
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on Jun 30, 2021


FLOORPISSING: Justin's Promise by BadBoyKal

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Justin turned 12 on May 12th, and almost immediately his life changed in two big ways: first of all, he hit puberty and discovered what it was to be horny; and, second of all, he discovered "creative pissing." The latter started off innocently enough: ironically, Justin's timid straight-laced best friend David told him a rumor that set it all off. Apparently Will's older brother had gone to a port-a-potty somewhere, taken out his dick, and spun in a circle while pissing; it had inspired Will and a few others to try out the same thing--a boy going into the port-a-potty alone, but with the other three poppin' their heads into the door to watch him do the deed. Justin didn't know if it was queer, but hearing that particular rumor gave him a boner. "David!" he exclaimed. "For once I think the cool boys have got it just right! I'm gonna do that too (and you can spread the rumor about that once you watch me do it)! I'm trying that for sure!"

The next day David rode the bus home with Justin, and when they got off they embarked upon Justin's "pissing" plan. The two walked two blocks to a house that was having an addition built; both boys were hard in their shorts (and Justin's tented nicely) in anticipation of Justin's feat. They lucked out in that the construction workers weren't there just then, so they could go right in the port-a-potty unhindered.

David was nervous, looking left and right; "What if the people whose house it is see you go in it?" he worried. "Dude, it'll take, like, a minute. By the time anyone could come I'll be done and we'll be halfway up the block heading back home."

So Justin went straight in the teal plastic toilet, while David cracked the door open to witness the feat. Unfortunately Justin had not counted on how hard it would be to pee while boned up. He stood there trying; "why aren't you going?" asked his friend. "I'm trying!" Justin responded. He stood there ten seconds, then twenty... at twenty-six seconds, poor David was about to lose his shit! But Justin refused to give up: he breathed in deeply, got totally quiet and still, and focussed all his willpower on getting his pissing muscles going, and finally--finally! A little dribble of pee left his dick and splatted on the floor and Justin started turning to his right. His stream was still so weak it barely went four inches out from his cock, and the mess was barely noticeable so far--and already Justin knew, for sure, that this is something he liked. The mere anticipation of the rest of his piss got him so hard that, for a second, he couldn't piss at all! "I'm so hard, dude!" Justin gushed (while David was thoroughly unimpressed). "Hurry up!" said his bestie--and Justin regathered his forces, amazed at the feeling of bigness and well-being he was experiencing.

When he got started again after that pause, it really started flowing. He was playing with a normal stream of yellow smelly liquid at that point, and eagerly he resumed turning around in a circle with his cock, spraying liberally both sides of the seat, and messing up the toilet seat itself, and soaking a half-used roll of toilet paper that was sitting in the corner! (The rolls installed in the dispenser seemed to be too high up for him to reach.) He went faster, whirling his pee with centrifugal force for the fun of it--then he slowed way down, really taking his time to drench down the door, the floor, and the walls. David had quit his complaining at this point, rapt in attention to his best friend's artistic and awe-inspiring mess-making. "Dude..." David said. "That's amazing!"

Justin cracked a huge grin in response. "David," he said, "I'd be the shittiest best friend in the world if I didn't tell you that you HAVE TO TRY it, too!" David did not object. "Right now, bro! Let's switch places and see if you can double my mess!"

"Okay," he said anxiously--timid and excited. Justin pushed the door straight out and held it fully open for a moment while David slipped in. He noticed his Converse All-Stars were standing in a tracery of his friend's pee, and it made him feel naughty already. He faced the left wall, in clear view of his bud, as he took out his floppy show-er dick (a good four inches soft). He aimed for the wall, shooting as high up it as he could. How could he leave his mark when Justin'd already hit the place down so thoroughly? He looked around and had three ideas which he wasted no time in putting into action: First, he lowered the toilet seat lid and was pleasantly surprised at how much mess that one piece of plastic could hold! Second, maybe he could do better than his friend when it came to the toilet paper. He faced the right wall and got up close. Then he angled his penis straight up, and bore down with all he had. David made it! "Yes!" His slash soaked the bottom inch of the paper... first one roll, then two! And, finally, he'd noticed the floor was splattered unevenly with Justin's piss... why not make the floor a solid puddle of pee? The floor received the full brunt of his whizz, and in no time all the dry spots were gone. His last powerful slashes he shot right into the corners either side of the toilet. It was a good run.

"Wow!" said David, with pride and a sense of a weight having been lifted. "Dude... let's get out of here." Justin: "Agreed." David scrambled to put his dick away and wished he could make himself invisible as the spring-loaded door crashed behind him. They anxiously, quickly crossed the street, trying to act normal... paranoia seemed to hit them both at once, though, and they dropped the act, running and running the two blocks back home without looking back.

A CREATIVE PISSER IS BORN Justin knew from the very first moment of that, his very first time that "creative pissing" would be a permanent part of his life. It didn't take him long to realize that the stunt wasn't limited to port-a-potties. There was a simple rule that defined creative pissing, and it was this: 100% of your piss load had to wind up somewhere other than in a toilet. To do that in a bathroom was easy--as easy as pissing on the floor instead of in a urinal! Move your stream two inches and you've got it! In two days he had tried it. He had gone to a small park not far from home, to its shitty bathroom. There was a family playing on the playground equipment--a young straight couple with two school-aged daughters and a six-year-old son. Justin was all pumped up about what he was gonna do--he was so excited he doubted he would have stopped his act of creative pissing even if the man or boy had gone to the bathroom while he was doing it. He was glad the bathroom was empty, but he was also glad there were two males outside there--it really boosted his adrenaline that they could come in at any moment.

He went and did that simplest possible indoor creative piss: floorpiss. He went to a urinal but took a half-step back so his stream would miss and hit the floor. He stayed still, fighting the anxiety, listening to the tinkling sound of piss-on-piss. When he finished he was hella proud. He was agast at how big the puddle of his piss-load was. It had snuck its way around the soles of his shoes. On impulse he took a photo of his puddle before zipping up and getting the hell out of there.

He did the deed twice more, once again at that same park and once in the movie theatre bathroom! Each time he was alone and the bathroom was deserted. Every time he told David, who thought it was cool and awesome, but he hadn't yet had the balls(--or just "the motivation"--) for doing it himself.

Justin LOVED creative pissing. He was thinking about it constantly, daydreaming about doing it at school (even though usually the restrooms are busy and well-occupied during breaks at school, making it a much ballsier feat and a practical impossibility at those times). He was fully on board with it--no scruples, no guilt; fear only to increase the adrenaline and the turn-on of this "alpha" move. He wanted to do it all the time.

That's when Justin came up with his Promise.

Justin decided to pledge himself to creative pissing. He made two promises to himself. The first promise was that every single time that he found himself alone in a bathroom ready to piss (unless it was at somebody's house), he would do a creative piss. 100% of his public pisses would be floorpisses or better unless there was somebody else in the room.

The second promise was a smaller one--really just a corollary. It was this: that every time he did a creative piss and had the opportunity to ruin a roll of toilet paper, he had to ruin that roll of toilet paper! Say he had access to eight rolls of TP in range of his stream... in his second promise he then pledged to destroy all eight rolls with his piss. No mercy. Creative pissing is inherently disrespectful (and thank God for that)--but when it has chances to be sincerely destructive it is critical that they be taken. Without this promise, Justin realized, creative pissing would be a pussy move. (How unfortunate, thought both he and I, that it is not every time that one gets the privilege of destroying toilet paper! How sad, in fact, that most dispensers fully cover the rolls, shielding them from piss-streams!)

He was alone in his room on the bed, masturbating. When he thought of the first promise, it made him get even harder than he'd already been--harder than he'd thought possible! He kept up the floorpissing train of thought, getting more and more horny imagining his future exploits. He barely had time to finish thinking up the second promise before he couldn't take it anymore and busted a sticky load all over crotch and belly.

Justin woke up at 6AM as usual to his raucous alarm clock's blare. His first waking action was to grab his throbbing morning wood from through his boxers, thinking as he did so "Now, what was that really hot thing that happened yesterday?" , he thought: <Floorpiss!> This would be day 1 of keeping his newly-minted "promises." He could hardly wait.

He made it up to halfway through third period before his bladder was fixing to burst. Of course he had been trying to time it so that his piss would fall during a period instead of in between: No one in the bathrooms meant an obligatory floorpiss as of today!! He really had to go but he'd thought himself to a full boner as he sat there doing a worksheet. He waited for his cock to go down (at least a little) before raising his hand to ask permission to go to the bathroom. This teacher was a pushover: "Sure, Justin," she replied, mechanically. He rose and walked to the door, speeding up as he felt his dick start to harden once more!

He was alone in the hallway 100% boned (you couldn't miss it), and breathing ragged with anxiety. He recalled how hard it was in the mornings to piss with a boner, and got worried... <It's hard to get going, and when I do it's liable to squirt out any which way!> he fretted. But then he gave it a little bit of thought. 'Any which way, it might go'? Well that was exactly the direction he WANTED it to go!

No sooner had he thought this than he turned the corner at the end of the hall, where the men's room was right on the left. His hands were stuffed deep in his pockets, and he was so excited he couldn't help but give a little spasm of anticipation, as he crossed his fingers (praying for an empty room), and entered.

If you've been floorpissing before, you'll not be surprised to hear that before doing anything else, he bent way over 'til his head hit the gap beneath the stall wall and let him check for feet. There were none, to his relief. The whole bathroom was his playground.

Justin's fantasies of this moment had been so numerous last night and all morning today that he hadn't yet made up his mind about how he would do it. He already knew the toilet paper was well-shielded by plastic covers. He was sure it wouldn't be long before his whizzed all over a bunch of those--in this very bathroom, maybe--but not now. Because he was pumped (adrenaline racing!) he decided he'd challenge himself. Not a wall piss on the side of the urinal nor a stall rampage in the far corner, but something more brazen. The bathroom had no door: its privacy feature was just a cinderblock wall extending merely a foot beyond the doorway. Not many dudes take pisses in the middle of class, but it could happen. Well, if it did, whatever kid came in would not have any doubt what was going on there in the middle of the floor barely hidden by the wall. God, the thought of getting CAUGHT by another student was making him go INSANE with horniness.

He was too hard to pee right away. His heart was racing as the silent seconds clicked by, standing in the middle and even pointing his cock toward the entranceway so whatever lucky stud might catch him would have something worth looking at. Fuck, it seemed like two minutes before he started to go--so long, in fact, that he nearly lost his nerve. But he wasn't about to break his promise on its very first day. Just then Justin heard footsteps, and he instinctively turned away from the restroom entrance before catching himself and bravely turning back how he'd been. Right when the footsteps were at their loudest, his cock relaxed and he began the show, just a modest slow creeping dribbling from his 6" teen fuckstick. He held his breath as his cock dribbled ten or twelve drops on the ground, before he could hear that the walker had turned down the hall. FUCK, was he relieved! Fantasies were one thing, but when it came down to it he'd feel much better getting caught with a few months of experience creative pissing behind his belt than NOW.

The drips had merged into a puddle 'bout the size of a dollar bill, and presently the sound of his pissing changed to that loud splashy tingling that he'd so grow to love in the last couple weeks. He bore down all of a sudden and made his stream arch three feet in front of him. He was just four or five inches short of the privacy wall. He was going for shock impact when the class let out and his work was discovered, though. A floor covered in puddles looks like a wreck, while a wall with a wet streak running down it just doesn't have the same zing. So he stepped right and forward forming another small one, and turned and made a third, growing it to full square foot; he had planned to dot the whole main floor with puddles, but he just had a hotter idea: How's abouts he waddles around to the other side of the privacy wall and left the rest of his mess in full view of the hallway? God, he couldn't believe how quickly he'd escalated! If a teacher should happen to walk by, there'd be no blaming it on the last guy, and it'd be suspension for sure. But he just liked this ides so much. And he heard no sounds from the hall, so...

Didn't want piss on his shoes, so he backed his way around the wall leaving a two-inch-thick light-yellow trail behind him. He turned his head to the hallway before turning around, just double-checking... coast was clear.

...And, then, Justin just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling (on every level). He was already risking SO much he no longer felt pressure to outdo himself any more... so he dribbled another foot-square yellow puddle in the middle of the little entry space until his piss stopped. Still very much at the scene of the crime, he stowed his dick and zipped his fly as quick as he possibly could... stepped with care over the puddle ('cause it would SUCK if a trail of footprints gave him away) and walked, like, super fast away and back to class.

AT THE END OF CLASS: Man, Justin was a wreck. He could NOT stop thinking about how obvious he would probably look, how stupid and careless he'd been to leave such a big "show" on his very first time doing it at school, and how now they'd be on the lookout. He was of two minds: On the one hand, if a boys' bathroom got pissed up in the middle of class two times in the course of a week, or even two, it would hardly be difficult to link the same boy to both "crime" scenes. On the other hand, he had just finished doing the hottest thing he'd ever done, and those two promises he'd made himself would make him great. No doubt all his friends at school would think it was so cool and start doing it themselves once they'd found out it'd been him. Obviously he had not thought through the logistics of pissing down ANY place he was alone in, but so far he would keep his promises. And there was an obvious solution to take until the hubub died down, in any case: only pee on class breaks, so he'd never be alone in the bathroom until he was fully ready to strike again.

He felt like a man condemned, because he was certain they'd deduce his mischief somehow. How many boys even used the bathroom during class time in a given period? He was lucky to go to such a large school--it was 1,200 kids--so you'd think (hope) that on any given period it'd be at least... two... three... When the bell wrang, most kids leapt right to their feet and headed straight out the door. Justin stood slowly, stretched, and grabbed his backpack slowly. He would have to go right by that bathroom to get to his locker. Yesterday night, he had been thinking it'd be a real thrill to watch his work get discovered, leak the rumor that it'd been him, and watch a creative pissing trend start to sweep the school, with him as its hero. But... now that it'd been fifteen or twenty seconds--well, by now it would have been found for sure. He should have thought better than to take his time leaving the room so much, he realized--standing out was suspicious. So he booked it out and down the hall, and turned the corner...

There were about a dozen students thronged in the hallway, standing four feet away from the doorway as though the puddle could hurt them... everyone was chatting, nothing distinct, until Marshall, one of the tallest and most popular boys, turned the corner with his books and took in the scene like lightning. He peeked back around the corner to his group of guys, and then his deep voice cut through the din (in fact, he shouted so loud he'd be lucky if no teachers heard and gave him detention for cussing):

"HOLY FUCK! I think somebody PEED on the floor of the bathroom."

And on it went from there, just a swarm of gossip and speculation and indistinct shouts. There was so far no obvious read on the kids' emotional reactions, save for at least half of the girls talking about "How disgusting!" From the boys Justin registered mostly excitement and shock. When he thought about it a moment, he decided that excitement and shock among the boys was actually most likely a combination that really could lead to his lionization later on, when it came to light he'd been the culprit. So, he smiled a bit, and felt quite a bit less nervous.

He had paused and pretended to look in suprise and puzzlement about the puddle, lingering only long enough to hear William should "Dude, you should see it in here! Somebody went to fucking town in here!" But he daren't linger, lest a classmate recall he'd been the only one given a restroom pass that period...

He was proud. Heck, he'd been proud from the instant his first drip had hit the slate floor! But this pride was different. More blusterous. He hurried to his locker, and that was that.

There was plenty of talk that day about the vandalism, of course. When the day ended, Mr. Morrison, the dean--a short and stout black man in his early sixties, with a well-receding line of gray hair--tagged on at the end of the office clerk's PA reading of afternoon announcements with the following:

"Hello, boys and girls, this is Mr. Morrison. Many of you have heard that there was an incident of vandalism in the boys bathroom on the East hall sometime during third period this morning. I will confirm that this did indeed take place, and we will be thoroughly investigating it to determine who was responsible. This is fully unacceptable behavior, and we expect all of you students to coöperate with the teachers investigating it if you are asked to. Teachers, I ask that you please meet me in the cafeteria at 2:50 for a brief 10-minute meeting on how we ought to respond to and investigate this incident. Thank you; that is all."

Well, it had gone much better than it could have gone, and not nearly as bad as it might have for him. He had frankly been surprised with each passing period of the day that he had not been called out of class to be grilled by Mr. Morrison or Principal Bearly. He'd expected a swifter reaction. But the tone and content of the announcement was right on par with his expectations. He'd always known it was going to make a splash.

At the same time, taking all that in, he was still really on something of a high from what he'd done. His worry had eased through the day as it seemed more and more likely that he had gotten away with it! He hadn't counted on the fact that the school's teachers would be busy with instruction all day and unable to properly investigate it on the same day it happened. He knew his odds of getting away with it hadn't actually gone down any due to that slight delay, but he was pleased to realize that he was pretty much okay. The only part he was seriously concerned about was how his mother would react if he were caught and disciplined. He could handle his father's anger pretty well, but he hated to imagine how his mother would think of him after learning of this. She would be so disappointed, he thought--for it would be the first time she'd ever heard of her son doing anything even remotely that disrespectful and nasty. He resolved not to think about it any more, and began praying to God that he not get caught.

One of Justin's best friends at school was a small kid with mousy black hair and glasses, named Daniel. Daniel's best friend was Trevor, a young D&D nerd. He decided to confide in Daniel, and he didn't care if Trevor overheard. Was it pathetic how badly he wanted to be the subject of gossip and glory? Maybe, but it was what he wanted, for better or for worse.

Between sixth and seventh periods, Justin saw the two off to the side in the hallway, as Daniel was using his locker. He decided he would out himself to them. Approaching, he addressed Daniel: "Hey, could I talk to you a minute."

"Of course... what's up?"

Justin lowered his voice and made powerful eye contact. "So, the thing that happened in the bathroom today... the piss mess: It was me. I'm the one who did it! Those puddles of piss were MY piss puddles."

Daniel was speechless. "Uh--whoah, uh--kudos, then, I guess." He seemed embarrassed. "I thought it was probably some jackass football player, but it was you?"

"You PURPOSELY sprayed your pee all around in the bathroom?!" Trevor added in a hoarse whisper. "Dude, uh... I can't believe it! I wish I had the balls for shit like that."

"It's not hard, Trev. Maybe you can find your own moment to shine like I did." Justin beamed a winning smile before excusing himself.


OTHER STORIES BY BADBOYKAL Nifty/gay/urination/A Very Thirsty Day at San Fermín Nifty/gay/urination/The Hangout Group Nifty/gay/urination/floorpissing (this is a folder with something like a dozen stories there!) Nifty/gay/urination/second-grade-boys/ Nifty/gay/highschool/my-crush-on-lee (and at www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/urination/my-crush-on-lee) Nifty/gay/urination/second-grade-boys (parts 1 & 2) Nifty/gay/urination/searching-for-a-fill-up

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