Firefighting Brotherhood

By Jeff Moore

Published on Oct 19, 2004


Firefighting Brotherhood Part 1, Firefighter's First Day By: FireJock_15

Authors Note

This story is meant as a work of fiction. I am a firefighter/paramedic. The characters portrayed are loosely based on fellow firefighters and paramedics I have worked with over the years. The names have been changed to protect the "closeted".

This is my first shot at writing an eroitic story. Please let me know if you like it.

If I get good feedback, I will write part 2. You can give me feedback at:

My name is Jeff and I am a Lieutenant with a very large fire department. I have been a firefighter/paramedic for ten years now. I don't really consider myself to be in great shape, but I do work out three days a week to stay in shape for the job. I am 6'3", 255lbs, with light brown hair and honey brown eyes. I have had a mustache since I was 16 years old. And yes, I am gay.

I joined the department when I was 18 as a probationary firefighter. I worked in several different stations in the following years. Then my father, a captain in the department said that I should take the lieutenants exam. I did, and I was promoted to lieutenant and transferred to a small single engine company. A year ago, I was transferred to the station that I am at now. A very busy station that houses an engine, a truck, a specialized rescue unit, and two paramedic ambulances.

I walked into the firehouse around 6:30 going straight to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. I passed John on the way into the kitchen and nodded a good morning. He looked like he was ready to go home after a hard night. I got my coffee and walked upstairs to my office.

I greeted the Lieutenant I was relieving and asked him about the night. He said it had been busy with a lot of false alarms, one car accident, and one house fire. I told him to go home and try to get some sleep. I settled in at my desk and started to write out my morning line-up report when he stuck his head back in the door and told me that the office had called yesterday and said that I would have a probationary firefighter starting at my station today and chuckled on his way out. "Great, just what I needed" I though, "a probie firefighter who has no clue what firefighting is all about, or what goes on at our fire station".

"Well", I thought "It's going to be a long 24 hours". I got up from the desk and walked over to the lockerroom to say good morning to my crew. Some of the older guys were already there. I knew the younger guys would not be in until almost 7:00. They almost never showed up early for their shifts. I said good morning to Dave and Charlie, two of our best firefighters. They were both changing into their uniforms. Dave is a very athletic and damn hot for a man who is almost 50 years old. So, of course, I stared at the sizeable bulge in his tighty whities as he was putting his uniform pants on. Charlie is the typical straight married urban man, about 35 years old with a little bit of a beer belly, nothing bad, but a little extra bulge above the belt. I said good morning and walked downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. The station seemed almost empty, everybody was either at the door waiting to leave, or in the lockerroom getting ready for their shift. I started to walk to the watchroom when the intercom buzzed "Lou, theres some FNG here to see you" For those of you who dont know, Lieutenants in our station are called "Lou" and "FNG" stands for "Fuckin New Guy". I walked to the watchroom and I almost dropped my coffee. Standing before me was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. A beautiful specimen of rugged manhood with closely cropped blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and a smile to die for. I quickly regained my composure and introduced myself. He grasped my hand and said "Good morning sir, Probationary Firefighter Brad Hannigan reporting for duty sir." "Good to meet you," I said, "I will show you to your locker and introduce you to the rest of the guys."

Brad followed me upstairs and put his bag into his loacker. He was already dressed in his uniform, so he followed me back downstairs to the kitchen. By now all of the guys had gotten there and I introduced Brad to them. The normal handshakes and hellos followed. I told Brad that he was assigned to the engine with me and he was to stay right beside me today. Brad and the guys went into the lounge to sit down so the guys could get to know him better. I went back to my office and started back to my paperwork. I had been working only about 5 minutes when the alarm went off in the station. "Station 13, Engine 12, Engine 4, Truck 6, Rescue 1, Battallion 2 Respond, 119 East Main Street for a reported house fire, smoke in the structure."

I ran out of the office and jumped onto the pole, sliding down into the engine room. I quickly put my fire gear on and noticed that Brad already had his gear on and was sitting in the engine waiting. I jumped into the officers seat of the engine and grabbed the radio "Engine 17 Lieutenant 2, responding," I yelled over the siren. "Lieutenant 2, 119 East Main Street caller reported smoke on the second floor, the building is evacuated." "Lieutenant 2 OK" I shouted.

We pulled up and there was smoke coming from the eves of the roof. I quickly told the dispatcher that we had smoke showing and to have the truck get to the roof and ventilate. I grabbed Brad and told him to stick with me. Dave had already grabbed a hose off of the engine and we followed him inside the house. Nothing but smoke on the first floor, but once we got upstairs it was a whole new ballgame. All you could see was fire coming down the hall towards you. "Are you OK?" I asked Brad. "Yeah sir, this is great" he replied. I remember thinking, this kid is either going to make a great fireman, or he is nuts. Well, we worked hard, and put the fire out. On the ride back to the station, I was relaxing in the front of the engine and said "I can't wait to get back and jump in a nice hot shower. I heard Dave grunt in agreement and a rousing "Hell Yeah" from Brad.

Once we were in the station I went straight upstairs and started stripping out of my uniform. Being in the firehouse, most of us are not shy, and do not care about walking around the staion either half nude or completely bare assed naked. I stripped down to my boxers and started walking to the shower in time to hear the alarm going off again. "Station 9, Engine 3, Engine 2, Truck 13, Rescue 2, Battallion 5 Respond." That was all I heard. The truck and the rescue were dispatched, but not the engine, so I could have my hot shower.

Now our station has three shower rooms, one small male shower room on the first floor, a large female shower room on the first floor, and a large male shower room on the second floor. Dave had decided to shower in the downstairs shower. I walked into the shower and turned one of the shower heads on. Now this is a large group shower that was built to accomodate up to 12 guys at a time. It is completely enclosed on all four sides by walls, but there are no partitions in the shower itself. The room started to fill with steam and I was in complete heaven standing there naked under the hot spray of water when I heard a voice. "Do you mind if I come in?" It was Brad, standing just outside of the doorway, not even sticking his head inside. "Come on in, the water feels great." I shouted. He laughed and walked into the shower. Usually when there is more than one person showering at the same time, they are normally in two totally different parts of the shower room. Brad walked up to a shower head that was just two down from mine. I thought that was unusual, but I did not say anything, after all it was his first day.

I was enjoying the feeling of the water, and did not want to hurry through the shower, so I started to slowly wash my upper body. I was enjoying the water and enjoying the feeling of the wash cloth rubbing over my chest and let out a small moan. " Wow, you are really well defined." I snapped my head up and Brad was standing right next to me. I was caught off guard and he must have seen it on my face. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to startle you," Brad said and he started to walk back to his shower head. "It's OK, you just caught me off guard. I forgot you were in here with me." I said. Brad laughed. "Do you really think I am well defined?" "Hell yeah" Brad said, "I work out all the time and I see people that have bodies like yours at the gym, always working out and lifting weights." I laughed, "I work out 3 times a week, here in the station, just to keep in shape for the job, but I never really thought I was well defined." Brad whistled, "Yeah, you are I wish I could build up like that, but I have always had this swimmers build."

Brad finished his shower and walked out of the shower room, I took a nice long look at his ass as he walked out. That was the most beautiful bubble butt I had ever seen it seamed like he was flaunting it when he walked out. I finished my shower and walked into the lockerroom. Brad was sitting there in his boxer briefs. I walked past him and stole a quick glance at his crotch. "Not too bad" I thought to myself. I walked to my locker and started drying off. I had just put my boxers on when I noticed Brad was standing next to me again.

"Lou, can I ask you a question?" "Sure," I said. "When we were in the academy we heard stories about this station and about you. One of my instructors said that he worked with you and that if I wanted to become a great firefighter that I should try to get assigned to your station." I laughed, "yep, B trick at the fightin' 13 house is the best shift in the department." He had a puzzled look on his face and he started to speak again. "Lou, he told me that you would understand my little problem." Now I was puzzled, what in the hell could this kid be talking about?

"Lou, are you really gay?" Again, I laughed, "Yes I am, and damn proud of it."

"I am too, Lou, but I am afraid to let the other guys find out."

"Don't worry about them, if you want to tell them, go ahead they will not think anything different of you, if you dont want to tell them, you dont have too." I reached over and grabbed his shoulder, and he almost started to cry. "I was afraid to talk to you about it, I was not sure if the stories were true or not." I pulled him into my arms and hugged him as he openly sobbed on my shoulder. "It's OK, everything is going to be fine, I will help you tell the guys if you want me too, and I will be here if you just need to talk."

"Thanks Lou," Brad sighed

Brad started to pull himself together and raised his head off of my shoulder. He looked into my eyes and I saw fear in his eyes. "When we are around the guys, call me Lou, but when it is just the two of us, you can call me Jeff." He smiled and the fear was gone from his eyes. Before I knew what was happening, he leaned in and kissed me. I felt a spark of electricity travel from his lips to mine and the whole way down my body to my now aching cock.

"Damn, when did that get hard?" I thought. I was totally entranced by this man who was now kissing me very passionately. I pulled him in closer to me and noticed that there was a nice hard bulge pressing into my thigh. "I can't do this." I thought to myself, but my body had taken over and I was kissing and running my hands all over this gorgeous man.

"Wow, talk about sucking up to the Lou." I snapped my head around and there was Dave standing in the door to the shower room smirking. "Fuck off" I yelled as Dave walked in to his locker. Brad had run back to his locker and was trying to hide behind the small door. "Brad, come away from your locker, it's alright." I said. Brad just stuck his head above the door and did not move. I started to walk over toward him and he closed his locker door. He was now staring at me in horror. As I walked past Dave, I reached over and grabbed a nice handful of his tight ass and said "It's OK, Dave here understands that things go on in this station, and when his wife is not giving him what he needs at home he has been known to get a helping hand, or toungue from the Lou. Isnt that right Dave?"

"Who, Me?" Dave protested, laughing. "You better believe it rookie, our Lou is one of the best cocksuckers I have ever known."

Brad walked over to Dave and I and just stared at us. "Well, I guess the cat is already part way out of the bag Brad," I said. "Yeah" was all he could say. I finished dressing and walked down to the kitchen, I definately needed more coffee. Brad walked in and sat down. "Coffee?" I asked, he only shook his head no. "Listen Brad, all of the guys here know that I am gay and they are all fine with it. I have fooled around with a couple of them and they know that I am not going to say anything to anyone about what happens in this station, and neither are they. Dave is not going to tell anyone about what he saw, it's OK."

"Are you sure Jeff?" Brad asked.

"Yes, you dont need to worry.

"I am sorry Jeff, I should not have kissed you, It was wrong, you are my lieutenant." Brad said.

"Brad, you are the most gorgeous man I have ever seen, and I knew it was wrong for us to kiss, and for me to start feeling you up the way I did, but I could not help myself. I think you are beautiful and you know the reaction that my cock had to you. I could feel yours pressing against my thigh. I don't know how you feel about it, but I would like to be able to take you out for dinner."

"Jeff, I would love to go out to dinner with you. Yes, I was really getting turned on in the lockerroom and I would like things to go a lot farther than they did."

"Good, tomorrow night, 7:00, dinner, I will pick you up." I said

The rest of the shift seemed to take forever. When our relief showed up, I went upstairs and grabbed my bag out of my locker. I noticed that Brad was getting his bag ready to leave as well. I walked out of the lockerroom and into the small dark training room. When Brad walked by, I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him inside. Just as he was about to yell, I covered his mouth with mine. He parted his lips giving my tongue complete access to his eager mouth. I ran my hands down his back and grabbed hold of that beautiful ass. I felt his hand slide down my chest and stomach. He rubbed around my naval and I felt his hand slowly move down my thigh and then up to my aching cock. He started rubbing me through the fabric of my uniform pants. I slowly moved one hand around and started rubbing his cock. I had not felt this way in a very long time. I knew that if we did not stop now, we would end up naked and fucking in the training room, so I whispered in his ear that I would meet him tonight and we could finish this then. He agreed and told me to meet him outside of his apartment building.

I spent most of the day getting myself ready for the night out. AT 6:30 I left my house and headed for Brad's apartment building. When I pulled up, he was sitting outside on the front steps. He got into my truck and we drove away. I looked over and told him how nice he looked. "Where are we going for dinner sexy?" Brad asked. "Well, I have a little suprise for you." I said. We drove for about an hour and finally pulled up in front of a beautiful old victorian style home on the beach. "Wow, this place is beautiful." Brad said. "Yeah, this is my parents vacation place, I told them I needed it for the next couple of days."

We walked inside and I told him we had reservations for a late dinner at a local restaurant. I showed him around and we walked out onto the beach. I showed him my favorite spot for sunbathing nude. Then we walked back to my truck and we left for dinner. We had a great time at dinner and then headed back to the beachhouse.

We walked out onto the beach and sat down by the crashing waves. We talked for a long time. Finally, I leaned over and kissed him. I felt the heat of his body next to mine and his tongue slide between my lips. I reached down and started unbuttoning his shirt and slowly moved it off of his shoulders. He had a wonderful swimmers build, 6 foot tall, 195 pounds, with that blonde hair, and perfect ice blue eyes. His skin felt warm and smooth under my hands and I knew I had to have him. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything before. He pulled my shirt over my head and started kissing my chest and nibbling my nipples. I was totally lost in the amazing feelings that were coming in waves over my body. He kissed and licked down my stomach and then down my trail to the waist of my jeans. This guy really knew what he was doing. He started rubbing my cock through my jeans and I thought I was going to loose control and cum right there. I knew I had to regain control, so I lifted him up and layed him down on his back in the sand. I started doing the same things to him that he had done to me. I slowly unbuttoned his jeans and he raised his hips so that I could take them off. I slid them off and started licking and sucking on his hard cock through his boxer briefs. I could feel it twitch and hear him moan. I quickly pulled his underware off and started licking and kissing my way up his inner thighs. He was squirming around and moaning so loudly. I licked around his balls and sucked them into my mouth one at a time. I licked up and down his shaft slowly, enjoying the feeling of his heat on my tongue and the taste of him on my lips. I kissed the head and opened my lips to allow him to enter my mouth. I very slowly took just the head into my mouth and could taste the sweet pre-cum. I started to move my way down his shaft, allowing more of his rock hard cock to enter my mouth. As I felt my nose enter the perfectly trimmed blonde bush I heard him groan and felt him shudder. I started moving my head up and down feeling his 8 inches move in and out of my mouth. He was still squirming around, moaning, and groaning. "Dave was right, you are definately the best cocksucker I have ever met." Brad moaned. I would have said something, but I did not want to let him out of my mouth. I kept moving up and down on his hard shaft and deepthroating him every couple of down strokes.

I felt him grab the back of my head and move his hands down to my shoulders. He started pulling me up toward him. I moved up and started kissing him hungrily. Now it was his turn to be forceful. He pushed me back into the sand and started kissing me heavily. He unbuttoned my jeans now and pulled my jeans and boxers off with one quick move. My 7.5 inches sprung up and slapped my belly. Brad started licking and kissing all over my cock. I felt him take me the whole way into his mouth with one move. I was in heaven, enjoying everything about this man. He was sucking and licking, making me feel wonderful. He slowly moved his head up letting my cock slip out of his mouth and he moved up to my ear. He started licking and nibbling on my ear. "I want you to make love to me, I want to feel you inside of me. I want you to show me how you work your firehose" Brad whispered in my ear, driving me crazy. I sat up and he laid down on his belly. I started kissing my way up the back of his thighs now. I looked up and saw that great bubble butt and I could not help myself. I dove between those cheeks, licking around that sweet little pucker and finally driving my tongue into the warm hole. I drilled my tongue in and out of his hole driving us both wild with passion. "Please, I want to feel you inside of me, please" I heard him moan.

I moved up and grabbed a condom and a small tube of lube out of my jeans. I squeezed some lub out onto his hot little hole and started fingering him, first with one finger and then adding another. I quickly put the condom on and spread lub over my latex coated cock. I moved over him and put my head against that pucker. I felt him tense, and then relax. I started to steadily push into him and felt my head pop inside of him. He tensed again so I stopped. After a few seconds I felt him relax and I started pushing again. I slowly worked in and out, inch by inch, until I was buried deep inside of him and felt my pubes crush against that bubble butt. I new I was balls deep inside of him. I wanted to let the animal lust that I was feeling take over and fuck him hard. I wanted to feel my cock pounding into his ass, but I also wanted this to be special. I laid down on top of him and whispered in his ear. "Do you know how hot you have me right now? I want to fuck you like an animal and feel the heat of our passion, but I want to make love to you, I want this to last forever."

I slowly made love to this angel. I could feel my hard cock sliding in and out and I could feel his ass muscles tightening and clenching down on me. It was almost too much to bare. I started kissing and biting the back of his neck and ears. He was going wild, driving himself back onto my throbbing cock. I was loving every minute of this intense session, but I wanted to see his face. I wanted to look in his eyes. "I want to see your beautiful face baby" I whispered to him.

I pulled myself out of him and he turned over pulling his knees up to his chest. I entered him again and started the same slow thrusting. I knew it wouldnt be long before I was going to explode. His sweet little tight ass was expertly working my aching cock and I couldnt take much more. "Yeah baby, fuck my ass, fuck me harder" he started moaining. "You are gonna make me cum" I panted. "Yeah baby, cum in my ass, I want to feel you throb inside of me." Soon I was feeling that tingling sensation in my balls and I knew it was time. "I'm gonna cum baby, I'm gonna shoot this load up your cute little ass." "Oh yeah baby, shoot it in me, I want to feel your love." That was all I could take. I felt the pressure flow out of my balls and start rising up my shaft. I felt myself losing control. The world around me went black and all I could hear was this sweet angel of a man grunting and moaning under me. "Ahhhhh, Unhhhhhh, Yeah Baby, hear it comes, Oh yeah baby, Arhhhhhhh, grrrrrrrrr." Was all I could say. I buried my cock deep inside of him and felt myself explode. I shot load after load of hot cum deep inside of my new lover. I was feeling things that I had not felt in years. I collapsed onto his back, my chest heaving for breath. I could feel him under me heaving and squirming around.

I knew it then. I was in love with this man and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Brad. I wanted to wake up beside this man every morning, and come home to him every night. But most of all, I wanted to get him off right now, I wanted to taste his hot cum in my mouth. I wanted to show him how much I loved him. I rolled off of him and he rolled onto his side facing me. "That was amazing" he sighed. "I know" I said, "But, we are not finished yet, you got your treat, now it's my turn." I kissed my way down his chest and belly and took his throbbing cock into my mouth. I started deepthroating him and sliding him in and out of my mouth very fast. Before I knew it, he was grabbing my head trying to pull himself deeper inside of my mouth. I already had my nose buried deep in his pubes, how much more did he think he could get in. I reached down and started playing with his balls. That was more than he could take. He started moaining and yelling, "Yeah baby, suck my cock, take it all." I felt his balls tighten up and I could tell he was ready. I buried his cock as deep as I could and I felt it grow and start to twitch. I felt the first shot hit the back of my throat and I pulled back so that just the head was in my mouth. I felt 3 more shots hit my tongue and I swallowed them all. I pulled off of his cock and pumped it fast with my hand. 2 more shots flew out and landed on his stomach and my arm. The last shot just dribbled out and down his shaft coating my hand. I leaned down and started licking the cum off of his belly. He pulled me up and kissed me, tasting his own cum in my mouth.

We laid there, naked on our own private beach, covered in sweat and cum. We held each other, snuggled, and kissed for hours. It started to get a little cold, so I rolled over onto my back and he rolled over putting his head on my chest. "Jeff," he said, "I think I am falling for you." "Thats a really good thing," I said, "Because I know I have already fallen for you. I want this to last forever. Lets go inside and get some sleep." We both got up and went inside. We showered together and fooled around some in the shower. We both crawled into the huge queen size four post bed and snuggled in under the sheets. "Goodnight Jeff, I love you." Brad said. "Goodnight baby, I love you too." We snuggled in tight and fell asleep in each others arms.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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