
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on Apr 7, 2020


It's 5:45 PM and 12-year-old Zach is seated at his desk, fiddling with his pencil. Suddenly Dean--Zach's brother of 16 years, with dirty-blonde straight hair and an oversized khaki fall jacket to match--bursts into the room.

"Zach," he says. "Get your shoes on. I'm gonna show you something."

Zach pauses as if to think up a reply: "What is it?"

"Never mind that, bro. Just, grab your shoes and grab your jacket. And trust me, this is gonna be worth it."

Without further hesitation he slides his stocking'd feet down off the chair and pushes it back a few inches with his toes. Zach is a slight, but mostly average-looking boy with somewhat wiry brown hair in something like a bowl cut. Languidly he slinks to his shoes and squirms his feet into them without bothering to untie them. A moment later he steps one arm into his coat, and in no time they are off.

The brothers walk briskly but in silently. At the end of their driveway, Dean cuts a sharp right on the sidewalk all covered in leaves. Zach can't quite figure out how to match his driving pace, and keeps making awkward skips and half-running. Finally he decided to just run... he catches up to Dean and for a moment darts ahead of him to face him. "Where are we going?"

"Don't you worry about that. We'll be home in time for supper."

After two blocks up the road the boys hang a left. Just one block ahead of them now is the small local neighborhood park. "What are we doing here?" Zach asks.

"Pay attention, Zachy! I'm about to teach you something that'll make you the most popular kid in school." As the pair arrive at the edge of the park and Dean cuts a curved path into it, Zach finally figures the park itself is their destination. At its center is a big jungle gym of wood and stainless steel, while just beyond it and off to the right a bit sits a run-down concrete-and-brick building which seems so small and drab compared to the jungle gym. That, of course, is the bathrooms: male and female, and even a janitor's room for all the cleaning supplies for the two restroom blocks.

Zach was getting confused as Dean continued to make a beeline for this building. What could there possibly be worth showing in the little park bathroom? But when Dean pushed the door in, Zach obediently slipped right in after Dean.

When he finally stopped walking, Dean stood wide and erect a pace into the bathroom. He seemed strangely proud, even excited. "Okay, Zach. You're gonna like it, I know. Cutting past the three urinals in the wall on their right, and the two sinks on the opposite wall, Dean approached the first of three stalls. Dean was very thankful that the bathroom was totally empty, as he'd expected it would be (and as it seemed to be at first glance).

"C'mon, bro! Over here!" Dean pushes the stall door in as he steps up toward the toilet, but not all the way up. Zach crowds him from further out, barely in the stall but huddling close to Dean, as for some reason Dean wanted him to.

Dean takes a dignified pause before ceremoniously unzipping his fly and grabbing his cock, flopping it over his boxers' waistband--in full view of his slightly awestruck little brother.

"Okay, kiddo. It's called `floorpissing.' Floor--" he gestured vaguely in front of him, at the two feet of featureless concrete that lie before the commode--still, to his brother's confusion--"and, PISS!"

Even as he said the word "PISS," Zach saw a dribble drip out of his brother's cock!--but quickly it was a stream, and Dean kept on going, without even trying to get it in the toilet! Immediately Dean's piss stream splattered all over the floor, turning the concrete from grey to splattered, wet dark brown. A minute after that, as the piss-puddle grew, the splashing around where the stream hit made a giddy sort of tinkling sound! Still Dean's piss kept on coming, spreading his puddle into the next stall over--and at that point, wanting to give his little brother as exciting a show as he could, Dean BLASTED down on his bladder and made his stream a powerful torrent! A blast to the floor to the left of the toilet, a blast to the floor to the right of the toilet, a blast all the way to the wall behind the shitter. Finally his stream began to wane, and Dean just casually let his meat wander slowly, flopping first this way, then that, till FINALLY--he was out.

"So that, little bro, is floorpissing. And trust me when I say you're not gonna regret learning to do it. See, I told you I had something worth showing you! Whaddaya think, Zachy?"

Little Zach was completely floored. To begin with, this was the first time he'd seen his older brother's cock in four of five years, when Dean hit puberty and quit running around naked. Even before Dean started pissing, Zach was marking this down as one special day he'd be sure to remember, `cause out of nowhere Dean whipped out his cock! But if he was excited by Dean's cock, he couldn't even begin to describe how incredibly awed and stupefied and envious and desirous he was about what Dean had just demonstrated for him. Floorpiss was AWESOME! He couldn't believe how hot and brave and admirable Dean was for doing such a brazen, wrong thing, when at any moment another guy might enter through that door! Being four years older than him, Zach adored his older brother, looking up to him in his timid, quiet way, and thinking him the epitome of teenage angst and style and cool. If Dean thought this was a cool thing then it had to be cool (even if it weren't for the fact that it was obviously a hot and naughty idea). Zach's soft brown eyes looked at Dean with rapt admiration, lust and amazement. Never had his brother ever appeared so virile, so cool, so unattainably hot and wolfishly mischievous.

"...Dean..." he managed, "that was really really cool... I can't believe it... You could get in so much trouble but you did it anyway. Do you think that maybe... before we go back to dinner, maybe...I could try doing it too?"

Dean was relaxed and alert and quite drunk on the high of what he'd done. So much adrenaline--but he reckoned he was full of endorphins, too, for he felt chill and ecstatic. "Well, of course, little brother! I didn't decide to show you this just for you to get all googly-eyed at watching me do it. Do you have to pee?"

"Yeah, I do--well after that I do anyway" he joked, and then laughed at himself in such a cute and little-boyish way.

"Well here's what I would do if I were you," began Dean. "I'd stick to the stalls for your first time so you don't feel so exposed if someone comes in. I'd go over the the third stall because that one's still dry, so that way you'll get your own `territory' to mark... Heheheh."

"Okay." Zach backed out and walked over to the last stall, timidly looking at the door for a moment before pushing it in and entering. "Dean I'm afraid someone will see me... can you stay by the stall door and look out for me if someone comes?"

"Sure thing, little buddy. What are big brothers for? But just so you know, I don't think anyone's gonna come. But it wouldn't be half as much fun if there weren't any risk to it! But I promise I got you. If someone comes, I'll pull the door shut and act like I'm waiting on you in there until they're gone. And if they see my puddle I can always just say it was there when we came in. So, trust me, Zach--this is all you! So have some fun with it."

Still not believing what he was about to do, Zach took a deep breath and slowly unbuckled his belt. He couldn't believe it, but his hands were actually shaking a little. Whether it was excitement or fear, he couldn't tell. Dean was peaking around the stall door to see what Zach would do. Finally the kid got his cock out and pointed it deliberately to a spot `bout a foot in front of the toilet bowl and a little to the right... and then it was an interminable moment of waiting. Zach couldn't believe how anxious he was. He felt like he could hardly breathe. But he kept reminding himself that he wanted to look cool in front of Dean, and he had to start peeing even though his body'd gotten so tense. For a moment both boys rested in the tension and worried that maybe he couldn't do it. But at last Zach caught a surge of determination, and forced his body to piss. It started slow; Zach watched every separate drop leave its splash on the floor. It picked up and Zach couldn't believe what he was doing! He was actually standing in a bathroom in a public place and ignoring the toilet and peeing on the floor! As his stream arched forward and sped up, his fear gave way to a giddy feeling and a sort of whimsical glee that he was really doing it. Soon his puddle filled the whole space he'd been aiming for, so he effortlessly pointed his cock further back, reaching the whole right side of the toilet. When that filled up, Zach took aim at the brick wall of the shit-house, right there on the right. "Dean, look at how it dribbles down the wall!" Zach exclaimed. Not only did he feel like a badass, but he was also having a blast.

When the wall there was all streaked with pee, Zach decided to back up and spread the last of his bladderful further away from the toilet in front. All the while little Zach marvelled at the crinkling tinkling sound that's made when you pee into a puddle of pee that you just made.

"Whoah, Dean! Did you see that?! I did it, I floorpissed! And look at how big my puddle is!" The little kid was proud, and he had every right to be.

"Nice going bro! Now go ahead and zip up and we'll split. No need to hang around and get caught.

Zach felt serene and buoyant. A minute later as the left the building, Dean slowed down so they could walk together. "I want to tell you what you can do with what I've just taught you, Zach. If you're brave enough, man, that trick we just did can win you major cool points at school. Nobody but the baddest kids would do something like intentionally pissing on the floor. I know you're not all that popular, and I think you should consider changing that with floorpiss. You're gonna have to be brave... but if one day at school, when you're in the bathroom with a buncha other boys, or the locker room in gym, maybe, what you gotta do it is don't say anything, but stand in the middle of the room and just start pissing right there. You gotta let people see you. But don't say anything and don't apologize. Everybody'll be laughing and joking and saying `Do you believe what I just saw Zach do?' It'll be fun and they'll start liking you more every time you do it. Of course, you don't wanna do it TOO often or you'll get caught by a teacher. And honestly, that could happen. Think of it this way, though: what's worth more, fitting in with the cool kids in class, or never getting in trouble? And the teachers know that sometimes boys will do that. I just taught you to do this, but I didn't make it up. So they'll give you a detention or two, but as long as you're careful not to get caught multiple times, it'll blow over easy.

"Oh, and other boys will join in as well. If the kids in your class are cool enough, y'all just might have a floorpissing party' in gym one day--and that, let me tell you, is FUN. You'll be lucky to see even three inches dry on the bathroom floor after that! And of course you'll get in trouble, but you'll be all together, so it'll be fun: As long as you can sit through a So disappointed in you' and `really thought you guys were more mature' speech, you'll be fine.

"Whaddaya say, sport? Do you think you can live up to the family tradition and deal with having the reputation of being `the floorpiss kid'? Of course, you don't have to do ANY of that. It's a fun thing to do all alone every once in a while when you can get away with it. I don't wanna pressure you any, I just want you to know that this silly awesome little thing I just taught you to do can get you places, if you let it. Ha ha ha."

"Dean? Were you `the floorpiss kid' when you were my age?"

"That's a good question. Actually, I was not. I did it a couple times alone in middle school after I heard of other boys doing it. But I never did it at school, and I never did it regularly until really in the last year. To be honest, man, I just wasn't brave enough! I had done it before so I knew how fun it was, but I didn't want to get in trouble. Nah, all the stuff I've told you about how it will go if you decide to take it public' (and have the balls to actually do it) comes from being best friends with Justin. See, *Justin* was the floorpiss kid, but I was one of those laughing and joking boys watching him, and I can tell you from seeing what it did for him how it impacted his life at school. So, again, kiddo: no pressure. If you ask me I think it sounds like a pretty nice little ambition. But if you're not brave enough I can't fault you, cause I wasn't brave enough when I was your age."

"Oh, and--hey--lemme tell you something else that I don't say anywhere near enough. If you ever wanna talk to me about whatever you're going through, or what's on your mind or whatever, you gotta know that I am hear for you. I think you think I'm so cool that you don't feel like I'm here for your if you ever have anything serious to say. But I am.

"Oh, and if you wanna floorpiss together again, ask me. I've become quite the floorpisser this past year, so I will be down!"

Zach really couldn't believe all the stuff that had just happened in the past fifteen minutes. He'd have a lot to think over as he lay in bed tonight. He was happy to have such a cool--but also caring--older brother. As for the whole "become a cool kid by floorpissing" proposition--when honestly he just didn't know about it. He didn't think he necessarily cared that much about being cool. But then again, floorpissing was clearly awesome... so if he just did it for fun and happened to get popular at the same time, would that be so bad? ...Well, it was something to mull over, anyhow.

The brothers burst into their house to see Mom already bringing out dinner. "Dean? Zach? Where have you been? Why would you leave the house right before dinner like that? Where did you go?"

"Oh, we went to the park, ma"

"You went to the park for all of five minutes, right before dinner? What was that about?"

"Oh, it's nothing, ma, I just found, uh... a little box turtle there, I was showing it to Zach before it wandered away."

"Well--Okay, I guess. Just, next time, Dean, please be aware that I'm putting a lot of energy into making dinner for you every night, and I'd like you to respect that and not run off for some frivolous little thing before dinnertime like that."

"Oh, ma, it wasn't frivolous. I can promise you that."

Zach looked up at the older brother who was suddenly becoming much more important in his life, perhaps. Dean winked at him, and Zach thought "Yeah, Mom, if you only knew what we were up to... I can tell you firsthand that it's not frivolous at all."

Next: Chapter 2: Zach and Peter 1

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