Five Points

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jun 14, 2023


Concept: A curse forces a boy toward ever greater humiliation. He has only one chance to fight back. Donate to Nifty.


Even though drinking age was still a couple of years away, Chen intended to use his birthday to get plastered together with the rest of the athletics' team and – more importantly – the cheerleaders. He was no quarterback or anything, but his tall, lithe body had gotten him a few medals here and there in track.

With his face, there was no hope any cashier would fail to ask for an ID, so he had to rely on less boy-ish team mates to get alcohol for his party.

Chen's parents had agreed to visit grandmother over the weekend, letting their son have the house and its basement all to himself.

Everything was perfect. Then Chen's worst day began.

It was the morning of his birthday and one hour after saying goodbye to mom and dad, when Chen felt a prickling sensation on his forehead.

It didn't go away from rubbing so he walked into the bathroom to see what was going on with his face. There was a letter above the space between his eyes, spelling out an "F" in thick, clear, somewhat wonky handwriting.

Chen was utterly confused. He had known he was likely to wake up with dicks sharpied all over if he fell asleep during the party tonight, but this here wasn't exactly normal. In fact, randomly appearing writing was impossible, wasn't it?

As much as he rubbed, it wouldn't wash off. It was under his skin but also on top of it – like a tattoo and sharpie writing at the same time.

While the lean, tan boy still rubbed, he heard his phone ringing. It was an unknown number. He let it go to voicemail and kept washing his face to no avail.

After he got the call a fourth time, he finally figured it was important and picked up.


"Chen, good to get through to you eventually," said a deep, male voice.

"Who is this?"

"Not important. I know what is happening to you and why."

"You mean the..."

"Yes, that starting mark you no doubt have seen by now. Long ago, someone in the family struck a dark deal and let the heir generations later pay the prize. Now that you are of age, according to the deal's contract, you will..."

"Wait," Chen said. "What is going on? Who are you?"

"I'm... your attorney. I bargain with the forces trying to hurt you, to help you get out of the deal. But listen, if you fail to complete the procedure – and it won't be easy – the curse will demand your life."

Chen was about to say how ridiculous this all was, but he could still see the pseudo-tattoo in the mirror. Something about this was real. Still...

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"I've already started helping you. There is a package on your doorstep. Get it and I will explain how to escape the curse."

Indeed, Chen found a small box in front of the main door. He wore a baseball cap to cover his head, just in case a neighbor was out. Once back inside he left it on. Better to cover up.

"Now listen," said the so-called attorney. "You have to complete a pentagram – a five pointed star – on the map. If you're quick you can avoid any further consequences of the curse. If you are too slow things will get harder and harder. Understood?"

"Just tell me what to do."


"What? No."

There was another prickling and he rushed to look at the mirror. The F had gotten bigger. It was running across his entire high of his forehead now. He had to do something.

Chen slipped out of his shirt and pants, hesitated a second and pulled the socks off before dropping his boxers.

"I'm naked now," he spoke into the phone.

"Good. Take the first item from the package. The medicine."

Chen got the tape off and tore the box open. He grabbed a tiny bottle of pills from the paper filling.

"There's no label."

"This stuff isn't on the market," said the man. "It will help you get through within a short enough time. Take them."

Everything about this was sketchy, but his only other option was to let someone else see the mark and he wasn't sure what anyone could have done.

Chen had to do what the man said, since the attorney was the only one with a plan.

Using a bottle of water from the kitchen, the teen down the handful of pills.

"I did it."

"Great. This will not only keep you erect, it will also massively increase cum production."


"Look at the map in the gift box and go to the northernmost point of the star."

Still in disbelieve, Chen pulled a map from the package. There was a red star on it, with his home at the center. The northernmost point was... a rural area.

"I have to drive there naked?"

"There is a way to get around the nudity rule. You may wear what I have provided in the gift box, but only if you trick the curse into confusion."

"Can you explain what... Oh!"

The last two item were a bottle of oil and golden, sparkling briefs.

"It's simple," the attorney said, "If you are sparkling as much as your clothes while the fabric covers only tiny bit, you should be good to go."

Chen took a minute to agonize over his choices. There really was only one way. He'd get "dressed", drive out into the fields, do as needed and be a free man before evening.

"Will the mark go away if I succeed?" asked the teen.

"I assume so, but you'll have to do really well. Now stop wasting time. Don't wear shoes, by the way. Those are clothing. Flip-flops will have to do."

By that point, Chen was fully hard. The testosterone boost that came with being horny help out when he had to work himself up. Fully drenched in oil, shining like a star, the boy slipped into the golden briefs, with were tight enough to make his dick outline stand out harshly.

The oil left no stains on his car seats once he had let it dry for a minute. Chen did his best to drive inconspicuously. If he was stopped, it was probably game over.

Only ten minutes later, he arrived as close to the first point as he could get. The boy left his car, warm air running gently over his shining skin. He was still as rock hard as before. His heart was racing. Being out in public, almost naked, with a "tattoo" on his face, was not something he had ever dreamt of doing. But now that he was doing it, he was excited. It was kind of sexy, in a way.

"What now?" he asked his phone.

"You're not there yet," the attorney replied.

"But it's fenced off. This wheat field belongs to someone."

"Your choice."

"Fine. Fuck it."

Chen left his car unlocked and walked up to the rusty mesh wire fence. It was high, but he was an athlete after all. The teen threw his shoes over the barrier and began to ascend. With his phone between his teeth, he pulled himself up to the top, crawled over and made it down. He was light and strong, so there was little opportunity for the wire to cut into his flesh, but it wasn't exactly comfortable on the toes either.

With his flip-flops back on, Chen made it through the high wheats to somewhere far enough from the fence that it was barely still visible.

"I think I'm here."

"Good. Now jerk off. You have to cum."

"Are you serious!? Well, okay. But I'm hanging up. It's too weird having you listen."

Chen dropped the phone and crouched down between the crops. He pulled his achingly hard dick out and began to fantasize about every girl he wanted to fuck.

Steps closed in. He was not along in the field. He stopped jerking it and calmed his breath.

Then his phone rang.

"Hey," called a harsh voice. "Who's there?"

Chen tugged his dick away, grabbed the phone and bailed. To his shock, the farmer raced after him. The teen trampled over plants as he dashed back to the fence at top speed. He was a good runner, but the ground wasn't optimal. Presumably the farmer was wearing boots or something that gave him better traction.

The boy almost crashed into the wire barrier. He didn't take his shoes off he just flung himself up and made it to the other side by the strength of his lean biceps alone.

Once there, he kept running until he was in his car. The way back was harder, since he still didn't want to get stopped by cops but really wanted to speed home.

When he entered his house, he was called again.


"You didn't do it," said the attorney.

"A farmer got me."

"At least you were there. I can substitute something for the first point, but you will deal with the consequences of failure."

A prickling made Chen move to the bathroom. The tattoo on his forehead changed from F to FA in wobbly letters. The first letter had moved aside, centering the pair.

"What now?" he asked. "I can't stay like this."

"Just go to the second point. Get to your room and redress with what you find there, once the curse is done."

"What do you mean, once it's done? Oh, fuck."

All hair on Chen's body evaporated under the oil, leaving his skin smooth, including pubes. He looked like he had just finished waxing his everything. But he was still not complete.

The hair on his head endured the same fate, but not all of it. He was left with a single strip of his thick, black hair. It was about one inch thick. It didn't start where his hairline had originally begun but covered only two inches before and behind the top of his head, giving him a short strip right in the middle.


In his room was a new package, right on his bed. How had the attorney gotten it into his house? Chen didn't have time to think about it. He had to prevent more "consequences".

The new item was a golden, sparkling thong, which covered a lot less than the briefs did. It was his first time wearing something so skimpy.

Weirdly enough, it felt sexy. Maybe it was the meds, but he really liked the feeling of how naked it made him – at least as long as nobody else saw him like this.

Chen jerked off. It took him half a minute to cum, his load landing safely in tissue. The boy had cummed twice his usual dose, soaking the tissue through and through.

His dick gave no hint of getting any less erect.

Then he noticed something else in the package, he had overlooked.

"Oh no. Oh fuck no. I'm not wearing a butt plug."

Next: Chapter 2

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