Finding Yourself

By samuel coher

Published on Feb 1, 2016


Finding Yourself pt 2

All T's and C's apply

We walked out the door and start walking around the different buildings. Since it was the weekend and school did not start till Monday, I figured we should see it a night before the chaos ensued. I took Damien's hand in mine as we walked through the campus.

We walked by the Kelly School of Business building and I stopped. "Is everything ok?" Damien asked.

"Yeah, this is where I will be most of the time," I told him and paused to reflect what this meant. "Besides hanging out with you and making new friends, this is my college. Let's go check out your college."

"Sure but I thought we could take a detour before we see my school," he told me.

"Do I know where we are going before we get to your college?" I asked wondering where this special spot might be and what we might get up to there. I did my homework and studied most of the college campus and some of the local spots but I was now intrigued to find out where we were going.

Damien just grabbed my hand and walked past a few more buildings. We did pass his College, which was the Media school. A few more minutes and we ended up at an old building. It looked much like an outdoor Gazebo then a building for students to work in. It has some sort of historical value to this school. I walked over to the building. On a little name plate at the entrance was the words, "Rose Well House."

"This is pretty cool. Do you know any of the history about this old building?" I asked Damien.

"Not much just that this was built from the original college that was on these grounds. I thought this would be cool little hang out spot just for us at the moment. A place we can meet between classes and just chill. What do you think?" he asked while looking into my eyes.

"I think this is perfect. Great find love," I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "We got to invite Connor and his partner here. Who knows maybe hold a little picnic or something to celebrate the new college year."

"That does sound good but how about we just cuddle over here on the bench," Damien said and pulled me over there. He rested his head on my shoulder and titled my head so it rested on his. My mind started pondering what would be in store for us. Do I want to join a frat house or any other social clubs? Should I ask my partner of four years to marry me and start going down that road? What type of student will I be? Hell, what type of person am I?

I looked over at Damien and kissed the top of his head. He looked up at me and our lips locked. We made out for a few more minutes before realizing that there was someone just out of sight but was looking in our direction. Not really feeling that comfortable with having a show at the moment, we both got up and start walking back towards the dorms.

Meanwhile, back at the dorms, Connor started waking up from his nap. Logan was still at his side, nuzzled up right next to him. I would have slept more but I had to go pee. I grabbed a pair of shorts and threw them on then walked down the hallway and into the Co-ed bathroom. Still being a little tired from all that was going on, as i turned the corner into the bathroom, there she was standing in all her glory.

It was pretty late at night; I would take it to be about 2 in the morning. I stepped back and almost slipped on the titled floors. I quickly turned around. "Ahem..." I coughed.

"Oh sorry, I thought no one would be up at this hour," she said while grabbing her robe. "You can turn around now."

I slowly turned around and she was now covered up. "Sorry for walking in on you," I said to get rid of any awkwardness that might be still floating around in the air.

"No worries. You're pretty cute," she told me. She started walking towards me. "How about I get to know you a little better, it is only fair."

Before I could say a word, she was already inches away from my body. I stood there frozen. He hands went straight for the shorts that I had on. She quickly pulled them down my legs. My cock was not getting hard, not for her anyways. "A little shy I see. I can help you out with that," she said and started to get down on her knees.

I finally got my composure back. I stopped her lips from touching my cock and pulled her back up to eye level. "Thanks for the offer but the truth is I'm gay," I told her.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yep, my partner is back at my dorm room fast asleep," I told her while I pulled up my shorts. "The name is Connor."

"Mine's Sarah. I am completely embarrassed. You were just so cute, I could not help myself," she said to me. "Can we just forget this ever happened?"

"Sure, I have no problem with that. Do you want to get a cup of coffee sometime? Maybe become friends," I asked her.

"That sounds great," she replied as she was trying to gather her stuff. "I am in room 538. See ya around."

"Yeah, see ya," I said as she walked out of the bathroom quickly to just put this moment behind her. My mind finally caught up and reminded me that I need to pee. I pull my cock out and started to pee when I heard someone enter the bathroom. "Did you forget something Sarah?" I said without looking back.

There was just silence. I heard the door to one of the stalls open and close. I figured it was not Sarah and tucked my cock back into my shorts. I made my exit and walked back to my room. I entered my room and there was Zach and someone else just sitting on the couch. I was quietly trying to sneak back into my room when one of the floor boards squeak and gave me away.

"Hey Connor," Zach said to me. "Come meet my partner, Damien." I stopped and did about face and walked into the living room. "Hey Damien, nice to meet you in person, sorry that I am only half dressed," I said to him taking a sit across from them.

"No problem. It is pretty late at night, plus I think we know why you are half dressed right now," he said back with a wink.

I smiled at his comment and realized that my other half was completely naked. What would happen if he walked out here buck naked? "Excuse me for a moment," I said and jetted in my room.

"Hey sweetie," I said slowly rubbing his shoulder. "We have company. So if you come out to the living room please make sure to put some clothes on."

He just grunted a little bit and rolled over. He went back to sleep. I grabbed a shirt and walked back out to the living room. "Sorry about that, I just wanted to make sure he did not walk out in the buff. That would just be totally embarrassing," I said with a chuckle.

"I am sure he has nothing to be ashamed of," Zach chimed in.

"Yeah but that is not a great way to make a first impression, yet then again I did see you in nothing but your undies, Zach," I said with a laugh.

"True but I was doing Yoga and I was not expecting you for another hour," he said turning a little red. Damien looked over at him and smiled.

"Did you enjoy the sight?" Damien asked.

"It was hot but my partners butt is better," I said with some confidence.

"We will be the judge of that, one day," Damien said then laughed. "It is getting pretty late and I need to go check up on my stuff and my new roommate. Let's do a double date some time so we can get to know each other more, okay?"

"That sounds like fun," I said back to Damien.

They both got up and kissed each other goodnight. Zach walked him out and closed the door behind him. I heard them say that they loved each other. I smiled at the thought.

"Well, I am going to bed as well," Zach said before going into his room. "Oh, yeah before I forget, Damien does like you so do not worry about it. I like you too."

"You guys seem like an awesome couple. Cannot wait to see what this year brings and next time you will meet Logan," I said as I turned out the light.

"Good night," Zach said back to me.

"Good night," I said back to him.

I closed the door and stripped off my shorts. I hopped into bed with Logan and cuddled up with him.

After, I kissed Zach goodnight and told him I loved him, I headed back to my dorm room. I turned the corner and walked down the hall to the elevator. I waited thinking about everything that happened and what might happen. The doors to the elevator opened up and I walked in. I pressed the button to head to my floor which was one floor below Zach's room.

I got off the elevator and made it to my room. I listened then there was no noise or anything coming from inside. I opened the door and there was just a glow of the T.V. on. I noticed someone on the couch watching the T.V. It was my new roommate. His name was Matthew. He was a kind of a nerd, big into video games and comics. He was talking to me about how he went to all the conventions and other stuff he geeked out about. I just smiled when he told me all about that stuff. I did not talk much since he was going a mile a minute.

Thinking about that conversation, I guess we did not talk about any ground rules or anything. I just kind of thought he would use common sense. I was wrong. I noticed him on the couch and started walking slowly towards him after I shut the door. He had his laptop close to his side and I finally was able to see over his shoulder.

He had his cock in hand. His jeans were pushed down to his knees and briefs that he had on were tucked under his balls. I did enjoy the sight a little bit since Zach and I have not had any sex since we got here which was two days again. I quickly got a glance of what was on his screen. It was one of those video cam sites that you can watch other people doing the same thing you are.

I quickly but silently walked into my room. I did not want to embarrass him and make things awkward for us just meeting and all. I shut my door and hopped on my bed. The image of my roommate popped into my head which got me thinking about the places and things that Zach and I might end up doing on campus.

My hands found their way to beneath the waistband of my shorts and boxer briefs. My cock was already at half mast from the show in the living room. I grabbed my phone and started flipping through some of the photos that Zach sent me over the years of himself. That got me full mast in no time. My hand undid the button on my shorts and my cock was tenting my underwear. It wanted to be free. I found one little movie that Zach sent me when we were apart for a few days.

It was a quick video of him jerking off. He was moaning out my name and he always knew that drove me wild. I put my headphones on so I could listen to it. My hand unsheathed my cock from its confinements and was whacking away. Every time Zach would moan my name, I would speed up my hand.

A few moments later, I was reaching my climax just as Zach was reaching his on the video. I moaned his name a little under my breath just to not disturb my roommate. I arched my back just as I was about to shoot. It landed all over my shirt. One shoot hit me in the face. My body went back down on the bed and I was just breathing heavy. I took my shirt and shorts and tucked my cock back into the boxer briefs. I quickly texted Zach Good night and thanks for the show.

He texted me back, with a puzzled looking Emoji.

I texted him back, I will tell you later. Sweet dreams, beautiful. Then I fell asleep.

Hey guys sorry this did not come out any sooner. Had a big case of writer's block for the past two weeks, hope you have been following my blog site to see when the next chapters will be coming out. Hit me up if you like at or on the blog site, Thanks for waiting and the next chapter will be out sooner than it took to write this one.

Next: Chapter 3

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