Finding The Love

By jon thompson

Published on May 7, 2002




Christopher Myers, Chris to his friends, was starting a journey down Main Street in Salisbury, PA. While he walked down one block he would have to take a side street for the next block. In the directions that he had been emailed, his route had been specified.

The email had been from an anonymous source, but one of his friend's on Salisbury's College campus told him that he'd be receiving it. This was his chance to join the most exclusive club in town.

Only those people, who were invited into the group, and the members themselves, were permitted to join this group. It was comprised of gay college men who wanted a safe place to play.

To become a member of this club a member of it had to know you and know you were gay. Beyond being gay, you had been to a good-natured college guy and are willing to go through the series seven STD exam. If you were judged to be good enough to be in the group, the test would be paid for by the person who ran the club.

Once you were judged to be clean, you would be admitted to a club where you could fulfill your ultimate fantasy's with the other men in the group. Chris did not know everything about the club, but he was about to find out.

When he arrived at the park, there was no time to even sit down. Someone came up behind him and put hands around his eyes. He was told to be quiet.

A blindfold was placed around his eyes, and he was told to keep quiet. Then he was led to some sort of vehicle and placed in a seat.

"This is for your own good." Someone said. "The trip will not take very long."

About five minutes later the car stopped. Chris was taken out of the vehicle. When the blindfold came off, he found that he was on top of a hill. There was only one house and with the trees all around the area, Chris knew that the owner had to want it to be a secret place.

The outside looked as normal as can be, except for the fact that it had three floors, and looked like it was expensive. He wondered why someone wanted this much privacy, but then figured it had to deal with what went on in this home.

Inside the home it looked like a mansion. Each room had it's own theme to it. The living room, which was the first place that he was taken to, had two rooms connected, with enough chairs and love seats to fit at least twenty people.

The TV had a screen that fit at least four feet across and four feet up and down. It would be great for watching TV or movies, Chris thought.

"Your host will be in his study." The young man told Chris. All of the others who had been in the vehicle had disappeared, but this beautiful red head was still there."

"Is it allowed to ask your name?" Chris asked the man.

"I'm Brandon. Don't you remember me from your acting class last term?"

Chris thought back to the guy who was quiet and in the last row of the room. He hardly ever talked, but he really could make a good first impression with his eyes.

"Yes I remember you. I just didn't think you were gay. You looked like the kind of guy who all the women would be lusting after. A few men would too."

"I have experimented with women before, but just enough that they have no idea about me. One thing you'll learn here, you can be who you really are."

In the office, Chris found a tall handsome man in his late 20's sitting behind a desk. "I am Ben Bracken." The man said.

"I'm Chris Myers. Pleased to meet you." Chris said as he shook Ben's hand.

"Have a seat."

Chris sat down. He thought that the guy on the other side of the desk looked familiar.

"Yes, you may know who I am. I write a column in "Freshmeat" magazine, and have written countless adult books of a gay nature."

"Now I recognize you. I've read some of your work."

Ben didn't want to use a lot of small talk in the negotiation.

"You have been given the chance to join the 1 in 10 club. It is called that because 10% of college males, just like in the population, are gay. I give a few select men at this college a chance to freely express their innermost sexual desires, without the outside world prying into their business."

"But what about STD's?"

"Glad you asked that. I have a doctor on my payroll who gives a test that will go through the gamit of possible STD's one might have. He will let me know the results within 7 days of the test. Now this is a free test for anyone who wishes to join the group. You have to have been celibate for the past four months though. If you have not been, you will have to wait. If any young man lies and gets into the group as a false negative, he gets punished to the point where he wishes he had been truthful."

"I haven't have sex since I was 16 years old."

"Honesty, I like that in a man. Travis told me that you would be a good candidate."

Travis Williams had left school at the beginning of the term. He had been called away on a family emergency. He would not be back to the college, but he got to request someone to take his place in the club.

"I miss Travis. He was a friend of mine from the dorm." Chris told Ben.

"Travis liked you too. He watched you in the showers sometimes."

Chris blushed.

"Oh please, you will find guys here that will show you exactly how they feel about your beautiful face and body if you let them. If you are going to blush at finding out about someone who you obviously wanted too, your going to find it awkward here. I would hate to lose a hot guy like yourself too."

"You think I'm hot?"

"I've written characters in some of my books that don't come close to your beauty. I bet you look just as hot as Brandon does." Ben said as he turned to Brandon, who was sitting in a chair next to Chris. "Show Chris what I know he wants to see."

Chapter One:

A week later Chris was sitting back in the same chair he had been sitting in just a week before. He had been given admittance to the club, because the tests showed he was perfectly healthy. His present was seeing more than just the top part of Brandon's body.

Brandon was again sitting in the chair before Chris. He ripped his own shirt off quickly and then went for his pants. Chris stared with the lust that he had felt in class the previous semester, and couldn't say anything.

"What would you like to do?" Brandon asked him.

"Well, I've never said out loud what I was really thinking."

Ben looked at Brandon, "He's shy. Show him what he does to you Brandon."

Brandon had talked to Ben about how hot he felt Chris was. He wanted him if he was able to join the group.

"You are going to have to go for what you want here, or your going to go through the weekend not getting what you really came for."

Chris stared into Brandon's eyes. Brandon took his own hands and gently eased Chris' shoulders forward just enough so that the sophomore could see the other's fully erect cock. "I think it likes you Chris." Brandon told him.

Chris didn't need any coaxing. He took a flavored condom from the dish that set on the desk. He opened it quickly and had it on the other man's cock in seconds. Then he got down on his knees and let Brandon's cock enter his mouth.

The grape flavor was not the only thing that was causing a great sensation in Chris's mouth. To have Brandon's 91/2-inch cock pulsating in and out of his mouth was pure joy to Chris. He had wanted the young man who sat in his acting class from the second he had seen him. It took this to make him open up to the possibility of it all.

After Brandon's passion exploded into the condom, Chris stopped sucking.

"WOW, you're the best cock sucker I've ever had." Brandon told Chris.

"I couldn't believe you were that great myself." Ben said from behind the desk. "You are better than any newbie I've ever seen here at the mansion."

"When you have been wanting someone as hot as Brandon for months, you don't say no when you get the chance."

Ben had some work to do in his office, but he asked Brandon to show Chris around the place. He hadn't seen it all the previous week, and now it was time for the full tour.

In the basement was the hot-tub. It was built for 15 guys, and would be filled before the night was over. "You'll get to experience this later. The water has to heat up for awhile." Brandon told Chris.

"I've never been in one."

"There is nothing like having a tub filled with hot jocks and frat boys, and even some boy next door preppy guys all around you. Naked as the day they were born you'll see them."


"We always go in the hot tub naked. It's okay if you are shy, but trust me, you wont be."

Upstairs Chris got to see the kitchen, which had a table only built for five guys at a time. The men who visited the mansion knew they could fix any food and eat it anywhere in the house, but they had to clean up after themselves.

"Wanna see the orgy room?"

"You are kidding, of course?"

"I'm your guide here, it's my duty to show you the best sites."

Chris was led to the orgy room, and saw that there were three guys in it, naked. The window at eye level withheld three of the hottest track and golf stars on campus. Chris wanted to watch more close up.

"Let's go in." Brandon told him.

Chris was about to say something when Brandon opened the door. "Mind if a newbie watches?" Brandon asked the fellows.

They all looked at Chris and smiled. One of the three, who was named Scott, asked if Chris would like to join in. "You might like it."

"Maybe later."

Scott was in middle of Matt and Mark. Matt had stopped thrusting his cock into Scott's mouth for a second when the door had opened, but he went back to what he was doing before being interrupted. Mark was using Scott's tight little ass to it's best. He had lubed up the track star before he had slipped on a rubber and went for it.

When Chris looked at Mark's hot dark chocolate body he knew that he was going to have a long and thick cock. On the few milliseconds that he could see the guys cock, he knew that he had guessed right. There was a guy who could fulfill his every fantasy.

"I think you and I should continue with this tour or you are going to lose yourself in this room." Brandon told Chris. "Being overwhelmed with this room is very common at first. There are even more pleasures to be found on the top floor."

Up on the top floor they found a few rooms that were there for those who enjoyed using toys in their lovemaking. No, these kinds of toys are not what you would find under a Christmas tree. That much is certain.

The one room that captured Chris's attention was the Dildo room. There were all kinds of dildo's, still in their packages. "Ben buys new ones for each monthly event."

"I was wondering about Ben. Why does he do this? It must cost a fortune."

"He is worth a fortune, and trust me when I say he likes to spend it on worthy college men."

"Why are we worthy?"

"You were invited by someone who felt you were good for this place. You have the right qualities. I should tell you that it is possible for you to have fun here, and find true love with one of the men you might meet. We have had many guys who have found someone here and they withdrew from membership."

"Don't you miss them?"

"It is something you learn to live with. There are plenty of pleasures to be found in this place, if you are willing to find out what makes you happy."

Chris opened one of the dildo packages and thought it had to be one of the biggest ones he had ever seen. The package was called Rambone.

"Is there something you want to do with that thing?" Brandon asked.

"I just wanted to feel it. I love a thick cock, but I like the real thing better."

"Well you should put it back in the package. Some lucky man will get to experience that giant tonight."

On the way downstairs they were met by a guy named Luke. He saw Chris and walked up to him. Chris recognized him from the dorm. He never in his life would have figured that Luke would be here.

"The hot tub is ready and I want to see Chris naked in it."

Chapter Two:

Luke showed Chris what it was like to have a man strip you down to where you had nothing on. Chris felt himself get hard just as the sexy boi caressed his face. "Ah, I don't know if I should."

"Let me guess, you are hard already. It happens to all of us when we are new. Every erotic attention gets us excited at the possibility."

Once Chris was naked, Luke started kissing his lips. He worked his way from his lips to his chest. On the way downward, he held his hand out to Brandon. The red head knew what he was asking for.

The protection went on, and Luke's mouth went to work. The sensations were immediate and more than what Chris had ever expected. He had jerked off plenty, but the one time that he had sex before giving Brandon a blowjob, he had been the giver there too.

"I want in on this too." Brandon said to Luke.

Brandon got on his knees and started in on Chris's cock. Chris didn't know what he had done to be this lucky, but he hoped the feelings he was experiencing at this very moment would never stop.

"Luke stopped sucking on Chris's member and asked if Chris would consider using his member to fuck Brandon."

"You know you've been dreaming of him before he came here Brandon. All those conversations that we had over him."

"I never knew." Chris said.

"Something's you can't say on campus to someone who is not in the club."

Chris didn't have to think for more than a second before he was helping Brandon to get up from the position he was now in. "What is it you would like me to do?"

"I want you to fuck me like you have dreamed of doing to all those hot jocks. We all dream of having hot sex with someone we thought we could never have, so now is your chance to have me."

Brandon took off the rest of his own clothes and put them in a pile on a chair close by him. He leaned over the hot-tub and braced himself for the slight pressure of Chris' cock as he eased it inside.

The lubrication had helped to make it not hurt so much, but there was always that slight pressure as it went in. "AHHHH, that's the way Chris."

Chris, who had seen more than his share of porn movies, knew just want to do to give his sexual partner pleasure. He used both of his hands to move Brandon's hips back and forth as he thrust his own cock in and out of him.

"Ah, fuck me you stud. Fuck me harder."

The sweat off of Chris's face started to show after going at it with the man he had dreamed about, for ten minutes. Brandon was almost disappointed when Chris pulled out of him after that time.

The orgasm that Chris had experienced was one that could be heard up on the floor above them. It brought down a group of five guys who saw the three of them who were in the basement, get into the hot-tub.

With all eight of the men in the tub, it was more than just the water that was feeling warm. One of the guys who Chris had not met yet, was named Kevin. He was a poster boy for preppy nation. He walked over to where Chris was and asked if he could give him a kiss.

"You don't have to ask me if we can kiss. Would any man here say no to someone as beautiful as you are?"

Kevin kissed Chris with a gentleness that it was evident he liked what he saw in the blond beauty. Chris had never thought of himself as good looking, but he must be since there was not one bad looker in the bunch of men he had met so far.

Chris's hands had been at his side, but the current started to bring them up. He felt his right hand brush by Kevin's midsection and found the guy was highly aroused. He wondered if it would be possible to have safe fun while in the tub.

Brandon saw what Chris was feeling and thought he might be able to read what the other young man was thinking. He whispered something to a set of twins who had just entered the basement and they hurried into the tub after getting naked.

Two very muscular football stars from campus lifted Kevin up and exposed his cock to the air. Brandon slipped a cherry flavored one on Kevin's favorite toy in the world, his dick. He them motioned for Chris to have fun.

Chris saw that he was not the only guy who desired Kevin's cock. The twins who were built like the hunkiest porn stars, had eyes almost bulging out when they looked down at Kevin's perfectly shaped cock head. They have a thing for thick cocks with heads that were just meant for sucking on.

The first one to go down on the V shaped midsection was Chris. Since he was the new guy, he would have his choice catered to this entire weekend, within reason.

Chris started humming which sent vibrations all through Kevin. Kevin moaned in pleasure, as the guy who everyone thought was too shy to join the club sucked harder and harder on the cock. Chris had practiced in his dreams at night just what would be the best way to give a man pleasure as you sucked his cock. The idea was not just for yourself to feel the erotic pleasure of the other man's cock, but to give him every wanton joy you could.

After sucking on the cock for about thirty seconds, he stopped. He wanted to give the twins the pleasure of finishing the hottie off.

Chris went over to where Brandon was on the other side of the tub. He wondered why the other boi was not enjoying all of the beautiful smooth men that were naked and cavorting in the water.

"You're a good looking man Brandon, you should be the center of attention."

"Actually, you have been the talk of the club since you were considered for membership."

"So everyone knew who I was before I entered here."

"We have ways of finding stuff out. You had to be researched to see if you were qualified to be here. This club is not one that just any gay college man can join. We want our privacy in public, so we have to be sure that no one here would talk about what goes on here."

"I'd never tell. I don't think my friends would believe me."

Brandon told him that he would not be able to just walk up to the guys he saw here and say hi. If they were in class with him, he could not let on he knew them as close friends, just acquaintances from class.

"There is a great logic in that. I want my privacy as much as they do."

Brandon moved his body in between Chris's legs. He lay back onto the other guy's chest and Chris let out a slight sigh. "Do you know how many dreams I had of us two when we were in class together?"

"You should have asked me to be your scene partner for some of the acting assignments."

"I was afraid you would have said no."

"I could never say no to someone that I lusted after in my wet dreams at night."

Brandon turned around and started kissing Chris. Chris had just gone through some of the most intense sex he had ever had over the past hour, but he felt himself stiffen again.

"I see you have more stamina than most 19 year old guys." Brandon told Chris.

"With your body next to me I think I'd always be hard."

Chris felt the strong and firm hands of his guide start to massage his mid-section. Brandon knew just the right moves to make Chris feel totally alive, with just a touch.

"Ahhhh, Brandon you are going to make me explode right here if your not careful."

Brandon took his hands off of Chris. "It isn't like you have anything. You were tested. Also, this hot-tub is filled with some sort of chemical that will kill anything that could possibly be lurking in your semen. Ben does it as a precaution in case someone would lie to the group. No one here would lie though, because they know what would happen if they did."

The judgment that would be wrought out on anyone who brought a potential fatal illness to the group was to be locked up in a prison that their own family would never be told about. That offending person would be rapped so many times by the prisoners they would wish that they had told the truth to the club.

"We want this club to go on forever and the only way that will happen is if everyone is safe."

"Very true. Please go back to jerking me off."

Brandon didn't have to be told twice. He sucked on Chris's nipples, while he jerked his cock back and forth. Chris didn't know if he was feeling more pleasure from the sucking or the jerking.

When Chris was just about to cum, Ben entered the basement. "Supper time fellows. I prepared it myself."

The first night of a gathering was always the night that Ben made something special for his boys. He called them his boys because he felt a kinship to them all.

"We have to get out and get dressed Chris."

"Is supper something special?"

"You'll see."

Chapter Three:

The table was filled with a Turkey dinner with all of the trimmings. The food looked good, but what looked even better was all of the hot studly men that were pouring it all onto the plates they held in their hands.

"Hi." Many of them told Chris when he appeared upstairs.

They all smiled at Brandon knowing that had the pleasure of being Chris's guide on this, his first experience to what they affectionately called "the clubhouse".

"How do you like the place so far?" A man named Keegan asked.

"Stimulating." Was all that Chris replied. It got a laugh from the other men around the table. They had all been stimulated on multiple occasions here at the clubhouse.

Brandon told Chris he was going to take his food up to their private bedroom because he wanted to make sure it was all prepared.

"Private bedroom?" Chris asked.

"You'll see later on. For now just mingle with the others."

Mark and Scott took Chris's attention away from Brandon, so the young man would go with them into the spare TV lounge. It was much smaller than the room for movies, but it was cozy. The two couches would hold three people apiece, and the 27" TV was large enough for all to enjoy a good movie.

The three of them sat down on the couch in the middle of the room, with Chris in the middle of Mark and Scott. After helping Chris to lean back and pull out the foot rest that was built into the second part of the couch, the two placed the tray of food on Chris's lap.

"Let us cater to your need." Scott told him.

The two of them knew how to actually give the food to Chris in a seductive manner. They fed him slowly, and would kiss him after each bite he took.

When Mark slipped his right hand up Chris's chest, he circled his left nipple. Chris could feel that he was getting hard. "I don't this is a good idea while I'm eating. I don't want my food to go to waist."

The two of them new that he meant business. They stopped and let him continue eating. "Perhaps we can put on a show for you." Scott told Chris.

Mark liked the way his friend's mind worked. The two of them had placed their trays onto the coffee table that was in front of them, and Scott got up to lock the door.

"The two of us have been coming to this place since our sophomore years, and that was two years ago." Scott told Chris. "We would have fallen in love with each other, but neither of our families would allow us to remain in our families if we brought home a boyfriend."

"Why don't you just do it once you have established yourselves after college?"

"Because we don't want to lose our parents money." Mark replied. "Besides, we will have clandestine meetings after we finish school."

There was a space between the television and the side wall that would give enough room for what the two of them wanted to do. Mark eased Scott's body up against the wall and started to take his shirt off. He kissed his friend's chest with a hunger that showed he wanted every part of him.

Scott sat and watched a performance that was more entertaining and more seductive than any porn film he had ever seen. These were two men that really knew what uniting bodies should be.

Mark slipped his friend out of his sweat pants, one of the many outfits that Scott had brought that weekend. Then he placed the required protection on the juicy meat that he wanted to consume between his own lips.

"Do you think you can go another round after the marathon session we had upstairs?" Mark asked him.

"Look at what little Scott thinks." Scott said as he used his two hands to slowly move Mark's lips onto his cock head.

There was nothing little about what was hanging between Scott's legs. Chris wished he could get his own mouth filled with what had grown to at least 8", if not possibly more. Scott was one of the runners on the track team, and had a lean but very toned chest and stomach. He was over 6'4" tall, and had the brightest eyes that would probably sparkle in the moonlight.

Chris was treated to the show of a lifetime. He did not think that he'd ever see two men whose bodies fit so well together. After Mark had sucked on Scott's massively hard cock, he had his friend sit in the chair that was provided by the wall they were close to.

Mark eased the cock up his ass, and Chris stopped eating as he saw the slow rise and fall of Mark on Scott. The moans from Mark made Chris think someone would be at the door soon, but the room was sound proof so no one would come watching if they saw it was locked.

Scott motioned to Chris that if he wanted to join in, he could. Chris walked over to them and Mark stopped his kissing of Scott. Scott took up a lip lock with Chris and Mark started to nibble slightly on Chris's left ear.

This nibble wasn't hard enough to hurt Chris, but just to bring him to an excitement that he didn't think it would. Mark, and Scott were both very good at what they were doing.

It took a few seconds to get into the rhythm of the two others, but Chris learned quickly. He loved the way that Scott's lips felt when they were connected to his. He could find himself easily falling for this guy.

What was he thinking! You did not fall for Jock's or Frat Boys. Some things just did not happen to a regular guy who did not participate in those things on campus. Chris wondered if there was really anyone who he would truly fall for and would want him back.

When Scott started to make a moaning sound that Mark recognized, he lifted his butt off of his friends cock. He moved himself and Chris away from him.

"He's about to explode." Mark said.

Scott ripped the condom off and started jerking his own cock. "OH fuckkkkkkkkkkkk!" He shouted as the orgasm flowed from his body.

The cum shower spurted up all over his chest. Chris watched in glee as the sexy twink he had just been kissing showed the result of the orgasm.

Mark went to a small closet that was against the other wall. He brought a towel to Scott. "Clean off when you are done beautiful."

"Thanks my little fuck toy."

The language was something that Chris would have to get used to. He hadn't heard men talking to each other in this manner before. Even on the porn flicks he'd seen, they never talked like this.

Chapter Four:

After supper Chris spent some time in the arcade. He played video games, all for free, with Brandon. His new friend asked him how supper went.

"Well let's see, I watched two of the hottest studs on campus fucking each other. I also got to kiss one of them, and I so wanted to have both of them going at me at once."

"That can be arranged. First I think that you need to rest awhile. You have been going at this evening with the typical newbie spirit. It can take a lot out of you if your not careful."

"There is just so much to do here. I have had so many fantasy's in the past that I thought would never be able to be fulfilled."

Brandon knew just what Chris was saying when he spoke those words. When a gay young man is given the keys to the pleasure kingdom, he can do things that mainstream society would look down upon him for. He could experience in a safe environment things that he never thought possible.

"You see all these hot men and you just don't know how many you can experience in a weekend." Brandon said to Chris. "I remember when my first time here happened. I thought that I was a kid in a candy store. There was so many sweet desires just waiting to be consumed."

"There was this one guy who was at the table getting food when I was. I wonder what it would be like experiencing him."

"What did he look like Chris?" Brandon asked.

"He had no shirt on, slim but really toned. He was the one with the smooth chest and great tight, very small butt, at least he looked that way in those shorts."

"Ronnie you mean. He's the star of the swimming team at school. Hot in the sack let me tell you!"

Chris wondered what kind of chance he would have with Ronnie. That tight little ass looked like it would feel great with his cock way up inside of it. Brandon smiled when he saw the look of longing on Chris's face.

The look was the same one that he had felt when he first saw that boi he wanted on campus, but would never say to the guys face. In this environment, anything was possible.

When Ronnie walked into the room, Chris suddenly got nervous. With the others it had just been pure lust that had driven Chris, but Ronnie looked different. He had the kind of true beauty that made you realize sex between two guys would be poetry in motion.

Ronnie walked up to Chris and gave him a kiss on the lips. "I've been thinking about you since I first saw you at the table. If it wouldn't have been where all the food goes, I would have gotten up on it and had you slamming your dick inside of me right there!"

"Well now, that's certainly a way to get my attention." Chris told him. "You noticed how I was looking at you I guess."

"It's okay Chris, we all have needs and desires here. I'm just glad that you desire me. I'd like to somewhere with you and we can explore those desires together."

Chris told Brandon he would catch up with him later. He didn't need a guide for what he was feeling at the moment.

Ronnie walked with Chris to the orgy room. It had been made to look like no one was in it earlier, and Chris was surprised how clean it was when he got inside.

"I'm surprised that there are not more guys here." Chris said.

"Oh trust me, there could be at any time. More than a few men here tonight have expressed an interest in you."

This little piece of information was enough to make Chris think twice. He never felt himself to be at the same level as the men who were part of this club, but they had accepted him as one of their own.

"Now I am a bottom." Ronnie told Chris. "Do you know what that means?"

"I'm not sure. I'm kind of new to all of this."

Chris had heard the word before, but he was sure that he would not know what it meant in this context.

"Tell me what it means." He told Ronnie.

"I enjoy getting fucked. Are you a top?"

Chris felt that he enjoyed being the one to fuck and getting fucked. He liked the oral sex and even just kissing on a guys chest. He was enjoying every experience that he was afforded the opportunity to experience here.

They both tore their clothes off and lay them on chairs on one side of the room. People could use the chairs to lay clothing on, or even just to sit and watch the festivities if they preferred not to join in.

Not many would say no to joining in.

"Let me just get some stuff out to get me prepared." Ronnie told Chris.

Ronnie's body was everything that Chris desired in a man. He was not too big in the chest, but he was well defined. He had a smooth body, and a perfect six-pack. Chris knew it was shallow of him, but he wanted what he wanted.

After Ronnie put a condom on Chris's cock, which got him hard with just this action, he gave Chris the lubrication. "I want you to learn how to lube a man up."

"Tell me what to do."

"No, you have to be the forceful one. The directions are on the back of the bottle."

Chris read the directions in ten seconds flat. He took out some of the lube and got Ronnie's ass hole properly lubed up. He had Ronnie flat on his back, lying on top of the sheets that the bed had. Then he picked up the other mans legs.

"I'll go slow at first, so as not to make you feel pain."

The gentleness in which Chris entered Ronnie surprised even Ronnie. He did not feel any pain as the cock slipped inside of him.

"Oh your good. I can tell you are going to be the man everyone who is looking to get fucked comes to." Ronnie told Chris.

Chris started a rhythmic motion in and out of Ronnie. Looking down at his body, Chris felt like he could remain hard for a very long time. Ronnie smiled up at him and told him to fuck him harder. "I can take it."

The motion of the bodies kept up for what seemed like a very long time. Chris did not even stop when two more men entered the room. Matthew and Mark closed the door behind them and stripped off their clothes before they even got over to where the two were fucking on the bed.

"Mind if we join in?" They asked.

Each of them got on a side of Ronnie so he could suck them off by turning his face left or right. They both had grape flavored condoms on, because that was known to be Ronnie's favorite flavor.

Matthew was a strawberry blond with hands that knew how to ease Ronnie's head as it enveloped Matt's cock. He moaned in pure pleasure as the younger man licked around his cock head.

Mark looked a little jealous so Matthew gave Mark the chance to receive the benefit of Ronnie's experienced mouth.

Mark was an ash blond haired green-eyed beauty that was in contrast to Matthew in some ways. While Matt was more forceful around the campus, Mark was relatively quiet. They had an instant attraction to each other the first time they met.

Over the past year they had both explored what sex could be like between the two of them. Even though they had other interests with the men of the club, the enjoyed each other the most.

Chris was grunting as his dick went further and further inside of Ronnie. With the tight little ass that had been provided by Ronnie, Chris was finding out just how hot fucking a guy on his back could be like.

"Damn you're a tight hole." He told Ronnie.

"I'm hoping that you will loosen me up."

The motion of Chris's fucking Ronnie's ass was in time to the sucking motion that Ronnie was making with the other two. All four of them went on like this for almost a half-hour. Chris would stop for a moment when he felt like he was almost ready to cum. He wanted to delay the orgasm so he could be inside of Ronnie longer.

It wasn't long after Ronnie had finally gotten the two men he had been sucking on, off, that he was ready for Chris to know what it really meant to fuck someone.

"Fuck me harder man. Show me what you are made of!"

"You asked for it."

The pelvic thrust came at an alarming rate. The sweat was dripping from Chris's brow at how fast he was going in and out of the other man. Matthew and Mark stood in awe.

"That's the way. Now you've got it. I want to feel your manhood and know that you're the boss." Ronnie moaned. "My body's never felt more alive!"

Chris kept up the pace till he knew that he could do it no more. He exited Ronnie's body and quickly sat on a chair. He pulled his condom off, and was going to start to jerk his cock to orgasm, but Mark came over to him and did it for him.

Matthew kissed Chris on the lips for two seconds and that was all it took. He quickly got off of Chris's mouth because he knew what was going to happen.

The Jizz spurted all over Chris's chest. From the look on Ronnie's face, he was as excited as Chris was.

"WOW! I've never seen a man get that much out of his dick in one spurt. How do you do it?"

"I never have until I was with you. I guess you are just very good for me."

"Fuck if that ain't right. Your hot cock can fuck my ass any day! I just hope that I get to suck it a few times before the weekend is up."

The other two in the room agreed with Ronnie. They wanted to have a go at giving a blow job to Chris too.

"I think that it is time for me to rest awhile. I don't think that I could handle much more of this at the moment."

The clock on the wall read midnight, so it wouldn't have mattered anyway. It was time for the nightly movie feature to start soon in the living room.

Chapter Five:

Down in the living room Chris found most of the men had assembled for whatever movie Ben would be playing this night. He had chosen a pay per view. He hoped that they all would enjoy it.

Brandon was sitting on a chair that was big enough for two men on it. He motioned for Chris to come over and sit by him.

"I see you got into the robe you brought." Brandon told Chris.

"Yes, I thought that it would be okay. I find that you can dress anyway you wish in here."

Chris got under the blanket that Brandon had lying on his lap. The two of them didn't need a blanket, but it was more cozy this way.

"Did you enjoy yourself with Ronnie?" Brandon asked Chris as he gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I loved it. He is the most amazing guy."

"More amazing than me?"

Chris didn't think anyone could be as amazing as Brandon. "NO, but he is a great fuck."

There were college men from freshmen up to seniors in the living room. They were anywhere from fully dressed to totally naked. No one seemed to notice or care.

When Ben walked into the room, everyone cheered for him. He walked up to the Television, and turned to face his bois.

"I see everyone is having a great time tonight. Keegan, you are looking really good this month."

"Great sex agrees with me. I just wonder when you are going to let me have a go at you big boy!"

More than a few of the men there wanted the chance to be intimate with Ben. He was more developed, but he had the best way to make a man feel good in bed. If someone were lucky enough to experience Ben at his best, they would never feel the same while they were with anyone else.

"Maybe if you see me after the movie is over we can talk about it."

Keegan made an over dramatic swish with his one hand against his face that told how excited he was. From the rise in his levis, everyone there could tell it would be difficult for him to go the entire movie without exposing the rock hard cock he had at this moment.

During the movie there were men making out all over the room. They had to keep the noise to a minimum, because it was only respectful to those who were really watching the film in earnest. Which there was not many doing this.

There was pop corn with different types of seasonings on it all around the room. There was bottled water in special buckets by the coffee table. Chris was thirsty for juice so he told Brandon he would be back after he took a quick trip to the kitchen.

When Chris got to the kitchen, he found a young man there who he had not seen yet at the mansion. He was not like the other men in the club.

"Hello." Chris said as he got a juice out of the fridge. "You must have gotten here late?" He asked.

"No, it is just that Ben has been tutoring me all night long. OH, I'm Tyler by the way."

"In a place like this what could he be tutoring you in?"

"Freshman College English. I started Salisbury this term but I needed the help in my writing ability. Ben volunteered when I first joined here to help me with my writing."

"Are you and he....?"

"No, but I would if he wanted. For some reason he thinks of me differently than the others."

Chris could understand why. Tyler had probably had sexual experiences here, but he looked more sweet and innocent than the other members. He looked like a preppy guy, but more like the college boy-next-door. There was something in his smile that made Chris go weak in the knees.

"I have written a few things and would love to see what you have done."

"Well, Ben is going to be in the living room for the next two hours so you can come to the office to help if you'd like."

Chris made a quick stop to tell Brandon he was going to be busy for awhile. "I've met someone I want to talk with, and it is not what you think."

Chris showed up at the office and found that Tyler had kept the door open. When Chris walked in, Tyler looked up from the desk and smiled. "I have one of my new essay's I wrote for class up for you to see."

Chris walked over to the desk and stood close to where Tyler was sitting. The smell of the angelic man's cologne made Chris shiver inside. He had never seen a male that looked manly and like an angel at the same time.

The essay looked relatively well written but there were a couple of things that Chris thought would make it even better. He suggested the ideas he had to Tyler and the young man felt they were good.

"Let me see how they change the essay." Tyler said.

The fingers of the beautiful freshman flew over the keyboard. Chris stood there realizing that Tyler had a gift for typing.

"How did you ever get so good?" Chris asked.

"I bet you never thought you'd be saying that about someone who didn't look like the others. I know, you meant my typing."

Chris figured that Tyler probably kept more to himself because he was not the typical Jock or Frat boy that were members of the club. He seemed shy almost in the demeanor that he had. Chris thought he was sweet.

"You shouldn't put yourself down Tyler. It may not be my business to make judgments since I'm new, but you look like the kind of guy that any man would be lucky to have even as just a friend. Of course you look so sweet that I would guess many girls lust after you and you just don't know it. I wonder what it has been like for you on campus this year."

Hearing Chris's words put a few things that had happened to Tyler in perspective. Tyler realized that more than a few women had expressed interest in him on campus, but he was more interested in their boyfriends.

"Let's get back to this essay. I don't want to get distracted." Chris said.

They worked on making the essay the best that it could be. Over the next couple of hours they went line by line to correct any spelling and grammar points. The spelling and grammar checker did the best that it was programmed for, but it could not correct simple human error.

When the movie had ended, the two of them were interrupted by Ben and Brandon. "We wondered where the two of you were."

"Chris has been helping me with my essay. We really seem to have it looking good now."

"Tyler is a great writer. Brandon, I don't know how to approach the subject, but I was wondering if I could have someone else with me tonight."

Brandon took one look at Tyler and knew whom Chris meant. "It's okay dude, Ben and I are sharing his bed tonight."

Chris turned to Tyler. "It's up to you, and I will understand if you don't want to."

"Why me?"

Ben and Brandon left the office. They wanted to give the two young men time alone.

"It's my first time here, and I have enjoyed myself more than I can tell you. The one thing that these other men can not do for me, I get when I look into your eyes."

"What could you possibly get by looking into my eyes?" Tyler asked.

"More than I can explain with words. You look like the kind of guy who I dream of really falling for. Most guys here may lust after the jock or frat type, but those types are only good for one thing and that is sex. These men only prostrate themselves to the men they lust after, but they don't really want to know who the real person is they are going down on. You are different than that to me."

The two of them left the office and headed upstairs to where they were going to sleep. Chris said he'd explain more there.

Chapter Six:

Chris put his robe on before getting into bed. Tyler was surprised at this. "You aren't sleeping naked?"

"It isn't that I don't want to, but being this close to you is going to keep me hard all night long."

"I can take care of that situation when it arises."


This was a word that was not spoken much at the mansion. Why would you pass up sex when it was offered?

"I want to get to know you first. Since we will probably never talk to each other on campus, as per the rules of the house, I want to know what I can of you."

When they were in bed, Tyler caressed Chris's face. He hadn't been in this room since he had been the new guy the previous semester. Since that time he had never found someone who was more interested in who he was on the inside.

"Why did you come to school here?" Chris asked.

"Well I am from a small town in PA, and I wanted a college far enough away from that town but not a school in big city. I felt this place was the best for me."

The two of them kept talking for about an hour, and then Chris felt like he couldn't stay awake much longer.

"I'm kind of tired Tyler. Is it okay if we talk more in the morning?"

"I'll talk to you in the morning."

Before Chris could close his eyes, he received a good night kiss that was so gentle and sweet he got his tenth erection since the first time he'd seen Tyler.

In the morning Tyler suggested they take a bath together in the private bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. "The bathtub is designed for two."

Chris found it difficult to wake up, because the muscles all over his body were sore from the previous evening. The rest he had found laying next to Tyler had been the best rest he had felt in a very long time. He wondered what a bath with him would be like.

When Chris entered the bathroom he saw it had been built like something right out of a honeymoon suit, but with a gay twist. The bath-tub was filled with hot soapy water and Tyler was anxious to get in.

"Hop in." Tyler told him. "I want to rest my body on your chest."

Chris stripped down and revealed his still erect cock. Tyler had to giggle at the fact that Chris's body expressed his inner most thoughts so well.

"Let me guess, you had a lot of dreams?"


"It's okay, tell me all of them."

When the two of them were in the tub, Chris found the water relaxing. He told Tyler all about the dreams that he had.

"It might surprise you to know, sex had nothing to do with what I dreamt last night. Most of the dreams were of us two just doing activities together. Even though sex wasn't involved, I had the best time ever in my dreams."

Tyler suggested that perhaps they could do stuff at the mansion together that didn't have to deal with sex. There were many things that were possible here, and you didn't have to be engaged in sex to be involved in them.

"Would you want to hang out with me?" Chris asked. "I'm sure that many of these guys here want you bad Tyler."

"True, I have had more than a few who let their interest in me be known. I have even enjoyed time with more than a few, but I have never felt that something special that I think might be possible with you."

"Now, where have you been all of my life?"

The next day was spent doing all of the things at the mansion that in no way involved sex with another human being. Chris and Tyler played video games in the arcade. They worked out together in the private gym room that Ben had installed. At supper people started asked why Chris hadn't engaged in more fun activities during the day.

"I've having more fun than I can tell you about." Was the reply he gave.

Sunday evening Chris and Tyler showed up at the evening movie time, which was held at 8PM that night. There would be time after for those who wanted to use the hot-tub or other distractions, but most would just be heading for bed because there were classes in the morning.

After the movie was over, Chris and Tyler retired to the bedroom. They didn't go to bed, but instead sat on top of the covers talking about what their weekend had been like.

"What was it like to go for two of the days with no sex here in this palace of pleasure?" Tyler wondered.

"It has all been good. I have to admit I enjoyed the sex on that first night, but being with you I have found a man, who although is only 19 years old is the most wise man I've ever known. You have a sweet spirit that makes me realize what kind of man I can hope to aspire to be."

"Hey now, I'm only a year younger than you. As for that sweet spirit, I don't see it in me but I believe you if you say I have one."

There was a subject that Chris wanted to approach with Tyler, he didn't know how to bring it up though.

"Tyler, I wanted to know if you would do me a favor before we go to bed tonight."


"Since I arrived I have not had a man inside of me. I've always been what they called a 'top', but when I first saw you, I knew that you were the only man I wanted in that respect."

Tyler had never known any guy who wanted him to be on top of them. Most of the men saw his slim butt and wanted to be thrusting their cocks inside of him. He had not enjoyed that aspect of sex, and was more interested in oral. He didn't know what it would be like to be the guy who was the 'top'.

"I don't know if I'd be that good at it. The only other guy who I've tried to 'top' thought I would need practice to get any good."

Chris reached over and kissed Tyler. "It isn't that you have to live up to an expectation. I just want the boi of my dreams to fulfill the one fantasy I haven't had fulfilled yet while here. I want you to show me what real love between two men can feel like."

Chapter Seven:

Lying on the bed, the two of them were naked. Tyler was properly protected with the only condom that would be needed for this experience. Chris had to show Tyler how to lubricate his ass so that the pressure of the first thrust wouldn't hurt him.

"If it feels painful let me know and I'll stop." Tyler told Chris.

"I'll be all right."

Tyler entered Chris with a gentle push and Chris felt what was about 7 1/2" enter his ass. He felt no pain, but instantly felt the beginning of pleasure. As Tyler was slowly going in and out of him from above, he smiled down at Chris because he too was feeling what could only be described as something like a true uniting of souls. The two of them were becoming one person with this union of their bodies.

No words passed between their lips as the intensity of their love started to grow. Chris found himself almost in a fantasy state as Tyler moved in and out of him. He could see himself and Tyler walking in a field of roses, or on a beach just enjoying the summer's sun together. They would be happy anywhere, if they were together.

When Tyler was getting ready to orgasm he pulled out of Chris. Chris had already came all over his own chest, and when Tyler shot his cum, the two of them knew this would change their relationship forever.

After getting cleaned up, the two of them lay naked under the covers just holding each other close. They talked about what it would be like to live as a married couple, and experience the true joy they had just experienced, on a daily basis.

If only the law was different in the USA. If a consenting adult couple wanted to get married, they should have that right.

"When this weekend ends, I don't know how I will go on at school without you." Chris told Tyler. "I would give this all up just to be able to lay in your arms every night of my life."

It had only been a short couple days they had known each other, but Tyler felt the same way about Chris. The talks they had about their lives, showed they were so much alike that they would make a winning couple.

"There is a way, but it means no more monthly orgies here at the mansion for either of us. We would lose the closeness with these others here too."

"It's okay with me if you would be my one and only love."

In the morning Tyler and Chris met with Ben in his office. They told him about the fact they had fallen in love. It was kind of sudden, but when they explained what they felt for each other, Ben understood.

"Sometimes love can happen like this. Tyler, you have explained the rules to Chris I hope."

"Yes, I told him about the fact that once we give up the membership, we can never come to one of the gatherings ever again."

"It isn't like I wouldn't enjoy great sex with all of these hot men here Ben. I just feel that no one can compare to Tyler where it really matters."

Ben knew that their minds were made up. He wished them well.

"I hope you two will be happy together."


Chris stayed one extra year at the college, so he could graduate with Tyler. They got a place together off campus after the school year they had been in, and they lived there until Graduation.

The month before they were to graduate, a law that permitted a gay or lesbian couple to marry was enacted. In Pennsylvania, they were the first couple to try for a license.

The marriage was held with both families in attendance. Chris's mother cried when she saw her son had found the man of his dreams. She wished them the best.

Tyler's father had reservations about his son's choice for a life partner, and had wished his son had been straight. When he realized that Chris had only the best interests for Tyler, Tyler's father came around.

Two people could not be more in love than Chris and Tyler were. They had great careers and lived together for the next fifty years sleeping in each other's embraces at night. If only all love could be like this.

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