
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on May 21, 2020


"FLOORPISSING": Sam and Robby at Six Flags by BadBoyKal

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NOTE: This installment based partially on real events.

Sam and Robby had finally gotten to the age where they occasionally got to do things on their own, unsupervised by their parents. Today was one of those days. They were "just trying it out," Sam's mom insisted--but in any event, the friends found themselves in the local Six Flags theme park and Waterpark alone, with the whole day to do whatever they wanted, pocket money for food, and generally no limit to the kinds and amounts of fun they might get into. They had gotten in about ten, and had all the way until 8 PM before Robby's dad would come and pick them up. Needless to say, they were pretty psyched.

Sam had just turned thirteen the previous week. He was tall for his age, and skinny, and athletic; his dark brown hair was cut short and arranged stylishly into little spikes. Beyond that, readers, you oughtta know he was TO DIE FOR in terms of body and face! There was no question he'd be quite the heartbreaker, adults would often comment of him behind his back.

Robby was a month younger than Sam, so still just shy of thirteen. He was a tad short for his age. His hair was light brown and curly, lying in ringlets around his cute face (currently scrunched up from facing the sun). It was mid-July--the 22nd, to be exact--and it was HOT. While they both agreed they HAD to hit all the major coasters and thrill rides in the course of the day, there was an obvious and steady temptation to hang out at the waterpark all day instead, to keep cool, and also to give them a better chance of finding "eye candy." Of course both would be mortified to bring that up directly--but each would be lying if he'd said it hadn't crossed his mind. (They were of that age, after all).

At this point, it was about 11:45, and they'd done pretty good so far: Two of the coasters and a fun game of bumper cars as well in that hour and forty-five minutes. They had food on their mind, and as the sun kept climbing, the buddies debated whether the waterpark should be their next destination, for a few of the hottest hours of the day. Robby really wanted to do it and Sam didn't particularly mind one way or another, and, so, it was decided. First they grabbed some burgers at a nearby outdoor stand, and then made straight for it.

I hadn't mentioned how the two were dressed, but I will now. Sam had on bright blue swim trunks with a bright pink or red shark print on it, with a sea-foam green heathered tee-shirt lined with grey seams. Robby was a little more clumsily provisioned, having decided to wear light board shorts and underwear rather than a bathing suit... that he had thrown in a little black Nike string backpack to change into later, along with sunscreen and a few other odds and ends. (Inwardly Sam was a little annoyed that he hadn't just worn the trunks, because now that he'd have to change, they'd have to make a trip through the public (and all ages!) waterpark locker rooms/changing room. Sam could do without the screaming five-year old kids and the forty-year-old hairy dicks hanging out for everyone to have to see. But, unbeknownst to Sam, Robby had realized already, though barely into puberty, that he had quite an attraction to the male genitalia--so it happened that he'd decided not to wear the trunks precisely so he COULD have an excuse to spy on cocks in the locker room. It made him feel naughty just to think about how he'd gone out of his way to satisfy his craving for seeing dick. Maybe he'd tell Sam soon--though he didn't reckon today.)

The two entered through the enormous bamboo gates which were propped wide open, and were immediately greeted by a broad view of the kiddie pool, and beyond that, the crowded wave pool, and finally, beyond all the pools and splash zones and what-have-you, the gynormously tall water slides. (Sam was pretty psyched about them... he'd heard of one in particular which created a strobe effect within the tunnel with alternating translucent and opaque slats in its roof, that was supposed to be wicked cool.)

But to Sam's annoyance, they'd have to deal with Robby and his annoying little backpack first. They wandered to the right to get the lay of the land, and found a whole slew of outdoor coin-operated lockers arranged under terra cotta roofs of tiny stucco pavillions. Neither of them had a phone, or really anything that would be ruined from getting wet. Just the same, it struck them as impractical to carry the string backpack around through the whole waterpark ('specially on the slides)... so, begrudgingly the pooled their change. Robby nearly locked it back up again before Sam said "Hey, dumbass. Your suit's in the backpack!"

Robby giggled. "Hehe."

Presently the boys saw a big sign poing into a longer, larger building, reading "MEN." That must be the changing room. Of course the two friends would stick together through the whole mess. As they walked toward it, Sam voiced his concern anyway: "It just seems like in these places, all the people who actually get naked are the people you most would want NOT to get naked." Robby let out a puff of air that might've been halfway between a sign of agreement and a social acknowledgement of humor on Sam's part. He didn't say anything, though--and presently they were inside and no more was said.

The single wide open room spread throughout with simple hardwood benches lived up to Sam's fears in every single way, unfortunately--but secretly, Robby was pleased to see that it met his expectations as well. Slowly he swung his backpack down onto the nearest open bench; as he kicked off his sandals and dropped his drawers, he gazed surruptitiously across the room. (Quickly taking in the space, he saw that in the far end of the room, the space was divided into bathrooms on the left and showers--both individual stalls and a few exposed heads in the middle as well--on the right.) Obiously the preteen was not there for the forty-year-old-cocks, but you better believe he wasn't complaining... as he continued moving as slow as he could without being obvious, BINGO--he saw the sort of thing that he had only fantasized he'd be able to see. At the far wall, clustered around a bench, stood three young men of seventeen or eighteen, wet and dripping, towels draped on their backs. They were talking and joking amongst themselves (Robby couldn't hear)... he kept watching as his tugged off his shirt until it suddenly got better. The guy on the far left, facing about in profile to Robby (that is to say, toward his friends) simply nonchalantly tugged his dripping swimsuit off his hips and let it smack onto the floor. Robby couldn't take his eyes of this suddenly exposed teen cock, and he was both shocked and aroused that these young guys hadn't gone to change in the bathroom stalls instead of out in the open. The trio just continued to chat like nothing'd happened, and before he knew it, Robby saw the guy on the right repeat the same action as his friend'd just took.

"Hey, are you okay?" interrupted Sam. "You seem a bit... uh... distracted."

Instantly Robby blushed, and he could feel it. "Sorry," he tried weakly... I was just, uh... I was just thinking about something for a minute." Privately, Sam was pretty sure he'd understood what was going on--that one of his closest friends was getting carried away watching those high schoolers across the room getting naked and changing. He didn't want to embarrass Robby, though, and imagined it might be the kind of thing for Robby to decide when to bring it up, if he wanted to. He was curious and surprised, though, that his close friend was showing interest in the cocks of other dudes. He had never thought about it, but had certainly always supposed that Robby was just as straight as he was.

Robby was down to just the underwear at this point, and he had a decision to make. Does he do the "socially correct" thing for a guy his age and walk over to the stall to hide his nudity? Or did he take advantage of that rare free pass one has to get naked in public, with no repercussions? As he debated he glanced at the highschool trio again: now all three boys were buck naked, moving around freely, drying off with their towels all over the sexy expanses of their bodies (and not being shy at drying between their legs, either).

He decided he'd be brave, not wanting to have to leave that view. He said to Sam "Hey, man, I'm just gonna slip into the trunks right here... I'll turn away from you, but if you wanna... you know..." he trailed off. Wordlessly Sam sat on the bench and faced away from Robby, while the latter lowered his briefs and stepped out of them one foot at a time. It was turning him on to be naked! Watching the other boys like a hawk, still, he pulled open the backpack and pulled out his yellow-and-midnight-blue suit, which he stepped into. "'Kay, I'm good." Quickly Robby gathered his clothes into the backpack, and the duo made of the exit at the far end of the building (while the trio at this point all had their underwear back on). A quick stop at the locker to drop off all their gear, and the pair was good to go. They started at the wave pool (one of Sam's favorites, in fact). The breakers were at least eight feet tall--maybe twelve! It was relaxing and a good way to cool off. While in the pool, Robby had to piss, so he let 'er rip, enjoying himself. It was on his mind when they left the wave pool to go somewhere else. As the two walked over to a jungle-gym type area (with all sorts of jets and buckets and moving parts and things--you know the places), he brough it up. "Hey, Sam--do you ever pee in the pool?"

"'Course I do, Robby. Everybody does that."

"Well, yeah, I do too... I just did back there, actually! But I wondered if, when you do it... well, doesn't it feel kinda naughty? Like maybe it kinda turns you on?"

Sam considered. "Well, I don't know... it does make me feel like a baller--I know that much." They both had a good, deep laugh at that.

But Robby wasn't finished with his discreet bestfriendship whisperings. "Well, listen, man, I was thinking... I like it for sure, sounds like you do too... I had this idea of something else we might try to, uh... take that a little farther. Just, between the two of us... just today... in the waterpark."

"Yeah. So, what is it?"

"Okay, so we're at a waterpark, right? And we've been in the water, we're all dripping wet... mostly it's water dripping from our suits. Well, if we keep our bathing suits wet and dripping all the time, think about it--we could pee whereever we wanted! People will think it's just pool water rather than piss."

"Huh!" Sam looked as though this proposition had made an impact. "Yes!..." he rubbed his hands together. We could be walking around peeing RIGHT NOW. Every time we piss today, we don't have to do it in the pool or the toilet--we could do it anywhere BUT there. Waiting in line for the slide--PISSING. Unlocking our locker--PISSING. Standing on the edge of the diving board--PISSING. Heh, imagine that!" he exclaimed with a dreamy smile.

"And that's not even the best part, man," Robby continued. "I thought of this too. we could go into any changing room or bathroom anywhere in this park and secretly piss on the floor 'stead of the toilets! We could get up close the urinals like we're using them, but really we're wetting our suits--RIGHT ONTO THE FLOOR! Or we can chill for a few minutes in the changing room--sitting on a bench or simply standing there, but secretly leave a yellowish puddle behind instead of a clear one!"

"YES!" At last, as use for that wretched changing rooms. "So how did you think of this? Have you done all these things before?"

"It was at the Fourth of July picnic at Bryson Park, where they have that pool and those sprinkler things. I came up with it myself to pee, rather than IN the pool, while I was walking around OUTSIDE the pool while everyone watched and had no idea I was pissing! Then I tried it on the diving board... funny thing about that, though--it's REALLY hard to piss while you're in free fall, lol!

"Then I had that best idea of them all, the one about pissing the floors indoors... I went to the park bathroom and nobody else was in there... I took my chance and stood in front of the pisser and let it all go right through the suit, and, dude! You would not BELIEVE the rush I got from doing that! And the puddle I left! It was fucking phenomenal! I pissed enough to cover like practically two square yards, and it was all splashy and messy, and just yellow enough to show up looking like piss against the white tiles, 'stead of looking like just water. That's the only time I ever done it--only time I've done any o' this stuff... But I can tell you sincerely, when it comes to the floorpissing bit at least, man--dude, it is VERY rewarding. If you give it a shot you will no regret it."

The hot little teen was reeling with all this excitement! First of all, YES--he was TOTALLY on board... but the shit Robby'd just said--man, that's stuff the young "looker" had never, EVER even thought about before.

Predictably, the remainder of their time in the waterpark had totally changed--from "What are we gonna ride next?" to "What are we gonna do with our next bladders-full, on or off the rides? The first change Sam made to their route was an immediate diversion from the jungle gym zone back to the bathrooms: Robby wasn't sure why they were going that way, until he saw same carefully wend he way around screaming children--not into the building, but to the water fountain on the side of it. "Nice," Robby conceded. To do all the piss exploration that they were damned well gonna do in that one afternoon, they would need piss. "Dude, I'm so glad you're all in on this like me! You won't believe how fun it gets--trust me!" But Sam needed no convincing.

The each must've drunk at least a quart of water by the time they rerouted again (the long wait had pissed off a twelve-year-old black girl behind them... big whoop). Time to "huddle": they conferenced. "Okay," the younger curly-haired one began, "There's at least three things you absolutely must try (or we've wasted the whole afternoon). The first one is pissing--trying to piss--as you jump off the diving board. I don't know if you can actually do it, but you'd be dumb not to try. Next is full-on wetting your bathing suit in front of a buncha other people where they can see you and you run the risk of them putting two and two together. The last is the crowning glory, dude! I call it 'floorpiss.' That'll be wetting your suit indoors, in the location of your choice in any part of either the changing room or the bathroom. That'll keep us occupied for a bit, eh?

"Obviously that's not counting easy shit like pissing just goin' about your business with no risk of being seen. If we play this right, though, bro, we're gonna have so much piss to spread around you'll be pissin' three loads however you like (but always telling me as you do if I'm around, so I can high-five you!) between each one of the milestones I just laid out. You beat me to the main point there--that being hydration."

"Hmm," replied Sam. "Well, I still wanna go to that playground thing to play, to be honest, but it sounds like the only chance for creative pissing there is an innoculous covert solo wetting--only--HEY! Guess what I just thought of dude!! Oh my God, so hot!: I propose this addition to your three 'milestones': letting one load of piss go directly onto the head of another person while you're playing above them in the jungle-gym!"

Robby was dumbfounded. Fuck, that was brilliant. "Holy fuck, dude! I am SO, I mean SO glad I chose to invite you to share my Six Flags voucher with. That's a fucking WICKED idea!" Even as he spoke they both noticed an abrupt change in the shape of Robby's bathing suit. "Ha, ha, ha... sorry" said the half-boned-but-not-really-embarrassed preteen. You gotta agree this is pretty hot stuff... plus anyway, I like sportin' a boner in public pretty well" Sam chuckled, "--No, I'm serious! When I'm walking around with a tent in my jeans, or the outline of a sizeable schlong in my shorts, I say 'Bring it on'! I'm proud of my fuckin' boners, Sam! I earned this one, for example, by having such a hot friend as you, to devise that fourth 'creative pissing' milestone. And every boner I earn, I just get that much more turned on when people see it."

"Well... Okay!" blurted Sam (who just then was also getting some blood flow to the penis, though he wasn't about to be put himself out there about it like Sam just had). (Clearly there was a whole side to Robby that Sam had never even slightly suspected... he could already tell, for sure, that he liked it, though.) "But for us 'normal' people--who get boners and don't wanna show random stay-at-home moms and fifty-year-old sunbathing beefcakes... well, you gotta go like this." And in a flash, Sam'd jammed his hand down into his trunks, shifted his bone so the partial tent he was sporting went away, and drew his hand out again, in a flash.

"Yeah, well... to each his own, man" said Robby, as he really rubbed it in, thrusting his pelvis out and gyrating left to right, almost straight at some girls playing in a nearby fountain. Sam had to admit it was a pretty sweet tent his buddy had... he wondered if he was being a pussy wanting to hide his own bones, if maybe he oughtta change how he played them.


"Okay, well, anyway," said Robby, to be honest now that I'm all revved up, I don't wanna just got straight to the playground area like we were gonna. I want something more intense. Let's try the Black Monster [the tallest and longest slide]. As for our 'milestones,' as we're calling them... I know just the thing to go with that ride. It's gonna be 30 if not 45 minutes in line for it... and it's almost all on those wooden flights of stairs... Just think what a rush we're gonna get when we have let ourselves dry in line for 25 minutes and then suddenly open up the floodgates on our bladders right in the middle of the line (when everyone else has nearly dripped themselves dry)."

<Fuck,> thought Sam. It was a rush just thinking about it! and his 4½-inch peripubescent dick shot up like it was on steroids. <I may be seriously FORCED to reconsider my position on public boners if I'm gonna keep hanging out with Robby,> he laughed to himself. Robby was proving cooler than Sam had known, and in SUCH an unexpected way!

Pumped up on water and armed with a plan, the two hot young pubescents marched off to the Black Monster's line at the back of the park. They jumped through some sprinklers en route just to start off with fully wet suits... then they joined the line.

In front of them in line was a whole family of six. At the front was their parents (early forties), behind them were two daughters around 12 (or a daughter and a friend), and then trailing in back, right in front of Sam and Robby, there were two younger boys prob'ly 9 and 5. Sam took this in carefully, wondering what sort of things he should be concluding about them so far, and thankful that he had an apparent expert in piss fun in Robby. Once both had settled into their places, Sam leaned in and asked him straight out:

"So, whaddaya think about our luck with this family, here? Is this a good group for us to be pissing our bathing suits on the stairs next to?"

Robby thought for a moment. Finally he said, "Yeah, I think it's a good group. The biggest plus is that those parents have so many children, they're gonna be real occupied with them the whole time most likely, so they're not gonna pay us much attention. The kids, on the other hand... Well the boys are gonna think it's cool, but that might make them shout and give us away. The girls are gonna be disgusted and if they can clearly tell we're splashing piss all over the steps, they're gonna scream. So, uh... I'd say it's workable. The risk is totally part of the thrill, though. And you gotta think how cool it would be if that eight-year-old dude decided to join us and piss his own trunks 'cause he liked the idea! Basically, man, you never know what's going to happen. The best thing you can do is make your plan, stick to it, and roll with the punches. We're not gonna get in any trouble--you know that, right? Say that mom gives us a nasty look--well, great, but what are they gonna do, kick us out?

"Naw, man, it'll all be good. We'll probably lean against one of the walls on a landing, and stand real close together so there's less to see--"

<So close together, maybe, that our boners will be touching by the time we've emptied our bladders> Sam's thought suddenly intervened, very much to his surprise. (He had never had any reason to doubt that he liked girls--he knew he did. But could he like dudes as well? Could he be bi? Wow, what a fuckin' thought.)

"--Basic point is, even though I haven't done this stunt before, chances are we get away with it. So don't worry and enjoy the fun." Robby looked Sam right in the eyes as he finished talking and then--in a move that Sam had to think was probably gayer than Robby meant it to be, he winked at his buddy, real slowly.

Some twenty minutes passed, the boys alternating between talking about random shit at full voice and talking about pissing/sex shit in whispers. They were reaching the point of dryness where their suits were still clearly wet where they made contact with their skin, but all the actually drops of water had pretty much dropped away or dried out. It was the beginning of their window of thoroughly bad-ass, thoroughly flaunting-it creative pissing. Both were eager, were ready! Finally Sam--who had always been the more dominant one, remember, even though Robby was the leader with the piss stuff--decided to call it. "Man, let's just do it!" They surveyed the group in front, and the one behind (three guys and a girl in their early twenties, maybe college kids), and all seemed totally contained within their own spheres, paying them no attention. Well, fuck, that was good enough for Sam!

The boys stood at the top of a flight of stairs which emptied into a stretch of wooden hallway with a solid wall behind them, and in preparation for their trick they'd already been hugging those walls. Sam stood straight, uptight, hands in pockets, leaning back against that wall; Robby was behind him leaning on it with his shoulder; his hands in his pockets as well. "Wait, maybe I don't wanna be on the wall," said Robby. Sam was getting the sense his friend was REALLY into exhibitionism.

"Oh, come on, man! It's our plan we've been doing this whole time! Don't make this riskier for me. Please just stay put!"


"Plus, there will be other water slides today, and it's not like we can't repeat this whole thing with those lines--just, this is my first time and I'm nervous!"

With the raised voice he was on the verge of attracted the very attention he was decrying, but quickly the moment passed, and the boys got real quiet and still. The seemed to teeter on the edge of whizzing for a long moment, each boy focussing on cajoling his muscles to work in the direct face of the fear they felt from doing this. Finally Sam whispered "here goes nothing" and breathed in deep... just about two seconds later you could see little yellow dewdrops glistening in the sun as they fell from the hem of his swim shorts. Try as he might to piss slowly, once started he really couldn't help letting loose, which gave him quite an adrenaline rush. To his amazement and embarrassment the piss wasn't soaking and dripping from the swimsuit evenly, but dripping in two steady streams parting right from the crotch. And the streams were clearly yellow! Yikes! He panicked a little.

Robby started to go about five seconds after Sam. He was so hunched against the wall, much of the piss, rather than dribbling off the hem, streamed unbroken right down his legs. He piss was actually a lot quieter. It was clearly a deeper yellow, and only the occasional dribble fell straight to the wooden boards.

Poor Sam felt like he was in over his head. He wasn't facing them but he was sure that whole six-person family must be staring at him, 'cause all the dribbling of pee onto wood was making quite the pitter-patter, the gentle rumble. He was looking toward the college kids so knew they weren't looking at him, but he felt sure at any moment the girl especiall would look straight at him and tell he was pissing his pants right away. He felt exposed, yes--but another more primal part of him raised up with a feeling of triumph and thrill (only serving to confuse him). He simply kept pissing until he had to piss no more, finally closing his eyes until it was over.

After a few moments of silence, Robby strode up and put his arm around Sam's back, leaning in "Are you okay, dude?" He asked with concern.

"FUUCK..." was the reply... "They heard me pissing, didn't they?" A rapt whisper. "Behind me."

"Shhh..." Sam comforting. "It's in your head, bro. Everybody's just fine. Take a look around."

Timidly Sam turned first his head, then his whole body, behind him--only to find that the family was exactly as they had been, not even paying the slightest attention to he and Robby.

"Whoah, dude--Fuck--" Sam said as he began to regain his confidence. "So that means that, we actually got away with it? FUCK YES!" He half-shouting, making both the parties ahead and behind them glance up.

"Yeah, bro. We did it. First milestone outta four, doneso." It seemed that Sam's mood has shifted on a dime: from terrifed, now he was elated. He put up his hand for a high-five, grabbing Sam's hand after that and saying "Fuck yeah" quietly but triumphantly to his best friend Robby.

"Wow, dude, I can't believe how fuckin' scary that was. It was so much adrenaline. I guess that's how adrenaline works, huh? At first it makes you scared by then you can get high off it! Whoop-de-doo!"

"Whatever, dude." Robby smiled. I think you're just a little bit off your rocker."

"Moi?? Oh, contraire!" was the now ever-so-playful Sam's quip.


The buds decided to save the "lamest" and easiest for last--the pissing while going off the diving board. Sam still wanted to play around in the water playground area, and both boys were really exciting about the opportunity they were about to get (well, if they timed it all just right) to piss not just in public but actually ONTO some other kid(s)! It was such a hot idea, they both agreed, -and yet it was really quite low-risk, 'cause there's just really too much going on in a place like that, with multiple levels and water going everywhere, to notice a one particularly less-than-clear stream amongst the fray. First, of course, it was to restock on water. Since neither would have to piss for at least 15 minutes after drinking it, though, they took a leisurely lap around the wave pool chatting and conniving while they waited for the need. Following that, they went straight to the jugle gym, where there were lots of kids (mostly) younger, but no line. They chased each other around, played a bit (meanwhile laying plans for their gambit as they learned the lay of the land) before regrouping to talk. Both the boys agreed there was one central place--a rope bridge on the "second story" that was their best chance for catching some snivelling little kid unawares with a faceful of piss. It would just have to pass through some ropes before falling onto the level below.

They elected to take turns this time. There weren't enough kids there for a steady stream of them all around the whole structure, so first Sam (it being his idea), and then Robby, would lie in wait on that bridge 'til a kid could be seen crawling through toward the part below it.

Sam was stoked, and his piss was all ready to go at this point, too. He quickly made his way to the target area, then crouched down and waited. It was only a moment before he saw two little girls of about seven slowly climbing their way up the passageway that led to the level below the bridge. Boys, girls--did Sam care? Not one bit! This was the funnest naughtiest idea he'd ever had, the thought, and he absolutely could not wait. He elected to stay close to the ground, leaning forward onto his thighs (spreading them a bit for a clearer chute for his piss to cascade down through... When they were at about ten seconds away, Sam let 'er rip. It was good and pleasurable... started dripping down before they were under him, but only by a few seconds. Knowing the drips were piss he could detect a hint of yellow, but it was quite apparent that no one else would be able to have any clue! (Just their secret.)

Then the part he had been waiting for!: They first girl streched her body right into his drip-stream! In fact it splatted right on her forhead! Slowly it moved down her back and thigh, before the second girl passed--a bit to the right of the first, but her arm and lower back still received solid hits!

Sam didn't have much pee left but he did have some: He rushed to his feet and moved down the bridge to its end before resuming to pee, just to get them each another time if he could!

By the time it was over Sam had himself a rock solid boner. Sure, the piss was invisible, but this thing was not! <Hehe,> he laughed to himself and simply chilled for a minute 'til it went down.

Robby had every bit as much luck and fun on his turn. It had been pretty exciting even just to watch, but he couldn't wait to do it. He elected for the more traditional "standing up" pee, right in the middle of the bridge. In no time, two boys, prob'ly brothers, about ten and six, came climbing through--quite a bit quicker and more energetically than Sam's girls. Hurriedly Robby started to release, only just making a decent stream by the time the older boy was in position. A good bit of liquid hit him square on the back with a slight smack, and he actually looked up for an instant! But there was nothing to see, and Robby was far from worried. He relished how his urine bathed his back, to the small of the back, to his ass (with a satisfying sexual thump) and all over the backs of his legs. (Robby was definitely glad he'd managed to land boys instead of girls, to make this all he really wanted it to be.)

Just after his brother came the young one, with mousy brown hair in a miniature bowl cut. This kid happened to stand up inside the passageway at this point, which suited Robby fine--'cause he just stood there, Robby's piss running down his face from brow to chin and all over his body, while he did nothing for probably fifteen seconds! Man, Robby had not deserved that struck of fucking good luck!

But it was oh-too-quickly over. He rushed to the far end of the bridge to get out his last squirts of pee on the boys if he could, though they were going a bit too fast for him to "re-christen" them much.

Just like Sam, Robby waited a good five minutes up there before coming down for... personal reasons.

The best friends clapped their hands together in congratulations and talked excitedly all the way to the water fountain.


That last thing had been quite the naughty game, but this next one seemed, for both the risk and the glory, to be in fact the summit of their creative pissing undertakings. But they still could do it with their suits on (as with all of them), so it wasn't nearly as risky as it could have been in other circumstances.

This one was the floorpiss. Robby had done this one once, in front of a pool urinal earlier that month. A small pool's changing room gets a lot less traffic than a frickin' waterpark's does, though... no question there was considerable risk (and each boy's plan included elements of stealthiness).

Both Robby and Sam agreed, it so happened, that they wanted to do it in the chaning room and not in the bathroom. It was just the idea of it, basically. It was so much more gutsy to leave a puddle in a wide open space, with nothing to hide your body or your crotch behind, than to sneak into a stall or up against a urinal. Yeah, it was for sure riskier, but they independently decided to accept that. On the flip side, the changing room just as well as the bathroom featured floors that were already wet almost everywhere... so provided their piss was pretty clear (as it should be from all the water) it shouldn't be too obvious to detect afterward so long as no one watched them do the whole thing/caught them in the act.

The hardest part, they quickly realized, was what to do in the changing room while they were emptying their bladders through their trunks onto the floor on purpose. They weren't actually going to change, and they had precious little in terms of props--but they figured something out.

The young men entered the room at the same time, but immediately they diverged to opposite corners. Robby went to the corner across the room at its near end and claimed the first bench; Sam went down to the far end and picked a bench one row over from the wall and as close as could be gotten to the shower area. There were probably about ten people in the changing area part of the room, including two litle kids, two young teens, and a smattering of old or middle-aged men on their own. It was dumb luck that each had arrived at the bench he had hoped for and found it free and not in too crowded an area. The most croweded were the middle of the room (broadly writ), and the back edge leading to the bathroom area. Robby's corner bench did have one neighbor, a middle-aged man undressing in the next row in from him. Sam had a neighbor in a bench caddy-corner from his, but that was all. Both were mostly (or largely) concerned about being seen from anyone spread out throughout the room, since everyone had line-of-sight on everyone, basically. On the bright side, getting caught would hardly matter--they'd simply get told off by one of the geezers; no one who worked there would even come to hear about it; they wouldn't get kicked out or anything. They took comfort in that.

Honestly, though, the two were good sports. Despite Sam's original spook on the outdoor staircase, he and Robby both thought what they were doing was pretty bad-ass and (more or less secretly) hot. They were pretty pumped, stoked. Nervous-excited, not nervous-scared.

Robby entered the room and kept walking straight forward, stopping behind the bench in the corner and plopping his small backpack down on it. He was facing out into the room and then--right then from the get-go--he started pissing. He felt the warm soothing sexy feeling of a stream making its way down his bare leg and conveying his piss to the floor. He started opening his bag as he pissed, pretending to struggle to get it open for a moment, and then slowly pulling out his shirt and flip flops. As he plopped the flip flops down in the puddle he was just then forming, he shifted his weight, bringing the stream down his other leg. Bending forward, while still pissing, he pulled on his shirt, just for show--and then, he decided, it would be HIS MOMENT. He opened his legs WIDE, diverting his yellow stream right into the middle of his crotch, falling from his short legs' hem, and instantly changing the sound to the telltale crinkly tinkly splash of piss-stream-on-puddle(-on-floor). He dropped all pretence then!: He stood erect, proudly pissing onto the floor and looking around at the other men in the room to see who might be watching him. (He thought the one closest to him had glanced over briefly when the sound changed, but after that he'd immediately returned to his own business.) He was able to proudly say to Sam in their post-op debrief that he'd spilled a good 35, 40% of his bladder directly onto the puddle and not making use of the silencer effect of his leg. It was worth being proud of!

Exhaling heartily, he stepped back and took stock of the damage. The puddle was slightly yellow, looking greenish on the pale blue slip-resistant floors; it was about three feet in diameter (and spreading); one would probably notice it, and probably think to himself "oh, that's a puddle of piss!" So Robby gave himself so real credit for being unapologetic like that.

While he was surveying things he looked over at Sam, too, whom he'd started to hear pissing around the time he himself had shifted from leg to hem stream. To his amazement he was propless, barechested, baring it all, pissing straight on the floor (through swim trunks) with hands on hips for all to see! He breathed in the image until it felt like time to pack up and go.

After that, he removed his shirt, put it back in the bag, wiped the piss off his shoes against his bathing suit leg, put them back in the bag, and left through the other door. He didn't care who'd seen him dress only to undress and leave. He'd accomplished what he'd set out to do.

Sam was really looking forward to this "floorpiss." He could hold his own against a couple of naked weirdos and loud kids--as long as there weren't girls and he wasn't embarrassing himself like he was before. His task was definitely trickier, though, as all he had as a prop was a small thin towel from Robby's bag. He was legitimately wet so he guessed in a way it gave him something to do... didn't conceal too much, though. Plus, do you wanna be drying yourself with a clean towel while you're also pissing your pants? Not really.

Robby had told him something he had noticed from the Fourth of July regarding the sounds it makes to pee this way. He told him how you could eliminate practically all sound by beveling your legs and spreading the stream down one of them instead of straight to the floor. He also told him that, for reference, piss directly hitting a floor sounds different than piss hitting a toilet bowl of water or a urinal. There's more echo and tinkliness. Probably most people didn't know that, but still, be aware of the sound.

(When Robby'd done his first (and only other) floorpiss, he'd been totally alone in the bathroom. He spread his legs wide and tinkled it all away right into the puddle. Neither was thinking of doing exactly that here in this situation, though.)

It occurred to Sam that the best concealer of his pissing (if the down-the-leg trick weren't enough) would be to sit down on the bench while going. But he just didn't want to do that... it sounded lame, cowardly. Plus that probably almost looks weirder: sitting on a changing room bench literally doing nothing... No, he would piss like a man: standing up.

He entered the room and was glad that the bench he was picturing was available and had no immediate neighbors. He held his towel limp in his hand, but when he got to his bench (standing behind it) he draped it over his shoulders. At that point, with precious little to do, he had to be immediately on his way. He engaged his bladder, which was getting more used to having to act against its owner's anxiety. Quickly his swim trunks filled with a gush of warm that was truly lovely (Sam pitied the boys who had never pissed their trunks out of water, 'cause they'd miss it). His weight was on his right leg and so was his stream; it debouched off his foot forming a peninunsular puddle projecting out toward the middle of the room. He made a pitiful show of drying off arms and torso; shifted weight; no one was watching him, so perhaps he'd grow bolder.

Although he was excited by what he was doing, he was honestly also kind of bored. <Fuck it,> he said to himself. <I'm gonna let it all loose.> He grabbed the towel off his back and PUSHED it down onto the bench. He spread his legs wide and put his hands on his hips. <Ya-hoo!> He made sure ALL his urine flow was going straight DOWN on the FLOOR, thank you very much (and he relished the sound!). He looked around the room and saw that at least three people were watching him--the older brother of the two boys, that boy's Dad, and the guy with the bench caddy-corner to his, who watched him while he was picking up his piles of folded clothes. <Fuck 'em all!> Sam proclaimed triumphantly. <Yeah, I'm pissin' on the floor, and I don't care who sees it! Big deal!> This was FUN. He waddled back and forth and turned a little, making a show of it--then just for his audience he grabbed his crotch and shook it as though to flick off the final drops of pee (just a little joke--and something to play into the thrill of being seen). He surely pissed 70% of his load not down-the-leg, but straight-onto-floor. And he was flying high. He grabbed the stupid towel and vamoosed.


The waterpark had an Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool in a complex further off than the water rides' changing room and lockers. To achieve the Fourth Milestone, that's where they'd need to go. The duo had to really push themselves not to linger in the locker room and instead to continue to the pool room. (Obviously, they were really tempted to simply repeat their last feat--in a less-occupied and cleaner bathroom/lockerroom, no less! But they'd set out to do these four things, and they decided they'd go ahead and do them--then more play in the lockerroom if they wanted to afterward.) The fourth was simple, really, and even provincial or something, compared to the previous three. All it consisted of was this: Mounting the diving board Beginning to piss your suit while on the diving board Jump off the diving board Keep pissing

Since he had already tried this before (and failed), Robby let Sam go first. Even though this was tame compared to the others, Sam still had a thrill, a little jolt, at the moment in which he started pissing while standing up there. Slowly, walking... pissing... jumping... Ah! Fuck, he'd stop pissing midair. It was like he couldn't--it was like a reflex or something.

'Twas Robby's turn, and, again, he got the same results. "I guess man just isn't meant to be jumping and pissing at the same time," he reflected.

"Yeah... Oh, well. ...But, hey, I stopped pissing midair so I still got most of a bladderful... wanna hit up that locker room real quick?"

"Sure thing, bro," Robby said with a wide grin.



I had a lot of fun with these two boys. It is a most magical process writing these. I never know the boys before I write them, but each one has a unique personality, which often takes on a life of its own and surprises me, without me seeming to have to really make decisions about them. (Sam in this story was quite surprising like that.) The restricted subject matter and types of things that happen make it possible for me to pretty well choose the plot, but pretty much discover the characters. Again, it is magical. Thank you for enabling me to discover my talent/ability for fiction.

Next: Chapter 11: The Great Finals Locker Pissing Capers

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