Fire in the Hole

By Chris Brandon

Published on Aug 21, 2005


The parking lot was dark just as last night. Parking my car behind the building, I took off my coat and covered the things in my front seat. I didn't want him to know that tonight I had brought my lotion with me and a roll of paper towels. Not knowing what may happen here tonight, I would be almost ready.

Pulling open the door to enter, I seen the thick steel chain to lock the bathroom door. I hadn't remembered seeing it last night but then again I was very nervous. The chain was bolted to the door facing and was hard to know if it locked from the inside or the outside. At any rate the lock on the chain wasn't fastened so I entered inside. Much to my surprise, he was already there. Standing with his back to me, he was talking to another man. Wait! There were no other cars in the parking lot. How the? When.. "You ready faggot?" broke my wondering thinking. "Get on over here" his deep voice commanded. Slowly I began to walk toward him. "You don't mind if we have a little company tonight do ya faggot?" Speechless, I quickly shook my head no.

His eyes fixed on me as he pointed to the stall. His look reminded me of my fathers look when I was younger. It was the same look he gave punishing me for doing something wrong. Tonight however, I would be punished for being a faggot. Slowly walking toward the stall, the other man passed me walking to the door. Once in the stall I heard the clanging of the steel chain. He was locking the three of us inside. I was so not ready for this as the man locking the door now to watch. This man was tall also and was wearing a ball cap but looked to have red hair. He was wearing workboots also as if they may be work buddies. "Faggot, this is Red." The man said. "Red this is the cum-thirsty queer!" They both began to laugh. Still I didn't know the first mans name and was not about to ask now.

Red began to rub his crotch through his jeans as I watched the man in front of me reach inside the pocket of his jacket. I watched face to face with him as he pulled out a fresh new tube of Ben Gay. He unscrewed the lid and replaced it with a clear plastic nozzle. I couldn't believe he was doing this in front of me. It was like I knew I was supposed to take it. He then moved past me to put the toilet lid down to cover the seat. He then put his hands on my shoulders turning me around to face the toilet. "Now pull down your pants and bend over" he said. Anything but this I thought. "Come on dammit!" the man yelled. I pulled down my pants and underwear. Slowly bending over I placed my fingertips on top of the closed lid. "Bend over faggot!" he yelled to command. Bending over more I placed my forearms and elbows on the lid. "Now stick your ass out more" he said. He wanted me to look like I was asking for it. Pushing my ass up in the air as far as I could, it wasn't enough. With my pants holding my feet together, he told me to mend and open my knees. This spread my legs open wider giving him better access and made it easier for him to induce once again what is now my worst nightmare.

Feeling the nozzle at my ass, it began to make circles around my hole moving closer and closer in until finally forcing it's way inside me. I could feel it squirting inside me but wasn't filling me like before. Then like lightening the pain hit me from both inside and outside my hole. My legs began to shake and move around. It hurt so much but then came more of it inside me. "Ohhh.. Please!" I cried out. "I can't take it! Please don't do this" as I began to cry from the pain. "Oh hell yeah" were Red's words as the nozzle injected it's next wad deep inside me. He had told me to bring a but plug but now I was hoping he couldn't see it in my pocket.

The fire in my hole was burning much hotter than last night. The pain had became more than I could withstand and I knew that I couldn't continue. Standing up I felt the nozzle come out of my ass as I tried to make it stop to face him. "I'm sorry" I said, "but I just can't take it". Red was sanding back against the wall and had been watching. He now had unzipped his pants and was slowly rubbing his dick. "What?" the man yelled out. "Oh no, I'm not finished yet faggot. There's still over half the tube yet to go." Just as I opened my mouth to speak he yelled "Now bend over or I'll shove it up your ass tube and all!" Somehow I knew he wasn't going to stop until it was all inside me.. no matter what it took. If I didn't let him do it things could get ugly for me. Introducing the Ben Gay a little at a time, he was aware that once the pain had started, the wait gave time for the fire to build then each next dose would be like pouring salt into an open wound.

Turning around to bend over, suddenly I felt the man grab my tshirt and pulled it off over my head. He then placed his foot between my legs pushing my pants to the floor. Bringing up one leg at a time I was to step out of them. When my clothes were on the floor, with a swift kick he slid them under the stall wall. "Now lose the socks and shoes" he said. Slowly bending forward my ass seemed very different. It felt like I had a tennis ball for an asshole as if it were very swollen. In reality it was the numbing from the Ben Gay. Then swiftly his hand on my upper back landed my face back on the toilet lid hard. "Now spread that ass open wide" he said. From there I did just as he said. "Put your chest down on the lid and stick your ass out further" was his next command. "Hurry up!" he said. "You're starting to piss me off." He knew that I had managed to get a short break but now I would pay dearly. "Ok now pull your hands back and spread you ass open wide." Yet again it wasn't good enough. "No!" he said. "Get your fingers next to your hole and pull it open wide."Now would come the cruel payback.

Almost like starting over, he moved the nozzle all around my hole, also up and down my open crack to smear more on the outside. Once again the nozzle was shoved inside me for it's next deposit. Already raw the pain came faster this time. Feeling him squeeze the bottle lightly to add to the fire I screamed out in pain. "Dammit!" the man yelled, "Red give me your belt". Reaching for the belt from Red, the man folded it before landing the first hard slam on my bare naked ass. Again I screamed out, as the pain seemed to go all over my body. The next blow came with his full force behind it. This one caused me to choke up transforming my scream into a crying squeal. Then came the next and the next just as hard while he yelled at me. "Cunt I'm gonna teach you how to shut the fuck up.. You got that?" For the first time in my life, something hurt so badly that I couldn't even cry. I wanted to but couldn't. I needed the release of crying but now he had closed that door. My face felt so flushed and my hands were slipping down as I began to weaken.

The man pressed the nozzle as far in as it would go. Pressing so hard against my hole I thought he really was trying to shove the whole tube its self inside. Squeezing the tube, this time he injected more than usual. He continued to squeeze pulling to nozzle back as if to fill me from the inside out. He began to slowly move the nozzle in and out at a steady pace fucking me with it and coating everyplace inside with hell grease. I didn't think it was possible to hurt any more, but I was wrong. First came the stinging like hundreds of bees up my ass stinging me over and over. Then came a new kind of burning. It was like having a really bad sunburn and someone smacking it repeatedly.. only it was worse.. And it was up my ass. My hands had fallen to the sides of the toilet and I could hardly stand. Still he continued in and out fucking small spurts into my hole. How much more could possibly be in that tube I wondered.. And would he even stop when it was gone?

Just then he stopped. The nozzle was removed. It felt like the temperature in my hole would be over 200 degrees as I tried to catch my breath to at least breathe normally. Taking a few deep breaths suddenly I felt the nozzle being forced back in to start fucking me again. The quirts of Ben Gay were bigger now and the nozzle seemed to move around even more inside me than before. "yeah that's it" the man laughed out loudly. Quickly realizing it was now Red inducing the torture it made more sense but was not any easier. Red was probably pushing in larger amounts thinking he would get his dick sucked sooner that way. It was bad enough being used so hard to please a straight married man, but also using me to train other straight men about "how too treat a faggot" was beyond humiliating.

Pulling out the nozzle, "Yeah, it's done" Red said to the man. Yes, after what seemed to be hours (and it was) it was finally over.. And none too soon. I was about to faint but now I could breathe better. The pain had been so extreme that I couldn't get air. I wonder now if I had passed out, would he have continued on regardless? Or would he have waited for me to awaken then continue so that nothing was wasted when it couldn't hurt?

Hearing the water from the sink turn on, I looked behind me to see only Red was still there. The man had gone over to wash his hands. When the water had stopped, I stood up and turned around only to be greeted by him again. He still had the hard look in his eyes and now his hand was clinched around my but plug. It must have fallen out when he kicked my pants under the stall. Walking into the stall, the man leaned over beside me and placed the but plug in an upright position on the toilet lid. Once again he leaned over to better position it in the middle on the lid before backing away. Standing with his arms folded the man looked at me as if I knew what to do.

"What's the matter faggot?" the man said. "I think you need to sit down for awhile." Knowing not to argue I began backing up to lower my ass onto it. Hovering over it I had just began to squat when the man yelled "get those fuckin' legs spread open". I was spreading my legs wider when the man put his hands on my shoulders for a few brief seconds as to guide me to start squatting again. As my asshole found the tip of the plug, I could feel the tip pressing at my hole for entry. Lowering myself more I could feel the tip pop inside to begin opening me up. The first inch hurt. Then the second inch hurt like hell. There were still four or five more inches to go and each one would hurt worse than the previous. Starting to take about the third inch I had to stop. The plug was stretching me open and the Ben Gay seemed to have just been waiting for that to execute its next attack. Just then! Before I could even see it coming, the man reached down grabbing my ankles and pulled my feet out from under me. My ass slammed down on the toilet lid forcing the plug in all the way. They both began laughing out loud.

Tears filled my eyes as I opened my mouth wide for air. "Oh? So now you wanna suck my dick?" the man said as if I was extending an invitation. I was to weak to begin hating him yet, as he wasted no time unzipping his pants inches from my face. I was back in the feeling of being drunk on pain when I realized his dick was at my face. It was so hard and looked even bigger than before. I'm sure that's how he wanted me to see it and everything he had done this night would give that extra benefit. Yeah, he was in control but even more so than I realized.

Once again I wished that I had not met him. I wanted it to all be over. Opening my mouth I leaned forward taking his dick head into my mouth. Then it hit me why he wasn't at home with his wife. If he had fucked her lately she must be in a hospital recovering someplace. Pulling his dick away, the man landed on open hand blow to my face. "Bitch! Did I say you could suck it?" My reply "no" was also my only spoken word that night. He began to unfasten his belt. For a moment I thought he would beat me with it but no.. Dropping his pants to his boots, his muscular legs moved closer. "Don't suck; just lick it" he said.

Stretching out my tong, I began o lick his massive head of his monster dick. Yes tonight it was even bigger than last night. I continued licking it all over for a few minutes then opening my mouth wide.. I slowly began to take the head into my mouth. Suddenly I felt his hand on my forehead pushing me away from his dick followed by his other hand landing a hard slap across my face. "Lick it I said" the man yelled. Frozen in shock I just looked at him not knowing what to do. "Lick my fuckin' dick!" his deep voice once again echoed against the cinderblock walls. Leaning forward I started licking again. "Yeah.. that's it cocksucker" he said. "Tonight you're gonna lick it 'till you get me off." Was that even possible were my thoughts as he stood there with his hands on his hips expecting the service that he had demanded. My view was filled by a mans large hard tool emerging from a black bush of male pubic hair, my ass was on fire from the but plug forcing the Ben Gay in deeper and now he had set limits on how he would be serviced. Yet that wasn't enough.. His friend Red would be watching everything.

Licking under the head I found him to be very sensitive there.. I also learned how to make fast circles around it with my tong. After about an hour my tong almost couldn't move from being tired but still I kept on. Many times his dick would swell bigger and he would groan in ecstasy as if he would cum.. But he did not and I had to keep going. It was like he was edging over and over for almost two hours when finally.. Wrapping both hands around his dick he began to slowly stroke and groan as I licked his head down to his fingers and back up. At that moment I could see his huge dick swelling once again to cum. His groaning more intense now.. I opened my mouth wide but quickly he grabbed the back of my head forcing it downward. "Ahhhh" was his words when I began to feel gush after gush of his cum on my head. He was stroking with one hand and rubbing it into my hair with the other. He shot like 9 hard full shots of cum taking him some time to finally empty his nuts. My hair was soaked in his cum and was running down my back even. It felt like using half a bottle of shampoo and it actually felt like it lathered. I could feel his hot breath on my wet head while he exhaled several times as if he had just finished a workout. Pulling up his pants he stepped out of the stall. "Whew.. damn!" were his words to Red.

Red took the mans words as a "go ahead" and stepped into the stall. He was more than ready to show himself in front of me with his hard dick pointed at my lips, His bush was full with thick red hair and it was hard to tell if he was cut or not because his dick was so hard. I had never seen red pubic hair or an uncut cock and wasn't sure that I liked it. Then again, my likes or dislikes would matter not. "Here's ya some more faggot" he said stepping closer. My tong was so tired but knew there was no other choice but to service him.

As I slowly began to lick, I could taste the dried precum that was now covering his dick. "Hell no" Red spoke out. "I want my fucking dick sucked!" With hesitation I then opened my mouth wide to receive it. Feeling it begin to slide into my mouth, I watched as inch by inch his tool disappeared to fill my mouth and open my throat. Wrapping his hands around the back of my head, he began to slide it in and out going a little deeper with each thrust. He was pumping my mouth like it was a girl's pussy and the strong taste of precum had filled my mouth. With the thrusts coming in deeper I began to choke. His pace remained steady and continued to go deeper even with me choking. He knew it was my problem not his. He was getting exactly what he needed.

Suddenly the other man spoke up asking Red "Why don't you sit down man? Let him blow ya from the floor." Red backed away ad I stood up. Ouch! The but plug sill hurt. The man handed my shirt to Red to cover the toilet lid before sitting down. As Red sat down at the edge of the lid, he spread his legs wide. The man told me to get on all fours, crawl up to him and bury my face in Reds crotch. Next I was in the floor on all fours bobbing up and down on Reds cock. I wanted him to cum as fast as possible yet I felt like a piece of trash whore doing it. Yeah.. That's how they both wanted me to feel. I began to wonder what was I doing in the floor of a nasty bathroom sucking off some man I didn't even know and letting him treat me like this. As for the other man.. Hell I still didn't know his name and look what he had done to me. And I came back for more? It wasn't like I could change my mind now.. The door was locked. The man behind me must have been reading my thoughts. My scream could have been heard a mile away when he pulled the but plug out with one fast yank. It felt like my asshole slammed shut like a metal prison door just before the plug went back in again just as hard.

"Keep suckin' bitch" Red yelled as he forced my head all the way down on his dick. "Get them legs spread wider faggot" the man behind me said as I felt him begin to move the plug around inside my sore hole. Red had his hands pressed against my head forcing me up and down on his big fuckstick like I was a rubber jack-off toy. The man behind me had moved my left leg even more wide and placed my foot under the stall wall where it meets the floor. My right leg he spread and held it with his knee to open my ass wide as he began to fuck me with the butt plug. It hurt like hell. He would push it all the way in in one stroke and pull it out the same way before pushing back in. Red had began fucking my throat and I started choking again. Still he kept going faster and deeper with no remorse. With my legs held open, the speed of the plug fucking me. It started to burn really bad.. Yet he would still continue to go even faster.. All the way in and almost all the way out. Red had locked his arms in place around my head and was thrusting his thick rod down my throat. Chocking only made him go harder. Thrusting his hips up from the seat, he was like a wild wolf that had to breed. The plug was going in and out of my ass like a piston in an engine with Ben Gay for lube. Red had found my throat and wanted to stay there. He no longer was sliding his dick out.. He held it in deep and tried to get in deeper still.

My asshole felt like it should be glowing red from the heat when I felt Reds dick begin swelling to blast. I knew it would be a huge load from the hours of build up. His cum would be like a water balloon bursting in my throat and I would choke trying to swallow his overpowering ejaculation of sperm. "Ohh FUCK.. Here it comes BITCH!" he said. "Eat my fucking cream!" Just before his dick would spasm, the man behind me quickly let go of the plug, then stomped his workboot heal on it pushing the plug in deep. My nuts felt crushed hitting the concrete floor with such force.

Reds dick was still in my mouth.. My lips were just past the head when I tasted his first shot of cum. It flooded my mouth with man seed. What he had just seen made him cum even harder. The next blast after blast of his dick shooting cum into my mouth was hard to swallow fast enough before the next would come. He looked down at me the whole time with one hand on his dick, feeding me his spooge.. And the other hand behind my head, making sure that I would have to taste it before swallowing it all. Choking on his cum already, I watched as Red then made his final dive. With his hands locked now on my head, he forced his dick back into my throat for me to receive his last two direct deposits. His dick pushed past his own cum choking me to fill my throat. I could feel it squirting deep down as his reaction was "Ahhh Yeah!"

The plug was still fucking me at what felt like a hundred strokes a minute all the way in and out as Red held his dick deep in my throat. The pain inside my red-hot ass began to surge. It felt like my ass was splitting open. I tried to scream but Red locked my head in even harder making sure his thick cock in my throat would keep me silent so the man could continue. By now I couldn't breath at all and was feeling faint. I wasn't sure if they even knew or just didn't care. Suddenly everything stopped. Red pulled his dick out and I fell to the floor gasping for air. I wasn't sure if the plug was still in or not as I could only feel pain but the fucking had stopped. Then the plug was removed.

Red stepped over me as he went for his cloths. He moved swiftly to get dressed as he and the other man talked. Still face down on the floor naked I was getting some air and trying to recover. My body was shaking all over and I was just about to catch my breath when I heard them unlock the chain to exit. Next the lights went out and I heard the chain rattle again. They had locked me in here? Who would find me? Was I going to jail?

Soon I got up and tried to find the door in the darkness. Running my hands and arms all over the walls I found the light switch. I looked around for my clothes but they were gone. My car keys were in the floor under the urinal. The chain on the door was in a knot but not locked. I fought to get the chain undone as the sun was coming up and I still had to drive over a hundred miles to get home.

Running to my car naked, the pain in my hole made me stop to almost a limp. Driving to the interstate ramp, the sweat from my head had mixed with dried hair and filled the car with the smell of his cum. It seemed to work hand in hand with my ass on fire to make sure I would once again, never forget this night.

Opening my front door, I walked into my apartment with just my jacket wrapped around my waist as the neighbors watched. I remember telling myself that I would never meet this man again and somehow I felt that he would know also. However, I didn't know that as the pain would subside, the need to serve would grow stronger and did he know that also?

Hardly a week had passed when I received his online message. He wanted to know how I was and to tell me that his name is Bryan. I wasn't sure if he was actially really concerned or if he was just trying to lure me in for more torture. We chatted for a few minutes and he seemed so nice, just like the first time I had met him online. I told him that people should worship his muscle body and I would have been happy with just that. "Hey" he said, "Wanna meet and have some REAL fun?" I told him that I didn't want to go back to that place. He agreed and said that he would just get a motel room or something. He would meet me there in the parking lot and I could follow him. Will it be "REAL fun" for me? I asked. "My dick is so hard right now" he replied.. "And this time" he said.. "I wanna give ya what you really need".

I welcome feedback of any kind. Thanks, Chris

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