
By Justin Balancier

Published on May 31, 2019



Part 6


Adam unbuckled the old man's pants and slid them off along with his baggy boxer underwear; it was almost comical, but real to Asa.

"You don't need to freak out about anything. I know what older men look like naked. My only concern is you not being able to take it" said Adam

"I can't fuck the way young men do it. Not because, I don't want too, but because it's ridiculous to compete and stupid for old `catchers' like me, to even try.

"There is nothing for you to try, just rest on the bed. I will do it all and give what I have. How does that sound?"

"Like Crocodile Dundee, with an alligator, but I'm game."

Adam's cock was swollen again, and he put Asa's hand around it.

"Good little thing you've got there," said Asa, holding Adam's manhood.

"Little? Did I hear you right? - little"

"So I lied a trifle and besides..."

"WAIT – yelled out Adam; "I know what you are going to say - You've had bigger. Am I right or am I wrong?"

"Right or wrong, who knows such an answer? Okay I was joking; you are big, not donkey big; but okay."

"Good grief" replied Adam using one of his favorite expressions. "Okay, I want to fuck. But if you can't do it; we can do something else."

"You'll get no argument from me, if you want to fuck; I can do it."

Adam put his face near Asa and their cheeks touched. Asa was up there in years, but he looked remarkable for his age. He must have been a knock-out when he was in his twenties, and Adam told him so.

"Who knew" was Asa's response. "Wait, a lot of men knew; I've got pictures; lots of pictures. Do you want to see some?"


"Okay, what was I thinking? Pictures – who wants to look at pictures?"

"I want to slide this inside you," said Adam while Asa held on to his warm smooth baby maker.

"I can take it okay, but it's you that concerns me."

"How do I concern you?" asked Adam – "Oh wait; you're concerned how I will react. That's it – isn't it?"

"Yes, that's it, replied Asa." We all want the same thing, but we all don't look the same way"

"This isn't my first time plunging my cock in an old butt. I know what to expect. I told you that before."

"Wexler - you're a slut,"

"Yeah, well, get over it; just stiffel yourself grandpa.

"You mean like in - be quiet"

"I mean like in - shut up"

"This I can do; pushy - pushy." Replied Asa

"I'm going to kiss your lips. It will be a dry kiss, so don't start with any tongue action. Said Adam, holding Asa by the chin"

"My lips are sealed," you won't get tongue action from me. Spit, I don't like."

Adam put his mouth to Asa's lips and kissed him like a gay buddy. It was tender and quite beautiful.

"Kick those pants away." Ordered Adam "Here, let me do it;" and slid the pants away with his foot.

He put his hands down Asa's back and caressed the cheeks of his ass for several minutes, then worked a finger inside him

"Oy vey, this is like a Doctor's examination, with a finger but no glove; only it isn't, and you're not." Asa said laughing just slightly

"Are you ready?" Said Adam, hard as nails and waiting for permission.

"Why not, my butt has been on a vegetarian diet for some time now, so it could use some meat. Just don't be calling it sausage. I'm a Kosher Jew."

Adam laid a pillow under him to prop up his butt ever so slightly. Asa was resting comfortably on his stomach with his legs pushed wide open.

"I feel like a live corpse waitin for some music to begin," thought Asa, becoming embarrassed. But he remained quiet, waiting for this to be over.

"Oy Vey, I must look like a frog." He finally mumbled out loud

"Stop – you look fine." Bellowed Adam scolding him like a little boy. Adam began applying lube to Asa and finger fucking him with no indication of discomfort coming from Asa.

"I'm going in now, pop - are you okay?"

"Yes – yes, what's with being ready? This is not a rocket launch; just do what needs to be done before I get gas. You know how old people fart a lot."

"I have the confidence to continue, just relax, "replied Adam, trying to keep from laughing." I love you old guys, when you're not complaining, you are telling funny stories.

"Good, I will try not to fart."

"Nice – you do that; but nothing bothers me as long as it's only gas."

"Please, already I feel like a fool lying here like Kermit the frog."

"Quiet Asa"


Asa relaxed and gave himself entirety to Adam, trusting everything would be wonderful.

Adam was surprised how warm it was being inside him. Asa wasn't beefy and tight like younger men, but instead moist and warm. For somebody who complained about everything, Asa enjoyed Adam filling him with so much cock. It wasn't the act itself that was gorgeous, but rather the young man who was performing it.

It didn't take Adam long to become stimulated. Every bit of him was inside Asa and only his balls were still visible. He was giving his dick a hockey game, banging the old gents butt into the mattress.

"Wexler, this is gorgeous, what you are doing with me. You will have to tell me what I can do for you; Mumbled Asa, as Adam made every stroke count"

"Cool it grandpa; right now this is more important."

"I want it in my mouth."

"That's not going to happen; I'm in your butt right now, and shot off packing his butt with warm honey, He didn't use a condom and went in bareback making him even wetter."

"Yee, I felt that flood; such beautiful work you do with that pole."

Adam didn't say inside him; but pulled out and cleaned Asa with a towel that he had earlier placed on the bed.

"How was that? Adam asked "Wexler, I loved it. You injected vital energy into an old Jew's body, - Chabad, it was.

"I need to get cleaned up, is that okay?" Adam asked

"I have a walk in tub with a shower."

"Just the shower should do it,"

"Good, you go – Go get clean. Do you want something to eat? "He asked

"No gramps, but, I would love a cup of coffee after all."

"Coffee, you've got"

Asa was not a one cup coffee drinker, that wasn't his style. Instead he brought out the electric coffee percolator and brewed several cups bubbling away and smelling delicious.

Adam came out of the bathroom naked, with drops of water still clinging to his face, and caring a towel. It wasn't wrapped around him like one might expect. Instead it dangled by his side and he used it to sit on.

He was lip-smacking good and his "stuff" moved when he walked with his balls swaying in unison. It was pleasing merchandise, hot and lovely to look at.

Asa didn't have to sneak a look, like one would do in a locker room; he simply touched Adam's legs like the owned him.

"Gorgeous – just a whole lot of gorgeous, Asa said outload

"No gramps, plain is what I am, not good looking, just very plain"

"Don't be telling me; I know gorgeous when I see it."

Asa was being correct. Adam wasn't a homely man, just not a petty gay boy with every hair in place. None of that mattered when it came to being nude; there Adam was a star.

It wasn't just size, although there was plenty of that; it was everything working together. He had a unique way of walking, where his hips seemed to control his long legs. He blossomed like a sweet bird of youth, from head to toe, and his crotch was packed. It was a sin to call that area private.

"Here is your coffee, and some pastry, help yourself,"

"You, are having coffee too gramps, what NO tea?"

"No more tea, I will have coffee," Asa replied

"That's why you pee so much, drinking all that tea." Said Adam

"So, what are you now, – a doctor?"

"You want I should examine you, with another rectal exam?" Said Adam, speaking the way Asa did with an accent; and fracturing proper English.

Asa never noticed the accent, and said nothing more about tea or coffee.

"Do you mind if I get dressed now, or do you still want to play with me? You've got all you'll get today" said Adam grinning, looking for a reaction from the old gent.

"Nice balls you got there kid," said Asa

"I know"

"Big and delicious, like plums filled with nectar'" Asa continued

"I know"

"Do you think? And then, Asa stopped abruptly...

"Please don't ask, Gramps, I'm tapped out – BUT if you really want more cum, I will try" said Adam sounding slightly annoyed

"No – no, it's good; we'll talk."

Adam was dressed and putting on his sneakers. He took a sip of coffee, and sat back in a chair facing Asa. I'll give you a Reader's digest version about me," he said

"Good enough, I don't like long stories"

"I live quite a distance from here, in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. I'm not saying where, but I take a bus. I have a step dad who is uncaring and likes to argue. I think my mom is sorry she married him. He's not Jewish but Italian, so that's a problem right there, because they have nothing in common except the bedroom.

"Where is your father?"

"My father died when I was six years old. It is tough for a woman to work and raise a boy alone. We didn't have much, so she remarried and the extra income kept us afloat. She never said that, but that's how I see it."

I am not a hustler; – do you think any man would choose me if he was paying for an escort."

"I would," said Asa

"Good, I'll remember that, when I need a blowjob – just kidding."

"Ahh, don't be kidding, just call me; but you won't. The good ones never come back. Are you working? I mean a paying job in the real world." "I am a baker's helper at the same bakery where those pastries came from. I saw the name on the box and I recognized it right off."

"That's good. Are you learning the trade? Asked Asa

"I am indeed. I like the bakery business and I learned the secret to making suburb Jewish rye bread"

"What's the secret? Asked Asa

"It's a secret"

"I like that answer"

"I don't have a boyfriend, so I come and go as I please. I like men, older men, as you know. I don't hustle drinks, or ask for things. BUT if a man wants to give me something, I will take it. I really don't have a lot of money.

"I like your style Wexler; you're a hooker with class."

"I'm not a hooker; oy are you dense. I am a care giver to seniors, who would have nothing sexual to play with, without me." He replied rather annoyed at being called a hooker...

"You are right, forgive me, sometimes I don't say things so well. Did I just do a mess up" asked Asa

"Who cares" answered Adam

"I care Wexler. My mouth always is getting me in trouble – but do I learn? Not really."

"Then give me your number and I will be in touch. Do you want to do that? Asked Adam

"Can you bring a load of plum juice? I don't care about getting fucked, but I do like to sniff and swallow."

"All you want grandpa, with plums in yesterday's underwear, for a full flavor, if you wish" said Adam, getting Asa aroused again. It was noticeable by the slight drool on his lower lip.

"A friendship is what we have my boy; and handed Adam a rolled up piece of paper with his email and phone number. Inside the paper was also a wad of folded greenbacks that Adam stuffed into his pocket without looking at them.

"I'll be in touch" he said setting the coffee cup down and wiping his chin with a napkin. Thanks for everything.

"You do that, but don't be a nuisance. I don't want you stopping by here all the time unannounced." Said Asa "That won't happen; I don't do things that way. I have to be asked or invited. And I don't want you to hand me money like you did today. I shouldn't take this; here – let me give it back to you."

"Don't be a smuck. I gave it – you keep it. It is a present"

"I appreciate that, okay gramps, thanks for the present," said Adam

"Nice answer, said Asa."

"I know – good, aren't I?

"You're okay, I've had better, I just don't remember when."

"Of course," Adam replied heading towards the door. I bet you say that to everybody."

"I have my style; now hit the road, I have to rest;" said Asa in a very friendly manner

Asa could Hear Adam going down the stairs taking two steps at a time. He didn't use the elevator. The downstairs entry door to the main hallway slammed shut and he was gone.

"Such a drain, but no need to think about it, as long as I get what I want." mumbled Asa.

He poured the last of the coffee into his cup from the old percolator and sat back thinking about what just happened with Adam. The coffee was no longer hot; but he drank it anyway

"Maybe later, I will send him an email just to talk, than again maybe I won't."

"Wexler may be a lot more of nothing; all these years. I have been a Yutz; it's amazing to still be here and feeling passion for somebody, even tho it's going nowhere."

If there were scholarships for sex, I would sign Wexler up yesterday, phony or not - haunting is the best way to describe him.

Sometimes life gives you what you ask for. Haunting is good.

Part 7 Wrestling with Decline: Has hungry tender moments, that I hope you will enjoy reading.

Thanks for following Flatbush and especially a big "thank you" for supporting Nifty.

Next: Chapter 7

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