but kept it to themselves hearing that Jo and Mildred were obviously dating. The fact they go to Lorenzo's which makes sense since Mildred is Lorenzo's daughter. He had left Tina and Carly dumbfounded and after they had dropped Julie off at Loretta's they walked over to Ruth and Frank's.

"Holy fuck," Tina said after they dropped Julie off. "Can you believe that? Those shit heads not only have been dating but they haven't said one word to us about it!"

"I know. They have kept it a secret even to us for over a month now. What's our plan? How do we bring it up?" Carly asked. They were still talking about it when they walked in to Ruth and Franks.

"You get Julie straightened out?" Ruth asked.

"Yeah, she handled it like a trooper. Probably better than either of us could of thought to do," Tina answered giving Ruth and Frank a hug and a kiss.

"Now we have another dilemma to deal with?" Carly said.

"What would that be?" Ruth asked.

"A little over a month ago Jo told us that Mildred had asked her out on a date. We hadn't heard anything until tonight from Lorenzo, Mildred's father, they have gone out a few times," Carly told her.

"Are you listening to each other?" Ruth said pausing to see if either Tina or Carly noticed before she picked up again. "To her father's restaurant where she feels safe surrounded by family. Either she is not comfortable being out alone around Jo or she is not comfortable being out with a girl."

"I didn't notice," Carly said. "We may have to find out which it is?"

"They are doing all of this without telling either of us," Tina claimed.

"Well either they don't want you to know or they think you already know. But either way one of them is taking the time to understand what they might be dealing with."

After visiting with Frank and Ruth, Carly and Tina went home. As they lay there in bed and cuddled up together they discussed Jo and Mildred.

"What do you make about Mildred and Jo? Do you think they are dating?" Carly asked Tina.

"The more I think of it, the more I think it's a lot to do over nothing. And frankly what they do is their business and no body's else," Tina said to Carly.

"I suppose you are right. They'll tell us when they are ready to tell us," Carly said as curled up next to Tina in her usual position for the night.

Then Carly added not wanting it to drop, "Jo is more of the take me as I am and fuck it if you don't like me kind of person. I think there is more to both of them than we know and somehow we have to get to the bottom of it."

"Let it drop, Carly. It's their business not ours," Tina again told her and kissed Carly goodnight.

The day after next Mildred and Carly were discussing a class they were co-teaching on profiling. Carly was dying to know what was going on between Jo and Mildred but she was hesitant to bring the subject up.

"Can I ask you something personal?" Mildred asked Carly.

"Sure as long as I can refuse to answer it or lie to you because it's too embarrassing." Carly replied.

"Of course but it is not anything like that." Then Mildred hesitated. "Do you think it is possible for someone to be too good to be true? I mean too sweet, too caring, too much that you are waiting for the other shoe to drop and so you start doubting everything they say and do.?" Mildred asked.

"I am guessing this is Jo we are talking about?"

"Yeah, who else did you think I was talking about?" Mildred asked sounding perplexed.

"Mildred, since you told me that you and Jo had a date over a month ago, you've not said one word about the two of you. I didn't even know you were still seeing each other." Carly explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess it just slipped my mind because everything has been going great. Like I said she has been too good to be true. My parents love her and my sister and she have become best buddies. I am waiting for the real Jo to come out as everything I have ever heard about her I'm not seeing it. She has been the most caring, loving, gentle person I could ever have," Mildred told to Carly.

"Are we sure we are talking about Jo Stallings, Tina's friend?" Carly questioned.

"Um huh, one of the same. Where is this love them and leave them person you told me about before we started to date? And for your information she didn't kiss me until the last night. She really is making me uncomfortable. It's like she is setting me up for something and she is doing it with kindness," Mildred exclaimed.

"What if she was? Is it so bad to be treated that way? It's better that treating you like you don't mean anything and still want something of you," Carly explained.

"But how will I know when she is just toying with me being new to this lesbian thing or she is sincere with her feelings?"

"Mildred, she is no different than any guy you have been out with. Her true colors will shine soon enough. If it happens when you are in bed with her at least you will get a good fucking out of it according to Tina," Carly said matter of factly.

"I guess so though that is not how I intended my first time to be like. I imagined it would be with someone who I was in love with and treated me like I was someone they loved," Mildred told Carly. About a month or so you mentioned something you wanted to discuss with me in private. Do you still want to discuss it or has too much time gone by and it worked itself out?" Mildred asked.

"I almost forgot it as my suspicions come and go. For the last three or four months Tina and Jo go out of town for a night to solicit clients. I haven't said anything because it is just my suspicious mind overreacting to the past with Jo and Tina but I think they are fucking each other in a motel after work," Carly told Mildred.

Mildred didn't say anything at first because she didn't know first-hand and she didn't want to hurt the person she had come to dream about all the time, "Carly, I can't say for sure but one day last week before I walked in the office, I stood outside for a second trying to remember why I was going in to the office when I heard what sounded like a moan and Jo say "I can't wait until next Thursday and I can eat that sweet pussy of yours." Then I walked in and Jo and Tina were very close like they had been hugging. Once they saw me they moved slightly apart and acted like they were looking over the same piece of paper. It's another reason I have been hesitant to be with Jo because I don't want to play this bed-hopping game like you've had to do with her and Tina. Which by the way you deserve better, that is why back in college I had a plan to take you away from all of that."

"Do you think Tina and Jo are back to fucking each other," Carly asked sounding devastated.

"I don't know I want to give Tina the benefit of the doubt but history shows they have a difficult time staying out of each other's beds. If I was you and this is a big if, I would prepare to do what you should have done two years ago and kick her out. You deserve better, you always have and you can find better."

"You mean like you?" Carly asked.

"Carly, yes, like me. I won't kid you. I often think of what about us, but you could find someone else you could fall in love with. I want what you want and are happy with. Yes, I could love you better but you may not love me and you may find someone who loves you unconditionally and doesn't cheat on you. Just don't if Tina is cheating on you let her do it to you again. You deserve better," Mildred pleaded with Carly. "I will be there to support you and stand beside you. Whatever you need you can count on me," Mildred said and hugged Carly.

The day couldn't have ended soon enough for Carly as she had a lot on her mind. She didn't want to come straight after Tina because that would end up a big argument full of lies and denials. She needed proof or at the outside enough strong circumstantial evidence to confront Tina with. But Tina and Jo were smart. They never stayed at the same place picking different places where their clients were. According to them they never knew where they were staying until they were there saying they it was too difficult to know until they finished with each client and moved on to the next client to determine where they would be staying. So Carly wouldn't know which town or hotel Tina would be staying in until they were already there. Carly wasn't going to be able to catch them cheating on the road because of the distance from here to the hotels. If she was going to catch them she would have to bluff Tina like she had done before.

When Tina got home, Carly was pacing back and forth trying to pass the time away. Once she saw Tina all of her organized thoughts were gone. She saw Tina as the person she loved and she was willing to let her cheat on her if it meant Tina was there for her the other nights. She resided herself to be stuck forever in this situation of loving Tina and allowing her to cheat on her with Jo.

"I talked with Mildred today," Carly said trying to start up a conversation that might lead to what she wanted it to.

"If it is about her and Jo seeing each other I'm not interested. It's their business and we should let them have their privacy." Tina said calmly but firmly to Carly.

"I guess you are right. I have dinner almost ready so if you want to take your shower first, you have time," Carly told her and went back into the kitchen feeling defeated.

They ate dinner without another word being said about Jo and Mildred, instead talking about the new contract and what it meant for all of them because it was the third largest county in the state and that meant a lot of money with all the deputies going through the training including the profiling.

After dinner, they sat on the sofa with Tina lying in Carly's lap because she was so tired. They sat there for a half an hour. Carly had been running her fingers through Tina's hair which was putting Tina to sleep. Seeing Tina was falling asleep, Carly got her up to go to bed. Carly was somewhat dejected that Tina didn't ask anymore about Mildred and Jo but then again she had said she was over it. They obviously wanted their privacy. They went to bed with Tina wrapping her arms around Carly who had cuddled up against Tina in their usual position.

"Are you not happy with me? Do I not satisfy you anymore?" Carly spoke as they lay there.

"Oh god no, Carly. What made you think I `m not happy with you? Is this about tonight? I'm just tired that's all."

"I keep getting a feeling from you. You seemed more concerned with Jo than you do me at times. It's Jo this and Jo that. It's like she is back in your life and I'm second nature to you. It's okay if that is how you feel. I know you have an attraction to her and if I have to share you I am willing to that. Just don't go behind my back."

Carly's hands automatically found Tina's breast and she rubbed Tina's nipple until it became hard. Carly became restless lying there and looked up at Tina kissing her and softly saying, "put your fingers in me until I cum?"

Tina moved her hand between Carly's legs and felt the smooth skin of her vulva. Her fingers gently moved down on each side then slowly worked their way back up. This time with the added moisture they were able to part her labia some. A few more times and Carly had spread her legs and was moaning for Tina. A few more times and Carly's labia was coated in fluids and opened up gladly accepting Tina's fingers to probe her inside. Carly held tight to Tina's shoulders and upper chest as Tina worked her magic fingering Carly bringing her to a shuddering orgasm.

After Carly had calmed from her orgasm she lifted her head up kissing Tina on the lips. "Thank you," she told Tina.

Carly waited a few minutes to allow for her orgasm to settle but also she knew Tina was thinking of herself and Jo together and she wanted her to absorb as much of that image before the next of her plan went into effect. Her plan allowed for Tina to imagine as much of a vision of her and Jo together not Carly and Tina. Then she would begin to touch Tina at the same time mentioning to Tina of her and Jo. Then the eroticism would be greater and Tina would have a strong and intense orgasm.

At the right moment Carly felt Tina was thinking of what it would be like for Jo and Tina to be in bed again. Carly started caressing Tina and mentioning to her about Jo. Tina instantly responded by moaning and squirming to Carly's touch. Carly's fingers, after caressing Tina found their way into her now slick and overly excited pussy. Tina moaned and moved her hips to every touch made by Carly.

Carly suggested to Tina that Tina was thinking of making love to Jo while Carly's fingers rubbed circles around Tina's clit. If she didn't answer fast enough or how Carly wanted her to she applied more pressure in the right spot thus eliciting the feeling she wanted.

She kept up the foreplay bringing Tina to a point then backing off all the time asking or suggesting to her about making love to Jo. This was driving Tina insane as down deep she yearned to be in bed with Jo again.

Tina moaned over and over until she no longer had to answer Carly but openly moaned to Carly she wanted Jo and she wanted to make love to her. She was such a good fuck and would do anything to lie in bed with her again.

Carly knew all along there was a commitment between Jo and Tina that went beyond being friends. She knew at some point Tina and Jo would cheat on her so she might as well get it out in the open and that way she would know for sure of Tina's cheating on her. Her manipulation of Tina through sex was self-serving. She got her to admit what was there all along. Carly then gave her the relief she sought and fingered her over the edge with a powerful intense orgasm.

She did allow Tina's body to recover before she pulled her closer and tighter to talk.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Carly asked.

"Talk about what?" Tina innocently asked.

"You and Jo. I know you are cheating with her," Carly dejectedly said.

Tina not knowing what to say pleaded innocently. "We haven't, that was an in the moment thing I blurted out because you were enticing me."

"You've said that before many times over. I no longer believe you. How long have you two been fucking?"

"We haven't. That was brought on by you putting Jo's image in my mind."

"I only put in your mind what you were thinking and wanting. Don't play these games with me. I thought if I told you I was alright with it as long as it was not behind my back the appeal of being with her would subside. You just don't know how to stay out of her bed do you? All this time and you can't stay off of probation. Maybe making it permanent will have an impact on you. If you only knew how much this hurts, Tina," Carly sadly said.

"I don't know what to say. How did you know?" Tina asked.

Carly didn't answer Tina as she didn't want Tina to know all the signs Tina gave off that Carly could read and because her hurt this time went too deep. She knew Tina's cheating would never stop. Mildred was right. She deserved better than this. It was hard for her to have fought so long and hard for Tina's love for it to end this way. She didn't know what she would do or where she would go but she knew staying with Tina was not the choice she should make.

"Tina, I'll move out tomorrow and I don't want you to contact me again," Carly said.

"Carly, can we discuss it? I love you so much and I don't want to lose you," Tina pleaded.

"You should have thought of that months ago when you and Jo started your little scheme of going out of town. You don't know how much I love you and how much this hurts me. I would have given you everything including my life. But apparently it was not enough," Carly said not shedding a tear as what Tina had done was the lowest of lows and Carly was in too much pain to cry. "As of tomorrow morning I no longer will provide psych exams or do profiling at the business. I can't answer for Mildred but I resign my position as of tomorrow. I can't work there and see you and Jo at the same time."

"Carly, please, what can I do for you not to leave me?" Tina continued to plead.

"I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight," Carly said as she got up and took her pillow and got an extra blanket going out to the living room and lying on the sofa not shedding a tear at least one that Tina could see.

The next morning Carly was up early earlier than Tina gathering her things and packing what she could take. Tina came out from the bedroom naked and pleaded with her again not to leave. Carly walked over to her giving her a hug and kissing her more passionately than a person who was hurt and leaving would. Tina reacted to the kiss as she thought maybe Carly had changed her mind.

"You know you make it difficult to leave when you look like this and kiss like this, but my mind is made up. I will miss your touch, your sweet kisses, playing with these, and most of all loving you," she said as she brought her hands up and teasing Tina's breasts and nipples. "But you brought all of this on yourself jumping in bed with Jo so you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. I hope she was worth it. I've loved you for the last time. Good bye Tina," Carly said as she ran her hand over Tina's cheek and turned to walk out.

Carly walked out and didn't turn back. She and Tina were finished and there was no turning back. She knew if she gave in or turned back around it was a sign of weakness and this was the last time she would give into Tina and Jo's bed hopping. The only two places she could go were to Mildred's and her grandmothers. Neither was where she wanted to go but for a temporary location either was suitable. She chose her grandmothers because it provided the love and comfort she needed without judgment that she didn't need now. She drove to her grandmothers unloading some of her stuff as she walked up to the house.

Her grandmother seeing her walk up carrying her bags didn't say a word just opening the door to let her in. "I have two more loads to bring in," Carly said.

"I'll help," Ruth replied back. "I assume up to your room?"

"Yes, please," Carly said with no emotion in her voice.

After they had everything in Carly's room, Ruth turned to Carly, "Take your time and unpack if you plan to stay, I'll be down in the kitchen when you are ready to talk."

Ruth was a very smart woman and knew when it was time to talk and when it was time to wait and this was one of those times she needed to wait and only be there for Carly when Carly asked.

Carly stayed in her room until mid afternoon claiming to unpack her things. If Ruth had looked in her room she would have seen most of Carly's things still packed. It would have been obvious that Carly was having a difficult time with her decision. She debated on whether she reacted too quickly and with too much emotion as she had just walked away from a four-year relationship from the person she thought she loved more than anyone else in the world and had been through so much with. She questioned everything from day one until now and wondered if she had fallen into the same trap Tina had fallen into with Jo.

Tina had debated whether to go into work but she had classes scheduled and couldn't get out of those without causing Jo some problems. Jo was also not the person to discuss Tina's problem with since she was part of the problem so she stayed away as much as she could from Jo. Her interactions with Mildred were much less so she had no issues with staying away from her. Tina wanted the day to be over with so she could call Carly and the two have a discussion about what had transpired.

Mildred noticed Carly's absence and Tina's sad and distanced mood and she knew something had happened and she suspected what it was. As soon as her day ended she headed home to call Carly only to get her voice mail. "Hey sweetie, it's me Mildred. I noticed you didn't come in today and I wondered if you were feeling alright. Give me a call if you want to talk."

Later that day Tina tried Carly's phone too. "Carly, I know what has happened has hurt you beyond measure. I hope not so much we can't talk about it. I miss you and feel horrible for what I have done to your trust in me. Can you call me and talk to me about it, please. Carly, I love you and you are the best person I could have asked for. Please Carly, I beg you to give me one more chance."

Carly had listened to both Mildred and Tina's message. She chose not to return Mildred's message not for any apparent reason other than she did not want to talk to anyone other than her grandmother at this time. Tina's she wasn't sure she could return hers now or ever. Tina had hurt her too much and Carly felt it was a hurt that would not heal. Other than telling her grandmother what had transpired between her and Tina, she hadn't didn't told her grandmother anymore thus leaving her in the dark. She lay in her room thinking about the events of the last twenty-four hours and what they meant to her future.

About an hour later she received another call from Tina leaving pretty much the same message as she had the first time. It was the third time she called she threw Carly for a loop with the message she left. "I'm begging you to come back. I promise you things will be different. I'm resigning from the business and finding a job where I have no contact with Jo. If that is not enough for you, we can move away where I won't see her or have contact with her anymore. Just come back to me baby," Tina wept as she hung up the phone.

Carly wept herself hearing Tina because she still loved her and didn't want to hear her sad. She wondered if moving away would be the answer and whether she should agree to move away with Tina.

Carly hadn't seen or heard Mildred come upstairs and stand in doorway of her bedroom. "You're not considering moving with her are you?"

Carly looked up as Mildred's voice startled her, "I don't know," Carly softly said.

"Do you think moving away from your problems will solve them?" What happens when one day you wake up and she has left you a note she has left you from Jo? Or worse another Jo comes around and takes Tina's place and you come home and she is cheating on you with her? Carly some people are too easily coerced to cheat. They are never satisfied no matter what they say with just one person and unfortunately the only way they can be satisfied is by cheating. Offering them to let them play around on the side doesn't satisfy them. They will find a way to cheat on you," Mildred said as she walked in and sat beside Carly taking Carly's hand in hers.

"Do not let yourself be tempted by words or rash emotions. You're smarter than that. Think rationally before you make your decisions especially when involving Tina. I know you still love her and it's hard to throw four years away after you have devoted so much to," Mildred added.

Carly looked over at Mildred and that's when the tears came. She placed her head on Mildred upper shoulder and cried. "She cheated on me with Jo again and she has been for several months," Carly sobbed.

"I know sweetie. I suspected they were," Mildred let Carly cry to get most of it out of her system then she added, "Your grandma is down stairs waiting for you to tell her. Why don't we go down there and the three of us talk?" Mildred asked and squeezed Carly's hand as she kissed the top of her head.

Carly with the help of Mildred was able to get up and before she and Mildred went downstairs she used the bathroom to dry her face and straighten her hair. Then she hugged Mildred and thanked her for being there.

Carly and Mildred walked downstairs where Ruth was waiting in the kitchen. Carly took one look at her and with her arms out she quickly closed the distance between them hugging her grandma. "Oh Grandma, she cheated on me again with Jo," Carly said as she hugged her grandma.

"I know child, I know."

"What am I going to do?" Carly pleaded.

"You've taken the first step my child. You've left her. Now the rest is up to you. You have the support of Grandpa and me and of course Mildred to get you through the rest. It's going to be rough for a while as you will be tempted to do what is easy on you and go back to her but if you really want what's best, you'll put your foot down and do what you should have done a long time ago," her Grandma explained to her.

"How do I know the difference?"

"Use the tools you were given at birth and don't stray from them but forge ahead like you did to solve Candy's murder. You never let anything get in your way or sidetrack you. From the time you were fifteen that was your goal. First you have to decide what your goal is going to be. Do you want Tina back and let her cheat again and again, or are you going to put your foot down and try to convince her you won't accept her cheating, or are you going to leave her for good and start fresh?"

"There isn't any rush to judgment here so don't think you have to hurry to make a decision. You can stay with me or here with your grandma while you decide, we would both be there for you to help and guide you as you make your decision," Mildred said.

"What would I do without both of you?" Carly asked.

"Well for one you would sulk in self pity upstairs like I found you then you would based on Tina's messages, decide to go back with her," Mildred told Carly.

"Don't look at me like that and tell me any different. I know you Carly Bivens and you have this thing for Tina like she has for Jo and neither of you is going to change without help," Mildred told Carly.

Carly knew Mildred and her Grandma were right and she had several choices to make that she couldn't make at the moment but she had to think about. "Would you allow me to stay with you for the time being so I'm not adding to the stress I'm adding to Grandma," she asked Mildred.

"Of course you can, for as long as you like," Mildred said.

The three of them sat at the table for the rest of the day talking about Tina and Jo and Carly before Mildred said she had some things to do to get ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow was her only full day she had at her private practice so she wouldn't be seeing either Jo or Tina. She invited Carly along to observe as Carly worked full time at the training academy and had no private practice.

In between appointments Carly explained to Mildred she had resigned from the academy thus she had no income. Mildred told her she could stay with her while she built her private practice and Mildred would support Carly until she could get her feet wet at trying private counseling. Mildred would keep up her academy work for a while until Carly's private practice was established then she would resign too so there would be no conflict with her Jo and Tina.

That day at the academy Tina didn't tell Jo that Carly had left her or why. She kept to herself and Jo knew something bad had happened for Tina to be acting the way she was. Tina had tried to call Carly several times always having to leave a voice mail. Each time she first apologized to Carly then promised her not to do it again.

After a week of messages Tina was sounding more desperate than before and finally she was pleading with Carly promising to leave the business if it would bring Carly back.

"You know at some point you are going to have to talk with her and discuss your relationship or else she is going to keep calling you every day. Do you have any idea of what you want to do?" Mildred asked Carly.

"I know I'm going to have to talk to her and I will. I'm just trying to see what life is going to be like on my own before I decide. I need more time. I guess I can call her and tell her to back off until I do."

Carly waited until the next time Tina called, "You know if you had been so persistence at keeping your pants on around Jo as you are calling me, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now?" Carly told Tina when she answered.

"I know. Carly, I'm sorry. I let Jo talk me into it."

"No, don't you go blaming this on Jo. It takes two. You were in bed with her too," Carly came back with.

"Carly, I'm sorry. Please come back. I promise you it won't happen again,"

"And what guarantee do I have that it won't happen again with Jo or someone else?" Carly asked.

Tina paused before she answered and then she answered softly, "Other than my word which I give you there isn't anything I can give you."

"So I just have to take your word for it. I don't see us better off than we were before. I'll tell you what Tina. I'll give you six months to show me you can live without Jo or any other person then we will have this conversation again. No guarantee but it gives you time to decide what's more important in your life," Carly told Tina.

"Are you coming back to work?" Tina asked.

"No, that would be too easy for you to stay out of trouble. I want you to work side by side with Jo without me and show me you are capable of showing restraint. No guarantees because in that time I could find someone else or decide I don't want to get back together. You are taking the risk," Carly laid it on the line for Tina. "You know I am only doing this because I love you. If it were anyone else I would be gone in a heartbeat and your calls would be blocked."

Six months went by and Tina try as she did ended up with Jo. Carly knew from Mildred who was still doing work at the academy, but she also knew from Tina who couldn't lie to Carly.

"Tina, I love you so very much but I don't see us getting back together. We just are not meant for each other. I'm a one partner person where you and Jo enjoy multiple partners. I will always be your friend and will love you but I need to find that true love that will only love me and not others at the same time. I'm sorry but this it between you and me," Carly explained to Tina as they parted ways.

After Carly had parted ways with Tina, Mildred took Carly under her wing to protect and guide her. Not long after Carly was thinking of her and Mildred's relationship and she remembered the things Mildred had said about her in college. Though those things were a long time ago, some of them applied today such as "Watch out for this one, she's a good kisser," and "I love her more than I do my sister." Were these all were signs of Mildred possibly falling in love with her Carly wondered? Carly continued thinking it was Mildred who told Carly "I love you if you only knew how much." Could she have been missing these signs that Mildred had been giving her knowing she was in love with Tina all those years? Carly went on to think it was Mildred who told her "she had feelings for her and still does" and "she was everything she wanted in a girlfriend." Mildred had said she "had a plan when she and Tina broke up." Could this be part of her plan all along? She knew Mildred was a patient person but wait four years for her chance? Carly thought Mildred certainly had given up after all this time and waiting on Carly to forget about Tina was out of the question.

If Mildred had been waiting what kept her waiting and why not now that Tina was out of the picture? Mildred was in her bedroom reading so Carly went and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Mildred said.

Carly walked in to Mildred's bedroom walking over to the bed. "What's up? Here lay with me," Mildred said to Carly as she patted the bed.

Carly sat on the bed cross legged facing Mildred. "I've been thinking. Do you remember back when we were in college and how you were always there for me whether it was to lay with me until I fell asleep after Tina and I had argued? And do you remember telling me you loved me more than Lauren and you would do anything for me?"

"Yes and I still do," Mildred said.

"Well I've been thinking you have been there for me and I haven't...."

"Carly, stop right there. This isn't a balance sheet and I do something for you and then you do something for me. I did those things because I wanted to and you at the same time needed me and that's what friends are for."

"That's what I'm getting to, that's more than what friends are for. That is so way beyond what friends are for and you keep doing them like coming over to my grandma's house to see how I am and bringing me back here to keep an eye on me and make sure I don't do anything stupid. And take me in for six months and set me up with a job and feed me during this time putting no pressure on me to do anything more than straighten myself out. Those are more things than what friends do," Carly added.

"I can assure you...."

As Mildred started to explain to Carly, Carly leaned over and kissed Mildred on the lips grabbing her head from behind the neck to pull her closer.

Carly broke the kiss only moving back an inch from Mildred's face, "or was there more to it and it took this long for me to realize it?" Carly leaned in and kissed Mildred again before she moved back. As she moved back the third time, "have you been in love with me for this long and I was too blind because of Tina to see it?"

Mildred was unable to get the words out of her mouth so she just nodded yes and leaned forward to kiss Carly. "Oh Carly, I told you I had a plan but you kept going back to Tina. I've been waiting for you for four years," Mildred said in between kissing Carly with small but sensual kisses.

The two hugged and kissed their lips coming together then parting as they looked at each other then went back to kissing. They never seemed to get past the kissing as it wasn't important to have sex as it was to lay there and learn how to love each other just by kissing and holding each other. They spent the night together doing just that, kissing and holding each other and talking about how much time they had wasted and talking about their lives moving forward.

That was the turning point for Carly. Carly had finally found the love she had searched for and promised Jackie she would share. A love that gave back more than it took. An unquestioned love that only grew stronger by the day. A love that Carly didn't have to worry about cheating on her. A love that supported her through the good times and the tough times. A love found where you least suspect it.

As the days, weeks, months and years passed their love for each other grew stronger. Two years later they were married. Shortly thereafter they found a doctor who they liked and through insemination Mildred was impregnated. A little over ten months later she gave birth to twin girls Brianna Candace and Bailey Jackie. Two and a half years after that Carly wanting to experience child birth gave birth to a boy Anthony Joseph making their family complete and Lorenzo a very happy and proud grandfather.

The five lived and loved each other very much. Tina was eventually forgiven and became godparents over the kids. She loved the kids and made sure she got her share of babysitting time.

Tragedy struck several years later as the same cancer that took Tina's mom took her.

Mildred, Carly and the kids visited Tina at the hospital on the day she passed. "Mommy, is Aunt Tina going to visit Grandma Candy in heaven?" Brianna asked Carly.

"Yes sweetie, and visit with Aunt Jackie too," Carly replied crying as she knew this would be the last time she ever saw Tina.

`'What probation is she off of?" Little Tony asked.

"That is an inside joke your Aunt Tina and Mommy had," Carly said with a tear in her eye as she had told Tina she was no longer on probation and would always have Tina in her heart.

As they walked out of the hospital Mildred and Carly were holding hands. Mildred squeezed Carly's hand three times their way of silently telling each other they loved the other. Carly looked over drying her eyes and squeezed Mildred's hand three times mouthing "I love you too."

"Mommy can we have dinner at Grandpa Lorenzo's tonight?" Bailey asked.

"I think dinner at Grandpa's is what we all need right now," Mildred said to all.

The End.

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