Fire Station No. 7

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jun 17, 2016



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Fire Station No. 7

Luis Sanchez was the only openly gay member of Fire Station No.7. There may have been other gays in the company, but if there were, they were deep in the closet.

Luis was an outstanding fireman. He had received more than one award for extraordinary bravery. His fellow firefighters respected him, and they never gave him a hard time or showed any prejudice. So far it had never happened, but if a stranger were to make a homophobic remark to Luis, one or more of his crew would surely have flattened him.

That is not to say that Luis was without woe during long, idle periods in the firehouse, waiting for the alarm to ring. His buddies kidded him unmercifully about what two guys do in bed together. Luis just smiled and walked away.

He was a very handsome Latino, and spent several nights a week at his favorite gay bar. He never sought a liaison with a good-looking jock. He found most of them to be vain and empty. When he was lucky enough to have a conversation with someone who was easy to talk to, and a good conversationalist, he often invited the guy home. He was rarely refused. Luis was always more interested in the inner beauty of a man, rather than his outer shell. As a result, he had plenty of sex, but he was always on the lookout for that someone special to spend his life with.

It was a quiet moment in the station house one afternoon, and he was playing gin rummy with Charlie Byrnes, and Charlie asked, "So what exactly do two guys do in bed?"

From the tone of his voice, Luis was certain that Charlie wasn't bantering and kidding him as usual. He decided to answer him seriously. Of all the guys in the brigade, Luis had a secret crush on Charlie, and a question like that piqued his libido.

After a fire, when the men were showering and cleaning up, Luis always managed to shower next to Charlie. He admired Charlie's endowments. He was a good five inches flaccid. Luis thought that Charlie's substantial, cut, cock was a beautiful sight. He longed to see it hard, and to touch it, but of course, he kept total control of himself. He answered Charlie's question.

"I could tell you in words, but you could never imagine the sexual pleasure men can give each other," Luis said, "but if you want to come over to my place for a couple of drinks, I'd be happy to demonstrate."

This kind of teasing and bantering with Luis was a common practice around the station, so Charlie just laughed, and said, "Fat chance."

"Well, if you ever want to find out how great it can be, just call. You have my number."

"Yeah, yeah. That'll be the day," Charlie sniggered.

Just then their chief came in to announce that the night crew had just arrived, and the day crew could leave for the day. The men became unusually boisterous with relief. Charlie and Luis were still seated at the card table, and as Charlie started to stand, he said to Luis, "A few of us are going to Duffy's for a couple of cool ones, before heading home. How'd you like to join us?"

The guys respected Luis for his ability and bravery, but they never asked him to join them socially. He was shocked in a good way.

"I don't know," he said. "Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't have asked you, if I wasn't sure. C'mon, let's change, and we'll go together."

They walked into Duffy's dimly lit establishment, and since they were the first to arrive, they had no trouble finding two seats at the far end of the bar.

"The first one's on me," Charlie said, and he ordered two beers.

They chatted amicably for about fifteen minutes, when Luis noted that they were the only members of their brigade in the bar.

"I lied to you," Charlie said. "Nobody else is coming. When you asked if I would go home with you, were you kidding with me, like we always do, or were you serious?"

Luis was silent for a very long time, which prompted Charlie to say, "Sorry, Luis, I was out of line."

Luis grinned at Charlie. "You're not out of line," he said. "It's just that you threw a fast ball at me, and I was speechless. I would love to show you what the fuss is all about, but at the same time, I don't want you to get grossed out, and hate me in the morning."

"I assure you, I won't get grossed out, and for sure I won't hate you. Let's just label the whole thing as an experiment in sexual activity. If I don't like it, we can forget about it in the morning, and it'll just be between you and me."

"Rest assured; I would never tell. I'll swear a sacred oath, if you want me to."

"Your word is good enough for me. Can I follow you home in my car, or would you rather not go through with this?"

"Follow me, Charlie. There's nothing I want more than to educate you."

They entered the parking lot at Luis's complex, and there were plenty of guest parking spots for a very nervous Charlie. Luis waited for him at the front door. He used his key to enter, and they took the elevator to the fifth floor. Charlie breathed a sigh of relief. They had not encountered any neighbors in the lobby or the elevator. Luis lived in a predominately gay neighborhood, and Charlie was nervous about running into anybody who might know him.

Charlie was getting more frightened by the moment, and he wanted to bolt and run. Luis sensed Charlie's anxiety, and said, "Relax, buddy. I'll make us a drink, and if you change your mind, it'll be okay with me." Charlie smiled, and he did relax. Luis had just offered him an out.

"Sit down on the sofa, and take your loafers off. Get comfortable, and take a few deep breaths," Luis laughed. "I told you that I won't do anything that might gross you out. My intention is to give you the most pleasure you have ever experienced in your life."

Charlie was relaxed now, but he was still scared shitless. Luis handed him a beer, and sat down on the sofa next to him. After an uncomfortable silence, Charlie dared to ask, "How do we begin?"

"If you were with a woman?" Luis asked, "How would you start?"

"I'd cozy up to her, put my arm around her shoulder, lean in for a kiss, and put my hand on her thigh."

"If you are really committed to doing this, Charlie, then start exactly as you just described."

"It's a good thing we're such good friends," Charlie said, "or I could never do this." He cozied up to Luis, put his arm around his shoulder, put a hand on his knee, and leaned in for a kiss. Then he hesitated, so Luis pulled his face up to Charlie's, and placed his lips gently on his student. Charlie was not revolted, and he pushed harder against Luis. Encouraged, Luis whispered," Pretend I'm a woman." He started to pry Charlie's lips open with his tongue, and Charlie responded out of instinct. Their tongues met, and started to tickle each other. After a while, the kiss got more passionate, and their tongues began to duel.

They must have kissed that way, for a good five minutes, before Charlie asked, "What's next?"

"Well, I'm getting aroused and it's hot in here. I think we should take off our tee shirts." Charlie just smiled, and the two men removed their shirts. When they resumed kissing, Luis put his hand on Charlie's inner thigh, and began to move upward toward his crotch. Charlie's body stiffened.

"Relax, relax," Luis repeated over and over. His hand was high up Charlie's thigh, but he had not yet touched his cock. When he felt Charlie relax a little bit, he said, "Charlie, I don't want to have sex with you this evening."

Charlie's face clouded over.

"I want to make love to you. I want you to experience such pleasure, that you will always remember this night for the rest of your life, no matter what tomorrow brings."

Charlie choked up. He couldn't talk, but finally he muttered a hoarse sounding, "Okay."

"I'm going to open your belt buckle now, and pull your pants down. When I do that, raise your butt a little."

Luis undid the buckle and began to pull down Charlie's pants. Charlie even helped him. Now all Charlie was wearing were jockey shorts. Luis never wore underwear, and he was amused. He laid his hand on Charlie's crotch, and began to stroke in feather like movements. Finally, Charlie was beginning to erect. Luis leaned over, and began to suck Charlie's cock through his underwear. Charlie began to sigh and squirm. His erection was tearing at his underwear, and he ripped it off himself. Now he was fully exposed to Luis, who began to stroke Charlie's hard cock with his tongue.

Charlie began to moan, and so Luis took him fully into him. He closed his lips on Charlie's shaft, and started pumping gently. His tongue was doing all the work, running up and down the shaft. All the while he was holding and fondling Charlie's balls, and when Luis felt them hardening, he stopped sucking. He pulled off him, and Charlie began to whimper, "Please don't stop. I need to cum."

"You will, Charlie. Just keep on trusting me."

"I do," Charlie said, and he leaned down to kiss Luis.

Luis undressed quickly. Charlie gaped at him. Erect, his friend was nearly eight, uncut inches. Luis's cock was bobbing up and down with desire. Charlie may have been straight, but he was aroused at the sight of Luis's erect cock.

Luis took a tube of lube and a box of condoms out of a drawer in his bedside table. He opened a condom, and rolled it gently down Charlie's throbbing dick. When the condom was halfway down, Luis stopped. He sensed that Charlie was cumming. He waited for him to simmer down, and then he finished applying the condom. He spread lube in the palm of his hand, and bathed Charlie's penis generously. He put some of the goo on his ass hole, and straddled Charlie. He reached under, lined up Charlie's manhood, and sat down slowly, until he was all the way in.

Charlie was whimpering now, like a nursing baby. Luis dared asked, "How are you enjoying it so far?"

"It's wonderful, Babe. Just get me off before I explode."

Luis's heart skipped a beat. Did Charlie just call him Babe? Maybe he was fantasizing that Luis was one of his girlfriends.

"When I push down, you push up," Luis instructed. "You'll climax soon enough." And he did. After just a few strokes, Charlie came, with loud, ungodly groans.

Luis leaned over, and started to kiss Charlie. Charlie threw his arms around Luis, and cried out, "That was wonderful, Babe. It was everything you promised me."

"It wasn't a stretch for me to make love to you, Charlie," Luis confessed. You see, I really love you. I have loved you since the day I first met you." Charlie held Luis closer.

"When I get my breath back," Charlie said, "I want to do all that to you."

"Honest, you don't have to. You've already given me great pleasure."

"Don't be a dufus, Babe. I have loved you for the same length of time as you have loved me."

"You're in the closet?" Luis asked.

"Yes, Luis. I don't know how you got the guts to come out. I have never made love with a man until tonight. I was too scared, but every time I fucked a woman, I fantasized that she was a man. Sometimes I pretended that it was you."

"Do you want to come out?" Luis asked.

"Only if you'll be by my side for the rest of our lives."

"You're on, big boy. There's nothing I want more." Once again they began to kiss, until Charlie interrupted by saying, "My turn now. I've waited for this for a very long time. I've watched a million videos, and read thousands of erotic male stories. I want the opportunity to practice what I've learned."

"You can practice all night on me. I don't mind," Luis said.

Luis was lying on his back, and Charlie lay down on top of him, grinding their cocks together. They kissed long and passionately, until Charlie broke away, and started slithering down Luis's body. He kissed Luis's ears, his neck, his nipples, his outie, and his legs. When he reached Luis's toes, he sucked every one of them. He asked Luis to turn over, and again he lay down on top of him. He worked his way down Luis's back as he had down his front. He stopped at Luis's extra bubbly ass, and started kneading it and kissing it. He placed his tongue on Luis's crack, and ran it up and down. He finally stopped at the hole and tried to enter it with his tongue.

Luis was crying, and not too softly. "Please," he begged.

Charlie got off him, and Luis rolled on his back. Charlie went for his cock at last. He engulfed the luscious prick, and ran his tongue all over it, while fondling Luis's balls. When he felt them hardening and shrinking, he pulled away. He grabbed the box of condoms and the lube, and handed them to Luis.

"I want you to fuck me." Charlie said. "Get us ready."

They got into a missionary position, and Luis entered Charlie's virgin ass, with very little resistance. He came too fast for both their tastes. He collapsed on top of Charlie, and they lay cheek to cheek. Luis fell out of Charlie's ass, and he made sure that their cocks ground together.

They were both crying. When things calmed down a little, Luis said, "I love you, Charlie. I always have, but I don't want us to have to sneak around and hide that love. Hiding it, denies it."

"I have no intention of hiding behind a phony mask anymore. Tomorrow, I'm coming out at the station house. When I do, I want you standing beside me. I don't care if we get ostracized."

"Why would you think that?" Luis asked.

"Because one gay is a token gay. Two might be a threat."

"Well, we'll find out tomorrow."

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Charlie asked meekly.

"Try to leave, and I'll bar the door," Luis answered. "I want us to sleep together the rest of our lives."

"I'm all for that. In the morning pack a small bag with what you'll need for the following morning, and spend the night at my place."

"That's fine for now, but I own this apartment, and you're renting. Would you consider moving in with me?"

"Yeah," Charlie grinned. "Would yesterday be too soon?"

In the morning when they woke up, Charlie had his arm around Luis's shoulder. Luis's hand was fondling Charlie's cock, and his head was resting on Charlie's chest. His lips were lined up with one of Charlie's nipples, and he began to suck it. Charlie reached for Luis's cock, but Luis stopped him.

"We have to get ready for work," he said.

They showered together. They played some more, mutually masturbating and rimming each other under the running water. They fucked each other using soap as a lubricant, and completely forgot to use protection.

They used the same razor, and the same toothbrush, and since Charlie did not have fresh underwear, he decided to go commando like Luis did. Luis made coffee and toast for breakfast, and before they left for work, Charlie said, "Thank you Luis, for making me the happiest man in the universe. They kissed one last time before heading to the station house in separate cars.

Nothing happened that day. Charlie had no opportunity to come out. It was fire after fire, and the brigade had no down time. The next day saw some down time, but a couple of the guys were out sick, and Luis and Charlie decided to wait until everyone was there. Finally, on the third day, the guys were milling around, playing cards, and waiting for action. Charlie stood up, and Luis stood next to him. The last thing Charlie wanted to do was drag it out, so as succinctly and as quickly as he could, he shouted for attention. "Guys, listen up, Luis and I have something to tell you."

"I knew it," Jake Saunders yelled out, "Luis has finally converted one of us." Jake was the biggest, burliest man in the group. After he made his announcement he broke out laughing. He thought that this was all part of the banter directed at Luis. The other guys tittered a little, but nobody broke out laughing like Jake did.

"No Jake," Charlie said, "it's nothing like that. The truth is that I've been gay all my life, and Luis and I..." he hesitated, "well we've fallen..." more hesitation,

we're going to live together. We might even get married someday."

"You mean you're going to be a couple?" Jake asked.

"Yes," Luis answered. "We love each other very much."

The room became deadly silent. All that could be heard were the firemen breathing. After some long period of silence, Jake stood up. He threw a brawny arm around the two of them, broke out laughing, and gave each one a fatherly kiss on the cheek. The rest of the crew jumped up, and congratulated the two men. Charlie had to wonder why he had been so afraid of coming out. What he did not know was that any member of the brigade would have been delighted to get a blow job from Luis. Only fear of discovery prevented it. Secretly, they envied Charlie.

"I'm bringing a cake tomorrow," Jake said, "to celebrate."

Just then the alarm went off, and the chief yelled, "Let's go, men." The entire brigade ran off to do their duty. Charlie and Luis did their dangerous work that day, happy and secure in the knowledge that they would be together that night, and every night, for the rest of their lives.

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