Fixing the Backstreet Boys

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Jun 12, 2000



DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. The characters are completely fictional. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. The sex will be light, but it will be present. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: This is my first story. So if I'm doing a horrible job, or if you love it, or if you just wanna say hi, email me at and we can chat. Thanks a bunch.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: First off, only two chapters left. Second, I just wanna say, yeah I know that the chances of them all being gay are completely unrealistic. But not only is this fiction, it's my fiction, and if I want them to all like men, they can all like men. I'm sorry that the lack of realism upsets some of you. And I'm also sorry that the thing with the 2 girls was so horrid to some of you, but it had to be done. Thanks for listening. Enjoy.


It was close to five o'clock when Ashley, Becca, Nick, and Howie came home from the mall.

They came in the house to find AJ and Brian watching TV on the couch.

"Hi guys! How was the mall?" Brian asked when he saw them come in.

"Great! Becca and I made these two goofballs go bra shopping, they hated it, it was so funny!" Ashley said laughing.

"I have come to the conclusion that Ashley is pure evil." Nick said laughing also.

"Come on guys, it wasn't that bad." Becca added.

"Nah, it was okay. We got them back by spending a good hour in the sports store." Howie put in his two bits.

"So how was the movie guys?" Becca asked.

"It was okay." AJ said rolling his eyes.

"I thought it was good, AJ thought it was cheesy." Brian said with a smile.

"What was it about?" Nick asked.

"About two hours of pure sappiness." AJ answered.

"It was a typical romance story, don't listen to him. It was cute." Brian said.

"Where is everyone else?" Ashley asked.

"Aidan and Kevin? Somewhere in the house, I think. I heard someone moving around on the second floor. It's either one of them, or both of them." AJ informed.

"How long have you been home? You haven't seen either of them?" Becca asked.

"We've been home for like an hour, neither of them have shown their faces." Brian said.

"Maybe they are having a private session." Howie said.

"Maybe, who knows. Whatever it is, they're busy. I'm gonna start dinner. Anyone want to help?" Ashley asked.

"Sure, I'll give you a hand." AJ said.

"Me too." Howie added.

"Cool, come on." Ashley said as she led the two of them into the kitchen.

"So what should the three of us do?" Brian asked.

"Wow, do you mean I get Frick and Frack all to myself?" Becca said with a smile.

"How'd you know our nicknames?" Nick asked with a laugh.

"Well let me just say I'm a slightly bigger fan than I let on, I'm not a crazy teenybopper or anything, just slightly more informed than I let on." Becca admitted.

"Ohh... a closet Backstreet fan." Brian said.

"Better than a closeted Backstreet Boy." Nick said with a laugh.

"You little shit!" Brian said reaching over to tickle Nick.

The three of them ended up having a small tickle war and then sat down to watch television.

An hour and a half later dinner was ready. Becca called upstairs to Kevin and Aidan.

She didn't get an answer.

She tried a few more times, to no avail. She could hear movement though. Becca figured they must still be busy, so she let it go. If they were hungry they could get something later.

"I don't think they will be joining us tonight." Becca told the rest of the group.

"They must be deep in conversation if they have been up there that long." Brian said.

"Oh well, if they're busy, they're busy. They'll miss dinner, their loss." Ashley said.

The seven of them ate dinner. They chatted and joked around. It almost felt like a wacky family. It was funny how just sitting down to a home cooked meal with good friends was almost as good therapy as the stuff that Aidan provided.

It was close to 8:30 before they had all finished dinner and had cleaned up the kitchen.

AJ, Brian, Becca, Nick, and Howie had decided to go for a walk around the lake.

Ashley was a little worried about the two men upstairs, not to mention curious, so she decided to go upstairs to check on them.

Ashley knocked on the door to her brother's room, thinking Kevin and Aidan were most likely in there.

But there was no answer.

Ashley then tried Becca's door, knowing that's where Aidan had been sleeping the past few weeks.

"What?" Aidan asked blandly.

"I haven't seen you all day. I wanted to see if you were alright." Ashley said through the door. "Can I come in?"

"If you want to." Aidan said defeatedly.

Ashley opened the door and went in. She found Aidan curled up on the small bed. He was shivering a little and was clutching a tissue in his hand.

Ashley rushed over to him. "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"I'm not ill, but I don't feel well." Aidan said with a sniffle.

Ashley sat on the bed and put her hand on Aidan's back.

"Aidan, what happened? You've been acting weird for a week now. What is it? You never break down like this." Ashley stated.

"I kissed Kevin." Aidan said in a near whisper.

Ashley looked at him. Aidan was absolutely miserable. "Was it awful?"

"No. I love it. But I'm so confused." Aidan said.

"It was your first kiss wasn't it?" Ashley said, rubbing Aidan's back.

"Yes. It was. And it was with Kevin." Aidan said, sounding almost shocked.

"Did he not kiss back? Is that why you are so upset.?" Ashley asked.

"No, he initiated it. I'm upset because he started to go farther than just kissing. I got scared and bolted from the room. He was calling for me to stop and come back and talk to him. But I just kept running. He must hate me now." Aidan said sobbing.

Ashley tried to comfort her brother as much as she could. "Have you talked to him since it happened?"

"No, I think he may still be in the attic." Aidan muttered.

"Why would he be in the attic?" Ashley was confused.

Aidan told her what had happened in the attic prior to the kissing.

"Are you both okay?" Ashley asked panicked.

"Yeah, both shaken up, but okay. Until the kiss of course. After that..." Aidan trailed off.

"Do you like Kevin, I mean in a romantic way?" Ashley asked carefully.

"I don't know. I'm so confused." Aidan laid down deeper into the bed and buried his face in the pillows.

Ashley covered her older brother with the blankets and comforter. She sat there and rubbed his back until he fell asleep.

'He is falling in love with Kevin. I bet he doesn't even realize it, but that's what it is. He must be gay. He has just never had any experience before. Well there's one point for genetics.' Ashley though to herself.

Once Aidan has fallen asleep, Ashley made her way downstairs. She found everyone sitting around the living room drinking coffee.

"How was your walk?" Ashley asked.

"It was nice, beautiful night out. How are Kevin and Aidan?" Becca answered.

"I haven't seen Kevin, but Aidan isn't doing to well. He's asleep already." Ashley said.

"What happened?" Nick asked.

Ashley told them about the accident in that attic. She hinted at the kiss, but didn't come right out and say it.

"Have you talked to Kevin? Is he okay?" Brian asked.

"I haven't seen him. Aidan said he is either still in the attic or left the house without anyone noticing." Ashley answered.

"I'm going to go check on him." Nick said.

"You sure Frack?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I'll handle it Frick." Nick answered.

Nick started up the stairs to the attic.

"The two of them have gotten real close lately." Howie said.

"Not as close as you and Nick." AJ laughed.

"Hey!" Howie said.

"Good comeback!" AJ laughed again.

"So, should we watch a movie?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, plug one it, it'll kill time." Brian agreed.

Nick went towards the attic. He hoped Kevin was alright. What had happened up there? Ashley told them about the accident, but she was hinting something else had happened. And from the sound of it, it was personal.

'If Kevin was still up here, he must have been here for a long, long time.' Nick thought.

Nick entered the attic. He immediately saw Kevin collapsed on the old mattress on the ground, asleep.

Nick walked over to him and sat down on the mattress. He looked down at Kevin and saw the red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Shit." Nick said awe-struck.

Kevin stirred at the sound of another voice. "Nick, don't swear."

'He's falling apart and he still lectures me.' Nick thought with a weak smile.

Nick reached down and pulled Kevin up from the mattress, so that he was holding him.

"How long you been asleep up here Kev?" Nick asked.

"What time is it?" Kevin asked sleepily.

"Close to 9:30." Nick answered.

"Well, than about 7 or so hours." Kevin said.

"Tell me you're joking!" Nick said.

"No, I came up here around 1:00 and fell asleep a couple hours later. I had no idea it had been so long." Kevin said.

"We were worried about you, we thought you were with Aidan this whole time." Nick told him.

"No." Kevin said sadly. "I don't think I'll ever be with Aidan again."

"Kevin, what happened?" Nick asked softly, holding on to Kevin more tightly.

"I don't know, I really don't." Kevin answered, his eyes filling with tears again.

"Why don't we get you downstairs? You can take a shower, clean up a little. Maybe get a little food into you. Then we can talk, okay?" Nick offered.

"Yeah, okay." Kevin answered, choking back the tears.

Kevin allowed Nick to lead him down the stairs to Aidan's room. Nick went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He laid out a towel and a set of clothes. Nick led Kevin into the bathroom and told him to get undressed and take a shower. Nick said he'd go downstairs and get him a plate of leftovers.

When Nick came back upstairs with the food, Kevin was sitting on the bed in a pair of sweat pants, drying his dark hair.

Nick handed him the plate of food.

"Thanks." Kevin said as he picked at it a little. He didn't exactly have a big appetite at the moment.

"Kev, Ashley told us about the accident and all, but how about you tell me what happened to you and Aidan." Nick said sitting down next to Kevin on the bed.

At the mention of Aidan's name, the tears came rushing back to Kevin's eyes. Obviously he wasn't 'all cried out'.

Nick was shocked. It wasn't the fact that tears came to Kevin's eyes, he had seen that many times. It was the fact, that for the first time since he had met Kevin, those tears were spilling.

"Shit." Was all Nick could say.

Kevin looked at Nick with complete hopelessness in his eyes.

"What happened Kev?" Nick asked, with a voice full of compassion.

For the moment all Kevin could do was swipe at the tears falling from his eyes.

Nick took the plate of food from Kevin's hands. He pulled the distressed man into his arms and held onto him tight. "Tell me, tell me everything."

Kevin relaxed a little in Nick's arms. He felt safe for the first time all day. He took a deep breath and began.

"I had just woken up and I heard a loud crash upstairs, I went running upstairs..." Kevin filled Nick in on every detail. "And then he ran from the attic. I called for him to stop and talk to me, but he just kept going. And then I cried Nick, for hours. Nothing has made me cry, especially not like that, in years."

"Oh Kevin." Nick said as he stroked his arm. "That must have broke your heart."

Kevin nodded slowly. "I've never felt this way before."

"Because the feeling is due to Aidan?" Nick asked.

Kevin nodded again. "I never had a man evoke an emotion in me like this before. Anger? Sure. Fear? Yeah. But love? This kind of love? Never. It's hard to explain."

"I think I understand." Nick said softly.

"How could you? Are you gay?" Kevin said semi-sarcastically.

"No. But I'm pretty sure I'm bi." Nick said in response. "Are you?"

"I don't know. I have Kristin and all, and I can't dream of losing her. But recently I have been attracted to two men." Kevin admitted.

"Really? Who?" Nick asked.

"Aidan and you." Kevin said looking down at his hands.

"Me?" Nick said amazed.

"Yeah, remember that first night you helped me sleep?" Kevin asked.

Nick nodded.

"I don't know what it was, but something came over me. I saw what an amazing man you have become in these passed years. You have matured so much and for some reason I found it very attractive." Kevin told him.

"Wow." Was all Nick said.

"Yeah." Kevin said softly.

Kevin buried his head into Nick's shoulder and began to cry a little harder into his shirt.

"Come on Kev, stop crying. You're gonna be okay, just calm down. Don't worry. Aww... screw it, let it all out." Nick said, excusing himself for sounding so cheesy. "You want to lay down?"

Kevin nodded against Nick.

Nick laid the two of them down on the bed, without releasing the embrace.

"Look what he's done to me Nick." Kevin said pitifully.

"Don't say that Kev, you know he would never purposely make you this upset." Nick said trying to soothe Kevin.

"I know. I'm just so upset. This is all so weird." Kevin answered.

Nick continued to hold onto Kevin. They were both laying on their sides, facing each other. Kevin's head was resting lightly in the crook of Nick's neck and Nick had his arms tightly around Kevin, holding him close.

"You think Aidan would talk to me now?" Kevin asked.

"Aidan's asleep. Ashley said he wasn't doing very well." Nick said softly, running his fingers through Kevin's damp hair.

"Why? What's wrong? Did he get hurt from the accident?" Kevin lifted his head and looked right in to Nick's eyes.

"Physically he's fine, but I think it was all to much for him. He's mentally exhausted." Nick said. "According to Ashley he just kinda broke down and collapsed. She say's he'll be better after some sleep."

Nick saw the look on Kevin's face as he said that. He looked so sad. Nick rubbed his back a little and gave him kiss on the top of his head . The two laid there for at least 20 minutes while Kevin let go of the rest of his tears. He slowly began to stop and the only noise heard was the little sniffles he made every once in a while.

"How ya doin Kev?" Nick asked.

"Better, believe it or not, I feel better." Kevin admitted.

"Good! See it helps to let go sometimes." Nick said.

"I guess, maybe. But I think it was more you than the crying. Thanks." Kevin offered.

"Nah..." Was all Nick said, giving Kevin a squeeze.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Kevin asked.

"Sure Kev, what's up?" Nick asked.

"Will you stay here with me tonight?" Kevin asked softly, lowering his head.

"You afraid you won't be able to sleep?" Nick asked, taking his pointer finger and lifting up Kevin's chin.

"Yeah..." Kevin started to lie. "No, I just don't want to be alone."

Nick opened his mouth, he was about to make fun of Kevin for being a wimp, but he stopped himself before he said anything. Maybe he was growing up a little.

"Sure I'll stay Kevy." Nick said, smiling at him.

"Thanks Nicky." Kevin said, giving a half smile back.

Nick stood up for a second.

"Where are you going?" Kevin panicked.

"To the bathroom and to take my jeans and sneakers off. I'll be right back, don't worry." Nick said with a laugh.

Nick went into the bathroom and came out a minute later in just his boxers and a tee-shirt.

Kevin suddenly remembered the feelings he was having for Nick the last time he saw him in those old white boxers. Maybe having him spend the wasn't such a good idea.

'What am I thinking? I just kissed Aidan for the first time, hell any man for the first time. I was rejected, heartbroken, and now what? Just a couple of hours later and I'm checking out someone else! What's my problem?' Kevin thought to himself.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Nick joked, catching Kevin staring at him.

"Aww, shuddup!" Kevin muttered, embarrassed.

"You are just to cute when you blush." Nick teased as he hopped into the large bed.

"You're gonna be the death of me, you know that Blondie?" Kevin said softly.

"I know." Nick said, sliding over in order to take hold of Kevin again. They may be joking around at the moment, but the both knew Kevin was going to need him tonight.

"How ya doing? You tired?" Nick asked him.

"A little, not overly so." Kevin answered.

"Want me to rub your back?" Nick asked.

"Nah... I'm okay, thanks though." Kevin answered.

"So..." Nick said.

"Yeah." Kevin answered.

Kevin looked at Nick. He was so beautiful. Nick had grown up, yes, but there was still this angelic innocence to his face. Those wide blue eyes, that cute little nose, that soft blond hair, and those full red lips. Kevin had such a desire to kiss those lips.

"What ya thinking?" Nick asked.

"That I would like to kiss you." Kevin answered honestly.

"What?!?" Nick asked, shocked.

"You heard me." Kevin said.

"Why? I mean, after what happened today, why?" Nick stammered.

"I don't want to be rejected again. I need to be close to someone. And you are so special to me Nick. Please don't reject me too." Kevin pleaded his explanation.

Nick couldn't believe what Kevin was saying. Sure, he had always been interested in his 'older brother' that way, but due to the age difference, he never dreamed Kevin would ever feel the same way. Not to mention Nick had always thought Kevin was straight. It was so tempting, the idea of having Kevin. But so wrong, after what he had been though today, it would just be grabbing him on the rebound. They'd probably hate each other in the morning. But then again, adding Kevin to the list would make this one hell of a 48 hours.

"I'd like to kiss you too Kev." Nick finally answered.

Kevin's eyes brighten. As awful as it sounded, being with Nick tonight would make him feel so much better. All Kevin needed was a little bit of intimate comfort.

Kevin wrapped his arms around Nick, so that they were embraced, instead of Nick just holding him.

They both leaned in at the same time. They brushed lips together very lightly at first. A warmth surrounded them and the air felt electric. They pulled back and looked at each other. Their eyes softened and they smiled. Nick gave a small wink and then leaned in again. The began to kiss with more pressure. It was still tender and very sweet, but they were very into it. Kevin put his hand softly behind Nick's head and tilted it. Kevin slipped his tongue into Nick's mouth and brushed it against Nick's own tongue. Nick melted for a moment in Kevin's arms. Then he began to return the french kiss. The two men entwined their tongues and continued to kiss each other passionalty. Kevin turned Nick so that he was laying on his back. He straddled him and then lowered his head to kiss him again. Nick began to feel a stirring down below and wondered if Kevin could feel it because of the way he was sitting on him. Kevin felt it and it caused a stirring in his own manhood.

Kevin stood up and stripped off his clothes and stood before Nick completely nude.

"Oh shit." Nick murmured with breathless admiration. Kevin was dominantly equipped, it took a full minute before Nick could take his eyes form it. Once he could he saw the things that made Kevin so different from himself.

It was more than just his dark hair. Kevin's hips were narrow, but his thighs were full and smooth with muscles, no doubt from the long hours he spent in the gym. Nick reached out with an inquisitive finger and traced a long sinew. He watched in amazement as Kevin's shaft responded, showing the brute force it possessed.

"I've never seen anything like you, never been with anyone like you." Nick said to Kevin.

"What about Howie?" Kevin asked.

"No, that wasn't like this. That was raw, I was in a hurry. I don't want to be in hurry with you. I want to savor you slowly." Nick answered. "Plus, Howie doesn't look a thing like you."

Kevin drew Nick close and pressed himself against Nick's soft skin.

Nick was now sitting up and Kevin began to inch his shirt over his head. The room was warm and it added to both of their arousal's. Nick took a second to rub against Kevin.

"Mmm, that feels good." Nick said, closing his eyes.

Kevin kissed his eyelids. "Foreplay with you is like being in heaven."

Nick thought that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to him. "Why? Because you've never been 'here' before?"

Kevin cupped Nick's backside." That's part of it. Knowing this is the first time I'll be aroused like this. Knowing you'll be the first to breach all of my defenses. But then again, I can imagine doing this with you everyday for the rest of my life and it would still be like heaven."

Nick rubbed his cheek against Kevin's chest and nipped at his nipple with his teeth.

Kevin rewarded Nick with a laugh and then reached down and pulled Nick's boxers off and flung them across the room. Nick was now stark naked. And he was trying to grab the sheet and cover himself up.

"Stand up." Kevin instructed. "Walk around for me, I want to see all of you."

"Exactly what do you mean?" Nick stammered.

Kevin rolled his eyes in ecstasy, almost making him laugh. "I want you to see what I see. I know you think you are over weight and unattractive. But you're not, I want you to see yourself how I see you. Go look in the mirror."

Nick was extremely embarrassed, but he followed as he was told. He blushed pink at his reflection.

Sure he was a little pudgy. But he was far from fat. Maybe he had just been standing next to AJ too often. He had great broad shoulders, smooth firm biceps, and his chest wasn't half bad either. So what if he didn't have a wash board stomach, or a tight little butt? His long thick legs made up for that. Why did he think he was so hideous? Millions of screaming teenagers wanted him, not to mention Kevin.

Ahhh... Kevin, sitting there was watching him stare into the mirror. He could see him in the reflection, perched on the side of the bed. He decided to tease Kev a little. Nick ran his hands lightly down his own body.

Kevin growled low in his throat and pounced. With one arm around Nick's back and the other behind his knees he swept the blond up, laying a kiss on his stomach, before throwing him on the bed.

"Lie back." Kevin murmured.

As Nick did so he lifted his arms and laid them crossed over his head. Kevin knelt on the bed and gazed down at Nick. "You are beautiful."

Nick lifted his legs and wrapped them around Kevin's waist, forcing him to come closer.

Kevin snaked out his tongue and licked his lower lip.

Kevin stretched out beside Nick on the bed, then came up over him in the dominant position and pulled him into a fierce embrace.

One of the most beautiful things about Nick was his mouth and Kevin couldn't get enough of it. He splayed his fingers into his hair and lowered his mouth, molding his lips and his body to Nick's as he lay captive beneath him.

At first his kisses were tender and melting, then they turned sensual as his tongue delved deep, tasting Nick's sweetness and tempting his tongue to duel with his in a play of love that felt like hot, sliding silk. These kisses aroused a ferocious hunger that became rough and elemental in their intensity.

Kevin rolled onto his back and took Nick with him, so that he was now in the dominant position.

Nick looked down at Kevin, smoky-eyed, and then feverishly, with his hands and mouth explored Kevin's body to the full extent. Rubbing, stroking, cupping, licking, and kissing. Nick covered every inch of the muscle hard body. Kevin had never experienced something so wonderfully uninhibited in his life.

"Please." Was all Nick said, but the small word spoke volumes.

Kevin stroked the inside of Nick's thigh and once again got on top of Nick. There was a ruthless, masterful look in his eye. Kevin wanted control, he needed Nick to yield to him.

Nick wasn't going to have any of that.

With a quick burst of strength Nick positioned himself so that the head of his phallus was at the entrance of Kevin.

Nick thrust into him with a steady pressure and did not stop until he was in deep. Kevin was so tight that a hot shudder jolted through his boy and then, slowly, with long smooth strokes, Nick began to make Kevin his.

Never in his most amazing dreams had Kevin ever imagined anything could be so powerful and cataclysmic. There was pain of course, but he tried not to fight it. Instead he focused on the fullness and knew the pleasure would soon drown everything else. Once it did he began to arch with Nick's thrusts, clenching to hold him captive until the ravishing was complete. Kevin sought out more kisses, but it wasn't enough. He slid his mouth down Nick's smooth neck and bit his shoulder.

Nick felt his climax almost start once or twice from the molten torment, but with an iron will he stroked deep and strong, aware that the orgasm was building in Kevin as sure as it was in himself.

Suddenly Kevin made a guttural growl and clung to Nick tightly. A cry was torn form Nick's own throat. Amazingly they climaxed together.

The both felt the throbbing and pulsing of each other as they lay as one. They laid like that for a while, unable to move, despite the sticky mess drying between them.

They laid entwined, two hearts beating together.

Nick finally lifted from Kevin's body. The loss of Nick's weight disappointed Kevin. But as soon as Nick had moved, he was gathering Kevin in his arms again.

"I had no idea it could be like that." Kevin said breathlessly.

Nick just smiled, never having really experienced anything like that himself. He gave Kevin one more kiss and then they slipped into sleep together.

Next door, in Becca's Room

Aidan pulled the pillow from off his ears. He listened for a second to see if the two in the next room were still going at it. There was finally quiet. Aidan got out of bed quickly to grab another tissue. He wiped his eyes one more time and blew his nose. He crawled back into the small bed and pulled the covers right over his head.

'What a day! What a night!'

Aidan sighed deeply and at last closed his eyes. Right before he fell asleep a thought came to his mind, 'Why do I love him?' and then he passed out.

Well that's it for chapter 10. Oh No! More sex! And different partners! How absolutely evil! Did anyone enjoy it? Or is it just me? Okay, see you all later. Hasta la byebyebye, KB!

Next: Chapter 10

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