
By Jonah

Published on Dec 17, 2023


Part one: Adam

"Don't fight it", I whispered. I stood behind him, my right hand pressed up against the back of his neck. He let out a soft groan before, as was common, trying to verbally fight back. "Whaaa... whattt are" - he struggled to say - "you dooo- hoooooo... god". Back then I didn't really know how it worked exactly. I thought maybe they were paralysed, but really what I was doing felt so good that they just didn't want to move. After a few moments of resistance they usually stopped arguing.

At this point you're probably wondering what exactly I was doing. It is hard to explain, and at the time I didn't really know. Adam was only the third guy I'd done this too. I never, at least at the time, did it without asking first. It's just I couldn't really explain it before doing it so they didn't know what was about to happen. I'd ask, I'd place my finger on the back of their neck, and it would begin.

"How do you feel?" I asked him, not expecting a coherent response. Adam however surprised me. "I... how are you doing... this. I feel so good. I... I need to nut! P..pllease!". I was only too happy to oblige him. I began to slowly stroke my index finger up and down the back of his neck, and he soon responded by loudly moaning. Sometimes the guy still wants to resist and it can take a few minutes before I felt anything, but Adam wanted it, and I began to feel him straight away. It is as if I'm him, and I can feel everything he's feeling, but I'm also the one making him feel good.

I only had to stroke my finger up and down his neck a few times and he was near climax. I felt his desperate need to cum, and I felt how good his body felt. I can't describe to you how good it feels. It is as if his body becomes an extension of my own. The closer they get to orgasm the more I can feel, and the more I felt like I was in control of them. The power to make him feel like he had to orgasm, and give him that orgasm, was intoxicating.

It was all over so soon compared to the other guys, and within seconds I felt - and heard - him reach climax. "fu...fuck. FUCK. FUUUUUUU---" and he was mine. Feeling somebody else orgasm, hands free, was better than anything else I knew.

Adam was different. Unlike the others, I felt him actually physically cum, without me touching him except his neck. After a few seconds, as the pleasure faded, I let go of him. He was still panting loudly, and reached out and steadied himself by grabbing my shoulder. "That was.. unreal! How, what was that?". I replied honestly; "I don't really know. I just, I can do that, and I can feel you as you, you know!". He looked puzzled, "You, you felt me cum?". "Well, yeah. Did you actually cum, in your pants?". Adam looked down at his legs before tugging down his slacks and underwear in one swift motion. I gasped "damn, you're big". He was easily bigger than me, and it was still engorged.

"Yeah, I came all up in my pants" he said, laughing. I meanwhile was still staring slack jawed at his junk. He looked back at me and laughed. "So you like dick, huh?" I slowly nodded but didn't stop looking. Just a few moments before I'd been in the driving seat, but now, it was as if I was under his spell. "Do you wanna touch it?". I looked up at him shocked. He smiled, grabbed my hand and winked. "Come with me to the shower, I can clean up, and I can return the favour...".

Adam was the son of my dad's best friend, and three years older than me at 19. I was at his house after school to play a new playstation game. I'd never intended to "finger" him, as I called it in my head at the time. It was only later that I would learn the real meaning of the term. He'd started talking about wanting to feel what it was like to smoke weed, I felt surprisingly brave and asked if he wanted to feel something even better.

As I would soon explain to Adam, Ben, the guy I'd done this to first, well, he grew to hate it. The second guy, I didn't even know his name, and he seemed to have liked it. When it came to Adam I had wondered if he was gay or bisexual for a while so I had thought least there was a chance he wouldn't hate it. I really hadn't planned on doing it though, and I doubt if he hadn't started going on about drugs that I would have had the courage to instigate it. His tugging at my hand woke me back up; "Come on, I wanna repay you".

In his shower room he undressed faster than a tornado. I had reverted back to my shy boy persona, and just stood there not knowing what to say or do. He got under the water and looked back at me expectedly before laughing. "C'mon dude you just gave me the best cum of my life and now you're scared?". Sheepishly I slowly removed my clothes, by the time I got in the shower he'd finished cleaning the mess from earlier. At first he looked longingly into my eyes and I thought maybe he was gonna kiss me, before launching into questions instead. "So, can you do anything else? Can you do the reverse?". I shrugged - "I only just recently discovered it. I don't know if I can do anything else.".

"Alright, well, I wanna repay you. Ever had a blow job?". I shook my head whilst he grinned back. I don't know why, but I didn't really want a blow job. I mean, I felt better "fingering" other boys, I'd even mostly stopped playing by myself. Forcing somebody else to orgasm, and feeling it whilst it happened... so much better than the thought of getting blown. No, I wanted to be back in control! Like with the very first time I did this I felt an overwhelming need to grab his neck - like an instinctual response. So for the first time I reached out and grabbed his neck whilst facing him. He gasped and his eyes sort of rolled backwards. It felt different this time, I could feel him straight away. "Don't fight it" I whispered, almost like a mantra I'd heard on TV.

It really did feel different this time, I felt... powerful. He wasn't resisting at all, he just stood looking glassy eyed at me. Rather than stroke my finger up and down his neck I just held it in place, watching his face. "Can you hear me Adam?" I asked, turning off the shower with my other hand. At first he didn't reply until I turned back to him. "I.. I want to make you feel good". Even under my control he still wanted to repay me. "I'm in charge, when you feel good, I feel good". Perhaps to illustrate my control I began to stroke my finger up and down his neck whilst also stroking his impressive dick. We both gasped at that - unlike before I felt the pleasure right away. Likely due to him already cuming only a few minutes before he didn't have such a need to cum - it felt relaxed, slower.

"Do you like it when I'm in control?" I asked, not sure where the words were coming from. "Yyy.yes" he replied in-between panting. I moved around behind him so it was easier to hold him. It occurred to me that this really was about control as much as the pleasure. I mean, I was standing behind him, holding his neck, stroking his dick, and with my body making contact with his throughout. Whilst I was getting turned on by the control I had over him I couldn't help but feel a slave to the power itself. Half of what I was saying didn't feel like me. "You're mine" I whispered to him, as I held him in place. Why did I say that?

I didn't have long to think about it though, as even though he had not long cum I could still feel him racing towards release. The combination of me stroking him in both places was too much for either of us to handle. "Let it happen" I whispered to him, again without me knowing why. We both began panting and moaning; swear words tumbled out of my mouth. My own junk was painfully pushed up against his butt, straining like it would burst. For the last few seconds I just kept repeating the same two words "you're mine. you're mine". Then he finished up by roaring out a moan like a lion, and damn did it feel good.

He exploded everywhere up the shower wall, and for the first time, so did I, all over the back of him. As soon as I'd finished shooting I let go of his neck and Adam fell forwards, moaning out presumably not in pleasure. I very quickly broke out of the post-orgasm bliss and shouted "Adam!". He'd sort of crumpled forward into a ball, as I leaned down to try to pull him up I noticed the back of his neck seemed different; there was a faint outline of what looked like a tree's roots, escaping away from where I had been stroking. He snapped me out of my fearful investigation of his neck though; "I'm alright. I just, I faded out there a bit". Thankfully, with my help, I'd soon lifted him back to standing and his neck looked normal again.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I frantically asked. In my mind he was gonna be mad and maybe tell others about it, I'd be... arrested? Sent to some government secret facility and forced to make what, old men cum up the wall? I must have looked freaked out. Thankfully he smiled and assured me he was okay. "I'm just gonna go lie down, I feel spent. Can you clean the shower so my folks don't see?". I nodded, and returned to the shower to hide the evidence. After getting dressed I returned to his room to find him fast asleep in bed. I was still pretty worried and didn't know what really to do, so gathered up my things and scarpered. I felt like the cheating husband, escaping in the middle of the night.

I felt a mixture of guilt and fear on the short walk home. Truth be told, I also felt powerful, renewed. Without trying I had Adam under my thumb. I'd known him for years and he was always the older, more confident, more outgoing guy. Now in a small way I was in charge. This was certainly better than it had been with my first encounter, with Ben. He resisted and in the end, well, it didn't end very well. I gave up for a pretty long time after that. It was only after our Italy holiday where I took a chance and I decided I wanted to try again when back home although not with Adam.

Still, by the time I got home I was feeling worried again. Ben hadn't hated it straight away, maybe Adam would change his mind too. Plus, Adam's father was more likely to bring it up with my dad if Adam were to "tell". I decided to sneak in quietly, although I was spotted straight away. "Hey Jonah! I thought you were at Adam's?" my mother asked. I decided truth was best; "Yeah he was tired and so I left him to nap". She nodded; "Good day at school?". I grunted and wanted to end the conversation "yeah, was ok.". I escaped up the stairs to my bedroom, ignoring her shout after "Dinners at 6!". I loved my parents but I just wanted to hide away. The more the memory of how good it had felt earlier slipped away the more fear replaced it.

I decided to do some exam prep and try and not think about it, but all I kept doing was thinking, or rather worrying, about Adam. Later I realised that what I'd done that day was the first real sexual thing I'd done with somebody else; sure I'd done stuff with Ben and the unnamed boy in Italy, but I'd only ever touched the back of their neck, and neither had physically cum. This was a big step forward. Still, it felt different. When I thought back to the events of the day I felt powerful, mature, in charge. Somehow Adam felt like mine, not as a boyfriend, but as a conquest. It sounds strange, and it's really hard to explain.

I didn't sleep well that night, which was really unusual for me. School the next day was really a horrible slog after I couldn't sleep. I saw Ben a few times from afar and each time he quickly turned away. This wasn't unusual but still, it hurt. I hoped that the same was not about to happen with Adam - or worse. Finally we got to home time and I discovered that the weather outside was gorgeous for so late in the year. Shame about the weather inside my head. As I walked to the school gates I decided I would give Adam space, and see what happens. As I walked up to the gate though I looked up and saw Adam staring right back at me.

Comments, good or bad, please e-mail me :)

Next: Chapter 2

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