First Date with a New Mate

By discord3231

Published on Nov 13, 2023


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Chapter 3.5 - Bathroom

"You've been awfully quiet today, you OK?"

Janie, Eric and I were sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria, they had been talking about the latest gossip going around that apparently Lachlan had started seeing someone recently. Apparently he was quite into her and out had happened fast. He still hadn't told anyone her name yet though, but it wouldn't be long before I knew who he was choosing over me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just had a word night last night, nothing worth getting into. So you really think it's Bianca? I thought they'd already hooked up before?"

"Hooked up meaning screwed, and he's not known for going back to the roots he's already thrown away, theres no way it's her, it's either a new girl or someone we wouldn't expect, why else would it be a secret who he's seeing?" Eric chipped in.

"Why do we even care who the skank is? Who cares who he sleeps with or dates or messages?"

"We don't 'care' it's just gossip." Janie responded. "Besides, why are you so grouchy today? Why aren't we allowed to talk about school gossip without pissing you off? Do you think it's a girl you're into or something?"

Eric looked at me when she said that, and then changed the topic, him being the only person I'd told so far that I was gay. Or maybe gay, maybe bi. I wasn't sure. But for now, we were running with gay.

"Andy's right, even if he is being grouchy. Its not like Lachlans live life is especially important, just because hes popular? I'm sure I've slept with hundreds more ladies than him, and just because I'm not as cool, nobody cares."

We all had a small laugh at Erics expense, he was attractive but it had never really sunk in with him, so he'd never gotten very confident, and struggled to get dates, let alone lose his virginity. He smiled at me to ease the tension between the group, a subtle smile that I knew meant he was here for me, he wasn't going to let Janie or anyone make digs at me, and wasn't gonna let anyone know about me until I was ready for them to.

After third period, Eric caught back up with me, coming into the bathroom as I was about to leave.

"Hey, wait here a sec, man."

He checked that the three stalls were empty, before resting his hands on my shoulders.

"What's been up with you today, Andrew? I've got a guess, but rather than assume, I'd rather you just tell me, OK?"

He turned away and went to one of the urinals, and I could hear the sound of his zipper come down, and his stream begin splashing into the urinal.

"It started today, ever since you heard the rumour that Lachlan had a new girl lined up. The odd thing is, you've never seemed to have a thing for him, or at least not that I knew of? I knew you thought he was cute, I mean, who doesn't? But you never had a crush, when did that happen?"

His confusion could almost be mistaken for sadness, a somber tone to his voice.

"I didn't, not until, well... A few nights ago, we started chatting, he started flirting, and, I don't know, no one really flirts with me, I know I'm not ugly, but it's not like there's a lot of guys exactly banging down my door."

"And I'm sure you love your door fetting banged, huh?" He chuckled, shaking off the last few drops as he tucked himself away. I couldn't help but laugh along with him, Eric always knew hiw to make me laugh since we were kids, even on my worst days.

"Anyway, as I was saying" I continued.

"We started flirting, and we met up. We had a date and I.. I think I might kinda like him? And then yesterday, we watched a movie together. It was fun." "A movie? You had a flirt and a movie and now he's all yours? He's done more than that with most of the girls in school, dude, you can hardly lay claim to him.

"We did more than just watch a movie. We.. other things happened..

"Oh? Well, if you want to talk about anything, I'm always here to listen, man. But nobody knows this chicks name, you know that right? Why wouod Lachlan keep her a secret when he never has before? Did you ever think the girl you're jealous of is yourself?"

The thought hadn't even crossed my mind, but now that it was, I couldn't help but grin a little, as he walked up and pinched my cheek.

"Theres that smile I love, now clean yourself up, your face smells like my dick" he laughed, letting my cheek go and giving it a pat, before going to the sink and washing his hands. I walked next to him and grabbed some paper towels and wet them under the sink, wiping at my cheek where his hand had touched me.

"What, the smell of my dick don't do it for you? Not all boned up from that?" He laughed again. "Up to much today?"

"Yeah, Joey and I are going shopping. He reckons I need new underwear." I rolled my eyes, as if the idea didn't excite me slightly.

"Anyway, I better get back to ckass, thanks for hearing me, for listening to me, Eric."

Thank you for reading this far, hopefully if I get some good feedback, then part 4 will be up within a few weeks!

Again, if you enjoyed my story, flick me an email on and tell me what you thought of it. Even if you dont enjoy the story, still email me, I can take constructive criticism if you're cute!

Next: Chapter 5

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