Finding Steve

By Mike Mover

Published on Apr 21, 2011


This story is my property and may not be sold or posted to any other sites without my permission. If you are under age or if it is unlawful to read such stories please leave this site. This story will contain some sex between adult male and teen males but is much more a story of friendship and love. This is my first posting to Nifty. Please let me know if you like my story at

Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Thanks for reading and please email me with any comments. Please let me know where you are at in the world and a little bit about yourself. Big thanks to Jim T for his editing services. Sorry this chapter has taken so long to get out. I have been very busy with other things and have not had time to write.

Take Care,


From Last Chapter:

We both looked back at Sean one more time before we walked back to the waiting room. Once there, I realized it was getting late and none of us had eaten. After talking with Steve we agreed that he was going to stay with Sean while I took Connor, Colby and Aaron home. I went down to the hospital cafeteria and got Steve something to eat while he explained our plan to the boys.

When I got back to the waiting room Steve had the boys ready to leave. Aaron was going to follow me to the PD so I could drop off my patrol unit and get my truck. We would then go to Colby's house and drop him off. Steve had called Colby's mom and explained what was going on and Colby asked his parents if he could skip school the next day and come to the hospital to see Sean. After some convincing from Steve they agreed but wanted Colby to come home for the night. Before we left the hospital I leaned that Aaron's family was gone for the week and he was staying home alone. I told Aaron that I didn't think he should be alone tonight and told him that he could come home with Connor and me.

********** Chapter 25 **********

After picking up my truck at the PD I had Colby jump into my truck and sent Aaron and Connor on to our house. I drove Colby home and spent a few minutes talking with his parents. Linda was horrified when she heard what happened while she held on to her son. Dennis listened from the other side of the room, but didn't really show any type of emotion. Linda said she would bring Colby to the hospital around nine the following morning. I gave Colby a pat on the back and told him I would see him tomorrow at the hospital. Colby turned from hugging his mom to give me a hug before I left. As Colby hugged me I looked over at his father. Dennis was just glaring at Colby and I and I knew that he had not fully accepted Steve's and my relationship and hated the fact that Colby looked at us as his other set of parents.

When I arrived at home Aaron was sitting on the couch in the dark just staring off into space. I asked, "Aaron, are you ok? Where is Connor?"

Without moving his eyes from where he was staring Aaron said, "I told Connor to take a shower. I just can't stop thinking about Sean lying there on the ground. I just can't figure out who would do that to him. I just can't figure it out. Who hated Sean so much that they beat him up like that?"

I left Aaron alone for a moment and went into my bedroom to get out of my uniform. When I came back out I saw a naked Connor walk out of the bathroom heading to his room. I sat down next to Aaron on the couch and waited for Connor to come out. Connor came out in just his boxers as normal. Connor came over and sat next to me leaning into me to rest his head on my shoulder. I patted Aaron on the back and told him to get in the shower. Connor and I just sat there on the couch with his head on my shoulder as I rubbed his back.

I heard the bathroom door open and saw the back side of a naked Aaron walk out and into Sean's room. Moments later Aaron came out in a pair of Sean's boxers which were a little tight on him since Aaron was a little bigger in all aspects than Sean. Aaron sat back down on the couch next to me. I pulled him in to me and he rested his head on my other shoulder. All three of us just sat there in the dark without saying a word for several minutes before I said, "It's getting late. Why don't you two get to bed. We want to be up early to go see Sean. Aaron, you can either sleep here on the couch or you can sleep in Sean's room if you would like."

I got up and went to take a shower while Aaron and Connor got ready for bed. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw both Aaron and Connor curled up under the covers of my bed with Max curled up at their feet. I wasn't surprised to see Connor. I figured he would join me. I was a surprised to see Aaron in my bed. They were both on Steve's side of the bed, lying on their right sides with Connor spooned up against the Aaron's front side. As I walked to the bed I could see two sets of boxers lying on the floor. Connor must have told Aaron of our normal sleeping attire.

As soon as I climbed into bed, Aaron scooted back to spoon up against me. I draped my left arm over both boys. There was nothing sexual, just two boys needing to feel safe as they slept. Nothing was said as all three of us fell to sleep. I seemed to wake up every hour or so and found it hard to sleep without Steve next to me. I found myself lying there thinking about Sean's condition and about who might have done this to him.

Sometime during the night I must have turned over because I woke up with Aaron spooning me from behind with his rock hard dick poking me in the ass. Aaron must have been having a great dream because I could actually feel his precum leaking out and sticking to my ass checks. Now and then I would feel Aaron pump his hips pushing his dick into the crack of my ass. Of course this had caused me to go rock hard. Hell, who wouldn't with a gorgeous eighteen year old spooning you from the back with his seven inch rod poking you in the ass?

This went on for several minutes before I just couldn't take it anymore. I looked at the clock and it was only about four AM but I had to get out of that bed. I got up and went out into the kitchen and started some coffee. I texted Steve to see if he was awake and to get an update on Sean's condition as I waited for the coffee to finish brewing. Steve texted right back, "About the same, last check on brain pressure was same, doc was happy, can't sleep, just want to crawl into bed with him and hold my son."

Steve's text caused me to tear up and I so wanted to be there with him and hold him but I knew I needed to be here for Connor and Aaron. As I poured my second cup of coffee I heard the toilet flush and moments later Connor came out into the kitchen. He was so tired he forgot to put his boxers on. He just walked out naked as the day he was born. I noticed that he had a little more hair above his three inch soft dick. Connor walked over to where I was sitting and hugged me saying, "I couldn't sleep, I kept dreaming about Sean."

I hugged him back and said, "Me too buddy. Why don't you go put on some boxers or shorts and I will pour you some orange juice."

Connor looked down and obviously hadn't realized he was naked. He just smiled and walked to his room to find a pair of basketball shorts. When Connor came back, instead of sitting in his normal chair where I had set his OJ, he grabbed his OJ and climbed up into my lap. I wrapped an arm around him as he took a drink of his OJ. It was obvious that he needed to be held as we both sat there in the predawn hours both thinking of Sean.

Connor and I sat there for a good part of an hour before we heard the toilet flush again indicating that Aaron was up. Moments later Aaron came out wearing the same tight boxers he got out of Sean's room last night. Connor and I both looked up and smiled at him. Not sure if Connor noticed, but I could definitely make out the outline of Aaron's semi hard dick in the tight boxers. Connor said, "Morning, Aaron. Would you like some orange juice?"

Aaron stretched that gorgeous body of his and said, "Morning. I would rather have a cup of coffee if that's ok."

I pushed Connor off my lap so I could get up and get Aaron a cup of coffee. Aaron sat down next to Connor as I poured him a cup of coffee. I went ahead and got the boys cereal out along with the milk and a couple of bowls and spoons. I said, "You two eat something while I take a shower. Once you're dressed and ready to go we will go to the hospital."

About thirty minutes later we were on our way to the hospital. I had a thermos of coffee for Steve and figured I would have to make him go get something to eat. When Steve came from Sean's room out to the waiting room, Connor ran to him hugging his dad tight. Connor couldn't help the tears that rolled down his face. After a few minutes Steve pushed Connor back and wiped the tears from his face. I walked over and gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and handed him a cup of coffee. Steve looked awful and you could tell that he had not gotten any sleep at all. I asked, "How is Sean doing?"

Steve looked at all three of us saying, "They still have him on a ventilator and have checked his brain pressure several times. The doctor told me that he has not seen any signs of an increase of pressure and if that continues then they will start bringing him out of the coma later today. The bruising has gotten worse but the swelling has gone down some."

I wrapped my arm around Steve saying, "That sounds encouraging, why don't you go down to the cafeteria with Connor and Aaron and get something to eat. I will sit with Sean until you get back. It took some convincing but Steve finally agreed to go.

I went in to sit with Sean. I leaned down to give Sean a kiss on his forehead and then whispered, "Hey buddy, how are you doing this morning? Your dad told me the doctor said you did well over night and they think they can take you off this breathing machine later today. You keep fighting buddy." Sean looked a little better, his face was more black and blue but the swelling had gone down.

Steve and Connor walked in a little while later so I got up and let them spend some time with Sean. I went back to the waiting room to sit with Aaron. Just before eight, Colby and his mother walked into the waiting room. Linda sat and talked for a little while before excusing herself. She gave Colby a hug and kiss before leaving. I told Linda we would bring Colby home later.

We all spent the day taking turns sitting with Sean. Late in the afternoon the doctor came in and told us he wanted to start waking Sean up and getting him off the breathing machine. He said he hadn't seen any sign of Sean's brain swelling and was very optimistic that there would be no brain injury or long term problems.

They asked us to all wait in the waiting room while they took the breathing tubes out. Once they were done and made sure that Sean was breathing fine on his own, the nurse came into the waiting room and told us we could go back in. Sean was breathing on his own now and the doctor said they would be slowly weaning Sean off the sedation medication over the next several hours. The doctor also told us that if everything went well over night Sean would be moved out of ICU and into a normal room.

Later that night I tried to talk Steve into going home but he insisted on staying. I knew there was no point in arguing with him. I went back to the waiting room and told the boys it was time we went home for the night. Aaron asked if he could spend the night again since his dad and brother were still out of town. Colby also asked if he could spend the night at our place and after a call to his parents it was all arranged. We stopped off at Aaron's place so he could pick up some clean clothes. I could tell he had been uncomfortable wearing Sean's boxers all day since they were at least two sizes too small for him. Colby and Sean were close to the same size and shared closes all the time so Sean could just wear something of Sean's if he wanted.

It was late Friday night when we got home. All the boys took a quick shower and got ready for bed. Again I waited until all the boys had finished before I went to my room to take a shower and again when I came out I found the boys all in my bed. It was a little funny looking at them all lined up by sized, with Connor on the outside, spooned by Colby, who was being spooned by Aaron. I climbed in and took my place spooning Aaron. No words were spoken; there was nothing sexual about it, just three boys that needed some closeness and reassurance.

The next morning we all loaded back up and headed back to the hospital. We stopped for breakfast on the way and got something to go for Steve. When we got to the hospital I went into Sean's room to find Steve sound asleep sitting in the chair next to Sean's bed with his head leaning on Sean's hand. I gently woke Steve up and told him we had brought him something to eat. Steve stood up and took Sean's hand in his and leaned in to whisper into Sean's ear. Steve almost jumped up out of the chair, his eyes wide open and almost yelled, "He squeezed my hand! I told him you Connor, Colby and Aaron were here and I would be right back and he squeezed my hand!"

I put my hand on top of Steve's and said, "Hey buddy, how are you doing this morning? Can you squeeze your dad's hand again if you can hear me?" Steve almost jumped again when he felt Sean squeeze his hand. Steve pushed the call button and a nurse came over the intercom and asked if everything was alright. Steve told them that Sean was squeezing his hand. The nurse told us she would notify the doctor. A few minutes later the doctor came in with a big smile on his face saying, "I understand we have a young man that is waking up?" Steve told him about Sean squeezing his hand. The doctor said that was a good sign and they would continue to wean Sean off the sedation medication.

Steve left and had Connor come in with me. Connor was elated that Sean was able to squeeze his hand. Over the day, each of us took turns sitting with Sean and talking with him knowing he could hear us.

Later that day Sean was able to open his eyes and actually tried to talk. He could only stay awake for a few minutes at a time and was only able to say a couple of words at a time. Sean kept asking what happened but I don't think he understood when we tried to explain that he had been beaten up by someone.

Now that Sean seemed to be out of the woods I was actually able to convince Steve to go home with me for a little bit to get cleaned up and change clothes. We left the boys with Sean and the two of us drove home. As soon as we were in the house Steve pulled me into a hug and nearly squeezed the air out of my lungs. Steve kept thanking me over and over for being there for him and our boys. After a few minutes Steve stepped back and took me by the hand and led me into our bedroom. After undressing each other Steve took me by the hand again and led me to the shower.

Once in the shower we kissed each other as the warm water washed over our bodies. Steve started to kiss his way down my chest, stopping to suck on each nipple before heading further down my abs. I was already rock hard by the time to took my dick into his hand, stroking it a few time before he took it into his hot mouth. It didn't take me too long to explode into his mouth since it had been a few days since I had gotten off. Once Steve had sucked the last drop of my seed from me cock, he stood and kissed me again, sharing my own seed with me.

After a few minutes of making out I returned the favor, and started to kiss my way down Steve's chest and abs. I love the feel of my tongue on his smooth skin as I trace each muscle as I work my way down to his beautiful cock. I spent several minutes running my tongue around the head of his dick before swallowing as much as I could. It didn't take Steve long to shoot his massive load in my mouth. I had to swallow twice to keep from choking as Steve just kept shooting and shooting.

After Steve came down off his orgasmic high, I soaped up a wash cloth and washed his entire sexy body. Steve then did the same to me before we rinsed and then dried each other off. After dressing and a little more making out we headed back to the hospital, stopping off to get everyone something to eat.



Next: Chapter 26

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