Five Star Service

By Kevin Sting

Published on Aug 11, 2022


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This and all other chapters of this story are the copyright of the author. (c) 2022. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Jason filled two tumblers with water from the credenza and handed me one as we continued to the steam room. He held the door open and ushered me in.

I spread my towel on the tiled bench opposite the door and sat down on it. There wasn't any point in modesty, so I didn't bother covering myself. Jason positioned his towel in the corner and sat down facing towards me. We were seated close enough that our knees just touched.

Sitting back, Jason's erection came to a rest on his left thigh. Mine hung heavily at a 45-degree angle between my thighs. As we sipped our water and chatted, our erections both subsided slightly in the moist heat.

Sweat and steam collected on Jason's smooth chest and stomach. He swiped one hand down from his pecs to pubes and let it rest just above the base of his shaft.

"I wish I could work naked all the time," he said with a smile.

"Wouldn't that be nice," I laughed.

"My first summer after high school, I worked in a Korean spa," Jason began. "I was responsible for tidying up the wet areas. My uniform was just a pair of thin, white cotton shorts. They always ended up getting soaked within the first half hour and became pretty much transparent."

"You must've been popular with the patrons," I said, smiling as I imagined the sight of him.

Jason laughed and his cock jiggled. "I guess I did get a lot of looks -- especially when I got hard," he said.

"Did that happen a lot?" I asked.

"I was a horny 18-year-old, so yeah -- at least a few times each day," he explained.

"Did any of the customers ever try to do anything to you?" I asked.

"I got my ass squeezed a few times," he replied. "And I saw plenty of men stroking. But I never joined in. I was too afraid one of them might be a friend of my dad's or something."

After a couple minutes of silence, Jason spoke again. "What about you? You mentioned this was your first time at a spa. But have you had any fun naked experiences?" I smiled to myself. "I was never a prude, but I didn't really hang around much naked until recently when I moved into my own house." I continued, "I've discovered the joys of skinny dipping in my pool. And I've had the opportunity to share that with a few guys."

"Oh really?" Jason said, raising one dark eyebrow.

I think I started to blush, but it probably wasn't noticeable in the heat of the steam room. I went on to explain my recent experience with the movers who'd helped me move in to the house and my new neighbor.

"Wow," Jason said, stretching and placing his hands on his thighs. "That all sounds really hot."

I nodded. "Speaking of hot, I think I need a break from the steam. I'm starting to get a little light-headed."

Jason stood up and extended a hand to me. "Let's go cool off in the pool for a little bit."

After immersing ourselves in the pool for a few minutes, we got out. Without bothering to dry off, Jason ushered me over to the chaise lounges. I lay down on one and he took the one next to it. He tucked his hands behind his head, revealing the dark patches of hair under his arms, and took in a deep breath.

The cool air coming in through the open window caused Jason's dark nipples to harden.

"I love laying here like this," he said with a sigh. "But I guess you get to do that a lot at your house."

"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky," I said.

"Any other poolside escapades besides the movers and the neighbor?" he asked with a sly smile.

"Well, there was the nurse who came over to do a physical exam at my house so I'd be eligible for life insurance," I added.

Jason laughed. "Do tell."

I shared how I'd ended up naked with the nurse, our conversation and how that led to me inviting him to skinny dip with me. And then I sheepishly shared how we'd peed on each other before having sex poolside.

"I hope that didn't freak you out," I said hesitantly.

"No, not at all," Jason replied. "It actually made me think that maybe we should have some more water." He looked at me and winked.

When I smiled back, he rose from the chaise, walked to the other side of the pool and came back with one of the pitchers and two more tumblers. He poured us each a full glass and handed me one as he sat down again.

"Cheers," he said, extending his tumbler to mine.

We continued relaxing on the chaises, chatting and sipping water, for 20 minutes or so. Jason shared more about his yoga training and I probed him about celebrity clientele at the spa. He was discrete enough not to mention names, but he did share some juicy stories about actors and musicians and their hijinks in the spa.

After wrapping up a story about a buffed out action star with a tiny penis, Jason sat up. "Shall we hit the steam room again? Maybe we can work on your stretches."

"Sure, that sounds good," I replied.

He refilled our tumblers and we walked back over to the steam room. Jason grabbed a few towels before we proceeded in. He set his water on the bench and spread a few of the towels out on the wet floor.

He motioned me to sit down and we repeated the stretches we'd done before. I could feel his erection growing against my butt as we did the stretch where he was positioned behind me.

Jason stood up and extended a hand to help me rise.

"Let's try another one," he said. "I'll have you bend at the waist and reach down your legs as far as you can without bending your knees." He demonstrated the stretch -- and of course he was able to grasp his ankles.

I mimicked his movements, but was only able to extend my hands behind my calves.

"That's good," he said, running his hand down my spine and over my ass. "I'll assist to extend your stretch a little further."

He stepped behind me and rested the length of his erection in the cleft of my cheeks. He bent forward until his wet chest was in full contact with my back, and he extended his hands down to mine.

"Now take a deep breath in, Eric," he said in a soothing tone. I inhaled deeply. "Now exhale through the mouth and let your upper body fall just a little bit further." I did as instructed. Then we repeated the drill 3 more times.

With each repetition, I was able to reach just a tiny bit further down my legs. And with each repetition, my ass cheeks spread a little wider allowing his cock to push deeper into the crevice.

Jason wrapped his hands around my chest and then pulled me up to a standing position.

"Let's inhale and exhale for five," he said, and we did. "And now inhale and bend at the waist again."

Jason kept his hands on my chest this time as we bent forward and I grabbed a little further on my calves. I could feel his breath and his long hair against my back as we inhaled and exhaled in tandem. My nipples hardened despite the heat in the steam room.

Jason lowered one hand slightly onto my stomach and exhaled a little longer than the last breath. I began to feel a warmth against my lower back that spread out and then down over my ass cheeks. The warm flow grew stronger and extended a little higher on my lower back before cascading back down over my ass and legs. Despite his erection, Jason was emptying his bladder over me.

"I hope this is okay, Eric," he said, his words tingling against my back.

"Absolutely," I purred.

He planted light kisses on my back and rubbed my chest while his piss continued to flow.

I pulled his hands away, stood and rotated so I was facing him. All the while, the stream continued to flow from his cock. I lowered myself down onto the towels he'd spread on the floor and Jason aimed his erection so the piss stream hit my chest and stomach.

I opened my mouth and he adjusted the flow so it hit my face and tongue. As his piss filled my mouth, I let some of it trickle down my throat and the rest overflowed down my chin and on to my chest. Finally, the flow slowed to a trickle. He shook the last few drops onto my chest.

"Do you have anything for me?" Jason asked, holding his erection with one hand and rubbing his chest with the other.

"Yes," I said, standing up. "But I might need a minute." I had a throbbing erection and wasn't sure I'd be able to relax enough to pee.

"Take your time," Jason said. He ran his hands over my chest before sitting down in the corner on the tiled bench.

I quickly downed the rest of my water and tried to let myself relax. Jason just sat in the corner stroking his dick slowly and smiling at me. He looked younger with his long hair framing his face. I drank his water, as well.

"Okay, I think I'm ready," I said. "Where would you like me to..."

"All over, wherever you'd like," he said with a wicked smile.

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