Flight 12

By Travis Creel

Published on Jun 9, 2024


Flight 12 – a serial novel by Travis Creel


Previously, at the Phallic Tower:

  • Ian, having covered up Stan's (temporary) survival, is sent to Hamish by Sean, via a penis garden.

  • As Seth is fucking a nervous Gary, a dodecagon captures Jasper.


  • Urged on by Jordan, Barry mouth-rapes Harry (without cumming) and has just begun to penetrate him anally when Hamish interrupts the scene. Hamish, to punish Barry, gives him the choice of ending Jordan's and Miles' lives permanently, or losing his most valuable possession – his cock.

  • Hamish worries that Harry's sexual experience will throw off `the physics' and decides to contact Stimulever.

  • Paul and Dai have each other's names branded onto themselves, in hopes of remembering each other when they return to Alphaworld.

  • Jasper arrives in the Dark Room and is surprised by something. In Switzerland:

  • Board member Ari hopes to supplant Jesús as Chairman of Stimulever if the Project fails; Ari has promised Sean, who is working to sabotage The Project, the position of second-in-command.

In flashbacks:

  • Jasper was tortured and threatened with dismemberment by a dom he met at a bar.

[Author's Note: the previous chapter covered events on the surface on December 28 and 29. This chapter will cover the same period underground, with a wee bit of `bonus coverage' from the 27th and 30th.]

                • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 * * * * * * * *


I can die in peace now.

I have felt another man's cock invading my asshole, and he did it of his own volition. True, it was only for a few seconds, but it WAS a cock in my ass. And my mouth had genuinely been raped, even if I didn't swallow his load.

I think that qualifies. No fluids were exchanged – but it's still sex, right? My greatest fear has been assuaged – I will not die a virgin. Technically.

  • Jordan, thank you.

  • For what?

  • You arranged it, didn't you?

  • Harry, I can't control what Barry does. He's his own person. He calls the shots, you know that.

  • But it wasn't his idea, was it?

  • I . . . might have suggested it to him.

  • You're an angel. An angel and a saint. I don't know if one can be both, but if one can, you are.

  • Harry, you're a kind soul. You deserve to get what you want.

  • Well – I wish it had gone on longer. I wish he had gotten to orgasm. But, you know, I'm happy. I'll settle for having had this.

  • You sound like it will be the last time.

  • Well, obviously. Barry won't be back – you saw how mad Hamish was.

  • There are other men in the world. And you have a lifetime ahead of you.

  • Do I?

  • Moreso than I do.

  • . . . What do you mean, moreso than you do?

  • Harry, unless something drastic happens, I have at most four days to live.

                • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28 * * * * * * * *


Germán woke Jesús with the news at two a.m. Mancini, our designated virgin, had been penetrated. I didn't know what this did to the physics, and neither did Jesús. He immediately roused Thibaut and Dolph from their beds to run simulations. He called a meeting this morning to discuss them – just Jesús, Thibaut, Dolph, and myself. I was flattered that he respected my opinion – and I could use my presence at this meeting as proof of my leadership qualities if I later had to campaign for votes.

  • (Jesús) What do the simulations say, Thibaut?

  • (Thibaut) They're ambiguous.

  • (Jesús) Ambiguous is not good. Clarify.

  • (Dolph) We've run ten thousand simulations. They're all over the place. Some require one of The Twelve to meet the axe.

  • (Jesús) ANOTHER death among The Twelve? We've already had two.

  • (Dolph) Other simulations require a Twelve to be shot with arrows.

  • (Jesús) Shot to death? Is that the confusion – whether he's beheaded or killed with arrows?

  • (Dolph) That's the perplexing part. It's unclear. It may be non-fatal.

  • How many arrows?

  • (Thibaut) Twelve, what else?

  • That's a lot of arrows to survive.

  • (Jesús) Which scenario has the best chance of success?

  • (Thibaut) They both project at between 70 and 75 percent chance of a successful launch. And that's assuming that Herrick fulfills all his obligations.

  • (Jesús) Sean is there to see that he does. But 70 to 75 percent isn't nearly good enough. We can't afford to take that risk. Suggestions, anyone? Yes, Ari?

  • What if we enact both options?

  • (Jesús) Behead one AND shoot another with arrows?

  • Exactly.

  • (Jesús) Do so. Dolph, let's run more simulations. Three scenarios: axe, bow-and-arrow, and both. And run the arrows two ways – fatal and survivable. Ari, have Falcon program them an archery kit, in case they need it.

  • Aye, aye, chief.

Now that, Jesús, is what I call leadership. If things go sideways, and arrows kill off a second Twelve, it may not be such a bad thing. So far as I'm concerned, the fewer survivors the better.


Paul and I had taken to sleeping in the same bed, even though it was only a single. We were both slim enough to fit, and we liked the feel and smell of each other's bodies next to us.

Paul rose first and walked across the dormitory to use the toilet. I looked longingly at his ass, those beautiful, unblemished, perfectly round mounds of –

Unblemished? UNBLEMISHED? We had spent an agonizing hour yesterday getting ourselves branded, and "PROPERTY OF DAISUKE OMI, SAN FRANCISCO" had been prominently emblazoned onto his right buttock. But that lovely, voluptuous bubble-butt was as smooth as silk, not a mark on it.

Of course it was. How could we have been so stupid? We always wake up the next morning undamaged. After the escape attempt, they even broke half the bones in my body, and the next morning I was fine.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. We had gone through all that pain for nothing. If we found ourselves in Alphaworld, we would have no means of finding each other.

The only thing was to have the branding re-done – but on the 31st. Everyone knew we were heading toward some sort of climax on New Year's Eve. That was the time to get the branding re-done; we wouldn't spend the night here afterwards.

I'd have talk with the Mayers to see if they would be willing to redo us then. And wondered if they'd demand something in return.


I hadn't expected Hamish to have reacted this harshly to my doing the fat boy a favor. Well, I was actually doing Jordan the favor, he's the one who asked me to deflower the chub.

But Hamish had given me a choice: which was I to sacrifice – my cock or the lives of Jordan and Miles – the only lives they had. He'd allowed me to sleep on it overnight.

I had overheard enough conversations to know that Betaworld was to end on New Year's Eve. That was in three days. The question was – if I sacrificed my manhood, was it only for three days? Would I get it back on January 1?

For some reason I, like the Twelve, existed only in Betaworld. I'd been purged from Alphaworld. My son Rafa wouldn't even exist – how could he, if I'd never been there to sire him? So if the only version of me was cockless, once I reverted to Alphaworld would I be whole again? I couldn't feel secure in that.

But Jordan and Miles also existed only in Betaworld. If they were executed before New Year's Eve, they couldn't be sent back to Alphaworld because there would be no surviving version of them. Dead was dead. I'd be committing murder, or at least manslaughter. Negligent homicide.

For them, the loss of life would be permanent. For me, the loss of my cock would be – possibly permanent.

Hamish came to me for my decision.

  • Well, boy, which is it to be – a penectomy or a pair of irreversible beheadings?

  • Master, whatever I decide – when would you do it? Like, could it wait a while?

Like . . . until never?

  • Murdock is scheduled for tomorrow, and King on Monday, when Onslow arrives. But things are a bit up in the air right now at headquarters. I'm going to wait until I hear from them – they're rerunning the simulations.

That last sentence probably made sense to him, but not to me. I'd heard him mention `simulations' before, but had no idea what they were, or what they had to do with Jordan's fate.

  • So if you're waiting on them – can I wait to give you my decision?

  • No.

  • If I give up my cock – do I get it back in Alphaworld?

  • . . .

  • Hamish!

  • `Master'. And if I were able to tell you, wouldn't that make your decision easier?

  • But you know, don't you?

  • Actually, I don't.

  • Life without a cock, Master – that's no life at all. And in my line of work – I'd starve.

  • So which is it to be – a penectomy or a pair of irreversible beheadings?

  • I think I just told you.

  • Say it out loud. Which is it to be – a penectomy or a pair of irreversible beheadings?

  • . . .

  • . . .

  • . . . Beheadings.

I'm sorry, Jordan. I'm sorry, Miles. But I can't risk losing my cock forever.


Barry's decision was a relief. Had he opted for Murdock and King, I wasn't sure I could have actually saved them. Switzerland had wanted them dead from the get-go, and was not pleased that Sean had tried to protect them by bringing them here. That being said, it might still be possible to give them lives in The Project if they met the axe within the launch window, those six minutes on either side of midnight on New Year's Eve. But Ari, for one, wanted them dead. And Ari had Jesús's ear.

So dead they shall be. And Barry can keep his cock.


  • (Dane Mayer) Yes, we can rebrand you on the 31st.

  • Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.

  • Provided . . .

  • (Uh-oh.)

  • Provided you do it every day between now and then.

  • WHAT?

  • We won't do it only on the 31st. But if you do it today, tomorrow, and the day after that, then we'll do it on the 31st when you want it.

  • You want us to subject ourselves to branding five days in a row?

  • Your decision.

  • . . . I'll get Paul.


  • So you got the simulations from Thibaut and Dolph. What did they say?

  • (Jesús) You were absolutely right, Ari. The simulations were so ambiguous because both actions were necessary. They were anticipating a single adjustment to counteract Mancini's penetration and didn't program for multiple events.

  • Wow, that's unprofessional. I hope you reprimanded them severely.

  • When you're called out of bed to do a rush job, sometimes you can overlook things.

Soft, Jesús. Don't get soft. Substandard work deserves consequences.

  • So are the arrows fatal or not?

  • Best results are if he survives. If he dies, the probability of success diminishes, but it's still better than doing only one of the two actions. But there's an extra condition.

  • (sigh) There always is. What, Jesús?

  • The shooting must be done by the Trigger Man.

  • Holy shit.

  • Let Sean know. He'll have to persuade Herrick to do this.

  • Got it. One other question. Which of them gets the chop?

  • They didn't say. I'll ask the boys to rerun separate simulations with each of them as possibilities, see who's the most optimal. I'm guessing it will be Adena – the physics don't seem to keep eunuchs around, and he'll arrive in that condition.

  • Also ask which one should emulate St. Sebastian.

  • I hope none of them do. Sebastian died. I don't want to kill off this guy.

  • Really? You care?

  • I don't give a damn about any of them. But The Project has a better chance of success if he lives.

Good. For a moment there, I was afraid you were getting soft.


  • Well, well, well, what have we here?

It had happened too fast. Sean had betrayed me, tricked me by supposedly taking me to Stan's grave but instead leading me to a penis garden, where he stripped me of the sole garment – a sock – that had provided immunity. Nude, I was a goner – in a trice, here I was.

Two minutes later I was hauled before Hamish. Who didn't exactly greet me like a trusted lieutenant.

  • You were supposed to keep an eye on Herrick. Instead you kept an eye on Kowalczyk. And more than an eye – a dick, too, it seems.

  • Well, you didn't need me as your spy, did you, with Sean there.

  • That's beside the point. The point is that you lied to us. You faked Kowalczyk's death and hid him to keep him away from me.

  • You didn't have to kill him!

  • Yes, we did. The physics require it. But, like Sean told you, he's still alive in Alphaworld. Of course, Alpha-Kowalczyk won't know you exist. Don't count on any future reunions. And of course I must address the issue of your disobedience.

Protesting seemed inadvisable.

  • You are decommissioned, lieutenant. You will report to Fuck Room C, where my remaining lieutenants will put you in your place – and put their dicks into one place in particular. One after the other after the other. Pity you weren't here for Christmas, it went on for twelve hours. I would have enjoyed seeing you endure that.

  • Hamish –

  • No point in begging for mercy, Ian. My decisions are final. You've made your bed, now you're going to get fucked in it.

It wasn't in a bed, but I was fucked by thirteen men over the course of the next two hours.

And then I reported back to Hamish, who had another indignity in store. Putting me on all fours, he fitted a collar around my neck, with a leash attached, and inserted a puppy-tail dildo up my ass.

  • No reason, Ian, why a man can't have two dogs.


  • Paul, what the hell is this?

  • What does it look like, Anthony? I got branded.

  • With someone else's name. I thought you and I . . . We have great sex.

  • We do. But Dai is the one I love.

  • I thought that when this is all over, you and I could, you know, become partners.

  • It could happen. In Alphaworld, I'll know you, but not Dai. I got this brand so I could find him and connect with him. But maybe it won't work – and you and I might have a chance, I don't know.

  • I'm your fallback plan.

  • Don't think of it like that. Just – well, I'd like us to be friends on the outside.

  • `I love you as a friend' – six of the most painful words in the world.

  • Do you really love me, Anthony? Or just love fucking me?

  • I'm not sure there's a difference, Paul. You're sure about this Dai fellow?

  • I'm sure.

  • Well – good luck, I guess. But if you change your mind – or can't find him – I'm here.

  • I know that. Thank you, Anthony.

  • Now, get your ass over here. I still get to fuck it whenever I want, you know.

                • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 * * * * * * * *


Two things astonished me when the door opened and the lights came on. The first was the identity of the person who greeted me: Alec. Alec, who had tied me to a St. Andrew's cross, whipped me mercilessly, and led me to believe he was going to murder and dismember me. Not a person I wanted a reunion with.

There was another, even more unexpected reunion. When I was lifted off my chair, Alec reached between my legs and squeezed my balls, hard. I winced in pain.

He shouldn't have been able to squeeze my balls. Seth had removed them last night.


Germán came in with a message. Falcon and Ari were trailing behind him.

  • What is it, Germán?

  • Adena arrived underground.

  • As expected. So why do you look like you're delivering a news bulletin?

  • He arrived . . . with extras.

  • Stop this damn vagueness. Out with it.

  • He has balls, Jesús.

  • . . . That's impossible. Herrick took the knife to them yesterday, all three of them. Sean took pictures of the detached testicles and of Adena, clearly showing an empty scrotum.

  • Well, they've grown back. At least, two of them did.

  • How could that happen? The auto-repair doesn't apply to severed body parts.


  • You've been keeping my testicles in a water bottle?

  • One of them has a super-wide mouth. They fit.

  • But . . . a water bottle?

  • There's only five of us. We don't need three bottles anymore.

  • Well, no one's ever going to drink out of that one again, that's for sure.

  • So, tomorrow. We've got to prepare for the possibility that the vermillion dodecagon will pop up and zap you.

  • Possibility'? Try near certainty'.

  • I have an idea. Things repair overnight down there. Unless they're severed.

  • I think my balls have been severed, Seth.

  • But if they're internalized, kept within the body, they'll reappear.

  • Please tell me you're not suggesting –

  • It's an experiment. Which would you prefer – mouth or ass?

  • I'm not going to swallow my own balls!

  • Ass, then. Tomorrow morning, after you crap, we'll push these babies up your ass – just two of them, the normal number – and they'll be inside you when – if – you go underground.

  • That's crazy, Seth. It'll never work.

  • If it doesn't, you're no worse off than you are now.


It worked.


  • (Falcon) There's more, Jesús. When Adena arrived with balls, the program made some kind of automatic adjustment.

  • What kind of automatic adjustment?


As soon as I finished licking the cum off Dai's body, I headed to Jordan's cell. Jasper was due to arrive today, and the arrival of a Twelve meant the gelding of a left-sider. But the only original left-sider remaining underground was Abe, and they clearly were protecting him. We Twelves were off limits; who else was there? Barry? Ian? Surely not. The logical choices were Jordan and Miles. One of them was due to be gelded today. And tomorrow he would meet the same fate as two of Henry VIII's wives – and I'm not talking divorce here.

Other than Abe and the escapees on the surface, all the left-siders were dead. But at least they had Alpha-lives. Death did not wipe them from the face of the earth, only from the face of THIS earth – they live on in Alphaworld. Sean had conveyed (if I could trust him not to lie) that neither Jordan nor Miles had Alpha-lives, because he had transferred them "in toto" to Betaworld to protect them from Stimulever, which had wanted them killed.

I guess they were getting their wish, if belatedly.

Jordan was, to say the least, stressed. After all he had done for me, I couldn't let him go through this day alone. If I could, I was going to spend every moment with him.

I was glad Miles was also with him; they could comfort each other, neither knowing whose manhood was doomed. The room had the atmosphere of Death Row. I thought about all the movies of convicts awaiting execution, waiting for that last-minute reprieve from the governor. Sometimes it came; sometimes, it didn't, and they took that final walk to the gallows or electric chair or gas chamber. Dead Man Walking.

I was in a room with two dead men sitting. I wanted to bring them cheer, I wanted to bring them solace – and didn't have the slightest idea of how to do it.

All of a sudden, Jordan let out a terrible howl, as if besieged by a demon. He doubled over in pain, arms wrapped around his abdomen, rocking back and forth in agony.

I leaped up and grabbed him, wrapping my thick arms around him, holding him tight, trying to comfort him, not understanding what had just happened. And then, just as suddenly, he got calm and looked at the two of us as if nothing had.

  • What was that, Jordan?

  • (Jordan) I don't know. I suddenly felt the most agonizing pain in my balls. As if . . .

  • (Miles) Jordan.

  • (Jordan) What is it?

  • (Miles) Your balls.

  • (Jordan) It's okay, I'm fine. The pain is gone now.

  • (Miles) Jordan, the pain isn't all that's gone – so are your balls.

Jordan spread his legs and lifted his cock. There was nothing underneath but skin.


  • Automatic adjustment my ass. Who the hell programmed that in – Dion? Was he drunk?

  • (Falcon) He thought it would be kinder to do it without using a knife.

  • Idiot. I don't know why we chose him for the Board over Estevan.

  • (Falcon) He does make great parties.

  • (Ari) If you're going to deprive a boy of his nuts, you should do it the old-fashioned way. This is irritating – Alec would have enjoyed slicing off those gonads.

  • You sound like you would too, Ari.

  • (Ari) Dion's too soft. In my universe, there won't be any mercy.

  • Murdock's still due for the chop tomorrow. That's not exactly mercy, Ari.


Hamish and Percy – mostly Percy – had kept me isolated, so until recently I had no real contact with anyone else, other than Barry. Barry knew stuff, and was happy to share what he knew, at least while he was fucking me or painting my backside what he called `pretty colors'. (I called them marks and bruises.)

Barry knew a lot about what was happening – fates of left-siders and arrivals of Twelves and such, but he didn't know the big picture, or why Seth was called the Trigger Man, or much about `The Project'. For that, I needed Ian.

Ian's demotion from lieutenant to canine was terrible for him, but a boon to me. I knew Ian in Cleveland, of course, and when he appeared, with Seth, two weeks ago, it had shocked me; he promised to explain his presence here, but never did before escaping to the surface. Now that he was back, I learned his story, how his flight to Martinique had been on Zen Tropical Airways and he mysteriously found himself here.

Ian had learned a lot from his time on the surface – not from Seth as much as from Sean. Seam had deposited Miles and me on the island, supposedly for our protection, and left, abandoning us. But now he was back. And Ian said he was working FOR Stimulever, not against it as he had claimed in Aruba.

Ian confirmed that we were in some kind of parallel universe, and that this `Project' involved permanently replacing the real world with something allegedly better. But events on the surface didn't sound very altruistic. Ian told of guys being strangled and pushed off cliffs – and that Seth had to fuck guys and even shit on one of them. And if these things didn't happen, the world we returned to would be awful, and I'd be dead within a year in a manner so gruesome Sean wouldn't even discuss it.

Unless Sean had lied – which, Ian said, he often did.

He told me lots more, including his own star-crossed romance with a Polish guy named Stan – but the critical thing was that Seth was still alive and coming back on New Year's Eve to rescue me – although Ian didn't see how that could be possible.

But never bet against Seth. If faith could move mountains, my faith in Seth could move a universe. Perhaps literally.

Seth, I love you. Come to me. Rescue me. Absence, they say, makes the heart grow fonder. It was true. My love for Seth couldn't possibly be stronger than it is after nearly a month apart.

Whatever this universe thing is, it doesn't matter, as long as we're together. Bring it on – just bring him here.


  • (Barry) I heard Hamish talking about one of the Twelve maybe needing to die. It had to do with what they keep calling `the physics'.

  • One of the Twelve? One of us?

  • Apparently there's some uncertainty. He's been back and forth with Switzerland, running some kind of simulation.

  • How can a simulation have anything to do with whether they kill one of us?

  • You got me.

  • Does this mean they might kill one of us and spare Jordan and Miles?

  • I don't know. It sounds like Jordan's still getting the chop tomorrow.

  • . . . What if someone else got . . . the chop?

  • What do you mean? You mean Miles?

  • I mean one of the Twelve.

  • . . . Harry, you surprise me. You'd kill off one of your colleagues to save Jordan?

  • I'm not so fond of all of them.

  • That British knight's a piece of work, that's for sure.

  • Find out, Barry. See if someone could be substituted, whether `the physics' would be okay with that.

  • I don't think I'd mourn Ed Niemann. And Miles's boyfriend apparently committed a murder topside. If Miles has to go, Vic might be willing to go with him. But I have to say, I'm surprised at you, Harry. I didn't think you were this manipulative.

  • I can be full of surprises.

I could even surprise myself.

                • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30 * * * * * * * *


It had taken a while, with so many simulations to run. But Dolph and Thibaut were ready to report, and I thought it most efficient to gather the entire Board to hear the results.

  • Okay, Dolph, what do you have? What's the optimal scenario?

  • (Dolph) First of all, we do need to chop Murdock and King, one today, one tomorrow. There is an out for that, but it's so unlikely, it's not worth considering. Murdock has already been emasculated; King will be gelded after the arrival of Onslow.

  • Okay, that's all in line with previous plans. What about the new parameters? Which of the Twelve loses his head? And who gets more than his ears pierced?

  • There are three top candidates for which Twelve gets the chop – results are pretty close between the three of them, but Stapleton comes out number one.

  • (Ari) That's perfect. He's Murdock's boyfriend, isn't he?

  • Was. Not anymore.

  • (Ari) Nevertheless, there's a confluence there. We could have a double-execution – chop them simultaneously. Face to face, so they could watch each other's heads as they –

  • Ari! Keep your dark fantasies to yourself.

  • (Fred) I don't understand you, Ari. This is tragic – they were in love with each other.

  • (Ari) You and your fixation on love, Fred.

  • Enough! Stop squabbling. This is a strategic decision. Who are the two who are close alternatives?

  • (Dolph) Omi and Eton.

  • (Fred) Another couple! We can't break them up. Both are beautiful – Stapleton's charming in his innocent way, but in terms of pure pulchritude, I wouldn't want to lose either Omi or Eton – I want them both in my universe.

  • Fine, then, Stapleton it is. Any objections?

Ari had the good sense to stay quiet.

  • Now, which of them is the best candidate to be the archery target?

  • (Fred) Don't say Omi or Eton, please. Or Adena – he's gorgeous.

  • (Dolph) No, actually, it's Fallon.

  • (Arturo) The bird-man?

  • (Thibaut) We were surprised.

  • (Ari) He's a former soldier. He faced death in Afghanistan, he'll be more amenable to it. I think it's a good choice.

  • But we want him to survive, yes?

  • (Dolph) Yes. With these choices, there's a 97.6% chance the Project will launch – providing the Trigger meets his obligations.

  • You said there was a way to spare Murdock and King?

  • (Dolph) There is, but it's not going to happen.

  • Let's hear it, anyway.

  • (Thibaut) King can be spared if someone agrees to be castrated in his place.

  • (Simon) That doesn't sound impossible. Would the genitals be restored when the Project is launched?

  • (Ari) We can tell them they would.

  • Would we be lying?

  • (Dolph) I'm not sure, to tell the truth.

  • (Demetrius) I can see Torrance making the sacrifice to save his lover, can't you?

  • (Thibaut) It depends on how much he knows about King's prior relationship with Sean. In any case, it would have to be done before Murdock is executed.

  • (Dolph) And the only way to spare Murdock is – well, that's the part that no one is going to do.

  • What's that?

  • (Dolph) One of the Twelve has to volunteer to take his place. And if that happens, there would be no need to execute another Twelve.

  • In other words, Stapleton would be spared.

  • Exactly.

  • (Simon) Well, you're right, that's never going to happen. The Twelve don't have Alpha-lives. They'd literally be committing suicide.

  • Let's prepare for Murdock's execution tonight. No one's going to volunteer to take his place. Thibaut, Dolph – draft the message, exactly what the simulations recommend. And Germán, when it's ready, transmit it to Hamish.

  • (Thibaut) Got it, chief.

  • (Germán) Got it, chief.


  • Thanks for coming by, Harry.

  • Dai's off getting his abdomen branded. The Mayers are doing that instead of milking him, so I'm free. I just came to say goodbye.

  • Oh, god, Harry. I'm so scared.

  • Don't be.

  • You sound like Augie. Augie was sure he was going to heaven after he died, he was so happy in his religion. I know I met him at a church – and I am a Christian, but I never bought into the heaven-and-hell thing. I think when you're dead, you're dead.

  • You're not going to die, Jordan.

  • Yes I am, Harry. Miles and I aren't like the true left-siders. We don't exist in Alphaworld. When we die, we die – just like you.

  • You're not going to die, Jordan. I got the word half an hour ago, from Barry.

  • . . . They changed their mind?

  • They got a substitute. Apparently, `the physics' allow for the death of one of the Twelve, and if they do that they don't need to kill you – or Miles – well, if that person volunteers, anyway.

  • Well, no one's going to do that – the Twelve don't have Alpha-lives either.

  • Yes, but they're going to get a volunteer.

  • Really? Who?

  • Me.

  • . . .

  • . . .

  • . . . Harry.

  • Yes, me.

  • Wh - ? . . . What are you - ? . . . Harry, no.

  • Dry your eyes, Jordan. It's all right. It's my Sidney Carton moment. It is a far, far better thing I do than I have –

  • Harry, stop it! I can't bear it. You can't do this!

  • Jordan, don't feel bad for me. Look, the thing I wanted most in life was to lose my virginity. I did that.

  • Barely.

  • It counts. Barry did it voluntarily. And I felt it – his cock in my ass. And he fucked the hell out of my mouth. That means I can die happy.

  • But you don't have to die NOW.

  • Jordan, if I die now, I have this satisfying memory fresh in my mind. What's ahead of me if I go back to Alphaworld? More of the same loneliness and humiliation that I was living before. No one's going to fuck me back there. If I die here, now, I can die in peace.

  • Oh, Harry.

  • And I can save you and Miles at the same time. Think of all the good that will do for the world – you and Miles still alive, Vic happy, Augie happy – even if you're not together, he'd still want you to live – and everyone you know back in Alpha – your sister Jen – you'll make them happy because you're just the kind of person that makes people happy. You helped give me the most important moment of my life. How can I not repay you that kindness? And how can I deprive the world of a person that good?

  • Harry, you're an angel and a saint.

  • Seems like I've heard that phrase recently.

  • You've said that phrase recently.

  • Maybe that's where I heard it.

  • Well, it is possible to be both, because you are both. But Harry . . .

  • Yeah?

  • I . . . I don't want you to do this. I'm so grateful I'd . . . well, if I had balls, I'd . . .

  • It's okay, Jordan. It's okay. It's the thought that counts.


Next: Chapter 47

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