Fishing Trip with Ralph and Joe

By moc.liame@latekcuhc

Published on Jan 6, 1999



These stories are fantasy based upon real events that took place in my life. Some of the following events may contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men and MINOR boys Any resemblance to any particular boy, man, teenager, penis or other anatomical part is just your over-active imagination. Some of the following story depict unprotected sex. It's fantasy. You are reality. Practice safe sex. I do not condone either incest or child abuse, however boy-love-sex as described in the following experiences are a matter of fact and I make no excuses for what happened to me in the past. Copyright (c) 1997 by Chucketal. All rights reserved. You have the right to download this story to keep on your computer, and to print a hard copy if you preserve the title, warning and copyright notice. You do not have the right to repost this, pass it on to anyone, or use it for commercial purposes. You have my permission to enjoy this story as stated above and let other know where to find it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the one of many experiences I plan to write about and post for everyone to read. All of these stories are based upon fact. I have changed the names of the people and the places where they took place to protect the "guilty". If you like what I have written, please drop me an e-mail. If any of the people involved in the stories are reading this, please send me an e-mail. I would love to hear from you. This is one of a series of personal experiences for your personal entertainment. Feel free to tell others how to find them. Follow-up experiences will be posted shortly, if they have not been already. If you enjoy these adventures, please email me at <> I welcome and appreciate suggestions, constructive comments or corrects to my writings. submitted by Copyright 1999 by Chucketal Keene, NH Copyright Notice: I freely distribute my writings and do not charge any fee for that service or a fee to access them. You may not change or distribute my writings in any way as included in my copyright notice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FINAL WARNING: If the subject of man/boy sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! This story is intended for adults only. You should know whether you want to be reading this or not! You have been warned! Read at your own risk! [Parts of my humble beginning are NOT meant to be erotic in content but help to set an understanding for later experiences. If you choice to skip this portion you may well not understand the reasons for later events. They were originally written for my entertainment and became good therapy. I share my writings for your enjoyment. If they become more than reading enjoyment to you or you wish to add your thoughts and emotions to mine, please feel free to email me. Enjoy!] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1957 AGE SIXTEEN - FISHING TRIP WITH RALPH AND JOE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16.2 Back in February 1957, my stepfather, Ralph, got a warm invitation from his real estate client, Joe Burns. I was barely sixteen, not yet considered a man by some. Ralph called me to his office that afternoon and asked me about school and how things were going. I reported that things were okay, but he was more interested in the amount of work load I had ahead of me. I told him that I did not think I was in any serious danger of overloading. It was then that he told me he was invited to go on a boat trip with Joe. He said there was no way my mother could get away. They thought I might like to go along in her place. The thought of getting away from winter for even a few days sounded great to me. The only catch was to convince my teachers that I could miss a few days with no problem keeping up with assignments. Ralph recommended that I bring extra school work along with me. It was settled. I arranged with my eleventh grade teachers to give me time off with the promise that I would make up class time and studies. There was only one class that I took extra home work from. The thrill of getting away from winter was on my mind for days. I dreamed of a warm boat deck and some cool drinks. Every time I had a discussion with Ralph I pumped him with more questions about the trip until I ran out of questions I could to ask. I had gone to school that Wednesday morning, but did not amount to much there. Ralph made arrangements for us to meet Joe at his office in a small city some twenty miles south of us that afternoon. Joe was finishing up with a client as we arrived, so we walked across the street to a cafe for a soda. We were about finished when Joe found us. Joe was his usual pleasant, friendly self. His reddish blond hair was shining in the day light. We had known Joe for years. He and I had become good friends although we were much different ages. At my sixteen years Joe was about thirtyish, but did not look much older that about twenty. The light complexion was most likely what made him look so young. Joe had a quick coffee and we all went back to the office where he gave us more details about our trip. He suggested that he put his things in our station wagon and then we all drove over the airport together. Because of his business, Joe felt it necessary to own his own air plane. It was a small (it seemed large to me) two engine, eight or ten passenger craft. We loaded our luggage in the compartments and some food stuffs the seating area. Ralph backed the wagon into the storage garage where the plane had been parked. Two other guys arrived just as were finishing loading our belonging into the plane. It was only a few more minutes before we were all seated and buckled up for take off. The flight was to last a total of about seven hours with a stop for fuel. Joe did most of his own piloting and let Walter, one of the other guys, take over some of the time. Walter was about twenty-five and a very dark complected, rough looking guy with a rather deep gruff voice. He seemed to be someone I would not want to cross. I had been with him and Joe a few times before, so I knew he was not as rough as he appeared to me. The other guy, Harvey, was a bit older with some gray streaks in his hair. I had to guess that he must have been about forty-five or so. He was most interested in visiting with Ralph all of the time. They sat a distance from me and talked about just about everything, not that I was paying much attention to them. With all of the excitement of the trip combined with my lack of sleep and the whir of the engine, it did not take long for me to go off to sleep. It was about two hours later that the plane banked steep to one side and I was woken up. We were making a turn to follow some high mountain peaks before we climbed high above them. Joe was showing the scenery to his passengers as he piloted the aircraft. In my blurry eyed condition, I managed to get out of my seat once the plane was back on a level course. The sitting had given my kidneys a reason to pain some from the need to let out some pressure. I staggered my way to the back of the plane to a small door that opened into a small compartment where there was a small round seat with a hole in it. In other words I found the toilet. Holding on with one hand I got my pants opened enough to pull my penis from its hot resting place just in time to let go of the bladder fluid. It was such a relief that I had forgotten to lock the door. In midstream the door open to find me standing holding onto the hand railing and my penis. A voice from behind said, "Excuse me for busting in like this. It looks like you have things well in hand." With that the door closed behind me. I was so numb from the sleep that I had not time to respond in anyway, before Harvey was gone. Otherwise, I could have been a bit embarrass in that position with some guy I had not met before. I figured, "What the heck. If he did not mind, then I guess I might as well not either." Harvey did not make anything of it so I left it along. I had not thought about him seeing me go into the toilet and did not expect he would have with his steady conversation with Ralph and occasionally Walter. By the time I arrived back to my seat, I was coming around enough to realize that it was almost time to get into some food. We had brought some cold sandwiches and soda to keep us from starving on the trip, so Mom had said. I sat there paying little attention until Harvey went by me on his way to the toilet. He just smiled and winked at me as he passed. Ralph gathered up some food not long afterward for the whole of us. Walter made a trip to the pilot's compartment with food for Joe and keep him company there for sometime. That left me with Ralph and Harvey. Harvey explained to me that we were going to be on his boat. That perked my interest and I began to ask questions about the vessel we were to be living on for days. He explained that it was docked among other boat in inland enough to protect it. We would stand on it at dock every night and do some open water cruising in the day time. The boat, as he referred to it, had its own kitchen with staff, a state room and several cabins for his guests. To me it seemed like a big boat. I would have to wait and see for myself. With all my questions asked the conversation became boring so I retired back to my seat to watch out the window and eventually go back to sleep. For the benefit of the reader, I will skip the rest of the flight and pick up where we arrived at this small boat with a state room and kitchen. There were many boats, small and large to see as we got to the docks. Soon Harvey had us drinking cold drinks (soft for me) and viewing all the other boats around him. The staff were very nice to us. They were always around to add more to our drinks and see that we were comfortable. Not long we were greeted with food for a king's party. There was all kinds of meat, fruits, and vegetables. One of the staff members was a young guy about twenty or so. It was like he was assigned to me or something. Eugene was his name, looked after me and made sure that I was not thirsty or hungry. After dinner Eugene escorted me to the cabin that was to be mine for the vacation. Once we were inside the room he was to help me change into my swim suit to use the area pool. It was bit embarrassing to have someone around with me undressing, so I waited until he had all my things put away and finished telling me where things were or how they operated. He was not about to leave me along so I was going to have to go the bathroom to change. Before I got to leave the room, Eugene asked if I would mind if he also changed in my room with me. He said that he was going to go up to the pool and wanted a place that he could leave his clothes. There was not much I could say about it and besides that I was suddenly looking forward to seeing my new friend with less clothing on. Eugene stated to undress as soon as I said I did not mind. Off came his shoes and socks first. Then he removed his shirt to reveal a tanned upper body with just a touch of light hair on his chest. The warm sunny winter days had given him a light bronze skin with not a blemish to be seen. While I was undressing slowly, he slipped out of his pants and stood there in plain view in a pair of startling white undies packed tight. I sat on the bed and slid my pants down over my feet and looking out of the corner of my eyes to see this young guy bare himself before me. Then I realized that I had not seen a pair of swim shorts and wondered for a moment, in between viewing him, where he would come up with them. He turned and bent over in front of me to dig into his pants pocket to pull out a small piece of cloth. As he was still bending over he removed his white undies. There it was. A view of his buns. I was stunned to see that they were as bronzed as the rest of his body. I expected to see the whiteness that we all get from keeping our private parts of our bodies covered. When he bent further to put out what was a scant swim piece his butt hole was visible to me. I thought how wonderful that free showing was. And before I got all hard about it and before he looked back around I made it to the bathroom and quickly changed from the undies to my swim suit. Eugene was gone when I got back out of the bathroom. I was somewhat disappointed but knew that I was not willing to embarrass myself with a hard on in front of that new friend. He would surely think of me as some weird kid. It would be soon enough to see more of him if I played my timing right. Slowly, I made my way from the cabin back up on deck to join the others. Some of them were changed into swim suits too. Eugene was fast to let me know that I could go up to the pool with him and with no objection for Ralph, I accepted his offer to escort me there. Ralph was not interested in going to the pool or swimming so he stayed behind with Harvey, Walter and some other guests. Along with us was Joe and two other guests that I had not met before or now remember well enough to have recall their names. Eugene was a good swimmer compared to the usual tourist like me or Joe. He was in good form as well. The piece of cloth that he kept in his pants pocket was just that. It was what guys refer to as a bikini swim suit. He packed the blue cloth full of his equipment and not a hair was showing around the sides as would be expected it I was to wear something that much exposure. I found myself admiring his form and body and hoped to see the whole of him later if we got to change together. I was willing to chance getting a hard on just to see this bronze guys all over. I thought for sure that his everything would not be as bronze as the rest of him. Time was to tell all. Before everyone decided to go back I hurried myself ahead of the group to make sure that I got to my cabin and changed before my showman arrived. The plan was to be only partly dressed so I would have an excuse to be in the room with Eugene. Sure enough the plan worked. I got back in time to get my damp swim suit off as had my undies back on when Eugene knocked at the door. I let him in while still in my undies and no more. I was willing to let him see some more of me as well as I would see him, I hoped. Before Eugene did anything to undress he said, "Harvey invited me to stay over with you guys, but told me that all the cabins were full. He said I could stay only if you would allow me to bunk in with you. How about it?" I was breathless for the moment and could only manage to utter, "Ya. I guess so." "You sure you don't mind me bunking with you for the night? It would save a trip back in the morning to help with breakfast. You are good about this short notice and all" said Eugene. My head was spinning as I told him that I would not mind his company. With my head still spinning Gene, as he wanted me to call him, removed the scanty bikini bathing suit. Amazed I was again to see that he or his equipment was just as bronzed as the rest of his body. I could not understand how he could get to be so tanned all over like that, but then he must have had a place to strip down and get the rays on him. Gene had a semi hard on at, I would get to be, about five inches of tanned skinless muscle. And once again there did not seem to be a blemish anywhere to be seem, not a single mark to be seen. He seem to make sure that I had time to get my eyes full of him before he got into his undies and got the rest of his clothes on. As Gene was getting dressed, I finished putting my clothing on. He said that we might be more relaxed if we left our shirts off for the while. I agreed with his insight and left my shirt behind as we climbed the stairs to the main deck. For me it seemed early enough in the evening to visit more. The time change was an hour later than with I was use to back home. It was getting cool for the climate and Gene wanted to go inside the closed deck to get away from the tropical winter breeze. The lights shined brightly and the music was low so we could easily talk over it. Gene and I had another drink and sat down on a lounge chair next to each other. He chatted away and I listened mostly. The group soon thinned out and Gene noticed that it was getting late for him as he had to get up early to help prepare the breakfast meal for all of us. Ralph came by and replaced Gene as he left for the cabin. Harvey filled his glass and joined us. The conversation came around to me and what I thought of his little boat. I was quick to compliment him on his big boat. Ralph sat and laughed at my remarks and how Harvey played down his boat. Harvey asked if I would mind if Eugene shared the cabin with me to allow him to be on hand for early breakfast. I told him it would be neat to have company at night and left it at that. He remarked, "Now don't let the boy keep you wake all night. I know how boys can carry on at night." I just smiled at him as he winked at me. Ralph had a silly grin on his face as he said, "I think we might hit the hay. It was a long day so far. If you don't mind, Harvey I think we will turn in." Harvey concluded that he was tired also and would be right along as soon as he see to putting a few things away and turning down the lights. He patted Ralph on the back and said, "See you in the cabin." That was the first that I knew that Ralph was sharing a cabin with anyone. He put his hand on my bare shoulder and said his good night to me. The room was still lighted when I got down to the cabin. Gene had turned in and left the lights on. He was just laying under the thin sheet. Quietly, I removed my clothes down to my undies and slid into the bed. I was about to pull the sheet over me, when Gene peeked at me with one eye open and said, "You mind if I sleep in the raw?" I said, "I don't mind. I let slip, "I do all the time at home." "So why you changing tonight?" asked Gene. "You embarrassed or something? Maybe you think I would rape you?" he grinned wide eyed at me. "Why would I think that?" I said nervously. "Well most guys who sleep raw like that end up playing with themselves at night. You know what I mean?" said Gene. "Ya. I know what you mean," I replied. "Well it is up to you, kid," and he rolled over and threw the sheet off. It was not much for me to slip out of my undies and get into bed after I had turned off the light. That left the stream of light in the window from a security light on the dock. Once my eyes had adjusted a few minutes later I could see the form next to me. It was nearly shaking with excitement and dared not make a move. Once I was in bed and starting to drift off, my bed mate rolled over in my direction and slipped his arm around me. His move was not a surprise although not expected right then and there. I was laying on my back and was not in any position to hide myself well. The feel of his hand and arm across my middle was enough to get my young body excited. Before long my penis was claiming extra blood. It was not enough to get a full erection, but enough to start the process going. It did not help then when Gene moved his hand down my stomach to my pubic hair. I could feel his fingers move around in the hair. That was all I needed to be erect. In less than a minute my penis was up full and laying on his hand. He slid his hand out from under my hot shaft and placed it on top of it. At that point I was a no return. Gene gently squeezed my hard on, not that I needed the help to get harder. In the meanwhile he was pressing his own hard on up against my upper leg. I just knew that I was leaking beyond control and Gene touched the tip of my penis head to be sure that I was ready for his next move. And move he did. He slid down the length of the bed until his face was even with my crotch. Still holding onto my hot muscle he did not hesitate to put his mouth over it and suck it inside. The heat and wetness was more that I needed. The control at sixteen was not something that I had accomplished well. In a few good hard sucks I was trying hard to hold back. Gene took a suck break to tell me that he wanted all that he could get out of me and to not try to hold back, because he planned to do me a couple more times before he had to cook breakfast in the morning. With that encouragement, I was ready, willing and very able to let go of that which I has saved up for the day. Being a young lad back then I made it a practice not to go more than a day or two before getting thrills for myself. Then it struck me, the tenseness all over my body, the uncontrolled convulsions and it was all over but the shots of cum erupting from the head of my penis. Gene was not missing a molecule of my seed. He sucked deeper and harder and let his tongue press on the underside of my shaft until that was nothing more to cum from me. And to be sure he slowing sucked to the tip of the head, his tongue action all the way up. I laid there exhausted from his influence on my body or at least a body part. While I laid there Gene got up and put on the light to see his victim. He straddled me with his iron rod. The drops of precum were seen clearly in the light. He bent down and planted a kiss on my lips ever gently and straighten up grabbing his own man meat and pumped it to eruption. The hot fluid felt good as it plopped on various parts of my body from my crotch to my upper chest. There must have been at least six good blasts of cum before it dribbled out of the pee slit. A large gob was seen just sitting on the end. With his other hand, Gene scooped up the gob and put it to his mouth. I wondered how he could do that to himself like that. I had tried it but always lot any desire I might have had once I shot off. Not only did he clean the cum from his meat and eat it, he bend down and licked me clean as well. It felt sensational as his tongue made its way from my neck to my crotch. When Gene got back to my crotch with his mouth, you can be sure that my man meat was responding. He took it into his mouth as he finished taking up all of his on juices that has spilled upon me. It took much longer this time for him to get me off. Perhaps two or three minutes at the most. I was shaking all over as he drew up another load from my testes. He was very professional from what I knew back then. His tongue action got me up another two times before I finally woke late and on my own the next morning. Gene was nowhere to be seen when I got my eyes to open to the daylight. I have to say that my testes were aching some when I got to the bathroom to drain my bladder. That was just the first night of a heated winter vacation.

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