Finding My Place

By Sally Vera

Published on Dec 28, 2016



My name is Erica Montero, and this is the story of how I found my true calling. My life today is completely different from what it was a month ago, before I met Frank. Let me start there.

One December morning. I had just finished my morning jog and was showering. I love to take long hot showers because the hot water relaxes my body after I go for runs. I love feeling the hot water run down my breasts. My sensitive nipples especially love the sensation. The water runs in between my legs onto my uncut 6 inch cock. It's longer than average, but pretty skinny, like the rest of me now.

It was 7am and I walked past my boyfriend of four years. His name was Glenn. And despite being 32 he was more boy than man. I met him while attending UCLA, I was an undergrad and he was getting his masters. Back when we started dating he had so much potential. He wasn't fat, and had majored in engineering.

Today. He's 5'8 and nearly 200 pounds. It's hard for me to look at him sometimes. I know he won't wake up for another two hours. He hasn't managed to find a job with his degree and he's stuck in a middle management position.

When we started dating he was really supportive of my transition. I've always been cute but chubby. Pale soft skin, with moles sprinkled all over. Glenn bought us gym memberships last year and I'm the only one that stuck with it.

Now people do double takes on the street. I grew out my hair and my makeup looks great. I've got a runner's body,thin but a great ass from the jogging and squats.

It was New Year's Eve and I decided to go for a really early run deep in the mountains. Driving took an hour alone,good thing I woke up at 4am. I love nature, and the quiet of the dawn. I parked the furthest my car could go in, no signs of anyone else. Stretched, and I was off. There's no feeling quite like running through the woods alone at dawn. I ran for about 5 miles off the path and found a beautiful spring.

I felt bold so I stripped and went for a dip. The cold felt great. My hot sore muscles instantly soothed by the pure water. I began to play with my uncut cock. One hand jerk in myself, the other playing with my sensitive breasts. I felt like one with nature. I was so close to cumming when I heard a twig snapping nearby. I quickly turned to see a large man on the other side of the spring. I quickly jumped out and grabbed my clothes to conceal my cock and breasts.

"Do you mind!" I shouted and waited for the man to turn away... but he didn't.

"You're on private property." said the 6'3 tanned hunk. He was very handsome and had the sexiest stubble. He was wearing loose running shorts and I could see a sizeable erection in his pants. His arms were like pythons, thick and strong. His calves and thighs were huge and hairy. But his chest was the thing that stood out the most. It was huge. Broad. And again, tan and hairy.

I turned around and quickly put on my sports bra, panties and shorts. The man was walking closer.

"I liked what I saw." He said with a devilish grin.

I blushed, quickly put on my running shoes and began to run away in embarrassment.

My five mile run back felt quicker, maybe because I was running faster to get away from that awkward situation.

When I got to my car there was a note on the windshield.

You're fast, but I'm faster. Text me 781-555-6789


I looked around to see if there was any sign of the man. But there was not. I put the note in pocket and drove back to my disappointing boyfriend.

When I pulled into the driveway I felt super horny and was hoping that Glenn would be up for some frisky fun. I was sadly disappointed. He had just gotten a call from his boss telling him that they were denying his request for a raise and were even cutting his hours. He was in tears.

I was not in the mood for this. I quickly showered and left to Starbucks to do a little work.

I had just picked up my coffee when I remembered the note. I took it out and typed the number into my phone. I called, hesitated, and quickly hung up.

Was I really going to go through with this? Was I going to cheat on my boyfriend of 2years? I didn't even know if this man knows of my secret. I was naked in that spring, but my cock was underwater. Would he like me if he knew?

Within a few seconds my phone received a text.

Hey is this the beauty that was swimming in my spring?

He still thinks I'm beautiful. I better proceed with caution.

It is. Sorry I tress passed. I didn't see any sign on any road.

No need to apologize beautiful, the view you gave me more than makes up for it.

I blushed again.

I'm Erica.


So you like running in the mountains eh?

Do you live close by?

Actually I live by USC.

Wow really. Do you attend there?

No I went to ucla. But currently living in the area.

Was your house nearby the spring?

Pretty close by yeah. My bachelor pad is just a few miles from there.

Ah so you're single?

I am. Are you?

I stopped texting. My feelings of guilt returned. I didn't know what to say.

I don't care if you're single or not. I'll say it again. I liked what I saw. And baby. I saw everything.

I blushed again and my heart started racing.

You did?

Yes. I did. And let me tell you. I never got an erection faster. Running while rock hard was an interesting feeling.

I can't believe this.

Believe it. What do you say. Would you like to go on a date?

And that's what made it too real.

Frank. I don't think I can. I have. A boyfriend.

It felt like forever to Erica since she sent that text.

She kept thinking about her quick encounter in the woods. How deep and commanding his voice was, not to mention his rock hard body. Erica was shaken out of her deep trance when her order was called. She got her drink and walked over to a table.

One drink. Tonight.

Erica looked back at her phone.

I'll let you know. I have to get some work done.

Erica pulled out her laptop and googled "Frank 781-555-6789". She scoffed and thought how silly that was. There must be a hundred Franks in LA.

It had been almost a decade since she graduated from UCLA, and it was only a couple of months since Glenn insisted they stay here, promising a great potential job. That job ended up being for the geek squad.

Google finished the search and there was a phone match. There was a link to Frank's company. Some fancy looking financial firm. She clicked on his about section and read about all his accomplishments and background. She saw a picture with him and a group of kids at the beach doing a beach clean up for a charity he owned.

Erica kept gawking at his picture. She felt a tingle surge throughout her body and before she knew it she was texting him back.

One drink. Where? When?

Erica got home and was surprised to find Glenn out of bed. He was in the kitchen scarfing down leftover pizza.

"I'm going out tonight. Girlfriends." Erica said as she leaned against the doorframe.

"Want me to go with you sweetie?" Glenn asked, face full of pizza. Gross.

"No. None of the girls are taking Girls night."

"Ah ok..." Glenn replied.

Later that night Erica was looking through her wardrobe. She picked out a nice little black dress and put on black pumps. She decided on her pair of lacy red panties and matching red bra. This wasn't a funeral after all! She got in her car and sped to the bar Frank had instructed.

When she arrived at the location she found the bar was more of a 5-star restaurant.

Yikes Erica thought to herself. She was worried that she was dressed to... slutty for the restaurant. Her worries quickly subsided once inside. She noticed that many of the well dressed men, most of them older, were all accompanied by younger, flashy women. This place was a nice balance of classy and slutty. Perfect.

She checked her phone and saw a text from Frank.

You look stunning. Come to the end of the bar.

Erica promptly obeyed.

All the men in the bar were well good looking, but they all paled in comparison to Frank Stallone. When Erica approached the bar the man stood up and she was able to take in the amazing view. Frank had on perfect fitting suit. The bar area was dimly lit, but Erica was still able to see the intensity in his eyes, and how his suit bulged around his big muscles.

"Have a seat, Princess." Frank said as he pulled out the bar stool for Erica.

Erica sat down and Frank pushed her seat in.

"I'm really glad you decided to come." Frank smiled at her.

"I'm glad I came too." Erica replied, her cheeks blushing red, matching her lipstick. The bartender came over with two drinks.

"I ordered you the finest rosé they had." Frank said, handing Erica the drink. "Thought this sweet drink would match your delicious self."

Erica couldn't believe Frank had just said that in a room full of people. She looked around but everyone was too busy in their own conversations to have heard.

"What do you do Erica?" Frank asked as he enjoyed his own dark drink.

"I um..." Erica hesitated. "I do freelance design stuff, digital. But it's more of a side project." Erica stopped talking and found herself embarrassed. Glenn wasn't getting anywhere in life and she would be fooling herself if she allowed herself to think differently of herself. "But I to tech stuff from home mostly."

"You mean like coding?" Asked Frank.

"No..." Erica answered while she blushed harder than before. She was going to die of embarrassment. Good things the bar area was not as well lit. "tech support."

"That so?" Frank smiled as he finished his drink. "Well maybe you can come over and help me out sometime."

"I have not helped someone out in person in a long time." Erica admitted. But she was excited that Frank seemed interested.

"What do you say we go for a drive?" Frank asked, and noticed the hesitation in Erica's body language. "Just a quick one?"

Erica smiled and finally agreed.

Frank dropped two hundred dollar bills on the counter and we left.

Outside of the restaurant there were many men with their younger ladies waiting for the valet.

A brand new black Chevy Camaro pulled up. A skinny teen got out of the car and handed the keys to Frank.

"Here you go Mr. Stallone." said the teen as he hurried off to get some more cars.

Frank opened Erica's door and she got in the car. She sank into the comfortable leather seats, her dress was short enough that part of of her legs touched the cold seat. That coldness along with the thrill of being in Frank's car was sending shivers all over Erica's body.

Frank pulled out of the restaurant parking lot and sped up the street. Erica could hear and feel the engine roar. The vibration did something to her, her sensitive balls rubbed together giving her the start of a hard on.

"What do you say we play a game?" Frank asked, glancing over at the beauty in his car.

"What kind of game?" Erica replied, trying to keep the cool in her voice.

"I'm a gentleman and I won't make you do anything you're not comfortable with on our first date." He could tell Erica was still tense. "That being said I know you're interested in more or you wouldn't have jumped in my car."

Frank waited for a response but Erica stayed quiet. The night was dark despite it being a full moon.

Frank extended his hand and Erica gave him hers. They held hands. Erica was not expecting them to be so big and rough. They felt good, like a man who has worked all his life.

"How big is your boyfriend's cock?" Frank asked bluntly.

"Um..." Erica hesitated. "We've never measured his. But I know mine is 6 inches and his is smaller."

Frank let out a roar of laughter. "Are you kidding? That's not a man baby." He continued laughing. "This is a man." He guided Erica's hand to the front of his pants where he had a raging hard on.

Erica let out a yelp. Her hand could barely go around the man meat tucked in Frank's pants.

"How... how big is it?" She asked, still squeezing it, trying to get a feel of just how big it was.

"So that's the game. If you can guess just how big it is I'll reward you by sucking your cock."

"Sounds good." Erica replied, continuing to feel Frank up.

"Now you've thrown a wrench in the game since you've already told me how big your cock is. So how about you blow me if I can guess the color of your panties?"

"Sounds fair..."

Frank pulled over in the middle of the woods. Perfectly private. He turned on the interior car lights.

He spread his legs a bit and guided Erica's hand down further to his huge balls. "I haven't cum in 4 days and these boys are full."

"They feel full." cooed Erica.

"Ok, Ladies first..." Frank said, still enjoying how Erica was groping him.

"Hm..." Erica groped Frank harder for effect. "I'm going to guess... 9 inches."

Frank looked at her with a devilish grin. He turned off the lights.

"Why did you do that?" Asked Erica.

"So I can't see what color your panties are." He said as he reached between Erica's legs and pulled off her panties in the dark. "Let's get in the back."

They got out of the car.

"Lay down in the back." Frank commanded. Erica obeyed, her dress was lifted up and her firm cheeks touched the leather. Frank got on his knees outside by the door. The moonlight allowed him to see Erica's pretty little cock well.

No way she was 6 inches he thought to himself. But he liked how much precum had built up already. He also Loved that Erica was completely hairless down there. He took Erica's cockhead into his mouth and savored the taste.

Erica immediately began moaning and grinding her hips. She loved the sensation of Frank's beard on her sensitive skin. Frank sucked slowly, felt so warm . She'd never gotten a blow job this good. Frank stopped sucking her cock and moved down to her smooth little balls. Kissing them gently and sucking on them. Erica convulsed and screamed at she came hard. Frank had found her sensitive spot. He quickly moved his mouth back to her spurting cock and sucked out all the cum he could. He could swear that her cum tasted like fresh berries. Erica was out of breath. He pulled her close and kissed her, they both savored her cum together.

"Oh god, I forgot how good those could be!" Erica exclaimed when she regained her composure. Frank got up and popped the trunk to get something out. "What are you doing?"

She walked over and noticed a ton of power tools in his trunk. Frank found a tape measure and handed it to Erica. He turned the light on and pulled down his pants along with his briefs. Erica quickly lost her breath again taking in the sight. Frank's hairy thighs were Massive! Huge. But what surprised her the most was his enormous monster veiny cock that curved upwards. Erica was frozen, ogling this throbbing, uncut monster.

"Measure it." Frank said with a satisfied grin. Erica placed the end of the tape at the base of Frank's cock, she rolled it all the way to the tip. "12... no... 12 and a half!?" She said in disbelief!

Frank had a goofy sexy smile on.

"But... that means I guessed wrong."

"You did baby. But what kind of a man would I be if I denied any pleasure to a perfect lady like yourself?"

"Stop... you'll make me blush again!" Erica said, relaxed and smiling.

"It's your turn..." said Erica.

"Red." Frank answered. "There's no way a sexy, passionate woman chose any other color for this night."

"Correct." Said Erica as she reached forward to grab the throbbing cock. Her hand couldn't go all the way around the thick cock, she was concerned. "I've never sucked anything this big."

"It's ok baby. Just try... you have me so worked up it won't take much."

Erica started by kissing the big throbbing cockhead, she let her tongue pull back the foreskin as she slowly and delicately savored the cockhead. She started sucking on it and Frank tilted his head up and started moaning softly. She kept this up for a while, also using both her hands to stroke the massive manhood. She tried taking it down her throat but failed, he throat was not used to something this big, she started choking on it.

"It's ok baby, you did so well. I don't want you to hurt your jaw." Frank said, lifting up Erica's face and seeing her red lipstick all messed up with drool just like his cock. "Can I hump you?"


"Yeah, I never fuck on a first date." Said Frank with a straight face.

"Yeah ok! said Erica as she got back in the car and laid down.

"Keep the dress on." said Frank as stripped his clothes and shoes. He was completely naked. He climbed on top of Erica and began kissing her neck, his fat cock pressing up against her tummy. He ran his hands along Erica's sides, groping her hips. Erica moaned, she loved feeling the intense heat coming off of this hairy stud!

Frank's humps were slow but strong, Erica reached down to guide his cock between her sensitive balls. Her moans got louder and that turned Frank on so much.

Erica could hear the car squeak as Frank pounded down.

"I... I think i'm gonna cum again.!"

"I'm going to cum too baby!" roared Frank.

They both held each other right and moaned as they both shot. Erica spurt out three shots, but they only went up to her belly. Frank lifted up, his first cumshot hit the window behind Erica , the next one hit Frank's chin. He shot again, this time getting Erica right in the face, she closed her eyes and enjoyed her facial. She felt two more shots hit her face, then she started feeling her dress get soaked in the stuff. The strength of his cumshots subsided, and his cock leaked a big puddle onto Erica's tummy.

Frank grabbed his shirt and handed it to Erica.

"Sorry about that..." He said as she wiped off her face. "4 days worth remember..."

"That was insane!" Erica explained. "I've never seen someone shoot so much!"

Frank turned on the light, Erica looked at her little black dress, which looked more like a little white dress now.

"I'm sorry i ruined your beautiful dress."

"It's ok..." said Erica. She looked over at the clock. It was only 11, Glenn would still be up. "but i can't go home like this."

"Want to cuddle? Kill some time?"

"Yes." Erica replied, and kissed Frank as she stripped off her dress.

Frank did his best to wipe up the seats. He traded places with Erica and lied down first, and let Erica get on top of him. She placed her head on Frank's strong hairy chest and once she got used to the ticklish hair she focused on his strong breathing. And in no time she was asleep.

Frank remained awake for a bit longer. He lightly scratched Erica's back and kissed her head. The car smelled strongly of sex. Frank was genuinely happy. He had the woman of his dreams in his arms, now he just had to win her over.

This was my first story so please forgive any spelling/grammar errors!

If you have any suggestions/ comments let me know by email:

Thank you!

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