Five Guys at Five Guys

By Edgar Friendly

Published on Jul 18, 2022




This story contains depictions of gay sex between teenage boys aged sixteen and eighteen and a middle aged man. It contains depictions of BDSM, piss play, and various acts of degradation. While none of this is real, for the sake of argument I must state clearly that all characters in this story engage in this activity consensually. As always the characters, places and activites depicted in this story are completely fictional and are not meant to represent any real places or people and any similarities to real places and people are purely coincidental and not intended in any way. Any questions, comments and criticisms are welcome. Please send them to

Thank you Edgar Friendly

Five guys at Five guys

"What the fuck Connor?!" Jeremy was furious, "Why would you do that?!"

Connor was offended, "What?! You said you wanted to pick up more shifts. You said you needed the money."

"Yeah but with Gary managing?!" Jeremy shouted, "You know he hates me!"

"He doesn't hate you-"

"The one time we worked together he treated me like shit!" Jeremy replied, "You saw the way he spoke to me!"

"Gary's an asshole." Connor dismissed Jeremy's protests, "He treats everyone like shit-"

"What difference does that make?!"

"Look, you're on the rota now so you can't get out of it." Connor said.

Jeremy could hear something in Connor's voice, "You... You're actually enjoying this right now aren't you?"

"... ... ... No."

"Yes you are!" Jeremy was now more pissed off than ever, "What the fuck man?!"

"I gotta go. Just be there at one." Connor hung up.

"Fucking asshole!" Jeremy threw his phone onto his bed then threw himself onto it too. His face buried in his pillow he growled to himself, "Grrrr! Why the fuck am I even friends with him?"

He of course knew the answer to this question. At age fourteen Jeremy had been surprised when from out of nowhere Connor had stepped forward to defend him from taking a beating in the school corridor...

"Argh!" Billy violently shoved Jeremy into the lockers.

"Watch where you're going fag!" Billy stared angrily at the younger boy.

Jeremy was scared and whispered, "I'm... I'm not a fag-"


Billy punched the locker right by Jeremy's face and leaned in close, "You calling me a liar?!"

"N n no I just... ain't a fag-"

"Then why did I hear you check out my little brother in the locker room?" Billy stared daggers into Jeremy's eyes, "He ain't no fag so you better stop looking at him like that!"

Jeremy was mortified. While it was true he had checked out Billy's brother Tommy in the locker room he certainly had no idea he had been caught, "I... I didn't! I swear-"

"So my brother's a liar then?!" Billy shouted, "Is that what you're saying?!"

"No I... I-"

"You WILL stop eye fucking my brother!" Billy raised a fist ready to punch, "And this'll help you remember-"


Both of them looked at who had spoken.

Jeremy recognised the sixteen year old as Connor, one of the popular kids. He was very much a ladies man and was always surrounded by the most beautiful girls in school. He approached slowly, "What are you doing Billy?"

"Nothing." Billy sneered as he looked back at a terrified Jeremy, "Just teaching this little faggot to keep his hands off my brother."

"Let him go." Connor said flatly.

"Why?" Billy asked.

"Because I said so." Jeremy replied.

"The fuck do you care?" Billy frowned at Connor, "You a faggot too?"

"No." Connor stepped forward and did the bravest thing Jeremy had ever seen anyone do in his life, "I'm gay."

Billy looked at Connor, "... ... ... What?"

"I'm gay." Connor repeated himself.

Billy was still frowning, "... ... ... No you're not."

"Yes, I am." Connor insisted.

Billy turned to face Connor, "Really?"


Billy was still sceptical, "... ... ... You sure?"

"Well I hope so otherwise having sex with all those guys was a BIG fucking mistake." Connor chuckled, "So, how about you walk away."

Billy looked Connor up and down, "You know I could beat the shit outta you right?"

"Probably." Connor was still completely calm, "But you're still gonna leave him and me alone and walk away."

"Why the fuck would I do that?"

"Because I'm best friends with Melissa." There was a glint in Connor's eye, "I trust her more than anyone so she's the first person I came out to. She trusts me too. Especially my taste in men so if I tell her to dump your ass she'll do it in a heartbeat."

Jeremy looked at Billy's face and was shocked to see genuine fear as he responded, "You... you wouldn't."

Connor stepped closer to Billy, "Try me."

Billy looked from Jeremy's scared face and back to Connor's confident one a few times, "... ... ... Fuck this." He pointed a finger in Jeremy's face, "You stop checking him out! My brother ain't no fag!"

Jeremy said nothing as Billy turned and walked away. He looked up at Connor, "Thanks."

Connor smiled, "No problem." He placed his hand on Jeremy's shoulder, "We gotta look out for each other right?"

"Oh! Erm... I... I really wasn't umm... I'm... really not gay." Jeremy tried to lie.

Connor just continued to smile, "... Okay."

The two of them became fast friends after this incident and spent most lunches together. The girls thought it was cute that Connor had taken Jeremy under his wing even though they didn't fully understand why. They wouldn't until a year later when Jeremy finally plucked up the courage to tell Connor, "Okay... ... ... I... ... ... I... am... gay."

Connor had just smiled and nodded, "I know."

Jeremy was surprised, "Really?"

"Bitch please." Connor laughed, "I knew before you did. I picked you out the day I first saw you."

Another year later at age sixteen it was time for Jeremy to get a job and Connor had hooked him up with a gig where he worked, Five guys.

He was excited at first, he LOVED Five guys and thought it would be fun working with Connor. He worked a few shifts and really enjoyed it. It was hard work but the team and his manager Tracy were really nice and made working fun.

About two months after he started Jeremy was slated to work his first Sunday shift. He was happy with this new development. He believed it meant they trusted him with more shifts and responsibilities. He was wrong.

Apparently someone had quit. He didn't know why until he met Gary, the manager who ran the shift on Sundays, "Are you stupid or something?!"


"No cheese on twenty six and double cheese on twenty nine!" Gary held the tickets up to Jeremy's face, "Can't you read?!"

"Oh... I... I'm sorry-" Jeremy began.

"Save it." Gary turned to the crowd of customers, "Please bare with us folks. My idiot of an employee messed up the orders." There were disapproving tuts, "Don't worry, I'll do it myself." He practically shoved Jeremy out of the way, "Move. Go and make yourself useful at the fry station. Moron."

Jeremy HATED Gary. As soon as the shift was over he got the fuck out of there and the very next day he told Tracy he would NEVER be available on Sundays. She understood, "Yeah Gary is a prick. I honestly don't know why he even picks up that shift. He clearly hates it and it's the only shift he does. Him and his wife are well off so he doesn't need to work."

"You could fire him." Jeremy suggested.

"And work the Sunday myself? No thank you. I won't put on you Sundays anymore."

Jeremy was relieved, "Thanks Tracy."

Three blissful Gary-free months later and Connor had just dropped the bombshell he had volunteered them both to work this Sunday. He was furious but knew the fallout from not turning up would probably be worse than putting up with Gary's shit for a few hours. He decided to stop worrying and just go to sleep.

"What time do you call this?!" Gary shouted angrily at Jeremy as he walked into the restaurant.

Jeremy checked the time on his phone, "It's twenty to one."

"You're late!" Gary said.

Jeremy was confused, "No... no I... I start at one-"

"You start when I say you start! Get ready and be back out here in five minutes or I'm docking your pay!"

"You can't do that!" Jeremy was already fed up with Gary's shit.

"Yeah? Well check your pay this month and test that theory. Go get ready! Five minutes!"

Jeremy began walking out back to get changed and said under his breath, "Fucking prick-"

"What was that?!" Gary shouted.

Jeremy froze and looked at him, "Err... nothing-"

"You're goddam right nothing! Get your scrawny ass in uniform and get back out here NOW!"

Jeremy seethed and bit his tongue as he made his way to the staff only area. He was thinking of all the things he would love to do to Gary to teach him a lesson when he opened the door of the changing room and his breath was taken away.

His eyes began at the legs, the sexy, muscular legs. As the boy before him pulled up his trousers Jeremy's gaze followed up to to the pert buttocks in tight boxer briefs. He then looked up the smoothe back and wide shoulders to the neck and blonde hair on the head that was turning towards him-

"Tommy?!" Jeremy couldn't believe it.

Tommy smiled, "Jeremy! I didn't know you worked here."

Jeremy found it difficult to not stare at Tommy's sexy chest and Tummy, "Umm... yeah... err... yeah I've worked here for a few months."

Tommy's smile was dazzling, "Cool." He pulled on his shirt, "I've been here about a month. How have I never seen you before?"

"That's what I was thinking." Jeremy had managed to control himself and walked into the changing room and began to get undressed. He stopped when he realised he was hard as a rock.

"Well, I only work Sundays. That might be why." Tommy made his way to the door, "See you out there."

"Wait." Jeremy called after Tommy who stopped to look at him, "You only work Sundays?"

"Yep. Best day to work am I right?"

"Really? With Gary?" Jeremy was confused, "You actually like working with him?"

"Of course not!" Tommy chuckled, "But you know... after."


"Yeah... wait... " Tommy regarded Jeremy curiously for a moment, "You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Oh man!" Tommy laughed hard, "You're in for a treat." He left the changing room.

Jeremy had no fucking clue what Tommy was talking about but quickly changed into his uniform and joined the others out front. Being Sunday there was a small team working. That was himself, Tommy, Connor, Tyrone and of course, the asshole manager Gary, "About damn time! How long does it take to get changed?!"

"I was only in there a minute-"

"Save it! We got orders! Get busy!"

Jeremy joined Tyrone at the grill and began preparing orders, "Man he is such an asshole."

"Yeah, he is." Tyrone responded, "Just remember that anger for later."

"What do you mean?" Jeremy asked.

Tyrone looked at him with a frown. He was about to say something when he looked at something behind Jeremy, nodded and went back to his work without saying anything. Jeremy turned and saw Connor looking at him with a wide smile. He winked before handing an order to a customer, "Number thirty one? Here."

It was a long and hard shift. Gary didn't waste any opportunity to insult, demean and degrade all of them, even using all manner of racial and homophobic slurs (although these he said under his breath) but seemed to take a special interest in Jeremy. Nothing he did was right and every little mistake was the end of the world. By closing time Jeremy had taken to holding a knife gripped tightly in his hand as he fantasied about plunging the blade into Gary's throat to shut him up once and for all.

After all was cleaned down Jeremy practically ran out back to the changing room and ripped off his uniform. He threw on his clothes and grabbed his backpack. He was about to burst out the door and leave when Connor walked in, "Whoa whoa whoa. What's your hurry?"

"Gary is a cunt! I can't believe you put me up to this! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Jeremy was incredibly angry at Connor for having put him in this situation.

"Calm down-"

"Fuck calm! Get outta my way!" Jeremy tried to push past Connor.

Connor placed his hands on Jeremy's chest and held him back, "Wait! Wait just a minute."

"For what?!"

"Come with me to the office." Connor said.

"So Gary can chew me out again?! Fuck that!" Again he tried to push past Connor.

"No." Connor stopped him again and held his gaze, "Do you trust me?"

Jeremy thought for a moment. He was so pissed off that Connor had put him in this situation... but he had been his best friend for two years... he had helped him come out and defended him from anyone that had a problem with him being gay, "... ... ... I guess... "

"Then come with me to the office." Connor smiled, "I promise you'll like what you see."

Jeremy growled, "Grrr... Fine!"

Jeremy followed Connor to the managers office. He was surprised when Connor didn't bother to knock and just walked in. He was flat out shocked by what he saw when they entered.

Gary was there, naked and on his knees. Tommy and Tyrone were stood over him berating the man, "Look at that tiny cock! You couldn't please a fucking hamster with that thing!" Tyrone taunted him.

"I know sir. I'm sorry sir." Gary replied.

"You are sorry. A sorry excuse for a waste of human skin." Tommy said before slapping Gary hard across the face, "Say it!"

"Argh! I'm a sorry excuse for a waste of human skin sir."

"Fucking pathetic." Tyrone said before lifting his boot, "Lick it!"

Jeremy watched in awe as Gary immediately began licking the filthy, grease and dirt covered boot like a dog. Connor tapped him on the shoulder, "This is why I said you shouldn't have left so quick the last time you worked a Sunday." He approached Gary and looked down at him, "You really are such a cunt." He kicked Gary hard in the stomache causing him to double over.

"Ooof! I... I'm a cunt sir."

Connor, Tommy and Tyrone all turned to look at Jeremy. Connor motioned for him to join them. Jeremy put down his bag and approached slowly. Once standing over Gary he looked down as the man that had made his day a living hell looked up at him. Connor placed a hand on Jeremy's shoulder, "Anything you want to say to Slave?"

Jeremy looked at him, "Slave?"

"That's right. Slave." Connor looked back at Gary, "You don't deserve a name do you?"

"No sir." Ga- Slave responded.

"See?" Connor smiled at Jeremy, "Slave here is a piece of shit and deserves to be treated like a piece of shit. So, anything you want to say to it?" Connor took great delight in Jeremy's shocked expression.

Jeremy understood now. He got it. He knew why Gary was such a prick and why Tommy actually chose to work Sundays. He also knew why Connor had volunteered him for the shift and was no longer pissed off, he was very appreciative. He looked down at the pathetic man as his anger rose within him. He spat in Slave's face, "You're a fucking CUNT!" He screamed.

"Yes sir. I'm a cunt sir." Slave went to wipe Jeremy's saliva off it's face.

"Put your fucking hand back down!" Tommy shouted, "You don't deserve a clean face!"

"Yes sir. Sorry sir." Slave let it's hand fall to it's side.

Connor put his arm around Jeremy's shoulders, "Lets have some fun with it."

"I hear that." Tyrone agreed and began removing his shirt. Jeremy couldn't help admiring the eighteen year old's muscular frame and brown skin. He gulped and noticed Tommy and Connor were also beginning to undress.

Tommy was down to just his boxer briefs when he noticed Jeremy checking him out. He smiled, "Just like the school locker room huh?

Jeremy was knocked out of his thoughts, "What? Oh! Err... yeah... sorry about that."

"Sorry?" Tommy beamed, "Are you kidding? I loved that the boy I had a crush on liked me too. I was just pissed off you stopped."

Jeremy was taken aback, "You... You what?"

Tyrone and Connor were completely naked now and Tommy was pulling down his boxer briefs to reveal his quickly stiffening cock, "Well you used to check me out every PE lesson then one day you just... stopped. Why?"

Jeremy's mouth watered at the sight of the naked body of the boy he had crushed on for years, "I... I umm... I thought you umm... didn't like it."

"What made you think that?"

"I umm... " 'Tommy... naked...', "Err... was told... " . Tommy frowned and stood with his hands on his hips, "Who told you that?"

"Umm Billy."

"That asshole. Yeah my brother's always had a problem with me being gay. Interfering wanker." Tommy approached Jeremy, "But let me assure you... " He brought his face close, "... I liked you watching me change." He kissed Jeremy causing an instant boner that was quite uncomfortable in his clothes. When he broke the kiss he smiled at Jeremy, "Get undressed.

Jeremy looked at the three now naked boys, "Are we... Are we really doing this?"

"Not with you dressed we're not." Slave spoke up.


Tyrone struck him acoss the face, "Noone said you could speak!" then turned to Jeremy, "It does have a point though. Come on man, lose the threads."

Jeremy looked at Tyrone's enormous cock and felt an overwhelming urge to suck it, "O... Okay." He began to get undressed. Once he was standing naked and hard in front of them he felt a little self concious and his cheeks flushed.

"Aww." Connor smiled, "You're all shy. That's so cute." He lightly spanked Jeremy's butt cheek.

"Save that for Slave." Tommy said, "Speaking of which." He approached slave, "You see this cock Slave?"

"Yes sir."

"I haven't showered for three days. Clean it with your mouth." Tommy told him.

"Yes sir." Slave took Tommy's hard, filthy cock into his mouth and began to suck and lick it clean.

"I'm gonna grab a beer." Tyrone said, "Anyone else want one?"

"Yeah man." Tommy said.

"Sure." Added Connor.

Tyrone looked at Jeremy, "You want one?"

"Err... I'm... I'm sixteen... " Jeremy replied.

"That's nice. You want a beer or not?" Tyrone asked again.

"Oh... err... " Jeremy looked at Connor who gave him a nod, "... err sure. Yeah a beer would be... a beer would be great."

"Just bring the crate." Connor said and Tyrone nodded before leaving the room.

"Hmmm.... Okay, that's enough." Tommy said removing his now very clean cock from Slave's mouth, "I don't wanna cum yet. I'm gonna do that in your ass. What do you say?"

"Thank you sir." Slave thanked Tommy for the honour of cleaning three days worth of smegma from his unwashed dick.

Connor walked over to a metal lock box that sat against the wall and opened it, "Now then, let's see... " Jeremy walked to stand beside him and had his breath taken away by what was in the box. He saw all manner of sex toys and bdsm gear. Connor reached inside and pulled out a cane, "Oooo, this'll be fun." He stood up and approached Slave, "On your feet!" Slave stood up, "Turn around and put your hands on the desk!" Slave followed the order and bent over slightly to place his hands on the desk before him, "You will thank me for every strike!" Connor raised the cane and brought it down hard on Slave's bare behind. It made contact with a satisfying SNAP!

"ARGH! Thank you sir!"


"ARGH! Th... thank you sir!"


The beating continued as Tyrone came back into the room holding a crate of beers. He handed one to Tommy and Jeremy then opened his own. The three of them watched Connor administering Slave's punishment while drinking them.


"ARGH! Th th thank you sir!"

"Now turn around and stand up straight!" Slave did, "Take your foreskin between your thumb and finger and pull you cock away from you and hold it there!" Slave followed these orders perfectly. Connor raised the cane-

"No way-" Jeremy said.


"AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!" Slave screamed in agony as the cane made sharp contact with the soft flesh of it's dick, "Th th th thank y y you s s sir!"

"Get back on the floor where you belong!" Connor instructed it.

"Yes sir." Slave responded before sitting back down on it's now red and sore behind, wincing as it did so. It sat there cross legged and waited for more punishment.

Tommy stepped forward and placed his foot on Slave's scrotum, "You have a tiny cock and pathetic balls don't you?"

"Yes sir."

Tommy put more of his weight on his foot crushing Slave's balls beneath it, "So it won't matter if I crush them then?"

"Hnnnnnggggrrrrr! N n no sir! It ARRRGGGHHHH! IT WON'T MATTER SIR!" Slave was in agony.

Tommy made sure to cause as much pain as possible before lifting his foot off of Slave's now sore testicles. He looked at Jeremy, "You wanna have some fun with it?" He smiled his dazzling smile.

Being a complete virgin Jeremy had no experience with this sort of thing at all but as he looked inside the box of toys and tools and remembered how much of a cunt Gary was he decided that, "Hell yeah... Yeah I wanna have some fun with it." The other three boys exchanged smiles. They were glad they could include Jeremy in their special Sunday night fun.

Jeremy reached into the box and pulled something out, "What's this?"

"A cock cage." Connor explained, "If we put that on him he can't get hard. If he starts to it'll hurt."

Jeremy looked at the contraption in his hand, "Oh fuck yeah." He approached Slave and held it out, "Put this on. Now!" Jeremy felt a rush of power as Slave took the cock cage and attached it to itself. He looked at Connor, "What else do we do?"

Connor smiled, "Oh there's a lot in our little box of fun. Let's have a look." All four of the boys began rummaging through the box. Connor pulled out some nipple clamps, "Of course we're using these." He stood up and approached slave. Kneeling down he attached the first clip-


Then the second.


"There we are. Tyrone grab the ball weight."

"Yeah man." Tyrone retrieved what looked to Jeremy to be a metal cylinder with a hole through it.

He passed it to Connor who ordered Slave to, "Stand up!" Slave got to it's feet and stood with his caged shaft just inches from Connor's face. Connor proceeded to attach the ball weight and intentionally let it drop.

"Ung!" Slave made a strange noise and his body jerked forward as the full weight tugged downwards on his testicles.

Connor stood up, "Turn around and bend over the desk!" Slave obeyed and Connor looked at Jeremy, "There should be some lube in there."

"Oh err... " Jeremy began looking in the box.

"Got it." Tommy found it first and stood up, "Who's first?"

Connor smiled at Jeremy, "This'll be your first time right?"

Jeremy's cheeks flushed red again as he looked down at the ground, "Umm... yeah." He said quietly.

"Aww." Tommy thought Jeremy was adorable, "Okay you GOTTA go first then." He opened the tube of KY Jelly and squirted some into his hand. He took Jeremy by surprise by taking his cock in his lubed up hand and rubbing it all over, "Lemme get that for you."

Tommy took in a sharp breath and let it out in a long sigh, "Hoooooohhhhhh... "

"Hey don't cum yet." Connor said then addressed Tommy, "That's enough."

Tommy let go of Jeremy's cock and winked at him. Jeremy walked over to Connor and slave who was still bent over the desk. He stood there unsure of himself for a moment. Apparently Connor could sense his nervousness. He placed a hand on Jeremy's shoulder, "You'll be fine. Just line your cock up with it's asshole and push in."

Jeremy nodded, "Okay... yeah okay.. I can... I can do that." As Connor had told him he moved in close behind Slave and lined his cock up with it's asshole. He pushed in- "Shit." It slipped up past it's intended target.

Connor placed a hand on Jeremy's back and smiled, "It's okay. Try again. You got this."

"I... I got this." Jeremy said as he again lined up his cock with the hole and pushed in. This time he did it right feeling the resistance of the asshole that denied him entry until, "Ahhhh!" The head of his dick popped inside and for the first time in his life young Jeremy felt the hot, tight embrace of a man's ass, "Ohhh fuck me!"

"If you like." Tommy said with a grin.

"Haha! Ohhh... err... not right now but... definitely some other time?" Jeremy replied and pushed more of his cock inside Slave who was moaning.

"Definitely." Tommy continued to grin as he opened another beer.

"I'll have it's mouth first." Connor said finishing his beer and throwing the bottle into the trash can. He moved to the other side of the desk and stood with his dick pointing at Slave's face, "Open!"

Slave opened it's mouth and it's moans became louder, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhhmmmm!" until Tommy shoved his cock in there, "Okay, Jeremy?"

Jeremy was just about balls deep, "Yeah?"

Connor smiled, "Fuck it. Fuck it hard."

Jeremy noded and began to move his hips, pumping his cock in and out of slave while Connor did the same to it's mouth, "Hmmm!"

"Oh you can fuck harder than that." Tommy moved to stand beside Jeremy, "Come on man go for it!" There was a significant increase in the speed and power with which Jeremy was fucking Slave, "There you go!" Tommy slapped Jeremy's ass.

"Keep out the way." Tyrone said as he stood beside the desk, cane in hand, "You two keep fucking it." He raised the cane and brought it down hard on slaves back with a loud SNAP!


"Ohhh fuck yeah!" Connor enjoyed the vibrations on his cock as he fucked Slaves throat while Jeremy-

"Oh! Ohhhh my god!" enjoyed the tightening of Slaves asshole as it reacted to the pain.


"Ohhh jesus!" Jeremy wouldn't last much longer.


"HMMM!" Connor was getting close too.


"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Jeremy was so so close-


"Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh!" Jeremy blew his load deep inside Slave and was hit by the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced, "Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhhh... " After shooting what felt like a galon of cum Jeremy collapsed forward onto Slave's back. Luckily Tyrone didn't swing the cane down again.

Seeing his best friend lose his virginity and knowing he had orchestrated it sent Connor over the edge, "Ohhhh shit! Ahhh! Ffffffuck!" He shot a thick load right down Slave's throat who dutifully swallowed.

Tommy rubbed Jeremy's back, "Well done. You like that?"

Jeremy was still catching his breath. He glaced up at Tommy's smiling face, "... Oh... my... god... "

Tommy laughed, "Haha yeah, I remember my first time. Okay pull out, I want a turn."

"Oh... yeah, right. Sorry." Jeremy lifted himself back up and slipped his slimy cock out of Slave. He looked down at it, "We umm... got some paper towels or something?"

"No need." Connor had recovered from his orgasm and indicated to Slave's face, "Use Slave's mouth to clean yourself up."

"Are you sure?" Jeremy wasn't, "I mean, will he like that?"

"We don't give a fuck what IT likes." Tyrone reminded him.

"That's right." Tommy agreed, "Go ahead man. It's okay."

"Umm... okay." Jeremy moved around the desk and presented Slave's mouth with his dirty dick. Slave immediately began to like the sensitive member clean causing sharp intakes of breath from Jeremy. Tommy began to fuck Slave hard.

As his dick was cleaned Jeremy and Tommy looked into each other's eyes. Jeremy couldn't help returning the smile that Tommy gave him, "Ung ung you wanna ung ung ung kiss me?"

Jeremy had fantasised about hearing theose words come out of Tommy's mouth for years. Now that he had heard them he could almost cry, "Oh my god yes... so so much."

"Well ung ung come here then ung ung ung."

Jeremy moved to stand beside Tommy as he continued to fuck Slave. Tommy turned his head to look deep into Jeremy's eyes, "You know I ung ung really had a ung ung massive crush on you at schoo-"

Jeremy cut Tommy's sentence short by planting his lips firmly on those of the other boy. He engaged him in a passionate makeout session while Tyrone moved to the other side of the desk and began face fucking Slave.

Connor picked up the cane and-



-brought it down hard on Slave's back.

Tommy broke the kiss to take in a sharp breath, "Oh! Ung I love it when it's ung arse tightens up like that!" Tommy was really pounding away at Slave's ass now, "Ung ung ung take this fucking dick!"

"Hmmm... hmm! Nah." Tyrone pulled his large cock out of Slaves mouth, "I don't wanna cum yet." He held his large member in his hand in front of slaves face, "This big black cock is gonna fuck your racist ass hard isn't it?"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes mAhster!"

Tyrone slapped his dick against Slave's face while Tommy continued to fuck it hard as he felt his climax rising, "Ohhhh fuck! Hmmmgonna cum! I'm... ahhh! Ahhhhhhhh!" Tommy came hard inside Slave adding his load to Jeremy's. Jeremy grabbed Tommy's face and turned it towards him so he could begin kissing him again.

Tyrone walked around to stand next to the two of them while lubing up his big, black shaft, "Alright love birds, out the way. I wanna stretch this cunt 'til it's wide open."

Tommy and Jeremy stopped making out and giggled before Tommy pulled out of Slave. He moved out of Tyrone's way and resumed kissing Jeremy.

"Aww." Connor cuckled as he watched the two of them while drinking his third beer, "You two are adorable." This had gone exactly as he had planned it. He couldn't be happier, "Still though, you might wanna clean off Tommy's cock before you get too close." He threw them some paper towels which Tommy caught and began using to wipe his dick clean.

"Wait, you're not using it's mouth for that?" Jeremy asked.

Tommy began, "Well-"

"ARRRRRGGGHHH!" Slave screamed as Tryone forced his huge dick into it's already abused asshole, "AAAARRRRGGHHHHH!"

"It wouldn't be able to clean it." Tommy explained getting the last of the slime off of his dick, "It always screams when Tyrone fucks it."

And it did. As Tyrone pumped it hard more and more of his man meat disappeared inside it until he was balls deep. Slaves screams eventually died down to agonized moans after Tyrone had fucked it hard for five minutes straight.

Tyrone's body glistened with sweat as he worked up to his orgasm. The force of his pelvis ramming into Slave's arse filled the room with the loud sound of slapping. The room by now smelt heavily of sex and sweat, "Hnngggrrr! Ah! Ah! Ah! Fuck! Hmmm FUCK!" He slammed his cock into Slave as deep and as hard as he could.

"AAAARRRRRGGGHHHHH!" One last scream from Slave as Tyrone emptied his balls deep in his guts.

"Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhffffuuuck!" His whole body shook as the intensity of his orgasm washed over him.

The sound of clapping caused Jeremy to look at Connor. He was applauding Tyrone's job well done, "Well done man. Very well done. Go on, pull out and let's take a look."

"Haha. Alright." Tyrone pulled his cock from Slaves hole causing it to sob.

When he stood back Jeremy gasped. He had seen gaping holes in porn before but seeing it in real life was something else, "Bloody hell... " Jeremy said out loud.

"Seems like an apt description." Tommy said before laughing, "Haha. Shall we leave it there for a while or-"

"Nah I need a piss." Connor shook his head, "Tyrone? Put it on the floor."

Tyrone pulled Slave off of the desk and it fell heavily to the floor. Tyrone kicked it over onto It's back and stood above it holding his now deflated cock. He began to piss on Slave as Connor knelt by It's head. He grabbed Slave's hair and pulled up It's head, "Look at me!" Slave opened it's bleary eyes, "You're gonna- Hey! Watch it man!" Some splashes of piss had wet Connor's arm.

"Sorry." Tyrone adjusted the trajectory of his stream.

Connor looked back at Slave, "Now then, I'm gonna put my dick in your mouth and you will drink what I give you. You won't waste a drop. Got it?"

"Yes master." Slave said in a hoarse voice. That screaming had really damaged his throat, or maybe it was the cocks.

Connor put his cock in Slave's mouth and Slave sealed his lips around it, "Hmmm... ahhhh... " Connor released and four beers worth of piss flowed from his cock into Slave's mouth.

Like the obedient little bitch it was Slave gulped down the seemingly never ending flow of urine, even sucking on the cock a little as it did.

Tyrone finished pissing and shook then yawned, "Ahh man! That did me in. I'm shattered."

"We're pretty much done now anyway." Tommy said said then looked at Jeremy with a smile, "You need to take a piss?"

"Ummm... y yeah... " Jeremy replied. That beer had gone straight through him and he really did need to piss but...

Tommy could hear the hesitation in his voice, "Hey, you don't have to. If it's not your thing then that's cool. Just go to the bathroom." He kissed Jeremy's cheek.

Jeremy smiled, "Thanks." He left to go to the bathroom and piss in an actual toilet while Tommy relieved himself over Slave. When he returned he saw that the others were getting dressed, "We done?"

Connor looked at him with a grin, "Yep. Why? You got another one in you?"

"Oh haha. No I'm... I'm out for the count now." Jeremy began pulling on his own clothes while connor removed Slave's nipple clamps, ball weight and cock cage.

Slave was sat on the floor with it's back to the desk when it looked up at Connor, "All the way."

Connor smiled, "Welcome back Gary. How was that?" . "Fucking amazing." Gary replied, "Your money's in the right hand drawer."

Connor opened the drawer and retrieved four crisp fifties. He handed one to Tyrone, one to Tommy and held one out to Jeremy who hesitated, "Oh err... I... I don't know... "

Connor frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Well umm... " Jeremy didn't know how to say this without insulting them, "... if umm... If I take that... won't that make me... err... you know... a umm..."

"Prostitute?" Connor asked and all four or them stared at Jeremy.

"Err... yeah?" Jeremy had wished he had just taken the money.

"You fucking idiot!" The old Gary was well and truly back, "I'm not paying you for what we did!"

"Oh... you're not?" Jeremy was confused.

"No! I'm paying you to keep your fucking mouth shut about it!" Gary explained this as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Now fuck off all of you. I gotta clean this place up."

"Oh! Oh okay then." Jeremy took the money and picked up his backpack, "Die of cancer Gary." Jeremy said cheerfully with a smile and turned to leave the room.

"I hope your mothers get raped you little shits!" Gary called after the four of them as they left. They laughed.

Outside the restaurant Tyrone headed home. Jeremy and Tommy exchanged numbers and shared a kiss before leaving too. Connor lightly punched Jeremy in the arm, "So, you and Tommy a thing now?"

"I guess." Jeremy beamed, "We're gonna go see a movie next week."

"That's great man. Really great." Connor was so happy for Jeremy. They embraced in a close hug, "God I would love to see Billy's face when he brings you home to meet his mum."

"Hahahaha!" Jeremy laughed hard. He was so happy. He knew he owed it all to Connor, "Hey, Connor?"


Jeremy squeezed his best friend tight, "Thanks... for everything."

Connor smiled, "Hey, I told you didn't I? We gotta look out for each other." He squeezed back.

They broke their hug and Jeremy checked his phone, "Oh damn it's late, I better get back home."

"Yeah me too." They said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways.

Before he forgot Jeremy took out his phone and made a note to himself...

Reminder: Tomorrow AM call Tracy. Can work every Sunday from now on.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey all. This one is a bit different for me. There's a lot in this that I personally don't have much interest in or experience with but then again you could say that about most of my stories. I do hope you enjoyed it. As always comments and criticisms are welcome. Please send them to

Thank you Edgar Friendly

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