Fixing the Backstreet Boys

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Jun 19, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. The characters are completely fictional. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. The sex will be light, but it will be present. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: This is my first story. So if I'm doing a horrible job, or if you love it, or if you just wanna say hi, email me at and we can chat. Thanks a bunch.

QUICK REMINDER: One chapter left after this...


Aidan woke up and decided that he wasn't going to let one more day be wasted by what was going on. He got out of bed, took a shower, and went downstairs. Aidan started to make breakfast.

A half an hour later plates of bacon, eggs, toast, sausage, and waffles were covering the kitchen tables.

The smell quickly brought the rest of the household downstairs.

"Wow, Aidan you cooked a whole meal all by yourself!" Ashley joked giving her brother a hug, happy to see him looking better.

"Yeah, every once in a while I prove my worth." Aidan said messing up her hair and planting a kiss on top of her head.

All eight of them sat down to eat.

Everyone was blissfully unaware of what went on between Kevin and Nick last night, everyone but Aidan.

Becca and Ashley were throwing pieces of toast crust at each other.

AJ and Brian were discussing what the sleeping arrangements would be like for the next tour.

Howie was reading the newspaper.

And Nick and Kevin were just sitting there eating silently, ever so often catching one another's eye and not being able to keep the sappy smiles to themselves.

Aidan saw all of this. He wanted to stand up and tear both of their evil hearts out with his bare hands. What kind of boy fucks one of his best friends one night and then makes love to another the next? And what kind of man is involved in a serious kiss with a man and sleeps with a boy in the same day? Aidan wanted to just call them both trash and write it off as that. But Aidan knew how special and amazing both of them are and it made it all so hard to understand.

"Anything on the agenda today?" Howie asked, as he did every morning, breaking Aidan of his thoughts.

"Actually I was hoping after breakfast was through that we could have a session. After you have all cleaned up and all that is." Aidan answered.

"Okay, sounds good." Howie said.

Everyone finished up breakfast and went to take showers or whatever they needed to do.

When Kevin got out of the shower he found Nick sitting on the bed waiting for him.

"Kev, we need to talk." Nick said seriously.

"Sure, what's up?" Kevin said, a little worried.

"About last night, about what's gonna happen between the two of us." Nick looked a little scared.

Kevin went over and wrapped Nick in a hug.

"You're wondering if there should be a relationship evolving?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, a little. Last night was so amazing, so..." Nick searched for a word.

"Beautiful?" Kevin offered.

"Beautiful." Nick said, eyes softening. "And you know how much I love you..."

"I love you too Nick." Kevin reassured. "So where's the 'but'?"

"But... as completely perfect as the two of us would be together, I don't know if I'm ready for something as serious as the two of us would be." Nick admitted.

"I understand." Kevin said, giving Nick a squeeze. "You know with me, it's serious or nothing at all. I would love to be with you, but I know it wouldn't work out right now."

"Friends?" Nick looked up at him and asked.

"Forever." Kevin answered, planting a kiss on Nick's forehead.

"Who knows, maybe one day." Nick said shyly.

"Maybe." Kevin smiled.

"Until then you better figure out what is going on between you and Aidan. Not to mention Kristin." Nick said.

"I know." Kevin groaned.

Before they could say anything else there was a knock on the door.

"Kevin? You coming down?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Kevin answered.

"Have you seen Nick?" Brian asked.

"Yep, he's in here with me, we'll be down in just a second." Kevin said again.

On the way back down Brian heard Ashley and Becca talking in their room. Normally he would have just kept on walking, but he heard Nick's name mentioned. Brian paused just for a second. He heard Becca say "I know you hated it sweetie, but thank you. I still can't believe we both slept with Nick Carter."

Brian couldn't believe his ears. He continued down the stairs and sat down on the couch in the living room dumbfounded.

Once everyone had settled down, Aidan pulled up a chair and sat in front of the two couches that held the 5 guys.

"You okay Bri?" Aidan asked as he noticed the look on Brian's face.

Everyone else turned to look at Brian.

"What's wrong Frick?" Nick asked.

Brian looked back at everyone. He opened his mouth to speak, but when he couldn't find the words he needed, he shut it again.

AJ put his arm around his boyfriend. "What's up Rok?"

"I don't think it is something I should be sharing in front of the whole group." Brian said.

"When has there ever been anything we couldn't tell each other?" Howie asked.

"One thing comes to mind..." Brian murmured sarcastically.

"Brian, remember what I said when we first met. We all have to be honest with each other and tell each other as much as possible. It's what is best for the group. Aidan reminded.

"Okay." Brian said. "I mean, I don't want to sound pompous, but the last two or three days, what has been going on between everyone? And you know what I mean."

"Huh?" Howie asked.

"I guess I'll have to be blunt with this thick group. Who's been sleeping with who? From what I've heard this place is getting more action that a brothel. I'm not asking because I'm curious and actually care who is screwing who. I'm asking, because if all of this is going on between all of us it could cause some problems if we keep sneaking behind each other's backs." Brian explained to the group.

"Maybe you're right Brian, doesn't sound like something we should talk about all together." Kevin said with an edge.

"Hiding something?" Aidan asked maliciously.

"Excuse me?" Kevin asked, surprised at Aidan's tone of voice.

"Never mind." Aidan mumbled.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Well from my professional point of view, I do think it would be a good idea to have everyone 'fes up." Aidan said, thinking, selfishly, that he would find out what he wanted to know as well.

"I'll start, if it will help. I haven't been with anyone but AJ." Brian said flatly.

"Same here, only Brian, but then again, he is my boyfriend." AJ said slightly sarcastically, a little confused about what was going on.

"Are we questioning everyone's morals? Is that what we are really doing here?" Howie asked.

"Maybe they need to be questioned." Brian answered.

"Don't get all high and mighty on us Brian." Nick put in.

"Somebody should be getting a little 'high and mighty' with you Nick. From what I've heard you've been getting pretty low." Brian said.

"Low? What the fuck are you talking about?" Nick said, getting a little upset.

"The fact that you have slept with three people in two days. Two of them at once!" Brian shot at Nick.

"What?!?" Nick screamed.

"You know! First Howie, then Becca and Ashley!" Brian shouted.

"You did what?!?" Aidan joined the screaming.

"Well here's a news flash, I slept with Kevin too!" Nick yelled.

"Nick!!!" Kevin screamed, angry.

Everyone was standing up screaming at each other. News of partners, reasons why they did what they did, and any accusations they had for each other went flying through the room.

Finally Aidan couldn't take it anymore. He stood on his chair and as loud as he could, screamed " EVERYONE SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP!!!"

Everyone looked at Aidan in surprise. The sat down quietly.

"Right now I'm angry and for a couple reasons. A: You guys are fighting and accusing each other like babies, B: Some of this 'action' has been keeping me up at night (he looked right at Nick and Kevin when he said that), and C: WHAT HAS ME THE MOST OUTRAGED!!! ONE OF YOU FUCKED MY BABY SISTER!!!" Aidan paused to take a deep breath. "And if you weren't my clients, I'd kill you!!!"

Nick visibly flinched.

"It was their idea." Nick mumbled.

"I don't care if the President ordered you to do it. It still wasn't the proper thing to do under my roof." Aidan glared at him.

"I'm sorry." Nick said softly, head lowered.

"Sorry isn't good enough when it comes to something like that!" Aidan shot at him.

"AIDAN!!!" Ashley screamed.

Everyone turned quickly to see the petite brunette standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips, looking extremely angry and dangerous.

"What is your problem? I could hear you all the way in my room, every word you were screaming! You are being a lunatic! And you're the one dishing out the advice? Take a reality check! I heard what you were saying to Nick! First off, it was as much my decision as his! But we won't go into my end of this now! I'll ream you out for that later! You know better than to lay into Nick like that! You try and tell me that a large portion of what you were saying wasn't brought on by pure and utter jealousy!!!" Ashley said, getting right in Aidan's face.

"Listen young lady..." Aidan began, getting back in Ashley's face.

"Don't young lady me!! Why don't you sit down and think for a second. Gather yourself and then start this session over again, okay?" Ashley's attitude changed with her last sentence and she gave her brother a kiss on the cheek and left the room.

Aidan sank into his seat in defeat. Leave it to his little sister to put him in his place.

Aidan drew in a deep breath. "I'm sorry Nick. I'm still not happy with what happened, but I didn't handle it appropriately."

"It's okay... I'm sorry too." Nick whispered.

"So... where were we?" Aidan started.

"We were still discussing who slept with who and why." Howie answered.

"Let me see here... Do I have this straight? AJ and Brian have only been with each other. Howie has been with Nick. Kevin has been with Nick. And Nick has been with Kevin, Howie, Becca, and Ashley. Is that right?" Aidan asked.

"Wow, what a circle." AJ said.

"How about the fact that we kissed?" Kevin asked Aidan softly.

Aidan shot Kevin a panicked look, but no one else seemed too surprised.

"Okay Kevin, I didn't forget that. But we were discussing who slept with whom, not who kissed whom." Aidan answered.

"I think we are looking over something very important here!" Brian suddenly said.

"What is that?" Aidan asked.

"Well... Does anyone remember a few months ago? The hell you put AJ and I through just for being in the same bed, and now it turns out all of us are sharing more than just beds. So anyone want to come out of the closet and join me?" Brian asked.

"Hey I came out two nights ago." Howie said, shaking his head in amusement.

"I'm half out." AJ laughed.

"Half?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, can someone who is bi-sexual come completely out of the closet?" AJ laughed again.

"You can come completely out, but it's a hamper, not a closet." Howie joked with him.

"A hamper? That's not fair! Both Brian and Howie can fit in a closet, but how exactly are AJ and I supposed to fit in a hamper?" Nick joined in the fun.

"Fucking shit. Do you see what our group is composed f? We now have 2 gays, 2 bi's, and a..." AJ began and then turned to look at Kevin. "What are you?"

"Confused." Kevin said in a hard, biting tone.

"A pop group without a straight guy in it... Gee, no one ever could have seen that coming." Nick joked.

"Yeah, this is like something off a fanfic site or something." Howie laughed.

"Should we make all the haters happy and change our name officially to the BackDoor Boys?" Howie asked, laughing.

"Nah... to over done. We need something more original. How about the Backstreet Queers?" Nick said, cracking up.

"Oh no, to derogatory. We need something a little friendlier." Brian suggested.

"Well, we sing, we dance, and we wear fancy clothes, Backstreet Queens?" AJ suggested.

"There we go, we've got it!" Brian was laughing his ass off.

"I'm taking it by all of this joking behavior, that you are all alright with all of this?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah." Nick said.

"Of course." Howie added.

"There's nothing that can happen that can affect our friendship anymore." AJ said.

"Yeah, see what you've done Aidan? We can't even have a fight anymore, without being nice to each other 2 minutes later." Brian said, laughing.

"Oh gee, now that's good news." Aidan said, catching the silly mood.

"Actually, it's no joke. I know we were yelling and screaming at each other just a few minutes ago, but the truth is that it was more from confusion than anything else. Look, we're fine now. We've gotten very good at talking to each other, working things out." Brian told him, his tone getting more serious.

"Yeah Aidan, it's true, this past month has been amazing for us." AJ added.

"I think we owe you a thank you." Howie threw in.

"Just doing my job guys, but it's good to see your relationships getting stronger. The trust issues have been resolved. You may get to go home in a few days." Aidan said.

"HOME?!? Wah - hoo!!!" Nick exclaimed.

"Oh gee, glad you like it here so much." Aidan joked.

"No, wait, no, that's not what I meant." Nick tried to cover up.

"It's okay, just joking, why don't you guys run along. I think we're done here. There isn't much to talk about these days." Aidan said, standing up and shooing them out.

"Run along? You sound like my third grade teacher, she was like 80." Nick laughed.

"If you guys compare me to one more female in your life, I'm going to get a severe complex. And do you know how hard it is to give yourself therapy?" Aidan kidded.

Brian, Nick, AJ, and Howie laughed as they began to leave the room.

As Kevin was taking his leave, Aidan stopped him.

"Can we talk for a moment?" Aidan asked Kevin.

"Yeah, sure." Kevin answered, surprised. "What's up?"

"I just want to say I am sorry for my behavior. Ashley was right, it was out of jealousy. But I want you to know that I wish you and Nick the best of luck. I hope you two will be very happy together." Aidan said as he turned to leave.

"Whoa, hold on, wait a second! Don't I get a chance to say something?" Kevin asked.

"Yes, of course, I just assumed..." Aidan faltered.

"What's the old saying? You make as ass out of you and me?" Kevin joked.

Aidan broke into a small smile. "I guess you're right, I'm sorry, go ahead."

"First off, Nick and I won't be together, we're not going to date." Kevin started.

"Then, why did you, uhm, you know." Aidan muttered, shyly.

"I'm going to tell you why. I was so upset and Nick came to check on me. He took care of me for a while and I asked him to spend the night. I didn't want to be alone. I was telling him about what happened and how much it hurt to be rejected. One thing led to another and we ended up making love." Kevin stuttered though.

"Making love?" Aidan whispered, looking hurt. "Do you love him?"

"Yes, with all my heart. As a friends, a brother, and even as someone I could spend the rest of my life with. But we aren't getting together. Nick isn't ready for something serious and I am to old for casual dating. So ever if it would work out well, we aren't going to give it a try. We will always be close, so it's not like we're loosing anything." Kevin told him.

"Ohhh..." Aidan started. "Is he the only man you have ever loved that way?"

"Loved? Yes, that way, but then again he is the only man I have ever been attracted to and had enough time to really get to know." Kevin said.

"Have there been other guys you were attracted too?" Aidan asked.

"Are you asking that as my therapist, or as someone who is hoping he is one of the 'guys'?" Kevin asked, feeling a little bold.

Aidan's eyes widened, Kevin knew what he was getting at.

"Either way, yes there is one other man I have been attracted to in my life." Kevin leaned forward and whispered. "You..."

"You're attracted to me?" Aidan asked. "Do you like me?"

"Yes, very much." Kevin answered. "And do you like me?"

Aidan looked down at his hands. "Yeah..."

Kevin pushed Aidan's chin up. He was now looking very serious. "Then why did you run away from me?"

"Kevin, I was so scared. I've never kissed anyone in my life. And never expected my first one would be with a guy. It was just all too much for me. I was so scared. All I did was hide in my room and cry for the rest of the day until I passed out." Aidan admitted.

"Do you think I went on like nothing had happened?" Kevin asked.

"I'm not sure what you did." Aidan answered softly.

"Do you know I was in that attic until 9:30 at night? I fell asleep there and didn't leave until Nick found me. When you ran out on me, I didn't know what to do, I just collapsed up there." Kevin said, surprised to feel how quickly the tears had come to his eyes this time.

Aidan saw a tear slide down Kevin's cheek and almost passes out right there and then.

"Kevin? Are you alright?" Aidan said putting an arm around Kevin and leading him to the couch.

"I'm sorry, I was just remembering yesterday." Kevin said, swiping at a tear or two.

"Kev... you're crying..." Aidan was amazed.

"I know, after yesterday I thought there wouldn't be any tears left." Kevin used the edge of his tee-shirt to mop up his face. "But I guess when it has been as long as it has been..."

"You cried yesterday?" Aidan asked, holding Kevin lightly.

"Yeah..." Kevin said laying his head on Aidan's shoulder. "Cried myself to sleep when you ran away and then in Nick's arms for a good portion of the night."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but I'm glad Nick was." Aidan held onto Kevin a little tighter. "I can't believe you're crying."

"Me neither, you can imagine my surprise yesterday." Kevin mumbled.

"I hurt you that bad didn't I?" Aidan asked the man he was holding.

Kevin answered by burying deeper into Aidan's arms.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. I just didn't know what to do. I had never felt so much for someone else ever in my life." Aidan said rubbing Kevin's back.

"Really? So the two of us? We are a possibility?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know Kevin, what about Kristin?" Aidan asked.

"Can't we worry about that later? Right now I just want to see what happens between the two of us." Kevin said.

"So you want to just let it all go for the next few days and then see what there is between the two of us?" Aidan pondered.

"Can we try it that way?" Kevin asked him with hopeful eyes.

"Why not, we'll just see what happens and when it's time for you to leave we'll see what is there." Aidan knew it was impractical and slightly unethical, but he was so damn tired of doing everything by the book.

Kevin still looked as if he didn't believe Aidan.

So Aidan leaned in and kissed Kevin firm and full on the mouth.

Kevin's eyes widened and he immediately began to kiss Aidan back.

They spent the rest of the day in Aidan's bedroom, talking, kissing, and being close.

For a few days it seemed as if Aidan and Kevin actually had a chance. All the way out in the woods it was quite easy to be delusional about the reality of the situation. They all seemed to forget that Aidan was a doctor, and Kevin his patient, making any chance of a relationship impossible.

It was getting very close to the time for the Backstreet Boys to leave for home. Everyone was wondering what the hell Aidan and Kevin were going to do.

*Well that's it for now every one? So what ya think? I know some of you are mad about Nick and Kev. And some of you are all getting legal on me with Aidan and Kev... But all I have to say is... There is one chapter left!!! It's not over yet ladies and gentleman!!! Okay, enough of that... go read the other new postings...

Hasta la ByeByeBye, KB!*

Next: Chapter 11

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