Five Star Service

By Kevin Sting

Published on May 14, 2022


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This and all other chapters of this story are the copyright of the author. (c) 2022. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This was my first (and probably only) time at this pricey spa in Beverly Hills. My boss had given me a very generous gift card for helping to land an important new client. I'd been sitting on it for a few months waiting for the right time to book an appointment. And this weekend seemed perfect.

I'd recently moved into a new house and had spent several nights and weekends working on the landscaping, painting and doing a number of DIY projects that seemed safe for a novice like me to try. I'd finally gotten everything unpacked and put away, and all the boxes broken down and dropped off at the recycling center. All the hard work paid off, as my house looked great, if I do say so myself. But it also took a toll on my body. My back, legs, arms and glutes were sore, and my hands were rough and dry.

So I booked a package that included a 90-minute deep tissue massage and a 1-hour men's facial and paraffin hand treatment. I arrived in the afternoon about an hour before my facial appointment, took the elevator to the top floor of the building, checked in at the front desk, and was escorted to the men's spa area by a gorgeous African-American woman named Brittany. She held the door open for me and said a male attendant would assist me inside.

Sure enough, I was greeted almost immediately by a tall Asian guy who looked to be in his mid-30s, like me. He had dark shoulder length hair pulled bag in a low pony-tail. As he approached me, I could see he had a thin streak of gray hair that extend from his right temple back into the pony-tail. He was wearing a black pants and a black polo shirt with the spa logo embroidered on it.

He extended his hand and gave me a warm smile that revealed dimples at the corners of his mouth. "Good afternoon, Mr. Becker," he said. "My name is Jason, and I'll be attending to the men's spa today."

"Thank you," I said, shaking his hand. It was warm and soft, but strong. "But please call me, Erik."

"Welcome, Erik," he replied. "I understand this is your first time with us. Let me show you the amenities and then we'll get you set up with a locker so you can relax a bit before your first service."

Jason proceeded to walk me through the spa. A large round ottoman sat at the head of a wide main hallway that ran down the middle. On the right was a small room with a row of three sinks and an array of expensive looking skin care products, razors and deodorant arranged neatly on the counter. The opposing wall had a counter with hair care products, combs and hair dryers. Beyond that was a restroom with two private stalls and two open urinals.

On the opposite side of the hall, there was a wider room with probably 20-30 wooden lockers running around the perimeter. A long upholstered bench ran down the middle of the space. There was a fit man, probably in his early 60s drying himself off with a plush towel in front of one of the open lockers. He nodded and smiled at us as he rubbed the towel over his hairy chest and crotch. Just past the locker room was smaller room with a row of five showers, each with a frosted glass door.

The spaces were decorated in shades of beige and tan, with lots of natural wood accents. It was all hyper-tasteful. The lighting was low, but warm, and the scent of eucalyptus and lemongrass wafted through the air. It was incredibly quiet, with only relaxing, ambient music and the sound of a wall fountain at the end of the hall to break the silence.

Once we reached the fountain, I could see that the hallway actually branched off to the left and right into a larger open space. Jason led me to the right and we proceeded into an atrium-like room lit primarily by skylights. A small, shallow pool -- clearly intended for relaxing and not actual swimming -- anchored the center of the room.

At one end of the pool, a square jacuzzi bubbled away, with a glassed in steam room behind it. At the other end, an L-shaped sectional sofa, framed in teak with light beige cushions, sat in front of a dry sauna.

On the far side of the pool, nestled between the steam room and sauna, was a small patio-like area. Three chaise lounges, which matched the sectional, were angled to provide a view out the wall of windows that were accordioned back to let the fresh air inside. The spa's location on the top of this mid-rise provided not only privacy, but also an incredible unobstructed view of the hills in the distance.

An elderly gentleman in a robe reclined on one of the chaises, reading a newspaper and sipping tea. I could get used to this!

Jason directed my attention back inside to a credenza on the wall behind the found. It was was stocked with an assortment of teas, water, and an enormous bowl of fruit.

"That's just about everything, Erik," Jason said. He placed a hand gently on my back and gestured back towards the hallway with the other. "Now let's get you set up with a locker so you can enjoy the spa."

As we entered the locker room, the man who'd been toweling off was fully dressed. He handed Jason a folded bill.

"Thank you, Bob. Have a good afternoon," Jason said, as the man made his way down the hall to the exit.

Jason directed me to one of the lockers and proceeded to show me how the keyless system worked. "Ah, just like a hotel safe," I said.

"Exactly!" Jason said with a smile. "There are a robe and slippers inside, as well as a basket for your phone, wallet watch and keys. To maximize our guests' relaxation, we suggest you keep your phone in your locker and ask that you turn it off or put it on silent mode."

"Of course," I said, double-checking that my phone was switched to silent.

"Now feel free to get undressed, take a shower and enjoy the amenities before your service," Jason said. "If there's anything else I can do to make your time with us more enjoyable, please let me know."

"Thanks," I said.

Jason shifted his attention to picking up the towels, robe and slippers that Bob had left next to his locker. I began to undress, depositing my phone, wallet, watch and keys in the basket. I slipped off my shoes and socks and tucked them into the lower shelf in the locker. I unfastened my belt and jeans and slid them off onto the bench as Jason exited the locker room and quickly returned with a clean robe and slippers, which he carefully arranged in Bob's locker as I pulled off my polo shirt.

I was relieved I'd chosen a pair of my "good" underwear today -- electric blue Andrew Christian boxer briefs with white trim -- since Bob's locker was just a couple away from mine.

"May I hang your clothes up for you?" Jason asked as he gently closed the door to Bob's locker.

"Oh, sure, thanks," I said, and stepped aside so he could get to my jeans and shirt. He carefully folded my jeans over one hanger and hung it inside the locker and then slipped my polo over another and did the same.

"May I take those for you, too?" he said, gesturing towards my underwear.

"Uh, sure," I said, slipping them off and handing them sheepishly to Jason. He folded them neatly and placed them on the shelf next to the basket.

"Now if you'd like to enter your code, I'll grab you a towel," he said with a smile. I could have sworn he gave me a quick once over before turning to grab a towel from a shelf against the wall.

Standing naked, I entered my code, hit the lock button and heard the sound of the electric lock engaging.

Jason presented me with the plush white towel. "Here you are, Erik."

"Thank you," I said, unfolding the towel, wrapping it around my waist and securing the end just below my treasure trail.

"Now please relax and enjoy yourself," he said. "Since you're getting a facial, I suggest you spend at least a few minutes in the steam room to open your pores after your shower. I'll come get you a few minutes before it's time for your first treatment." He gestured out towards the hallway.

As I walked out of the locker room, I caught sight of myself in a full-length mirror along the wall. I didn't look half bad. I was in pretty good shape for 34 -- 6' and 185 pounds. Lean and fit, but not super chiseled.

I had thick, wavy light brown hair and fair skin, owing to my Teutonic roots and lots of sunscreen. My chest and stomach bore a dusting of light brown hair that converged into a slightly-darker treasure trail and bush (now hidden by the towel). My legs and forearms were also lightly hairy, and I had light brown curly tufts in my armpits. My pale ass only bore a light fuzz that was nearly invisible in certain light.

I proceeded down the hall to the showers as Jason headed in the opposite direction. After showering, I spent several minutes in the steam room, as Jason had suggested. Then I slipped off my towel and lowered myself into the pool. The water was a perfect temperature to entice you to linger -- not too warm and not too cool.

Jason had returned and now had a tray with a pitcher of water with lemon slices and two plastic tumblers. He offered one to the gentleman on the patio and then squatted down next to me at the edge of the pool to offer me a drink.

I repeated the circuit of steam, pool, sauna, pool a few times for the next 40 minutes or so until Jason returned again. "Erik, your therapist should be here shortly to take you for your facial," he said.

"Thank you," I replied and made my way to the pool steps. As I exited the pool, Jason had unfurled a fresh towel and held it open in front of me. He gave a polite nod and smile as I took it from him and wrapped it around my waist.

I proceeded to rinse off in one of the showers and then retrieved my robe and slippers from my locker. Bundled in the robe with the belt securely fastened, I made my way toward the exit and sat down on the ottoman.

Jason approached, touched me lightly on the shoulder and gestured to the door. "Sherilyn is just outside to take you to your treatment room," he said, opening the door.

The next almost three hours were a blissful blur. Sherilyn exfoliated, extracted, dipped and toned during my first treatment. And then after a brief break in the main spa lounge, I was escorted to my massage by Yolanda, who rubbed, kneaded, twisted and de-knotted me with her small, but surprisingly powerful hands.

"How do you feel?" Yolanda asked, as we walked slowly down the spa's main corridor.

"Very relaxed," I said, sipping the lemon water she'd handed me after my massage.

"Wonderful," she said, as a group of giggling women passed us. They were decked out in robes and clutching champagne flutes. "Oh... another bachelorette party tonight. I'm glad my shift is over." When we arrived at the door to the men's spa, she held it open for me as another small group of women passed us. "Now make sure you drink plenty of water and take some time to relax in the spa. Have a good evening."

"Thank you! You too," I replied, making my way back into the relative sanctuary of the spa.

Jason emerged from the sink room with a basket of used towels. "Welcome back, Erik," he said. "How were your treatments?"

"Very relaxing," I said with a sigh.

"That's the goal, isn't it?" he said with a smile. "I hope you're planning to spend some more time enjoying the spa amenities."

"Yes, definitely," I said. The truth was I couldn't begin to imagine trying to drive right now. I was relaxed, but I also felt like I'd had a marching band walk over my back. My knots were no match to Yolanda's hands.

"Wonderful. I'm here all evening, so please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything, Erik," Jason added.

I smiled and nodded and then padded off to the showers to rinse the residual massage oil off my body.

After showering, I wrapped a fresh towel around my waist. There was no point in putting the oil soaked robe back on, so I ditched it in a hamper by the showers. I made my way back to the pool area and filled a tumbler with lemon water from the credenza. I made my way over to one of the chaises to relax before hitting the steam room or sauna.

I lay back on the chaise and loosened the towel so it was just draped over me. I took a few sips of water and decided to rest my eyes for just a few minutes.

And then I must've fallen asleep.

In my dream, Jason was talking to a woman... no, two women.

And then I opened my eyes and realized that I wasn't dreaming. Jason really was talking with two women. They were both wearing robes and one had a towel wrapped around her head like a turban.

"Ladies, this is the MEN'S spa. I'm going to need you to leave now," he said, calmly but firmly.

"But there's no one here," the turbaned one said, with a hint of a champagne slur. Then she looked over to me and waved. "Oh hi, cutie. You don't mind sharing, do you?"

My towel had slipped open a bit while I slept, revealing my upper thigh. I pulled it over to prevent further exposure.

"You can enjoy the WOMEN'S spa," Jason said, motioning back toward the exit.

Just then Brittany stepped into the pool area, her eyes darting over to Jason.

"Our friend is getting married, we just want to have fun," the turbaned woman giggled. Her friend nodded and dipped her toes in the pool precariously.

Brittany inhaled. "Ladies, you need to leave this area NOW," she said.

Turban-head rolled her eyes, "You don't have to be such a bi..."

"I'm going to stop you from making a fool of yourself," Brittany said, cutting off her expletive. "You had better be out in the hallway on your way back to the LADIES spa in 10 seconds -- or Beverly Hills finest will be here in 10 minutes to escort you and your entire party out."

The turbaned one and her friend relented at the threat and made their way back toward the hallway.

Brittany looked over at me and mouthed, "I'm so sorry, sir."

I just gave her a little half smile and waved.

She spoke softly to Jason and he nodded several times. Brittany looked over at me one more time and gave me an apologetic smile before heading back out toward the exit.

Jason made his way over to my chaise. "My sincere apologies for that, Erik," he began. "Sometimes these private parties get a little more, uh, festive than they should."

"It's not a big deal," I replied. "I think my towel kept me mostly decent."

"You shouldn't have to worry about protecting your modesty in a space like this," Jason added. "Brittany said she'll be comping your massage."

"That's very nice, but it really isn't necessary," I said. "I was using a gift card anyway."

"We appreciate your understanding, but Brittany is already taking care of it," he said smiling. "You can use the balance of your card to come back again for another service."

"That's really nice. Thank you," I said.

"Since you're our last male guest of the day, she's locked the door to the spa from the outside to prevent any further intrusions," Jason continued. "We're able to exit, but no one can come in from the hallway without a key."

"That makes sense," I said and started to sit up. "I should probably shower and get dressed so I'm not holding you hostage here in the spa."

"Oh, believe me, you are not holding me hostage," Jason laughed. "As long as you're here, I'm required to stay on duty in the spa. Once you leave, they'll probably make me clean up all the mess that bridal party is making. So, please, stay as for as LONG as you'd like."

I laughed. "Well if my relaxing here in the spa is making your job easier, it seems like a win-win!"

"Exactly!" Jason said. "Now sit back and relax. Would you like some more water or fruit? Can I get you a fresh robe?"

"A little more water would be great," I said. "I'm fine without a robe. I'd just be taking it on and off again."

"I suppose that's true. Let me get you that water." He fetched the water pitcher from the credenza and refilled my tumbler. "Anything else you need right now?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm good for now. I'll probably just do a few circuits of steam, sauna, pool and relax."

"Perfect. I'll just tidy up a bit more," he said. "Just let me know if there's anything I can do."

I smiled and gave him the thumbs up. I took a sip of water and then set it on the table next to me. I tucked my hands behind my head, took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes again.

I must've dozed off again. But I woke startled awake by the sound of the jacuzzi jets shutting off.

Jason emerged from the hallway, walked over to a switch on the wall near the jacuzzi, and turned it back on again.

"It's on a timer," he said.

"Ah," I replied nodding. I looked down and realized that my towel had slipped down and exposed half of my penis, which had become erect while I slept. I quickly pulled the towel up to cover myself. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Jason said smiling, "That's not the first one I've seen in here. Besides, it must've been a pleasant dream you were having."

"I guess so," I laughed, my face flushed with embarrassment.

Jason retreated down the hall and I took the opportunity to slip into the pool, hoping the water would quell my erection.

A few minutes later Jason returned to the pool area and approached me. "Sorry to interrupt you, Erik," he said, squatting down on his haunches at the side of the pool. "I've finished up cleaning up the spa."

"No worries," I said. "Are you ready to close down?"

"No, no, not at all. We're open until 10 pm tonight. Relax here as long as you'd like," he said.

"Oh, okay, great," I replied.

"I was just wondering if you'd mind if I used the spa?" he asked. "We're allowed to use the facilities after our shifts. But given that you're the only remaining male guest today and I've finished up all my cleaning tasks for now..."

"Oh, of course," I said earnestly.

"It wouldn't make you uncomfortable?" he asked.

"No, not at all," I said. "Please, take advantage of the spa while you can."

"Cool. Thanks so much for being flexible," Jason continued, smiling. "I'll of course still be available to help if there's anything you need."

"Thanks, but I doubt that'll be necessary," I added.

"Please do let me know if there is," he said. "I guess I'll go get showered and be back here shortly."

"Great," I said and shuffled my way toward the steps in the pool. "I think I'll hit the sauna for a bit."

Jason headed back toward the hallway. I stepped out of the pool, grabbed my towel from the chaise, and slung it over my shoulder. I refilled my water before heading toward the sauna. As I opened the door, I could just hear the one of the showers starting up.

I entered the sauna and headed toward the bench opposite the door. As I passed by the heater, droplets of water from my body hit the lava rocks and sizzled. I spread my towel on the upper bench, sat down on it and set my water tumbler next to me. I took a few deep breaths and relaxed in the dry heat.

A few minutes later, I saw Jason emerge from the hallway and into the pool area. He walked over toward the sectional. He turned back to face the pool, tugged the towel from his waist and dropped it on one of the cushions. He looked great out of his clothes. Broad shoulders and back, nice round hairless butt, and muscular legs lightly covered in dark hair. He was probably an inch or so taller than me, but similarly lean.

Jason descended into the pool, submerged himself under the water and then popped back up. He floated around for a couple minutes, and then he climbed up the steps and out of the pool.

The view of his front was just as nice as the back. His round pecs were punctuated by dark nipples that had small tufts of dark hair below them. A narrow band of dark hair descended down the middle of his stomach before disappearing in his thick, dark bush of wet pubic hair. He had a fairly thick penis resting on two large, hairy testicles.

Jason pulled the elastic band from his wet hair and let it fall to his shoulders. I lowered my gaze as he dried himself off with the towel. After a minute, he headed off towards the credenza and out of my line of sight.

I took a couple deep breaths, closed my eyes for a moment and then heard the sound of the sauna door opening.

"Mind if I join you in here?" Jason asked, walking in with the towel slung over his shoulder and carrying a plastic tumbler of water.

"No, not at all," I said.

He set his water down on the lower bench and then spread his towel on the upper one perpendicular to the one I was sitting on. He climbed up, sat down, rotated to rest his back against the wall by the door, and brought his legs up on the bench. Jason leaned forward, grabbed his feet, and stretched forward until his forehead nearly touched his knees. He held this pose for about 30 seconds, released, and then repeated the maneuver.

"Wow, I wish I was that flexible!" I said, in awe.

"I've done a LOT of yoga," he said, laughing. "I just got certified a few months ago and now I teach a couple classes during the week on the days I'm not working here."

"I've always wanted to try yoga," I said. I could definitely use some help in the flexibility department. "Where do you teach?"

"At a small studio in West Hollywood, not too far from here," Jason replied.

"Cool. Maybe I could take one of your classes, if they're not too advanced," I said. "I wouldn't know where to start."

"Oh they're for all levels...," he said, stammering a little. "Uh...actually, I teach naked yoga for men."

"Oh wow," I said. "What's that like? How'd you get into it?"

"It's really nice," he said. "During my training program, the instructors encouraged us to try all kinds of yoga classes to see what styles resonated for us. So I took a bunch of different classes -- vinyasa, ayengar, kundailini, hot yoga. A friend told me about the naked yoga class. You're already wearing minimal clothing in most yoga classes anyway -- especially hot yoga where guys mostly just wear shorts or briefs. So it seemed like a logical progression to just do it without clothes. I gave it a try, and it turns out I really liked the freedom of doing the poses, stretching and sweating -- all without clothes."

"Ah, cool," I said. My eyebrow involuntarily raised as I said it.

"It's not as salacious as it sounds," he laughed.

"But, what happens if...," I began.

"...You get a hardon?" Jason cut me off and gave me a smile. I returned his smile, slightly embarrassed that I'd asked the question.

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't happen to somebody in almost every single class I've been in or taught," he said. "It's just a natural reaction to stimulus -- sight or touch. It even happens to me sometimes. But you just let it happen and it usually goes away eventually. Or it doesn't... and then maybe they take care of it in the shower or the parking lot!"

I snorted a laugh, and Jason gave me a broad smile.

"I'll give you the website when we're done here. I'd love to have you in one of my classes," he said.

"I'm not sure this pale body is ready to be on display for a class full of strangers," I replied.

"You have nothing to worry about. You look great naked," he said, smiling.

"Thanks," I blushed.

"How far are you able to stretch now," he asked.

I pivoted on the bench and brought my legs up. I leaned forward, trying to grab my for my feet, but I had to settle for gripping my shins.

Jason inspected my stretch. "With a couple stretches, I bet we could get you reaching a little bit farther. Do you want to give it a try out by the pool?"

"Sure," I said.

Jason hopped down from the bench, grabbed his towel and open the sauna door. I followed and we exited to the pool area.

He grabbed a couple of fresh towels and laid them out on the deck next to the pool. He had me sit down on one with my legs extended and my hands on my knees. He sat on the other facing me and placed the soles of his feet against mine and leaned forward until his chin was nearly touching his knees.

"Now grab onto my hands, if you can," he said.

Try as I might, I couldn't quite reach his hands.

"Let's spread our legs a little. About shoulder width apart," he added.

I spread my legs a bit and he did the same. His heavy ball sack hit the towel as his legs separated. Jason shimmied forward on his towel just a bit to shorten the distance between us.

"Let's try again," he said, extending his arms and lowering his head and shoulders toward the floor.

This time, I was able to extend far enough to link my hands in his.

"Perfect," Jason said. "Let's hold this for about 10 seconds, and then I'm going to pull back just a little bit."

After the 10 seconds were up, he did indeed pull back slightly and I could feel my calves, hamstrings and back muscles stretching just a bit. Jason looked up at me and asked if I was doing okay. When I nodded in reply, he said we'd repeat the drill a couple more times: holding, extending, holding, extending.

"I don't want you to over do it. But this'd be great to do a couple more times right after we use the steam room or jacuzzi," Jason said, releasing my hands and sitting up. "But there's one more stretch that'd be good for you, if you're game."

"Sure," I said, nodding and sitting up.

Jason got up and then came behind me. "This one's a little more intimate," he said, sitting down behind me with his legs on either side of my hips. He maneuvered himself forward until I could feel his pubic hair brushing against my ass and his stomach against my lower back. "Can I have you bring your legs back to center," he said, gently tapping my bare hips.

I brought my legs together and he closed his legs in tighter against mine. He pressed forward until his chest was against my back. The close contact gave me that tingly feeling that made the hair on my arms stand up a little. He grabbed my arms and extended them forward.

"Now let me do all the work," he said, in a soothing yoga-instructor tone. "Just go along with the movement of my body."

Jason pushed his torso forward against mine and I bent at the waist and stretched as far as I could go. We held that position for about 10 seconds, and then he eased up and we returned to a more upright position. I could just feel his penis nestled between my butt cheeks where they met the floor.

Jason repeated the motions three more times, extending my reach a little more each time. And each time, his cock became pressed more firmly against my ass. On the final stretch, I could feel that his penis had firmed up and was now resting along the cleft of my ass.

"That wasn't so bad now, was it Erik?" Jason asked, resting his hands on my thighs.

"No, not at all," I said. My back was still firmly pressed against his chest and my butt against his growing erection. My own cock was beginning to firm up from the contact.

He gave me a playful pat on the chest. "Shall we hit the steam room for a few minutes now?"

Jason scooted back and then stood in front of my. He extended a hand out to help me up. I couldn't help but get a close look at his erection, which was just above my eye level. He had a really nice cock. The head flared out nicely and the shaft curved just slightly to the left.

Jason smiled when he saw that I was inspecting his erection. "See, happens to the best of us!" He gave his hips a little wag so his cock bounced back and forth.

I grinned. As I stood up, my own growing erection became obvious.

"Looks like the boner fairy got you, too," Jason said with a wink.

I looked down at myself and laughed. "Guilty as charged." It felt a little odd standing there with a full erection in front of someone I'd just met a couple hours earlier. Stranger still that he was also sporting wood.

"It really looks great," Jason said, staring at my cock with one eyebrow raised. "I would love to see you in one of my classes."

I smiled, feeling myself blushing again.

"Let's grab some water and take these things to the steam room," he laughed, patting my ass and pointing me to the opposite end of the pool area. Our erections bobbed up and down as we walked the short distance to the steam room.

Next: Chapter 2

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