Finishing Senior Year

By JakeK

Published on Nov 24, 2018



Archive; `Finishing Senior Year' {JakeK}( BB teen2 1st hs )

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This is a rewrite of the very first story I ever wrote. It was posted on another site before I knew about Nifty. I added to and changed some things, hopefully for the better.

Finishing Senior Year By JakeK Copyright by author 2018 original version, different title Copyright 2009

It was senior year, I had just turned eighteen and High school was over in just a month and a half. I couldn't wait, I had a summer job waiting for me working with my Uncle and then it was off to college. I excited to start my adult life, I was ready to experience what life had to offer.

It was a typical Friday, I had gym in the morning then a few classes with lunch in between. I was lucky and I didn't have to take a bunch of classes like some of my friends. I wasn't one of the top kids at school but school came easy and I got good grades which gave me plenty of time to do things I enjoyed.

I'm tall with a lean waist, broad shoulders and I have a nice flat stomach. If I wasn't so fair skinned I would have a great tan from all the running I do. I keep my hair short always in place, I dress kind of preppy and I stay in shape by running track.

"Hey Jake," Brian called out as he made his way towards me.

"Hey, how's it going," I shouted back across the loud locker room that was filled with guys.

Brian and I grew up together, he lived a couple of blocks down from me and we spent most of our summers hanging out as kids. I always loved hanging out with him, I've never gotten along with someone the same that we had. We always seemed to be on the same page and I told him almost everything. He truly was my best friend.

This story isn't about Brian but I'll fill you in so you know how close we had become. We like many boys our age jacked off together. It was some of the best times we had together too. He was very casual about it like it was no big deal. It was always him who brought it up so I never felt like I would be risking our friendship if I joined in because he wanted to do it first nearly every time. He typically shot pretty big loads all over himself. I'm pretty sure it really turned him on when I watched him burst because every time I did he put on a show and it seemed to make him cum even more.

Normally when he cummed he would look over at me smiling as his balls bounced up and down. He would look right at me with each arch of cum that shot out of his dick. After a long while of jerking our dicks for each other things got even more interesting when he reached over and started jerking my dick out of nowhere. I was a little surprised at first but after a few moments of shock I followed suit and grabbed a hold of his dick too. He had a thick dick and it was quite long too, I can still remember how heavy it felt in my hand that first time I held it. He didn't last long in my hand once I wrapped my fingers around him and started jacking him off. He sprayed his cum farther than he had ever before, all over his chest, hitting his chin and neck and drooled down my hand. After that night we couldn't keep our hands off each other's cocks.

We got used to grabbing each other's dicks through our pants whenever no one was looking. It was fun and we both enjoyed the attention we gave one another. His bulge was impressive and he loved any time I grabbed his dick, no matter what was going on. It became a game to us, where and how we could get away with it. It also felt good and that was all there was too it. We were great friends, it was fun and why the hell not.

After a few years of jerking each other off he decided that it was time for us to know what it felt like to get a blow job and I sure wasn't going to pass that up. I don't think he thought about being gay or even if he thought I was or not, what we were doing felt good. Our connection was real and what better thing to do with your best friend then figure out what makes you cum the hardest.

Okay, so back to the story. Here comes Brian down the rows of lockers coming straight for me. I got a little chubby in my shorts looking at his bump in the front of his gym shorts and thinking about the shit we did together. I imagined him naked as he walked up to me.

"What are doing for lunch?" He asked as he finished walking up to me, I was sitting on a bench tying my shoe.

"I'm not sure, what were you thinking?" I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him.

"Jeff and I are going to go off campus if you wanted to go," He said with a smirk.

He knew that I didn't like getting in trouble and last time we went off campus we almost got caught. But this was my last year and I decided that it would be worth the risk to go spend time with my best friend who was going to be leaving for a different college than I was going to in the fall.

"Sure, I'll meet you over by the field," I agreed.

"Great!" Brian was happy that I was coming.

The bell rang and the room emptied quickly, everyone rushed out of the locker room heading to their next class, including Brian.

"Catch you later," Brian yelled as he went out the door.

I couldn't help but stare at his butt as he left. Damn he was cute and he had a nice ass which filled out his jeans really nicely. Brian played football so he kept in shape. Me being the great friend I am never wanted to miss his games, making sure I got a chance to see him in those nice tight pants.

I often got a boner watching him, thinking about sucking him off again. Between Brian and all the other hot guys on the team it was a great time to create memories to jack off to later. I had a list of my favorites in my head. Jimmy was a tall cute redhead, Anthony was short but fuck did he have a nice ass, Ethan was built like a house and you could almost always see his dick through his pants and then there was Eric, the hottest guy in school, brown hair, blue eyes, and a body that looked like he belonged in a men's health magazine.

Once I couldn't help myself and went to the bathrooms behind the bleachers and rubbed one out during a game. Thinking about all the guys and their cocks I could see through their pants was more than enough to make me cum. I almost got spooked a few times and stopped when I heard people coming in and out but honestly I was too horny and I was going to cum no matter what.

I finished lacing my last shoe and was just about to jump up and run out the door when I heard a noise coming from the showers. I thought I was alone, I figured it was some asshole who forgot to turn the water off in the showers. I grabbed my stuff and shoved it in my gym locker and rounded the corner heading back down the next row of lockers. It was damp in the room and it smelled like guys, I wasn't completely opposed to it but it was a pretty strong smell. I was just about to enter the shower room when I heard another noise, this one was a lot more distinct then the first.

`Shit, was that a moan,' I thought to myself as a stopped in my tracks, my heart started to race.

"Oh ya..." I heard someone moaning through the doorway.

"Fuck, it was," I whispered aloud to myself.

I couldn't help it, I had to stay and see what was going on. My heart was racing as I stood there in my running shorts and tank top. I felt warm in my gut and was pretty sure I stopped breathing. I leaned close to the wall and listened, I could hear faint sounds coming from the next room.

I slowly moved closer to the door, not making a sound. I kicked something and I looked down at my feet where there was a pile of clothes, probably the person who I was hearing. I started to kneel down so that I could slip my head around the corner without being noticed. Falling to my knees I rested my knees on the pants, underwear and shirt. I moved my head toward the entrance of the showers. I had to see who it was but I didn't want them to see me.

The steam was flowing out of the room and I could barely see anything at first. But when the steam settled clearing for a moment I caught the first glimpse of who was in there, it was Eric, captain of the football team. He was standing under the middle showerhead combing his hands through his hair. Water was rushing down his pecks, his tight beautiful abs, washing over his fully erect cock. I felt my breath leave me and my mouth gaped open. Eric was everything that I wanted in a guy and I could barely believe I was watching him work his hands down his body, over his stomach and slowly working what looked to be an eight inch dick surrounded by brown curly pubes.

It was nearly unbearable watching him, I could feel my dick getting hard in my shorts. Even though I enjoyed beating off with Brian and sucking him off, Eric was who I dreamed of at night. He was an awesome guy, kind hearted. He was always helping people out who needed it, whether it was friends who needed help with studies or teammates to get better at sports by working out with them. It also didn't hurt that he was the most handsome guy I had ever met.

I should have left but I couldn't help myself. He turned and brought his hands up to his ass washing himself with a bar of soap he had picked up. He bent over washing his left leg, damn I could almost see his hole from where I was. Then on to his right leg, he brought his hand right up through the crevice of his firm ass. He seemed as if he was enjoying it as he cleaned his crack with the bar of soap. He rubbed his ass hole and his dick reacted as he touched himself.

His dick hung down nicely between his legs, I could even see his sac dangling too when he was facing the other way. I began to rub on my now fully erect cock, running my hand up and down my dick as I watched my classmate work the bar of soap up and down his abs, pulling on his balls with the other hand.

He moaned in pleasure as he pulled on his dick, I couldn't take my eyes off him. Eric was by far the best looking guy in our school. I dreamed about him when I needed to release my load many times. The thought of his chiseled jaw and his lips kissing my neck was all I needed to cum all over myself and now I'm seeing his strong perfect body getting pounded by water in what seemed to be the best day of my life.

I lowered my shorts and briefs down over my cock down past my balls and ass. I began to stroke my dick gently as I watched Eric stroke his. His cock was now pointing upward as he held on to it and his eyes closed. I ran my had over the head of my dick, all I could think of was how good it would feel having his dick in my mouth, pulsing and oozing, my hand on his ass as he pushed and pulled his dick in and out of me. I thought about the taste of Brian, his warm dick as I sucked him off. My mouth watered as I watched Eric pleasure himself.

Eric was getting faster in his pace and I sped up to match the jerking of his hand. My pre-cum had started to drip all over my hand and I could feel my nuts building a big load. I let out I sigh as I worked my warm cock in my hand. I quickly looked up to make sure he hadn't heard my cry of pleasure. His eyes were still shut as he continued to pump his hard dick moaning and grunting as he pleased himself.

I could feel my nuts tingle and I knew I was getting close to shooting my load. It didn't seem like I was there long enough, I wanted to spend all day in there watching him. I heard Eric cry out in a loud voice, "Ahh, Fuck yes!" as a stream of white cum shot out of his cock a good couple of feet from where he was standing. He pointed his cock straight up and the second stream hit him on his lightly hairy chest. Arch after arch of cum sprayed on his hard body covering him like a creamy white paint against his beautiful tan skin. He ran his hand through it smearing it all over himself letting it get caught in his body hair.

He was amazing and I felt waves of pleasure come from my legs up through my balls and shoot out of my dick. Thick white cum sprayed out of me, over and over I felt cum fly from my dick. I bit my bottom lip and tried to hold back but I moaned, a cry of pleasure, as cum coated my hand, down my balls and all over Eric's clothes on the locker room floor. I felt like I hadn't cum in weeks my orgasm was so intense.

"Who the Fuck is there?" Eric yelled as he grabbed his towel off the hook next to him.

"Shit, fucking shit," I muttered as I jumped up and pulled my underwear and shorts back up.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Eric shouted as he came my way, wrapping the towel around him.

I jumped up and turned as fast as I could and I ran down the lockers and right out the door. "Fuck, he saw me," I said to myself as I made it around the corner and rushed down the hall. I quickly got to my locker and pulled out my backpack I headed for the nearest bathroom to hide I guess, I didn't know what I was doing. After what seemed like forever the bell rang and second period was over and I could hear the halls fill with students headed to their next class. I didn't want to leave the stall but I couldn't stay in there forever so I forced myself to leave the bathroom. I always kept a second set of clothes in my bag so I changed before going.

I headed to my next class and sat down in the back thinking of what had just happened, trying to keep cool. What if he saw and knew it was me, he probably didn't but what if he did? I'm such a peeping tom, what was wrong with me. He probably didn't, I tried to convince myself, giving myself some temporary comfort. I let out a sigh as I told myself there was nothing to worry about.

After a long back and forth with myself about it I felt okay by the end of my class. I even had a huge grin on my face as I went over it in my head, of how awesome the whole experience was. Flashbacks of his hard dick came into my head, then his beautiful hard ass and his big chest with amazing pink nipples. I thought about Eric rubbing his spunk all over himself after he sprayed his load, fuck he was hot. I spent the rest of the day semi-hard as I kept revisiting it. Luckily Eric was not in any of my classes that year so it was easy for me to avoid him.

"Over here," Brian called out to me from behind the bleachers.

I jogged over and met up with him and Jeff, we headed off to the hole in the fence on the far side of the field.

"Let's take my Car," I said to Jeff as he was looking for his keys in his backpack.

"It's right there and you can't drive for shit anyways," I joked, I was in a great mood.

"Fuck you," he stabbed back at me with a smirk on his face.

"Damn, it looks like you got a ticket bud," Brian said as we approached my car.

"Shit, just my luck. I was having a good day too," I replied, bummed out but it wasn't enough to ruin my day, not by a long shot.

I reached over and pulled it out of my wiper blade, I thought it was a ticket too but soon realized it was a note.

"Why'd they say they give you a ticket?" Jeff asked.

"Umm, I... I'm not sure," I replied as I unfolded the piece of paper and read it to myself. `I don't do free shows and you owe me some new clothes. –Eric'

"What's wrong with you Jacob?" Brian probed me as he saw the color run out of my face.

"Nothing, it's... umm some notes Tim is letting me borrow for a test. Thank god it's not a ticket," I quickly told him trying to save face.

Shit he did see me, my heart dropped into my stomach. I wasn't out to anyone at school yet. I didn't want to come out until I was at least in college. I was so close to graduating and I had to go fuck that up. I was horrified at the thought of running into Eric now but thank god it was Friday, all I had to do was make it till the end of the day without seeing him and I could take the weekend to come up with a plan.

The rest of the day flew by with no sign of Eric and I spent the whole weekend filled with dread about going to school the coming week. I couldn't think of anything to explain why I had done that and gave into the fact that I would be the new gay on campus, I'd never hear the end of it. Just a few more months and I would have been in the clear, so much for the best year of High school.

Monday morning came, and I worked up the guts to go. Fuck them I thought, as I got ready and headed out the door. I pulled into the first parking spot I found and sat in my car taking a couple of deep breaths. I got out of my car and everything seemed fine, no one was staring at me and no one said a word about it. I was slightly relieved but something in the back of my head wouldn't let me relax my guard.

I started up the stairs at the front of the school and looked to my left and there he was, Eric, sitting with his friends. He was just as hot as ever in his jeans and varsity jacket. He seemed to glare at me, never taking his eyes off me as I walked toward the doors. I kept my head down not saying a word as I walked past them. Right before I got out of view I looked back at him, looking him straight in the eyes. He had a blank face that told me nothing on what he felt, probably because he didn't want his friends to know what happened in case they made fun of him. He hated me, I was sure of it now. I wanted to crawl under a rock and never come out.

After a few of my classes I headed back to my locker to put some of my books away. I came around the corner and there he was leaning his back on my locker, waiting for me. Shit this is it, now I get my ass kicked. I was scared shitless but all I could think about was how fucking hot he was and about his thick cock and how much I still wanted him.

"Jake, what's up?" Eric said with a touch of irritation in his tone.

"Umm," I didn't know what to say, "Not much, you?" I nervously replied.

"Just waiting for you," He raised his eyebrow and looked at me as I had something to say to him.

I still didn't know what to say and my heart sank, I felt so bad for being a creep, mostly because he knew I was. I just looked down and I felt my eyes start to water as we just stood there in silence.

"Dude," he finally started talking again, "What the hell was that about on Friday?" he questioned me, he didn't talk very loud and seemed pissed.

"I... I, umm, I'm really sorry man" I said so smoothly, still not knowing how to answer.

"Fuck man, you jizzed on my clothes" he said soft as he leaned in, making sure no one overheard him.

I could feel his warm breath on the side of my face, my heart began to race. He smelt so good, I wanted him so bad. I shouldn't have been thinking like that but I couldn't help myself, I just wanted to grab him and kiss him so fucking hard.

"Yeah, I..." I stammered, "Sorry, shit. I really didn't mean to do that."

"That wasn't cool, I don't know what the hell you were thinking," Eric said.

"I'm an idiot, I wasn't thinking. Please don't say anything to anyone, I'll buy you new clothes," I begged him fighting back tears.

"Calm down Jake," Eric said as he pushed me backwards and started to walk away, "Come on let's go."

I followed behind, I had no clue where we were going, he probably wanted to punch me where no one was so he didn't get in trouble. I couldn't help but stare at his body as we walked, he was built and had an arousing air about him. A few of his friends said hi as we made our way to wherever he was taking me. I was stressed out but I deserve whatever he planned on doing to me, I just hoped if I got a black eye it would be gone for Senior Pictures.

I walked close behind as we headed down a few different halls until we were toward the back of the school. He opened a janitor's closet and grabbed me by the front of my shirt and shoved me in, closing the door behind us. He was known as a good guy and he wanted to beat me up where no one would know it was him. My heart was beating out of my chest as he came closer to me until we were face to face, so close I could feel his breath, I could taste his sent in my mouth. His eyes looking deep into mine, I couldn't move.

"Do you want me?" he whispered.

"What?" I asked surprised, I didn't know what kind of joke he was playing.

"I asked, do you want me. It's a pretty simple question," he was just inches from me.

I didn't know what to do, I was frozen in place. He wanted to bait me, to get me to say I'm gay so he didn't feel bad when he kicked my ass.

"I don't know what you mean," I finally got out.

"You jacked off looking at me and jizzed all over my clothes. You like me don't you?" he pressed me for an answer.

I gave up, I wanted this over with. There was no way out and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Yes I like you, I like you a lot," my eyes began tearing up at the forced confession I just made.

I was strangely relieved to finally tell him, tell anyone really. It was the first time I admitted liking a guy and now I had to pay the consequence.

"You should have told me Jake, I've always thought you were cute," Eric seemed to soften.

What the hell was happening? My crush who just moments ago was pissed at what I had done was telling me that he thinks I'm cute? Eric placed his hand on my arm and leaned closer. His grip was tight and the contact between us gave me a shiver.

"Can I kiss you?" Eric's lips were almost on mine and he seemed really nervous but confident at the same time.

"Yes," I got out right before I felt his lips press against mine.

He put his hand on my lower back and pulled me in until our bodies pushed against one another, I could feel his warmth against me. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He tasted sweet, his lips were full and there was mint on his breath. He slowly moved his tongue around exploring my mouth as he moaned a sigh of relief, he must have been anxious about how this was going to go. I melted as our tongues moved around and we exchanged spit.

This was really happening, Eric and I continued to make out and I could feel my dick rise in my pants. That was my first kiss from a guy, he felt so strong as he wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I kissed him back almost with a kind of desperation and pulled him in to me too, holding him tight as I could. I could feel his muscles on me, his firm stomach and large chest.

I moved my hand down grabbing his ass as he continued to enjoy exploring my mouth. I ran my other hand through his hair as he moved to my neck but quickly brought them back to my lips. His hands began exploring my body as he kissed me thoughtfully and gently. Eric pulled back looking into my eyes giving me little pecks on my lips followed by another long kiss. He ran his hands up my waist and under my shirt, his hands were a little cold and my skin got goose bumps from his touch. Under my shirt he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

I felt Eric's tongue move around my mouth and he sucked in. I pressed my tongue into his mouth and could feel the different textures in his mouth, his bumpy tongue, his teeth, the ridges on the roof of his mouth. He was warm and wet, and fuck was he a great kisser.

His cock started to press up against me, there was no hiding that he was hard. He moved his hips in a slow humping motion as I had two handfuls of his firm ass. He would slightly pull away and then press back into me until he found my dick and they were against each other. I could tell I had a wet spot at the tip of my dick, I was definitely leaking. His humping was making my dick pulse as it begged to be let out of my jeans.

"I've watched you for a long time Jake, your body and face are the kind of guy I'm into," Eric said quietly in my ear, "You're always cool and collected and say some funny shit in class when we took English."

"You have? I did?" I couldn't believe he had an eye on me, and he thought I was funny too?

He looked at me, "Of course, you think I'm lying?" he laughed with an amazing smirk across his face.

"No, I didn't mean that," I said trying to recover, "I'm just surprised is all."

"Don't be stupid Jake," he smiled and gave me another kiss and pulled away, "You're fucking hot," he smiled and looked me right in the eyes as if he could read my mind and knew all the things I was thinking.

He grabbed my ass and kissed me again, we we're definitely missing class and he didn't seem to care.

"I've liked you for a long time Eric, you're such a good guy and I guess it helps that you're beautiful," it felt weird complimenting him after he said all that.

"Ya? You think I'm beautiful?" He chuckled and smiled at me.

"Handsome?" I tried to correct myself, "Shut up, you know your good looking," I laughed nervously.

"You're beautiful too," he said with a wink.

He gave me a few more light kisses and then moved down to the top of my neck, he stuck out his tongue and then nibbled on my ear. He sucked and licked my neck as we stood in the small space.

"Your skin tastes good," Eric said as he kept going.

I felt his hand start moving down my stomach until he was grabbing my fully erect dick, holding it tight in his hand.

"Is this okay?" He asked, it was cute that he was checking.

"It's okay," I said under my breath.

He ran his hand up and down my cock as he rested his head on my shoulder. His arm held on to me from behind. Eric's breath was hitting my wet neck as he slowly jerked me off through my jeans.

"Can I pull it out? I want to feel it," he asked again.

"You don't have to ask permission Eric," I said, making it clear I was into what we were doing.

"I want to, I want to make sure I'm not messing this up," he said genuinely.

He unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. My dick was hard in my briefs and he chuckled as he ran his hand up the length of it.

"You have a nice fat dick," he looked at me and smiled.

I did have a pretty thick dick for sure, it wasn't as long as his but I was happy with it.

"Thanks," I smiled, not used to hearing someone compliment my dick.

He let go of me and took his jacket off dropping it on the floor. Then pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it too. He was beautiful I thought as I watched, fucking amazingly beautiful. I reached out and touched his chest. He smiled, he liked how much I enjoyed his body. Eric was muscles were tight, his skin was warm and smooth. I ran my hand over his right nipple and it hardened from my touch. I did the same to his other, he just stood and watched with a grin as I played with his body.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Fuck yes, like I said you're beautiful," I smiled and tried not to laugh as I looked up at him.

"So I've been told," he chuckled.

I leaned in and took his round hard nipple in my mouth, sucking on him. He tasted salty, I loved it. As far as I was concerned this guy was mine, for the next moments of our lives I got to hold, suck and kiss this wonderful perfect guy.

I rubbed my hand over his hard dick. I undid his pants slowly opening them until his white boxer briefs came into view, the head of his dick made a wet spot at the tip and I got excited thinking about how he must taste.

I lowered as I brought his pants down his legs until they were on the floor. As I looked up I could see his cock pressing on his underwear, he was really packing. I grabbed hold of him and moved my hand all the way down and then back up. He had truly impressive dick.

"That feels good Jake," Eric said.

I looked up at him as he towered over me, "Yeah? It feels great in my hand," I replied.

I brought my mouth to his dick sucking on the spot his precum had formed. The texture was glossy until I sucked it through, cleaning the spot with my spit and tongue. Eric tasted tangy and sweet.

I grabbed the band of his briefs and pulled them down past his balls. His cock fell out in all its glory. Damn what a nice dick he had. His balls were nice and big and matched the size of his dick. I licked his nuts, tasting his salty bumpy skin and sucked one in my mouth. "Ahhh" Eric moaned as I slowly jerked his big dick up and down as I nuzzled my head into his crotch, taking in a breath smelling his manly sent.

I licked and sucked on his balls, I wasn't trying to tease him but I'm pretty sure I was. I kissed up his leg, then up past his pelvis. I ran my tongue up the V of his lower stomach toward his abs.

"You're good at this," Eric commented.

I firmly grasped his dick before shoving it in my mouth. Sucking on his fat mushroom shaped tip, I could feel Eric tremble as he stood in front of me.

"Shit Jake," he moaned.

I pushed him back against some boxes. I could feel him getting weak in his legs. I sucked his dick and worked my hands over his abs up to his pecks, pinching his nipples. I felt his cock fill my mouth, I worked it in until it was hitting the back of my throat.

Eric's pre-cum oozed into my mouth as I worked his dick in my mouth and massaged his balls with my left hand. He held my head as he felt me move up and down his cock as he groaned in pleasure.

"Fuck, it feels so good," Eric whispered, he loved my mouth on his cock.

I pushed his cock as far as I could into my mouth to the point of me starting to gag. His head fell back for a moment, I felt his dick throbbing in my mouth. I ran my hand up his light trail of hair that led to his belly button. I stared up at him and he stared right back. His face had a look of satisfaction as I continued to work my wet mouth over his dick.

"Come up here beautiful," Eric smirked, he hooked me under my arms pulling me up.

He pulled me up to stand and I leaned in and kissed him. I could feel his tongue dart in my mouth and rub against mine.

"You okay we are doing this?" He stopped and asked.

"Are you?" Why did he keep asking me?

"Because, I don't know. I just want to make sure," he shrugged.

"I'm very sure," I grabbed onto his hard dick, "Feels like you're okay with it?"

"Yeah, you could say that," Eric chuckled and gave me a kiss.

He kicked off his shoes and then pulled off his pants and underwear, he stood completely naked in the closet with me. Eric kissed my neck again and pulled off my t-shirt. I could feel his dick brushing against me. He kissed my neck, then my chest. He kissed each of my nipples and then down my abdomen to the top of my open pants and underwear.

"You're fucking sexy," Eric said looking up at me.

He pulled my pants down to my ankles. He rubbed my dick through my underwear and leaned in taking a deep breath. My dick pulsed as he pressed his face into it. I could see his sculpted back and beautiful round ass as I looked down, his face buried in my junk.

Eric lowered my boxer briefs revealing my dripping dick. It was right in his face. Eric stopped for a moment and stared at it as if he was looking for every bulging vein. He looked up at me with a smirk on his face and gripped my cock in his hand. Rubbing it on his left cheek, my pre-cum smeared across his face. He looked so good with my cock on him.

"You look good like that," I couldn't help saying.

"Ya? With your dick on my face or you leaking on me?" He smiled and bit his lower lip like he was trying to seduce me, as if he needed to.

His eyes were striking blue, even in the low light. I wanted him so bad. He stuck the tip my dick in his mouth and sucked hard pulling it right back out. I almost fell over on top of him, he held onto me keeping me up.

Putting his mouth on me again, this time taking more into his mouth, he slowly working his warm mouth down my shaft. He moaned and groaned as he seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was. He held onto my balls and rubbed them one by one in his hand as he sucked me off.

Eric moved two of his fingers between my nuts and asshole, massaging the area. It felt great as his tongue worked around my dick and he sucked it in and out.

"I could get used to this," Eric said, taking me out of his mouth for a second.

"You and me both," I replied.

I ran my hands through his thick hair as his head moved up and down my dick. Watching as he enjoyed having my cock in his mouth. I could feel my balls swell with cum as this hot guy worked me.

"Take these off," Eric commanded and pulled on my jeans.

I held onto his shoulder while I kicked off my shoes and then pulled my pants and underwear off. He ran his hands up and down my legs.

"I love your legs Jake," Eric said.

He sucked on my dick again and tapped my inner thighs, asking me to spread them apart. He stuck two of his fingers in his mouth sucking on them, making them wet. Eric brought them to my ass and touched the entrance of my tight pink hole.

"Can I do this?" He asked, I didn't have to be told what he wanted.

"Yes you can," I said.

I felt him slowly push into me, one finger first and then a second. My body tingled all over as his fingers stretched into me. He worked them in and out.

"How does it feel?" He looked up at me, never stopping.

"Good, really good," I held on to him for support.

"Ya? It feels so nice inside you," he smirked still fucking me slowly with his two fingers.

"I've never rimmed a guy, want to try it?" Eric asked.

"Sure, if you want," I was surprised at his desire to put his mouth on my hole.

"I do," he said turning me around and bending me over.

He didn't take his time, I felt his warm mouth and tongue gliding over my hole within seconds. He lapped at my ass and swirled around the entrance of my ass. He was great at it for his first time doing it to a guy.

"Fucking hell," I moaned.

"Ya Jake, you like it?" He dove back in burying his face up my ass.

He eagerly licked and sucked on my hole, it squeezed and puckered as he pleased me in a away I didn't understand. He loved it as much as I did. Eric worked hard to make it great for me, it felt amazing as I felt his tongue slip into my ass. I bucked under him as I felt his tongue dart in and out of me.

"You taste so good," Eric had a lustful tone, he dove back in.

He pushed me over even more so he could get farter in. I felt his tongue move all directions inside my ass. It felt so good and I knew that he was preparing me for what naturally came next in this situation.

"I've never had sex," I shyly told him, his tongue still inside of me.

He pulled off, "Okay, we don't have..."

"No, I want to," I wasn't telling him I didn't want to.

"I'm big Jake, I don't want to hurt you," Eric rubbed my ass as he knelt behind me.

"I've done stuff, you know, by myself," I said embarrassed, "I think I can take it."

Eric laughed a little, "Ya? You've done stuff?" He teased. "If you want to do this then we'll go slow. No pressure though, I'm sure this wasn't what you had in mind for your first time."

"You are, you're what I had in mind," I said.

"Oh? So full of complements," he licked my ass from my taint right to the top.

"I've jerked off thinking about you inside of me," I confessed to him.

"And did the idea make you cum?" He asked as he stood up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Many times," I felt him kiss my neck working upwards.

"And did you put things inside yourself when you thought about these things?" He whispered in my ear.

"Yes," I moaned a little as I felt him slip his cock right between my legs pushing against my balls right past to my hole.

He moved his hips and rubbed his cock against me. We heard talking outside for a moment and he paused. He kissed my neck as we waited for them to pass. He moved off of me and locked the door, there was an opaque glass window and we could see students walk by heading to their next class.

"Can I confess something to you?" Eric pulled me into a hug, I could feel his dick pressing on my leg.

"Of course," I replied.

Our stomachs were pressed up against each other and he leaned back with his arms around my back. It felt so good to be in his arms.

"I took the underwear you came in home," he paused for a moment and smirked as he thought about it, "Well I smelt it while I jerked off this weekend, I loved having your load in them and I got off of you."

"Oh?" I turned red, that was so hot but it made me so embarrassed.

"Haha, you're so cute when you blush. I should be embarrassed for telling you. I couldn't help it, that load was because of me and I figured you owed me," he gave me a kiss.

"That's pretty cool," I said, I wasn't great with my words at the moment.

"You're pretty cool," he chuckled as he gave me another kiss.

We stood there waiting for the kids to pass and make their way to their next class. We talked and kissed. Once the hall had died down Eric let go of me and looked me up and down.

"Fuck your cute," he said.

I smiled and blushed again.

"I'm not a carrot Jake, let me get you ready okay?" He said as he gave me a peck on the lips and turned me around again.

He sank to his knees and his face was back at my hole in seconds. He licked and sucked, pressed his tongue inside me. He brought his hand up and began to slowly work his finger inside.

"How's that?" He asked.

"It's really good," I replied, it felt so different having someone else to it than myself.

He worked it all around feeling my insides. He pulled it out and spat on my hole and brought another finger up and worked them both in. Damn that felt good I thought as he pushed them in and out.

"Damn you're tight dude," Eric said as he tried to open me up.

He pulled out and sucked on his fingers, lubing them up and added a third. He pressed in slower this time, letting me get used to them. He rubbed my ass as he moved his fingers in my ass. He was taking his time to make sure I was ready, after a while of that he pulled them out.

"Okay, now suck on my dick and get it nice and wet," he said standing up.

I turned and fell to my knees, I wanted him in me so bad I felt like I was in a hurry. I sucked and wet his dick with my spit, I worked it in my hand coating the entire length of him. He moaned as I did. His cock was leaking so much and it helped make him nice and slick.

"Shit that feels good," Eric sighed.

He pulled me off and looked down at me smiling. He made a wad of spit in his mouth and let it out. It left his puckered lips and hit his dick. I used my hand to smear it around, and he did it again.

"Move over," Eric said as he sat on the floor, leaning against the shelves behind him.

I was standing over him looking down at this beautiful guy with his rock hard cock pointed up at me.

"Okay, sit on my lap," Eric was telling me what to do and I loved it, "Take your time and just let it in."

"Okay," I smiled like a little kid.

I put both legs on either side of him and lowered myself down facing toward him. Eric grabbed his dick and pointed it at my hole. I reached around and grabbed hold of him lining him up. I felt it press at the entrance of my ass. Fuck, it felt so big.

"You got this," he smiled and gave me a cute wink.

I lowered on him and felt the head of his cock push inside of me. It was different then his fingers or anything else that had been in me before. I kept going and felt more of him slide in.

"Wow," I said, I couldn't help it.

"Wow indeed," Eric smirked.

He held on to the bottom of my ass as more and more of him inched inside of me. He was stretching me out to max. I felt more go in as I let my weight pressed down onto him.

"Shit you feel so good," Eric sighed

"You do too," I looked up at him.

He leaned forward and gave me a big kiss, his tongue darted into my mouth and he took a deep breath like he was trying to breathe me in.

Eric was big and it took some work to get him in, I wanted to just drop down on him like taking a band-aid off but I knew that wasn't a good idea. I continued to kiss my new lover as I rose up and down on his thick dick.

Eric broke our kiss, "How are you doing?"

"Good, I'm good," he knew I was having a hard time working the rest in.

He brought his hand up to his mouth and spat in his palm a few times. He used his hand that was on my ass to pull me up until just his tip was still inside. He rubbed his dick all over getting it nice and wet again for me.

"Okay, try it now," he said.

It went in easier again, I felt my ass relax letting helping it go in. His dick slid a little deeper and I didn't waste time and pulled off and then back down. I had to get it in before his spit dried.

"I'm more than half way in," Eric let me know as he pulled my balls up looking at his dick make its way.

The pain began to be replaced by pleasure as I got farther down on him. He kept giving me kisses, encouraging me as my ass gave him satisfaction. He was lightly moaning. A bead of sweat formed on the top of his brow, I wiped it away. It was getting warm in that small room.

My ass was taking him in so much easier and I finally sat down completely on him. I felt the trimmed hair of his bush pressing against me.

"Fuck Jake," Eric was breathing hard.

I rose up and then back down, fucking myself with Eric's cock. His chest was rising and falling as he took deep breaths. I felt so full with him in me, his cock stretching deep.

"It feels so fucking good Jake," Eric moaned really loud, he couldn't help it.

I slowly worked up and down on him, I rested my knees on either side. His dick felt like nothing I had felt before, it was sliding in and out faster now. I moaned as his dick pumped my tight hole.

"Fuck that's so good," I gasped, Eric had grabbed onto my torso and was watching me as we fucked for the first time.

"You're so tight around my dick," Eric said.

"Damn your cock feels great," I muttered as I bounced up and down on him.

Eric reached up and began jerking my dick to the same rhythm that we were fucking. I could feel my balls slapping down on him. I tightened and squeezed my ass to increase his pleasure.

"Fuck Jake, oh my god dude," He cried out.

I felt his massive cock sliding in and out of me, I could smell his sent as it filled the room as we fucked. I felt like I could do it forever, his beautiful body under me. His moaning made it all so much better.

Eric leaned up and pushed me to the floor. The concrete was cool on my back. My legs were in the air and his cock never left my ass. He looked down at me and slowly started fucking down into me. I loved feeling the weight of his body pressing on me.

"This good?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said smiling up at this hunk as he used my ass.

"Fuck, I'm so happy we are doing this," he said as he slowly pumped in and out of me.

"Me too," I smiled.

Eric lowered down meeting my lips with his and gave me a tender kiss. His dick was deep in my ass and he just made out with me, moving his tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my legs around his strong body and pulled him in closer.

He pulled off my mouth and was about a foot above me, he began to fuck me, his hands on either side of my head. He looked hot hovering above me as he fucked me. I felt his dick push in and out, it was the best feeling I had ever had. My ass wanted more, I put my hands on his big firm ass and pulled him in harder.

"You can go faster," I told him.

"Ya? You're feeling okay?" He didn't want to hurt me.

"I'm great, fuck me harder Eric," I barked at him.

"Geeze! Yes Sir!" He laughed and picked up speed.

He was pounding into me and the sound of our sex was filling the room. His cock was pushing deep in my gut and I wanted him more than ever as he used my ass to make his dick feel good. I loved that I was giving him that pleasure, that we were doing something that other people weren't able to do with him.

"Oh my god Jake, you're ass is so amazing, I fucking love the way you feel," he grunted as he laid into me.

"Fuck me Eric, fuck my ass," I encouraged him to go harder.

He kept moving my legs around adjusting our position so he could get deeper and faster.

"I think I'm getting ready to cum," he said as he kept a fast steady pace.

"I want you to cum in me Eric," I said, I was short of breath.

"Are you sure?" He looked up at me in the eyes, his beautiful blue eyes.

Fuck I was sure, I wanted his cream in me. I wanted him to put his load deep. It was the first time I had a cock up my ass and I wanted this stud to mark me as his.

"I'm sure," I replied eager.

He gave me a huge smile. "Okay Jake. Here it comes."

He trust in me and I felt his cock pulse and I knew his cum was shooting inside me. Eric's dick was pumping his load deep. He moaned my name over and over. He rested his head next to mine pressing his body one me. My dick exploded in between us, as my ass filled up with his cream. It was overwhelming, his hand was still around my cock smashed between us.

"I'm cumming in you Jake, so deep," He whispered in my ear.

"Yes Eric, please give it to me," I begged.

Eric continued to push his dick in and out of my ass making my pleasure that much better as I was cumming. His one hundred and eighty-five pound body against mine, pressing down on me. He started to kiss me on my shoulder working his way up my neck then meeting my lips. His hard cock was still far up inside me.

"Wow Jake, that was..." he laughed, "fucking great."

"That was Eric," I laughed with him, it was the best feeling I had ever had.

He kissed me in a cute random pattern all over my face, smiling and looking at me. He slowly pulled his cock out still a little hard and wet from his cum.

He leaned on his side resting next to me as I lowered my legs. I was a mess, my cum all over my body. He looked so hot laying there naked next to me, his softening dick lying on his leg.

"How was your first time?" Eric asked, grinning ear to ear.

"Amazing," I chuckled.

My hands were under my head, elbows out, staring at the ceiling and stealing looks at him. We just hung out like that just talking about nothing really, my cum was drying on my stomach and chest.

It was a great time just chatting like we were old friends. We talked about school and plans for college, family and friends. We spent the rest of the day in there together. We kept moving around, I laid on him, he laid on me, he held on to me, I put my head on his lap.

"I don't want this to be the end of this," he said as he looked directly at me, inches away.

"I don't either" I melted.

"Well it won't then," he smiled big, "This will be our beginning," he said.

Eric was now more than just a dream at night and now closer than a friend. I had a feeling that we'd see each other a lot more.

It felt like we had been in there a very long time and we knew it was getting late. We finally decided we needed to get dressed and head out. I sat there I watched Eric, this hunky guy, slip on his underwear, then pull his pants over his bulge and zip up his pants. He slipped his shirt over his head and put his jacket back on.

"You coming?" He asked.

"Yeah, just enjoying watching you," I smiled.

"Come on beautiful, let's go grab coffee or something," he chuckled and reached for my hand.

-The End-

Thanks for reading my rewrite, one day I may add a chapter two.

Here are some of my other stories, oldest to newest:

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