Fixing the Backstreet Boys

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Feb 15, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The story that follows is a work of fiction. The characters are completely fictional. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. The sex will be light, but it will be present. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: This is my first story. So if I'm doing a horrible job, or if you love it, or if you just wanna say hi, email me at and we can chat. Thanks a bunch

Sorry this took so long to get out. I went to the Backstreet Boys Concert in State College on the 12th and I was just way too excited to do anything but wait in anticipation for the past 2 weeks or so. For anyone interested, it was AMAZING!!! My seats were good enough to be able to see the boy's faces. I was in heaven. They were so beautiful!!! I can now say I've been in the same space as Kevin Richardson. I can die happy. Okay, enough of that, on to the story... Thanks to everyone who emailed me. It totally made my day every time. You guys are great. The input has definitely done a world of good for me.


Kevin had finished half of the bottle of tequila before he decided to make a round of the boy's rooms to make sure that they were all doing alright before he was to drunk to walk. He left his room, actually remembering to bring his key with him. Kevin walked to Nick's room first. He decided not to knock on any of the boy's doors, but just to listen. From all the years on the bus he knew the sound of them sleeping, or if they weren't. Kevin listened at Nick's door and didn't hear anything. That's odd, usually you could hear him snoring if he was asleep or playing Nintendo if he was awake. (Sorry guys I know Nick plays Nintendo in every story, but what else could I make him do?, you can't exactly hear doodling.) That was odd, maybe he was in the bathroom. Oh well, he continued to the next room. Kevin listened at Howie's door and he heard the deep breathing and the mumbling that meant Howie was asleep. Kevin heard Howie say in his sleep "Don't make up with him, he doesn't deserve you. Stay with me tonight." He then heard him start to snore lightly. Kevin felt bad listening to him say that, even though it made him wonder, checking on his little 'brothers' was one thing, but listening to something personal was a different story. What he didn't know was that all the boys knew he did this all the time. They thought it was sweet, even if he was a little neurotic. Kevin decided to let Howie figure out his own dreams. AJ's room was the next one in the row. Kevin could hear him crying inside. He considered going in and offering some comfort.

AJ called out "It's alright Kevin, I just wanna be alone."

"Okay, I'm in my room if you need me." Kevin was a little confused, how did AJ know he was there? But he just continued on.

Kevin stopped to listen at Brian's door. He heard Brian sobbing and saying "I love him, I know it's wrong, but I do. I miss him so much, even just as a friend."

"I know buddy, come here, I feel like such a jerk, this is all my fault, I've ruined everything for you two." Kevin heard Nick say. So that's were Nick is. There was some rustling and moving around on the bed. He figured Nick had just enveloped Brian in a hug. Kevin should have known that Nick would have come around at some point. They were best friends for goodness sake. "I feel bad for what I did to you, and I hate seeing you upset, and I know I haven't been there for my best friend, but I'm still a little uncomfortable with this Brian." Nick had continued speaking.

"I know Nick... I'm just so confused. I know this is hard for you, but thank you for being here for me anyway. I was beginning to think we'd never be friends again." Brian said his sobbing muffled a little now.

"Of course we will still be friends. It will just take a little while getting used to the fact that you are gay, not to mention in love with AJ. I couldn't handle it when I saw the two of you that morning; I flew off the handle. I'm afraid I set the tone for this whole incident. I bet if I had been calmer, all of us would have been. We have a tendency to feed off each others emotions." Nick was telling Brian.

"Yeah, maybe you are right, but don't blame yourself. I still don't understand why we've been treating each other so poorly. We've done stuff a lot worse for our group then this. Do you remember when you and AJ got arrested for underage drinking? That could have really got us in trouble. Or when Howie accidentally got his picture taken while kissing that senator's 16-year-old daughter? We could have been completely screwed by that. But we stuck together and got through it, even though the whole world found out. This is only known by us, and we haven't done anything illegal, why has it caused us all to get so upset at each other, so angry?" Brian said through his tears.

"We've been in each other's company for nearly two years straight without a break. Maybe we just can't cope normally anymore." Nick considered.

That was the most intelligent thing Kevin had ever heard Nick say. Why hadn't he thought about it that way? No wonder they were so edgy, it was three days before the end of a tour. They didn't hate each other; they just needed a break. Or at least he hoped that's what it was.

"Kevin, do you want to come in or are you content to stand at the door?" Nick's voice startled him out of his thinking. The door opened and there stood Nick.

"How did you know I was out here?" Kevin asked him.

"We all know you do this every night, though you are usually a lot quieter." Nick told him. "In the six or seven years you've been checking on us before you went to bed, I've never heard you make so much noise out side the door."

"Umm... Well... I..." Kevin stammered.

"Have you been drinking?" Nick asked Kevin pulling him into the room.

"Just a little." Kevin said quickly. "So how long have you guys known about my little rounds?"

"Changing the subject, huh? Okay I'll let it pass. Oh we've known for the past 3 or 4 years. Don't worry, we don't mind, we think it's sweet. Makes us feel safe and loved." Nick gave a silly little grin.

Kevin was blushing a little bit. He never thought the guys knew about what he did. He worried about them, what could he say? They were his little brothers and his best friends, he cared about them a lot, and he wanted to know they were all right at all times.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's okay, we know you worry about us. It just shows how much you love us." Nick said.

Gee, when this kid acts intelligent, he really seems his age for once. Why can't he do that all the time?

"So are you two all right?" Kevin asked them.

"Sorta, Frick's really upset and I'm trying to be the friend I haven't been for the past weeks." Nick said sheepishly.

"Well good, I'm proud of you. Do you guys wanna be alone, or...?" Kevin tried to ask.

"Do we need you to stay and help us talk? No Kevin we are perfectly capable of talking on our own." Nick said with a joking tone in his voice. "Of course if you wanna stay and talk with us, you are more than welcome."

"As tempting as that is, I'm dead tired, and as long as you guys are all right, I'm gonna go to bed." Kevin told them.

"We'll be okay Kev, if you are tired, go to bed. We'll talk to you tomorrow." Brian finally said something. He got up and went over to his cousin.

Kevin took one look at his tear soaked face and almost lost it. "Brian, I'm so sorry. I... I don't know what I can say."

"It's okay Kev, I know, it's all been too much. We'll work it out, I know we will." Brian said. Brian held out his arms and Kevin quickly pulled him into a hug. They stayed in a tight embrace for a second. "I didn't think so at first, but things are looking up a little."

"Yeah, I think they may be." Kevin said. He gave Brian another quick hug and then started toward the door. He stopped for a second. "Come here Nicky."

"Don't call me that." Nick said, but turned toward Kevin anyway. Kevin now held his arms open for Nick. Nick allowed himself to be hugged by the older man and returned it also.

"Good night guys, try and get some sleep tonight, the therapist will be here at 12:00, don't forget." Kevin said. "I'll wake you up around 10:30 or 11:00."

"We won't forget, don't worry. Goodnight Kevy." Nick shut the door before Kevin could tell him not to call him that.

Kevin walked down the hall back to his bedroom. He felt a little better. Nick and Brian were friends again. But what about Howie talking in his sleep? What was that about? And how about AJ, if Brian and he didn't work things out would he be okay? Too much to think about. Need more tequila.

Kevin got into bed and began to work at finishing the bottle of tequila. He didn't want to think about this anymore. He just wanted to forget and go to sleep.

Unfortunately the tequila worked to well. So well Kevin didn't wake up until 11:45 the next morning. And he probably would have slept the day away if the door being banged on and then opening hadn't woken him up.

"Holy shit are you alright?" a voice he didn't recognize asked him. The owner of the voice came running toward him obviously a little panicked.

Kevin didn't realize why he sounded so worried until he looked around. On his bed was the finished bottle of tequila. All over the room was pieces of the bedding and various items of his. And worst of all was the large mess on the left side of his bed and on the floor. Obviously the tequila hadn't agreed with him as much as he had with it. It appeared he had thrown up everything he had eaten in the past few days. And then suddenly he realized that someone he didn't know was in his hotel room.

"Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing in my room?!?" Kevin asked loudly, immediately regretting raising his voice. Wow, that hurt his head.

"Calm down buddy, I'm Aidan Connor, I'm the therapist here to work with you guys." The man standing before Kevin said.

Aidan had light brown hair that was short and styled in a very professional way. He was pale and had beautiful hazel eyes. He was dressed in a gray-green suit, cream shirt, and a matching tie. He was only about 5'8" in height and looked to be on the skinny side. He also appeared to be only around 23 years of age. This put Kevin on guard immediately.

"Really? I some how doubt that." Kevin said sarcastically.

Aidan looked taken back. "What do you mean?"

"I mean let's see some ID before I have to call security." Kevin sneered at him.

Aidan immediately fished out his driver's license from his wallet and the contract with the group from his briefcase. Kevin looked at them and immediately realized how stupid he had been.

"Man, I'm sorry. It's just you look so young, I didn't believe you for a moment." Kevin tried to apologize.

"Kevin it's okay, I actually get that all the time. Are you all right? I mean look at this place." Aidan asked him.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just had a little too much to drink last night. What are you doing here so early, and how did you get in my room?" Kevin asked.

"Early? Or meeting starts in 10 minutes. And I was knocking on your door, but when you didn't answer I just tried the door. It was open and then I saw you lying in your own vomit so I rushed in." Aidan explained.

"I must've forgot to lock the door last night, oops. Wait did you say the meeting starts in 10 minutes?" Kevin looked confused. "What time is it?"

"It is now 11:52 a.m., did you forget?" Aidan asked Kevin.

"No, it's just that I had the alarm set for 10:30, and I never sleep through it." Kevin looked at the alarm to realize he had indeed sleep through it. "Damnit, if I didn't wake up, there is no way the other guys did."

"Why not?" Aidan asked.

"Because I'm the one who wakes them up in the morning, therefore if I'm not awake, they're not awake." Kevin explained. All the sudden his head began to pound quite hard. "Ugh" he said holding his head.

"I got an idea, why don't you get cleaned up and take some aspirin and I will go wake up the other guys?" Aidan asked.

"Not a bad idea, it might freak the guys out, but if you think you can handle it, go right ahead. Their spare keys are on the dresser to the left; the room numbers are on them. Let them know who you are the minute you go in and tell them that I said it was all right. That should be enough for them not to try and kill you." Kevin said looking a little green all the sudden.

"Okay, I'll be careful, see you in a few minutes. You sure you are okay?" Aidan still looked worried about the hungover young man sitting up in the bed.

"I'll be fine, go get the guys, I'll be all set by the time you get back." Kevin told him.

"Sure, no problem, see you in a few." Aidan left the room, he didn't quite believe Kevin, but he had been told that he was the unofficial leader of the group and to believe what he said above all else. Aidan started toward the rooms. He hoped the other boys wouldn't freak out too much at him waking them up.

Kevin got quickly out of bed and immediately ran for the bathroom. Despite the amount vomiting he had done during the night, there was obviously a little more alcohol to get out of his system. He hurled into the toilet violently. When he was done he actually felt a little better. He brushed his teeth and took a few Excedrin. He figured both aspirin and caffeine in one tablet would be exactly what he needed right now. When he was done popping pills he got into the shower and cleaned himself up. After he was dried off and had some clothes on he decided he should clean up a little before the boys got there. Kevin stripped the sheets off the bed and mopped up what was on the rug. He threw the sheets and the towels he had used into a hotel laundry bag and stashed it in the bathroom. No need for the boys to see what happened to him last night. He then set straight his personal belongings and sprayed a little air freshener around the room. It was beginning to look like normal again. The Excedrin was kicking in and he was feeling more like himself. It had been a little under fifteen minutes, so he figured that the boys, or at least Aidan would be back soon.

Aidan had knocked on the first door next to Kevin's room. There was no answer. He used the key and let himself in. The room was empty. Clothes were all over the place, a Nintendo was hooked up to the television, but the bed hadn't been touched. It was still made and there wasn't a wrinkle in it.

"Okay, that's weird? Maybe he got up early, or could he be with one of the other guys? Who knows? They are all adults they can take care of themselves. Probably." Aidan said out loud. "Actually I hope not then I have no reason to be here." Aidan laughed a little at the wrong thought he had just had. He decided to go on to the next room. He knocked on the door first. This time there was an answer.

"Kev, is that you?" Howie said cracking the door a bit.

"No it's Aidan, Kevin sent me to wake you guys up." Aidan told him.

"Why did he do that and who are you?" Howie said through the small crack in the door.

"I'm the therapist you guys hired. Kevin overslept, he sent me to make sure you were all awake. Get ready and all, you need to get to Kevin's room ASAP." Aidan told him.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second." Howie was to tired to ask anymore questions or to distrust what this guy was telling him.

"Good, we will see you in a few minutes." Aidan went toward the next door. Once again he knocked first and just like the first door there was no answer. He knocked again but there was no response. He pushed the key in the lock and turned the knob. The room was dark and quiet. It took a second for his eyes to adjust to the lack of light. When they did he saw a figure lying asleep on the bed. Aidan saw the streaked black hair and recognized the sleeping form as AJ, the 'wild' Backstreet Boy. AJ didn't look so wild right now. He was only wearing a pair of briefs and sweat-socks. He was tangled in the blankets, but wasn't really covered by them. AJ had his arms wrapped around a fluffy stuffed animal. Aidan couldn't quite tell what it was, but it looked worn and loved. AJ was leaning on it like he'd collapse if it were to be taken away from him. Aidan took a closer look at AJ and noticed dried tears on his face and a drying stain on the pillow. AJ had obviously cried himself to sleep. Aidan wondered what had upset him so much to cry himself to sleep and to have to sleep with a 'security blanket'. Could it be the fighting the boys were doing? Wow, it must be real bad between to cause this. Aidan walked over to the boy.

"AJ, wake up, you need to be in Kevin's room in five minutes." Aidan said shaking AJ lightly.

"What..., huh..., Kevin's? Okay, 5 minutes in Kevin's." AJ stammered. He got out of bed and went toward the bathroom.

That boy must be tired, he didn't even realize the person who woke him up wasn't someone he knew. Aidan didn't fight it. He needed to get on to the last room. If AJ was on his way to getting to Kevin's room, that was all Aidan needed to know.

Aidan left AJ's room and headed to the last room that matched a key. He knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. Still no answer. These guys are sure heavy sleepers. So once again he used the spare key to allow himself into one of the Backstreet Boys rooms.

If the sight of AJ crawled up like a little boy hadn't shocked him, then what he saw now sure did. The last room obviously belonged to either Nick or Brian, because they were both in the large bed spooning each other. He was so surprised that he quickly left the room. Aidan didn't want the boys to know that he had just seen that. Once he got himself collected again, he proceeded to pound on the door.

"Wake up!" Aidan shouted. "You need to be in Kevin's room in 2 minutes! GET UP NOW!!!"

Aidan hoped that had worked. He wasn't going back in that room. That's all he needed. To see two of the most popular boy band members wrapped around each other like lovers. Lovers? No it couldn't be. Are they gay? Aidan didn't want to think about it. But he knew he had to, he wondered if this had anything to do with the fighting. Aidan knew he couldn't answer that with out the boys. So he decided to wait on the deep pondering. He just wanted to get back to Kevin's room. He started down the hallway. He knocked on Kevin's door.

"Come in." Kevin's voice rang out.

Aidan let himself into Kevin's room and saw that it, along with Kevin looked much better.

"So how did it go, get slugged or security called on you?" Kevin asked him.

"No, Howie was the only one who even questioned. He answered the door was confused, but agreed to be here in a few minutes. AJ was so tired not only didn't he not answer the door, but also when I went in and woke him he didn't even notice that I was someone he didn't know. He sure isn't the tough guy his image gives off." Aidan rambled.

"What do you mean by that?" Kevin asked.

"Well he looked like a twelve year old with his arms wrapped around that old stuffed animal." Aidan told him.

'AJ still has Mia?' Kevin thought to himself. 'I haven't seen that ratty panda bear in years. I thought he had left it at home. He really must be upset if he's sleeping with Mia again.'

"It kind of looked like he cried himself to sleep also. There were dried tears on his face. I guess things are as bad between you guys as your manager said." Aidan half stated, half asked.

"Yeah." Kevin said softly. Poor AJ, he must be so miserable.

"Well, the next room I went to held a small surprise for me. No one answered the door again." Aidan continued.

"Yeah, we are all heavy sleepers." Kevin said.

"So I let myself in and I found Brian and Nick in bed together." Aidan told him.

"Nothing new, they were up late talking last night, they probably just fell asleep in the middle of it." Kevin stated.

"They were spooning one another." Aidan said pointedly.

"Hey, there best friends, real close, what can I say." Kevin didn't understand why Aidan was pressing this subject.

'What was Kevin keeping from him.' Aidan wondered. 'Was he just trying to cover up for his bandmates or was he telling the truth.'

Before they could finish their conversation the door swung open.

"Kevin who the hell was that who woke us up?" Brian and Nick came bounding into the room. "Howie and AJ said it wasn't them, and you never pound on the door, you just let yourself in."

The two of them looked very disheveled. Brian was in flannel pajamas and Nick was still in his clothes.

"Morning guys, Aidan woke you up." Kevin told them.

"Who?" They asked together.

Kevin smiled at that, they hadn't talked in unison in a month. "Aidan, woke you up, I told him to, he is our new therapist."

"New therapist, you say that like we had an old one." Nick said. "Why didn't you just wake us up like you normally do, Kevin?"

"Well I overslept, and Aidan offered to do it so I could get ready for the session." Kevin told them.

"Dude, you didn't have to pound and scream to wake us up." Nick said to Aidan.

"Well I knocked normally and it didn't do any good." Aidan offered.

"Hey no loss, all okay." Brian told him.

Just then Howie and AJ walked into the room.

"Morning." Howie said.

"More like afternoon, it is almost 12:30." Aidan said to them.

"See AJ, I told you the therapist was here already, he woke me up." Howie said to AJ.

"Yeah us too." Brian and Nick said.

"Did you wake me also? I thought it was Howie." AJ questioned.

"Nope it was me." Aidan told him.

"How did you get in my room?" AJ began to look a little embarrassed.

"Kevin gave me the keys, in case you guys didn't respond to knocks." Aidan said.

"Guys we are all up now, it doesn't matter how we got to that point. Let's just settle down, this meeting is already a half an hour late, we really have to get it started." Kevin interrupted before any arguing or anything could get started.

"Good idea Kevin. Why don't you guys sit down and we can begin." Aidan agreed with him.

All of the guys sat down in Kevin's room. Brian and Nick sat next to each other, Kevin and Howie sat by Aidan, and AJ distanced himself from the other boys.

"First why don't you guys tell me your names, so I know I have all of you right, and tell me how old you are also." Aidan started.

"You don't know who is who?" Howie asked a little surprised.

"I have a pretty good idea, I just want to be sure." Aidan told them.

"Okay, well I'm Howie, and I'm 26." Howie volunteered first.

"I'm Kevin, but I think you knew that, and I'm 28." Kevin went second.

"Hi, I'm Nick and I'm an alcoholic." Nick said giggling.

"NICK!!!" Kevin yelled. "Sorry Aidan, he's 20, if that explains anything."

"No, no it's okay." Aidan tried to calm him down. "I was actually thinking that myself."

Nick and Aidan shared a smile. Kevin just shook his head.

"I'm the baby of the group, our explanation for everything stupid I do." Nick admitted, done with his joke.

"Okay, that's good. And you." Aidan said looking at Brian.

"I'm Brian and I'm 25." Brian stated simply.

Everyone looked at AJ. He was looking at his hands.

"AJ, 22." AJ said so quietly and quickly that it was a wonder how anyone heard him.

Aidan was scribbling in the notebook he held on his lap.

"Okay guys, good. Now I have everyone all straight." Aidan said.

Brian and AJ's eyes flew up at Aidan. Aidan didn't appear to notice.

"So Aidan, can we call you Aidan, or is it supposed to be Dr. Connor?" Kevin asked.

"No, Aidan is fine. I'm used to being informal with my patients." Aidan filled them in.

"Can you tell us anything about yourself?" Howie asked Aidan.

"What do you want to know about me?" Aidan asked.

"Well, name, age, family, school, and stuff." Nick offered.

"Okay, well this isn't the way it usually works, I'm supposed to ask you questions, but I guess it can't hurt. As you know my name is, Aidan Connor, and I'm..." Aidan began.

Suddenly Kevin cut him off. "That's an interesting name, what ancestry is it, what does it mean?"

Aidan shot him a look. "Before we continue, one rule to begin with. We let everyone finish what they are saying. We all have something important to say, and we must let everyone have a chance to speak. I will give you guys that consideration, and I hope you will give it to me also."

"Sorry." Kevin said. "I didn't think."

"It's okay, you didn't know. And I'm glad you are interested. I'll continue if it's okay? Aidan said.

Five heads nodded.

"Both of my name's are Scottish, and that is what my ancestry is. Aidan means fire and Connor means wise, so technically my name means intelligent fire. I live in South Carolina when I'm not traveling. I have a nice house in the woods, about a half an hour from my office. I'm 24, and before you all say something about me being to young to be a therapist, I'll explain. I graduated high school at 15, college at 18, graduate school at 21, and have worked at my firm for the last 3 years. I'm not a genius by any means. I'm just one of those people who took to schoolwork very well. I have a knack for book learning. Luckily, I also have common sense, so I took to therapy very well. How is that guys, enough information for you to except me?" Aidan finished up.

"Wow, yeah, that's pretty cool. You've accomplished a lot by such a young age." Kevin said.

"So have you worked on a lot of cases?" Howie asked.

"Not as many as you would think for the three years I've been working." Aidan said.

"Kevin said you have worked with other celebrities. Who were they, what were there problems?" Brian asked.

The other four guys knew where Brian was going with that question. Therapists were supposed to have some confidentiality rule when it came to their patients. They all wanted to know if Aidan was the type to keep to that rule, or if he would share the Backstreet Boys' problems with others.

"It's true, I have worked with other celebrities, but I'm sorry to say their names and their situations are for my ears and my ears only. Not even the owner of the firm I work for gets to hear about it. Celebrities' managers contact me directly, I'm the only one, besides you and your management, that know I will be working with you." Aidan filled them in.

The guys sighed in relief and then smiled. They liked this guy, it was a little premature, but they felt like they could already trust him.

"I see that makes you guys happy. I'm glad. I figured that question from Brian was a test." Aidan smiled also.

The boys looked a little sheepish, they hadn't wanted him to think they were giving him a test.

"It's alright guys, it's good to know you protect yourselves. It shows character to be concerned with your well being. Would you guys like me to explain how the therapy will go?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, that should be helpful. We'll know what to expect, what you will want from us." Kevin said. He looked at the other guys and they nodded from where they were sitting. They all moved in a little to make sure they wouldn't miss what Aidan said.

"This may be a little hard on you all, but it is the best way to approach a group problem. There are a couple ways to describe how this will work. One is tough love, another is brutal truth. Either way you put it, it means that everything will be kept out in the open. Everything that goes on, everything that is thought, said, acted upon will be brought to the attention of everyone in the group. You will all know what is going on with everyone else. As you can see I am writing in a notebook, it probably didn't surprise you, most therapists do. The only difference with me is that you five will know every word that I put in my notebook. There will be no secrets, no guessing games. Will you guys be able to accept that?" Aidan said to them all.

"It will be rough, but if that is the way it works, I guess so." Kevin said answering for the group.

"Every detail?" Brian asked.

"Every one." Aidan said flatly. "So are you guys all set with that?"

Five heads nodded slowly.

"Okay then let me start with what I have already written down and we can talk about. I understand this will be hard, we can take it slowly." Aidan continued.

The boys sat in anticipation of what the therapist was going to say next.

"As you know, I woke all of you up this morning. Just doing that was enough to see that there is some major work to be done. No offense boys, but what I saw was a little shocking. I woke up Kevin first. Your manager told me that Kevin was the most responsible of the group, the unofficial leader. So finding Kevin passed out in a pile of his own vomit, with an empty bottle of tequila on the bed was a little bit of a shock." Aidan looked at the boys for a reaction. He wanted to see if this would surprise them also, or if it was a common place event.

The boys looked shocked. Kevin looked embarrassed and pissed. He hadn't planned on letting the boys know that. No one knew what to say.

"Let me continue, we can ask each other questions later. After making sure Kevin was okay, I started in on the other rooms. The first one was empty. It looked as if it had been abandoned all night. It confused me, but I continued on. Howie was already awake when I knocked on his door; nothing was too odd there. The next room however, no one answered. I let myself in and saw AJ asleep in bed. He was curled around a stuff animal and had appeared to have cried himself to sleep. He was so out of it, he didn't even question me waking him. I didn't press the issue at that moment; I went on to the last room. Once again no one answered to the knock on the door, so I let myself in. That's where I found both Brian and Nick spooning each other in the bed. I was slightly taken back, so I left the room. I just pounded on the door to wake them up instead." Aidan said.

The look on everyone's was amazing. Confusion, horror, and complete sadness. With that AJ ran out of the room.

Aidan looked a little surprised. "What...?"

End of chapter 3. I was a little shaky on that one everybody, so if you get a second tell me what you think. I would be most grateful. Another quick question, does anyone know where to find a picture of Kevin smiling? I have around 50 pictures of him and he isn't smiling in any of them. I'd really like to see if he actually has teeth or something, Hehe. So if anyone knows where to find one please tell me. Thanks again. Next one will be up soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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