
By Justin Balancier

Published on Jul 12, 2019




Part 9

Asa understood that it was a mighty painful business getting old, when it should be rocking awesome. Whoever said it was awesome, didn't leave room for crazy; so he watched British programing that evening; to see how the Brits handled awesome.

He preferred history, when it came to television programming; but situation comedy was good enough. There was nothing special he cared about learning, and wanted to be entertained.

He sat alone and turned on the television. He couldn't fine what he preferred, so when he came across "Are you being served," he watched the antics happening at Grace's Department Store.

Ahh, what a puff Mr. Humphries was flitting around the men's clothing department. Humphries would be right at home working with Bernie. I can hear them now; he thought to himself. "Mr. Bernie – are you free?" – "YES, I'm free."

He didn't go anyplace the following week. Adelaide came and organized the room; vacuuming and dusting for almost an hour; before cleaning the kitchen. Bernie sent him a couple of unimportant emails and that was the extent of it.

Adam had been seeing a young man around his age. He was fairly excited having a boyfriend. The boy's name was Andrew and not Jewish. His last name, Asa couldn't pronounce, thinking his family was Swedish or something Danish.

Adam emailed Asa a picture of them together at Coney Island and Andrew was a cutie. Not drop dead handsome, but a solid little package, He was shorter than Adam with reddish hair and a warm smile. And such a bump in the front of the bathing suit.

They were standing near the Boardwalk, with their shirts off and looking dripping wet from swimming. Adam had a delicious body; Andrew was sufficient but not great. It was something that Asa later had to retract. Andrew as was hot – very hot, in a different way from Adam.

In one of Adams email, he mentioned that he didn't forget his special grandad and would stop by to see him. If there was work he needed help with, he would do it for him.

Asa knew what `work' meant and his dick twitch thinking about Adam on top of him once again.

He sent an email back.

"How does today sound, will that work for you?"

A reply came quickly.

"Of course grandpa, I can do that. I haven't received an invite, so I thought you lost interest. Now, I know that you just want me to spend time with my boyfriend; you're a funny man.

Do you like oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip cookies, fresh made straight from the oven? Caroline baked some today and they are popular with customers. Also what time do you want me there?

He signed it – "Wexler" and not Adam.

Asa read the email three times and he quivered thinking about him. He sent a reply with his heart fluttering like a school girl – He wrote...

"Sure, I like both. (cookies, I am talking about) I'm here, so you come when you can..."

No signature

Later in the afternoon his bell rang and Asa buzzed the vestibule door open.

Adam came into the house caring a white pastry bag with an assortment of cookies. "For you – grandpa" he said, and gave Asa the cookies and a hug.

"Gramps, I can't stay very long. I want to go home to shower and change clothes. I have a date tonight."

"A date is good for you, of course I mind, and I'm greedy, but taking you from a date with Andrew, I would never do."

"How about a cookie and something to drink" "continued Asa feeling depressed inside, but not showing it. He had hopes of Adam naked, but it didn't look that way.

"No grandpa, those are for you, I already had cookies at work. The chocolate chips are marvelous; and the Belgium chocolate melts in your mouth."

"My mouth could use a little melting" mumbled Asa

"Gosh gramps, don't make me feel bad"

"I'm just making with a joke – forget about it." Asa took the bag of cookies into the kitchen and Adam followed him.

Adam gave Asa a hug saying, "thanks gramps for understanding." But he didn't let Asa go. Adam's crotch was pressed up against him and he didn't move.

"Oy, we've got to stop meeting this way" said Asa; picking up on an old slap stick line from Milton Berle.

Asa put his hand on the bulge in Adams pants and started to rub him.

"You better not do that; you know how I am when you get me excited." Said Adam

"One lick – give me one lick"


"A sniff - You wouldn't deny a dying old man one crummy sniff?"

"You're not dying"

"I could be, but leave - if you must; go, as I wither away."

"Oh, sit down," Adam pulled around a kitchen chair and Asa sat down facing him. He unbuckled the top of his jeans and lowered them so Asa could sniff his cock through his underwear.

Asa breathed in deeply and licked a pee stain on his underwear. Adam's cock swelled to full attention as soon as Asa did that.

He tried to pull his underwear down so he could give Adam a blow job, but Adam wouldn't cooperate.

"You got your sniff, you got your lick and now I have to go. Stop, you have to understand."

"I understand, you are saving yourself for your boyfriend tonight; that's good, I get it."

"I've got to go, so Andrew can get it" said Adam

Adam buckled his pants and walked out of the kitchen heading towards the door.

"Don't hate me grandpa,"

"Hate? What's with this hate business. I don't hate." Replied Asa

"Good" said Adam, as he left and closed the door.

In a split second the door reopened and Adam came back in and put his arms around Asa. "Fuck Andrew, he can wait. C'mon, I'm sorry, do me."

Asa flopped down in his comfortable chair and Adam peeled off his clothes putting Asa's hands on his body, forcing him to touch him. Adam looked beyond delicious as he straddled Asa's legs.

There was a precious air of sexuality when Adam was naked and moving his body in an erotic way. His dick was long, smooth, big around and hung down like a hard icicle dripping warm, with honey, "Rub me gramps, touch everything; let me feel you grabbing me. Adam wadded up his underwear and put it under Asa's nose.

"A-huh", moaned Asa

"My cock has been shifting around in the pouch all day, working in a hot bakery kitchen; do you want to breathe on this?"

"Of course, said Asa, as he held Adams's gamey underwear under his nose and covering his mouth."

"So good you smell to me – so kosher good." Said Asa

"Yee gramps, you're a dirty man."

"Should I stop? You want I should be an uppity Jew and a phony?" Asa asked"

"No gramps, I'm one too. You make me hot. I'm oversexed and you understand how I give willingly, the stuff you want from my crotch. Just the word "crotch" turns me on, when I think of your face down there. I'm pretty bad; aren't I?"

`I certainly hope so." replied Asa.

"With Andrew, continued Adam; "I fuck him, when we can find a place to do it; or he blows me in his dad's truck and it's not comfortable; but that's it. Not hot like you can make it; what can I say. I'm a sick Jew."

"Not sick – `needy for your own Matzah; did Andrew fuck you?"

"He has, but it was not so great. I like my dildo better. Andrew tried with a rubber dick, but I had to finish it myself. I know what I'm doing when it comes to my ass."

"I know what I'm doing too," added Asa running his tongue over his lips, like a garden snake.

"Yeah, you sure do. Nobody gets their face up in there like you can"

"I give Andrew blow jobs; and there is some good-looking junk on that guy. Everything fits comfortably in my mouth. You could get his dick and balls in your yap, the way you swallow like you belong in a circus; but don't suggest it."

"I don't go, where I don't belong; not to worry," said Asa; "nothing would I say to Andrew."

"I have something that belongs to you" replied Adam, gently putting Asa's hand on his face. "Me - I belong to you."

"This I don't understand, but question it – I will not. Asa rested back in the overstuffed chair while Adam climbed on top of him with his heavy balls hitting Asa's chin. His dick went into the old gent's mouth and he pumped away gently mouth fucking him and being very careful moving slowly.

"Am I hurting you?"


"I'm about to cum. Your mouth is wet and hot waiting for me to fill it with warm sticky; I want to make you happy. Am I right or am I wrong?" This question is dumb but, I'll ask it anyway - "Do you want it?" mumbled Adam breathing hard. Do you want some warm sticky – it's dairy kosher?"

Adam shot big loads, there was no denying that, and he never failed to taste good. It was something Asa thought about all the time. There was no way Adam was getting out of there without unloading the cannon between his legs.

"Good God, yes; I want it; stop with all these questions? Can we do it the 3rd way" begged Asa. "It's my turn for one question," Asa continued

"What 3rd way? Adam paused thinking about it – "Oh you mean eating fresh cum out of my hand?"

"Yeah, sure, I want to try that," replied Asa.

"I would have to wash my hand first, so there are no germs from touching doorknobs and things like that. Otherwise you might come down with a cold and feel sick. I don't want that to happen. I'm not stopping to wash now."

"Good enough, and that is right, there are more germs on ones hands than anyplace; next time then, you owe me one Wexler"

"Yes, I owe you one, count on it. Are you ready to take this? I can't hold back any longer."

Asa never replied, he just rested his head back as Adam, hunched over him like a kangaroo, pumping shot after shot of slippery juice into his mouth.

Moments later, Adam had his clothes back on leaving his jock underwear on the floor at Asa's feet. A quick run to the bathroom to pee followed by a hug from Asa; and Adam was on his way home to shower, dress and start over again with Andrew.

Asa kicked the jock wear out of the way with his foot but eventually picked it up, barely looking at it. Without Adam, it meant nothing to him and he put it in the laundry pile to be washed.

Asa was an experienced gay man and a clever manipulator for getting what he wanted. Sometimes he was not so successful, but it went with the times and the territory; so he wasn't about to change.

Asa hoped he wasn't losing his grip on reality. He had an old fashion mind guilt-ridden with progressive lust, plain and simple; he was a fading star.

Life isn't supposed to be fair, only a good deal. But, from where he stood, the deal he had with Adam was beyond good. Timing is everything, and it was all so confusing

Whenever he thought about Adam Wexler, especially naked, his entire reason for being became fine and mellow. This shouldn't happen to a man his age, for he knew he was past this nonsense.

Asa was well aware that Adam was a tight rope walker who would fall away and eventually be gone.

This he understood, but was willing to let the game play out and run its course.

Part 10 – Together in Different Ways


Next: Chapter 10

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