
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on Jul 29, 2020


"FLOORPISSING": David at the Movies by BadBoyKal

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David was at the movies with his little brother Stephen and their Aunt Becky. As a long action/chase scene finally drew to a close, David decided it was time to make his move. He had discovered, oh, six weeks ago that a trip to the movie theater was a fine opportunity for a floorpiss, and he was eager to take advantage. He'd had a semi for the past 15 minutes just looking forward to it & waiting. That semi got a little more "semi" as he strode out of the theater, so eager for the strike.

David was a sophomore in high school, sixteen years of age, and he'd been floorpissing only for about three months then. He knew he was unusual in that respect, 'cause normally it's only really the middle-school-aged boys who go for peeing on the floors. But one day at school, while everyone else was in class, David came upon a prominent puddle in front of the urinal which if he didn't see it wrong had a slight yellowish tinge... on a lark he decided he'd add to it, and he did. He'd been hooked ever since, finding ways to strike two and three times a week if he was lucky, and getting his best friend Paul into the practice, too.

Movie theatres offered a unique opportunity, David had found, for this reason: In the middle of the flicks, when every screen is showing at once, there is absolutely no one in the bathrooms. They were usually pretty nice bathrooms, too, all done up in white tile and fiberglass, and big (for they had to accomodate the post-movie rushes, when they were anything but empty). It was a pretty hot chance he had just then to make as big a mess as he wanted, knowing that probably it would all sit untouched afterward until all the guys in the after-show rush came in to see his handiwork.

Our boy sported wavy black hair scattered loosely about the top of his head, long sideburns, and a day's worth of stubble; he was of somewhat stocky build, and of demeanor unassuming and fairly quiet. He was a pretty good lacrosse player and decently popular in school, though he was no top-of-the-food-chain socialite by any means. And he was a dedicated floorpisser, ever since that first time he followed his libido's unexpected tug to doing the deed there at school.

David strode the mere twenty yards down the hallway before reaching his target, the men's room. The silence of the empty hall seemed to accentuate David's anticipation: just as he was practically holding his breath, it seemed the world was, too. Silently still he reached out to grab the long curved metal handle of the door, pulling it forward and striding in behind it. There was no evidence of anyone else in there, but before setting out David checked each stall in turn, leaning down to look for feet of some shitting homie, just in case. He was very proud of his floorpissing, sure, but he didn't have any desire to get caught. That'd be no fun (well, save if he were to do it in front of a bunch of other boys, younger guys, who might properly appreciate the badassery of what David did with his piss each chance he got. In fact, a fantasy was to do just that, and that summer when he returned for his second year to be a junior counselor at a coed summer camp, he was determined to find the right time to make all those boys look up to him, bigtime ;P).

David's absolute favorite thing was pissing down the toilet paper. When he was lucky enough to find it fully exposed, he'd soak it thoroughly, even reaching out to rotate it once one side was soaked to proceed to soak the other side! True to his pasttime, he started out his feat by checking the stalls to see if it there was any exposed toilet paper. Sadly for him, all the toilet paper rolls were hidden in those big, cover-all plastic dispensers, as was pretty standard in nicer bathrooms like this. You could still soak down such dispensers, of course, and David had done so more than once... but it was near impossible to get the paper wet itself... it just wasn't the same. There being no reason that convinced him to confine himself to a stall, then, he decided to be a little more daring--a little LOUDER. Forget the stalls; he'd go front and center in the middle of the room, so every single boy or man who entered was bound to see what he'd done. He went to stand in front of the mirror above the leftmost sink (which was on the same wall as the door, btw), some four or six feet from any wall or stall. With relish he flashed the zipper of his jeans down, undid his belt, and pulled his boxers down to expose cock and balls. It might take him a second to get going with the level of boner that he had, he thought to himself. --But fuck it! He had time.

The piss came slowly, as expected, due to his nearly full erection. He PUSHED against the pressure of the blood in his penis, making the merest dribble change straightaway into a powerful torrent, a single blast. After that he was able to achieve a steady flow, and to begin with, he stayed right where he was, letting a little puddle of a foot-and-a-half in diameter grow there. Then he decided to get a bit creative; he smoothly curved the path of his stream to the right and back, in a sort of an "S" shape which carried him four feet over to the center mirror, whereat he made another round puddle, slightly bigger than the first. And then it was time to get FUNKY, he thought!: He ditched the floor, angled his weiner up and approached the counter surrounding the three sinks, and lobbed his yellow piss onto that counter, quickly making a ring around the first sink, then the second, then the third! He didn't want to lose piss in the sink where it would just run off down the drain--he wanted merely to adorn the counter--and, luckily, he was dehydrated enough that the blast he projected was yellow enough to make the identity of the liquid on the counter and floor pretty well beyond question. He couldn't wait to see the guys after the show, coming in to what was obviously a work of intentional vandalistic pissing, with no attempt to hide it!

Just as he was beginning to feel his stream start to taper down, David noticed something he had so nearly missed altogether--which would've been quite a missed opportunity indeed! To the left of the leftmost sink, on the wall, there was one of those paper-towel dispensers of silver metal from which hang down folded white towels, right above a built-in trash can recessed in the wall beneath. It was rather high up--four-and-a-half, if not five, feet! But David had been practicing his pissing for distance (and a number of other things), and he was pretty sure that he could hit it with a powerful blast before his bladder gave out. It would be the next best thing to pissing down toilet paper. In no time he'd waddled over in front of it, angled his penis high above the waistband of his boxers, and gave it all he got. To his delight, he made it! Two directed blasts through his semi-hard dick reached the towel at the bottom of the stack, squarely enough to soak the bottom three or four of them as well. The bottom towel hung limply and pathetically, dripping his pee into trash can and onto floor. This coup-de-grâce thus accomplished, the rest of his bladder he spent idly onto the floor from where he stood, not bothering to direct it in any more ambitious way. It was just relaxing, at the end.

David's face displayed a well-earned, deep smile. He was super excited by what he'd just done--fuck, it might've been his best floorpiss yet! His cock had gotten fully hard immediately after expelling the last of the piss. He breathed for a moment and debated the merits of holing 'imself up in a stall to take care of the boner, but in the end he decided he'd do that later. He knew that the rush he felt could unfortunately turn into anxiety if he hung around the "crime scene" to which any other moviegoing male might enter... they could never prove it was him, but the situation would still be uncomfortable enough to warrant avoiding it, by making a getaway. Not to mention, there was the movie he was missing. So, then presently our hero stuffed his wide six-incher down into his boxers, zipped and buckled up, and lastly thrust a hand down his pants to arrange the boner to point down unobtrusively. His mind was still plenty horny as he reentered the show-room... he had a quite tremendous thought of something he'd have to try sometime when he was at the movies alone, or better yet, with Paul!: If one were to find seats farish away from the other moviegoers--maybe at the back--why, with just a smidgeon of privacy there in the dark room, David would be able to take care of his boner right there in the open, in the theatre! Think of how luscious it would be to squirt your man juice all over the floor and the back of the seat in front of you, right out in the open for the clean-up crew to find! SO HOT. Not to mention, floorpissing in the same way! Why, it would be hella fun to see how much piss a cushy movie-theatre chair could absorb... If he couldn't stop delighting in how much piss a roll of TP could absorb, why he'd just have to wait and see about that absorption. --thought David--his boner issue was getting worse by the second, not better! Thank God for the dark of the room.

Finally, he slunk back in to his seat, right to the left of his six-year-old brother. He was thankful he had a whole nother 45 minutes or more of the movie during which time he'd lose his big boner, God willing.

At the end of the movie, the lights came up and Aunt Becky looked over at her nephews. "How'd you like it, boys?" she asked. The three chit-chatted about it for a minute as they followed the crowd out the back doors. Once in the hallway Stephen said "Aunt Becky I gotta pee." "Okay... as a matter of fact, I do too! I'll meet you boys back here when I'm done. There might be a line, though." At this last, David gave thanks, as he did fairly often, in fact, that he had not been born a woman.

David didn't have to pee again, after his stunt while the movie was playing, but he elected to just go ahead and pretend to pee in order to see guys' reactions to the mess that awaited them thanks to him. There was a bit of a line in their bathroom, too, but it was swift-moving, and soon they each stood at a urinal, Stephen getting the kiddie one that was mounted lower down. David went through the motions. He didn't notice anyone comment about the puddle in the middle of the floor, but a few men made faces of disgust, and everyone in the room was careful to step around it. Some employee had put up a "CAUTION: WET FLOOR" sign amongst it, while making no attempt to clean it up. When it came to the sinks, many men were disgusted enough to comment aloud. "This is disgusting! Can you believe some guy came in here and just pissed all over the countertops?! Fuck. This place needs to get it under control." David smiled inwardly to hear this... at one point he even blushed, he thought, and was for a moment dreadfully afraid someone would put together that he had been the culprit.

After pissing and pretending to piss, the brother stood side-by-side, waiting, for a moment, for sinks to become available to wash their hands. David saw his moment to do what he'd planned to do from the beginning, regarding the little guy. He leaned in toward Stephen and whispered "Hey, Stephen. Do you want to know a secret?"

"Yes!" was the cute reply, spoken aloud despite his brother's whispering. As loudly as the little guy had responded to that first query, David decided spur-of-the-moment that he'd do the the big reveal back out in the hallway, where they could separate themselves more from the crowd. "Okay, I'll tell you in the hallway."

Back in the hallway, David led Stephen out beyond the periphery of the crowd gathered 'round the bathrooms, striding up the hall beyond the theatre they'd been in. Then he stopped, turned to Stephen, and bent down, speaking softly.

"Okay, here's the secret. You gotta promise not to tell ANYONE, though."

"Okay, I promise."

"When I went to pee in the middle of the movie, I didn't pee in the toilet... I peed on the floor."

"YOU PEED ON THE FLOOR?!" said Stephen, worryingly loud, hazel eyes filled with astonishment.

"Hey, hey, little bro--not so loud!"


"But it's true, I did it. Did you notice when we were in there that there was a big puddle in the middle of the room everyone was stepping around?"

"No," said the cute oblivious little kid.

"Well, there's a puddle there, and I made it! Go look in there, if you wanna."

"Okay." Shyly, slowly, Stephen walked back to the restroom, where the line had dissipated, and stuck his head into the door as he held it open. Sure enough, the puddle was there, right in the middle--and it was HUGE! Little Stephen didn't know what to think. He had a vague sense that it was exciting, doing something so obviously naughty... but he was far from "getting" it. He came running back from the door of the restroom to where David waited. "I saw it!" he proclaimed.

"Now, that's something you might do when you get older. When you're twelve, maybe, you might think it's fun like I do. But for right now all you need to know is that that thing your older brother did makes him badass, and cool. And he just wanted to share that with you, little brother."

"Thank you, David," said Stephen. I don't think I wanna do that, but I'm glad you showed me about it."

"No problem, kid." said the elder; and with that, he put his arm around Stephen's shoulder and walked him back to the restrooms, where presently they'd meet back up with their aunt.


Next: Chapter 13: Danny Steve and Two Soccer Boys

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