Fireworks in the Park

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 3, 2002




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Jeffrey? Jeffrey!" my mother called to me when she realized I wasn't by her side as I ought to be.

"Coming, Ma." I said and hurried along the sidewalk to rejoin her, a figure all primly plump and demurely dressed in a deep purple calf-length dress and white sensible shoes, and a hat perched and secured firmly with hatpins on her head, flat-topped and decorated with fake daisies. And a white handbag, properly casual attire for the hottest summer day you would think of, for this was the Fourth of July, and Ma and I were walking down to Chesterfield Park to watch the fireworks display. The sun had just finished setting, the sky was still a deep blue without a star to be seen, and no clouds, either.

In this starless dusk, it was like all the stars had come down to Earth to play. Fireflies were out in an abundance, twinkling and winking all around. To add to the display, some children ran down the walk waving their sparklers, writing in yellow light that seemed to hover in the air even when they had moved on, then it turned to a deep blue line, the afterglow of the too-bright light lingering on your retina.

"Children, please!" Mother said when they ran our way and the children stopped, slowed to a walk, their sparklers carefully held like candles at a prayer vigil, until we were past, and then with a tittering laugh, they were off once more. "Little hooligans." Mother sniffed. "Running about at this time of night, all alone. Someone ought to be watching them." She regarded me proudly. "I'm just glad I raised my boy up properly."

I was relieved when she looked away, so I could frown. I was eighteen, just graduated from high school six weeks before, and still Ma treated me like a child. Even the clothes I was jeans, white shirt fully buttoned with a t-shirt underneath, stifling dress for this hot climate...had been pre-chosen by her as proper for this occasion.

"I want to sit out under the trees." I said when we got there and I saw the stark bleachers all arranged and waiting, an agony of painted wood. You could pay a small fee and sit there, and get a good look at the fireworks that wouldn't be airborne, various patterns kept under sheets so you would get at least a partial surprise at what they were. Like you couldn't tell that one was the Statue of Liberty. Yeesh!

"Nonsense!" Mother promptly harumphed at my choice. "Only the lower classes sit out there. You'll get the best view right here in our usual seat. After all, you'll be off to college in a few months, you can spend some time with your mother before you go."

"Yes, mother." I sighed. As if the college I'd be attending weren't less than thirty miles away, and Mom wouldn't expect me to return home every weekend to visit her! Not to mention telling her all about the girls I was expected to date, and bring them for her inspection before I so much as kissed one of them. Couldn't have a young man of my station kissing a common girl, after all, only one of the right sort would do!

"Now, I want to go talk to Mrs. Corrigan before they start." Mother said when I was seated. "I want you to stay right here for me. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"All right, Ma." I sighed again.

"Mavis! Mavis!" Mother called out to Mrs. Corrigan...demurely, of course. Mrs. Corrigan saw her and waved to her...properly...and Mother walked down the rows of seat, the people who were seated carefully moving their feet so that she needn't suffer the indignity of sidling sideways or stumbling, for my mother was a matriarch and a force in the community.

I spent a moment looking at the sheeted items. Beyond them was a row of sky-rockets, they would be launched while the displays burned, after everyone had gotten tired of looking at one, and before they fired up another one. If you didn't pay for a seat, you were lounging on a blanket under the trees, waiting just for these skyrockets to burst, and meanwhile enjoying the cooler air under the trees. And the fireflies would come right down among you, flashing their display that said they didn't care what day it was, they'd give you their flashing-light display any old day. I noticed one firefly was giving off double-flashes, wondered if it was some rarer breed or just trying to show off...

"Hey there!" came a voice. I looked around and couldn't see anyone.

"Under here. Look between your legs." the voice urged.

I bent over and looked and peered upside down at a head holding sandy-gold hair and mischievous blue eyes, the body below (above) that wearing a pair of white shorts and a white t-shirt. He looked comfortable, cool and relaxed, gazing at me with my sheen of sweat from the humidity and the exertion of the walk here, and the clothes that were choking me still.

"Why you sitting up there on those bleachers?" the head asked me and grinned. Now I could tell that it was someone about my own age, and someone I had never seen before.

"Waiting for the show." I said. "You going to watch it from under there? I'll keep my legs apart so you can see them." I didn't care if the guy didn't pay his entry fee. Mom would have reported him right away, as was her duty as a solid citizen.

"Nah, just waiting until it got dark." the fellow said. "Want to come watch the show with me? I got a good spot all picked out."

I looked over at Mother, her regally disdainful voice carrying even over the murmur of the crowds, I looked at the tedious display which screamed same-old-thing (that one was an American flag, that one was Washington crossing the Delaware, and on, and on), and I said, "Sure, let's go."

I managed to get away without Mother seeing and calling for me.

The guy met me at the entrance, and at first he didn't see me, fighting to get out through all the people coming in. He was apart from the others, as if he couldn't bear to be next to other people, abbreviated white shorts and white tank-top covering loosely a slim, athletic body, lean legs, concave stomach, slim waist, his face was in that vague region halfway between childhood and adulthood, only his height and general frame said he was my age or so, that face could have been on a fourteen-year-old without wrinkling or seeming out of place. But his eyes were looking straight into mine, he looked cool and comfortable on this hot day, his sun-bronzed body having long ago taken the sun's measure and dealt with it by turning the skin the color of cured leather, his arms bore the beginnings of manhood-sized muscles, a few more years and some more mass on his body and he'd be that indefinable beast...a man. But the look he gave me when he saw me was that of a devilish boy, pulling a prank, out for a lark and looking for fun.

"Come on." he said to me as soon as he saw me, and I ducked out after him, running happily after him, his taut little buttocks acting like the white tail-and-buttocks of a white-tailed deer, guiding me on the correct path through the unfamiliar terrain. He ran and ran and I ran after him, panting from the exertion (don't kid yourself, riding an exercise bicycle will build your muscles, maybe, but it doesn't give you the stamina it takes to run over open ground) and I slowed and he looked behind me, stopped and let me catch up.

"Not far to go now." He said.

I looked around. "We're leaving the park." I pointed out. "'We're heading for the river." I could hear the faintly chuckling water, feel its cool moisture in the air. The sky was beginning now to show a few stars, the custom of the Fourth of July fireworks show was to start with the first star of night, rather, it started some ten minutes of blather from our mayor, and then the first of the fireworks would be ignited, the sky having been deemed dark enough to let the show begin.

"I know." He said. "I got a raft. My place is just on the other side. You'll see. Come on."

I thought about it and tore at the buttons on that white shirt, which was choking the life from me. I got it off and when we got to the river bank and his raft, I looked for an hung the shirt from a bush there. Felt the cool evening air begin to brush my body, touching it, loving it, welcoming it at last.

"Come on." the guy said and pattered onto the raft. It wasn't a big raft, only about four feet on a side, and I was nervous, but I clambered on (at least Mother hadn't refused to let me wear sneakers) and though the water sloshed over the boards and soaked my shoes, we didn't wobble otherwise. The river was as placid and slow as an earthworm crawling over a stone, I feared we'd capsize and go into the river (not that the cool water wasn't inviting, ignoring the occasional mosquito that was down there waiting to gnaw on you), but we pulled into the other shore, and I jumped ashore with only some damp sneakers to show for my aquatic excursion.

To our left was some houses, to the right was the country club; I expected us to go left to some backyard where plenty of other people had set up camp, but instead, he headed toward the hedge around the golf course. "Come on!" he said.

I followed him, not caring now if I were breaking the law and trespassing (but I was a member of the country club, after all and could use it whenever I wished, within reason), because I'd broken the most important law of all; I could almost hear my mother calling for me. "Jeffrey! Jeffrey!" But she was too proper to do that, she'd simply wait until I showed up again and then harangue me about proper behavior and social obligations for our status.

I wasn't surprised to find the guy had found a crawlspace through the hedge, from there, he took us up a small hill to the edge of the ninth hole, and said, "Here we are!"

He sat down by a tree and I sat down next to him and said, "Now what?"

"Just watch over there." After the mayor finished, he would light a ceremonial fireworks rocket which was especially bright and noisy, and sure enough, just then there was a squeal of a rocket and then nothing, no sound, and then. "Poomph!" A red-white-and-blue spidery form appeared in the sky, the first fireworks of the night, and you could hear the massed, "Ooh!" from the park across the way.

"Nice." I said.

"There'll be more later."

"Yeah." I said. "Now there's a word from the chief of police, and then they light the first of the ground works, and when that gets boring, they'll fire off some more."

"You've seen this before?" he asked me.

"All my life." I said. "Front row center, right where you saw me. Not even a different fucking bleacher to sit on, either, I'd recognize the knothole on that board any day."

He laughed, easily. "Well, it's new to me. I saw it for the first time last year when we came to visit."

"You're visiting here?"

"My folks, visiting my grandmother for the holiday." he said. "They're over in the park now."

"Oh." I said. "But you'd rather be here, all alone?"

"I'm not alone." he looked at me.

"Yeah." I said and leaned back.

"Poomph, poomph, poomph, poomph, poomph!" Five bursts in the night, yellow, blue, pink, green, orange. And the faint sound of applause. When the light from that died down, there was a sudden burst of light through the bushes, some fiery concoction burning away at the bleachers, and people went "oooh!" again.

"I wonder why they use fireworks." my comrade mused.

I shrugged, having never thought about it. "They're celebrating. Independence Day."

"Well, it's my Independence Day." my friend said. "I'm an adult now, and I'm going to do just what I want to when I want to and if my family doesn't like it, I'll just pack up and move out."

"Yeah. Me, too." I said.

"I can do anything I want to do now, and it's nobody else's business." my friend went on.

"Yeah." I agreed, smiling at him, then looked back to the sky again. More skyrockets ought to be fired off any moment now.

That's when his hand went onto my chest. "Yeah, I can do whatever I want to do." My friend said softly.

Startled, I looked up into his eyes, that were burning down into mine. The skyrockets that burst just then lit the side of his face with odd colors, the bursts reflecting down at me from his eyes, but I never heard them explode, the blood pounding in my ears drowned them out, lub-lub, lub-lub, lub-lub!

When he started lowering his face toward mine, I felt my own lips moisten themselves on my tongue and arc themselves to mold themselves onto his mouth, and then he was kissing me, hard, flat-out, I felt his tongue slide down into my mouth and it was like it fell into my own, through that wide-open kiss, there was even room for my tongue to brush his, taste it, dance with it before rising up into the sky of his mouth and the dark ecstasy that waited there, then his lips and mouth closed upon my tongue, holding it there, trapping it, suckling on it, drinking of its nectar and depositing its own in replacement.

With a burst of expelled air, "Pwah!" he released my tongue and raised back slightly, his chest expanding and constricting, and he scooted down to place his body next to mine, and face to face we lay, side by side we were stretched out on the finely manicured grass, and the kiss this time was my doing, my idea, I reached for him and pressed my lips fervently against him, and my hand cupped his crotch, feeling his balls there, loose and free, no briefs encumbered that ballsac on his hot summer night, they felt cool and dry and loose.

Above that was the hardness that was his erection, an uncurling viper that swelled and straightened under my hands, and I was able to roll it loosely about in the ample space in his shorts. When his own hand came in for a landing on my basket, I could only regret that my own manhood was trapped within tight briefs within tight denim cloth, not for it was the freedom of waggling about as it would.

His removing my buttons from their holes in my fly one by one was like a voyage of liberation, a proud procession down the main street of my trousers until, with the last one undone, I felt a tension ease and my balls expand upward into the new and cooler space. His fingers visited my burgeoning crotch, slipping back and forth like old friends across the cotton expanse, a row of sparklers igniting passion points on my dong that lay beneath. Then his fingertips dug in firmly and he rubbed, and now he was rolling my prick, my foreskin slipping about like so much dough laid over a round pole and as it rolled around, a wave of passion followed it about, and I threw the hardest erection I'd ever had, ever, it was like my cock had turned into a solid piece of steel, it was so hard it hurt, and I groaned as I felt him lift the elastic band, gasped when his fingers slipped beneath like four robbers entering a house, a warm house and the treasure within was grasped, mounted, clutched tight, and I could only sob out a cry of passion-in-anguish that would not evoke itself any other way.

"Oh, oh!" I gasped as he stroked my manhood, my richness, my life! "Ah, ah, someone will see us!"

"Not here." He cooed to me, slyly. Another burst of skyrockets above us, white, white, red, red, blue, blue, green, green. Double-poppers I called them, the single burst sent out others that would burst in their own turn a short distance away. Each one dappled us with colors, turning my friend's white clothing white-white, red-dappled, blue-streaked, green-stippled. Even his hair did the chameleon-like change of colors. The universe had gone mad, utterly mad, it was cavorting around, throwing away the colors of the rainbows, splashing us, washing away the absurdities of proper behavior and decorous attitudes, making them the flimsy props of superior airs hiding those inconsequential beings that they inhabited. I knew from my friend's clothes, from his haircut, from his actions, that his family had no connections, no history worth recounting, and yet his lineage was as ancient and venerable as my own, in its own way, for did not the men who swept Independence Hall back in 1776 also contribute to the creation of our country, and yet who knows their names, or who honors them in fiery bursts of color on a day set aside for them?

I became one with my fellow Americans on that day, at that moment, and I gladly rose up, my friend's slender hand still nestled in my groin, and I sought out the looseness of his shorts and I fumbled them open, felt the hard dong sidling down one shorts leg, and rather than fight it back from its flight, I urged it onwards, downwards, and then caught the loose leg and lifted it up and out and back and there it was, a proudly erect, pale-white prick begging for my attentions, pleading for me to lower my lips onto it, sobbing happily as my tongue touched its tip, a salty greeting, and then applauding with a jerking throb as I thrust it into my so-patrician mouth and felt it like a hot sausage on my tongue just before I bite into it, and have the juices pour heavy and salty onto my tongue, and that made me want to bite down on it so hard, but my tongue touched it and felt the spongy cockhead there and I laved my tongue on it, around and over and beneath the glans, until it was smooth and creamy soft.

Then, only then, did I ferry it deeper into my throat, so that it greeted my epiglottis, nuzzled my tonsils, then met the walls of my throat and began to cram itself in further and further, burrowing down into me, and I felt my throat writhing like the sword-swallower I saw at a carnival once, both of us had been striving to cram more down without breaking through, and then my nose was burrowing into soft, sand-colored pubic hair, and my chin felt the prickling of the hairs of the balls, and I knew that I had taken all of it, and still I wanted it deeper, more of it, I wanted to cram this entire young strong body into my own, keep it there, undigested and whole, filling me and completing me, forever.

Then there was a rising moan from my fair-haired lover, and I took mercy upon him and I let his dong roll backwards out of my mouth, coated now with a heavy layer of my throat moisture, it was a slimy length of cable that reeled out of my mouth, until I felt the glans like a caboose and fearing I would lose the entirety of it forever, I clutched and caught it there, not releasing him.

"You've done this before." my young friend said, not in question but in that of positive knowledge. Only he was wrong, I had never dared do anything until now, this night, that would displease my mother, shame her before her friends, demean our standing in the community. Me, who was to become the leader of high society here before long, taking my place as the president of the bank one day, a rank now held by my uncle ever since my father's death but he was merely there to hold the place secure for me, my mother always told me, and meanwhile through him the money continued to roll in to us, and through her hands into the community, so that everyone knew who we were.

But this night, I was none of those things, I was just a horny guy who had a dick in his mouth, and that made me equal to everyone who had ever trod upon their two hind legs and called themselves a man, and this was no great accomplishment after all, just a final act to become what I was, a man among men, no better...and no worse...than any of the others.

I grunted my negation of his comment, I then made myself to seem a liar by finding myself surprising adept and competent at this labor, I could take his prick without choking and pump it without stumbling, and he was gasping and groaning his pleasure beneath me, sheer abandoned lust without any fear of being discovered, he groaned, and then all of a sudden my mouth was filled with creamy hot passion seed, he was jetting his load upwards into me, I was filled, I was awash with his jism, it seethed and burned into me, an affirmation of my own desires, for it was welcomed into me as it boiled out of his dong, I drank it down gratefully, tasting and loving the hot salty slimy wads that felt like so many creamy teaspoons of joy upon my appreciative tongue.

He finished, and his dong wilted into soggy mush that fell from my mouth even though I longed to hold it still, and he looked up at me, his eyes glazed, and he panted out, "God, man, you're great! God, I've come and I'm still so fucking horny, God, man, fuck me, right now, come on, fuck me!"

And he scrabbled up onto his legs, presented that pair of pert buttocks to me still covered, but the arch of his back told me to strip him, take him, hurry, his body begged me to take possession of him now, right now!

I lowered those white shorts like I was placing a tea service upon the table, both my hands in careful synchronization, revealing the paired orbs that gleamed and then sparkled in red and blue to the sounds of poomph, poomph, poomph!

I nearly attempted to cram my unlubricated dong into those white spheres but remembered at the last second. Damn! Then I realized, dragged from my pants pocket the small tube of sunscreen I had there, it wasn't much, a half-tube and little was left, but it was enough to slick up the head of my dong and with that as my sacrifice to gentleness in this orgy of raw passion, I placed my cockhead diffidently against the tucker within the crevice that lay between the globes of pure alabaster, and when I did, to my surprise, my tawny-topped comrade surged back against me.

My cock bent and threatened to break, but then my cockhead caught within the clutching, sucking pucker, and then I had a hold of my dong, for I had reached in pain and now my hand remained for guidance, and with my palm keeping my prick in alignment and rigidity, I felt a sort of pop and then my prong slid easily within the hot recess within these twin limestone-colored boulders.

I groaned, threw my head back, for I was covered, surrounded by male heat, for I was my cock and my cock was my soul, and my soul was on fire! I could think of nothing better than to remain just like this, but when I first got my dick buried to the hilt, my friend, who was pushed back as far as he would go, now lurched forward and he began to slap his buttocks back against me, fucking himself upon me, and every burial of my dong was a resurrection of passion and every exhumation of my cock was livid desire that coiled around my glans and would retreat no further.

There was no resisting this lover of mine, my first, my only, my perfect comrade in passion, and I grabbed him by the hips, hard and I began to thrust lustily into him, my throat giving out sounds of its own making, heedless of discovery, not caring who knew, for I was locked in the perfect moment, and from the perfect moment, everything else is less and who cares about less when you have experienced the totality that life can be? So I fucked at him, pounding his lithe buttocks, wrenching from him cries of delight while I grunted like some crude beast so far removed from my proper upbringing, I was lust incarnate and I rammed and thrust and pumped without stopping, even when my body burst out again in sweat, huge globules dripping from my armpits onto my body, running in rivulets down my chest, I didn't care. Even when my throat grew raw from the unsoftened air drew into my lungs through my open, panting mouth, even when my eyes grew glazed and uncomprehending, turning the world into a dream-state without reality or foundation, I could have looked at anyone right now and not stopped fucking this young lover of mine, this perfect comrade of lust, this perfect mate of passion.

He dropped his head into the soft cut grass and groaned, his shoulders thrusting back and forth with my strokes, my cock was a seething mass of flame, I was on fire, I was ablaze, I was absorbed into my lust, it became a part of me, it became me, all of me, it was master now, it ruled the universe, I was lost somewhere deep within, I swam about like a tadpole in the ocean, insignificant and uncomprehending, and in this miasm of seething ecstasy, I felt orgasm suddenly churn me into a tidal wave! Up, up, like a surfer on a wave, I rode up, I was king, I was master, I was...wipe-out! Oh, God, over and over and under and through and I was swirling, I was reeling, I was lost once more! God, oh, God! Where am I? Where am I?

Returning to my body once again, wasted and soaking wet, I fell helplessly forward, crushing my friend down into the grass and dirt. I heard his hard, hot breaths and could only hope that, while I was wandering in the insanity of that incredible climax, he had found his own surcease and release.

"Ah, damn, you're so fucking great!" He crooned to me. I grinned at the nape of his neck, all I could see right then unless I moved, and that was an impossibility, I was a tadpole in a man's body and until I grew into it, I was immobile.

"Glad you liked it." I managed to make my throat and mouth say.

"Shit, yeah!" He pulled away with energy I envied, and sat up and I lurched onto my back and, my chest still heaving, looked up at him looking down at me. "Where are you going to college?"

I shrugged. "Havenhurst, I guess." I admitted. The college my family practically owned.

"I'll be going to Michigan State." He said to me.

I was surprised, Michigan was so far away from here, it might as well be in Europe. "Michigan?" I asked. "You live there?"

"Hell, no." He grinned. "But it's far from my family. A man can't stand on his own unless he gets out on his own, right?"

"I guess so." I said. I noticed it was dark, completely dark, and had been for some time. "Shit, I wonder if the show is over."

"Shouldn't be, quite." my friend said. "We haven't been here that long."

"Well, I'd better get back." I said as I stood up, coaxed my buttons back into place on my jeans. "Mom'll throw a shit-fit as it is. I'd better not make her look for me afterwards."

"Okay." my friend shrugged, stooped and brought up his shorts as if doing that in the middle of a country club golf course was something he did every day.

I got to the park again with my sneakers soaking wet (the river had picked up some wavelets from the rising wind of the evening), and only got in because the ticket-taker knew me, as who didn't in this town? I got to my seat and my mother hissed, "Where were you, Jeffrey?"

"With a friend." I said. "We watched the fireworks."

"Well, we'll talk of this later." she said. I knew I was in for an unpleasant evening as soon as we got home.

The show was all over, and they were playing patriotic music while some wafer-thin girl got up to the podium. I groaned, they always ended the Fourth-of-July show this way, someone reading aloud the Declaration of Independence.

With a loud hrumph-hmp-hmp to clear her throat, the girl began, reading out the words that were centuries old.

"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

And I found myself with tears in my eyes. Dusty words? No! They were aimed right at me!

We got home and Mother said, "Now, Jeffrey, I realize that you have friends, but you must also remember your standing in the community. A family in our position has certain obligations and we must hold ourselves to certain standards in order to maintain our position with respect."

"You're absolutely right, Mom." I said with a sincerity that caught her off-guard. "And the first thing is to go out into the world and become my own man. I'm not going to Havenhurst this fall. I'm going to Michigan State, if I can get in."

"Nonsense!" she blustered. "That's too far away..."

"Away from you, you mean?" I said. "That's why I need to go there. To stand on my own two feet."

"Jeffrey, if you think for one minute that I will pay out the money left by your dear departed father for such foolishness...."

Again I cut her off. "Then I'll get it from my uncle directly as the trustee of the estate that was left to care for me when I turned eighteen, like I did two months ago." I said. "And if you tie the estate up in the courts, then I'll get a job, but understand this, Mother, I'm not going to be your little boy any longer."

"Jeffrey, what has come over you?" Mother wondered. "You were always such a polite, and obedient little boy."

"I became a man." I said. "And a man has to be free, or he is nothing. This is Independence Day, Mom. And this is my Declaration of Independence. I'm declaring myself a free man. Now, are you going to deal with me as a man, or do you never see or hear from me again?"

I got the money to go to Michigan.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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