
By Jonah

Published on Dec 19, 2023


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Part three: Secrets

"Tomorrow" though was not the day for Adam and I to do the deed. I had forgotten that the next day - a Saturday - was already booked, my grandparents were to be visiting. The Sunday was occupied by me going to play Badminton and by Adam playing football. Once we realised we both sent each other sad emoji spams and agreed to try to meet up on Monday, although he was working that day. Truth be told I no longer felt as strongly as yesterday. His desire seemed to be wearing off me a bit.

As it was a family visit my folks had me cleaning and tidying, because god forbid the house be anything other than spotless for guests. I loved my family, but my mind was engrossed thinking about sex and... fingering. Were we going to fuck? Were we, to use my parents phrase, "dating"? What was this fingering power anyway? Is it just sexual? Is it a way to control others? I was lost in thought.

"Are you alright, son?" my dad asked, catching me off guard, whilst the rest of my family were busy talking. I'd fallen into thinking about it all again. "Yeah, I'm just thinking.". He looked at me for a moment, before everybody stopped talking for a moment to look over at me. What was happening! Did they know? Why are they... staring?

"Ahhh caught up thinking about a girl no doubt" my father replied. "Huh? No, I no!" I spluttered out. My dad laughed and turned away. This seemed to satisfy everybody else too who all turned away and back to the incessant discussion about irrelevant minutiae. Then I realised everybody had turned away except my grandfather Owen. He was looking at me in a strange way. If anything I guess it was a slight smirk.

"So, what's her name?" my mother asked, again interrupting my thoughts. At first I didn't know what she meant. "Whose name?" I answered without thinking. "This girl you're stuck thinking about". "I'm not thinking about a girl!" I honestly answered. My grandma interjected, suggesting what I wasn't sure I wanted to share yet; "Thinking about a boy then?". My highly practised automatic denial system - for warding off the suggestion of liking men - kicked in. "I'm not thinking about a boy either", I half lied. I was mostly thinking about "fingering", rather than Adam. Okay maybe I was thinking of him a bit. Or so.

"It's perfectly normal and okay to be thinking about a girl" my mother assured me in front of everybody. I rolled my eyes and fired back, "I know that, but I'm just not thinking about a girl". I decided a fake bathroom trip was in order to escape the unfolding inquisition. "Excuse me" I muttered as I escaped.

"My entire family thinks I'm obsessed, thinking about a girl!" I messaged to Adam. "My grandma even wondered if I were thinking about a boy". His reply was not as I expected. "So? Tell them you were thinking about me". I took a few moments to reply, "I've not even told them I like men. Plus my dad would freak! His son fucking his best friend's son?". He sent back a winking face, before pushing further. "Maybe after you let me fuck you you'll tell them you like me?"

I replied back, still hiding in the bathroom. "You're so good at it that after I'll be so changed by it that I'll tell the world?". I was joking, but his response was a simple "Yeah". I never thought I would be so switched on by something like that. He was so confident. He wanted me, and was sure that he was great at it. I felt the memory of his desire to do it. I nearly unzipped and starting going at it, before realising I had to get back downstairs before they got suspicious. "I can't wait to find out" I messaged back before leaving.

"Ah, Jonah. We are all gonna head out for a walk." my dad informed me as I came downstairs. A walk? Blah. Thankfully my grandfather saved me without me having to come up with an excuse. "I'm gonna stay here, my back is aching. Jonah can stay and keep me company, can't you?". I quickly agreed and the rest were all out the house into the overcast outdoors. Then it dawned on me that I had no idea how to keep him company, I wasn't a kid any more - we could hardly start playing with toys. "Do you want anything to eat? To drink?".

"Sit down, Jonah". This was weird. "I can see you've discovered the gift". Huh? What gift? "Have you used it on a girl yet?". I was very confused. "What are you talking about?". He remained so... calm, emotionless. "You know what I'm talking about, I can see it within you. You're the right age, it was the same for me".

I hoped he wasn't talking about... fingering. Oh no. "I... huh?". I decided to continue to press my fake innocence. "Jonah, I may no longer have the gift, but I can still see those that do. Your eyes. I can see the flash within them. I don't know what you call it, but I always called it the gift.". Yeah, he was talking about it. What. How? How did he know?

"How do you know about this? What... is it?". He smiled, probably at me tacitly admitting that I did know. "I don't know exactly. I'm not sure anybody who has the gift knows what it is. I discovered it at your age, I was kissing a girl, I touched the side of her face with my hand... and, well, we were as one. I could feel her, and... well, you likely already know. I presume you've done it?".

"Yeah. A couple of times." I lied again, not wanting to admit how many times I'd already done it. "You said you can't do it any more?" I asked. "Yes. This all happened long before I met your grandmother. I discovered it with my girlfriend and she told others. I then denied it, and she soon was no longer my girlfriend after that." he stopped to chuckle. Then later I met another man who also had the gift. We became friends, we both would... meet girls. We could get all the benefits of sex without actually having sex." he paused to laugh again.

"Later on there were rumours of two guys who could make girls, well, you know, just by touching them. I stopped for a while out of fear, but my friend kept doing it. He said he had a way of making them forget what he had done after he had done it. I didn't like that. We sort of drifted apart after that, him still doing it. A few months later, after having not seen him for a while, he came and said he had to hide out. He said there were gangs or groups of people with the gift, that it was more than just making girls... feel good." He cleared his throat. "Anyway he taught me about the eyes thing. Soon I was able to see those with the gift by focusing on their eyes, and if I saw a red flash then they had the gift.".

"Why did he have to hide?" I asked. "Ah yes, well, he was being hunted by a group, they wanted to recruit him. He didn't know why, but they made threats and demanded he join. The members didn't just do it to girls... they did it to each other". The way he said it betrayed his clear disgust for that. "Oh" I replied simply. "A few days later he left and I never saw him again.". He still hadn't told me why he lost 'the gift' as he called it. "So how did you lose it?".

"Yes, well, I started dating another girl, and I started using the gift on her. She didn't tell anybody, as far as I know. A few weeks in a guy knocks on the door asking for my friend.". I interjected - "the one who also had the gift?". "Right, yes. He said he had news about him, so I let him in. Big mistake. He grabbed me by the neck, and he used the gift on me. At first I hated it, but he was able to convince me, in his mind. I tried to resist but his will was... too much for me. He said he was the leader of a group, and he wanted my gift".

"But he already had the gift?" I asked, confused. "He said he was going to take my gift from me and it would make him stronger? And that is what he did. He took my gift away.". He paused, looking forlorn. "How did he take it?" I asked. He sighed. "He made me... have sex, with him". He stopped talking. "How did that take the gift from you?". He looked at me, clearly embarrassed. "He, well, yes, as I said, he made us have sex. He made me be the boy and him the girl.". I spoke too quickly, forgetting this was my grandfather. "You mean he made you fuck him?". He looked at me sharply. "Jonah! Language!". I sheepishly apologised.

"Anyway, yes, he did. At the end, so to speak, when I, you know what, it was like he... drained me. He roared, laughed, and left. I could barely walk for the next few days. Then, later, I discovered I'd lost the gift. A few years later I met your grandmother and I got used to being normal again. I still see people with the gift from time to time, because of the eye colour flash, but I've never tried it again. I built a family."

"You don't miss having it?" He shook his head. "I have no regrets. I am much happier with the family and life I had after. This is what I wanted you to know. Protect yourself. Don't use the gift as I did, wait until you have a long term relationship. Don't tell others. Keep it secret."

That evening I messaged Adam to share some of the news. "My grandfather told me today that he once had the fingering thing". "Waaat. He told you he fingered somebody?". "Yeah, he called it 'the gift'. He did it to girls, but a guy somehow stole it from him.". "hahahaha you mean the neck thing? That isn't what fingering means. That's when you put your fingers inside a girl or a guy." I still thought then that "fingered" was my favourite name. "Okay whatever, he had the same power I have, but he lost it".

"He also said he did it by touching the side of a girl's face, not her neck. He didn't know much more than that though. He told me to keep it secret". I decided I'd also keep some of what my grandfather had said a secret. "That's wild. So it isn't just you. Maybe its jenetic?". I ignored his bad spelling, Adam was not the academic type. "Maybe. Maybe it's just men who can finger?". "Dude stop calling it that" he replied, followed by a number of laughing emojis.

"I'm gonna be careful. I don't want some guy to come steal it away from me. Please keep it secret.". Adam assured me he would, in exchange for his secret, even though I thought my secret was much bigger than his. What a day it had been though. Others could finger. My grandfather could. It seems maybe it doesn't have to be the neck. There are gangs with the ability? People can be recruited? The 'gift' could be stolen?

Roll on Sunday. I was still lost in thought. I kept staring in people's eyes on the bus to badminton, hoping to see a flash. Normally I went with my dad, in a nice comfortable car, but like my granddad, his back was bothering him. Sigh. Nobody's eyes flashed at me. It occurred to me that maybe women could have the fingering gift too, but none of the women's eyes flashed either. I don't even know why I even went to the club, it was mostly people my dad's age anyway. I felt like the tack on teenager.

Except today. Damn. When I arrived at the sports center there was somebody new. All the other dad-aged people were there, but also a new guy. Looked maybe my age, although he was shorter than me so it was hard to tell. He looked adorable. Looks can be deceiving though, as when we played a match he was clearly the better player. His name was Ethan, his dad - a club member for ages - told me.

"How come I've never seen you at school?" I ventured, whilst trying to not look at his butt. "I don't go to your school, of course.". Derp. I felt stupid. I wanted to keep talking but I had no idea what to say. With Adam I felt powerless to resist his advances, but with Ethan... I wanted him to be powerless to my advances. Small problem however: I had no idea how to do that.

We paired up to play doubles after, which meant I could keep getting glimpses of his behind. I kept getting distracted. Thankfully we soon began to play well together, then again the others were all much older than us both. In a break in-between games I tried talking to him again. "You're really good at badminton. Do you play at school?". "Yeah. It's a boarding school, badminton is kind of my escape from school being twenty four seven. How about you?". Yes! He was talking to me!

"Nah, only here, at this club. I only ever get to play with people our dad's ages". He laughed a little. "So how come you're here now? Shouldn't you be at boarding school?". He sighed. "They- we- well. I'm on a short break". I decided not to press further, but I didn't know how to keep us talking. "So how come you're the only teenager here?" he asked. "I used to come with Ben but... he doesn't like me any more.". He laughed a bit at that. "Sounds like an ex-boyfriend."

Oh shit. I stammered. "Nno, no, he was my best friend". He smiled in a sort of knowing way. "So why did you bre- stop being friends?" I decided I had to end this false assumption. "We weren't boyfriends, Ben is straight, we just had a falling out". I didn't realise at the time, but I was giving away too much information. "kay. Well, I'll be here for the next couple of weekends. Time for somebody your own age to give you a real challenge". With that, he got up and walked back to the court, my eyes glued to his behind the whole way.

Eventually we ended up in a battle to win the most games, just him and me. Most folks left and it was just us and his dad, who eventually gave up and left - leaving Ethan saying he'd get the bus home too. I was so into the battle to win that I didn't think much about him wanting to stay with me. Eventually, thirty minutes past when we had to leave, the courts were closed and we both headed off to shower. He though had won.

I wish I could say we were the last ones in the changing rooms, that we both showered together, that our hands intertwined... nope. Every shower cubicle was just for one person, and with a door. Instead our paths met after when getting dressed outside. "Thanks for the games. You nearly had me a few times there, but in the end I ended up on top". He accented how he said top. Was he flirting with me? He gave me a sly expression, but then turned straight back around and carried on getting dressed.

Something snapped within me. Him winning, his fucking hot body, him taunting me, I had to do something. I wanted to be on top. I wanted to be inside him. I bet he moaned well. I looked over, staring at his butt, but also his neck. I knew I had to keep it a secret, I shouldn't give into temptation. Adam and I were... something. No, no, I shouldn't. I mustn't.

He gasped, much too loudly, as my finger found it's mark. "Don't fight it" I whispered in his ear. He was resisting, and I must admit that only made me want it more. I could feel his fear, his resolve to stop me. He said nothing, but began to make a high pitched moan. "Let me in, you'll feel good if you do" I told him. With my left hand I found my target, his underwear pulled down. He was hard, of course.

"There is no use resisting. I'm going to make you cum, and it's going to feel better than any cum you've ever had". He still resisted. I began to stroke my finger up and down his neck, and rub his junk. He began to whimper and say "no" over and over. In the distance I heard a door open, and I was suddenly very aware we were in a public changing area, albeit it deserted. I pulled down his underwear and then pulled him towards a shower cubicle.

Inside I locked the door behind, and went back to fingering his neck. Him being shorter than me though made grabbing his prize more difficult. Then I remembered that my grandfather suggested holding the side of the face instead. I let go of his neck, scared he might run away, so quickly span him around. He looked startled and disoriented. I slid my hand up his face until my index finger found his temple, and we both gasped again as we were connected.

The cubicle/stall was a shower but it had a seat type thing right beneath the shower, I don't know why. I sat down on it, pulling Ethan down with me, until he was sat atop me. I began to play with my prize. He wasn't as long as me, but he felt thicker. I moved him slightly away from me until my own dick had space to be between us. I then rubbed both our dicks together, whilst still holding onto his temple.

That did the trick. His resistance gave out all of a sudden, like a dam breaking from the force of water. We both moaned and I began to be able to feel all of him. As I rubbed our junk I could feel how good he felt, his body an extension of my own. "You're mine now Ethan" I said, whilst leering up at him. He said nothing but began to moan back at me.

"Do you like this?" I asked him, and he gasped out. His voice had turned sort of high pitched and soft. "Yeeahhh" he said lustily. "You can't tell anybody about this Ethan. You won't, will you?" I said more as a command than a question. He didn't speak but instead shook his head. Holding his temple, rather than his neck, felt different. I felt more equal to him. I was still in control of him of course, but I didn't feel an urge to dominate him like I had with Adam or Ben.

Up until this moment I had just wanted to finger him (okay, okay, use my "gift" on him) - but as we connected I could feel what he wanted. Damn. He wanted me to fuck him. He wanted it, so I wanted it. It was now that he chose to speak, after saying little before. He mewed at me, making a pleading face like his life depended on it "fuck me. please. PLEASE.".

"I'v-ve never done that" I whispered. No reply, but he took over, his hands finding my junk, straining hard against his own. I thought that they couldn't move whilst I was doing this, but clearly they could, maybe only because we both wanted it. He raised himself up as if to mount me, but then he stopped. "Hhuh we we- we need lube". He must have done this before. Things were getting out of hand. We had no lube and we were in a sports center. "No, no, we can't. I'm just gonna make you cum instead."

With that I pushed him off me, letting go of him. I stood up, got behind him, and fingered his neck. He gasped again, and it sounded - and felt - so damn good. "Whhhaai-wait" he said, seemingly resisting me again. That just made me want him more. I pushed up behind him, my junk resting at the top of his butt. I started to focus my attention on his junk. Through the connection I could feel him, and I could will him to cum. I stroked my finger up and down, and I could feel him desperately wanting to climax.

"That's it, give in, let me make you cum". He moaned, very loudly. The resistance gave way again, and I felt powerful. In control. His body felt like my body, and he was powerless to stop me. "Joon-Jonaahh" he moaned back at me. He was like a runaway train, there was no stopping it now, and it felt so damn good. He came like a rocket, and as he did he moaned better than any moan I'd ever heard. His body felt incredible.

As the climax faded I let go of his neck, and he turned around and held me, like a frightened child clinging onto his mother. There seemed to be some sort of after effect after I fingered a guy. Maybe they felt connected to me? I didn't dislike this. He felt great to hold, his little frame fitting so well against me. The after effect seemed to last only a few moments though.

He pulled away from me and looked up at me. "I have so many questions." I felt worried. "Why. Why did you do ... whatever that was? I have a boyfriend!". Oh. Oh dear. I felt awful. "What did you do to me?". "I... it's a gift!". He looked both confused and angry. He pushed past me and unlocked the door. I followed after. Oh god. I shouldn't have done this. "Please, Ethan, I can explain. Just please don't tell anybody". He looked around at me and looked glassy eyed for a second and quietly answered "I won't tell anybody". He then sort of jumped and looked confused. "What did you do to me?". He shook his head and went back to getting dressed.

"Ethan, please?" I begged. "Is that all you care about? You just... did some sci-fi shit to me, and you are desperate to keep me quiet?". I didn't reply. I had no idea what to say. We both just went back to getting dressed, silently. As he was about to leave I stopped him "Ethan, wait". He stopped and got that glassy eyed look for a second. "Hug me" I ordered. I don't know where that came from, but I felt this need to have him, to hug him, to protect him. Even more unexpectedly he dropped his bag and gave me a tight hug, again like his life depended on it. "I'm yours" he said calmly and monotone.

He then, slowly at first, pushed himself free of me, and looked up at me with clear anger in his eyes. "What the fuck have you done to me?". I mumbled out an apology. He grabbed his bag, glared at me, and again turned to leave. I didn't want him to though. I suddenly realised that if he left now I had no way of contacting him. "Ethan, give me your number". He stopped, looked glassy eyed and looked back at me, I handed him my unlocked phone, and he added it, before handing it back.

His expression then changed rapidly again "Eughhh stop that. Leave me alone" and this time rushed away, bag in tow. I was left, confused, and worried. What had I done? Adam was my guy, wasn't he? Why did I do that. Now another person knew and that was another danger. Another person knew the secret.

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Next: Chapter 4

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