
By Jonah

Published on Feb 3, 2023


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Part five: Appropriation

After several seconds of absolute terror, I managed to find my phone twisted and hiding from me in the folds of fabric of my jacket. As I, shaking, activated it I saw a message from my folks asking where I was. I had no time for this though. Adam lay motionless in his bed, and although I wasn't sure what had happened exactly, I was to blame.

"I'm gonna call an ambulance" I said much too fast, as I brought up the dialer.

"Wait, wait" Adam said, clearly with some difficulty.

"Adam!" I said, returning to the bed next to him. "Are you okay?".

"No" he replied. He was at least awake now.

"Can I do anything?" I asked, still scared.

"What did you do to me?" he asked. As he said the words they felt like they were slicing through me like bullets. Ethan had said those exact words, and here Adam was repeating them. In the moment I felt truly like an outsider. Not human, but a creature accidentally hurting those around him through some alien power.

"I don't know! We were fucking and then... well, we orgasmed, and...".

"...and then you did something to me!" he said angrily, cutting me off.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I have no idea what this fingering shit is."

He paused for a moment, and began to sit up in bed. He was beginning to look a little better.

"It felt like, like, like I was being drained. I feel so tired, like I just ran a marathon" he told me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't intend to do whatever it was! I only did the finger thing because it hurt so bad, and then, I have no clue what that thing was after" I said, turning away from him and feeling despondent.

"I'm not dead, at least. Just- maybe you should stop with the fingering thing. At least for now. We gotta find out more about it first." he said.

"We?" I asked.

"Yes, we! We just fucked. We're a we" he told me. I was confused. I just knocked him out by accident, "drained" him in some fashion, and yet he still saw us bound together?

"Why don't I make us some food, maybe you'll feel better?" I asked.

"You? Cook? C'mon" he replied. I laughed a little. I was not a cook, in fact in every previous attempt I'd produced inedible, burnt swill. That Adam knew this still hurt my pride, albeit only a little.

"Fine, fine. I'll order pizza?" I suggested.

"C'mere first" he said, and I dutifully obeyed. He wrapped himself around me as we lay there on his bed, as if he were a big, comfortable piece of bedding or a giant teddy bear. "So?" he asked, without explanation.

"...So?" I responded.

"Did you like it?" he asked.

"Did I like... what?" I replied.

"Me fucking you. Your first time. Your turn at being subservient" he said, whispering in my ear behind me. I shuddered at that, like he had tickled me.

"I... it was, I don't know" I replied, upset again at what happened after.

"You don't know?" he asked, sternly.

"Sorry, I mean, it was amazing" I said, rolling over to face him. "Incredible. The tongue thing you did to me, I had no idea you could feel like that. The fucking... I felt how good it felt for you as well. But then... after... I. I don't know what that even was, I'm sorry" I told him.

He slowly smiled at me, and then pulled me into a hug. We remained that way for some time, enjoying the intimacy. It was only then after a long pause that my stomach rudely interrupted us by grumbling.

"Sounds like you're hungry" he said.

Soon we wrapped up together again in bed, his laptop rudely placed at our feet, pizza ordered and netflix playing. My mind kept wandering back to whatever the heck that thing was where I knocked him out. I was dangerous. Okay, for a second, that idea excited me - but it was rapidly replaced by fear.

"Alright, what's up?" he asked me, out of nowhere.

"Huh?" I replied.

"You're dead silent" he countered.

"Isn't that what you're meant to do when watching netflix?" I replied.

"You're never silent when watching anything. This show isn't even in English! We are reading subtitles! You're thinking about what you did to me, aren't you?"

I sighed. "Yeah" I said, turning my head away. "For all we know I could have killed you" I said, pausing. "I thought I had" I said in a low, quiet voice.

"Well you didn't. We are gonna have to find out more about it. We already know there are others who can do it".

This unexpectedly made me feel a lot better. "Maybe?" I said, still not sure.

"There must be some information out there. Maybe your granddad knows more. Maybe there's shit on the net?" he suggested.

"Maybe, but I doubt-" I started, but was interrupted by the door buzzer with our pizza. "I'll go get it, stay resting" I told him.

When I returned I found Adam glued to his phone, and ignoring the pizza.

"Here, here!" he said suddenly.

"What?" I asked.

"Axe...on- parth oos" he struggled to pronounce, "also known as the pleasure touch, is one of the most obscure and absurd myths. According to the legend, members of a sub-species of human, able to still pass as normal, have the ability to form a telepathic-esque link with somebody just by touching their skin. The myth likely began in the early 20th century when race science and the concept of sub species was in vogue". He looked confused for a second. "In vogue?" he asked.

"Popular" I replied. "Fashionable. Anyway, that might not be it at all".

He ignored me and returned to reading. "Most variations of the story focus on the beholder's ability to force the person they touched to orgasm without having to touch the traditional e.." he paused, "eee roh gen ooos zones".

"Erogenous zones" I corrected him. "Did you learn anything in school?" I jibed.

He let out a snort of contempt at that, but soon resumed. "It is thus likely a relatively recent outgrowth of erotic literature rather than a traditional legend of folklore."

"What you're reading", I told him, "is about a myth - where as my fingering thing is real. It might be coincidence." I suggested.

"Orrrr maybe the stories are based on reality. It sounds so similar!".

"Gimme the phone, eat some pizza" I said, handing him a slice.

The website - a catalogue of myths and legends - called it "Axonpathos". It even described how in most stories the protagonist would touch the back of the person's neck and it would render them powerless. Some stories, it claimed, stated that the "sub species" would use the power to obtain mastery over humans. There was little detail beyond this however.

"Maybe it is this Axonpathos thing, but it doesn't say anything more than we already know." I said, putting down his phone and grabbing pizza.

"We can search for the name now though!" he suggested.

"Yeah maybe, after pizza" I said, not at all convinced.

After pizza we returned to being curled up in his bed, watching the same Swedish TV show with subtitles explaining what we could not understand. My mind was still wandering, wanting subtitles on my own life. Life would be so much easier if there were sentences appearing in front of us explaining what was going on.

"Nobody on this show has any self control, just like me" I mused out loud.

"Self control?" Adam asked.

"They all keep having sex with multiple partners as if it doesn't matter!" I stated.

"So what? You don't do that anyway" he replied.

"Okay, not sex, but I keep fingering people. It's like I can't stop myself".

"You've only done it a few times, relax. I'd already fucked more people than you've finge-" he paused, "whatever we call it, I'd already fucked more times by your age. Just, try to not do it until we know more".

"Yeah, okay. If it makes you pass out I don't want to do it anyway" I stated.

"I didn't pass out, I could hear you, I just couldn't move. It was shit."

I hugged him tightly and put my head on his shoulder. I might be some freak of nature, or a "sub species" or something, but at least I had Adam. Somehow I had won his affections, despite my mistakes.

"So, new plan, I resist using the finger at all. At least not during sex..." I stated, again oblivious to my earlier failures to resist doing it.

"You don't need to do it anyway, not when this dick is inside you" he said, in a mock cocky way.

At some point Adam and I fell asleep. It was probably only 9pm, but the evening's events had clearly taken their toll on us. I remember waking up at some point, confused at first, but then hugging Adam back before falling asleep again, both of us fully clothed atop his bed.

When I next awoke it was due to his door being opened. At first I was groggy and not thinking, but then as I awoke and turned to see the door I saw his mom standing there, my face must have changed from groggy to panic in five seconds flat.

"Hey boys" she said, as I jumped out of bed, whilst Adam remained asleep.

"Oh, uh, uh, hi" I said, half choking over my own voice.

"I'm sorry to barge in. Your Dad is downstairs" she said, in a strange way, before turning and walking away.

I quickly grabbed my phone and jacket before chasing after her. "Wait, wait. I uh. I..." I stammered, unsure what to do.

"Yes?" she said questioningly, stopping by the stairs.

"Can... please, uh, please can you keep that a secret" I pleaded.

"Keep what a secret?" she replied flatly.

"I mean, about Adam and me, what y-" I started, but she laughed and cut me off.

"I know what you meant, I meant, I saw nothing. I'm happy for you both, Jonah. I'm pretty sure he has been crushing on you for years." she said, walking away downstairs.


I followed along downstairs to find my dad chatting with Adam's dad. Shit. Do they know? Does my dad know? No, no, she only just found out. Although... she had caught us on the stairs earlier. She agreed to keep it a secret though, no? I was just panicking, I told myself.

"Jonah, why didn't you text us or answer your phone?" my dad asked.

"My phone was on silent, sorry" I mumbled back.

"Have you eaten at least?" he asked, clearly not happy with me.

"Yeah, we ate after" I replied.

"After?" he asked. Shit! I looked at Adam's mom.

"After we watched a movie on Netflix" I deftly answered, surprising myself.

"Well, lets get on home, it's a school night!" he ordered.

In the short car ride home we were, at first, both silent.

"I spent a lot of my time at your age at Mike's, just like you and Adam do" he said. Mike was Adam's dad, and my dad's best friend.

"But, I can guess, you always told your dad where you were?" I replied.

"No! I rarely did, until later when I would tell him so that I could secretly run around town chasing girls! At least I don't have to worry about you doing that".

"Are you suggesting that I should run after girls and tell you I'm at Adam's?"

He laughed at that. "No, but just text us to keep us from worrying".

"Dad, nobody calls it texting any more" I chided.

It was only later that night I realised he might have meant that he thought I liked guys. I told myself this was unlikely. Right? Maybe I should just tell them, it would be a lot easier than having to explain the fingering thing. If I were to tell then best to announce that Adam and I were something, but first I'd need Adam's agreement and a discussion about what exactly we were.

"Sorry again about the draining thing. idk if your folks caught us asleep in bed tonight. If they don't already know, they know now. At least, your mom does. nn x." I messaged him before falling asleep.

The next day, between classes at mid morning, I was able to check up on my phone to see if Adam had replied, and I felt a rush of emotion when I saw he had. It was like receiving a present.

"sup. they know I like guys and girls already. I was big time frogged last night, either from that thing at the end or taking your v card ;)" he messaged back.

"wow, yeah. I guess that was my first time. wanna do it again tonight?" I replied, surprising myself. To be honest I wanted to do it again without the finger, and I wanted to do it to him in return.

"I'm working tonight at the resty, and tomorrow. We could hang out thurs night tho." he replied. My heart sank. I wanted to see him again sooner.

"Maybe... we could tell our parents about us, so we don't have to hide it?" I sent off, hopefully.

"Up to you, but I think our dads will have a heart attack".

"Your mom already knows, and my dad seemed to imply he knew something" I messaged back.

"Jonah!" I heard Ben say from behind me whilst I was slumped against the lockers.

"Oh, hey" I replied, looking up from my phone. I remembered what Adam had said, that Ben likely was just being friendly again.

"Do you wanna get started on the joint authors thing tonight after school? I've got a great idea for it!" he said, in a strange way. I almost felt as if he were acting.

"Oh, uh" I paused, realising I couldn't see Adam, and I did want to do well on the programme. I wanted to study Literature at university, and this was one way to stand out. "Okay, yeah. What's your idea?".

"It's about... your thing".

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Follow me" he said, pulling my arm and me into a vacant classroom. He looked at me for a few moments with a blank expression on his face.

"Why are we in here?" I asked, confused.

"That thing you did to me. We could write about that, create a story about it, based on real life" he stated.

"What? You... but you hated it!" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah but it's a great idea for a story. There are so many ways you could take it. Can you still do it?".

Uh oh. Had Ben turned into Ethan?

"Yeah, but, I'm not doing it any more" I stated firmly.

"Why not?" he asked.

"It's dangerous. I keep hurting people. It ended our friendship!" I replied.

"Well, I'm not asking you to do it to me again, only that we use it as the basis for our story. Maybe we can be friendly again through writing?"

Friendly? Well I guess that was better than nothing.

"As long as we make clear the story is fictional, I guess yes?"

"Great! I have some ideas written down already" he replied.

"Shall we work on the story after class in the study hall?" I asked.

"No, no" he said quickly. "Come to mine, my mom got you ginger ale and those cookies you like".

I thought about it for a few seconds. He didn't seem to want me to finger him, so he wasn't Ethan at least. He even suggested we could be at least friendly again, although now he seemed to want to be my best friend by persuading me to go to his with my favourite snacks.

"Okay, for an hour or so. I'm on thin ice with my folks" I replied timidly.

The rest of the day passed quickly, even though I was bored through most of the lessons. Was Ben going to be satisfied with just writing a story together? I hoped so. Ethan had stopped messaging me at least. In fact that seemed to end just as quickly as it began. Maybe me sternly saying no worked, for the same reasons I was able to order Ethan about. Maybe it was that easy?

It occurred to me that after the whole thing with Ben I'd stopped hanging out with my old friend group. They mostly sided with Ben, him being far more popular than me. Maybe if Ben and I could be friendly I could start hanging out with them again, although I wasn't sure I even wanted that.

"So Ben asked me to his house, to work on a story together. He made clear he doesn't want me to do the 'axonpathos' thing to him again, not that I want to anyway. Maybe I can get this whole thing under control" I sent in a message to Adam between classes.

I was still thinking about this hours later as I sat in Ben's bedroom, ginger ale in hand and oatmeal raisin cookies not far away. I was a little worried it was just us, his parents and younger brother seemingly absent without any explanation from Ben. Thankfully he seemed focused on the story.

"So I was thinking the protagonist, or maybe the antagonist, could be a woman who can do the orgasm thing, and she targets teenage boys" he stated, clearly excited.

"Sounds like porn written for your benefit" I replied laughing.

He laughed. "No, no, not porn. We'd not write very much about the orgasm thing itself. Maybe we could use euphemisms and just imply it. The theme would be about the power imbalance, the lust for control, the desire for youth on the part of the woman".

"Okay but who would be the protagonist. It doesn't sound like she could be that, sounds like she is the enemy instead?"

"Maybe one of the boys she uses could be the main character. I was thinking he could learn to steal the ability from her". This sounded somewhat like what my grandfather had told me, minus the woman involved.

"Maybe he could trick her, learn some method to steal it from an old book in a library" I ventured.

"Yeah! Do you want a beer?" he asked, surprising me.

"Huh? No. Are you gonna have one?".

"Yeah. I'll get you another glass of ginger ale" he said, getting up and leaving. I was pretty relaxed even though I was back in Ben's bedroom. I didn't remember him keeping his bedroom so warm though, and it wasn't even winter yet. It hadn't changed that much otherwise except his super car poster was now a slightly blurry supermodel poster instead.

"Here you go" he said, handing me another glass. "Do you wanna play Halo?". My console didn't have that game, and Ben and I used to play it all the time. What the hell, I thought, and nodded.

A few games in, and more sips of my ginger ale, I was relaxed but struggling to defeat him. He was winning every round, until finally I bested him. Soon he was poking me in the sides until we ended up on top of each other, play fighting.

"So, wanna do it to me?" he said, with a sly smile. He even grabbed my right hand and placed it on his shoulder.

"What! No!" I said, jumping up away from him. As I did I felt light headed, and unsteady. "You agreed to just write a ss- story! I'm leaving" I stated firmly.

As I began to walk out of his room he grabbed my arm and span me back.

"I'm sorry! Don't leave. I do want to work on the story. It's just I'm always so aroused at everything. You know what it's like? Not being able to resist?".

Well, yeah. I did know. I had the same problem, but Adam was who I cared about now. Adam was why I was going to not give into temptation.

"Yeah I guess. Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"She won't let me do her though. It's all kisses and foreplay and then she never lets us fuck. I'm sorry, stay, we can write! We can write this unable to resist thing into the story!"

I sat back down on his bed, not feeling too great standing. I even laughed at his girlfriend predicament.

"I'm sorta dating somebody too, so I'm no longer doing the neck, the finger thing".

We returned to actually writing, although for some reason I was finding it difficult to spell. He actually had a good idea for the opening scenes and a way to introduce what he now called "the power".

When he went downstairs to get another beer, and more ginger ale, I thought about what had just happened. I guess it wasn't that unexpected, Ethan had got stuck on me like a lost puppy, maybe that same thing was at play with Ben? Or, more likely, he was just horny and frustrated with his girlfriend. Either way I felt good that he'd tempted me and I'd said no. Adam, or rather the thought of Adam, had saved me.

After more cookies and ale I was feeling pretty strange. I had meant to leave after an hour or so but now I just didn't seem to care. Before long we were playing on his console again.

"So what's it like, when you do it to somebody?" he asked randomly between games.

"Well, I, it's awesome. I feel everything you feel, the pleasure you feel, it's amazing."

"You feel in control? The power?" he asked me.

"Yeahh. There's nothing like it".

"Do you feel a need to do it? When near somebody?" he enquired.

"Ssort of, sometimes. Like, often when standing behind a hot gg- person"

This caused Ben to jump up and kneel in front of me, flaring his neck towards me.

"Stop that" I said, laughing.

"Maybe we can make it so the antagonist can't resist doing it to guys, so she is as much a victim as they are" he stated.

"What, and have two protagg- protagonists?" I asked.

"Yeah. What things make you want to do it? What can't you resist?"

I had to think about that. Ethan had been the only time I really felt an overpowering need to do it. With Ben, I guess it was his butt. It was defined, some men's behinds can be quite flat, but not Ben's.

"I guess their butt, I see it and I wanna have it. Or if they made me frustrated or won a game or something and I want to take control" I replied.

"So the desire or suggestion of you being in control triggers it?"

"Yeh, I, I guess".

"Have you ever done it, the power, when fucking somebody?" he asked.

"Sort of" I replied.

"Sort of?" he asked in a confused tone.

"Well, ok, no. I want to though".

Before I knew what was happening he jumped over, pushed me back, and straddled me. He seemed to move so fast everything seemed blurred.

"Don't chu wish you could be inside me, using the power?" he asked, in a half joking tone. My will power seemed to not be there this time, and I just started laughing. He ignored me shaking my head and instead stripped off his t-shirt.

"What are..are, hehheh, are you doing?" I asked, realising that something was not right here.

"I want to ride you" he said. "You want to be inside me, dontchu?".

"No, kkno, we cannn't" I mumbled back, before laughing.

"Touch my neck Jonah. I want you to feel what I feel".

I looked up at him, dazed and confused. Ben was properly cute, brown curly hair, and cheek dimples that appeared out of nowhere when he smiled. He had a proper six pack and an incredible v shape on his abdomen. I felt intoxicated, in more ways than one. Maybe I could... finger him a little bit? No, no, wait! Adam!

Maybe he could see me decide against it in my eyes, because he jumped up, faced the wall, removed his pants, and stuck his briefs covered butt out into the air.

"Come on, I know you want this. Come take me" he demanded.

I jumped up, and nearly fell over, and found myself standing right behind him, holding onto his shoulder to stop from falling over. I had intended to walk out of his room, and escape. Something was wrong, and I felt unsteady and weird.

Then though I looked down at his back. Have you ever looked at a man's back before? I mean really looked. Sure we normally fixate on the face, the chest or the groin - but there and then, his back was like an invitation. Shapely and inviting, and then there was his butt, staring up at me, almost goading me to do it. Adam returned to my thoughts though. I didn't want to mess that up. I had to get out of there!

He, craning his neck to see me, sighed and grabbed my right hand with his, and pressed it to his neck. The connection was instant and electric. I moaned and spluttered, confused; it felt very different. I could feel what he wanted, and in my delirious state I seemed to lack any desire of my own.

"Fuck me, fuck me" he repeated like he was chanting. My own needs seemed utterly irrelevant. Only what Ben wanted mattered. Normally I was in control when fingering, but I felt utterly out of it. I felt his need to do it, to take him, to unload in that gorgeous butt.

Before I knew it my dick, harder than I ever could have imagined, was free from its confines. His briefs somehow had made their way down to his ankles and a bottle of lube was in my left hand. I don't even know where it came from, it must have been Ben who handed it to me. Never having fucked somebody before I stood there unsure at first.

Wait? What the heck was I doing! I thought of Adam. I had to get out of there, but I felt so unsteady, so weird. Hot, and tunnel visioned. No sooner had I decided to escape but Ben started chanting again, and I was overwhelmed by what he wanted. He wanted to be bred.

I don't know how I got lube on my dick, or how anything really was happening. I only remember flashes, moments of the event. I remember struggling for ages to line up and find his opening, before he took over. I remember time seeming to slow down as I eased into him, slowly, before suddenly the head popped into him and I moaned out loud. I learned later that the initial "pop" was one of the best parts of fucking.

Then, biology took over. I was fucking back and forth at high speed, at least, it felt like it. I could feel he was in pain through my finger, but I could also feel my utter domination of him. I was in charge. I was going to breed him. I was making him mine. All the sadness, the pain of our friendship ending seemed to be slowly destroyed by every pump of my dick.

Each time I slid into him it felt so good, not least because I could feel how it felt to him as well as myself. I'm ashamed to admit that his pain only made me want to do it more, with more force. I wish I could remember how exactly it felt,how sweat was dripping down from us both, how I was desperate to cum, but I remember very little. I do remember losing control.

At some point I grabbed the side of his face with my left hand, and I felt even more of a connection. He'd planned this. He'd wanted this! He wanted me to cum in him, he was desperate for it, and I began to feel why. This wasn't about sex, this was about my gift, my power. He wanted my gift!

It was too late though, I was a runaway train, and I exploded within him, stopping to, almost painfully, fire shot after shot deep within him. The orgasm seemed to engulf us both, all other sensations stopped, it was just pure physical pleasure.

As it faded I felt pain in my finger and pain in his neck. A burst of heat seemed to erupt in my left hand, then in my dick, before I heard him cry out loud like he was either in pain or orgasming a second time. Then, shooting outwards from my finger on his neck I could see dark red, a shooting pattern like he had been hit by lightning. For a second it seemed to cover his entire body before fading.

I fell backwards, a sharp pain followed in the back of my head. I could see him stagger for a moment before turning around and staring down at me. I was in pain, my hands hurt like hell and I couldn't seem to move. He laughed and knelt down, showing me the grin of a devil.

"You pathetic idiot" he spat at me.

"Whhhahhwha" was all I could manage to voice.

"You disgust me. Why you got the power is beyond me, but using it on guys? What a waste. I'm gonna show you how it was meant to be used." he stated, in the worst evil bad guy voice I'd ever heard.

"Nnnn- nnno!" I stammered.

"The girls are gonna love this gift you just seeded me." he said, pausing to wipe us both clean with a towel. "You don't even know what just happened, do you?". He paused again to get dressed.

"Are you really so stupid to not have found out about your own ability?"

He then slowly and forcibly dressed me back in my clothes. I remained disabled on the floor, unable to even move.

"Alright, tell you what, since you were good enough to let me take it from you, I'll tell you" he said, before pausing to sit in front of me. "The power, the gift, the ability - it can be stolen. By anybody. A little alcohol, ok, a lot of alcohol in your drink, and your own control weakens. A little temptation and trickery and you used the power on me. Then, I tricked you into fucking me, and I just had to keep repeating my desire - for you to fuck me - in my mind."

He got up to place the lube away in a draw, before returning to sit next to me.

"It was so fuckin easy" he said, laughing. "I've spent so long planning how to trick you into doing this and in the end it was almost too easy. Like taking candy from a baby. Anyways, it's mine now. I can't wait to try it out! Gotta get you out from here though, so, sorry about this".

"It's mine now" he said coldly, before a fist hurtled towards my face.

Comments, good or bad, please e-mail me :-]

Jonah will return in part 6!

Next: Chapter 6

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