Flaxenlocks and the Big Bad Wolf

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 9, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Ah, but it was a wonderful day to walk in the woods! Flaxenlocks skipped along the forest track, his basket upon his arm, feeling that all was right with the world and this was the best of all possible worlds! The forest was so green and lush, the birds were singing happily, the track was clean and bright and free of the fallen leaves of last autumn, and he was almost halfway to his Uncle Florian's house that lay deep inside these woods. Poor Uncle Florian had been feeling very poorly these past several days, and his father had sent young Flaxenlocks to care for his uncle, fixing him his meals and cleaning his house, until he was feeling better. Flaxenlocks was old enough to manage such things for a few days or so until his uncle was back on his feet and able to care for himself. And so he skipped along, wearing his simple homespun hose and tunic, four feet seven, pale brown hair, bright blue eyes, cherubic cheeks spread in a merry grin, his arms and legs thin, yet wiry and strong when he used them in his games or races.

Flaxenlocks came upon a copse of slender beechtrees and from among them stepped a stranger! Flaxenlocks stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes big and round, for strangers were very rare in these parts, he was used to knowing everyone in and around these woods; it was why his father had trusted him to walk alone upon this trail.

The man was large and strong, his brawny, wide-shouldered, hairy-chested, slim-waisted body was bare, for the man wore only a pair of rough-sewn trousers to cover his nakedness, and that on this very warm summer day was more than enough. Flaxenlocks relaxed somewhat, this man wasn't carrying a sword or club or anything at all that could harm him. "Hello there, young man!" the stranger said.

Flaxenlocks liked that the man called him "young man" instead of "kid" like many adults would. So he smiled, and the man smiled wider, showing a large set of even, clean, white teeth. "Hello, there, stranger." he replied.

"What's your name?" the stranger asked. The man was well over six foot tall, with jet black hair and deep brown eyes set in a face sharp-edged but wide and strong-looking.

"Felix Lockesley." Flaxenlocks said. "But my friends call me Flaxenlocks, because of my hair." And it was true that Flaxenlocks had the most beautiful set of light-light-brown curly hair set about his angelic face.

"Well, then, Flaxenlocks, don't you know it's dangerous to walk in the woods all alone?" The stranger went on.

"Oh, I know these woods very well, and there's never any danger, except maybe from a stranger." Flaxenlocks said. "I hope you aren't a danger."

"I hope not, either." the stranger agreed. "But perhaps I should walk with you a while until you find your way."

"But I know my way to my Uncle Florian's house." Flaxenlocks protested. "Though I thank you for your offer, even if I don't know your name."

That was a hint, and the stranger knew it. "My own name is Wolfgang Badenburg." the stranger replied. "And my friends call me Big Bad Wolf." And the stranger's arms flexed as he moved them, so Flaxenlocks had to admit that the name was apt enough, this man was big, all right, and his name explained the rest of it, same as his own.

"My daddy always taught me to be wary around wolves." he joked.

"And it's always wise to pay attention to your Daddy." Big Bad Wolf agreed. "But I'll still walk with you if you'd like."

"It's all right, sir, for I'm certain you must be busy." Flaxenlocks demurred. "And my uncle's house isn't so far from here."

"But there are games we could play while we walked." the stranger said and his eyes almost glowed in a powerful hungry look. "And games while we stopped and rested. I could carry you in my arms if you'd like."

"Thank you, no." Flaxenlocks demurred. "And now if you'll forgive me, I must go, for my uncle is sick in bed and needs me to care and clean for him."

"You could care and clean for me!" Big Bad Wolf called after Flaxenlocks, but Flaxenlocks was running and left Big Bad Wolf far behind. After a time, he relaxed and began walking again. The path he was on curved a long way around at this point, avoiding a line of hills that were rather rugged. A little fellow like Flaxenlocks could never climb such hills.

But a man like Big Bad Wolf could do it easily. Unknown to Flaxenlocks, Big Bad Wolf scaled those hills and made it to his Uncle Florian's house while Flaxenlocks was only halfway there. When there, he read the note that Flaxenlock's uncle had fastened upon the door.

Dear Flaxenlocks,

If I know my brother, he'll have sent you to care for me

while I'm sick, but you needn't worry about me, I'm

feeling much better today, so I'm off to work but will

return around sundown. See you then!

--Uncle Florian

Big Bad Wolf chuckled when he read the note, which he promptly stuffed into his pants pocket and, lifting the latch on the door, went inside, stripped himself completely bare by removing his trousers, and crawled into Uncle Florin's bed. The curtains were drawn, big heavy things, and the room was very dark. To further disguise himself, he pulled on the nightcap and held the covers well up over his brawny body. And just in time, for Flaxenlocks was knocking on the door.

"Come in, young Flaxenlocks." Big Bad Wolf called out.

Flaxenlocks walked in and said, "Uncle Florian, are you feeling all right?"

"I'm feeling poorly and the light hurts my eyes. Pray close the door and come closer."

Flaxenlocks closed the door and went closer, peering as best as he could in the near-darkness of this room after the brightness of the day. "I came to serve you until you are better, Uncle Florian. How may I help you first."

Big Bad Wolf considered this. "I've lain in this bed all day and night for the last three days, and my bones are weary and aching. If you could rub my body for me, ease my pains, I would be so grateful."

"Of course, Uncle Florian."

Flaxenlocks advanced but Big Bad Wolf put out a hand to stop him. "You shouldn't get into bed with those dirty clothes." he said. "Strip down and then you can get in with me."

Flaxenlocks obeyed but as he did, he saw that hand, large and hardened by labor with thick callouses, so unlike his uncle's thin, wiry, soft one. "Uncle Florian, what big, hardened hands you have!" exclaimed Flaxenlocks.

"The better to hold you with, as you rub my weary body." Big Bad Wolf replied. "Come a little closer."

Flaxenlocks did and he pulled down the covers so he could get at his "uncle's" body to rub it. "Uncle Florian, what a muscled, hairy chest you have!" So different from his uncle's sunken, feeble one.

"The better for you to rub on, don't you think?" Big Bad Wolf said. "Now come a little closer and climb on top of me, for there's a lot of pain for you to rub out of me."

"I'm glad I brought some scented oil from my mother's dresser for you." Flaxenlocks said as he wormed his little body to sit straddle of Big Bad Wolf's slender waist. His little prick was rubbing on Big Bad Wolf's stomach as he poured then began to rub the soft, fragrant oil over Big Bad Wolf's body.

"How does that feel, Uncle Florian?" he asked.

"That feels so very nice, Flaxenlocks." Big Bad Wolf sighed as his hard hands closed upon Flaxenlocks' thighs. "You're making my skin feel as soft as these tender young thighs of yours, and your little wiener feels so velvety upon my stomach, won't you rub me a little harder, and a little lower down?"

Flaxenlocks did, he shifted down Big Bad Wolf's stomach and onto his hips and as he did, he gasped. "Uncle Florian, what a big, thick cock you have!" It was hot and throbbing against his buttocks.

"The better to love you with." Big Bad Wolf said. "And I'll show you how much it loves you if you'll put some of that oil on it and rub it for me a while for it's aching for your touch."

And Flaxenlocks poured the oil into his little hand and reached behind him to grasp the heavy, hot mantool and he rubbed the oil liberally over it. Big Bad Wolf moaned as those little oily hands worked his pud up and down, and for himself, Flaxenlocks enjoyed the feel of the thick, ten-inch dong he was plying with the oils and his fingers up and down, up and down.

"Ah, ah, enough, now, my little Flaxenlocks." Big Bad Wolf gasped. "Now it's time for me to show you how much loving this big cock of mine can give you." And with his big, hard hands grabbed Flaxenlocks' body and lifted him up and then lowered him again, this time so that his buttocks came down upon that huge, hungry, hard mancock.

Flaxenlocks gasped in surprise and some fear as the hard tool pressed against his anus. "Oh, oh, Uncle Florian!" he moaned. "That's so big and hard, I don't know if I can take it!" Now Flaxenlocks had at least some sense for all that he was so young and innocent, and his suspicions about the big man suddenly crystalized and he leaned forward, grabbed the nightcap and yanked it from Big Bad Wolf's head. "You're not my Uncle Florian!" he shrieked. "You're the stranger in the woods!"

"Yes, I'm Big Bad Wolf." Big Bad Wolf smiled. "And you refused my games in the woods, but you can't refuse me now!" And he thrust Flaxenlocks down upon his prong, driving his shaft up into the tight young anus.

Flaxenlocks howled as the cock rammed into his butt. Once it was inside, he sobbed, "Take it out, take it out, it hurts!"

"It'll feel better in a little while." Big Bad Wolf soothed him. And his hard hand gripped Flaxenlock's little pud and his fingers worked the boy's dong as the lad moaned on top of him.

And the tiny dick stiffened and the boy began to moan softer and then he began to move up and down on the man's cock.

Big Bad Wolf laughed as the boy's pleasure began to move the youth back and forth, almost as if he didn't want to, but couldn't resist it. "That feels good in there now, doesn't it, lad?" he asked Flaxenlocks. "You're beginning to like my fat hard dong in there, aren't you?"

"Yes, oh, oh, yes!" Flaxenlocks moaned. "It's good!"

"It's going to feel better, the more you work it up and down, too." Big Bad Wolf told the lad, and the boy moaned and began to bob up and down faster.

Big Bad Wolf lay there and enjoyed the look of the lust-stricken lad loving the fat prick in his ass. The boy soon was pumping up and down the endless energy of youth, and the man was writhing underneath him. "Oh, oh, yes, Flaxenlocks, you're so good, I knew when I saw you that you'd be a wonderful boy to fuck!" Big Bad Wolf moaned. "I knew I'd want to stick my cock up your ass and never, never take it out!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" was all Flaxenlocks said to this threat, to be this man's eternal fuck-toy, he only panted harder and then he suddenly choked off his sounds, threw his head back and shuddered, and Big Bad Wolf laughed again.

"You've had yourself a little boy climax, haven't you?" he said to the now spent and gasping lad. "You've ridden me and you loved it all, haven't you?"

"Yes, sir, oh, oh!" panted Flaxenlocks.

"Just lay yourself down on my chest and rest a wee." Big Bad Wolf crooned.

And when the boy did so, Big Bad Wolf held him tight and rolled the two of them over and now he was on top of the boy and he rose up on his knees and began to ram-fuck the tender young ass hard and fast.

Flaxenlocks moaned anew at this onslaught, and the sight of the strong, healthy young man above him, the way the muscles shone with the heat of the day and the exertion of his body, so that he was like something a bit more than human, the perfection of mankind. And the huge pud driving in and out of him stirred his body anew, so that his young body slowly rose toward renewed passion.

But then Big Bad Wolf's face flushed a surprisingly bright red, and he panted and leaned down to rest his upper body upon his balled fists and he gasped, "I'm coming, Flaxenlocks. I'm going to cream you full, give you my seed. Are you ready for it, boy, can you handle it?"

"Yes, oh, oh, yes!" Flaxenlocks panted and Big Bad Wolf fast-fucked him and just as the heat of those speedy thrusts began to friction his bowels in a near-painful way, Big Bad Wolf groaned and shoved his cock in deep and hard and he growled in his lust as his cock pumped hot wads of man-jizz deep into Flaxenlocks' body.

Flaxenlocks' hands gripped Big Bad Wolf's arms, feeling the muscles clench up in the man's orgasm, and they were like marble, and the heat of the spunk filling his bowels, those two combined and he suddenly moaned, a new climax assaulting his boy's brain.

Big Bad Wolf fell heavily onto Flaxenlocks, crushing him even as he still writhed in his joy, and Flaxenlocks wrapped his arms and legs around the strong young man whose dick was still deep within him even though now becoming flaccid, and he pulled that large, square face down and he kissed Big Bad Wolf slowly and sweetly.

Big Bad Wolf surprised him after that by continuing to kiss him, not on the lips but down his body, licking the sweat off the tender young body, sweat composed of the boy's and his own.

And when he reached that young pud, he took it in his mouth and sucked it up hard once again. Flaxenlocks had begun to pant yet again as the warm manly tongue licked at him, and now that his cock was imprisoned within that masculine mouth, he couldn't help but rise once more to the passion so newly awakened in his life.

Big Bad Wolf sucked on the boy until he gave loose with a third climax, and by now, the sun was within an hour of setting. Flaxenlocks rolled out of the bed and said, "Big Bad Wolf, where is my Uncle Florian?"

Big Bad Wolf showed him the note he had taken from the doorway, and Flaxenlocks frowned. "He's better? And coming back soon?"

"Any minute now." Big Bad Wolf agreed. "I had better go."

"But Uncle Florian won't want me to stay with him if he's better. And my Daddy told me to stay with Uncle Florian for two whole weeks. Daddy's traveling again, and Mom went with him this time because I'd be with Uncle Florian, you see."

"Oh." Then Big Bad Wolf grinned suddenly, "So nobody's at your house for the next two weeks?"

"Yeah." Flaxenlocks grinned back. "Only I can't stay there all alone, can I?"

"Don't worry, you won't be alone." Big Bad Wolf assured him. "Not for a single minute."

They hung the note back on the door as they left.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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