Fixing a Broken heart College

By R

Published on Aug 11, 2008



Fixing a Broken Heart Chapter 1

Mr. Tomas! It's your turn to come take your picture says the woman over the counter. Damn man it's my first day in college and I'm already running late for class. I walk over to the counter and there is this woman with short blond hair, and dull brown eyes. She looks at me with a disgusting look like she does not want to be here. She tells me to come over and I go to the spot where you take pictures. This lady is obliviously retarded and does not even know how to use a camera. She goes ahead and takes my picture and tells me to go into the next line. I stand in the next line waiting and while I was waiting I look at my watch and I'm like damn I got 90 minutes to get my ass to the bookstore. It's so hot in here all these college students crammed into one little room and someone is really stinking. I finally look around and there was this beautiful creature of god. He was 6'2 and had a muscular build; he had brown hair and the deepest green eyes. It looks like I was staring at emeralds. He also was tanned and my god he has the prettiest smile in the whole wide world. I'm staring at him and then all of a sudden I trip over my own two feet and fall on the floor. All of the guys and girls of course are laughing at me. I look at them and man am I a loser. I go and get my stupid ID card and finally leave and go to the bookstore. As I'm watching on the Prince Lawn I see all these kids walking around and there are people standing on boards speaking about stuff that made no sense as I'm walking I pass this group of people that look like they were apart of pride or something and I'm like man they must really sucks. But deep down I was holding and hiding a secret that no one knew about. It was also why I left my hometown and came here to this school. But to let you know my name is Chris Tomas I am about 5'10 I have a husky build and I have brown eyes that are deep I guess. I am to myself and kind of shy but it's cool though. I just moved down here last night because my car was seriously having a shit load of issues I so hope I am able to get a new car when I graduate. I walk over to the big building and there is a big ass line outside the door. OH FUCK I'm going to be late so I maneuver my way thru the line into the bookstore and I start looking for my books. I look at the prices and damn they are freaking expensive my accounting book cost $120.00 wow for one book and I'm only going to use it for four months what a sucky day. I go and get all my books and I get inline and there he was that cute guy with a hot tan. I hear his name is Mark and man he is so hot. I stand there and am thinking of his hot body and his deep green eyes man I could just kiss him and make out with him. He turns and looks at me and smiles. I'm nervous and he walks over to me and says hey man are you new here. I look at him and I'm like yeah I just transferred in from my school in my hometown. He looks at me with those sexy green eyes and smiles. Cool listen maybe we can go the movies and then off to marriage next if you are ready. Next! NEXT! Hey YOU NEXT! A woman says and I look and it's the lady with short brown hair and a dark black suit looking at me with an attitude. Sir maybe if you stop day dreaming over people can get to class she says. I'm sorry ma'am I didn't sleep well last night and I go give her my books. She rings up my books and tells me that it'll be $ 684.34 I'm like damn that is a lot of fucking money for some books and notebooks. Thank god I got financial aid and I can pay using that or I would be crying for a very long time LOL. So I get my books and I look at my watch DAMN I got 10 minutes to get to class. I run all the way back to the security building where my car is and I go put my stuff in my car and I run all the way back into the Edwards building. I get there and I'm freaking nervous and stuff as I make my way to my class room I walk in and there he is MY GOD HE'S SO CUTE! I just wish I could just have him but I do know that I am way out of his league. This lady walks in and she has a big smile on her face and looks at me and says class will now began. I watch as she hands out the syllabus and as I look at it I see that there is a lot of work that we are going to be doing for the semester. Damn I hate English I was never good at it. I always get a C in English just one time I would like to get a B. She starts going over the syllabus and all I could do is stare at Mark he is by the far the hottest guy I have ever seen. I saw him turn his head and take a look at me and smile. Man I feel like I'm in heaven. All of a sudden I hear some noise behinds me and I turn around and there is guy behind me. He's 5'7 his build is very slender he has blond hair and blue eyes. He wears these big coke bottle glasses and it's hilarious. Hey man are you new here? he says. Yeah man I just transferred from my hometown and I am really excited yet nervous. I say. That's cool man I have been here for a year and it's a really good school he says. I'm Steven by the way he says as he extends his hand. Nice to meet you I'm Chris man; what is your major if you don't mind me asking? I ask him. He looks at me and says I'm a Business Management and Finance major what is yours? My major is Accounting I say. He looks at me and says that's really cool. What class do you have next? He says. I have Accounting Principles 2 with Dr. Smith and he looks at me and say cool so do I. We sit there and start chatting and giggling and then Dr. Ivan look and told us to be quiet. I mean class was so boring but at around 2:45pm she let us out and I was so happy and I look at Steven and ask where the wall building is. He looked at me and said sure follow me. As we walk to the Wall building he tells me about his family and his sister. He is from Pennsylvania, and he seems to have come from rich parents and I'm like why the hell are you at Coastal and I am pretty sure you can afford to go to a better school. Why are you here in the first place? I ask. He looked at me and had a frowned he went and changed the subject and he asks me what I was doing here. I just wanted to move on and do something better. I was ashamed to say the real reason as to why I am here.

I think I need to tell you something Terry I say as my hands are visibly shaking. He looks at me with that hateful look in his eyes. I breathe slowly and say I don't think I can be with you anymore. I love you more than life itself but I honestly don't think we should be together. He has this look on his face his blue eyes started to change to a dark brown. I started to get really scared I got up and started to slowly backing away to the door. I turned around and I felt a metal object pressed against my back. I don't think you should do that if I were you he says pushing that metal object into my back harder. My heart is racing and I'm really scared I slowly turn around and I feel a fist come in contact with my eye and I fall onto the floor crying my eyes out. You fucking faggot get up he says. I look and there is my boyfriend about ready to beat the shit out of me. I get up and he takes his belt off and starts to beat me very hard. I feel the leather hitting my skin like the sun would fry a bug. I scream in pain he then grabs me by the back of my neck and he slams me on the ground. He then takes his pants off and I could feel his finger protruding my hole very hard. I scream in pain and beg for him to stop. He looks at me and says no this is what faggots get. I then feel him push his dick inside me and I scream in pain begging him to stop he then takes a sock and shoves it in my mouth and as he fucks me I scream loud even through the sock and I can hear him getting off to him raping me. I cry in pain and all of a sudden I feel nothing and I black out. I wake up to a bright light and I look and realize it's the sun glaring right away. I see tombstones around me I can feel the cold hitting my face. I look at my hand and there is blood on me. I slowly try to get up and I notice that I cant feel movement in my legs. I look and my shirt is torn open and I start to cry again. The wind all of a sudden hits my face very hard and I cant move. I don't know what to do. I slowly crawl over to a tombstone and I grabbed the cold rock and I try to use it and pull myself up but my legs aren't moving. As I'm pulling myself up I just want to cry so hard because of the abuse. What did I do wrong is there something wrong with me. How can someone so beautiful hurt me. I guess I will never understand.

Chris! Come on man we are late for class Steven says. I look at him and I say ok let's get going. As we are walking to the wall building unaware to us there is a shadow figure lurking behind the trees and there is a knife. Don't worry Chris you will be mine and I will finish what I started he says with an evil laugh. We start to walk to this dome like building and Steven starts to run really fast and I start to run into the building. We go to the stairs and I look at my schedule and my class is on the 3rd floor. Oh fuck man I got to climb all these stairs I say with a look of disgust. No we are taking the elevator Steven says. We go to the main entrance of the building and there is the elevator. Steven and I get into the elevator and we go up to the third floor. I look at my schedule and it says 319 and we run into the class room. I decide to sit in the front of the class room and Steven decides to sit right behind me. We wait for about five minutes and sure enough there is a lady with a cane walking in. She introduces herself as Dr. Maggard and she pulls up what looks like a director seat and sits right in front of us. She gives us a syllabus and I look at it and the format seems really interesting and the topics were pretty reasonable. I honestly think this class will be a breeze until she mentions that she will not make the test and that the wall college will be making the test. I could hear everyone frown and boo. I start to laugh at myself and say this will personally suck. She goes over the syllabus which for some who do not know it's a paper that discusses everything that we will be doing in the class for the whole semester. After she goes over the syllabus she decides to let us leave early. I notice that everyone in the class is gone and it's just me and Dr. Maggard. She looks at me and asks if I have any questions and I say no ma'am. I get up and leave the classroom and I bumped into a guy by accident. Man I am truly sorry I didn't meant to do that I say. He turns around and looks at me with a smile. It's Mark oh my god; he is so cute I just dream about wanting to be with him. He has the perfect body and the perfect green eyes. I swear I could just stare into his soul. Hey Chris come on lets go Steven says. I shake myself from my dream state and look at Steven and we walk out of the building. Hey Chris man what is your schedule for this semester. I hand him the paper. Class Schedule Chris Tomas English 276 World Literature MW 1:30 -2:45 Edwds 158 CBAD 202 Accounting Principles II MW 3:00- 4:15 Wall 318 SCI 101 Intro to Science TTH 8:30- 9:45 Smith 106 SPAN 101 Intro to Spanish TTH 10:00-11:30 Prince 101 Steven looks at my schedule and he starts to smile. What Steven why are you smiling I say. Dude you are in all of my classes man he says with a big smile. Come on man just being in these classes have made me hungry I say. We start to walk to the commons area and we walk on this long ass bridge that takes about 5 minutes. I swear I think I wonder why they create this bridge I guess it's to torture us when we are so hungry for some food. We enter the commons and pay our five dollars for some food. I go into this long ass line. I tell you they can do better than this line it really does suck. I get out of line and I walk and I see the pizza line. There is hardly anyone there so I hurry to the pizza line and get my food and sit down to eat. Steven comes with his tray and I swear it look like he got it from a prison cafeteria. It was nothing but slop I start to laugh as I watch him eat. What's so funny? He says. Dude the food looks like something from a prison cafeteria I say. I sat there and ate my pizza and Steven is talking to me but I don't really pay attention to him. I look and there he is the most beautiful man on campus. Mark turns and looks at me an then smiles I just would give anything to be with him. He slowly starts to walk towards me and I am lost in his hypothetic eyes. Hello Chris you there man wake up Steven says. I look and there is Steven and then next thing the sauce from the pizza drops all on my pants. Aww fuck man I say annoyingly. Haha Chris that's what you get for not paying any attention to me Steven says. I start to get up quickly and next thing you know I hit someone and the tray of food hits the guy in his chest and he falls on the floor. Everyone got so quiet you could hear a pin drop that's how quiet it is and I turn around and I see Mark on the floor oh man I just caused Mark's food to spill all on him. I nervously hand him some napkins and start to wipe the sauce off his shirt. I could feel his muscular build underneath the shirt. I'm so sorry Mark I say. He looks at me and smiles. Its ok Chris really I wouldn't worry about it he says. I turn around and look at Steven and he looks at me with his head, and I just run out of the building and start to silently cry to myself. "It'll be ok Chris I say to myself. I see a napkin in my face and I look up and there is Mark with a big smile. "You just up and leave and not even want to talk" he says. "I'm really sorry for that I get so clumsy man" I say. "Man don't worry about it its just a shirt the sauce does come out man" he says with a smile. I look up at him and stare into his eyes and I just look back down really quickly. "Hey listen man the name is Mark" he says and then he extends his hand out towards me. "Hi I'm Chris" I say with a smile. "Well Chris it's nice to meet you" he says as we shake hands. "Hey listen man I have to get going I have practice in five minutes I'll see you in class" he says with a smile. "That would be really cool Mark I'll see you later" I say. He walks off towards the football field and I start to walk across the bridge. I look at my watch and its 5:00pm and I need to get back to the dorms so I can start working on my assignments. I start to walk back to my car which is on the other side of the campus. I made a mental note never park at the security building. I get into my car and I hear a screeching noise and I turn around and there is no one. "Damn Chris you need to get together" I say to myself. I get in the car and I drive back to my dorm. I go into University Place and there is the guard standing there waving people to come in and out. That has got to be the easiest job I have ever seen. I go to my building which is 1045 now it looks like apartment style complexes. The building has three floors and is painted white with black shutters. It really sucks because you have to climb the stairs and I hate this but I am on the 3rd floor in the way back. So I go and climb those two flights of stairs. I make it finally to my apt with is K and I enter and to my right there is the washer and dryer which really is pretty neat. There is my mini kitchen which has everything you could possibly need. There is also the main room which has a couch and a table for you to sit and eat. They also have four doors which are labeled 1 2 3 and 4. To your left is Room 1 and 2. To my right is Room 3 and 4. I have three roommates which is really pretty cool. Two of my roommates are never there so it doesn't matter. The other roommate I have never seen but his name sounds really familiar. I go into my room and there is my bed and my one dresser and desk and closet. There is a bath area and then the shower. I have my own bathroom I just have to share the shower with someone else. I think its ok though. I drop my bag and I go and lie down on my bed and rest for a few seconds. My god I'm so tired and I close my eyes and go to sleep. I wake up to feel hands are wrapped around my throat squeezing very tight. I start to cough and fight but I open my eyes and there he is. "I told you I'd be back for you faggot" he says. "You honestly think that just because you left town I wouldn't have forgotten about you" he says. He pushes me off the bed and he grabs a knife. I start to get and run towards the door he grabs me by my shirt and pushes me down. He gets on top of me and starts to punch me in the face. I'm screaming out very loud "Please help me STOP NO DON'T DO IT" I say loudly. "You just can't resist can you faggot" he says and takes the knife and plunges it into my stomach and I start to scream in pain. "AHHHH!" I scream out loudly. I look and it's dark outside; I look at my clock and its 9:30pm. "Oh shit I need to call my mom" I say. I decide to call her tomorrow and I get out of my room and go to get me some food. I open the fridge and there is baking soda, flat soda and some hamburger meat. "Damn I need to go to the grocery store" I say to myself. I get my wallet and keys and leave my apartment and run down the stairs. As I jump off the last step and I see Mark. "Hey Chris" he says. "Hi Mark what you doing here" I say. "Dude this is my complex I stay in Apt L he says" "That is so cool I stay in Apt K" I say. "Where are you going to?" he says with a smile. "I'm going to the store to get some groceries" I say looking down at my feet. "Hey man are you ok" he says with concern in his voice. "I am ok man I just had a really bad dream" I say looking down at the floor. "Hey man we all get those just don't let that stress you out it's not worth it" he says. He looks at me and I kind of notice that he starts to stare into my eyes. He looks at my hand and notices a big brown scar. "Hey man how did you get that" he says. " One of my friends dared me to take a cigarette and place it on my hand and well I kind of burn myself with that" I say with a weak laugh. He looks at me very questionly. "Listen man I need to get going I'll see you in class next week" I say. I get in my car and I look at my scar and I start to close my eyes. I can still feel the heat from the cigarette on my hand I was very bad to even think that someone as beautiful as Terry could even love me. "Hey faggot I thought I told you I wanted to some sex" he says as he lights up his cigarette. "Terry I just don't feel really good my throat is very sore and I don't know if I am able to do what you want" I say with scariness in my voice. He grabs me by my arm and holds it right under where the cigarette is. I start to shake and beg him to let me go and he holds my hand even tighter. " You know all I ask you for is one thing and you won't even listen to me. He says . He then takes a puff from his cigarette and places it on my hand and burns. I can feel the fire from the cigarette on my hand like a pain in my soul. I scream in pain and he grabs me by my neck and starts to choke me. I start to fight back but it wasn't worth anything he then proceeds to take his pants down and there is his dick waving in my face. I start to scream again but he punches me in the face and I can feel the blood coming from my mouth. I look at him and I see him push me down and forces me to suck him off. He starts to thrust himself on to my face. I start to choke but he tells me that if I don't suck him off right he will fuck me. I slowly start to suck him off with every ounce of strength. After he shoots into my mouth he smiles and says that is what faggots get. He then tells me to get the fuck out of his house. I slowly get up and walks out of the house. "Excuse me Sir are you ok" A man says as he knocks on the car door. I wake up and look at this security guard who has a look of concern. "I'm sorry sir I just am lost in thought" I say looking down. "Are you going to be ok" he says. "I'll be fine sir" I say as I push my key into the car and start the ignition and drives to the grocery store. I look at my watch and its 10:30pm I arrived at the Food lion and I see that I only have thirty minutes to get my stuff. I finally collect all of my groceries and I walk over to the cash wrap stand. There is this annoying lady who rings up my stuff. The total is eighty five thirty eight; and I decide to pay with my credit card. I get my receipt and take my groceries to my car. As I'm walking to my car I hear this strange creak sound. I turn around and there is no one so I run to my car and throw my groceries in and drive back to my dorm. I get to my dorm and put my groceries up and I return to my room. I go back into my bed and close my eyes and I slowly drift into dream land.

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