Flight 12

By Travis Creel

Published on May 27, 2024


Flight 12 – a serial novel by Travis Creel


Previously, at the Phallic Tower:

  • Tim, having developed wings, flies over a dodecagon, to which he is instantly attracted; it captures him.

  • Sean informs Seth of his last requirement, to collect three testicles from remaining Twelve members.

  • Gary confesses to Jasper that he'd like to have sex, but morphs into Cody mid-conversation.

  • When Stan wanders onto a dodecagon, Hamish realizes that a left-sider must still be alive, and orders Sean to provide proof of his death.


  • Tim arrives, fully human, and witnesses Piers being released from his bondage chair in order to be castrated; gelded left-siders are customarily (Beta-)executed the following day.

  • Augie lashes out at Jordan, but is reprimanded by Harry, with whom Jordan has developed a friendship.

                • MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 * * * * * * * *


With Tim gone, and Gary out of the question, options for my obligatory sex were down to Jasper. What if I didn't have Jasper? His was the next birthday, on the 29th. I had five days to figure out how to save him.

But could I? Sean was right about my inability to protect the Twelve – no matter how careful we were, the dodecagons always seemed to win. Tim had grown wings on his birthday, flown away, and hadn't returned. Obvious conclusion: he had flown over the magenta dodecagon and landed on it. Stimulever had taken the radical step of giving a man wings in order to capture him. Would anything I did to protect Jasper be effective against such an adversary?

And they were indeed my adversary. They held Abe captive, were abusing men I had grown fond of, and had gelded and executed left-siders. Stan and Theo had been recaptured – were they even alive now? How could I accept Sean's assurance that it was all for our benefit? How could I not use every ounce of my body to try to thwart Stimulever?

Sean swore he had no role in turning Tim into an identified flying object. I don't know if I can believe him. And yet . . . we had sex again last night. Dammit, the animal magnetism was still there.


  • Alfie, when we're back in Alphaworld, will you and I be able to hook up?

  • . . . You want to?

  • Yeah.

  • What about your family? What about Pastor Markson?

  • I'm done with Pastor Markson. I'm not going back to that church.

  • Your parents won't like that.

  • I'm twenty years old. I can make my own decisions.

  • They might kick you out.

  • I'll . . . Could I move in with you?

  • . . . I'll be honest, Augie. I'm a free soul. I like my sex, and I like to play around. I'm not sure I'm willing to commit to one person. And I'm not sure you are, either. We could try it, see how it goes. But restrict ourselves to sex once a week.

  • Once a week? We've been doing it multiple times a day!

  • This is Hamishland. In the real world, we'll need to see if we can build a relationship beyond sex.

  • And if we can't?

  • It will be a learning experience. We'll both grow. And then we'll be ready to move on.

  • I don't want to move on.

  • NOW you don't. See if you feel the same way back in Alpha. At least we already know each other there. Not like Paul and Dai, who live on opposite sides of the country.

  • Or Stan and Ian. Where is Stan anyway? I haven't seen him since he was recaptured.

  • Recaptured? What are you talking about?

  • Sean said he was recaptured by a penis garden. Like Al was.

  • You're the only one recaptured by a penis garden – if anyone else was, I'd know.

  • Then Sean was lying?

  • It would seem so.

  • I wonder what else he lied about.


  • Perce, honey, you know the left-siders have to go. It's the physics.

  • I know. But I don't want Thompson and Sebold to die – they're cute.

  • Sebold's already dead. Sean pushed him over a cliff. Anyway, you still have Derisian.

  • For now.

  • You need something to cheer you up. Tomorrow's Christmas – why don't we have a party?

  • What kind of party?

  • An orgy, what else? We'll use every bottom in the joint, and really put the screws to them. Literally.

  • Hmmm.

  • Tell you what, Perce. Thompson's due for the chop today. But we could delay that until after the orgy tomorrow, give him a last hurrah before the axe falls. How would that be?

  • I accept your offer. I presume my little pussy cat will be exempted from this exercise?

  • Don't be absurd. He's a bottom, Perce. He gets fucked.

  • And your doggie – he gets fucked, too?

  • Barry's been a good boy. He can be a top tomorrow.

  • That's not fair, Hame.

  • True. But I'm the boss, Perce. What I say goes.


  • Jordan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have attacked you like that. Harry was so right in everything he said.

  • He usually is.

Dear sweet Harry. I wish I could help him feel more confident about himself.

  • Do you regret telling me?

  • No. Considering how clothes disappear up there, it would have become obvious soon, anyway. Augie, I felt terrible. I still feel terrible. I was confused. I think I wanted you so badly that I talked myself into thinking I was trans. I'm not trans. I'm a man, a man who likes men. It was the stupidest thing I ever did in my life, and I'm sorry that it hurt you.

  • Do you still . . . love me? It looks like you're – I don't know, kinda happy here.

  • I'll admit some fraction of my heart still goes ka-ching when I'm around you, but it's not like before. I know we won't be a couple. I've discovered another side of myself here, a side that likes it a little rougher than anything I would ever dream of asking you for, you're so sweet.

  • I haven't been very sweet lately.

  • You were angry, I understand.

  • It's okay that you're ready to move on, because I am, too. Alfonso and I –

We were interrupted by the impromptu arrival of the man who had awakened new horizons for me.

  • Barry.

  • Hello, hot buns. Am I interrupting something?

  • Kinda.

  • Good.

  • Barry, if you could come back later, I'd be glad to –

  • I know you would, bitch. Of course, it wouldn't be a matter of choice, would it. Augie, you're looking delectable as well, today.

  • (Augie) Uh, thanks. I guess.

  • (Barry) Would you two like to know what you're getting for Christmas?

  • Exit visas?

  • (Barry) Nice try. Hamish is arranging a Christmas party. No mistletoe, but lots of fucking. And Hamish is letting me be a fucker, not a fuckee. Can't say the same for you. This time tomorrow night, you're going to have a couple of sore assholes.

  • Hamish's generosity is overwhelming. Just us two?

  • Oh, no, everyone. Except Harry, of course. So I thought: I'm going to have a busy day tomorrow, maybe I should get in some practice.

  • (Augie) From what I've observed, you don't need any practice.

  • (Barry) True enough, Augie. But my talented dick is itching for some action. How about I take you for a ride?

  • (Augie) No, thanks.

  • (Barry) Sorry, you don't get to say no. I've been given permission to fuck anyone I want other than Abe. Hamish's words. And I choose you, Augie. Bend over.

  • (Augie) Listen –

  • (Barry) No, you listen. I can do this with lube or without, but you're going to get done, get that into your head. Now submit, or I'll have to call in reinforcements and it will be Gangbang City.

Augie looked at me for support. I nodded – you have to do it. Augie sighed and bent over the mattress on my bed. Barry knelt behind him, his sizeable endowment now extended its full length. If I had a ruler, I would guess that Barry's rod would take up all but an inch or two of its length. Augie emitted a low moan as Barry, laughing gleefully, plunged into his backside.

  • (Barry) See, boy? I'm better hung than your pal Alfonso. If you're a good boy, I'll give you a taste of the cane. I'll make you scream, boy, and I'll love every minute of it. Just like you'll love every minute of this.

I watched Barry's hairy, heaving buttocks as he thrust himself in and out of Augie. Augie, who had come here to make peace, had wound up being a piece – of ass. But Barry had given me an idea.

  • Barry.

  • What, you want to be next? Sorry, the next item on my agenda is to make this boy's skin some pretty colors. Though that will make me hard again, maybe I can fit you in. Ha – I can fit you in, and I can fit in you.

  • Barry, you said you could do anyone you wanted.

  • Yep. Hamish's very words: `anyone you please other than Derisian'.

  • Anyone – no questions asked.

  • Anyone.

  • Even a virgin?

                • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 – CHRISTMAS DAY * * * * * * * *


The White Room was where you landed – on soft foam – when captured by a penis garden. There was no soft foam today. But that was hardly the first thing I noticed when Uri escorted me into the space. Suspended from the ceiling were a series of slings, each bearing a bound, blindfolded captive, legs splayed wide to provide easy access to his hole. The victims included Paul, Dai, Augie, Ed, Vic, Tim, Jordan, Miles, and two surprises. One was Seth's boyfriend Abe, whom I hadn't seen since the plane. The other, a light-skinned Black, must be Theo's friend Piers; Piers's balls were nowhere in evidence.

The room contained sixteen fully-erect tops, ten helpless bottoms, and one virgin wallflower.

It was just prior to eight in the morning. Hamish took the floor.

  • We're here to give you your Christmas presents, nice stiff ones. As you know, the island has bestowed on us the ability to produce multiple orgasms on a daily basis. In honor of the holiday, that faculty has been raised exponentially. Our cocks will be the gifts that keep on giving. We want to keep you filled with Christmas joy. And Christmas semen. For the next twelve hours.

  • The next five hours will be spent in twenty rotations of fifteen minutes each. In sixteen of them, a different top will fuck you. In two others, you will be vigorously beaten with some of our favorite implements, followed by a fifteen minute rest period during which you will dangle by your arms, contemplating your pain. That will take us to 1:00. A second five-hour cycle will take us to 6:00. With only two hours remaining, the duration of each rotation will be reduced to six minutes, so that all of us can enjoy you again in those last two hours. Over the course of the day, your anus will be defiled no fewer than forty-eight times. Merry Christmas, boys!

While I silently watch in envy. My anus longed to be defiled. And it wouldn't be.

Uri, in one of his more human moments, had explained to me that preserving my virginity was key to what Sean had termed The Project, and that its success would bring me a happier life.

  • A life in which I found someone? A life in which I am loved? A life that includes sex?

  • I can't guarantee that, Harry. Let's just say a life without barbecue sauce.

  • To quote W.S. Gilbert: `Modified rapture'.

  • Let me return a quote with a quote: `They also serve who only stand and wait.' That's John –

  • Milton, I know. But did Milton have to watch others having the sex he craved, never to get his turn?

  • I don't know, Harry. It's a bit too late to ask him.


My friends in the borough of Queens, the most ethnically diverse county in America, had introduced me to some of the exotic fruits you can find there. One was a little fruit called a quenepa in Spanish. There were quenepa trees on the island, but the fruit wasn't ripe, so we didn't eat them.

But today was Christmas. Quenepa, with its clustered hanging fruit, was the closest thing we had to mistletoe, while admittedly not very close. I wanted to hang some over the doorway if I could figure out how to make it stick. I took the knife to cut a bunch early in the morning, and on my way I stopped for a wank.

I normally arose with a hard-on, but today it felt as if I had overdosed on Viagra. My libido was through the roof. I knew I couldn't last long without spilling my seed and headed into the woods to do the deed.

Where I had quite a surprise. Merry Christmas, Jasper.


It was hardly a merry Christmas: marooned in a parallel universe, Abe inaccessible and in danger, and only two remaining from the original group of Tower residents. Four personalities, but just two bodies. Instead of Abe, I was with Ian and Sean, two of my PAST relationships.

Ian had evolved into a friend, and he'd helped me escape from underground. And yet – I didn't completely trust him.

Sean. What a hot mess. He'd diddled Abe behind my back and claimed Abe had planned to use this trip to dump me. Years ago, he'd arranged the kidnapping of my sons, driving my wife to suicide. At the same time, he made me realize that what I really wanted was a male body next to mine. After Sean, I'd never slept with a woman again. For this I had to be grateful. And the sexual attraction was so strong that we were having pre-dawn trysts in the meadow on a regular basis.

Lately, he'd presented me with an ethical nightmare: to save Abe, I needed to sever three testicles from what was left of The Twelve. Their balls would be restored with the end of Betaworld, in six days. If Sean was telling the truth.

That was a big if.

I rose early. Jasper, absent, was probably at the latrine. The others were asleep. The castration mandate was eating away at me. I had initially thought that – if I had to do it – I could take one testicle from each of three men, creating no eunuchs. But then Tim flew the scene – literally – and there were only two men, possessing four testicles – of which I was to remove three.

I had to make sure this requirement was legit, that Sean was not snowing me. When he awakened, I demanded he take me to his phone and call Hamish so that I could get the word from the horse's mouth. To my disappointment, Hamish confirmed the mandate, with an odd proviso:

  • That's correct, Herrick, three balls. But not from Onslow.

Not from Onslow? The math wasn't that complex: I couldn't get to three without at least one of his. And then I realized what Hamish must have meant: Cody's last name was Benson. He was not `Onslow'. I'd have to take at least one nut from Cody.

But soon I was to discover that that was not what Hamish meant.


Cock in hand, I was stroking it furiously, working my eager balls into a frenzy before they spewed out the fruits of my labor.

My eager balls. All three of them.

All three of them? Yes, count them, Jasper: one, two, three. Apparently, Tim was not the only one who had been biologically altered in his sleep. I had been awarded an extra testicle.

I had to think about why they had done this. I was oversexed already – this was gilding the lily, bringing coals to Newcastle, adding sand to the beach, choose your metaphor. They had transfigured Tim so that he could fly to the dodecagon. Would the extra testicle exacerbate my vulnerability to a dodecagon or a penis garden? If so, why now? They'd altered Tim on his birthday, but mine wasn't for four more days.

I saw Seth and Sean heading back toward the Tower, and wondered where they had been together, and why. Even though Sean might have the answers I sought, I didn't want to trust him with this development.

I motioned to Seth and pulled him aside.

  • Sorry, I don't want Sean to see this. Although clearly he will, eventually.

  • See what?

  • My Christmas gift.

I lifted up my cock, exposing my scrotum to him.

  • Count `em.

  • Count what?

  • My balls.

His eyes widened, but there was more there than just shock. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was a more complex reaction than I was expecting. He lowered his hand toward my groin.

  • May I? Just to be sure.

  • Yeah, okay.

He fingered my ball sac, and I felt his hands as he grasped testicle number one, testicle number two, and testicle number three. And then he nodded to himself, as if something suddenly made sense to him.

  • What?

  • Jasper, we're going to have to talk. Not today, but . . .

  • But what?

  • Enjoy your gift. Merry Christmas.

No, Seth, that wasn't what you were going to say. You know what this is about, and don't want to tell me.


I was in a rest period. That's what they called it – a rest period. I was hanging by my arms, after a brute named Atticus had striped my backside with a cane for fifteen minutes. I was the product of a public school (Americans would call it a private school), where caning was still permitted until 1998, well after my time. I had once transgressed sufficiently to earn `six of the best' and swore it would never happen again. A few minutes ago, I was given more than sixty of the best. I screamed like a banshee. That was after having taken six cocks up my bum. It was not yet ten in the morning – and this was to continue until eight tonight?


I listened to Ed's screams. I listened to Miles's yells as his bubble butt was being blistered. I listened to eight other men grunting as cocks ravaged their helpless holes.

By the time tonight came around, I was sure I would no longer be jealous of them.


When Jasper pulled Seth away for a private conversation, I knew immediately what it was about. Jasper had received his Christmas gift – the third testicle. And surely Seth had put two and two together. Hamish had told him not to touch Onslow. And now he knew how that was possible. Damn.

Dolph had interpreted the physics to mean that all three testicles should be taken from Jasper. But he hadn't been sure. My idea to sever one of Tim's gonads might not have violated the mandate. But now Seth knew he was supposed to take them all from Jasper. And Jasper would probably let him do it – he was tired of being addicted to sex. Especially since it was only a `rental', as I had expressed it to Seth. My only hope was that Seth would get cold feet about castrating Jasper completely.

Meanwhile, I had a bigger problem: how to do away with Stan and provide proof of his death – without Ian finding out.


I told Seth I was going for a walk. It was Christmas and I just had to get away. He warned me to stay well away from the penis gardens. Even though they were supposedly off, they had still snagged Stan and Theo, hadn't they?

Seth's warning at least confirmed that he didn't know Stan was still on the surface, or that Theo was dead. Curiously, Seth hadn't included Al in that list – I knew Al was dead, but I didn't think Seth did. The public story was that all three had been captured by a penis garden.

I headed west toward the beach and the man I loved.


Until now, I thought the worst Christmas of my life was last year, when Magda and I had a major fight and accused each other of infidelity – of which I, at least, was innocent. She wound up tossing one of my gifts out the window; I wound up nursing a scotch at a neighborhood bar.

But this year topped that by a mile. I'm on an island in a parallel universe with nothing to do and no one to talk to, and it's been days since I've seen the person I love because I'm under a death threat and he can't betray that I'm still alive. It was almost enough to make me seek out a penis garden and get it over with.


There was a slight movement on the horizon.

There was never movement on the horizon. All that ever moved were branches in the breeze and waves in the ocean. This was something moving on the beach. There being no native fauna on the island, it had to be a human being. And as the figure approached, my heart filled with joy.

Ian. At last.

It was like in the movies when two star-crossed lovers finally reunite and run into each other's arms, only those scenes are always in slow motion and we were hurtling toward each other at full speed. When we got close enough, Ian literally leaped into my arms. The impact knocked me down onto the sand, but I didn't mind for a second.

Omigod, he felt good. And smelled good. And kissed good.

  • Merry Christmas, Stan.

  • Oh god, Ian, it is now. It was the most miserable Christmas of my life until two minutes ago, and now it's the best ever.

I didn't want his arms to ever release me. I drew his head against my neck and we just lay there wordlessly for a full two minutes, naked on the sand, body against body, before he stood up.

  • I brought you a present.

I looked at his crotch.

  • I see. I think I can give you a similar present. Fuck me, Ian.

  • Only if you let me blow you.

Would you mind if I don't describe the delirious sex we had? There was not a single part of each other's bodies that we did not explore with hands, feet, torso, or tongue. Or penis.

Three orgasms later (I won't reveal which of us had two), we ran into the ocean to clean the sand – and semen – off our bodies, and to leap in and out of the waves like nine-year-olds. And then it was time for me to catch up on what was happening back at the Tower.

  • It's not good, Stan. Al and Theo are dead.

  • . . . What? . . . Dead? How?

  • Sean pushed Theo off a cliff. And Vic killed Al.

My mind was reeling. Vic killed Al???

  • You told me Al was captured by a penis garden.

Ian turned away for a moment. When his eyes returned to my face, they were filled with remorse.

  • I lied about that. That was the cover story so that Seth wouldn't know about it.

  • Vic never told Seth?

  • Vic's gone, Stan. A lot of guys are gone. Augie's gone. Tim's gone.

  • Omigod, Ian, this is a disaster.

  • Yeah, kinda. Weird shit is happening, Stan. Tim turned into a bird, and –

  • Excuse me?

  • He developed wings. And feathers. I mean he was still Tim, his head looked like Tim, but he could fly. He could actually fly. And he flew away – we don't know why – but he didn't come back. We think he must have found the magenta dodecagon, and it got him.

Wait a second. Did he say - ?

  • The magenta dodecagon?

  • Yeah, that was Tim's color. Nobody's seen it, or knows where it is, but –

  • I do.

  • What do you mean, you do?

  • I saw it. I went for a walk – when was it? Saturday. I was bored and wanted to explore. And I found it. But I'm not one of The Twelve, it didn't affect me.

  • Stan.

  • What? Why so serious all of a sudden?

  • Don't tell me you went up on it.

  • Yeah, sure. No worries, I'm immune to it. Nothing.

  • Fuck.

  • What? What's wrong?

  • You step on it, it sets off sensors downstairs. They know someone was on it.

  • And that means - ?

  • They may know that you're alive. Sean told them you're dead, he's agreed to let me cover up your death. But if you were on the dodecagon, they may know you're alive. I'm surprised they haven't sent out a search party. Maybe they didn't notice. In any case, it's not safe for you here.

  • Where am I supposed to go? I can't go further north, Ian, I'm too far from you already.

  • North is no good anyway, it's closer to the egress from underground. You should come with me.

  • What about the lie?

  • At this point, we're only keeping the truth from Seth, Jasper and Gary. Sean knows you're alive. I don't trust Sean, but I think I'm going to have to. If you come back to the Tower, you should be safe. They'd never dream of looking for you there.


Ian had gone for `a walk', which meant he was visiting Stan, probably fucking him. Well, it's Christmas, I can't begrudge him that. I thought for a moment about trailing him, so I could discover Stan's location – and taking the knife with me. But I couldn't kill anyone on Christmas, not even if their Alpha-selves would live on.

I'm not that terrible a person.

Nevertheless, Beta-Stan needs to die, Ian or no Ian. The next time Ian goes for a visit, I'll follow him. I have to find Stan one way or another. I mean, I can't expect Stan to come walking up to the Tower, now, can I?


Sir Barry Russell was buried deep in the backside of one Victor Torrance. We were near the end of the second five-hour cycle. Vic had taken a lot of cock – they all had. But it was clear this big boy was all top in his private life, and not used to being on the receiving end.

I glanced over to the adjacent sling – Miles King, Vic's lover, currently being raped by Stefan. Miles was a natural bottom, more suited to this than Vic, but he was also small, and Stefan was huge. And this was cock number thirty-one. Miles was grunting in pain, and once in a while Vic would call out `Miles?' in concern. I wonder if Vic had seen him since I shaved off his dreadlocks – and the rest of his hair.

It was my second time inside Vic today and I had to make it a rigorous fuck. Miles was more my type, so I imagined I was fucking the smaller Black man. I pushed Vic hard, ramming my (if I say so myself) prodigious phallus up his meaty backside. He groaned – sweet sounds. But I felt the juices building and – ahhhh – they spilled into his hot wet colon.

Mission accomplished.

FLASHBACK: SETH (CLEVELAND) – one year ago, exactly

  • Merry Christmas, Abe.

  • Where's the mistletoe?

  • You're an eager beaver, aren't you?

  • Well, I know you, there's got to be some around here someplace.

  • You know me that well, huh? We've been dating for less than a month.

  • Sometimes that's all it takes.

  • Can you do biometric analysis on mistletoe?

  • I don't think so.

  • Oh, I forgot. Mistletoes aren't actually a body part. Toes are, though. And so are missiles.

  • So are missiles?

  • I've got one between my legs.

  • Oh, THOSE missiles. Spelled differently, Seth.

  • Well, you're the intellectual in this relationship.

  • I'm not sure four weeks of dating constitutes a relationship.

  • It does if it's four weeks of seeing each other every night.

  • We're not seeing each other every night.

  • Hmm, I know what my New Year's resolution is going to be.

  • So what did you get me for Christmas?

  • Two things. They're both bottles.

  • Let me guess. Is one of them gin?

  • Yep.

  • Is the other one tipsy?

  • Nope. It lies perfectly flat on the table, see? Speaking of which . . .

  • Yes?

  • Would you like to lie flat on the table?

  • Doesn't sound very comfortable.

  • Okay, how about lying flat on my bed?

  • Fully dressed like this? Are you going to give me a massage?

  • I'm going to give you a massage, all right. A prostate massage. But you are a little overdressed. Like completely.

  • I'll remedy that situation pronto.

  • You didn't tell me what you got ME for Christmas.

  • Oh, I thought that was obvious. Handcuffs.

  • . . . Abe . . .

  • Okay, not funny. How about my anus – would you like that?

  • Yes I would, Mister Abraham Derisian. I would like your anus very much indeed.


I miss him so much. Please, God, don't let that be the only Christmas we ever spend together.


It was growing dark. Seth was outside with Sean, worried about Ian, who had not yet returned from his walk. Gary and I were in the Tower, sitting on the floor. Gary was actually Gary, and had been Gary all day, so far as I knew. I guess Cody and Ray lacked the Christmas spirit.

  • Jasper, you've been hard a lot today.

  • It's this third testicle. It's doing its job.

  • Could I . . . could I touch it?

  • Yes, of course.

Wow. This was a big step forward. Could Gary stay Gary long enough to actually follow through?

I spread my legs to give him access. His hand came forward tentatively, then withdrew.

  • It's okay, Gary. Really. Go ahead.

He looked hesitant, so I took his hand in mine – a little smile popped up on his face – and guided it toward my groin. I let him feel each testicle separately, just as Seth had done this morning.

  • That's really strange, Jasper. But they're real, all right.

  • This is real, too, Gary.

I took his hand and placed it around my cock. He gasped in shock, and then I wrapped his fingers around my stiff organ and closed my hands around his, so that he couldn't withdraw it.

He looked at me in awe, and then gushed a goofy smile.

  • This feels good!

  • Yeah, Gary. It feels good to me, too. Go ahead, stroke it.

  • Stroke it? Really? You'd let me do that?

  • I want you to do that, Gary. You're a man, you're a gay man, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

  • I'm not . . . ashamed. I'm just . . . scared a little.

  • Scared of what? I won't bite.

  • Scared that one of the others . . .

  • Put that thought out of your mind, Gary. This is Christmas. You deserve to have Christmas all to yourself. Don't let them out. Seize the day. Seize the moment. Seize my cock!

He laughed at that, and I released my hands from surrounding his. His hands remained, firmly gripping my cock. He giggled at the sensation. Emotionally, he was thirteen years old at this moment. Physically, he looked more like the cattle rancher Cody thought he was. It was quite a disconnect.

His hand didn't disconnect, though. And slowly I felt movement. His hand slowly glided up toward the top. My cock tingled with pleasure as his rough hands gradually began to stroke me. He kept glancing at me tentatively to make sure it was all right – I think the rapturous look on my face gave him his answer.

  • Can I . . . go faster?

  • Oh, god, yes, Gary. Go faster. Go really really fast.

And his hand started pumping my cock, up and down, up and down, the first hand job I had received in quite a while. I had shot my load with my morning wank and again when Seth had fucked me, but I was ready to fire again. And so it was, barely a minute later, his hand working my cock like it was churning butter – that I felt myself ready to explode. And out it came – in huge spurts, landing in great gobs all over his chest, and trickling down toward his abdomen.

I took his hand and licked the cum off it. But there was still lots on his body, and it was too late to go to the creek to wash off. We could go outside and roll around in the grass or find a leaf – or . . .

  • Lie down on your back and I'll clean you up.

He looked both astonished and grateful. I started with his chest, where a lot of the jism had fallen, and gradually worked myself down his torso, licking off the delicious white juice. He trembled with excitement, and his cock sprung to vibrant life. I worked my tongue around his pubic hair, sucking the cum out of it as Gary groaned with pleasure.

And then – I mean it was there, why not? I took his rigid cock in my mouth and started working it.

  • Omigod, Jasper, this feels so good!

I ran my tongue over every inch of his shaft then took the cockhead into my mouth like a lollipop and treasured it for a moment before I dove deep down and pushed his cock toward my throat. I worked him solidly, mixing techniques, as his breathing started to accelerate. And then – felt him shudder in a way that didn't feel like ecstasy, and I pulled myself off, looking up at his face for a clue.

  • Well don't stop now, bitch, you're just getting to the best part.

Ray. Shit, Ray, you had to spoil it, didn't you? Couldn't let Gary have his orgasm.

Hell, maybe Ray deserved a merry Christmas, too. I lowered my lips to his bulbous cock, continuing to blow him until I eventually brought him off, swallowing every spurt as Ray praised my efforts. And even though it was Ray, I loved every moment of it. I am a sex addict, after all.


Christmas. It had been Christmas. My gift was finding the solution to my castration crisis. Wow, gee thanks. And now it's getting dark, and Ian isn't back yet. He said he was going for a walk, but that was maybe five hours ago. Could he have wandered into a penis garden? Could he have gotten lost? Could he have – and I didn't want to think this – returned underground because he's actually Hamish's spy?

Dammit. Between Ian and Sean, Ian was the one I wanted to trust. But . . .

Wait. There he is. But . . . he's not alone. In the shadows, I can't tell who it is. Is it an emissary from Hamishland? Is it an escapee?

No. It's . . . Stan. What the fuck??? I was happy to see Stan, but Ian had lied about him being taken by a penis garden. Just as Sean had.

Apparently I can't trust either of them.


I couldn't believe my eyes. Merry Christmas, Sean! You're wondering how to worm Stan's location out of Ian, and he brings him right to you, like a lamb to the slaughter.

Well, no slaughter today. It's Christmas. There's plenty of time to do what needs to be done.


I was lying flat on my stomach, pain reverberating throughout my entire body but rocketing through my rectum. Twelve hours of virtually perpetual anal sex will do that to you.

Percy was rubbing my skin with oil, trying to make me feel better.

  • They shouldn't have put you through that, pussycat. I tried to exempt you, but Hamish wouldn't hear of it. But from now on, you're mine, all mine. I won't let anyone else have you. Ever.

I think I was supposed to be pleased by that. But Barry was a more talented fucker than Percy, and I missed our sessions together.

Most of all I missed Seth. That `ever' seemed to imply that I would never again have Seth. I was still confused as to what the future was going to bring. Something was going to happen at the New Year. Barry had learned from Ian that we were in a parallel universe, which made perfect sense in a nonsensical kind of way. And that this universe would end on New Year's Eve. But what that meant for me – or for Seth – or for our future together – was a complete mystery.

Hamish arrived as Percy was rubbing balm on my ass. They talked over me as if I wasn't there.

  • Gosh, that looks good enough to fuck.

  • Are you serious? He's been fucked forty-eight times today. And you've had thirty orgasms already.

  • Thirty-one's my lucky number.

  • No. Twelve is. Twelve is everyone's lucky number. Anyway, you can't have him. From now on, he's mine and mine alone.

  • I was just joking.

  • Thank you for letting me fuck Thompson.

  • I just came from the execution. It was quick; he didn't suffer. That's the nice thing about beheading. So, Derisian aside, the only left-sider left is Kowalczyk, whom I trust Sean will dispatch in due course.

  • When Adena and Onslow show up, what happens? Won't we be over the ball count? We're out of left-siders.

  • We'll have to geld Murdock and King.

  • And then they get the chop?

  • And then they get the chop. As will your pet pussycat. But of course, we'll save him for very last.


Next: Chapter 43

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