First Date

By Mandels Elenajay

Published on Nov 25, 2002



This story is a fictional work that contains a slightly graphic sexual encounter between two consenting females. Now for the IF's ... IF it is not legal for you to read it, then don't. IF this sort of thing, doesn't float your boat...paddle on! lol IF you enjoy my story and would like to send me at Thanks!

First Date ...

"Ring Ring" . You answer the phone with a sweet hello. It's me.

A shy smile creeps into your voice as we make small talk. "Would you be interested in going out sometime" (I pause) "on a date?" I ask nervously.

"I'd be VERY interested" you reply, your voice trembling excitedly.

Arrangements are made for Friday night, dinner and a movie - standard `first date' activity.

"I'll pick you up at 7pm, okay?" I ask.

"Sounds great. I can't wait" you respond.

We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. Little did we know that we were reacting the same way after the call. "YES" was shouted, big smiles, random acts of singing and dancing around the house. There's something special about this union . only time will tell. And boy, did the time drag its feet to Friday, the anticipation almost killing us.

It's Thursday night . I know that there's only one more sleep until our date. I pick up the phone and call you to confirm our arrangements and discuss what movie we see.

"Hello?" comes that sweet voice.

"Hi" I say, "it's me, just calling to confirm our date tomorrow night... Are we still on?" I sound so formal, slapping my forehead quietly, cringing at myself.

"I hope we are . the waiting has been killing me" you say, melting the ice with your warm words.

I giggle "you too huh" I shyly admit, causing you to simply "hmmmmm" into the phone, caressing my ear with the sound of your voice. I ask "Well . what movie do you feel like seeing?"

"Hmm" you utter, sounding unsure, like you want to change your mind, "to be honest, I'd actually like to get a video and we can watch it here after dinner". I'm slightly relieved by your suggestion, considering I thought you were going to cancel.

"Sounds like a plan" I respond, "we can stop at Blockbuster on our way back from dinner".

We decide on a nice restaurant to go to, talk about whether to dress up or go casual. Casual is the choice, meaning we'll both be comfortable and relaxed.

"Well. I guess I should try and get some sleep" I confess.

You admit the same saying "This heat is driving me absolutely crazy, I'm so restless" the underlying innuendo visible considering the onset of a snowy winter.

I whisper a deep soft "so I'll see you tomorrow night at 7pm okay?". "I look forward to it, cya then" you purrr. I hang up the phone, my chest tingling, a smile from ear to ear. I climb into bed and lay down under the sheets, my hands above my head, my left knee bent, smiling up at the ceiling, running through the date in my mind. Liking where it is going, but not wanting to plan too much and spoil the excitement. I drift off to sleep thinking about you.

Friday evening comes along quickly, much to my happiness. It's 5.30pm, I hop in the shower, spending a good half hour under the warm water, cleaning and preening. I go into my bedroom and pick out something to wear. Bra and panties (obviously not giving TOO much away on the first date) blue denim jeans, black three quarter length sleeve button up silk shirt, top three buttons undone, giving a hint of cleavage. I dry my hair, put on some makeup (particularly lipstick) and spray some 'Red Door' perfume on my wrist and neck. It's 6.30pm. Time to leave, my heart leaps into my mouth as I pick up my keys and walk out the door.

7.00pm on the dot. "Knock knock knock". My heart is pounding a mile a minute as I hear your footsteps towards the door. I fear my heart has stopped beating as I hear the doorknob turn, and my breathe leaves my body when our eyes meet. We exchange hellos, smiling brightly.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Sure am" you reply, closing the door behind you. You look fantastic. Jeans and a white shirt, giving me enough of a glimpse at your neck to know that I want to be kissing it before the night is over.

We make our way to the restaurant, making small talk along the way, occasionally exchanging glances, nervous, but trying to put each other at ease. My hand wants to involuntarily move to rest on your thigh, but of course I hold back for now. We reach the restaurant, a busy little place that apparently does the best pasta in town. I open the door for you to enter, guiding you inside with my hand lightly placed on your waist. You look at me and smile as we walk in. The waiter seats us at a cosy booth in the corner, a candle providing mood lightning, it all looks very romantic. We sit down, ordering drinks to start with, a nice bottle of white wine and two glasses.

Relaxing and chatting comfortably, the buzzing crowd fading into obscurity, it seems like its just you and me. I'm captivated by your gaze, your poise, the way you hold your glass. Watching you slowly sip the wine, I can't help but feel envious of that glass, your lips pressed against it, tongue momentarily touching the rim. A picture of elegance as your fingers delicately wrap around the glass, the heat from your hand causing condensation to slowly trickle down to the stem. My mouth waters, now I need a drink. I wonder if you're paying as much attention to my subtle unconscious mannerisms.

We order our meals, deciding to sample the wonderful pasta we've heard so much about.

We continue chatting, you ask me "So, what made you decide to finally ask me out?"

Hmmm a word in there struck me. 'Finally', had she been waiting?

I was excited. "Well I thought why not, we have a lot in common, and I knew I would enjoy spending more time with you" I say confidently.

"Hmmm how do you know that?" you question seductively.

I playfully march my fingers to your hand that's resting on the table, and place my palm on top "I just have this feeling" I purr.

You look down at my hand on yours, smiling back up at me. I slowly rub my thumb over your skin, turning your hand to face your palm upwards. I gently hold your hand.

Our meals arrive and we begin eating, commenting how delicious the pasta is between mouthfuls. Making small talk, discussing our choice of video for this evening. We both agree that we're in the mood for a romantic comedy. We finish our meal, contemplating dessert. Both feeling a little full from the pasta, we decide to rest while continuing chatting. Laughing, flirting, not a care in the world. I feel your foot softly brush against my leg, looking deep into your eyes, you gazing back at me, a playful twinkle in your eyes. I take a long sip from my glass, my eyes never leaving yours, I lick my lips and put the empty glass on the table.

"Shall we go?" I whisper.

"Mmhmm" you utter nodding slightly. I pay the bill and we walk out the door.

We make our way out to the darkened car park, I put my hand out to hold yours, our fingers intertwine as we smile at each other. I unlock your door and open it, you sit down, still holding my hand. I look at you smiling, raise your hand to my lips and gently kiss it before letting go and closing your door. I get in my side and start the car. Reversing I place my hand on the back of your seat as I turn around to look where I'm going. I move my hand down onto your shoulder, brushing down along your arm, finding your hand again, holding it gently as I drive the car out of the car park.

We get to Blockbuster to hire a video. We wander the aisles together, standing closely. Picking up videos, reading the back, then putting them down on the shelf again. Then I find what I think would be the perfect movie. "You've Got Mail", how appropriate, considering how we met.

You stand so close to me, resting your head on my shoulder as you read the back of the cover that's in my hand, your hand gently placed on my hip, I'm melting at the closeness. You agree that it's a good choice.

I suggest "If it gets boring we can always find something else to do".

"Mmmmm" you purr "like what?" you ask cheekily.

"Oohhh I'm sure we could think of something" I whisper huskily into your ear, causing us both to smile and walk quickly to the counter and pay for the video, walking out to the car again.

We drive to your place, I park in your driveway. The car stops and I take my seatbelt off, looking over at you smiling back at me.

I nervously ask "So, shall we go in?" You reply "In a second, there's something I've been wanting to do all night". "What's that?" I ask coyly, shifting in my seat, leaning towards you.

"This" you whisper, moving towards me, pressing your lips against mine softly, causing sparks to fly in my chest. After about 5 seconds we break from the kiss, gazing into each others eyes "let's go inside" you suggest.

No arguments from me, I follow closely behind you. Standing at the front door, I lean my body against yours, my chin resting on your shoulder as you unlock your door. We enter, you close and lock the door behind us.

I stand beside you, waiting for a guided tour of your home. Instead your intentions are to first give your tongue a guided tour of my mouth. You press your lips to mine once more, parting your lips to slide your tongue over mine. I have no hesitation in opening my mouth and letting you in, wrapping my tongue playfully around yours, writhing into you. My left hand holding you lightly on your neck, my right hand holding your body firmly against me. Your hands running softly over my back. After what seems like an hour of passionate making out, we stop breathlessly and gaze into each others eyes, giggling slightly at what had just come over us.

You ask me "So... do you still want to watch the movie?"

I grin wickedly. "This is your house, its up to you."

"Well," you start "we could put it on I guess, but we don't have to WATCH it" you smile cheekily.

"That's true" I comment, we move into the loungeroom. You put the video on, having to bend over to put the videotape in the player. "Mmm" I quietly say, admiring the view. You must have heard me or suspected I'd be looking, because you turn your head slightly to cheekily smile at me, then playfully wiggle your bottom, giggling. I laugh, wanting you to wiggle your body back to me on the couch.

You leave the room saying you're going to get some champagne. "Mmm don't be too long" I purr, smiling at you.

You come back in quick time with the bottle, one glass, and a bowl full of strawberries. You sit beside me, opening the bottle and pouring champagne into the glass, handing it to me. I look into your eyes, watching you eat a strawberry while I take a sip. I hand you the glass, picking up a strawberry I take a bite as you sip. I hold the rest of my strawberry between my thumb and index finger, presenting it to your lips. You open your mouth and take the strawberry and my finger between your lips, sucking lightly on my finger as I withdraw it from your mouth, my spine tingling.

You take another sip from the glass then kiss me quickly, letting the champagne from your mouth flow into mine. Our tongues tingling from the bubbles, causing me to moan softly into your mouth, my hand resting on your shoulder. Your hand resting on my knee as our tongues dance seductively together. Having collectively drank the champagne in our mouths, I open my eyes slightly to find yours smiling back at me. Our kissing slows down to playful sucking and licking of our lips, our bodies settling down, laying against one another on the couch.

You lay your body on top of mine, resting your head on my chest, your hand gently rubbing my shoulder. My left hand softly stroking your hair, my right rubbing your back and waist as we at least attempt to watch the movie.

I'm breathing deeply, enjoying having your body so close to mine, I kiss you gently on your forehead. You look up into my eyes, moving yourself upwards to be in line with my face. Gazing deep into your soul, I smile, whispering how beautiful you are.

I place my hands on either side of your face, moving my head up to taste your lips again. Slowly, deeply, passionately, taking my time, sliding my tongue in and out of your warm mouth, caressing you entirely. Groaning as our legs intertwine, grinding our bodies rhythmically in time with our deep tonguing. Hands roaming softly across the back of your body, over your bottom, your waist, your back, arms, shoulders, running softly along your neck and through your hair. I feel your warm hands caressing my hips under my shirt, coursing shivers down my spine, I gasp at your touch, kissing you intently.

I utter words between kisses. "Can we kiss go to kiss the bedroom long kiss where we can lip suck get more kiss comfortable deep tongue kiss."

"Mmmmmm" you moan as my tongue vibrates from the sound in your mouth. We stand ourselves up, still holding each other close and kissing. Our bodies part, and you see that our writhing has caused my shirt to gape at the cleavage, slightly exposing my bra covered breast. Well this is an invitation too good to pass up, you grab my hips and pull me towards you. You bury your face between my breasts, playfully kissing and licking my warm skin, my breathing rapid, sighing, moaning as your tongue caresses me. My fingers run through your hair, my other hand sliding under your shirt onto your warm back, causing you to moan deeply at my touch.

You trail your kisses up to my neck, licking up to my chin, finding my lips with yours, kissing me softly as you take me by the hand and lead me to your bedroom. I pick up the bottle of champagne and walk with you.

Once inside you close the door, light two vanilla scented candles at either side of the bed and turn out the lights. I take a drink from the bottle, handing it to you for a drink. While you do, I hold you against the wall and start kissing your neck, allowing the champagne in my mouth to tingle against your skin, almost causing you to spit the champagne out of your mouth in shock.

After quickly swallowing your drink you sigh "mmmm".

I swallow, taking the bottle from your hand and sipping again, moving up to your ear, taking the lobe into my mouth, sucking it lightly, dipping it into the bubbly champagne in my mouth.

"Oohhhh mmmm" you moan loudly, dragging your nails along my back, pulling my groin to yours, grinding against the wall. My free hand runs softly over your stomach, up to your breasts, squeezing them gently, finding your shirt buttons with my fingers, I start to undo them.

Swallowing the champagne I moan into your ear softly as I feel your own hands on my bare waist. My lips brush gently across your check, tenderly meeting your open mouth. I undo all the buttons, opening your shirt so that your skin is exposed to the warm air in the room. I break from the kiss, my eyes open slowly, gazing deep into yours, watching your reaction as I stroke your breast with my fingers.

You lock your eyes with mine, mouth open, gasping, gently biting your lip as I pull your bra down, setting free your right breast. I raise the champagne bottle to my mouth, taking a long sip, then put the bottle on the floor beside me. I stand again to find you smiling wide at me, I smile wickedly at you, my mouth filled with champagne.

I put my hands out to take yours, your slide your hands into mine, unsure of what I have planned. I raise our hands over your head, pressing you against the wall, putting your hands together above your head. I hold them against the wall with my left hand. Then I move my head down in front of your breast, and quickly press my lips to your nipple, opening my mouth, letting the champagne wash over your sensitive skin.

"Ohh god Mandy" you exclaim, arching your back, pushing your breast into my mouth. I gently rub your other breast with my right palm, pulling your bra down with my thumb, slightly brushing your nipple. I move my mouth over to tease your other nipple with the champagne before swallowing. You're moaning loudly at being slightly restrained by my hand, so I let you go, placing my hands on your breasts before surrendering to your fiery kisses, your passions boiling over after being held in for so long.

I find myself being pushed onto the bed, I lay on my back, leaning up on my elbows as you move to hover over me. You sit astride my groin, unbuttoning my shirt swiftly, your breathing erratic, I watch your breasts rise and fall with every breath. Your hands skilfully undo my bra, I sit up to remove my shirt and bra, in the meantime you do the same. We sit together topless, as I move my hands to your waist, you push me back against the bed by my shoulders. My hands now resting on your thighs.

You lean down to kiss me, stopping before our lips meet, smiling as I try to kiss you. You move forwards once more, holding me down by my shoulders. You allow your lips to lightly touch my bottom lip, pulling back again when I try to lean forward.

You're teasing me, giggling as I writhe in frustration.

I slide my hands up along your waist, up your sides to your shoulders, gently trying (without success) to pull you towards me. You smile wickedly at me, taking my wrists in your hands and pinning them above my head to the bed.

"Two can play at this game" you purr, restraining me now. Your breasts gently resting on my own, nipples rubbing against each other as I playfully struggle under you. You kiss me hard, showing my mouth no mercy, your tongue on a mission, playing with mine, a long wet kiss.

You start to move your hips, rhythmically rocking against my mound, causing me to moan deeply, sliding my knees up, parting my legs. Your tongue slides out of my mouth and moves down my neck to my chest . I gasp, watching you, knowing exactly where you're going, wanting my hands to be free, but loving the power this is giving you.

Your lips find my nipple, you circle your tongue around it, gently caressing, then you place your tip right on my hard and sensitive bud.

"Ohhh my oohhhhh" I moan as I feel the pressure of your tongue.

You "mmm" in satisfaction at hearing me. You playfully lick at my nipple, then gently suck down on it, taking as much of my breast into you as you can. I feel the surface of your tongue slowly sliding back and forth over my sensitive nipple.

"Ohh baby" I groan, looking down at you looking up at me. You lick harder, I arch my back, thrusting my groin upwards, pressing between your legs, wishing our jeans weren't in the way.

I start to slide my wrists from under your grasp, you let go, allowing me to move again. Rather than frantically grope you now that I'm free, I gently run my fingers through your hair, over your bare back and return to your thighs. I run my palms along the top, trailing my thumbs along your inner thighs. My hands move up to the waistband of your jeans, where I undo the button and slowly slide the zip down, causing you to gently nibble on my nipple, groaning your approval. I undo the button on my own jeans and slide the zip down, my hand now resting between our groins. I rub at your jeans with the back of my hand as a finger from my other hand gently circles your bellybutton.

Your mouth suddenly moves from my breast as you sit up, tossing your head back, "mmmmmm" you exclaim, grinding your body down onto my hand. My finger moving from your bellybutton up between your cleavage, where I softly trace your breast, circling each nipple, pressing gently on the sensitive erect bud.

You place one hand on my belly, fingers dragging downwards to the waistband of my jeans, pulling them down suggestively as you pull your own jeans down.

I take the hint and lift my butt off the bed, pressing hard against you, lifting you slightly before you rise to stand on the bed, still astride me, giving me a great view. I slide my jeans down and kick them off with my feet. You slide yours down over your hips, letting them fall on top of me, I help you to remove them completely, throwing them through your legs onto my jeans on the floor.

I look into your eyes, you gaze back at me and start to sit down again. As you do I catch a glimpse at your panties, I may be mistaken but it seems as though you're a little wet . I don't feel so bad now because I'm absolutely dripping. You sit on top of me once more, moving to lay on me, our legs intertwining, arms wrapped around us, holding each other close, skin on skin, feeling so nice and warm. I brush your hair out of your eyes and tuck it behind your ear, looking deeply into your passion filled eyes.

We kiss, igniting a fire in our hearts that threatens to burn us alive. We wriggle and writhe as our hands dance along bare skin, occasionally coming into contact with panties.

Your lips move away from mine, travelling along my jawline to my ear where you nuzzle and suck my earlobe.

"Ohhh" I moan, my heart thumping through my chest, I'm sure you can feel it since we're cuddling so tightly.

My right hand slides down to the small of your back, sliding my hand slowly under the waistband of your panties, caressing your bare bottom gently. Your sucking intensifies as you feel my hand squeeze your butt cheek, fingers sliding softly between your slightly parted legs. I feel a heat radiating from there, wanting to investigate further I slide one finger down the centre of your bottom, slowly edging down, you suddenly gasp into my ear as I discover your wetness. I smile, moaning deeply as I'm enjoying the slippery feeling "mmmmmm honey".

You part your legs wider, allowing my fingers to slide right under you, I find your swollen clitoris and gently finger it, you press your pussy onto my hand, breathing rapidly, rocking against me. You let out a long deep moan, throwing your head back, mouth open, I lean up to suck on your neck, nibbling with my lips, wanting to give you a love bite, my passion increasing fast.

I slide my fingers along your inner lips, stopping to slowly tease your entrance, rubbing my finger there before sliding my wet finger along your bottom. I pull your panties down from the back, you lift your body for them to be removed, grabbing my panties waistband as you do. I raise my butt for them to be pulled off, we slide them down our legs and they fall to the floor.

You lay beside me now, pulling me towards you for a passionate embrace . our bodies pressed together as one, legs entwined, arms holding each other close. I rest my chin on your shoulder, breathing deeply, gently laying a kiss on your neck, brushing my lips along your jawline to meet your tender lips.

Kissing you gently I hold you close, our breasts pressed together, stomachs touching, mounds writhing slowly, passionately, legs pulling each other closer. Your tongue gently pushes against mine, caressing my mouth deeply, slowly winding around as my tongue attempts to enter your mouth. This soft passionate making out causes us both to moan into each other, loving the intimacy.

My hands wander uncontrollably over every part of your body, bringing your knee to rest on top of my leg, parting your legs slightly as I gently massage your bottom with my fingers.

Our lips, mouths, tongues wind faster against each other as our desires rise . your hands rubbing my breasts intently, my fingers sliding over your butt and along your spine, sending shivers over your body. My hand runs over your waist, sliding my fingers down over your hip, finding your bellybutton, caressing it gently, trailing my fingers lower through your hair, finding your wet clitoris with my thumb. You let out a high pitched gasp following with a long loud moan as my thumb goes to work. I gently slide my fingers between your wet inner lips, softly circling your pussy entrance. I break from our kiss to gaze into your eyes as I slowly slide one finger inside you, I watch as you lock your eyes on mine, moaning softly as you feel me enter you.

We kiss passionately, as my finger slides rhythmically into you. Following my lead, your slide your palm firmly between my legs, rubbing my pussy completely gently up and down.

"Ohhhh baby" I moan, "I wanna taste you, shall we 69?" I ask in a tone of voice that suggests a sense of urgency. "Mmmmmm yessss" you groan, moving your body around on top of me, you sit astride me swiftly, eager to continue the passion.

I place one hand on each of your hips and slowly pull you back and down onto my face, letting out a soft groan as I take in your sweet scent. As you gently sit downwards I delicately kiss your clit, causing you to jump at this soft first touch. I keep my lips pressed there allowing you to get used to the soft caresses.

You become used to them very quickly, I hear you breathing more rapidly as I slide my tongue along the hardened bud at the top of your lips. You run your hands along my thighs, I part my legs slightly only to have you push them further and further apart opening myself up for you.

I feel your lips and tongue gently caressing my wetness and I writhe under you, sliding my own tongue between your moist inner lips.

I alternate between long slow licks and gentle circles along your inner lips, pleasuring every inch of warm wet flesh my tongue comes in contact with. A long deep moan escapes my breath as I feel your skilful tongue lapping at my pussy. You concentrate your efforts on my entrance now, slowly working your tongue deep inside me, I moan your name as you caress me there.

I softly circle your clit with my eager tongue, sliding swiftly between your lips and circling once more, this time at your pussy entrance. Mmmm god you taste so damn good, I like and press my tongue slowly into you, feeling the warm walls surrounding me as I push as far as I can go. I moan as I taste you deep inside, sliding my tongue back and forth, the vibrations from my mouth causing ripples of pleasure to pierce your very core.

In return you slide your tongue rhythmically inside me, sensing the urgency in my frequent moaning. I slide my tongue out of your pussy and softly caress your throbbing clit, gently edging two fingers into you. I close my lips around your clit and begin to suck lightly on the hardened bud, easing my fingers in and out of your wet pussy.

You press your face into me, continuing to eat me out, your thumb rubbing my clit intently. Our bodies writhing, both so close to orgasmic ecstasy. I hold my fingers inside you, tongue flicking steadily at your clit, your groaning becomes louder, your pussy tensing around my fingers as I gently rub your inner walls. Mmmmm my tonguing drives you over the edge, your body shaking and bucking against my mouth. I pull you down hard onto my face, sliding my tongue slowly over your sensitive clit as waves of intense orgasm wash over you.

I feel myself start to throb around your tongue as you moan into me, thrusting your tongue deep inside me. We cum together, our bodies bumping and grinding, hips jerking, moaning and sighing as we taste each other's juices. We softly lick each other clean. I run my hands over your back as you sit up to turn around, virtually collapsing on top of me. I wrap my arms around you, holding you close. Our breathing trying to slow down as we rest. I softly kiss you, tasting myself on your lips. My tongue lazily laps at your lips, tickling and teasing you softly.

I break from the kiss to warmly gaze into your eyes, smiling.

You ask "Do you have to be anywhere in a hurry tonight or tomorrow morning?"

"Mmm not as far as I know, you?" I respond.

"Nope... Stay with me tonight?" you ask.

"I'd like that... a lot" I reply, taking your face softly in my hands and planting a sweet kiss on your lips then embracing you.

After a little while, you move from on top of me, getting up to get the champagne, returning to bed quickly. I'm laying under the sheets now, my arm out to the side, welcoming you into bed, into my arms, into my life.

You lay beside me and I wrap my arm around you. We drink champagne, cuddle and chat into the early hours, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.

------------ Copyright LeApFrOg 2002

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