
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on Apr 8, 2020


"FLOORPISSING" Part 2: Zach and Peter by BadBoyKal

(If you enjoy this story, let me know! Your emails are the only way I'll ever know that anybody's so much as read these things... And I think they're turning out good, but I'd love to hear it from you! Email me at thepatternking@gmail.com)

It was early in the morning, before school, and Zach had just woken up to the damnable blare of his alarm clock. For a few precious seconds images from his dreams lingered on in his head: it seems it was just a roiling mass of piss, and cocks, and many other boys from school. It came with a feeling, too: hot and heavy, rich and heady with big currents of arousal and anxiety. Apparently his mind was still reeling from the unexpected revelation Dean had given him the evening before.

As he got up and went through his routine, Zach's mind was pretty clear--just a normal school day morning. He went to a public school--the neighborhood school, Thomas A. Winterfell Junior High School. The bus ride there was also uneventful.

When he got to homeroom, Zach saw his best friend, Peter. To his surprise, Zach felt himself blush at the sight of Peter, knowing he had a scandalous secret which he just felt sure Peter would not approve of. `I mean, really: how many average seventh-grade boys would truly saying peeing everywhere but the toilet was a thing they felt positively towards? What if Peter judged him, or even got mad?

As the scrawny brunet right on the cusp of puberty made his way through his classes, he kept finding himself thinking about floorpissing. In fact, it seemed he could think of nothing else, and he was constantly wondering how the people around him would react if they knew that just the previous night he'd used the floor and walls of the bathroom as his own personal toilet. He was pretty sure all the popular boys would think it was a pretty awesome idea. Heck, he bet one or two of `em already had lost their floorpiss virginity and prob'ly bragged all about it to the others. It seemed like the kind of thing that the coolest kids would think was pretty cool.

What about others, though? Would the nerds relish the huge turn-on of breaking rules and being disrespectful? What about the more "average" kids? Would they like it, or call it gross and judge the action for being disrespectful? If the popular kids started floorpissing, would they join in? Would they be envious? Would they laugh, or just stay quiet and look the other way? There was no point in thinking of the girls' response, Zach reflected. Already he knew they'd be all "Eeeew!" "Nasty!" "Pathetic!" No, floorpissing required a cock, not just on the floorpisser, but on his spectators, too.

The cool thing that actually kind of surprised Zach was that he, in any event, was totally on board with pissing on the floor. All his thoughts about it were sexy and larger than life--he hadn't felt any guilt for doing it at all, neither when he'd done it nor at any time since.

He would have to tell Peter, of course.

Peter and Zach had both started puberty just around the same time. But so far, they still hadn't actually talked about it. Sex was still a topic they had yet to engage with. There really wasn't any way to know what Peter would think, unless Zach's own reaction suggested that most any boy would find this totally hot and alluring. One thing was sure: Zach hoped with all his heart that Peter would find this sexually arousing, and they could go do it together. Hell, they were best friends with respect to every other topic and activity they shared. It's not too unlikely, Zach thought, or at least hoped.

There was another thought also on Zach's mind that day, which was not really pleasant or exciting. Zach couldn't help but notice that he really, really liked seeing his big brother's dick out in front of him, even before Dean started pissing. Did that mean he was gay? It wasn't something he was excited to think about; in truth he really tried not to think about it. If he was gay, prob'ly that would be awful. He didn't want to have to face a life where there was some basic thing wrong with him--and that's not even counting all the social ostracization. Yes, he liked seeing Dean's teenage dick, but he hoped that was normal. Not gay.

At the end of the day Zach got on the bus and went to find Peter. He had asked Peter to come over after school, so they both went on Zach's bus. Sitting beside his best friend the pressure of his secret grew. Finally he had to say something or he'd just keep torturing himself. He told Peter that there was something he needed to talk to him about once they got off the bus... then they went back to talking about the normal variety of things, almost perfectly at ease with each other. They talked about what they were gonna do at Zach's house, which mostly meant video games. But deep inside Zach he was holding himself tense, anxiety building inevitably as he knew it was almost time to share the secret. Finally the bus lets them off. It's four blocks from Zach's house and five from the park of last night. The two walk in silence for a half a block, until Peter breaks the silence. "So... what was it you wanted to talk about now?"

Zach said "You have to promise to listen and please please try to see what I'm about to tell you from my point of view. Basically, my brother showed me something last night, and it's definitely against the rules and to be honest it's disrespectful, but I thought it was really cool and I... well, I hope you maybe will too. Just, uh-- don't be mad at me if you don't think so. Okay?"

"Of course, man. What did Dean show you?"

"Well, he took me to the park, to the bathrooms, and then he did something called `floorpissing.' Basically he stood there and peed all over the floor." Pause.

Peter paused a moment too. "Okay."

`Fuck, that doesn't sound good!' Zach thought. He rushed to get Peter to say more. "Do you think that that might be something that it'd be cool to do? Do you get how Dean says it's a lot of fun?"

"I don't really know why someone would do that. I guess it might be fun, I mean it's really mischievous. Making a mess and acting like you own the place might be something cool. Honestly, I'm not sure."

"Well, can I tell you something else, then? After Dean showed me, I went ahead and did it too. And man, I gotta say... I fucking liked it a lot. Dude, the rush is like nothing you've ever seen. Honestly, I was kind of hoping you'd be into it too, and we could do it together."

"Hmm," Peter intoned. "Well if you say it's fun and exciting, then I'll go ahead and try it with you. Maybe I got more rebel in me than I think I do. But whether I like it or not, I need to say that I think it's okay that you like it. I mean, it is pretty disrespectful, but if you say it's good then there must be something to it, I guess."

Zach finally really relaxed. "I don't think you'll regret it, man. I can hardly remember ever being as excited as when it was my turn to do it last night. Thanks for trusting me on this and trying it. Speaking of which... the park's only two blocks away. Why don't we go get that out of the way? I can't wait to see what you think of it. It's fucking amazing.

"Do you have to piss at all now?" (Zach'd never really cussed around Peter before, but in his opinion that naughty word only added to the excitement."

"A little bit," said Peter. "I think it's enough."

"Well I have been saving it since sixth period, hoping we'd be doing just exactly what we're about to do... honestly I'm fixin' to bust."

The rest of the walk was full of anxious tension at what they knew they were going to do. The two made straight for the bathroom block, and went inside. To their relief there was no one in there already, and no one playing on the jungle gym either. Zach was surprised to see that all the piss from last night has dried without a trace. But honestly, he figured, it was better that way, `cause they get to make all NEW messes with their cocks.

Peter and Zach had seen each other naked plenty of times -- seen each other pissing even. Neither boy was too homophobic; they didn't have a problem with each other looking at the other's cock if it was out. They skipped all preliminaries in that regard. They were both anxious about getting caught, so they wanted to get it done as quickly as they can.

"Wanna take turns?" Zach asked.

"Nah, let's do it together. We're best friends, after all. If we're making a mess let's make one big one." The middle stall was chosen as their target; the two small preteens fit shoulder-to-shoulder across the closed and locked stall door (Zach on the left, stall lock digging into his back, Peter, his best mate, on the right), and decided that they wouldn't move up toward the toilet at all... they'd just let `er rip!

Immediately the two boys went to reach for their penises and pull them out. Zach had a small, wormlike flaccid dick, pale and pinkish in color; Peter's soft dick was larger by perhaps 30%, was uncircumcised, and boasted a darker shade of tan, matching his Italian complexion.

"Okay," muttered Zack. "Let's DO IT!"

Zach got the first splash in, but he was only a split-second ahead of his friend. The boys drew meandering lines with their piss-brushes,' creating a patchwork effect on the concrete--but moments later the pattern was gone as their puddling whizz spread. Zach took that occasion to redirect his flow into Peter's and start a sword fight. Just as that began, though, Peter's cock began to fill out! His piss stream diminished as his meat rose to full mast, til ultimately his erection cut off his stream altogether! But Zach wasn't done; he stepped forward into their puddle to be able to reach the wall behind the toilet, and the toilet seat as well. Zach was feeling very proud of himself, and neatly expelled his last spurts before shaking his flaccid dick wildly to free those last few drops inside. Now done, he turned back to his friend, who hadn't moved since his pecker chubbed up. He was not really sure what to do; he was embarrassed, but his preteen boner was a pretty impressive display, and you can be sure that Zach noticed it.

Zach broke the silence as both boys continued staring at Pete's boner. "So, I guess you must've liked that, huh?

"Yeah, man. I think I'm a born floorpisser, just like you. That was a million times better than I'd imagined.

"Well..." Zach began after a pause: "We better get outta here."

"Yeah. Right." And soon both dicks were stowed, and the boys made a safe exit from the scene of the crime.

Next: Chapter 3: Zach and Peter 2

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