Flips Tale

By Jo Vincent

Published on Apr 16, 2002


Usual Disclaimer: If you are not of an age to read this because of the laws of your country or district please desist. If you are a bigot or prod-nosed fundamentalist of any persuasion find your monkey-spanking literature elsewhere and keep your predilections and opinions to yourself. Everyone else welcome and comments more than welcome.

Flip's Tale



Postscript: December 2000 and January 2001

P1: Returning the Pills

Of course there were presents and cards from all and sundry. One special one for each of the six based in Britain, plus my brother Stuart, Paul, Fergie and Bernard, were first class open tickets to Nice ready for Ghazi and Etienne's commitment at Easter. The six of us said we would all help to conduct the ceremony. Ghazi giggled and said the four French ex- paras were insisting they acted as page-boys. I said he was bloody lucky they didn't dress up as bridesmaids, complete with tutus, hairy legs and military moustaches.

We were staying just overnight at the hotel. Next morning I left Tom at the hotel with Aunt Margaret and my mother as were having lunch there before mum was catching a train and Aunt Margaret was driving back to Glenfinnan. I took the package and made my way to the Prof's house. Luckily he answered the door when I got there and I asked if I could see him privately. As he took me into his study I heard a noise at the top of the stairs going up from the hallway and guessed it was the twins.

H e was obviously puzzled but I explained that I had something to return which had been confiscated at Kinloch. When he opened the package and found the tablets he went very silent. I explained that the twins were caught with them just as they were going to lace the jug of squash after the rugger match and that Peter Douglas had asked me to return them.

"Just wait until I get them in here," he said with gritted teeth. "It's a good job my wife is at church or real wrath would descend on them. Can I trust you to keep this quiet?" I nodded. "We've been doing a long-term study on these things and I noted there were some missing, or at least I couldn't account for them. I thought that one of my not-so-priapic registrars might have had them or they had merely got lost. But, I would have to account for them in the end. Anyway, I thought those two have been rather quiet since they got back from school." He had a gleam in his eye, but there was also a twinkle, "Not that teenage rugby players would need these and, anyway, fifty milligrams would have been pretty diluted. Does Mr McRae know?"

I said I didn't think so, but said my experience was that not much missed his eagle eye.

"OK," he said, "I'd appreciate it if you would stay in here until I've seen them about this. Then I'd better think up some form of retribution and hope and pray Lizzie doesn't find out or the poor little buggers wouldn't hear the last of it."

He went to the door. He called out, "Will, Geoff!"

He came back in and winked at me. Two downcast boys almost immediately entered the room. They had obviously been skulking in the corridor.

"What have you to say to this?" He pointed at the package. "You know you've severely embarrassed Peter Douglas, and Flip here has been good enough to try to get you out of the deepest mire. This is a drug! On prescription only. You stole them from here, I assume, to play some foolish prank on boys at school. What would you have done if they had been mis-labelled and were something quite dangerous? Eh? Do you want me to tell your mother?"

Poor kids, just fourteen and the tears were rolling down their cheeks. They shook their heads.

"I'm afraid I put too much trust in you. So what am I going to do? I think I'll sort out some tasks for each of you and don't expect the earth for Christmas. You should be very glad you've at least got a couple of friends. Peter has stopped you getting into serious trouble at school and Flip has brought the tablets back. What have you to say for yourselves?"

"Oh, Dad," snivelled Will. (I knew it was Will as I spotted the scar when he looked up.) "We didn't mean any harm, we thought it would be a joke. We're ever so sorry...."

Here Geoff looked up and continued where Will left off. "....We've been worried you'd find out ever since we got back home. Please. We've learnt our lesson."

"Right, no harm has been done, but you could have got me into trouble as well. Just remember that. You'd better get your faces sorted out before your mother gets home." Here they looked even more worried. "No, I won't tell her, yet! But, one more little prank and the heavens will open I can assure you. So, wash your faces and then go and make four mugs of coffee and bring them in here. Go on, get on with it!"

They scurried out. He looked at me and shook his head.

"Who'd be a father? But, you won't want to know that."

I looked slightly puzzled. Did he know about the commitments made the night before.

He laughed. "Your reputation goes before you. I heard there was to be a rather special ceremony last night. Richard told me, he was round here earlier in the week. He's joining my team once he qualifies." He grinned again. "When you appeared this morning and asked to see me privately I just wondered if you had caught something or wanted advice."

I shook my head vigorously. "No, neither of us would cheat on the other and I think we're pretty clued up, so far."

He smiled. "If you ever need me, I'm here. I was most impressed with your friend's questions when you came in with that young lad. And I hear you're doing well. Have you got work to do this vacation?"

Worse than school! Everyone knows everyone else. I said we had some assignments but that Tom and I were also doing a portering stint until Christmas Eve before going home. He laughed and said it was a good idea to get some experience at the sharp end. He then said they were going to stay with the Douglas's for Christmas and then asked how were we going to get to Glenfinnan. I said by train.

"No, we'll give you a lift. Plenty of room in the people carrier and if your aunt provides a bit of lunch I can have a good gossip with her." He laughed, "Haven't seen Maggy for some years. Phones me sometimes with a case, like that lad, but I'll be glad to see her again. Shouldn't tell you this but she was my first girlfriend here when we were students together. She dumped me though, she said I spent too much time playing rugger, and then I met Lizzie. She was a nurse. Surprising how many doctors marry nurses."

I said I'd heard that, thinking of Preston's mother.

There was a discreet tap on the door. He roared out, "Come in!" and the twins came in with the mugs. As mine was handed to me I said, "Thank you, Geoff". He looked at me and I knew he wondered how I knew! I also noticed on his freshly washed face that he had the first pimple appearing on his chin. As Will handed me the box of biscuits I saw he had a slightly bigger crop, one of which he'd picked and was bleeding slightly. Oh, the first blemishes in the Spring of Youth. My facial acne had receded but I still had a row of spots at the top of my back which rude Tom referred to as my pox.

The Prof said to the boys that they weren't forgiven yet, they had to do penance. One task would be to clean the Mitsubishi ready for the visit to the Douglas's.

The kids brightened up visibly when they were told Tom and I were going to be taken to Glenfinnan first. I explained I'd better go as we were having lunch before my mother and Aunt Margaret, with Stuart, departed on their separate ways.

P2: Parting

At lunchtime Mum said she had to get back to her busy law practice and that was why she couldn't stay for Christmas. She said she hoped Tom, Stuart and I would visit her when we could. She said she realised we were very busy too but she didn't want a separation like the last one. She hugged each of us three boys when we stood on the platform as she got on her train. I heard her say "Look after him, Tom," and I knew he had been accepted into our family. So we saw her off at Edinburgh station before Aunt Margaret and Stuart set off to Glenfinnan in the Range Rover. Of course, I'd told her of the offer of a lift. I didn't explain how or why I was at the Prof's that morning but I did say I'd heard little secrets about her. She said she'd make sure she had a good lunch for them and I'd better watch my tongue.

We said cheerio to the others who were also going their various ways. I congratulated Paul on having the other twins to keep him company until they returned to school. He made a wry face and said he would try to curb them, but unfortunately it was two against one. I made arrangements for him to come with Tom and me to Little Dick's wedding. We were going to drive down to Suffolk!

There were also arrangements to be made about meeting up with the others for the wedding. Including Tom, there would be seven of us as special guests, and we had already decided we would be a Scottish contingent. We said fond farewells to all. Clyde's grandfather said he'd never enjoyed himself so much as at the ceremony and shook hands heartily with us. Beauregard repeated the invitation to his wedding and said I was to bring my brother with me. Stuart had made quite an impression on Clyde's sister having given her expert - I don't know how - tuition on the intricacies of an eightsome reel.

P3: Christmas 2000 and New Year 2001

Portering in Christmas week was rather horrendous. The proportion of little old ladies to drunks changed for the worse. How grown men would allow themselves to fall, or be pushed even through plate glass windows was beyond belief. There were a couple of nasty car accidents which meant we had to deal with very injured people but I think the pair of us learned a great deal from all this experience.

We'd borrowed a couple of mountain bikes from students who had already gone home so cycled to and from the hospital. I think we were liked there. A couple of the nurses commented on our rings. We didn't elaborate but one of the male nurses, on seeing them recognised their significance, and told us his friend and he had been together for over ten years and on the last morning wished us well.

On arriving home in the mornings we slept for a few hours then spent some very intense times bringing each other to stupendous climaxes. Each other's bodies were now so familiar we both knew how best to excite and tease and tempt and, finally, to draw out those most intense finalities. We had a tenderness towards each other but underneath was the urgency, which, when we discussed it, we thought was due to the hormone-packed teenage bodies we possessed. We couldn't tire of each other. Each climax and release conditioned us to generate just that little extra tension and that little extra surrender to each other's wants and needs. Oh, that these occasions would exist for ever!

Still, the morning of Christmas Eve arrived. We cycled back to the flat just before seven having cajoled the other two porters to cover for us as, for once, there was little traffic in injuries. We showered, changed, and cycled with our bags to the Prof's, dumped our bikes there to be collected when we got back, and were there ready for the off as planned at nine o'clock.

The boys were somewhat subdued. The Mitsubishi was gleaming and the inside was spotless. I thought of Pete and Jamie's task when caught in their compromising position. There were three seats along the back and one in front of us while the Prof and his wife sat in the front passenger and driving seats. Tom and I sat on the two outer seats with one of the twins between us. As the journey progressed they kept swapping places as they thawed out. We were asked innumerable questions until at last, feeling a bit tired, having had no sleep the night before, I gripped Will's leg just above the knee and gave him a squeeze to make him squirm and told him to stop his rabbiting for a while. He turned his attention to Tom and continued asking questions. Then, as I was quietly contemplating the infinite and watching the scenery pass by quite rapidly, the lad caught hold of the little finger of my left hand which was resting on my leg. I thought he was going to try to bend it back as that schoolboy ploy had been tried on me in the past and I had retaliated by doing the same to others. But, no, he just looped his first finger and thumb round it and ran his circled digits up and down about four times. He dropped my finger and continued talking to Tom as if nothing had happened. I could hardly say anything. Was this an unconscious gesture on his part? It seemed to me a very clear signal for something. I am afraid that just thinking about it, as I relapsed into my dozy state, required me to wriggle in my seat and rearrange my position. Soon after, the boys exchanged positions and I was content to hear Geoff asking Tom about what he was doing on the course. Geoff's only contribution to my discomfiture was that he was a constant fidget and rubbed his jeaned leg against mine perhaps a bit more than necessary.

We arrived at Glenfinnan just after noon after stopping just once at a filling station where a quick pee, with difficulty, was on my agenda. At the bungalow Aunt Margaret was waiting as soon as we arrived, with Stuart hovering in the background. With a shout of 'Maggy', the Prof rushed up and enveloped her in a hug. Lizzie looked on and smiled. The two lads proceeded to take our bags out of the car having been given a quick instruction just before we got out by their father.

I took them along to our bedroom and told them to dump them on the floor. Tom was with Lizzie and had taken her to the living-room with Stuart in attendance. I looked at the two urchins standing there eyeing the newly installed cupboards and shelves.

"Is this and your brother's room?" asked Will. "He's just like you," added Geoff.

"No, this is Tom's and my room," I said. "We will be living together."

They didn't say anything and just looked at each other. I thought I'd better change the subject.

"You two could have in the shit up to your eyebrows. You know that, don't you?" They nodded and a slight grin appeared on both their faces. "You promise me you won't do anything like that again. It was awkward for me to talk to your dad." They both nodded again. "In any case, I don't think boys need that stuff, eh?"

Will looked at me. "We've noticed that..." Geoff finished the sentence, "...recently."

They began to giggle. They were irrepressible.

"Look," I said, "It is serious. If you want to get on at Kinloch don't do daft things."

"You did...."started Geoff. "... But you did get rid of that Crawley," went on Will. "Tiger Woods told us when he found we knew you," was Geoff's contribution.

Antony 'Tiger' Woods was now in the Upper Sixth. A very studious lad, but possessed of a very acned complexion and, reportedly, an excessive libido. I supposed that exploit was now to be passed down in schoolboy history.

"Will you tell us what you did?" asked Will. "Would you come and see us...?" asked Geoff. ".... with Tom? And your brother?" requested Will.

I said I would as soon as the Easter holidays started. I hadn't finished though.

"Now, you behave yourselves when you're at Pete's. You're not to hassle him."

They shook their heads, then looked at each other and back to me.

Geoff spoke. "Could we have a look at that ring?" Will pointed to the third finger of my left hand. "Tom's got one just like it, hasn't he?" he said.

I took it off and they examined it closely. They looked at each other before handing it back.

"It's for you and Tom, isn't it?" said Geoff.

"For living together?" asked Will.

"Yes," I replied, not wishing to elaborate at the moment.

At that moment Tom came in. He saw me with the ring in my hand.. He slipped his off and handed it to Will. "Mine's exactly the same. A very good friend gave them to us as he knew we wanted to be together."

Both boys solemnly nodded and Will passed the ring to Geoff. He said, "They're beautiful."

Tom took the ring back and slipped it onto his finger. "Anyway, lunch is served and it looks pretty good and we'd better get in there soon before that gannet Stuart gets too stuck in.."

It was good! Smoked salmon in abundance with fresh rolls, bannocks and other delicacies. The boys wolfed tremendous amounts and when finished there was a nod from their father and they got up and cleared the plates away. I followed them into the kitchen to get the pudding. I went up to Will and ran a finger round his chin. He ducked his head.

"Instead of pinching pills you ought to get your dad to prescribe something for your spots. If he gives you enough you'd make a fortune selling it at Kinloch, especially to zit- king Woods."

They were giggling over this when Stuart came through with some of the now empty dishes. The boys looked him up and down from their much shorter height. He was kilted whereas I had jeans on.

"We wear ours on Sundays for Chapel......" said Geoff. "......Just like your brother did," echoed Will. "He started that, you know," concluded Geoff. "You go to Tom's old school, don't you?" asked Will. "Do you like it there? We like Kinloch,..." said Geoff. "...Your brother's famous there," said Will.

Stuart laughed. "Don't say things like that, he's got a big head already anyway."

I took a brotherly swipe at his cheek. I shooed the three of them back to the dining room and took the tray with the puddings on through after them. Aunt Margaret, Tom, Prof and his wife, Lizzie, were deep in conversation but stopped as we got to the table. There was a slight pause while the puddings were dished out than general conversation started again. Time flew and they had to go.

After the twins had been stowed in the back of the car and the Prof was saying goodbye to Aunt Margaret with Stuart and the twins mouthing things at each other through the window, their mother came up to Tom and me and gave us both a little hug.

"I don't know what the little hounds have done, and whatever it is I am not going to enquire, but at least they're behaving. I suppose you know, but I won't ask. Anyway, I expect to see your both when you get back to Edinburgh."

After we had waved them off Tom and I went to our bedroom to unpack.

His first words, after he had closed the door, were, "Oh God, I didn't know I could maintain a hardon for three bloody hours. I think I'll rename that pair Viagra One and Viagra Two." He grinned. "You suffered too,"

"Yeah," I said, "I think it was deliberate." I then told him about the finger episode. He grimaced but said nothing. "I shudder to think what they'll do to Pete,." I said in conclusion.

"Don't worry, you and Ghazi know he can stand anything thrown at him, so I think he'll survive."

I asked him what the intense conversation had been about. He smiled and said Stuart had asked Aunt Margaret if she thought he could train as a doctor as well.

Although we were both very tired we found neither of us needed any artificial stimulants that night in bed. I hoped the new cupboards against the wall dividing us from Stuart added to the soundproofing as Tom was rather vocal as I sucked two days worth of his thick boycream from him. He insisted I should fuck him, so I entered him as he lay on his back, my whole weight on him as he clasped me tightly and we were one. As I slowly thrust and withdrew we tongue-fucked as well until I could hold on no longer and released spurt after spurt of my love deep inside him.

Tom whispered, "That was the first for our true life together."

We celebrated Christmas quietly and on Boxing Day drove up, with Stuart in attendance, to have lunch with Tom's mum and dad. Their new house was much bigger than the village copper shop and had stunning views from the back. We were all invited to come and stay any time as there was plenty of room. All the bedrooms are doubles was Tom's father's comment.

Of course, young Archie was a constant visitor from the time we arrived back. In fact he was insistent that we inspected his balls on the Wednesday after Christmas and I was certain his tool had lengthened even more in the intervening months since I'd seen it last. His balls were certainly looking healthy, the right one was now almost as large as his falsie which Tom insisted on tapping with a pencil. He said Archie should go on the stage as the boy who could batter his ball with a hammer and feel no pain. All the lads in the audience would cringe and he would make a fortune. Even better, he should ask the Prof to do the same with the other one and put ball-bearings in to rattle and he could have his own inbuilt maracas if he joined a pop group. They could call themselves the Maracas Knackers. I let Stuart and Archie deal with Tom who ended up over the bed pleading for mercy and for help as they sat on him and tickled him.

New Year came and the village Ceilidh was a real occasion, ending with the celebration of the start of the Third Millennium. We three lads appeared early and were immediately surrounded by Wayne's three sisters demanding partners for the first reel. We reeled and left them breathless. They weren't bad-looking but did nothing for my sex-drive. Even Stuart later confessed they scared him stiff. He laughed and said not that sort of stiffness.

Wayne was there, squiring a very pretty girl, Mary Collins of his dreams. Tom, of course, the great tease, made a great play about wanting to dance with her much to Wayne's chagrin. She had a bright, bubbly personality and entered into the pretense quite willingly. Poor Wayne could hardly tell her we were gay as the threat to his manhood was still there. But, in the end he took it in all good part and he confided to me that he'd been more successful the first time he'd 'tried it' as he put it and they were getting engaged at Easter. I knew, looking at the smiling Mary and the ever-attentive Wayne, they were made for a life together and they knew it, too.

P4: Stuart's Stuff

'Trying it' was also on dear Stuart's mind. The next morning he brought us mugs of coffee in bed, wearing just those ancient green running shorts handed down to me by Simon and announcing that Aunt Margaret had been called out again early. He sat on the edge of the bed as we supped the welcome brew and was itching to get something off his chest.

"Can I ask you something?" he said at last.

"You don't need too," I replied, "I checked in the library and younger brothers of auburn-haired older brothers always have much shorter pricks. If they get it to five and a half inches on a fine day they're lucky."

He looked at me guardedly and then Tom guffawed.

"Take no notice of that fool, ask me."

"You're always taking the piss out of me, Flip. I'll go and ask my other brother."

He got up and walked round to Tom's side of the bed.

"Tom, it's very personal, but he'll only take the mick. I think I'll ask you when he's not here."

"No you won't," I said, "No secrets. We're three brothers now and even if I do tease you, you know I don't mean it."

Rude child stuck his tongue out at me.

"OK, I'll ask, but you keep quiet unless you have something sensible to say." He turned to Tom. "We had this lesson the other day about personal relationships. The teacher said that one shouldn't make someone do anything unless there was trust. Is that what you say."

Tom said it was very true. Stuart then went on to ask what he should do if he was with a girl and they wanted to make love. Tom asked if he meant 'fuck' or 'make love' because they were so different. Stuart said he wasn't sure. What if it was an experiment? Tom said you don't experiment in that way. That way you lose your virginity and that was a precious thing and you shouldn't lose that without love and trust.

"What about you?" Stuart asked.

"The day Flip and I lost our virginity to each other was the day we knew love and trust were the important things for us. We've loved and trusted each other from that day." He put his hand out and held Stuart's arm. "We might have been younger than you are now but we knew then, even though we might not have been able to explain it, and we've known it ever since."

Stuart nodded. "Archie says the same. He doesn't want to do it until he's sure that he loves the girl. I don't know - there's a girl in our class and I want to fu..- I mean, I want to see what's it like."

Tom gripped his arm. "I've never fucked, or even loved a girl, but I know what you mean. You haven't said you love the girl. You're curious. And you hear about doing it all the time. You see it on telly, you read it in the papers. You've experienced sex of a kind with Kenny and Archie. That's not love, even though you are such good friends with Archie. If you want a one-night stand to find out if the feelings are different from having your best friend's hand on your prick then try it, but I think you'll find you'll only experience a release of your spunk in a warm place. Believe me, someone told me once that virginity is like a balloon, one prick and it's gone for ever, but I think, if it 's done with love, then losing your virginity will be much more memorable than that momentary bang."

Stuart leaned down and kissed Tom's forehead.

"Thanks, I don't love that girl. I want to love someone just like you love Flip. Perhaps I'll find someone."

He came round to my side of the bed. He kissed my forehead. "Thanks for keeping silent. I know you agree with Tom. And he is a sexy hunk, isn't he? Your friend Ghazi told me that and said you were the luckiest man alive and you weren't bad yourself. I agree, even though you are my brother! Eh, hunk!"

I grabbed him and hauled him over onto the bed.

"Cheeky monkey. You need a good slapping like Wayne gets from his sisters."

I walloped him twice on his thinly clad butt. Tom grabbed him from me and rolled him over to his side of the bed.

"Come on, Stuart, I'll protect you, then we'll give old Coppernob the treatment."

The next five minutes and I thought the bed would collapse. They launched themselves on me and I was tickled, pinched, turned and sat on, my bare bum being walloped in turn by a crowing Stuart and a yodelling Tom. By dint of a tremendous heave and turn I managed to dislodge Stuart, catching him round the waist with my legs and encircling Tom's torso, pinning his arms with mine. I pulled Tom down over me and clenched my legs together tight to hold Stuart.

"Got the pair of you!" It was my turn to crow. They were laughing too much to retaliate immediately but my victory was short-lived. Stuart put a hand down and clutched at my balls.

"Let us go or I squeeze!"

"That's not fair," I riposted.

"All's fair in love and war!" he shouted out, "And you won't be making love anymore if I squeeze! Sorry Tom, but it's my insides he squashing!"

I let go of both and they rolled off me clutching each other.

There was strangled cry from Stuart as they lay entangled on the bed beside me. "I'm sorry Tom, I couldn't help it."

They rolled apart. Stuart's shorts were half way down his thighs and the last two squirts of a spontaneous orgasm landed on the bed between us. The rest was evident on their torsos where it had pumped out between them as Stuart's hips had bucked with the reflexive force involved.

Tom put his arms round him. "Don't worry, Stuart, you couldn't help it. God, you're just like your brother, look at the amount you came! And the force! Good job you were facing downwards or you'd have painted the ceiling!"

Stuart was still gasping. I put a hand out over his shoulder. "It's OK Stuart. You must love us to do something like that."

He sniffed and said very quietly. "I think of you all the time. How you love one another. I want to love someone just like that. I do love you both."

Tom was looking at me over Stuart's shoulder. I nodded....

I saw Tom put Stuart's hand on his own erect cock. "Show me how you love me."

Stuart could only have caressed Tom's wonderful shaft a few times before Tom gasped. Stuart kissed him and they lay together for some minutes. Stuart slowly disengaged himself and moved to me.

"I love you too, big brother," he whispered.

His gentle touch on my shaft released my own copious torrent which jetted all over him. He lay back and put his arms under our necks until Tom and I rolled toward him and clasped us all together.

I nuzzled his ear. "Ghazi said that Tom was a sexy hunk, eh?"

"Yeah, he said you were as well, but I wasn't going to tell you that 'cause your head's two sizes too large for your hat already..."

I gave his ear lobe a pinch between my lips. "You're a cheeky hound, but I think you are as well, a real sexy hunk, my not-so-little brother. In fact, you've grown since we saw all of you last."

Stuart snickered. "I know. Auburn-haired little brothers will always beat auburn- haired big brothers in the end!"

"Don't cheek your brother," said Tom, for once on my side. "Come here, I think you need dealing with properly."

With that he scooped Stuart across the bed and got up and straddled his thighs. Stuart lay motionless looking up at Tom's face. Tom reached down and circled Stuart's partially erect pale prick. It stiffened fully quickly as Tom pulled down and unsheathed his darker coloured knob. Stuart lay with his mouth half open, almost smiling and staring straight up into Tom's eyes. Slowly Tom's hand worked up and down on Stuart's now lengthening teenage prick. I was mesmerised because lying next to me was a younger clone of myself, enjoying and savouring that act which Tom had so often performed on me.

Stuart's body was me, as I had been just over three years previously. The defined chest, those dark pink nipples, that curly auburn bush surmounting an ever eagre cock. Looking downwards further, those beginning to be muscled thighs with their light dusting of reddish hair, the lengthy legs ending in those over-large feet, all these were me.

Then, after about five minutes of Tom's slow, relentless stroking, Stuart's hips and thighs bucked and he gasped four times as four pools of glistening creamy liquid appeared on his stomach and between those developing pecs. Tom stopped his moving hand.

They stared at each other and two smiles appeared. Tom let go of Stuart's still rigid young pole. He dipped a finger in one of the pools and smeared the boycream across Stuart's just-parted lips. He leaned down and kissed him lightly on those moist lips, then moved his body over me and kissed me too. I licked my lips as we parted and tasted a slight residue of Stuart's offering. We were silent for several moments then Stuart spoke, or, rather, whispered....

"...Thank you, my brother."

The green running shorts had been discarded much earlier and lay between Stuart and me. I picked them up and wiped up the ample amount of pearly cum from Stuart's body. I rubbed down Tom's front where the mingled spunk from the earlier encounter was still evident. Finally, I cleaned up the rapidly drying remains of my own effusion.

Stuart was again the first to speak.

"I'm going to have a shower and get dressed, then I'll cook breakfast for us all. I think we need a bit of sustenance, don't you?"

He crawled out from between Tom's legs. As he climbed over me, deliberately dragging his slimy young cock across me, he kissed me quickly on the cheek and I handed him the shorts. Tom pulled the duvet over us as we moved together and clasped each other and entwined our legs. I pecked him on the nose.

"That was wonderful, Tom. I know what you mean when you said that about him and you the other day. I could see he was so like me."

"He's beautiful, just like you, my lovely Flip. I knew you'd let me do that because you know I love you both. That was that. Stuart and I have closed a chapter but we've opened another as true brothers. I am so happy you both accept me and trust me."

I kissed his nose and then each closed eye in turn. In return, he dabbed my nose with his tongue.

"You know, Flip," he said, "Teenage boys are supposed to be stroppy, horrible, uncooperative, you name it." He giggled. "I know you've had your moments and I suppose I have too, of course,..." Here he licked the tip of my nose again, "...with me, to a much lesser degree. But we've got through it and I think Stuart will, too. True, I see you in him, you both have that wonderful gentle streak and I can't see him hurting anyone, and you know how to make and keep friends. I'm proud to know you both."

This was interrupted by Stuart, freshly laundered and stinking of Tom's Aramis after- shave, bouncing in.

"Come on you two, you can break up that clinch, or are you practising a few holds to try on Beau?" He dropped the green running shorts he was holding over our faces then snatched them up again. I felt a dampness hit my cheek and I smelt the very familiar aroma of the results of boy sex. "Shan't ever wash these. They're my treasure. Thanks!"

We got up and, as we shared the bathroom and cleaned ourselves up we decided to let Stuart look after some treasure of ours.

True to his word, when we appeared, showered, shampooed and shaved, there was a stack of bacon, eggs and sausages ready. Before we began Tom and I held out our hands simultaneously to Stuart who had our hot plates ready to be loaded. He looked carefully, put the plates down, and took the two silver bullets.

"We told you about Shuggie," Tom said, "He gave us these to remind us of him and to make sure we never parted. We want you to look after them. If you ever think there is anything wrong between us you must tell us, whatever. You keep these safe and think of us. You'll do that for us, won't you?"

Stuart nodded slowly and slipped the bullets into his jeans pocket. He had been given an important task. Who could know the future? His eyes looked moist but he smiled. "Breakfast's ready and it'll be getting cold".

We had just begun when Aunt Margaret appeared, dumping her medical bag on the draining board.

"Gosh, that smells good. Got a plateful for me?" She looked at the three of us. "You all look pleased about something!"

We grinned and said nothing. We just got on with the breakfast and savoured the memories of a wonderful morning...

P5: Pete and the twins

We hadn't finished breakfast long before there was a phone call. It was Pete inviting the three of us to lunch the next day. Stuart said he'd only met Pete at the commitment but he seemed very nice. Although Stuart knew he'd stayed at the bungalow with me we didn't let on that he was gay as well. If that came up we would deal with that at the time. In any case, I wanted to find out how Pete was getting on with Jamie.

Pete said the twins were still staying with him as the Prof and his wife had gone back to Edinburgh as soon as Christmas was over and they would be there until they all went back to Kinloch. Oh, God! I wondered if Pete was able to keep them in check.

There were just us six lads and Mrs Douglas at lunch, which was very substantial. When I thanked her afterwards she said she had learned the quickest way to keep boys quiet was to feed them plenty. In fact, the twins were very well-behaved. They took Stuart off to show him around the house and the out-buildings while Tom and I had a chat with Pete in his room.

There were more drawings around the room including a very nice water colour.

"That's a Christmas present from Wayne," said Pete in explanation when I commented on it. "He's very good. Dad says he should do some training."

As well as the original ones of Tom and me there were two others as well, but not the full-frontal of me. There were also two of the twins. I asked if that was all he'd done. He grinned and fished out a substantial portfolio. The top picture was the one of me.

"Would you like it, Flip? I can always do another from memory - unless you've grown of course!"

"Don't feed his ego," said Tom. "I think it would be better if I took a rubber to that, I still think you exaggerate!"

I took a playful swipe at him.

"Actually, Pete," he said, "In confidence..." He dropped his voice to a whisper. "...I think he may have grown a couple of millimetres since you saw him last. Just give him the benefit of the doubt!"

"Philistine," I said, "You wouldn't know a good picture if you saw one."

Pete took out the next picture - it was another one of Tom - his head and shoulders.

"Here you are, Tom, I don't think even a philistine would look like this."

Tom took it and looked at it carefully. He murmured, "Oh, thanks, Pete! I know that's good!"

I turned to Pete. "And, what about you and Jamie?"

He turned the pages in the portfolio and produced another carefully drawn head and shoulders. It was unmistakably Jamie. It hit one quite forcibly that it was done with love and affection. Even Tom could see that!

"When we're ready we're going to have a ceremony as well. Jamie was rather upset I was invited but he wasn't. I said I would ask you both to ours."

"Sorry, Pete, we should have asked you both but never thought. to tell Ghazi who made all the arrangements. I'll write to Jamie when school starts again."

Pete nodded.

Tom asked, "And what about that pair? Are they behaving?"

Pete rolled his eyes. "It's amazing, my mother says she's never known two such well- behaved boys. What the hell you did to them, Flip, I don't know, but you've got another couple of ardent fans." He looked at Tom. "And you! It's me and Jamie and the others all over again with him! It's Flip this and Flip that, but, it's also Tom said this and Tom said that, as well."

We both laughed.

"I only did what you asked me to do, Pete," I said. "But anything else?"

He knew what I meant. He shook his head.

"Not with me. I know they're at it between themselves but they know I'm off-limits. They've suggested...." He shrugged his shoulders, "...but they know I'm not interested in them. Still, I like them and we've had some great fun. They have an idea about me and Jamie but they'll have to find out more in good time."

Tom told him about his inheritance and said he and Jamie would be welcome to come and stay at the croft house we were keeping, perhaps during this coming summer vacation. Pete looked very pleased at this.

We came away happy for Pete and interested that the twins were still under control. I had my portrait and Tom had the head and shoulders sketch of him. Stuart was pleased as he had invitations to visit Pete and the twins any time.

Finale: Little Dick's Nuptials

I had told Aunt Margaret Tom and I were intending to drive down to Bury St Edmunds, taking Stuart and Paul as well. No way, was her response. She certainly wasn't going to allow us to take my 'rattle-trap', as she called it, over one thousand miles there and back, in the middle of winter. No way. Full stop.

I said I'd promised to take Paul and leave him there because he would be going on to London. No way. What about the Land Rover? She gave me a withering look and mentioned insurance. No way. Fly down, or walk.

Tom and Stuart looked on as the battle raged. It wasn't a battle. Battles are two- sided. They laughed. I was getting nowhere. They were sensible, I wasn't.

All right. Compromise. With a couple of phone calls, one to Paul, one to Glasgow, it was all arranged. We would fly down, then train to Bury, ergo, solved. Tom looked relieved. Stuart looked happy. He had been invited too, a phone call to Charles thanking him for the letter had also included a word of congratulation to be passed on from Stuart. Stuart had never met Little Dick but he was determined not to be left out and he wasn't. Charles promptly said he must come too, invitation on the way. That invitation had been prominently displayed on his new shelves since it arrived. No way was Stuart going to miss the event! Titles!!

In all my years with Aunt Margaret that was my only altercation. Slight, but significant. I knew who was boss! My teenage years would last only one more year soon. I was doing well.

Anyway, Tom and I drove the other two down to Glasgow Airport, parked the car at an exorbitant rate and had a pleasant flight. The trip across London by four kilted lads on the Underground evinced some looks especially from the numerous foreign travellers. We arrived at the hotel booked for us in Bury well in time and met up with the others there.

The six other members of the seven, Ghazi, Hamed, Clyde, Paul, Fergie and me, together with Tom, Stuart and another hanger-on, as he said, Bernard, all had a most convivial evening. We heard that Little Dick, at the insistence of Ann's father, had had his Stag Night the night before and the combined forces of the Rugby Club and the Young Farmers' Club had just about drunk the town dry. Little Dick, or Richie as he was now known, was last seen being pushed round the city in a large pram with a larger than life dummy stuck in his mouth. Apparently he had baulked at being stripped and wearing a nappy so the pram was filled with a mixture of beer and shaving foam and he had been unceremoniously dumped in it. Obviously, a great night was had by all!

We arrived the next day at the village church in a couple of taxis. The sight of nine kilted lads was a surprise for the assembled guests, especially as two of them were rather dusky and another an obvious American. We greeted Little Dick who had also just arrived and I met Charles, his best man, for the first time. He was large, built like a prop forward, and was just like one imagined a young, jolly East Anglian farmer to be like. His father was an older image of him and he passed us over to a dress-suited young man who ushered us into the lovely ancient thirteenth century church and seated us on the bridegroom's side behind Little Dick's parents and his three remaining grandparents. The music was tremendous. Nelson was playing and I felt very moved.

Ann was only three minutes late. She was escorted in by her father and the ceremony began. I thought back to our ceremony and put my hand out and clasped Tom's. I saw that Clyde and Hamed beside us had done the same. Perhaps we would share some of the blessing being given to Richard and Ann.

As we came out, with the sound of the organ and the bells in the tower pealing, the lads from the two clubs lined up and the bride and bridegroom and the guests passed through an arch of pitch forks, rakes, and held aloft rugby balls. Lord and Lady Fordham were truly married!

We were driven to the reception in a fleet of taxis with the bridal pair in a horse- drawn carriage in front. There was a superb meal after being introduced to all their relatives and friends. The disco in the evening was noisy and the drink flowed freely. The older members of the assembled throng tended to retire to quieter pastures but we younger ones joined in and jigged and jived in the modern way to clashing sounds and repetitious rhythms. Of course, as the merriment grew we knew there were the usual questions in the air about Scots lads and their accoutrements. Finally, in a pause from the din of the disco, as the DJ stopped to get more noise-making records ready, we nine were surrounded by about twenty- five of the Suffolk lads, obviously adept at training their sheepdogs to do the same thing, who linked arms and circled us chanting, 'Sing, sing, or show us your ring!'

Not to be outdone, we nine also linked arms with our backs to the chanting mob and, at a signal from Clyde, hoisted up our kilts to display nine pale pink or dusky brown bare butts to satisfy their curiosity. A great cheer went up and we were engulfed in a torrent of hugs and back-slapping.

Much, much later Tom and I crawled into bed a bit tired and emotional, i.e. rather drunk. We had deposited young Stuart in the room next to us, in an even more inebriated state, unable to undress himself, so we'd managed to unbuckle his kilt and get that and his shirt off. Tom whispered, "Auburn-haired little brothers certainly grow".

But, later that night, and again in the early hours of the morning, with the memory of a wonderful day with all our friends, we celebrated Richard and Ann's commitment with slow, gentle love-giving and love-receiving observances of our own. Tom and Flip, as one.

The End.

Note; I have enjoyed writing this sequel. Like Topsy, it just grew! I must now get back to finishing the even longer saga I have been working on for some time. Look out for 'Aladdin's Awakening' (High School) in the future. Until then, thanks for reading, thanks for the messages, thanks!

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