Flipping Top Man Thomas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 7, 2022


Thomas was an early riser, and he was awake before Reggie was. He took a look at his host: out like a light, and he was wide awake. He checked his watch: 7a.m. That was just about the time he woke up when he hadn't "worked late," as he called it when he had a full roster of clients.

Reggie had taken off his collar and lock before they went to bed "so you don't choke on it," and he saw it on the bed table. He wondered: should he put it on, or wait for Reggie to put it on him? The wrong choice could get him punished, and for the first time (but not the last time) that day, he felt a bolt of excitement go to his groin. He put on the collar. "I didn't pack any morning clothes," he thought, as he stirred to get out of bed. He didn't remember seeing it the night before, but there was a robe - "silk" he thought when he picked it up - and a pair of shorts that were just a little bit smaller than he liked to wear them, but which fit and showed off his "assets." "I'll have to find out where they're from. I like them. Might help raise my rates" he laughed to himself, as he put them on and slipped into the sandals that were at the foot of the chair where the clothes were resting. "How the hell did I miss them?" he thought. He hadn't. Marcel and Pierre hadn't had time to lay everything out the way Reggie had instructed them, and when they had gotten up - at 5 to start the house work - Pierre (who had been an accomplished cat burglar in France), had snuck in and laid them out. He was used to seeing Reggie naked, but seeing Thomas lying there.. He sucked in his breath. "He's gonna make him bottom. No justice in the world," he shook his head and went back to the kitchen where he and Marcel were getting breakfast ready.

Now, Thomas walked out of the bedroom and smelled strong coffee. He heard noise and voices from the kitchen and headed that way. "Morning," he said, smiling, and then remembering his robe was opened, grabbed at it to close it. "Good morning Mr. Thomas," Pierre answered him. "Please do not feel obligated to close your robe. There is very little that Marcel and I haven't seen here or back home, so you should make yourself feel comfortable. You are Mr. Castor's guest, and anything we can do to make you comfortable will be done. Coffee Mr. Thomas?" "Thank you, but please don't call me Mr. I only make clients use that." Pierre smiled and turned away, something that Thomas noticed. He looked at Marcel who had also turned away. "I can bring whatever you add to your coffee... Thomas." Pierre smiled. "Nah. I like my coffee the way I like my men. Black and strong." "Indeed," Marcel answered. "You should feel free to amble about the house, Thomas. Mr. Castor is a very heavy sleeper and you won't wake him." Thomas smiled the smile that had melted many men. Marcel felt it. Pierre did not. He took his coffee and, with his robe opened, looked around the house. He hadn't gotten much of a chance to look when they got there the night before. Now, he had some idea of the size. "This is the first floor, Thomas. There is an upstairs and a downstairs too." Pierre grinned. "My understanding is that Mr. Castor plans to show you the downstairs later today." "Downstairs.... Is that a ... dungeon?" Thomas felt his cock swell as he asked the question. Pierre was evasive. "I will have to leave that for you to determine, Thomas. If you would like more coffee, please let me know." Thomas noticed that the shades on the windows were locked. He knew from time in Europe that there was an old tradition of keeping houses dark during the day to keep them cool, but he wondered what the grounds were like. He moved over to the front door and turned the knob. An electric shock went through him and he backed away, crying out. "Mon dieu Thomas, I should have explained that to you." It was Marcel. "There is no egress from the house without Mr. Castor's authorization. " Thomas laughed "So there's no way for me to escape." "That is one way to think of it ," Marcel smiled.

"All this activity so early." The three of them turned to Reggie, who had just entered the living room, buck naked. "Thomas did you sleep well?" "Yes sir, I did." He saw the curl at the corners of Reggie's lips when he said "sir," and thought "I guess I've pleased him." "I hope the chairs were not too uncomfortable. They can be." "Not this morning Sir, but I suspect that may change." Thomas smiled and he saw Reggie smile back. "Indeed it very well may. My guests frequently feel the need to request an additional cushion before the weekend is over." Reggie spread his legs and put his hands on his hips. "You should finish your coffee thomas and then rejoin me in the bedroom. Unless you'd prefer to address this issue in the living room." He held his rigid cock out. "That is yours to decide Sir," thomas answered. Pierre was standing next to Marcel and whispered "this one will be interested. He bends. Does he break?" Marcel answered "he will. They always do." Thomas set down his coffee. "If you don't mind caffeine Sir." He turned and Reggie laughed. "Thomas, Marcel and Pierre have been with me for close to ten years. They are accustomed to much more than a man sucking my cock in the living room." Thomas wanted to say that he wasn't used to sucking cock, let alone in front of people, but... Reggie's cock looked VERY appetizing. He took of his robe and used it for his knees as he got in front of thomas. "Kiss it first, bottom." "Yes sir." thomas did. He kissed the head of Reggie's cock and then he began to kiss the sides. "No. Lick those. Slowly. " "Yes sir. " thomas did as he was told, and then he opened his mouth and began sliding his lips down Reggie's cock. He felt Reggie grab his hair and pull his head back. thomas looked up to see a stern look on Reggie's face. "You go down on me when I say you can. Is that clear?" thomas gulped. He didn't expect Reggie to be THIS controlling. "yes Sir, I understand." "Lick the sides some more. And the head. I'll push you down when I'm ready, BOTTOM" The word sent another bolt through thomas' groin as he answered "yes sir." More "electricity" went through him when Reggie began massaging his earlobes. Then there was one word from Reggie: he growled "NOW" and he pushed his dick into thomas' mouth. The slurping sounds resonated through the quiet house. "What did I say?" Marcel chortled in a whisper to Pierre.

Thomas didn't like getting blow jobs from his clients because he felt that this was an area where he was giving up control. His pleasure from the sucking would take over, and the guy doing the sucking would do, essentially, what he wanted. With Reggie, it was clear to him that he was NOT in control, not even when he had taken Reggie's full rod down his throat. Reggie had one hand in thomas' hair, controlling the motion of his head by pulling or releasing that hair, and he played with thomas' lobe and the rest of his ear, keeping thomas hard, and helpless the whole while. "Fuck yes!" Reggie moaned at one point. "Nothing like the feeling of breaking in a new sub." thomas heard the word 'sub' and tried to pull back. He couldn't. Reggie held his hair tightly and growled: "who the hell told you to stop sucking, fucktoi? Now go DEEPER." He shoved thomas forward until he was gagging on Reggie's cock. Reggie kept up a slow, rhythmic pace that never seemed to speed up: something thomas had tried to do, but never managed to pull off. "You're a born cocksucker Thomas. A born cocksucker." thomas looked up and saw the smile on Reggie's face. "REAL FINE. I bet if the brothel knew... heh heh...." thomas felt Reggie's hips bump up against his jaw, and then he felt the cum spilling down his throat. They hadn't discussed swallowing, but it seemed like it was understood: Reggie expected thomas to swallow and he did. "Don't let me see you touching yourself, thomas," Reggie ordered as he pulled his cock out of thomas' mouth. Finish whatever breakfast you want, and then go get cleaned up. Pierre and Marcel have left clothes out for you. We'll have a gad about the area, and then... before dinner... we'll visit the basement. By the way, I'm pleased you put on the collar; however, in the future, that's my privilege not yours, because.... " He didn't finish the sentence.

"How long have you had the house, Sir?" thomas was making conversation in the black porsche that Pierre had taken out of the garage. "I lose track of that, stud. " He grinned. "Just like I lose track of my men" He laughed. "That's actually not true. At some point, I'll show you the scrap book. I take a photo of each of them. No faces. Just butts." From the corner of his eye, he saw the discomfort on thomas' face and laughed. "Yanking your chain. At least your metaphorical one. Yanking the real one comes later." thomas reddened. He didn't know how Reggie had managed to find jeans that fit him so closely and so tightly in such a short space of time, but he had. His bulge showed, and he looked down because he felt it growing. And it showed. He saw a sly smile on Reggie's face. "Just a little walk around town, maybe some lunch, then back home. You like the house?" "I do Sir. But.... " "Yeah, I know what you're gonna say thomas. The boys told me that you pulled on the knob and got a surprise. Let me be clear, stud: when you're with me, you BELONG to me. I make the decisions, I give the orders, and if you want to leave the house, you leave it with me. " "I wasn't trying to escape or anything Sir." "Doesn't matter. Understanding your role is important, stud. Reinforcement is key." "My role, Sir?" "Heh heh. You looked up when I talked about breaking in a new sub." "Yes sir. I did. I thought..... " "You thought it was a weekend of bottoming? It is. And it's more. Think of it as an audition." "What if I don't want the role, Sir?" They were at a red light. Reggie turned to him. "Why do you think you have a choice, thomas?" Another bolt of electricity went through thomas' crotch.

The afternoon in town was a blur for thomas: most of the people on the street seemed to know Reggie, and a few stopped to introduce themselves to thomas. Reggie introduced him as "my new boyfriend," which didn't send electricity through thomas the way some other things had, but he felt a gush of warmth. "I'm his boyfriend. Am I his sub?"

As they drove back, Reggie thought about the afternoon. "I chose well," he thought. "He's GREAT in bed, hot as hell out of it, and of course...." he thought about the guys he knew were gay, who were giving him a "look" as he walked through town with thomas. "What did you think of the town?" "It's pretty Sir. Not at all like NYC. Relaxed. Seems you know everybody." "Ha ha. Donating to every charity in town will do that. We'll take another trip tomorrow. Tomorrow, when you walk with me thomas, I want your hands behind your back." "As if I were tied up Sir?" "BINGO." thomas sighed. "Sir, can we talk about this? What your expectations are? I think we have different ones." "Well thomas" Reggie began. "My expectations for the weekend are that you'll do what you're told, since that was the agreement. And so far, that's been fine, except for that little attempt to get away, which you'll pay for this afternoon." "SIR, I wasn't trying to get away. Really..." "But to continue, in the course of you doing what you're told this weekend, I am planning to persuade you, one way or the other, that you're gonna be good with doing what you're told, PERIOD." thomas' throat got try. "You want a slave, Sir?" "Damn right I do. And not just any slave. YOU" The emotions that went through thomas were confusing him. There was the sexual charge but also the fear. The confusion. Everything. "You want me to give up escorting Sir?" "Darn right. If I can't keep you satisfied, then I don't deserve you. But I DO deserve you. I think you realize that." thomas did. But... submission? "We'll have more time to work this out thomas. Starting this afternoon." "The dungeon Sir?" "I like to think of it as the toy chest."

The "toy chest" contained every "toy" thomas could think of. There were items he had in his own collection that he brought to sessions with clients, and of course the basic stuff that even the brothel had, but there were some items that were foreign to him. Some looked very old, and some looked very new. He was familiarizing himself with the room when he felt Reggie's strong hand on his shoulder. "Take off EVERYTHING but the collar. Then get against that wall." Reggie pointed to a wall in the corner equipped with restraints at food level, and wrist level. thomas saw that there was a collar restraint as well. "We'll use the wrist restraints and the ankle restaints this afternoon, thomas. Get your arms up in position." Reggie's voice was always commanding, but now, it had an undertone of steel that thomas hadn't heard. He didn't even mutter "yes sir," because he saw, as Reggie stripped, that he was impatient. One lock went on thomas' left wrist, and then one on his right. Then Reggie kicked his feet further apart than they were, and locked those too. "Open your mouth, subboi." Reggie had a large, black, penis gag in his hand. thomas was afraid he would choke, but he opened wide. "Marcel and Pierre are napping. Their days are long here. I give them a break in midafternoon. I suspect I'll have you screaming enough to wake them." thomas' cock stood out in front of him like a stick. Reggie grinned and picked up a fly swatter paddle. "You're gonna have to learn to keep that thing under control with me, tommy. You don't have the right to a hard on. UNDERSTOOD?" The fly swatter paddle came down very gently on the top of tom's cock. Then Reggie smiled, as he drew it back and forth, stroking thomas' cock and provoking soft moans. thomas was sure he knew what was next and he was right: the paddle went underneath his balls and began a soft, steady beat. "Like pain, stud? You're gonna have to." thomas had begun to sweat. His balls were very sensitive and if Reggie got too vigorous, he would shoot. He hadn't cum after the blow job in the morning (he had asked if he could and was told no), and he was very, VERY horny. "Just like the appetizer to a meal, thomas. Now, let's have some fun." thomas saw the scalpel nipple clamps . He tried to beg Reggie not to use them. He shook his head, moaned, tried screaming, and Reggie just grinned. "I'm going to use them, thomas, that's not up for discussion. How long I use them, and what I do with them... very much depends on your mindset. Are you willing to make the leap from bottom to sub?" thomas shook his head "NO" as vigorously as he could. Then the clamps went on. They were heavier than he expected. When Reggie began toying with them, moving them up and down, he thought he'd faint. "We're just getting started stud. JUST getting started. " thomas saw the lead weights behind Reggie: a small box of fishing weights. "How many can you take before you beg for relief, thomas the topman?" Reggie smirked when he said topman. "Look at that pearl at the tip of your cock. SOMEONE likes the idea of his nipples being challenged. Let's start with one each." thomas did NOT anticipate how heavy those weights were going to be and the "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" that came out of the gag would have woken Pierre and Marcel, if they weren't watching through a window from outside of the house into the basement. "OH he struggles so well. Like a gladiator," Pierre whispered to Marcel "Yes. Perhaps we can suggest that Master outfit him as such at some point." Reggie didn't ask about submission and just added a second weight to each clamp. thomas had been sweating and now, the water began to pour out of him. "Only two? For such a famous, studly, top man? OH, we can do better than that, can't we? " Reggie added a third weight to each clamp. Pierre whispered to Marcel. "I must excuse myself. This is.... too exciting." "Make sure you come back for the submission!" "Do you think there will be one?" Marcel laughed. "Did you not see the fasteners? There will be one." thomas' moans were getting louder, and Reggie released the gag. In a very loud voice he proclaimed "PIERRE AND MARCEL ARE WATCHING THROUGH THE WINDOW SO WE DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT WAKING THEM DO WE MES AMIS?" Turning to thomas he asked "are you ready for four?" "Is four all you got, SIR?" "Nah. I got a lot more. But we're gonna stick with four and move onto something else." thomas' nipples were growing numb, and Reggie twisted the clamps so that more circulation got back into the tits. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" "I am having so much fun thomas. It is a delight peeling away everything to get to your true nature. Now...." He picked up the box of what looked like a cross between metal clips for papers and clothes pins. "It's like decorating a home. Where do I start? How about right.... here." He placed a clamp directly underneath each of thomas arm pits. It took a bit of work because the sweat had made thomas' skin a bit slick. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW " Reggie added a second pair. Then a third. Then a fourth. Soon, he had ten of them running up and down each of thomas' sides. "Know what's gonna be more stimulating thomas?" Through tears, thomas answered "When you take them off Sir." "EXACTLY. But that's not gonna be for a while. You have all that wonderful skin around your balls and on your balls. And I have smaller ones. Let's get to work. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE SIR. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "thomas, you belong to me this weekend. You don't get to say no." thomas may have blacked out between the 18th and 19th clamp on his balls, but the paddle woke him up. "Just hard enough. Any harder and they'd go flying off. So, top man thomas.... six more or.... " "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NO MORE CLAMPS. PLEASE SIR. I GIVE. I GIVE. I SUBMIT. I'M YOURS. I'M YOUR SUB I'M YOUR BOTTOM I'M ANYTHING YOU WANT ME TO BE. PLEASE." "I told you," Marcel whispered to Pierre. "A fine choice thomas. But now... we have to get those clamps off. How shall we do that? One at a time, or with the lash?" thomas gritted his teeth. He didn't care as long as he got to shoot. "Sir, I'm the sub. You decide. Do whatever you want to me. PLEASE. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" Reggie methodically removed every clamp, taking his time. When they were gone, he removed the nipple clamp weights in pairs before the clamps came off. "I can't help myself SIR I'm sorry. That felt... it felt so good." Still chained to the wall, thomas shot a load. A BIG one. "My my. It seems you've given the boys their favorite task. Cleaning up cum. " Reggie was looking down at the stain and when he looked up, he saw thomas crying. Sobbing. "Oh dear. Did I hurt you thomas? Are you in pain?" Through tears thomas answered. "I am Sir. But.... but good pain. Can you.... can you hold me for a bit Sir?" "He's broken," thought Reggie. "He's mine. " There was a sofa in the "toy box," and he brought thomas over to it. He wrapped his arms around thomas, who hugged back and began sobbing. "You.. you didn't just break me Sir. You broke through. You..you got the real me." "I know handsome. I always knew you were a sub waiting to be taken. Now... " he played with the collar. "This is real. " "I know Sir. Thank you Sir. Thank you for choosing me." Reggie looked at him and kissed him. "You wanted it. You know you did. Cry all you want. You're crying because you're giving up what was not you. " "Yes sir. Yes. I'm not a top man anymore." Reggie laughed. "Oh, that's not true. That's not true at all, thomas. You're going back to the brothel, and you're going to keep doing what you're doing. But when you're not there... when you're not servicing your clients, you're mine. There will be one change: you are not going to cum for any client. I decided when you cum. Or not." "Yes sir. Yes sir. You make the rules." "And right now, the rule is you go get a shower, and then lay down and rest a bit. We're going out tonight." "Are you going to join me Sir?" "No, not for this one. Because... this is the last time you're going to be sleeping alone in your life, thomas. After this nap, you sleep with me. And if I slept with you now, I'd throw a BAD fuck into you because you drained me so well this morning. But by tonight. After a good dinner, and an evening with you... You WILL be sore in the morning." thomas pulled his clothes up from the floor, and got back into them, just until he could get to the bedroom and the shower. When he got in the room, he saw that "The French elves" as he thought of them, had left a button down shirt, a blue blazer, and gray trousers, plus some of the most expensive looking shoes he had ever seen in his life. "I AM very tired. I hope I'm awake for dinner," he thought as he showered. Reggie smiled. He looked up to the skies. "Father, you taught me to go after what I wanted. I'm not sure this is what you had in mind but... it is what it is."

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