Flight 12

By Travis Creel

Published on Jun 6, 2024


Flight 12 – a serial novel by Travis Creel


Previously, at the Phallic Tower:

  • Seth, charged with removing three testicles, tells Jasper (who was bestowed with an extra testicle for Christmas) that they must all come from him. Jasper, aware that his full manhood is on borrowed time, engages in an all-body touch session with Gary.

  • Seth's choices for his daily fuck are now down to Jasper and Gary – as Jasper's birthday nears.

  • Sean, under a directive to provide proof of Stan's death, strangles and buries him. He gets Seth to distract Ian so that he could be alone with Stan, and Seth feels complicit in the murder.

In flashbacks:

  • Jasper goes home with a sadist who threatens to beat him so severely that he can't let him survive to tell it to the cops. When he tries to escape, he is injected with a sedative and loses consciousness.

                • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28 * * * * * * * *


Gary approached me this morning, all nervous – which was almost a redundancy. Gary – when Gary – was always nervous.

  • Seth, are you going to castrate Jasper today?

Shit. He had this wounded puppy-dog look in his eyes. Jasper had told me, with pride, how he and Gary had spent nearly an hour exploring each other's nude bodies, including the parts between the legs, and that Gary had remained Gary the whole time. There were no orgasms, but hard-ons were prominently featured. I hoped Gary's experiencing this would translate into a willingness to have sex with me after Jasper had departed. Actually, I was hoping that Jasper wouldn't depart tomorrow (his birthday), but that was wishful thinking in light of past history. The dodecagons always managed to win.

I looked him in the eye.

  • I have to, Gary.

He nodded soulfully, and then smiled in an odd way.

  • Can I be there, Seth? I . . . Maybe it would help if I were there to hold his hand, like.

This was rather surprising.

  • You want to . . .

  • Watch. Yes, Seth. Can I watch?

No. This was wrong. And there was a glint in his eye when he said that, a glint that wasn't Gary at all.

  • . . . Ray?

  • (laughing) Damn, had you there for a while, didn't I? Pretty good imitation, wasn't it?

  • I wasn't aware that you could observe him.

  • Sometimes I can, when his defenses are down. Like last night, when he was running his hands over Jasper's hot body, I snuck in. I wasn't really there, it was more like watching a movie. But it was still hot.

  • And your request just now –

  • Oh hell, Sethy. I've never seen a man get his nuts snipped. Once in a lifetime experience. I mean, wow.

  • What do you think Gary thinks about this?

  • Who the fuck cares? So can I watch, Sethy? I'll pretend to be Gary; Jasper will never know, he'll think his wimpy friend Geh-wy is with him.

  • . . . Jasper will know, Ray. If I saw through you, Jasper will, too.

  • Don't you think Jasper would want somebody to hold his hand when he gets himself neutered?

  • Maybe – if it were actually Gary. Would you let him come out?

  • . . . Let me think on that. Who knows, this might be one of those times I can watch.

I prayed that not be true.


I sent Hamish the pictures of Stan's corpse. The phone was still in my hand when he called me.

  • Why was he alive, Sean? I talked to Jesús and Ari, and they're not buying the story that Stan survived the fall, washed out to sea, then swam onshore. The magenta portal he stepped on is on the opposite side of the island from those cliffs. It didn't make sense for him to be way over there.

  • Agreed.

  • You told me you pushed him and Theo off the cliff.

  • I only pushed Theo. Ian pushed Stan. Theo's dead, I can guarantee that.

  • You also said Stan was dead.

  • I thought he was.

  • Didn't you see Ian push him?

  • I saw Ian push him, but he was like fifty feet away from me. I couldn't see Stan's landing point from my angle. I heard him scream, I saw Theo's broken body on the rocks below, I assumed Stan was equally dead.

  • So either he survived and somehow got himself to the other side of the island – or Ian is lying. And Ian lied before, didn't he?

  • What do you mean?

  • He told you Stan was taken by a penis portal when he hadn't been.

  • True.

  • This is not good, Sean.

  • I'll talk to Ian and straighten this all out.

  • You'd better. Jesús is not pleased. And Ari was apoplectic when he learned there was a survivor.

Ari. If the Project failed, Jesús was voted out, and Ari was voted in, he promised me I'd be his second-in-command. I can't afford to alienate Ari. Oh, Ian, how can I cover up for you now?

FLASHBACK – SEAN (CLEVELAND) – October-December, last year

Things in Minneapolis were going well; I was grooming Miles, building a relationship that would enable him to trust me so much that he would start dating Vic at my request. I'd chosen Miles because he was perfect for Vic and because he had a hacker friend, Nick, who could disrupt things Stimulever didn't want disrupted.

So it was time to check on The Trigger, who was, of course, The Project's top priority. I couldn't monitor Seth directly, given our history, but I flew into Cleveland occasionally to check in with Paolo, whom Jesús had charged with promoting a Seth romance that we could later threaten. Paolo was well-intentioned, but his choice of boyfriends, one Ian O'Leahy, didn't look too promising. Paolo had befriended Ian under the brand name of Jason, but had doubts that the Ian-Seth relationship would be strong enough to satisfy the physics. During the summer, I'd flown in to check him out for myself, introducing myself as Jude', as I couldn't risk Ian mentioning the name Sean' to Seth.

Paolo had told Ian that I was a psychologist, and I asked him probing questions about the relationship. I realized that while Ian had been bottoming for Seth, his natural affinity was to dominate, making him suitable to become one of Hamish's lieutenants. And we needed someone from Seth's Alpha-life in Hamish's entourage. We'd tentatively slotted an old boyfriend named Ysidro for that role, but Ian would be better. Square peg, square hole – but we'd have to replace Ian as Seth's love interest.

As `Jude', I became Ian's confidant, and implied, without being explicit, that I was interested in him sexually. The main thing was to emphasize his sexual incompatibility with Seth – but if Ian had a side option, it would make the break-up easier to accomplish. And he led me to the man who would replace him in Seth's life – his own former boyfriend Abe.

Abe, he knew, was attracted to well-built men like Seth. His aversion to handcuffs notwithstanding, Abe was all bottom and liked to be dominated. A fit with Seth's natural inclinations. From what Ian had told me, Abe had the empathy and compassion that would allow the two of them to grow close emotionally. The gameplan became "out with Ian, in with Abe". I notified Switzerland of the change in targets for Seth's lover.

I'd managed to persuade Ian that he needed to end it with Seth – and I flew in to make sure he followed up on that. The next item on the agenda would be to arrange for Seth to meet Abe. Since we knew that Seth frequented Studs and Stripes, we arranged for Abe to go there. We had a lot of repair work to do after the handcuff incident on the second date, but I got Ian to remedy this situation and `Jude' rewarded him with a discounted ticket to Martinique – on ZTA Flight 8.

FLASHBACK – JASPER (NEW YORK) – July, two years ago (continued from Ch. 41)

I woke up with the first stroke of the paddle against my bare ass. I was tied to the St. Andrew's cross, helpless in the tight restraints that exposed me to whatever Alec wanted to do to my body.

And what he wanted to do was smash my ass with his paddle. Again and again and again. Until I was so damaged that I wouldn't survive the internal bleeding, and he'd have to kill me to keep me from running to the hospital and the cops.

How stupid I'd been to go home with this guy. He'd advertised that he played dangerous games'. And I hadn't arranged a safe call. I should have given Alec's address to a friend who would call 911 if I didn't report back by a certain time. A thing that serious bdsm aficionados know about, when playing' with unfamiliar doms – but most don't do. They assume they can trust the man who is tying them up and inflicting pain. Most of the time they can. Unless you go home with a madman.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!

  • There! That's sixty. You're 8% of the way there.

I left out all the grunts, moans, yells, and screams that were interpolated between those sixty strokes of his fraternity paddle. He was not pulling his punches – he was swinging away at my posterior like Aaron Judge swinging for the fences.

  • But I'll offer you a choice.

  • If you're offering me a choice of how I'll die, make it quick. Or are you offering me a way out of this?

  • You can either have the remainder of the seven hundred fifty strokes, which would send you to the hospital and the cops – an unacceptable outcome which would require me to augment the contents of several dumpsters with your remains.

I waited.

  • Or I'll take you down and let you go home after I do one thing.

  • You can fuck me. It's okay, you can fuck me.

  • That's a given. I'm going to fuck you either way. The thing I want to do is remove your balls.

Had mobility been possible at that moment, I would have frozen.

  • Your balls or your life. You choose.

The comedian Jack Benny pretended to be notoriously miserly. In one of his routines, he is held up by a mugger who demands "Your money or your life". Benny pauses for several seconds; when the mugger demands an answer, Benny replies petulantly, "I'm thinking, I'm thinking!"

It was almost that kind of moment for me. My balls WERE my life. My entire concept of self-worth was concentrated in my ability to have sex with whomever I wanted whenever I wanted. Without sex, I was worthless. Without sex, was life worth living? Would ending my life be worse than living it as a eunuch?

  • If I say `kill me', would you do it quick? Shoot me in the head, something like that?

  • Are you serious? What fun would that be? No. If you're to wind up in separate body bags anyway, I think I'd use my machete. Piece by piece.

  • Do my head first.

He walked around so that I could see his face – which was filled with astonishment.

  • You'd seriously prefer death to castration?

  • It's the same thing. You castrate me, it's like killing me. Only I'd have to live with it longer.

  • Wow, you really are a sex addict. Well, let me fuck you now, and I'll let you go.

Did he just say - ?

  • I was just playing with you. Didn't you feel a thrill, though? I did say `dangerous games', I hope you enjoyed them.

  • Seriously – you're not going to kill me?

  • No.

  • You're not going to cut off my balls?

  • No. It's a fantasy; jail time is not something I want to contemplate.

  • You're just going to let me go.

  • Well . . . I AM going to fuck you first.

You would have thought that episode would have cured me of my sex addiction. It didn't. But from then on, I was a little more selective about who I went home with.


  • Are you ready?

I sighed the sigh of all sighs. Could you ever be ready for something like this?

  • As ready as I'll ever be.

  • I have to do it today.

  • I know, my birthday's tomorrow and the dodecagon will get me like everyone else.

  • I hate to say this but that might be necessary to SAVE everyone else.

  • According to Sean.

  • According to Sean, yeah. I don't want to do it here. Let's go into the woods.

  • Seth?

  • Yeah?

  • Gary . . . This morning he offered to come with us. He said he'd hold my hand during it.

  • How did he say it? Did he ask if he could watch?

  • That's exactly what he said. I have to admit, he had this weird smile when he said it, almost as if –

  • Almost as if he was Ray?

  • Yeah.

  • That WAS Ray. He tried to pass himself off as Gary to me this morning, with the very same request. When I called him on it, he confessed he thought it would be hot to see a man get his nuts cut off.

  • That's sick.

  • Ray is sick. I don't know how those two can inhabit the same body, I swear I don't.

  • Okay, then let's just go, get it over with. I'm only sacrificing them for three days, anyway.

  • According to Sean.

  • Good ol' reliable Sean.

We went into the woods and he did it. He didn't prolong it, made sure I was ready both physically and psychologically, and then in one quick motion, it was over. I thought I would be a bloody mess, but there wasn't that much blood. Seth explained that on this island some of our body functions, like aging, were slowed, so blood didn't flow as fast as it did in Alphaworld. Which would explain why none of us had grown beards after nearly a month without shaving.

  • What are you going to do with them now, Seth? Bury them?

  • Sean needs to take a picture of them.

  • A picture? He has a camera?

  • He has a phone.

  • Fuck!

  • He'll want to take a picture of these, and of your empty scrotum, to send to Hamish.

  • And then you'll bury them?

  • I have another idea – though you're probably going to hate it.

  • Tell me.

He did. I hated it.


I didn't sleep inside last night. I couldn't. There was someone whose absence I couldn't endure, and someone whose presence I couldn't abide.

All those lovely nights with Stan's body next to mine. Then the difficult nights apart when he was hiding. And then finally – a Christmas present – we got to sleep together, body to body, on adjoining wedges. Having made love that afternoon, we didn't feel the need to repeat it that night, even in the supercharged eroticism of the island. It was enough to lie there, feeling him, smelling him, holding him, breathing him.

The following night we sneaked out to do it in the meadow. That was sweet. It was also the last time. The very last time. The FINAL time, unless somehow we could get together in Alphaworld when this is all over.

Last night Stan wasn't there. He would never be in the Tower again. And if Seth is right about Sean's role in Stan's disappearance, I was three wedges away from the most despicable man in the world. I had to leave.

Not that I could sleep in the meadow. I lay awake, brooding. What if Seth was wrong? What if Stan HAD wandered into a penis garden? Maybe he was still alive. And Sean (alias Jude) and I had been friends – if he WASN'T responsible for Stan's death, then it was wrong to be this angry. Sean had clearly been crying when he came back from the expedition. Was that the reaction of a vicious murderer?

But then why had Seth insisted on taking me with him to get water, and not let me go with Stan? Because he knew Sean was going to kill Stan.

I had to have it out with Sean. I had to get the truth one way or the other.


  • Are you okay?

  • Yeah. It's all right, Gary. It was the right thing to do. I think.

  • Did it hurt?

  • Of course it hurt, it was a knife. But it was over quick. And I didn't bleed like I thought I would.

  • That's good. . . . Jasper?

  • Yeah?

  • Thank you.

  • For what?

  • For letting me touch them.

  • Sexuality is more than just balls, Gary. It's about all of us – our bodies – and ourselves. It's all of it. That's why I wanted us to explore all of each other last night. And the last piece – the most important piece – is the brain. The emotion. The soul.

  • I think . . . maybe . . . I think you have my soul. I really like you, Jasper. More than just friends, I mean. Am I . . . do you understand?

  • I understand, Gary. I'll be honest – if we ever get out of here, I'd like to spend more time with you. But only with you. Not with . . . them.

  • I can't control that, Jasper.

  • I think maybe you can. But there's something else I want to ask you.

  • Anything, Jasper.

  • After I go –

  • Don't go!

  • Okay, let me say it this way. IF I have to go tomorrow, Seth still has to fuck someone. Would you be willing to be that someone?

  • Oh, gosh, Jasper. I've thought about that a lot – but with you, not Seth.

  • Unfortunately, I can't do that anymore.

  • I know.

  • Gary, I trusted Seth enough to take off my balls. You can trust him, too.

  • I . . . I'll think about it.

  • I can't fuck you, Gary, but I could give you a blow job. Would you like that?

  • Oh, god, yes, please.

  • Only don't let Ray take over. YOU deserve this orgasm, he stole it from you last time.

I lowered my mouth to his penis and took it lovingly into my mouth. I lavished attention on it with my tongue, my lips, my mouth, my throat, my breath – and my soul. And when he grew excited and shuddered his orgasm, I let every ounce of his sweet juices cascade down my throat.

If I couldn't ejaculate myself, this was the next best thing.


  • Hamish.

  • Sean. Did you get the story from Ian?

  • (No.) Yes. Ian intentionally went to a spot some distance from me. There was a ledge a few feet below that Stan was able to land on, but I couldn't see it from my angle. Ian told him to scream so I would think he was falling to his death. He must have been able to climb back up. Ian told him to go to the west side of the island, because no one would look for him there.

  • This is extremely disappointing.

  • (This is a complete fabrication.)

  • Ian put his own personal love interest above doing his job. Despite the fact that Stan is still alive in Alphaworld.

  • You're sure he is.

  • We called his house. He answered. Apparently he doesn't need more insulation.

  • That's a relief.

  • But, about Ian – there will have to be consequences.

  • What kind of consequences?

  • I'll take care of it. Send him to me, Sean.


  • So be straight with me. That might be hard for you, Sean, because nobody trusts you, but I want an honest answer. Stan didn't get captured by a penis garden, did he?

  • No.

  • You killed him.

  • . . . I didn't want to, I had to. I cried my eyes out, afterwards. Surely you saw that. It wasn't fake.

  • You got Seth to take me on a water mission so you could kill Stan without my knowledge.

  • Don't blame Seth. He'd do anything to save Abe. It was necessary, Ian.

  • So you say.

  • It was. And Stan is still alive in Alphaworld – Hamish confirmed that.

  • In Alphaworld, he has no idea who I am.

  • You can make it work when you get there. I'll help you. Would you like to say goodbye?

  • Say goodbye? He's already dead.

  • I could take you to where I buried him. Maybe you could get some closure, Ian. Plant some flowers.


The `want to see his grave' ploy worked with Stan, why not try it again?


Closure. Would it be closure to see where Stan was buried? Or would it just infuriate me further? I had to hold on to the prospect of seeing him in Alphaworld. Which was only three days away, if this so-called Project worked. (Which I still didn't understand, or why Seth was so important to it.)

But what if I never found him in Alphaworld? I couldn't stand the idea of never seeing him again, not even seeing his grave.

  • Okay, I guess. No tricks?

  • No tricks. Here, put on one of my socks. We're going to have to pass a penis garden on the way. The sock will protect you.

A reassuring good-faith gesture.


We approached one of the penis portals – not the same one I'd led Augie to. Ian was relaxed – he was not drawn toward it. Fabric made you immune to its charms, even as little as a sock.

  • I buried him about fifty yards further on.

We approached the penis portal, Ian smiling at how he could regard it with equanimity. He wasn't expecting me to tackle him and pull off his sock.


The murder had not occurred here. If Sean had taken Stan – who was nude – past here, the penis garden would have taken him, solving Sean's problem. He had led me here deliberately, with the intention of rendering me nude, and thus vulnerable. But these thoughts were too little, too late.

Without the sock to protect me, I was helpless. The penis garden drew me inexorably toward that black phallus at the back center. I knew it was exactly what I should not do, but the damn thing was irresistible.

I stepped onto the semi-circle and watched the little black penises spring out of the ground.


I didn't watch; I didn't have to. Sounds told me exactly what was happening: Ian's startled cry as a dildo speared him and thrust him high into the air. His scream of agony when the dildo turned as hot as a flaming poker. The whooshing sound of the dildo racing past me, conveying its cargo underground.

And then it hit me. Hamish had promised `consequences' when Ian returned underground. I had to make sure those consequences weren't fatal. Lieutenants, like The Twelve, had no Alpha-lives. If Hamish killed him now, Ian would have no opportunity to reunite with Stan in Alphaworld.

I told Seth yesterday that I was not done being a villain. Here was the proof.

For the second time in two days, I cried my eyes out.


  • (Jasper) Some good news about Gary. I gave him a blow job, and he stayed Gary all the way through. I asked if he'd submit to you and he said he'd think about it. I've stressed to him how much I trust you, and he's taking that to heart.

  • Thank you, Jasper. That means a lot to me.

  • I think . . . I'm not sure, but I think he might be ready for more than that.

  • What do you mean?

  • I think he's ready to take on Ray. It might be time for a showdown. Gunfight at the OK Corral, and I think Gary can win. If I'm gone, Seth, you need to help him do it.

  • Whoa, Jasper. That's a big ask. His psychiatrist couldn't do it, how could I?

  • The Gary/Cody/Ray split is all about sex. Gary is a bottom, Ray is a top, Cody's completely asexual. If this can be resolved anywhere, it's here. This island is all about sex, we've known that from the very beginning.

  • I'm wondering if we can't still protect you tomorrow.

  • The population is dwindling. Ian's gone now, you know.

  • Yes, I know. He returned underground. Voluntarily, according to Sean.

  • Voluntarily? Why would Ian choose to go back down?

  • I was always suspicious when he helped us escape – what was his motive? Sean says it was all part of a plan – they needed me to go back up to the surface, and enlisted Ian to get me there. He was serving as a sort of spy, and to make sure the dodecagons did their job.

  • Which they did, admirably – Harry, Vic, Tim, all on schedule.

  • But they think they've got Sean on their side up here, so they don't really need Ian anymore.

  • You don't think Sean is on their side?

  • I think Sean . . . is on Sean's side.

  • Do you think he's lying about Ian?

  • I haven't the foggiest idea. Probably.

  • On another topic, where are my testicles?

Add that to the list of questions you never expect to hear even once in your life.

                • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 * * * * * * * *


I dreaded this day: Jasper's birthday. All ten previous birthdays had resulted in somebody being captured by a dodecagon.

I had only seen a dodecagon once – and just briefly. I hadn't seen it capture anybody though. It sounded scary, and I didn't want Jasper to have to go through that.

I didn't want Jasper to leave. If he left, there would just be me and Seth and Sean. Ian was gone now, too – Sean said he went underground to work for that guy Hamish. He said Ian was only pretending to be on our side. I think Sean is pretending, too.

I don't trust Sean. But I trust Jasper, and Jasper trusts Seth, so I trust Seth. If Jasper leaves, Seth won't have anyone else he can have sex with. There would be just me.

There would be just me.

Jasper was right – I had to stay in control. I had to be strong. And I had to take risks.

  • Seth.

  • Good morning, Gary. It is Gary this time, right?

  • Yes, of course. Do I look like one of them?

  • Ray tried to fool me yesterday, so I was just being sure.

  • Seth, I want to be your . . . you know, what you do every morning with Jasper and with other guys when they were here.

  • . . . Are you saying you want me to have sex with you?

  • Yes. In the ass, Seth, like you do with Jasper.

  • Gary – are you sure? Jasper's still here, I can –

  • Jasper won't be here tomorrow. Or maybe he won't. Anyway, if he's gone, I'll have to do it tomorrow, so I want to do it today. While Jasper's still here. He can . . .

Seth looked at me funny.

  • Are you saying you want Jasper there?

  • It might help. It's . . . It's kinda scary for me.

  • I'll try not to make it scary, Gary. And Gary – keep the others out.


I informed Jasper of Gary's offer to bottom for me and that he wanted Jasper there with him. He seemed surprised, then pleased, then worried.

  • If he wants me there, that means he's scared.

  • Of course he's scared, Jasper. He's about to confront a part of himself he's been avoiding his whole life.

  • . . . Maybe.

  • Maybe?

  • I don't know, Seth. There's a reason he split into three personalities, and two of them are gay.

  • Good point. Have you been to the latrine?

  • Yes.

  • We shouldn't need to do this now, but just in case, let me get you prepped. Bend over.

Gary saw me sticking my fingers up Jasper's rectum and came over to inquire.

  • You're lubing him up? I thought you were doing me.

  • Just a precaution, Gary. In case we need it.

  • I'm not going to chicken out, Seth.

I finished with Jasper and asked Sean to go for a walk. There was no reason for us to trundle off into the woods for privacy. Why move three people when you can move only one? And by staying near the Tower, we could keep Jasper safe. Who knows – maybe this was the day I improved my record against the dodecagons to 1-10.

Sean agreed and made himself scarce.

  • Where, Gary? Inside, outside?

  • Oh. Outside, I guess. That's where you do everyone else, right?

  • We usually go into the woods, but I think the woods are too dangerous today. Why don't you just kneel down on the grass there on all fours. Or you can lie down if you prefer.

He chose doggie style and got down on his hands and knees.

  • Now, Gary, I'm going to spit into my hands and rub it into your hole, okay. I'm going to do it several times because we don't have any other kind of lubricant here on the island.

  • I understand. Jasper put his finger there the other night, but he didn't go inside.

  • Well, I'm going to go inside. That's . . . kinda necessary.

That made Gary giggle, which was a good sign. He smiled the first time my finger slid past his anus, and smiled even more when I swirled it around.

  • Oh, gosh, Seth, that feels good.

  • You like it?

  • I like it. I . . . I didn't think I would, I . . . well, it's not like . . .

Not like what, I wondered, but I let the remark dangle.

Several coatings later, he was well-lubed and I knelt behind him, letting him feel my cock against his ass. I felt him tense.

  • Okay, this is it. You feel the tip of my cock up against your hole.

  • Yeah.

There was a little crack in his voice when he said that.

  • (Jasper) It'll be fine, Gary. You're doing great. You're going to like this, once he gets going.

  • Okay, Gary, here goes. When I go in, push out like you're taking a dump. It will make it easier.

I entered him as gently as I could. He gasped and then moaned a series of oh-oh-ohs, as the pain of penetration sent waves of anxiety through his body.

  • Get used to the feel, Gary. Just let it sit there a while. Feel it fill you. Feel it love you. It's a good feeling, isn't it? Once you get used to it, it's almost comforting.

  • I . . . I guess so. It was a shock at first, but I'm getting used to it.

I pushed in a little more. He gasped, and I let him absorb the pain before penetrating him further. Slowly, inch by inch, I eased in, and he started to relax. He was pushing out and I was getting in further until I was in all the way.

  • That's it. I'm all the way in, now. How does that feel?

  • Incredible. I'm surprised it's not . . .

He didn't finish the thought.

  • Okay, I'm going to start fucking now. Each thrust is going to hurt but you're going to like it, too.

I did, and he did. I made love to him as gently as I could. Jasper knelt down in front of him, whispering encouragement – I think Gary needed it at first, but then maybe Jasper's presence became embarrassing.

  • I'm okay, Jasper. You don't have to stay. I can do this myself.


I was so proud of Gary – he was accepting Seth's cock as if he cherished it, and had maintained his own persona throughout. When he asked me to leave, I got up and walked behind Seth, enjoying the view of his heaving buttocks as he drilled Gary from behind. I felt as if I was being fucked myself, my bowels feeling rather full.

And when I turned around, there it was. Right in front of me, not thirty feet from the door of the Phallic Tower. The vermillion dodecagon. My dodecagon. The one I was destined to encounter on this, my birthday. I had heard that they could move, pop up in places where they hadn't been before, but I never expected one to materialize right by the Tower. I guess Stimulever knew I wouldn't venture into the woods today.

All along, I'd been afraid of this moment, dreading the vermillion dodecagon. But now that I saw it, I didn't fear it. I knew I was supposed to go to it. I felt no fear, I only felt love. I felt love for that large vermillion phallus at one of the far corners.

Behind me I heard Gary's grunts as Seth, oblivious to the appearance of my dodecagon, continued to push his cock up Gary's presumably virgin ass. And I rushed to embrace the phallus, hugging it for all I was worth, knowing that soon my feet would sink into the softening floor and I would feel a writhing presence crawling up my leg – and into my hole.

And so I did. But I was a sex addict, after all, and I loved every minute of it, right up to the moment when the dodecagon collapsed and I fell into Hamishland.

I found myself in a chair with a dildo up my ass, as I knew I would, from conversations with Augie after his escape. I waited there for an hour or so and then the door opened and the lights came on.

I surveyed the situation: what the . . . ?


Next: Chapter 46

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